Topic: From One Shock To Another

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:23 EST
((Contains reference to adult situations - nothing too overt, but just getting the warning in there.))

The day had been incredibly long. Tedious, achingly boring hours had stretched from the moment Jason had left her front door that morning, leaving Beth listless and with very little to do. Ordinarily she might have called her mother to giggle and gossip, but in this case that would have been more than a little awkward. So as three o'clock rolled by, Bethany had come to a decision. Taking to the streets, she stopped briefly to get a couple of keys cut - one for him, one for her - before deciding to make her way to Jason's apartment, wanting to surprise him when he got home from work. Hell, she hadn't been able to keep her mind off him all day, why shouldn't she pounce him the second he walked in through his own front door"

She was distracting herself with these rather pleasant thoughts, making her way into his apartment building, when she noticed that there was something ....about the quiet around her. Ordinarily these places were bustling until late at night, the sounds of everyone in their apartments making normal noise as they went about their business. And yes, there was a little of that sound around her, but it was overlaid with a silence that seemed oppressive. Well, he did say it was a bit of a rough neighborhood. And that would have been that, were it not for the fact that Jason's door was standing ajar, the lock busted beyond repair.

Beth froze, biting her lip. Chances were that the burglars or whoever weren't in there anymore, that they'd taken what they'd wanted and gone within minutes. But on the other hand, they could still be there. One hand groped into her bag, producing her phone as she dialed for the police, speaking quietly and nervously to the business-like operator. "....what? No, I don't live here, Detective Jason Daly lives here ..." Against the advice from the operator, she pushed open the door and edged inside, looking around at what looked like complete destruction on first impressions. Second impression showed that the damage was superficial - nothing had been broken that couldn't be replaced, and most of the debris would be easy to clean up. "....Well, yes, I'm inside right now, I'm not standing in the hallway for someone to jump me out there ..."

She didn't know what Jason owned; she'd never been here before, unable to say if anything had been taken or not. With the phone still at her ear, she crept toward the kitchen, wondering if there was anything in there she could wield like a weapon until she knew for certain she was alone. She couldn't hear anything, but then, this operator was a lecturing sort. Standing at the stove, Beth sighed, rolling her eyes. "Look, I'm reporting a break in, okay' If you want to arrest me when you get here, go ahead!"

Despite the amount of superficial mayhem and destruction, the apartment was quiet - almost too quiet, but for the crunch of broken glass beneath her feet. Since she was unfamiliar with the place, it would be hard to tell if anything had been taken, though at first glance, it appeared like someone might have been looking for something. Either that, or the place had been trashed for another reason. A warning, perhaps" As if the attempt on Desmond's life wasn't warning enough. Jason knew the mob didn't fool around, but he'd been very careful. No one even knew where he lived but those he trusted, which begged the question - was it a random break-in or had he been targeted for some reason, and if so, by whom"

Beth wasn't being the most careful she could be. She shouldn't have come into the apartment, she shouldn't be talking aloud on the phone, there were a whole bunch of shouldn'ts in what she was doing. As she hung up her phone, sliding it into her pocket, she paused, looking around the apartment once again. It was still too quiet, the sort of quiet that makes the deep breath before the plunge look like a little whimper. One hand wrapped about the first handle she saw in the kitchen, her eyes turning toward the only two interior doors she could see. One had to be the bathroom, which meant the other one was the bedroom, and either one of them could potentially hold an unwelcome visitor. One thing was for sure - Beth wasn't going to hang around out here without investigating to make sure she was on her own.

Though she might not be a detective, what she lacked in formal training, she made up for in natural instincts. She was right about one thing - she wasn't alone. There was an intruder still lurking thereabouts, but there was no way of knowing that for sure or of where that intruder might be. As soon as her voice had been heard on the telephone, the apartment had gone as silent as death. It was supposed to be safe. The cop was at work. No one was supposed to be here right now.

Broken glass crunched again beneath her boots as she crept toward the doors, her chosen weapon - a frying pan, of all things - held in front of her as she pushed open the door to her left. Bathroom. And empty. Okay, only one more to try. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," she murmured, trying to mask her own rising fright as she steeled herself. What was the best case scenario here" She was getting frightened over nothing. Worst case" She was being an idiot. I can live with that. With a rush, she burst through the bedroom door.

Unfortunately for her, the unwelcome guest was hiding right behind that door and made a grab for her as soon as she burst through the door. Though unarmed, he was bigger and stronger than she was and was expecting little trouble from the weaker sex. He hadn't expected his intrusion into the nosy detective's apartment to be interrupted, assured he would be able to get in and get out with little difficulty, though some might eye this as a bonus. A little bit of fun to break up an otherwise routine robbery.

Beth let out a yell of shock as she was grabbed from behind, dropping the pan in her hands as she flailed in the grip of someone much bigger and much stronger than she was. For a moment, her mind went completely blank, all the self-defense training she'd ever had disappearing just when she needed it most. "Get the hell off me, you overgrown beard in a suit!"

He was rather hoping she'd put up a fight. It was far more fun that way, after all, and his arms closed tighter around her as she flailed uselessly in his arms. "Well, look what we have here," he growled in her ear. "This might turn out to be more fun than I expected," he remarked, alluding to what he was hoping to do to her, whether she liked it or not. "Lively little bitch, aren't you?" he continued, as he attempted to wrestle her toward the bed. Or not, it didn't really matter.

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:24 EST
"Oh, you have no idea," she snarled back, adrenaline taking over as she gritted her teeth. There is no way in heaven, hell, or the ninth dimension this ape is going to touch me! And where the hell are the cops"! She was hoisted over toward the bed, inwardly embarrassed by how easy it was for him to move her around, and anger finally made sense of the frantic instructions being sent from her brain to her muscles. With her arms pinned beneath the painfully tight wrap of his, she lashed her foot back toward his knee cap as hard as she could, scraping her heel down the man's shin with equal enthusiasm.

Unfortunately for him, her foot connected with his knee, and he growled in pain, letting go of her just long enough to backhand her across the face. If she wanted to play rough, he could definitely comply with her wishes. It wasn't going to make much difference in the end, though it might make things even more interesting.

Beth was already trying to twist away as his arms loosened, but she hadn't been expecting the blow. Pain exploded in her cheek and jaw, the force of the blow snapping her head to one side and sending her in an uncomfortable sprawl that bounced her off the edge of the bed and left her winded. Gasping for breath, she glared up at her attacker, reaching to grasp the handle of the pan she'd dropped in the first place.

Once again, he demonstrated the old adage of brains over brawn, as he sneered down at her, heedless of the potential weapon she was trying to get her hands on, his lust getting in the way of his thinking. "Bitch, you're going to pay for that," he warned, a flash of rage mingled with lust coloring his features, resembling the look of a man who was was used to taking what he wanted and reveling in it. He reached for an arm to drag her off the floor and throw her back onto the bed, as yet unaware that he might be making a fateful error in assuming he could overpower her so easily.

With her cheek throbbing painfully and some idiot thinking with his bollocks looming over her, Beth took the opportunity as it was presented to her. "You wanna bet?" As his meaty hand wrapped about her arm, her other hand came up as fast and hard as she could, deeply satisfied by the heavy metallic clang as Jason's frying pan met his burglar's head.

A police siren was heard echoing in the distance, growing louder slowly louder. Whether Detective Daly's apartment was the squad car's ultimate destination was hard to say, but it gave the thug momentary pause, just enough to allow Beth the advantage. The old adage of the bigger they are, the harder they fall was true in his case, as the man went down heavily to collapse in a pile on the floor of the bedroom, knocked out cold. At least, for now.

When the police did finally arrive, it was to find Bethany Granger standing over her captive, having hit him once more when he looked like he might be coming 'round, her shaking hands still pointing the frying pan at him. It took less than half an hour to get paramedics there to deal with one pretty much guaranteed concussion and one bruised cheek, and by the time Beth was giving her statement to the officers who had remained with her, news had filtered through that Jason was on his way from his own precinct.

The sound of a third siren could not be missed, following the first squad car and then the ambulance. It wasn't long before a certain detective was climbing the very familiar stairs to his own apartment, seething with anger, which stemmed not only from the fact that someone had dared break into his apartment but his fear that anything might have happened to Bethany, mingled with a little guilt that it might somehow be his fault for giving her a key. She wasn't even supposed to be there yet. What the hell was she thinking" But then, it wasn't her fault that some scumbag had chosen that particular day to break into his apartment.

Fortunately, he was a professional who knew how to control his emotions in even the most trying of situations, but this was almost enough to push him past his limits. First it was the attack on that ballerina, then Desmond, and now this, though he was as yet uncertain whether the trio of events was connected. Fortunately for Bethany, he was stopped at the door by a patrol officer who gave him the run-down on what had happened. And unfortunately for Bethany, she was clearly visible inside, talking to a female officer, her bruised cheek on display to anyone who happened to look in through the doorway. She was still holding the frying pan, her shaking fingers flexing against the handle as she nodded to something the officer told her. Something caught her attention away from the woman with her, and brown eyes turned toward the door, meeting Jason's worried expression with powerfully obvious distressed relief. Thank God, he's here.

He was hardly hearing what the uniformed officer was telling him through a long drone of dialogue, his eyes meeting Beth's across the short across the short distance that separated them and which seemed much farther than the few feet it actually was. His powers of observation noted the swelling bruise that colored her cheek, and he felt anger rising again, along with his concern, and suddenly he was pushing past the uniformed officer and into his own apartment, his Irish temper getting the best of him. "Has anyone thought to ice that cheek?" he asked as marched purposefully toward her. "Where the hell's the EMT?" he growled as he reached her, tilting her chin toward him so he could examine the injury for himself. Despite his obvious aggravation, his touch was surprisingly gentle.

"Oddly, yes, I did think to ice my own cheek," she answered, his aggravation enough to spark her residual fright into annoyance of her own. "The EMT's already looked at me. This isn't as serious as the guy I hit with your frying pan." Her eyes met his again, wanting to tuck herself into his arms until the hurly-burly went away and left them alone, but she knew he would have to check through his apartment and give a statement of his own before the police would leave. At least there was already a locksmith at work on his door, making certain that no one was going to get in again without splintering the whole thing off its hinges.

"I don't give a f*ck about the guy you hit with the frying pan. I'm asking about you," he insisted with just as much vehemence. He wasn't going to take her word for it that she was fine until he'd satisfied himself of that very fact. His expression softened, however, when he met her gaze, noting the fright that lingered there and the need for comfort. He didn't really care who was watching or if they noticed his attention to her was more than professional. If they didn't know by now from her statement that they were seeing each other, they would before long. "You all right?" he asked, his demeanor softening as the anger faded and was replaced with the utmost concern.

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:25 EST
"I'm kinda more worried about the dent in your frying pan," Beth admitted, ignoring the quiet snort of laughter from the officer who had been standing with her when Jason pushed into his own space. She bit her lip, her hands curling into the open flaps of his jacket as his anger faded to concern. "I'll live," she promised him a little shakily. A soft huff of laughter curved her lips into a smile. "I was gonna surprise you when you got home from work, so ....surprise!"

"A frying pan can be replaced, Beth," he reminded her, as could most of the contents of his apartment. He wondered what it was the thug had been after, but he didn't want to think about that now. There would be time for that later, and he was looking forward to grilling the man personally later, whether he was allowed to or not. For now, his concern was all about her. "Yeah, well, gonna have to find some place else to stay for a while," he murmured back, with a brief glance around at the mess that surrounded them. Even if he insisted on staying there and cleaning up the mess himself, he knew from experience that his apartment was now a crime scene, and he wouldn't be staying there until all the evidence was gathered against the intruder. He turned a brief glance at the female officer beside them, narrowing his eyes in warning. "Care to share the joke with the rest of us, Officer?"

"Oh, sir." The officer swallowed her smile and moved away as Beth lowered her gaze, trying not to laugh at the dynamic between Jason and his inferior on the force. Her fingers flexed in his jacket, her voice lowering for his ears only. "You could stay with me," she offered without needing to consider that offer any longer than the time it took for her to say it. He was pissed, obviously, but one argument wasn't going to cause too much trouble. "You'd just need a bag, and, uh ....I'd feel safer with you around. And before you say it, I know I'm an idiot. I just didn't, I didn't think, and it could have been a lot worse. Trust me, I know."

He was not seeing the humor in the situation, which was evidenced by the pointed glare he gave the officer as she moved away. He turned his attention back to Bethany, his frown betraying the worries that were fueling his anger. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea," he replied back, as tempting as the thought was. It all depended on whether the break-in was random or not, and that was something they wouldn't know for some time yet. He wondered what Miranda was going to say when she found out what had happened. Probably ream his *ss about putting her daughter in the line of danger, something he would never forgive himself for, whether it was done purposely or not. Maybe it was time for a trip to this Rhy'Din of hers, but that was something he would not speak of in front of the other officers.

His expression softened again as she chastised herself. Yes, she'd been an idiot, but the important thing right now was that she was all right. "So long as you're all right," he said, pulling her against him, sensing her fright, no matter how brave she tried to appear.

Relieved when he drew her against him, Beth let herself shudder a little at the memory of her altercation, knowing she was going to have to tell him exactly what her burly friend had been planning before she'd removed a couple of his rare braincells with a heavy bottomed pan. His hesitation about staying with her, though, had made her frown. He wasn't seriously going to use one unpredictable incident as an excuse to walk away, was he"

Of course, he wasn't going to walk away, but he was equally unsure whether or not it was a good idea to stay with her and bring any danger that seemed to be lurking in his life further into hers. It was something they'd have to discuss, but the time for that discussion would have to wait, as a pair of plainclothes detectives arrived to ask a few questions. Jason scowled at the sight of them, knowing it would be a conflict of interest to investigate a crime involving himself, as much as he wanted to do so. He turned his gaze back to Bethany, pressing a tender, affectionate kiss against her forehead before pulling her gently away from him. "I have to go talk to the detectives. They're going to want to ask you some questions, too. Are you okay with that?"

Feeling him tense, Bethany drew back a little way, following his gaze toward the detectives who were making their way inside. This has got to be all kinds of uncomfortable for him, she realized belatedly, biting her lip once again even as he kissed her forehead. "I'll be fine," she promised him with a faint smile. "I know how it goes. It's not as serious as other interviews I've had." Her hand squeezed his before letting him go, not prepared to embarrass him in front of his colleagues any more than she already had.

He wasn't concerned about himself being embarrassed, so much as the questions that might be asked her about her presence in his apartment. He wanted to make sure he intercepted the detectives first before they started to grill her. It was both fortunate and unfortunate that they were men he knew. It wouldn't be long before news of what had happened spread like wildfire through the precinct. Maybe it was time for a short leave of absence, both for his sake and for hers, but with the trial looming, he wasn't sure that would be a possibility. "Let me go talk to them," he told her, a small strained but reassuring smile appearing on his face, for her sake alone. "I promise I'm not going anywhere, okay' I'll be right here."

"Jason, I'll be fine," she promised him for what felt like the hundredth time, her own smile a little lopsided given the ache in her cheek but no less reassuring than his. "Go and talk to them. And I know I'm a suspect, okay' Trust me, this isn't my first rodeo."

He wasn't sure what she meant by that comment exactly, but made a mental note to ask about it later. Whatever it was that had happened in her past, he was sure it was nothing so serious that it might change his feelings for her or come between them. At least, he hoped so, though he found himself fearing losing her again, worrying he'd made a mistake and let himself fall too quickly. Wouldn't have been the first time that had happened, though he could have sworn this time had been different. It had felt different. It had felt right. Unsure what exactly she was alluding to, he gave her the benefit of the doubt. He owed her that much. He'd withhold judgement until he knew all the facts. "You're not a suspect," he reassured her quietly. "I gave you a key."

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:25 EST
"If you say so." Her smile relaxed, however, at this audible reassurance, her arms lifting to wrap about herself as she stepped away, letting him move to intercept his colleagues before they started up with the inevitable questions. She'd never been a suspect before, admittedly, but she had been on the receiving end of the initial investigation a few years back. Of course, she'd been in a hospital bed at the time, and she had a feeling the cops in question had been easy on her, but she wasn't worried about being questioned. What was worrying her was the idea that the burglar might press charges on her for hitting him twice with a heavy frying pan.

If Jason had anything to say about it, he thought the burglar was getting off easy. Fortunately for him, the EMTs had already hauled his *ss off to the hospital or he might have incurred a little of Detective Daly's Irish temper himself. He pressed another kiss against her forehead, as if to tell her everything would be okay, before joining his colleagues to answer a few question and ask a barrage of his own. It would be a few hours before they were finished there and allowed to take their leave. As much as Jason was anxious to grill the primary suspect - who was obviously guilty - he'd promised to stay away, which was just as well. At the moment, his primary concern was Bethany's safety and well-being.

The questions were fairly run of the mill, though Bethany would have been happier if Jason hadn't heard all the detail of her little scuffle with his unwelcome intruder - what was said, what was done, and just how she'd got her bruise in the first place. And though it took hours, it was finally over, and she was itching to leave. She had a feeling there was going to be more than a little lecturing from her darling detective, but figured she probably deserved it. Just so long as he didn't use the incident to try and back off.

He was given access to his bedroom and bathroom just long enough to gather some things and pack a bag. It would be days, maybe weeks before he was allowed to take up residence here again. Whether he actually did so or not would remain to be seen. For now, he was going to have to find some place else to stay, and he had not yet decided if that some place was going to be at Bethany's place or not. It had been a long day for both of them, but more so for her, and all he wanted was to get her some place safe where she could relax and unwind and process all that had happened. Some place where she wouldn't be alone. He also knew they were going to have to break the news to Miranda at some point, who was likely to want to smother her daughter with motherly affection.

The Miranda question didn't loom, however. Beth was already planning to go and insert herself into her mother's space when Jason went to work the next day. A bit of bonding would do a huge amount of good, despite the fact that Miranda would be a little hurt not to have been contacted immediately. The car journey back to Beth's place was quiet; she was a little lost in thought, the aftermath of adrenaline and shock making itself known in the tremble of her hands as she recognized the chill in herself for what it was. She didn't take her hand out of his from the car to her door, refusing to let go even once they were inside and the door was securely locked. "You know, I think I'm getting clingy."

Jason, too, was mostly quiet during the short journey back to her apartment from his, torn between anger that someone dared to break into his place and concern for Bethany. Something was off about the whole thing. He wasn't sure if he was just being paranoid or if he was onto something, but the more he thought about it, the less random the break-in seemed. He didn't want to grill Bethany with a barrage of questions, as she'd already been through enough, but there was something niggling at his brain that wouldn't let go. He said nothing of his suspicions to her, not wanting to worry or upset her any more than she already was. He had already decided his next course of action, though he had yet to discuss it with her. He parked the car and escorted her inside, holding fast to her trembling hand to offer what little reassurance he could.

He led her inside, allowing her to cling to him as much as she wanted, his mind privately going over the situation, which was looking more and more suspect the more he thought about it. Her voice broke the silence as they stepped into apartment and secured the door, interrupting his thoughts - a welcome distraction from the inner workings of a paranoid detective's mind. "You're allowed," he reassured her as he double-checked the lock, which he knew wasn't much of a deterrent if someone was really determined to get inside. "You've been through a lot." He inwardly chided himself for stating the obvious, which was actually an understatement.

Her eyes flickered toward him, one brow raised above an attempt at a teasingly sardonic smile. "It really wasn't as bad as everyone was making out," she tried to assure him, falling back on the habit of downplaying the worst of what had happened to her for the sake of the people she loved. Mom is going to freak out. "It was my own fault, Jason. Don't hold onto it so tight, okay?" She bit her lip, dropping her bag down onto the floor and kicking her shoes off, breathing a sigh of relief as her bare toes wriggled into the rug the way they had that morning when he'd taken his leave. Was that really only this morning"

He'd seen this kind of behavior plenty of times before in other people - victims of crimes who seemed to want to downplay the trauma so as not to upset those around them when what they really needed was to get it out of their system. He set his own bags down on the floor before taking her gently by the shoulders and turning her to face him. "Bethany," he started, his eyes full of compassion and caring. "You don't have to pretend. I'm a cop, remember" I know you're scared, and you have every reason to be. No, you shouldn't have gone into my apartment, but what?s done is done. I'm just glad you're all right." Things could have been a lot worse. "Blaming yourself isn't going to solve anything."

"It's force of habit." Turned to face him, she couldn't hide the lingering residue of distressed fear in her eyes, wishing there was some way to wipe it clean away and diminish his sense of responsibility for what had happened. "It wasn't your fault, either," she pointed out quietly. "No one was supposed to be there, the guy gave me the impression that he really hadn't been expecting to interrupted." Her lips curved faintly. "I'm kinda pleased with how heavy that pan was, though. You buy good stuff."

"Yeah, well, I'm not Miranda, so you don't have to worry about protecting me, and you're changing the subject," he admitted with a sigh as she tried to turn the conversation toward his choice of kitchen gear. He titled her chin back to take another look at the bruises on her face. Secretly, he couldn't wait to get his hands on the bastard who'd done this to her, even if it was slightly unethical for him to have any part in the man's questioning. The bruises looked worse than they probably were, but at least, that was something he could actually actively help her with. "You have any ice in the fridge" I'm gonna play nurse."

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:26 EST
The bruise was nowhere near as bad as it looked; neither was the reddened mark on her arm where one meaty hand had tried to drag her back onto her feet, or the ache in her side from the impact against Jason's bed. She was deeply embarrassed that he'd heard every detail of her report to the detectives, knowing that the implication of what the thug had been intending was blindingly obvious. "There's an ice-pack in the top," she told him, her smile not hurting so much now as it had a few hours ago. "Don't forget to wrap it in something." True, she had already iced her cheek while the EMT had been on his way, but it could do with a little more attention.

"Hopefully, you won't be offended by my bedside manner," he said with a small smile, trying to do his part to cheer her up and lighten the mood. He pressed a tender kiss against her forehead, more protective in nature than an affectionate kiss to her lips would have been, before starting toward the kitchen to fix her an ice pack. He had to smile a little, despite the circumstances, as she reminded him how to make an ice pack. "Thanks, I do know a little First Aid, you know." As a cop, he knew more than a little really and could serve as a field medic, if necessary.

"I don't know, I think your bedside manner's pretty awesome, personally." She flashed him a soft smirk as he turned away, dropping herself down onto the couch with a sigh that only shook a little. But the fact that it shook at all did not make her feel any better. As Jason worked on that ice pack, she gently tested the tender skin of her cheek and jaw, chewing on her lip, and the words came unbidden. "Thank you, for coming home with me," she said softly. "I, uh ....I haven't been that scared in a long time. Bad memories." At least I won this time.

Though she couldn't see him, he was frowning a little as he went about wrapping the ice pack in a towel so she wouldn't get frostbite. He wasn't quite sure why she was thanking him for escorting her home when it really was the least he could do. He thought it should probably be the other way around, with him thanking her for letting him stay there while his colleagues went through his apartment with a fine-toothed comb looking for evidence. He thought it a waste of time, personally, since they'd already nabbed the guy, but they were just following procedure.

She seemed to be hinting yet again that she'd been through something like this before, and he remembered the small scar on her abdomen that appeared to him to be from a stab wound. He hadn't thought to ask about it, not wanting to pry into things she might not want to discuss, until this very moment. "You don't have to thank me, Beth. Besides, you're the one who invited me. I should be thanking you." He made his way back with the ice pack, along with a couple of beers, and sat down beside her to administer to her bruises.

"Yeah, I do," she smiled at him as he moved back to her side, tilting her head obligingly for him to lay the ice pack against her cheek. "You didn't have to come here, you could have gone anywhere. I appreciate the company." Her hand covered his where he held the pack against her face. "I'm sorry I scared you."

He was frowning down at her again, wondering why they were dancing around this like a couple of strangers, when in fact, they were nothing but. At least, it hadn't felt that way earlier in the morning before he'd left for work. Not wanting to upset her further, he made no mention of his feelings, wondering why there was this awkwardness suddenly between them. "It's not your fault," he told her, as he very gingerly laid the ice pack against her face. "If anything, it's my fault."

She snorted gently, shaking her head. If there was awkwardness between them, she didn't feel it, wondering why he was being so formal with her. After last night, it seemed a moot point to be making. "It's not your fault," she told him firmly, holding his gaze with those expressive eyes of hers. "No one made me go over to your apartment early. And no one can predict a break in. It's no one's fault. It just happened, and it came out okay, didn't it?" She squeezed his wrist, lowering his hand from her cheek as she inched closer. "Quit worrying so much about what?s been and done. It came out good." Her own hand curled to his cheek, the pad of her thumb resting against his bottom lip for a moment. "Now are you gonna kiss me properly, or am I relegated to the kinds of kisses children get all night?"

There she was minimizing it again, as if it was nothing. As if nothing had happened, as if a man didn't just attack her in his apartment and she only just barely managed to escape. He knew he couldn't be more upset about it than she was, but he couldn't really blame her if she just wanted to forget about it for a while. He had a feeling there was a lot more to the break-in than everyone seemed to think, but it was too soon to broach that subject. Kissing isn't going to make it go away, he thought, but he knew everyone dealt with trauma in a different way and who was he to tell her how to handle it' "I can kiss you," he admitted, leaning closer to press his lips tenderly against hers, gently, as if he was afraid she might break.

Her lips curved beneath his, feeling how gentle he was with her with as much amusement as affection. Her own hand slid into his hair, drawing him closer, into something a lot deeper than just a gentle press of lip to lip. Something reminiscent of their goodbye that morning. Only when she felt good and kissed did she draw back, stroking her thumb against his cheek. "That's more like it," she grinned, nudging his nose with her own. Yes, she was avoiding thinking about what had happened, how close she'd come for the second time in her life to something approaching complete disaster. There would be time to feel it later, when Jason wasn't worrying over her so imminently, or so she thought.

In all honestly, he didn't want to think about it too hard either, about what could have happened, about how she'd only just barely escaped tragedy, about how he might have lost her. He let her break the kiss, though he remained close, wondering why it seemed all this was bothering him more than it was her. "I have to go into work in the morning, but I won't be gone long. You should call your mom. See if she can stay with you while I'm gone. I'm going to take a few days off."

She nodded, comforted more by his closeness than by the practical common sense he was spewing as a means to fill the silence. "I was gonna do that anyway," she admitted, and there it was again, the little tremble in her voice that betrayed how very not on top of things she was right now. Swallowing hard, Beth bit her lip again, choosing to focus on something else he'd said before she gave into the silly desire to sob all over him. "You're taking time off? Please don't tell me it's because I was involved in this. Your work's important, baby."

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:27 EST
He heard the tremble in her voice and knew she wasn't so very okay as she wanted him to think. He wound his arms around her, letting her hold the ice pack in place while he held her close, his chin propped against the top of her head. "Just a few days," he reassured her, as if to make as light of the matter of him taking time off as she did about being attacked in the first place. There was a method to his madness, however, and more to taking time off than just not wanting to leave her alone for any stretch of time. Yes, his work was important, and this was partly about work, but she was just as important to him now, if not more. "There are some things I need to take care of." And one of those things was her.

A small frown furrowed her brows as she considered what he was saying. There's more to that break in than he wants to tell me about, she realized a little belatedly. What haven't I caught up with here" Leaning into him, she sighed softly once again, hearing that tremble with an impatient roll of her eyes. "I feel like an idiot for needing to be looked after at all," she admitted reluctantly. "I really didn't want to cause you any more trouble, Jason."

Why were they dancing around the subject like this" Like they were both made of glass. He wouldn't break that easily, but he wasn't so sure of her, sensing she was on the verge of tears. He thought she'd need that cleansing before all was said and done, but it had to come in her own time, when she was ready. "Stop blaming yourself, sweetheart. You aren't causing me any trouble. None of this is your fault." There was that protective kiss against her forehead again.

She bit her lip as he kissed her forehead, the urge toward tears bubbling up again, but again she pushed it back down again. She hated the fact that she was feeling so fragile, when she'd won her little altercation. She'd come out on top this time, but she was still feeling as though she might break into a thousand little pieces at the wrong word. "I shouldn't have gone in," she told him yet again, and though it seemed clear what she was talking about, it wasn't in her mind. The two incidents were overlapping, both of them caused by her own foolhardy bravery. Sniffing suddenly, she drew back, lowering the pack from her cheek. "I think I need a shower. I know he didn't get a chance to do anything, but I can still feel him on me."

He seemed to sense that her tears were close to the surface. It wasn't a hard deduction to make when he could hear the tears in her voice and her struggle to contain them. He wanted to be there for her, to hold her close when she eventually broke. He knew it was coming eventually, not a matter of if but when. "Shh," he told her as she berated herself again, his fingers sliding through her hair as he held her to his chest. He couldn't know what had happened before, but he sensed some hurt in her past, some painful memory this latest violence had triggered. He looked down at her as she pulled away from him, wishing there was something he could do to make her feel better, to take all the hurt away

He touched the unbruised part of her face, forcing a small smile and a nod of acknowledgement, hiding his own guilt and pain that this had happened because of him and that there was so very little he could do to help her. "All right," he replied, reluctant to surrender her to the shower, but mature enough to let her chose what she needed in that moment. "Are you hungry' I can whip us up something to eat while you're in the shower."

Don't leave me on my own. That part of her that was clinging to the upset, needing to let it out and let it go, didn't want him to move away. But the rest of her, the reason and intellect, was trying to be calm and collected, trying to behave like the mature woman she hoped she was, refusing to give into what felt like a silly desire to be looked after. "I, uh ....that'd be nice, thanks," she nodded, her own smile a little watery but unforced. "I won't be long."

He understood her need to scrub the man from her body. Even if the worst hadn't happened, it was enough that he'd even touched her. He felt sick at heart about the whole thing, but he could only take her at her word, understanding she might need some time alone, unless she told him otherwise. "I''ll just be in the kitchen, if you need me, okay?" he asked, pushing her hair back from her face and offering a reassuring smile.

"Okay." She thumped close to him for a long moment, holding on tightly before pulling herself away with another of those small smiles that was hiding the fright and upset. "Like I said, won't be long." Her lips brushed his cheek, and with an obvious effort she pulled away, pushing herself to her feet to make her way across the apartment and into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

He was as reluctant to let her go as she seemed reluctant to leave him, but as promised, he would only be as far away as the kitchen. He got up from the couch, taking the unopened beers with him, as well as the ice pack, and moved to the kitchen, one ear perked to the bathroom in case she really did need him. In the meantime, he took off his jacket and laid it across a chair, along with his gun and shoulder harness.

It was quiet for what felt like an eternity, yet that quiet only lasted so long as it took for Beth to get her shirt and jeans off, catching sight of her reflection before she even reached to turn on the water. She was pale, too pale to be healthy, the whiteness of her skin brought into sharp contrast by the darkness of the bruise rising on her cheek. As her eyes skimmed down to look at the hand-mark on her arm, the reddened flesh over her ribs, her gaze settled on the reflection of the little scar that marred her belly. Stupid bitch - shoulda kept walkin'. Her fingertips touched the scar, and without much warning, the full weight of shock and fright hit her. With a shuddering gasp, she dropped down onto her knees in a sudden flood of tears, shaking like a leaf as she curled up, her back pressed hard against the cupboard beneath the sink.

During that quiet interlude, Jason was searching Beth's kitchen for something he could turn into a light meal. Deciding at last on omelettes, he found the ham and eggs and started slicing up green pepper and onion while helping himself to one of the beers he'd procured from her fridge. He got about halfway through chopping the veggies when he realized he hadn't heard the shower. The hell was she doing in there, he wondered. He wiped his hands on a towel and made his way toward the bathroom, alarmed by the audible sobs that could only belong to Bethany. He knocked on the door, not wanting to burst in on her unannounced, but needing to make sure she was all right. "Beth?" he called. "Sweetheart' Can I come in?"

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:28 EST
His answer came in the form of a long shuddering breath, coupled with a very loud sniffle and a thump as Beth groped for a towel to use as a tissue. "Yeah," she managed to call, her voice muffled as much with cloth as it was by her tears. "Please come in!" God, could this be more embarrassing" I'm crying over something that didn't happen! Her eyes turned toward the door, expecting him to peer through and see her there, a crumpled, pathetic little ball of upset and fright, half-naked and shaking.

That was pretty much what he saw when he did finally push the door open and peek into the room, his heart twisting painfully at the sight of her there, bearing the break-down he knew was coming and looking very alone, without him there to comfort her. "Oh, baby," he implored softly, reaching for a towel and crouching down beside her to wrap her in a towel and in his arms. "It's all right. I'm here. No one's going to hurt you. I swear."

She didn't fight as he wrapped her close, turning her face against his chest to muffle her tears, breathing him in, each breath reminding her that she didn't need to hide in the fear, she didn't need to hold onto it. "I'm sorry," she sobbed heavily, holding on tightly to him as he crouched close. "I'm sorry, I'll calm down in a s-second ..." A new shudder went through her, but already the tears were easing off. She'd been through shock like this before; her body knew how to deal with it, alarming though that was to anyone who knew how shock worked.

"Stop apologizing," he told her softly as he held her close, as his fingers stroked her hair, like a father to a child, soothing, patient, and caring. He frowned as he held her close, wondering why this had to happen. Why now" Why her" Was it just a case of wrong place, wrong time" He was going to kill Nicoletti for this, but he'd think on that later. "Just let it go, baby. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Just let it go."

She did let it go; long, heaving sobs wracked her body as he cradled her there, letting herself feel every moment of the altercation that had marked the day so badly, reliving it and the memories it had thrown up until they faded away once again, leaving her breathless and weak, but somehow whole again. Slowly, she calmed, nestling into Jason's embrace, wondering if she should tell him now why it had hit her so hard. No, not right now. You'll cry again, and you don't need that. Neither of you do. Wiping her face dry on the edge of the towel, she lifted her head to look up at him, a self-conscious smile flickering to life on her tear-stained face. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice stronger now, though no less quiet. "I guess I needed that."

As he held her there, waiting for her to stop crying, knowing she wouldn't even be crying if it wasn't for him, something changed, something twisting up inside him, some pain he couldn't quite comprehend that seemed to have nothing to do with what had happened, and yet had everything to do with the two of them. Something broke in him, and he found himself on the verge of tears himself, terrified suddenly that he'd come so close to losing her. It was like some old fear that bubbled up deep inside his soul, and along with that fear came something else - the realization that he wasn't falling at all, that he'd already fallen, fatefully and deeply and hopelessly in love with her.

It was almost as if they'd always known each other and had only been searching all their lives for the other. The feeling came over him suddenly with hurricane force, but as quickly as the feeling came, it was gone, leaving him confused and in turmoil, shock on his face as he met her gaze, his heart beating wildly in his chest, tears mirrored in his eyes. "Beth, I..." His mouth moved silently, at a loss for words to explain what he was feeling.

As that strange, familiar realization crashed through him, her eyes met his, and Beth suddenly felt a strangeness of her own. This was wrong, it felt wrong, and yet held more right than anything she had ever felt before. In her mind's eye, she was the one holding him, and he was not crying, but bleeding from a wound no medicine could heal. Fear blossomed in her heart at the thought of losing him - that fear seeming older than she was, deeper than a few days' acquaintance could possibly gift her with - and from that fear something else made itself known, something stronger, more powerful, older than time, ancient and newborn and precious.

Her tears dried without needing to be wiped away, a certainty settling into her as she stared into his eyes. I love you. I don't know how, but ....I've always loved you, even before I knew you existed. How is that possible" Her hand curled to his cheek as his tearful gaze locked with hers, a tenderly sweet smile rising on her lips as she gave him space and time to speak. "Tell me."

He was not one easily given to tears, and as serious as the break-in was, it did not seem so serious as to warrant such strong feelings, feelings that, even as they faded, did not go completely away, like a dream he could not remember but that could not be denied. His mouth moved wordlessly again as he touched her face, tears spilling over onto his cheek. What the hell was the matter with him' What had just happened" His thoughts mirrored her own, realizing somehow that some part of his soul had searched all his life for her and had loved her before he'd ever met her. His heart felt so full of love, as though it might burst. He had never felt anything like it before. Was this why all his previous relationships were doomed to failure before they'd even begun? "I don't know..." he stammered, utterly at a loss to explain what had just happened. "I only know that I love you. That I've always loved you."

There was no shock in her eyes, no surprise or sense that this was too soon, for she herself had come to the same conclusion. Her heart was thumping, swollen in her chest with a tender sensation that could only be love. Very slowly, her parted lips curved into a smile that was at once new and old, and his, in a way that nothing else could ever have been his throughout his lifetime. "I know," Beth heard herself whisper, the sound soft and reassuring as she caressed his cheek. "I don't know how, but I know. The same way I know that ....that I've loved you since before I ever clapped eyes on you."

"It doesn't make sense," he whispered back, in awe of this feeling, even as it terrified him. He prided himself on his good sense, his logic, his ability to ascertain fact from fiction. He didn't believe in anything for which he didn't have proof. He was a detective, for God's sake - a realist, not a dreamer - and yet, he couldn't deny that something was happening between them that he couldn't explain, something special, something profound. "I don't understand," he continued, searching her eyes to see if she'd felt it, too. "It's like I've known you forever, but....I haven't. I know it sounds crazy."

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:28 EST
He was not the only one of them who was caught between the logical, analytical, practical nature they shared and the powerful certainty that something beyond proof held them together. Beth was just as awestruck, just as frightened of the feeling, yet it wasn't a fright that made her want to run and hide. It was a fright she wanted to assuage in his arms, safe in the knowledge that he loved her. And to her surprise, she did know that, as well as she knew her own heart. "It might sound crazy, but I know what you mean," she admitted softly. "I feel the same way. I feel like I've known you all the days of my life and more, but I know we only met four days ago. But it's like that doesn't matter, like I knew you in another life and I've been waiting for you. God, that sounds certifiable," she groaned, rolling her eyes with a quiet laugh at her fumbling attempt to explain herself. "I love you. That's a fact, that's something I know. Maybe the how and the why don't matter."

On the contrary, the how and the why always mattered, but he could no more explain this feeling than she could. Whatever it was, he was sure in the very depths of his soul - if indeed, he possessed a soul - that their lives were inexplicably tangled together, that they belonged together, that they had always belonged together, though he had no logical words to explain what amounted to only a feeling. "God, I..." He broke off, touching her face, searching her eyes with a newborn wonder he'd never felt before.

"It's you're part of me. Like you've always been part of me." Now that he had felt that first crack in the chink of his armor, his carefully-controlled composure cracked, giving way to a flood of emotions he took so much care to keep in check, the realization that he could have lost her so easily weighing heavily on his heart. "God, Beth....I'm so sorry," he told her in a sweep of words that were filled with emotion. "I never meant for you to get involved in all this. I never meant for you to get hurt."

"No ..." Awkwardly, she shifted from her place in his arms, kneeling with him to cradle his face in her hands, blessing his lips with a soft kiss. "None of this is your fault. No one could have predicted what happened today, honestly, love. I'm fine now, and I know I'll stay fine. You'll look after me." She'd never felt so certain of anything, so absolutely sure of what she said and felt. "It was my own fault I got a bruise the size of New Orpington on my cheek, my fault. I have a track record of doing things I shouldn't. Please don't blame yourself, Jason. Don't."

"I want to kill that bastard for hurting you. Prison isn't punishment enough," he continued through clenched teeth, anger rising again at the thought that she'd been hurt, only more angry because he was starting to believe the break-in was anything but random. He felt his chest tighten and raised a hand to rub at the catch in his chest, taking a painful breath. He didn't really want her to see him this way. He was supposed to be the epitome of calm and control. He was supposed to be taking care of her. He exhaled a slow breath as he met her gaze. "You....You should take your shower. I'll make us something to eat and then we'll talk. I swear, Beth, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again." The look in his eyes was desperate. It was a kind of desperation he'd never felt before and that she'd never seen in him before. More desperate even than when Des had disappeared.

"I beat him around the head with a frying pan, and he's not going to be walking free anytime soon," Beth reminded him gently, inching closer to kiss him again. She hated to see him so lost in such an emotional state, so desperate to keep something from happening that he truly didn't have so much control over as he would like. "Baby, please," she murmured, her lips gentle against his. "Be with me right now. I need you with me, not with him." Another kiss brushed his lips, trying to ease him away from that heartbreaking desperation. "I'm not going anywhere."

He nodded his head, taking another slow breath as he slowly regained his composure, or at the very least, his calm. She'd been hurt, but she was mostly all right. She was here with him, and he wasn't going to let anything happen to her again. "I'm all right," he assured her, as her kisses helped calm him, easing away from the feeling of panic that had felt like a vice grip squeezing against his chest. "Do you want me to stay' I'll stay if you want." Dinner could wait a while longer. What he had planned wouldn't take long to cook. If she needed him there, then there was where he would be.

She smiled gently, sliding her arms around his neck as her lips plied his. This was what she needed, more than a shower to clean away the imagined sensation. She needed to be reminded that she was loved by a unique man, that she belonged to him and no one else. "Stay," she whispered affectionately. "I love you."

Despite everything that had happened, he felt his heart soar at her simple declaration of love. It had only been four days, but somehow it felt like forever. "I love you," he whispered, the words barely audible, his voice shaking with emotion. "I don't know what I would have done if..." There was that odd pain again, like a cold hand clutching its icy grip around his heart.

Easing him down until he sat on the floor as comfortably as he could, Beth set herself to straddle him, each movement bringing with it a new kiss, a new sharing of the sudden recognition they had shared in the grip of that strangely familiar desperation never to lose one another. "Shhh," she urged him tenderly, pressing kiss after kiss to his lips, stroking her fingertips down over his arms, drawing his arms around herself. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

The tables had turned somehow, and it was suddenly him clinging to her, needing her, drawing comfort from her, rather than the other way around. He held her close in his embrace, feeling her heart beat close to his. She felt so soft against him, so soft and small, as lovely and fragile as a butterfly but possessing an inner strength of will that surprised even him. "Tell me what happened, Beth. What happened before," he asked, needing to know, to understand her completely.

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:29 EST
His request surprised her, her lips drawn from his to look into his eyes searchingly. Yet there wasn't so much fear there as she had thought she might feel when he asked, not so much regret that she was going to have to share just how stupid she had been, not just today but in her not so very distant past. Her hand fell to the little scar on her belly, a gentle sense of resignation in her as she sighed softly. "I was very stupid," she told him, her voice a low murmur. "Do you remember, a couple of years back, the stockrooms at the General were being raided?" She assumed he knew of the incidents at least; they had been all over the news.

He had to think back a little to remember those events. He hadn't been part of the investigation, but he remembered nonetheless. "Yeah, I remember," he told her, studying her carefully as she started her story, not missing the tell-tale hand that fell to cover that scar, waiting patiently for her to go on. There was so much they still didn't know about each other, every small part of the puzzle that was Bethany slowly unraveling to reveal the whole.

She paused, wondering how much he had guessed already of the story she was about to tell him - wondering, too, if he'd given into the temptation to look her up in the police files. That would have told him everything, and yet he'd asked. So she told.

"I'd just started at the ER, I got the warning like everyone about not going into the stockroom alone if I heard someone else in there before me," she explained, dropping her hand from that little scar as her eyes held his, quiet and resigned to admitting her own stupidity. "But, uh, on a night shift ....we had four emergencies come through the doors in a half hour, and one of the rooms was really badly understocked. I didn't think; I just ran straight to the stockroom, let myself in, and I found a guy there, filling his pockets. He didn't give me a chance to fight back or call for help. He just stuck a pair of surgical scissors into me and ran for it." She shrugged, as though dismissing her most frightening memory. "I was in there for a couple of hours before anyone came looking, I couldn't move. Any longer, and I'd have bled out."

He probably could have guessed part of the story, but it wouldn't have told him all of it, and he was hoping that the telling might help cleanse her mind of the memories that had been stirred up by her attacker earlier in the day. As tempted as he might have been to look her up in the database, he had resisted that temptation. Not only was it unethical, but he wanted to get to know her history from her, not from something he read in a police file. She had his utmost attention as she told him the story, which on the surface he seemed to take well, accustomed to hearing all sorts of stories from witnesses of crimes, many of them far worse and more shocking than hers. Still, this was Beth's story, and as she told it, more of the pieces of the puzzle of her life fell into place, and he made the connection between the two events. "Oh, Christ," he muttered when she'd finished. "I'm so sorry. As I recall, they never caught him, did they?"

She shook her head, the residual fear that would never go away so long as the antagonist of that memory remained loose explained now. "No," she confirmed his vaguely horrified mutter. "No, they didn't have a chance. The raids stopped after that, and I wasn't well enough to give a good description. I didn't remember enough to be any help. But that's why I don't work nights - management decided to try and sweeten the deal when I mentioned I was looking for another job. During the day there's more security around, just more people in general."

He understood all that, but there was still one thing he didn't understand, one thing that was niggling at him. It was a small thing, and she'd beaten herself up for it enough, he thought, but he still needed to know. "Why'd you go into my apartment' Why didn't you just wait for the cops?" He knew it might have just been curiosity, or maybe she thought whoever had broken in had gone. He knew it was one or the other, but she had put herself in danger needlessly, and he didn't want it to happen again.

She fidgeted, her fingertips stroking up and down the line of his neck as she lowered her gaze, doing him the courtesy of considering her answer before she gave it. "I wish I could say it was because I didn't think," she admitted awkwardly. "But I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted to make sure there wasn't anyone there, and ....I wanted to chase off anyone who was. I hate the thought of anyone being in your private space without your invitation. It's such a violation, and ..." She shrugged, raising her eyes to his. "I guess I was being a little too protective. And stupid."

Three strikes and you're out, a voice said in his head, and he shuddered visibly, though he wasn't quite sure why. She'd been lucky twice. Either someone was watching out for her upstairs - and he didn't really believe in such things - or she'd just been very lucky. But what if her luck ran out' He sighed, frowning as he noticed the guilt and the shame she was already feeling from repeating her mistake. She'd been hurt enough, and he didn't want to add insult to injury. "Beth, you have to promise me you'll be more careful." He wondered if he should tell her what he suspected, but he thought it might only frighten her and he needed to confirm his suspicions before he acted on them.

She sighed, knowing she was an idiot, understanding that she'd taken one risk too many already. It was more important now that she take better care, though she'd frightened Miranda enough the first time around. As much as she loved her mother, though, Jason loving her seemed to bring the shame of her idiocy home harder than she could have imagined. "I promise," she nodded, giving up that oath easily at his request. "So long as you promise to be careful. I think it might destroy me if you got caught the way Des did, by anyone."

He smiled at her statement because of or despite the irony of it. Good lord, had he really only known her four days" It felt like a lifetime. No, it felt like another lifetime. His smile faded as he wondered why he'd thought that, his brows furrowing, though she would most likely think the frown was brought on by her mention of Desmond. He thought he might as well tell her his plan. It was as good a time as any, even if it was a bit awkward with her straddling his lap in nothing but her underwear, and him fully clothed.

There were two ways he could approach it - he could either tell her straight forward what they were going to do and refuse to hear otherwise, or he could try another way, a gentler way, a way that was more likely to gain him what he wanted without her realizing it was more for her own sake than for his. "Beth, I need to see Des, and it won't wait." He needed to go to Rhy'Din, they both did. She'd be safer there, so he thought, and he needed to talk to Desmond and sort this all out. It was why he had decided to take a few days off, to make sure she was safe and to see his old friend.

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:30 EST
His frown brought an echo to her own face, her fingers gentle against his cheek once again as he spoke. "If you need it, then you should go," she agreed quietly. "I'll ask Mom, when I see her tomorrow. She should be able to arrange it for you." Though Beth wasn't entirely sure she was happy about discussing this right now, she wouldn't deny him the reassurance that he could see his friend whenever he wanted to. It didn't occur to her that he was suggesting that she go along as well.

He reached for her hand, pulling it away from his cheek and curling his own fingers around hers. "No, Beth, you don't understand..." he started, imploring with his eyes, needing her to understand. "I want you to come with me. I need you to come with me." It wasn't just the fact that he didn't want to go alone to a world he didn't even believe in, but that he needed her to come with him so he could keep her safe. "I won't leave you behind. You said you'd take me, remember" I need to talk to Des. It's important, but I won't go without you." This was too important to trust to messages passed between himself and Miranda, and if his gut feeling was right, he didn't want to get anyone else involved, and that included Miranda.

"You want to hide me in Rhy'Din," she guessed, her expression more than a little wry as she raised her brow, her smile lopsided with understanding. "I'm not going to hide, Jason. I'll come with you to visit, but when you come back, so will I. I told you, I'm not losing you, and I won't let you hide me away." She sighed softly, looking at her hand caught in his. Where it's always been. "We'll go and visit Des," she agreed softly, swallowing her nervous reaction to the thought of making herself known to the Grangers on Rhy'Din at all. "And we can talk about this there."

He frowned a little as she guessed what he had in mind, but the frown didn't last. He had to admire her courage and determination, no matter what she might think of herself, and he couldn't argue with the fact that he'd be miserable without her. "We'll go together and we'll come back together," he promised, touching a caress to her cheek. It was a compromise, but one he was willing to live with, at least for now. "Now, what sounds more appealing" Bath or breakfast' I was in the middle of making an omelette." Breakfast for dinner, that is, since it was nowhere near morning.

Her smile relaxed, tender under his caress as she turned her face to kiss his palm lovingly. "Both," she admittedly through that smile, teasing her hands down his chest fondly. "Bath first. Breakfast later." She leaned close into him, her breath teasing his lips as her hands slipped beneath his shirt, stroking his skin with the possessive fondness she had learned only the night before. Is it only one night" "But only if you stay to bathe with me."

He leaned into that kiss, more than happy to return it, smiling as she eagerly took him up on his offer. It seemed that the dark cloud of fear and guilt and worry had passed for now, her smile encouraging, heartening even. He hoped that the worst of it was over, secretly vowing to do everything in his power to keep her safe and taking it upon himself to see her smile again. "I think I could be talked into that," he replied, pulling away to work the buttons loose on his shirt.

She nipped his lip gently as he drew back to undo his buttons, the tip of her nose brushing his tenderly as she slipped back from him. "You really want me to talk you into it?" she asked, her tone lighter now, gently teasing as she rose onto her knees, leaning over the edge of the tub to spin the taps and set the wide ceramic to filling with steaming water. "I could think of other ways, but if all you want is talk, I guess I could do that."

He shrugged his shoulders, an amused smile on his face as he peeled the shirt away from his shoulders. "I'm easy. What can I say?" There was a time for conversation and a time for silence, and the time for conversation had definitely passed. He admired the view as she leaned over the tub, the last thing on his mind getting clean.

"You weren't that easy." Beth turned her smile to him over her shoulder, deliberately pushing away anything that wasn't about him from her mind. Her heart thumped as that familiar force of tender love made itself known deep inside her, a reminder of the ancient newness of being his lighting her skin with a gentle flush of color. "Waited until after the first course, at least, and I did kinda throw myself at you before dinner."

He chuckled at the memory of their third date. Had it really just been the night before" It seemed they'd lived half a lifetime since then. "You practically threw yourself at me the first day we met." Four days ago, roughly, and he was already well in over his head. He'd marry her today if she'd let him and vow to love her for the rest of their days, but he knew it was asking too much. It was too quick. Besides, they had the rest of their lives, didn't they' What was the rush' He moved to his feet so he could loosen his pants. "They're going to think we're crazy," he told her with a small smile. They being Miranda, Desmond, her family, his friends. He had no family to speak of really, none he'd mentioned anyway.

She laughed, twisting to lean against the side of the tub as she looked at him, faint indignation in her amused gaze. "I did not throw myself at you on Friday," she protested through that laughter. "If I'd been throwing myself at you then, I would have let that towel drop. Don't think I didn't notice you noticing." Giggling fondly, she rose onto her feet, offering him a hand up. "You're still overdressed for a bath, you know. Have I talked you out of your pants yet?"

She was ignoring his concerns again, but he was content for now to let her, unwilling to upset her again. She was smiling again, and he'd give anything to keep that smile on her face forever. "Don't lie. You were flirting right from the moment you opened the door," he pointed out as he unbuckled his belt, needing no prompting, a smile on his face. "I can't very well join you with them on, can I?"

"Well, you could," she laughed softly, stepping close enough to distract him once again as he unbuckled his belt, her hands skimming over his skin as she leaned into him. "Wouldn't be too comfortable, though." A tender kiss passed from her lips to his as her arms wrapped about his waist, slowly bringing fire back to her own blood as much as his. "I don't care what anyone thinks," she breathed against his lips, nipping impishly as she shifted against him, forcing herself to remember the bath still filling behind her. "I want you in every part of my life."

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:30 EST
He forgot his pants for a moment, as she pressed herself close, a different sort of heat flooding him, flushing his face, his arms going around her waist as her wound their way around his. "You're still have too many clothes on," he whispered back at her as she nipped at his lips and he returned her kisses with kisses of his own that were becoming hungrier, deeper, each one more passionate than the last.

She lost herself in those kisses for a long moment, tenderness falling away to burning hunger as her hands caressed and pulled him closer with a low moan, savoring the heat and firm strength of him in her arms for a long, blissful moment. It took a monumental effort to draw back, the splash of water behind her an urgent reminder to turn the faucet off before she flooded her own apartment and put them out of a place to stay for the second time that day. "I'm getting there," was whispered teasingly against his lips. "Let go, I need to turn the taps off." Whether he let go or not, she twisted to turn back toward the bath, a loving smile playing at her lips.

He had no choice but to let her go, but only for a moment. She was his now, and he was never going to let her go again. No, not again. He furrowed his brows at the thought. He was thinking too much. It was going to give him a headache. "Beth?" he asked, as another thought came to mind, something he'd never considered before. Though he'd been raised Catholic, he'd stopped believing in things that couldn't be proven a long time ago. "Do you believe in..." He felt almost silly asking the question. "In reincarnation?" he asked, as he unzipped his pants and pushed them down his hips to pool at his ankles.

Bending to twist the faucet closed once again, Beth hesitated in answering his question. Perhaps another person would have been bemused by the odd topic of conversation, but given what they'd shared earlier, it wasn't such an unusual thing to discuss. Her hands twisted up to her back to undo a clasp as she straightened, her gaze wandering to his. "I don't know," she told him honestly, peeling lace and satin from her flesh to drop it aside with the rest of her clothes. "It's not something I've ever really thought about."

"Neither have I." Until now. He broke off, letting the thought drop for now, unless she wanted to pursue it. He watched, enthralled, as she let the satin and lace drop away, revealing the lovely pale curves beneath the soft fall of chestnut hair. God, how he loved her, and he hardly even knew her. His body betrayed him, revealing his deepest desires. A shudder went through him when he thought about how close he'd come to losing her, how close she'd come to being violated. Suddenly, he could wait no longer, sweeping her into his arms to capture her lips, wanting to burn the memory of that other man's touch from her very soul.

Whatever she might have added was lost in a sharp gasp as he took sudden charge, finding herself dragged close into the circle of his arms, his mouth covering her own to steal her breath even as she threw her arms around his neck, as eager as he was to sweep away the memory of what might have been from mind and body. The knowledge of her own heart made this closeness even more intimate, more touching to the gentler side of her affection for him even as something a little wilder rose from inside her in answer to his desire.

Her kisses set his heart on fire, his body aching for her, to come together once again and share the passion they'd shared only the day before. He thought he would never tire of this feeling, never stop loving her the way he did now. The flame of love burned brightly between them, two hearts, two bodies, two souls on fire, brought together through a quirk of fate and determined never to part. His kisses spoke more of his feelings than words ever could. When he took her again, it was with all the tenderness he could possibly muster, letting her know in no uncertain terms how much he loved her, saying the words more than once that he'd been so reluctant to say one day before: "I love you." And when they were finished, and the passion slowly faded, he held her in his arms and let the warm water surround them in its soothing embrace.

He might not ever know the comfort she'd gained from his tenderness, from the fresh certainty of his love, and the gentle warmth of his hands as he drew her to that cresting rise, catching her fall to cradle her in the warm embrace of the bath water. Her head lolled against his shoulder, her lips soft against his jaw as she breathed him in. Where do we go from here" Her hand rose, dripping with water as she stroked his cheek fondly. "You're really taking time off?" she asked quietly. "How long?"

Though the aching need of the body was temporarily satisfied, the passion slowly mellowing, his heart was still afire with the eternal flame of love. He held her close in the circle of his arms, drawing comfort from her touch, even as his thoughts continued to trouble him. Her question gave him pause, wishing he could give her the answer she wanted to hear, but he had duties and responsibilities that were bigger than the two of them. People's lives were at stake, and he couldn't turn his back completely on those who were depending on him. "Not long. A few days. I can't take too much time off until this case is wrapped up. After that....I'm looking forward to a nice long vacation."

Beth sighed softly, nestling comfortably in his arms even as she reached for a cloth, drawing it over his skin and hers, careful over her bruises. The point of the bath was to wash, after all, even if not much of that had been done just yet. "I should be able to get someone to cover my shift on Thursday," she said thoughtfully, paying miniscule attention to rubbing the cloth between his fingers and over one palm. "I'll have to be back by next Wednesday, though."

For work, he assumed, watching as she drew a cloth over them both, before reaching to take it from her, so that he could do the same, ever so gently moving it over her skin, careful of her bruises, frowning thoughtfully at the sight of them, the reminder of the attack on her only a few hours before. "Does it seem strange that I know your cousin better than you do?" he asked, suddenly realizing the irony in that.

She laughed a little, swallowing the wince that came with the expression of amusement, her ribs protesting with an ache at the huff of breath from her lungs. "A little," she acknowledge the strangeness easily. "I'm jealous of him, you know" Mom's always talking about him, the successful lawyer that she's so proud of, and now not only is he a successful lawyer, he's getting married, and ....She's so pleased for him. I don't know if I want to know someone my mom doesn't have a bad word for. How do I compare?" She shrugged, knowing that she wasn't exactly being fair, either on Miranda or on herself, but she hadn't had anyone to share this feeling with before. If anyone was a safe pair of ears, it was Jason.

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:31 EST
"Jealous?" Jason exclaimed with a small chuckle. "Why jealous?" There were things he knew about Desmond that Bethany did not, things that might cause her to realize she had nothing to be jealous of and that, in fact, Desmond had just as much reason to be jealous of her. "I'm willing to bet she doesn't have a bad word to say about you either, you know," he pointed out with an ironic smile. He brushed her hair over a shoulder as he worked the cloth over her, slowly and gently, like a lover's caress.

She smiled faintly, recognizing the truth in his irony, unable to help a gentle shudder in response to the caressing pass of the cloth over her skin. "But she doesn't gush about me to anyone," she pointed out softly. "I'm her second-best kept secret." Her smile was fond as she said this; she understood the reasons behind her mother's secrecy, and she didn't resent it. But sometimes it stung, especially when she heard such good things about her cousins. "Wouldn't you be jealous" He's the son she never had, to hear her talk about him."

Jason's smile faded, turning serious as he wondered if he should tell her just why Miranda had chosen to take Desmond under her motherly wing. "Beth..." he started, gentling his voice as he drew the cloth away so he could meet her gaze. "His mom passed away a few months ago, and there was no other family he knew of. He and Miranda got close after that. I think she sensed that he needed that." He turned aside to dip the cloth back in the tub and soak up some water. He could almost be talking about his own life. Though he'd never said so, there was one thing Jason envied about Desmond - the fact that he had a family.

She bit her lip, sensing a gentle scolding underneath his words. "I didn't mean ..." Trailing off, she lowered her gaze, shaking her head. "I know he's lost a lot, and I know he's had a hard time. I really do. I didn't mean to make it sound as though he hasn't, or that he doesn't deserve to be close to Mom, I just ..." She hesitated a moment, still avoiding his gaze. "She could have included me. She still seems to think I'm six years old and I need protecting from all the big bad out there. I know she's scared, but ....she won't even let me contact my father. It's too dangerous, she says."

"I have a feeling you're going to have family coming out of your ears once you get to this Rhy'Din of hers," he offered with a faint smile that he hoped would hide his own feelings about the subject. They were both only children, as was Des, but Des and Beth at least were part of a larger family. They would always have family to fall back on. Jason couldn't say the same for himself. "I'm sure Miranda has a very good reason for not staying in touch with your father. Have you asked her?"

"Just the same thing she always says," Beth offered, shrugging once again. "It's too dangerous, his way of life puts all his contacts in danger, it wasn't a suitable life to have a child in, and only if I still feel the same way about meeting him when she moves back to Rhy'Din, can I talk to her about it again." She rolled her eyes. "I get it, I just don't like it. I know she's in contact with him, I get a letter once a year. But neither of them will tell me anything." She sighed, sliding her arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, this has got really dark and serious, and I didn't mean it to." Her palm caressed his cheek, recalling a hint of something in his tone when he'd mentioned family. "You're family now. Des is as much your cousin as mine."

Jason arched a brow, caught off guard by a small bit of news. "Moves back to Rhy'Din?" he echoed. "She's planning on leaving Manhattan?" He couldn't imagine Miranda away from the city. She loved the city; she loved her job. What could possibly make her want to want' A small frown shadowed his face, only briefly, like a flame flickering in the breeze. Were they all going to leave him then" He slid the cloth across her shoulder, lowering again as she wrapped her arms around his neck, forcing him to look at her. "I've known Des since we were boys," he admitted, letting her figure the rest out for herself.

"She says she doesn't feel safe in New York anymore," she shared her only insight into Miranda's reasons for wanting to go. "She wants to go home. Thing is ....Rhy'Din isn't my home. New York is." You are. Her nose nudged his gently. "I've got reason to stay now. I won't be going anywhere. And I know how to get to Rhy'Din and back. We won't be cut off from them; they won't let it happen." A soft kiss graced his lips, trying to reassure him against being alone again. "You're not gonna lose your friend. I promise."

"That's because of Nicoletti," Jason pointed out further. And when she finds out her daughter was hurt because of him... He returned her kiss, but it gave him little comfort. He hadn't planned on having this discussion now, though he knew it had to come sooner or later. It wasn't just the fact that Bethany had been hurt through her connection to Jason, though that was part of it. There were things about him that she didn't know, things about his family that kept him where he was. Unlike Des, he couldn't just pick up and go where he pleased. Not yet anyway, and he had no idea if he ever could. She seemed to think this Rhy'Din wasn't far away, but to Jason, it might as well be across the universe. "I can't leave New York, Beth. Not permanently anyway. I can get away for a few days now and then, but I can't leave it for good."

"I'm not asking you to leave at all," she murmured, wanting him to understand her. "I'm telling you that I'm staying. When - if - Mom moves back to Rhy'Din, I'm not going with her." Brown eyes searched his tenderly, drawing her fingers against his cheek. "I'm not leaving you alone, ever again. A few days here and there, that's all I'm willing to let go of you for. Don't you dare misunderstand me. Even if she goes, I'm staying. With you."

What did I do to deserve you? he asked himself. "I'd never ask you to stay just for me," he pointed out, understanding what she was telling him, but needing her to understand him, as well. Maybe someday he could leave this place. Hell, someday he'd love to leave this place, to go places he'd never been, but not now. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes that didn't seem to fit what he was saying, as if there was something he wasn't telling her, but he wasn't sure if this was the time or the place. "You should eat something," he reminded her, changing the subject.

"I know you wouldn't ask," she murmured, her lips curved in a warmer smile. "That's why I'm not waiting for you to." She kissed him, slow and gentle, sensing something he wasn't telling her but not about to press him for anything he wasn't ready to share. "Is that an order for me to get off you and dried off?"

Bethany Daly

Date: 2013-07-23 09:33 EST
He lost himself to her kisses for a moment, the warmth of her touch soothing his troubled heart. He wished he was free to come and go as he pleased, but he wasn't, and she seemed to understand without prying further. His smile returned at her question, a hint of amusement in his blue eyes. "Unless you want to turn into a prune, yes. A hungry prune," he added, as an afterthought. "I was in the middle of making an omelette. I assume you like omelettes."

Her smile stayed warm as she drew back, teasing her knuckles against his cheek as she held his gaze. And for a moment, that smile faltered, a glimpse of the young woman behind her eyes showing the lingering vestiges of her fright for a split second. "You are staying tonight, aren't you? You're not going to wait until I'm asleep and then leave?" It wasn't an accusation; more a wish for reassurance that she wouldn't be alone with the nightmare that was inevitably going to come when she relaxed and the last of her shock made its way through her unconscious mind.

His expression changed, turning serious again, needing her to understand that he was never going to leave her again. At least, not for long. He raised a hand to touch her cheek, sensing the fear that she was trying so hard to hide from him. "No, I'm not leaving. I promise." There wasn't much more he could do than that. She would just have to trust and believe him.

He didn't need to do or say much to reassure her; just simple words and gentle touch were enough to calm that momentary flicker, more afraid of the night to come than the day that had gone before, knowing he would know far more about how frightened she had been long before her nightmare roused her in the darkness. Her lips touched his with a whispered, "Thank you," her smile fond once again as she moved to rise from the tub, reaching for a pair of towels to dry them both with.

He wasn't consciously thinking that she might have a nightmare, but he knew she didn't want to be alone, and after what had happened, he didn't want her to be alone either. He wasn't sure why she was thanking him, when he thought it was at least in part his fault she'd been hurt in the first place, but he said nothing of it, knowing she would only insist, as she'd been insisting, that it wasn't his fault. "Beth," he said, as her lips drew away from his, but then she was moving away from him to find them both towels, so they wouldn't turn to prunes, like he said they might.

"Mmm?" She turned to look at him as she rubbed a towel over her skin, removing the sheen of moisture with one hand while the other offered him a towel of his own. "Did I cut you off in mid-sentence again?"

"I just wanted to tell you I'm never going to leave you. That's all," he said as he looked up at her for a moment before moving to his feet beside her and taking the towel from her. A smile lit his face again. Despite everything that had happened that day, there was a part of him that felt happy. Everything would come together eventually. Fate couldn't have brought them together only to tear them apart. He was sure they'd find a way to make it work, they'd find a way to be together. She belonged to him now, and he was never letting go. He reached over to tweak her nose, the way he had when they'd first met. It seemed so long ago, but it had only been a few days. They'd been so happy then, but they'd be that way again. He was going to make sure of it.

She giggled under the tweak of his fingers against her nose, the offended feature wrinkling as she abandoned drying herself to curl her arms around him with another slow kiss, sharing her smile with him with tender affection. Despite everything that had happened, she was still easy with him, more comfortable in his presence than she'd been with any other man, and that brief flash of certainty earlier went a little way to explaining it. I love you. I don't know how, or why, or even when I fell, but I am never going to stop loving you. Drawing back, she nipped the end of his nose in return. "C'mon then, and feed me before I start getting demanding."

He could have taken that to mean a different kind of hunger, but instead, he only smiled and brushed a kiss against her forehead, a playfully amused smile on his face. "I can't feed you 'til you let go of me," he told her, seeming in no hurry to break away from her as was demonstrated by the wrap of his arms around her.

Laughing again, Beth lingered just long enough to taste his lips once more before she did as she was told, unwinding herself from around him with an exaggerated, reluctant sigh. "You're so bossy," she accused him affectionately with a last sweep of her thumb to his lips, bending to regain her clothes from where they had landed all around them in the urgency that had preceded their shared bath. But bossy or not, he was hers, and he was staying. Despite a long day filled with longing for him, broken with fright and pain, and finally given comfort in his presence once again, Bethany knew now, better than she knew anything, that she was never going to let him go. She was made for him, and though others might call them crazy, their opinions didn't really matter here and now. She loved her darling detective, and there was, quite simply, nothing to be done about it. She was here to stay.

((Hint, hint, something's going on here we've barely scratched the surface of! Fun, huh' Oodles of doodly thank yous to Jason's player!))