Topic: Good Morning

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-06-15 05:10 EST
Ah, the joys of a family wedding. Vicki had thoroughly enjoyed being a part of Gabrielle's wedding the day before, and had enjoyed just as much Jon and Humphrey's hangovers that morning. She did, however, take pity on the men of the house when the children woke up, and departed the house with Emily, Ben, and Cosmo in tow, heading across the Grove to pick up Elle and rescue her from Dom's hangover. The men in the Granger family did like to over-imbibe when they got the chance.

They didn't have to go far to make the most of the bright day and warm sunshine, letting the children run free while they lounged comfortably on a blanket Vicki had brought just for that purpose. She'd even remembered drinks for the adults as well as the children.

"So," she said cheerfully, half-an-eye on her toddlers, "how quickly did Dom pass out when you and Daisy carried him home last night?"

"Well," Elle started with a conspiratorial look in her eyes, ready to spill the beans about her man, whether it incriminated him or not. After all, it was just between friends, and she trusted Vicki not to repeat anything she said. They'd become fast friends in the months since Elle had made Maple Grove her home, and as if Vicki wasn't mischievous enough on her own, Elle wasn't much better. God help the Granger men where they were concerned. "You remember how he threatened to have his way with me" By the time we got home, the only thing he was worshiping was the porcelain god," she said with a chuckle. "Of course, Daisy wanted to know what that meant, but I managed to distract her long enough that she hasn't asked again."

Vicki roared with laughter, delighted with this additional information about Dom's ability to hold his liquor. "Oh, that's perfect!" she exclaimed cheerfully. "He's always boasting about being able to down more than Humph and stay upright, but Humphrey didn't throw up last night. Oh, that is ....I cannot wait to tease him about that." She grinned, sipping from a bottle of flavored water. "Figures that as soon as you stop needing a reserved space on the bathroom floor, he fills it."

"I thought about letting him sleep there, but I'm not that cruel," Elle added with a smirk. "The poor man was having such fun up until then. He woke up moaning and groaning and claiming how he was never going to do that again, and I just laughed at him. I suppose I shouldn't have laughed. He really was not feeling very well last night."

"We should have sent him home with Jon and Humph last night, and I should have stayed over with you," Vicki chuckled, toeing off her sandals to wriggle her toes comfortably. "Humphrey is in full court martial mode this morning, and I think Jon might actually have fallen asleep into his own breakfast."

Elle broke into a fit of laughter at this latest bit of news. "The great Jonathan Granger, asleep in his Cheerios. I hope Humphrey makes sure he doesn't drown in his milk," she teased. Unless, of course, he'd fallen asleep face down in a plate of pancakes or something. Elle was confident Humphrey would make sure Jon didn't hurt his poor self.

"How was Daisy this morning?" the redhead asked curiously. "It was a late night for her on a school night." She was naturally curious, because Emily would be tackling nursery come September, and school the September afterward, and Vicki was constantly in awe of the parents who had children, rather than toddlers.

"Oh, she wanted to stay home, but I told her if Lila and Lyneth could go to school, so could she. She tried coughing a few times, but I wasn't born yesterday," Elle replied, leaning back and lifting her face to the sun to feel its warmth while rubbing the small swell at her belly that hinted at the child to come - her first with Dominic.

"Nice try, though," Vicki grinned. She, too, leaned back on her elbows, her own bump more prominent than Elle's. There were only five weeks between their pregnancies, but Vicki's bump had well and truly popped out by this point. "Jon is going to have so much trouble making Emily go to school when she inevitably pulls that on him." Speaking of whom ...."Em! Not near the pond!"

"Bloody hell, I don't know how you do it," Elle remarked, as she, too, swung a glance toward the children. Four eyes were better than two, after all. "I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to have another," she mused aloud, frowning a little, even as she rubbed her less prominent belly.

"You're doing the worrying thing again," Vicki told her with a faint smile. "You've got this. I have absolute faith that you and Dom can definitely handle Daisy and whoever it is gestating in there. You should be sparing your worry for me - we're going to have many under five."

"I know, I know," Elle said with a sigh. "But I haven't done this in six years. What was I thinking" It will be well worth it to see Dom's face when they hand him his son," she added with a grin.

"Oh, you're adding another boy to the family, are you?" Vicki chuckled, leaning over to hug her friend. "Congrats, I know you were hoping for an XY in there. Does he know, or is it your wicked plan to leave him in suspense and give him a son for Christmas?"

Elle beamed a smile back at her friend, as she returned her hug. Despite her occasional case of nerves, she really was happy to be having a baby and not just any baby, but Dom's son. "Well, he has no one to blame but himself. I believe it's the Daddy who determines the sex of the baby," she said, eyes bright with happiness, especially now that the morning sickness was gone. "No, I thought I'd surprise him, so mum's the word."

Cackling at that wonderful bit of twisted logic, Vicki eased down onto her back, automatically glancing toward her toddlers again. "Ben, take the flower out of your mouth, or you won't get anything nice for lunch!" Satisfied that her son wasn't eating Humphrey's prized roses anymore, she looked back toward Elle. "I'm really happy for you. You seem elated."

"I'm scared to death!" Elle exclaimed with a chuckle. "But I'm happy, too," she added, smiling warmly as she looked over at the miniature Vicki and Jon playing in the garden before turning back to her friend. "I just wish I could be more like you. I'm a nervous wreck!"

"Oh, it's all a very thin facade," Vicki told her friend laughingly. "If I think about it too much, I start panicking, and believe me, you do not want to see what happens to Jon if I'm panicking." She flashed Elle a grin. "Just be glad that we won't be asking you for any help - being pregnant yourselves gets you out of our pleading."

"Should I warn Piper then" Or perhaps Caroline?" Elle teased, stretching out a little to enjoy the warm, sunny day. "Look at me. I'm already looking fat, and I have six months to go," she said, poking herself in the belly.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-06-15 05:12 EST
"Send out an all-points-bulletin, more like," Vicki snorted cheerfully. She eyed her friend's little bump enviously, stroking her palm over her own bump, which was decidedly bigger. "Oh, please, you aren't fat. You want fat, give me a couple more months. I'm going to be enormous, and I'll stay enormous until they get out."

Elle laughed at her friend's statement before realizing something with a gasp. "They?" she echoed. "Victoria Bernadette Granger, are you having twins?" She paused to give her friend's bump a better look. "It's not triplets, is it?"

"Oh god, no!" Laughing uproariously, Vicki shook her head. "Triplets would, I think, have put Jon in the morgue. Twins was enough of a shock." She offered her grin to Elle once again. "Maybe I should have said four under five earlier."

"Does anyone else know?" Elle asked, curiously, withholding her congratulations for now, until she was sure how her friend felt about it. There were twins in the family, so there was always a chance, but if Elle had the choice, she'd prefer dealing with one baby at a time.

"Humph does," Vicki told her with a faint smile. "Jon needed a stiff drink for the both of us when we got back from the scan. But, no, we haven't told anyone else. We want to tell my dad, and Lena and Des, before letting anyone else start spreading the news."

"My lips are sealed, love," Elle replied, miming locking her lips and throwing away the key. "Dom will be thrilled for you. He might not say so, but he adores you both, you know. You will be fine," she added, sensing her friends uncertainly and reaching over to pat her hand with a warm smile. "You will have plenty of help."

"We're going to need it," Vicki predicted. Elle knew her well enough to know that she needed to laugh about it. If Vicki started openly worrying, there would be an unsettling lack of lightness in the big house for a long time to come. "Besides, Dom is over the moon about your little bundle. I hear he and Daisy went and ransacked Ash Cottage in search of his old baby things."

Elle rolled her eyes at that and laughed. "Yes, even after I asked whether he wanted his child wearing moth-eaten, antique, hand-me-downs. And what if it's girl" He found an old teddybear with no fur left and only one eye. Do you know what the bear's name" Humpy!" She laughed again at the thought of that.

"Well, you know that it isn't a girl," Vicki pointed out with a warm smile, absentmindedly holding out her arm as Ben came toddling back over to them to thump down onto the blanket next to her and cuddle her bump. "He called his teddybear Humpy' That's so cute! Oh, we should get it re-stuffed and furred or whatever they do."

"We definitely should," Elle replied with a smile, as she reached over to affectionately ruffle Ben's hair. She had become unexpectedly close to Vicki and her children in the last few months. "Daisy is over the moon. I just hope she doesn't get too jealous when we bring the baby home."

"Well, speaking as someone who weathered Emily's displeasure at having a baby brother, I can heartily recommend bribery," the redhead said cheerfully, watching as Ben lifted his head and crawled over to hug Elle's little bump, too. "It worked a treat last time. Although maybe Daisy can be reasoned with. Piper and Des are a better bet for advice there, though - they managed to get through Lynnie's jealous moments when Dylan was tiny."

"Oh, you can be sure I'll be asking for Piper's advice, too," Elle said, smiling as Ben hugged her bump. "He really is too sweet. You are a very lucky girl, Vicki." Not just because of Ben, but Emily and Jon and the soon-to-be twins, too. She might have been a little jealous herself if she didn't have a husband and little family of her own to adore.

"Well, he makes up for his sister being a minor monster when she doesn't get her way," Vicki grinned, handing a juice carton to Ben just as the little boy opened his mouth. He stared at her, wide-eyed, as he started to drink. "I know, I'm magic, aren't I?" she said to the toddler, waggling her brows as he giggled around his drink. "Where's your sister?" One small hand pointed toward the pond. Vicki rolled her eyes, looking that way to find Emily poised on the edge with Cosmo, looking as though both of them were preparing to jump in. "Emily Rose Granger, don't you dare!"

"Would you like me to go get her?" Elle asked, turning her head toward Emily and Cosmo with a worried frown. She wasn't entirely aware of Vicki's history, but it worried her that Emily was so close to the water, even if she had learned to swim.

The three year old had looked up, almost daring her mother to scold her. Vicki held that look, having perfected the maternal art of promising all manner of dire consequences without needing to say a word. She did, however, have an ace that was rarely played. "Neither of us would get there before she jumped in," she said quietly. "Watch this, though." Raising her voice, still holding her naughty daughter's gaze, she called to the dog. "Cosmo! Fetch Ems!"

The collie looked up in delight, took hold of Emily's dress with his teeth, and started pulling the toddler back toward her mother, ignoring any and all protests.

Elle laughed as Cosmo started practically dragging the three-year-old back toward the safety of the blanket. "I'd like to see what he's going to do when she's older," she mused aloud. "Maybe we should get a dog," she added, thoughtfully.

"Maybe you should," Vicki smiled, confident that Cosmo would bring Emily over to them to be talked to sternly. "I can heartily recommend collies. Cosmo was a rescue, but you'd never know it these days."

Beside her, Ben put his juice carton into Elle's hand. "Want to pick flowers," he said hopefully.

Vicki's smile softened for her son. "Why don't you go over there," she pointed to a safe spot, "and pick a bunch of flowers for Elle and Daisy to enjoy?"

Beaming, the little boy pushed himself onto his feet and toddled off in that direction.

Elle smiled as she watched the little boy toddle off, the juice box now in her safe keeping. She wondered if her own son would be even half as cute as Ben. "I'm not sure how Dom would feel about a dog," she said, still watching the little boy, even as Cosmo made his way toward them with Emily in tow.

"Why not ask him?" Vicki suggested. "You're the one who said you didn't want to deal with hacked up furballs or puddles of pee, after all." She flashed her friend a grin, smoothing her expression as Emily was brought over to her. The three year old looked her right in the eye for all of half a second, and then down at her feet.

"All right, Emily, what did you do wrong?"

There was a pause. "Was bad," came the answer.

"How were you bad?" Vicki pressed her pointedly.

"Didn't do what I was told," was the answer after another pause.

"And why was that bad?"

Emily sighed, looking at her mother unhappily. "Cos bad things happens when mummy says no and I do it anyway."

Elle wasn't sure whether she wanted to laugh or scoop the poor little girl up and give her a hug, but she did her best to keep a straight face while Vicki dealt with the little rebel. She remembered Daisy at that age and how hard she'd tried to keep her innocent. At least, she wouldn't have to worry about that with the next one.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-06-15 05:13 EST
"Not quite," Vicki said, softening her expression as she drew Emily into her lap. "You were in a dangerous place, and I told you not to do what you were obviously going to do. I don't want you to get hurt, little bee, that's why I was not happy when you ignored me. Okay?"

Cuddling in, Emily nodded, though it was debatable as to whether she actually understood.

"What do you do when you've frightened Mummy or Daddy and had to be brought back?" Vicki asked her, brushing her red curls away from her face.

"Say sorry," Emily mumbled. "M'sorry, Mummy."

Hugging her daughter close for a moment, Vicki kissed her hair. "I forgive you," she promised. "Now why don't you go and help Ben pick some flowers for Elle before he tries to eat the whole garden again?" This was delivered with a bright smile and a comical expression, perfectly judged to send the toddler off giggling to help her brother. Vicki groaned, leaning back on her elbows again. "She's a monster, but I love her."

"She's your little monster," Elle replied with a smile. "Why do I get the feeling she's more like her mother than her father?" she asked with an amused smirk. She didn't have to know what Vicki was like as a child to know that Emily was the spitting image of her mother, at least as far as her personality was concerned.

"Well, it's not for nothing my dad called me tiger when I was little," Vicki admitted, but she didn't comment on the similarities between herself and her daughter. Ben was definitely more like Jon, in her view, and Jon didn't seem to mind sharing his life with two versions of his wife, so it all worked out.

"And you call her little bee," Elle pointed out. "Do you know why I named my daughter Daisy?" she asked, though the answer to the question was simple enough. "Because she's as pretty as a wild flower," she exclaimed, turning her head to watch the children picking flowers and momentarily remembering Daisy's father.

"Of course she is," Vicki agreed, smiling as they watched the children together. "And Emily is little bee because she's obsessed with bees. First thing in the morning, all you can hear is her buzzing to herself in her bedroom waiting for someone else to wake up." She watched Elle for a moment. "You know Dom wouldn't mind you talking about Jimmy, don't you?"

Elle shrugged. "It doesn't seem right to talk to the man you love about another man you loved," she said. "Daisy never knew him. Dom will be the only father she's ever known. Jimmy would have adored her," she said with a soft sigh. "But Jimmy's gone, and life goes on. I'd like to think he's watching over us and glad we've found happiness here with Dom. He's a good man, Dominic. I've never met one better."

"Let me put it this way, then," Vicki suggested, rolling onto her side comfortably. "Would you be angry or upset if Dom sometimes talked about Gwen?" She eyed her friend with an understanding expression in her eyes. "Jimmy was a big part of your life, and Daisy deserves to know about him. I can't see Dom objecting to that. Like you say, he's a good man."

Elle turned to face her friend, perfectly shaped brows arching upwards. She had to admit she'd never really thought about it that way before. Elle had lost her Jimmy, and Dom had lost his Gwen. They both knew what it was to have loved and lost; they both knew life was precious and short. "No, of course not. He's mentioned her on occasion. I have to remind him sometimes that I'm not Gwen and that I'm not going to die the way she did."

"Because he worries, but every day with you, he worries a little bit less," Vicki smiled, propping her head on her hand. "And I know you, too. You worry about losing him the way you lost Jimmy. It's human nature, to be afraid of history repeating itself."

Elle shook her head, disagreeing with her friend, but only mildly. "I won't lose him the way I lost Jimmy, but I do worry about losing him. Doesn't everyone worry about losing those they love" I think maybe it makes us hold on a little bit tighter than most people, but I'm not sure that's a bad thing," she said, wondering if her friend agreed. She knew Jon and Vicki had had their own share of troubles, and she knew Jon had come close to dying once, but hopefully all that was behind them.

"I think you're right," the redhead agreed quietly. "I still have nightmares sometimes, about Jon after he was shot. All that happened long before he even knew I existed, but I was in love with him even then. It terrified me. I have nightmares about the ghoul, too; about what would have happened if Jon hadn't got free. But here I am, married still to a man I adore, with two nutcases for children and a pair on the way. I gave up worrying about what I can't control years ago. It's a waste of my time and my energy. I'd rather enjoy what I have than worry it's going to be taken away."

"On that we agree," Elle said with a smile, reaching over to give her friend's hand a reassuring squeeze. She wondered if she should ask Dom before telling Daisy about her father. The little girl had asked on occasion, but Elle had only told her as much as she felt she needed to know, as much as she could understand. "We should get sitters sometime and go out together, the four of us." The four of them got together often, but usually with the children in tow.

"Oh, that would be nice," Vicki agreed with a nod, squeezing her friend's hand in return. "A proper adult double date, without any spit up or egos." She chuckled, glancing past Elle. "Heads up, your flowers are on their way."

"Or diapers or bedtimes," Elle added with a grin. "Oh, I see," she said, turning to see Ben and Emily heading back their way. "Such a proper little gentleman," she said with a smile. And his big sister, of course.

"He really is," Vicki murmured. "I got very lucky with them both. One to hone my protective instincts, and one to cuddle whenever the mood takes me. I think my heart will break when he decides he's too old for cuddles." She subsided as the pair arrived, presenting Elle with not one, but two big bunches of flowers - some wild, some trained, and all of them showing distinct signs of having been freely given by their fairies, rather than broken at the stem.

"Thank you so much," Elle said as the children brought over the flowers. "Are some of those for your Mummy, too?" she asked as she accepted a small bunch, not wanting them to forget their mother. There were plenty of flowers to go around. "Come here, darling, and give me a kiss," she said, reaching to draw one or the other closer.

She might have wanted one or the other, but she got both, brother and sister wrapping their arms around her neck to smooch her cheeks as Vicki looked on approvingly. "Some for Daisy," Emily pointed out, waving her handful cheerfully. "Mummy has the hay sneezes."

"Of course, darling. Daisy will love them," Elle said, smooching each of the children's cheeks in return. "If Mummy says it's okay, perhaps you can come over and play for a while when Daisy comes home from school," she said, looking to Vicki for her approval.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-06-15 05:14 EST
Two sets of hopeful eyes looked over at Vicki, who laughed a little helplessly. "Masterfully done," she complimented Elle cheerfully, rolling her eyes at her children. "Of course you can go and play with Daisy when she gets back from school. But only for a little while - Daddy will want to spend time with you before bedtime."

"Daddy has been very busy with the theater," Elle said, regarding Jon. "We saw him in Elephant Man. He was fantastic. Sad but fantastic. I hear he got rave reviews." She tucked a flower into Emily's hair, before tickling Ben's nose with another.

"He's been itching to play John Merrick for years," Vicki agreed, chuckling as Emily preened happily over the pretty flower in her hair and Ben giggled like a maniac. "He worked really hard on it, too. He deserves the praise - too many people forget that he's not just Christian Grey."

"But Christian Grey is the role that got him noticed," Elle said. Though she'd never had a chance to see the movies or read the books, she'd certainly heard of them. "He got an Oscar a few years ago, didn't he" I'm afraid I don't pay much attention to that sort of thing." When you were constantly on the run for your life and the life of your child, it didn't leave much time for such things as movies.

"He did," Vicki grinned, hugging Emily about the waist as the little girl leaned against her. "For Swan Song. It was a little indie character piece that he didn't expect anyone to notice, but it got him, Mataya, and the writer Oscars."

"If he was half as good in that as he was in the play, I'm sure he deserved it," Elle said. "Does he plan on doing any more movies?" she asked curiously, though she was mostly just making conversation.

"I'm sure he'd like to," Vicki shrugged as she considered this, rummaging for a juice box for Emily. "He really enjoyed directing Rhy'Din Nights, though, so maybe if he makes another film, he'll go in that direction, rather than be on screen. I never quite know until he tells me."

"I suppose it depends on what comes his way," Elle reasoned, though she didn't really know much about showbiz. "What about you? Four kids is a lot to juggle with a full-time career," she asked, undecided as yet if she was going to continue working or not.

Vicki sighed softly, nodding. "I know," she said, and there was a little regret in her voice as she watched the children trading flowers back and forth to make their bunches prettier. "I love my job, and I'll miss it. But I think it's time I stopped trying to be Superwoman. My family comes first, and I'm going to have my hands full. I don't ever want our children to feel as though they don't come first, and if that means giving up a job I love, then I'm willing to do that."

"You can always go back to it in a few years when the kids start school," Elle suggested. "Or maybe Jon would be willing to take a break from the theater. You've been managing so far. He doesn't work all the time, does he" Maybe you could do something part-time," she suggested further, though she wasn't sure how important Vicki's career was to her.

The redhead chuckled softly. "If I asked, Mataya would pay me full time wages to consult for half an hour over the phone at the beginning of every month," she said, shaking her head. "I could go part-time, I suppose, but that's still me holding onto something I've been growing out of for a few years. I had my job because it was my job, and I worked hard to get there, and ....that doesn't hold water next to my kids need me."

"It's not about the money though, is it?" Elle asked, knowing none of the Grangers were hurting for money. She smiled as Vicki continued. "I've been thinking about it, too. I'm not sure if I'll go part-time or not yet." Her job wasn't all that important to her. It was just something she did to get out of the house and make a little money so that she didn't have to depend on Dom for everything, even if he was perfectly happy to provide for both her and Daisy on his own.

"You know what we should do?" Vicki suggested. "We should keep each other sane if we both go the stay at home mum route. Dom's going to be working full time from September, at least on school days, and Jon has rehearsals and performances, not to mention his own teaching bits and pieces. We should definitely make a mum's group for the Grove."

"That's a bloody well brilliant idea," Elle said with a grin, her not-very-proper way of speaking getting the best of her and for which she made no apologies. There were at least half a dozen of them at the Grove, though most of them worked at least part-time to stay busy.

"I bet Rufus would join in," Vicki snickered, laying a hand over Emily's mouth as the little girl opened her lips to repeat Elle's "naughty" words. "Cheeky little bee ....And Piper would be up for it, I'm sure. Not to mention what?ll happen if Gabi conceives again - that girl's luck suggests she'll be expecting triplets next time!"

Elle laughed at the mention of Rufus. "Do you think we could get him to wear a skirt?" she asked, with another grin. "Sorry about the language," she added, breaking her rule of no apologies for who she was for Vicki's sake. "I guess I should clean it up."

"Rude words," Emily informed Elle with a grin, drew a deep breath, and proceeded to repeat those "rude" words as fast as she could before Vicki could shut her up.

The redhead laughed, rolling her eyes. "Well, you're the one who'll have a toddler repeating everything you say," she did warn her friend fondly, ruffling Emily's hair. "Probably when you're helping Dom suck up to his colleagues, no doubt - they have amazing timing."

Elle laughed as Emily echoed her vulgar language, and she reached over to playfully tweak the little girl's nose. "That's enough out of you, smarty pants," she told her, knowing the little girl was smart enough to know the words she was repeating were bad ones. "I'll just blame him," Elle told Vicki further with a cheeky grin of her own.

Snorting with laughter as her daughter cackled happily, Vicki grinned. "Like anyone would believe that," she warned cheerfully. "I don't think I have ever heard Dom swear. Not even when he's drunk! It's not natural, I tell you."

"Never?" Elle asked. She tapped a finger against her cheek thoughtfully. "Hmm, I may take that as a challenge," she said, with that grin again.

"And you'll enjoy every second of it, I expect," Vicki accused her affectionately, glancing up as clouds passed over the sun. "What do you say to collecting your hungover fella, and coming back to the big house for lunch?"

"I'd say that sounds like a brilliant plan, so long as he's not green anymore," Elle replied with a chuckle. As much as she didn't like to see Dom feeling ill, he'd done it to himself this time around.

"What do you think, monsters?" Vicki then turned the question onto Emily and Ben. "Think you can get Dom out of bed and dressed without him throwing up?"

Emily grinned a grin that was almost unnervingly close to her mother's, but it was Ben who leaped up hopefully. "I can run and race and win!" he declared, and immediately toddled off at high speed in the direction of Wisteria Cottage, hotly pursued by his sister.

Vicki rolled her eyes, chuckling. "I'm sure he can, but he can't get in without you," she told Elle cheerfully, packing her bag once again.

"And I'm not running," Elle replied with a grin. She moved to her feet, just as Cosmo gave a bark and took off after his little herd of toddlers. She offered Vicki a hand, and between them the two women packed up the blankets and treats, before linking arms in pursuit of the children. It had been a good morning, but whether it was sunny or cloudy, everyday was a good day for those who lived at Maple Grove.