Topic: Have I Told You Lately

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:34 EST
Taylor's long overdue talk with his Uncle Rufus had done wonders to lift his spirits, if only to share his worries and concerns and get another point of view. Rufus was right - he wasn't alone, and neither was Kaylee, and that alone helped him to shoulder the weight of responsibility that lay heavily on his heart. Whether she shared his feelings or not he wasn't quite sure, but he was sure there was nothing he wouldn't do to protect her, even if it cost him his life. By the time he arrived home at the apartment he and Kaylee were sharing, it was still light out, but the shadows were starting to lengthen.

Predictably enough, Kaylee was already home, and judging by the mouth-watering smell permeating the apartment and halfway down the hall, she'd been successful in her trip to the market that morning. Over the past two months, she had improved a great deal, no longer needing all the lights on, able to handle a few shadows through sheer force of will. She even slept with only a single light on, provided Taylor was lying there beside her. When he walked in, she was doing something inside the oven, quickly closing it before he could see what she'd added to the dish doing its thing in there. The startlement on her face faded quickly enough, replaced with a smile.

Two months of being looked after had worked a small miracle on her - she was no longer so skinny as to be skeletal, her slenderness accentuated with the curves she'd genuinely missed when she had first regained her freedom. Her wounds were healed now, leaving only scars behind, scars that she could look at without freaking out. Taylor's confidence in her, his constant presence, and her growing attachment to him had done what a team of medical professionals could not. "Just in time," she greeted him, a warm note in her voice. "Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes."

"Whatever it is, it smells delicious. You're going to spoil me, Kay," he replied with a fond smile on his face. Whatever had transpired between them the last two months seemed to have only brought them closer together, though he was still unsure of her feelings for him and didn't want to make any assumptions. Rufus had said to take things one day at a time, and that's the best he could do. He had to resist the urge to slide his arms around her and kiss her hello, like he wanted to, instead busying himself with shrugging out of his jacket and making himself comfortable.

Kaylee watched him, feeling strangely shy. She'd never been the one chased, always the one in pursuit when it came to men, but with Taylor, she felt oddly constrained. She didn't want him to think badly of her, but every time he missed an opportunity to kiss her or even just touch her, she felt her heart lurch awkwardly. Maybe he didn't like her as much as she liked him. "Well, I did say this was one of my things I can do," she shrugged, trying to shake off the feeling that she'd been expecting too much from him. "How was your day?"

There was no point in lying to her; she'd see right through him and he was doing his damnedest to keep enough from her already. Their relationship was built on trust, and lying was no way to instill that. "I went to see Rufus," he told her abruptly, turning back as soon as his jacket was hung on a hook near the door.

Wariness touched her eyes, but she'd known he was going to have to tell his uncle what was going on at some point. "How did he take it?" she asked quietly, wiping her hands clean on a cloth as she turned to face him, leaning back against the fridge as they talked.

How did he take it" Taylor echoed in his head, wondering if he should tell her the real reason for his visit to see Rufus, which was only in part regarding the need for his help in finding the monsters responsible for their shared nightmare. "It went well, I guess." He sighed, glancing at the oven behind her before his gaze drifted back to her face, seemingly nervous for some reason. "We need to talk, Kay."

Four words no one liked to hear when they were feeling nervous - we need to talk. Kaylee bit her lip, nodding as she picked at her cuticles, and took a deep breath. "I guess I'm not as subtle as I used to be," she murmured. "Not that I was ever really that subtle." She straightened up, not daring to meet his gaze as she forged ahead. "Look, I get it. I'm falling for you, and it's pretty damned obvious, and it's gotta be making you uncomfortable, so we need to talk. You don't have to put up with it. I can ....Well, I could get a place of my own, or go back and live with Humph. I can work something out. I don't want to make you uncomfortable, you've done so much for me, Taylor."

This wasn't how he was expecting things to go and not really the talk he was planning on having with her just yet. She had misunderstood him, apparently, but her unexpected confession startled him almost as much as his abrupt desire to talk must have startled her. "Wait, you....You're falling for me?" he repeated, incredulously.

For the first time in her life, Kaylee felt herself blush, dropping her eyes to her hands as she picked at her nails. "I thought you knew," she said quietly. "I thought you knew and you didn't like it. I've been trying not to be obvious with it, but there's times when I feel like you might touch me, or kiss me, and you don't, and that's gotta be me making too much of things. I can be out before tonight, if it's really that horrible for you."

"Horrible?" Taylor echoed, still in a bit of a state of shock as he was expecting just the opposite from her. He was expecting her to give him the friends speech - the one that women gave men when they cared for them, but weren't in love with them. I love you like a brother. Can't we just be friends" Those were the phrases he'd been preparing himself to hear - not I'm falling for you. "Why would you think it's horrible?" he asked, clearly confused.

"Well, I ..." She trailed off for a moment, matching his confusion with her own, finally looking up to meet his gaze. "I kinda know what it's like to have someone you care about fall in love with you and you not feel the same way - it gets really awkward really fast, and you don't want to say anything and hurt my feelings, so I'm just getting it out there. I shouldn't be expecting anything else from you, because you've been so good to me when you didn't have to be. And I don't want you to feel awkward, or uncomfortable in your own home, so I'll take myself away somewhere, where you can't see me, and I won't get in your way anymore, I promise."

His expression changed, confusion shifting, turning to something else, afraid to hope, and yet, hadn't she just told him she was falling for him' But what did that mean exactly' If she was falling for him, why was she trying to push him away' It seemed in that moment that the wall he had built around his heart crumbled, everything he'd been feeling written all over his face - pain, loneliness, love, hope, all combined to make his heart ache with renewed longing for something he had never dared hope for in over seven years. "Kaylee," he started, his voice barely more than a whisper of breath, his heart thumping hard in his chest. "Don't you know that I love you?"

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:36 EST
She stared at him, not entirely sure she'd heard him right, feeling her jaw slowly drop until her mouth hung open. After catching flies for a few moments, she snapped it shut quickly, that blush renewing itself as as she fidgeted, shy and acutely aware of her heart beating hard and fast beneath her shirt. "You do?"

"Yes," he replied, his heart constricting with nervous apprehension. She loves me, she loves me not....He tried to remember what Rufus had told him only a few short hours ago. Take it slow; let her lead the way. "I've known for a while, but..." He frowned, terrified she'd reject him, despite admitting her growing feelings for him. "I was afraid you didn't feel the same way, and I didn't want to pressure you or make you feel awkward. I didn't want to ruin things between us. I didn't want to break your trust or assume too much."

"I-I thought you didn't like me like that," she hurried to say, right on the heels of his words. "I mean, you hold me when we're sleeping, but you let go as soon as I wake up, and it seems like you can't wait to get away from me. And just now, when you came in" I wanted you to kiss me, and I thought you might, but you turned away, and ....Well, how the hell am I supposed to know that means you love me" I'm too busy loving you and trying not to make a mess of things to take the lead as well, you know!"

"It's not like that at all!" he replied, taking one step closer before forcing himself to come to a halt. "It's not that I don't like you. It's that I like you too much. I was afraid to kiss you, afraid if I told you how I feel, you'd leave." He took another tentative step closer. "The truth is, I was afraid of losing you, but you weren't really mine to lose."

"I don't want to leave," Kaylee confessed in a soft whisper, looking down at her hands once again. She had never felt this awkward, this nervous, when confessing her feelings before now. Did that mean that this time they were truly real" She'd asked herself over and over again whether or not she loved Taylor for himself, or for what he represented to her, and over and over again had come back with the same answer. She couldn't see her future without him to hold a light to it. Everything was dark without Taylor, and darkness was the one thing she couldn't face anymore. "I love you. I can't not be with you. You-you're the voice in my head keeping me going, you're my light. I don't want to embrace the darkness, I want to embrace you. But only if you want me."

He had asked himself those same questions, in the still of the night when she was asleep, curled up beside him and he laid there wide awake, listening to her breath, praying she wouldn't wake up screaming. Praying he wouldn't wake up screaming. Did he only love her because of what she'd been through' Because she was the one person who could truly understand him' Or was it something more than that' If and when they put an end to all this, would they still feel the same" Would she still love him then" But like her, he couldn't see that far ahead, and he didn't want to consider a future without her in it. That way, lay darkness. He softened, his whole body wanting to reach for her, though he only held out his hand to reach for hers, to touch his fingers to hers. "Of course, I want you. Haven't you heard a thing I've been saying" I love you, Kaylee."

Hesitantly, she reached out to him, her fingertips sliding over his, deepening the touch until they were palm to palm, fingers linked together tightly. Those brown eyes weren't haunted now; they were bright, hopeful and soft, loving. A small voice echoed in her head ....was this really what she wanted" And suddenly she was moving, curling her other hand into his hair, pulling him down to her, into a kiss that answered that question beyond any doubt. Yes.

He'd only kissed her once before, weeks ago, shortly after he'd first found her and brought her here. They'd been flirting a little, and he'd wound up kissing her. Or she had kissed him. He wasn't quite sure who'd kissed who first, nor did it matter. Her kiss had felt right, even then, and it had given him hope, but he'd said nothing of the feelings that were starting to stir inside him, patiently waiting until the time was right, if it was ever right. Nothing until now. The kiss than answered hers was soft and tender and filling with longing; gentle enough not to be too demanding, and yet warm enough to promise so much more than just a kiss. A tentative hand found her hip, possessive fingers clutching the fabric of her jeans, tugging her closer, to drown deep in the depths of that kiss.

Despite all the trauma of the past year, all the nightmares that still plagued her, the quiet discontent with the ravages left behind to mark her body, Kaylee knew this. She'd never felt it so deeply, so strongly, before Taylor; she'd never had it twinned with a terrifying anxiety over losing it. Her kiss gentled, softened, and slowly drew away, but she didn't release her grip on him, happy to block out the shadows and the darkness with him. "Why didn't you say so before?"

He let her break the kiss, touching his forehead to hers as he remained close, almost afraid to touch her, afraid one of them might break or wake up to find it was only a dream. He touched his fingers to her cheek, smoothing her hair back from her face, savoring the softness of it. How many nights had he laid awake watching her, memorizing her face, not daring to touch her lest she awaken and discover his secret' There was only one way he could answer her question, as ridiculous as it might sound. "Because I was afraid to."

A smile blossomed on her face, highlighting the sweetness that was slowly returning each day she woke up free and in his arms. Nuzzling close, she kissed him once more. "Don't be afraid anymore," she whispered softly. "You can't get rid of me now."

He drew comfort and courage from that kiss, startled to find himself reacting to that kiss in ways he had not expected, that sweet, simple act kindling the fire that was burning in his soul. "Why would I want to?" he whispered back, the back of his hand touching her cheek, straying to feel the softness of her hair once again, suddenly needing to touch her and know that this was really real.

For the first time in a long time, Kaylee heard herself giggle, tilting her head into his touch as her hair spilled over his fingers. "I guess you know all the worst parts of me now," she conceded, forcing her voice to stay light, her thoughts away from the very worst that they had shared. "Hair in the drains, toothpaste splatters, drying my underwear all over your apartment."

There was a sparkle in his own eyes suddenly that wasn't there before and a smile on his lips. "I've been meaning to talk to you about that," he teased back, hinting at a sense of humor that made itself known far too rarely. "You're going to have to start pulling your weight around here, Miss Granger, or I'm going to have to raise your rent." He didn't bother to mention his own bad habits - leaving the toilet seat up in the middle of the night, forgetting to rinse the sink after shaving, using up all the hot water before she had a shower. But those were small things, things that didn't really matter - not for two people who were grateful just to be alive and see the sunrise every morning.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:37 EST
She kissed the tip of his nose, that smile refusing to fade for a long moment. "You mean the cooking and cleaning isn't enough anymore?" she asked, teasing him in return, embracing the opportunity to just be a girl and not a broken one. "I guess I'll have to up my offer and put sex on the table too, then." She winked at him, gently untangling her fingers from his hair. "I have something for you."

Speaking of cooking, he made a mental note not to let whatever it was in the oven burn, though at the moment, food was the last thing on his mind. He laughed a little at the playful kiss to his nose, feeling lighter than he had in years. It was a strange feeling after seven years of living in the dark. Was this what happiness felt like" He couldn't remember. "I'll be the judge of that!" he teased back, green eyes dancing playfully in a way they never had before, and assuming she was still talking sex, he chuckled and waggled his brows at her. "And I've got something for you, too!"

Kaylee laughed, staring at his suddenly playful expression with warm amusement. "Keep it in your pants, stallion," she teased, tapping his chest. "I mean I really have something for you." She slid her hand into her pocket and drew out a ring set with a dark stone. Holding it between them, she smiled gently. "Since last year, my cousin got the rings we all wear upgraded. They're not just beacons anymore, they can get you out of a bad situation fast. You press here to let people know where you are." She indicated a raised section on the metal of the ring that looked like innocent engraving. "And if you need to get out, you press the stone. It activates a spell that'll take you straight to the panic room under the Old Man's house on the Grove. And this one is for you."

He arched a brow as she withdrew a ring from her pocket, for a split second, wondering if she was about to propose. He reached for the ring as she explained to take a closer look, careful not to trigger either the beacon or the spell. "And what if I touch the wrong place by accident?" he asked curiously, realizing suddenly that he'd seen this ring before or one very much like it - on Rufus, on Miranda, and even on Kaylee, though he'd never made the connection.

"You can't." Kaylee shook her head to emphasize the point. "It's all based in magic, but it reacts to intent. You have to mean to press either part of it for it to work. Apparently they had half my family locked in the panic room before they realized they needed a fail-safe like that."

"Rufus has one," he mused aloud, but then Rufus and Miranda were married. "I assume your family doesn't give these to just anyone," he remarked, tracing a finger over the dark stone and the markings etched on the ring, recognizing that they were runes or sigils of some sort, but not quite familiar enough with magic to be able to sort it out.

She studied him as he examined the ring, uncertain what his reaction was. "No," she admitted. "No, we don't. But you're a part of me now, and I won't feel right until I know you have the same safety net I do. I want you to have this. Please, Taylor."

"Don't you think your family might find it a little odd if a stranger pops into the panic room unannounced?" he asked, though he had no intention of declining the offer, touched by the knowledge that she worried for him.

"You're not a stranger," she insisted, curling her hands about his. "All you gotta do if they give you grief is tell them to get me or Rufus, and you're home free." Fidgeting, she bit her lip. "I guess I should introduce you to a few of them, but ....Tay, I haven't spoken to any of them but Caroline since I came here, and even then, she gave me what I asked for without fighting me. If even she doesn't know how to take me, none of them will. I need you to be safe. You're what I'm built on now."

No, he wasn't a stranger, not to her and not to Rufus or Miranda, but to the rest of the Granger clan, including his cousin Bethany, he was something of a mystery. He didn't need any further explanation from her, understanding her need to keep him safe, as he felt the same way about her. "Don't worry. I'll wear it, so long as you wear yours," he countered as he slid the ring onto his own finger. Oddly, it was a perfect fit, and he found himself wondering if that was part of the magic. "I'm not a complete stranger, you know. Miranda knows me."

She wiggled her fingers at him, showing off her own version of the ring - something a little more delicate, designed for female fingers. His mention of Miranda made her smile flicker across her face again. "Can't see her letting her husband know a cutie like you and not introduce her," she assured him, bumping one last kiss to his lips before she turned away to check on the contents of the oven. "Almost done."

"Cutie?" he echoed with a chuckle. "I'm not so sure about that." No one had ever called him cute before, not since high school anyway. Maybe college. He glanced at the ring on his finger, a little amazed she had thought enough of him to give it to him. It would certainly come in handy if they got into trouble. He wasn't sure he wanted to think about that now, but he had to.

"What, you'd prefer to be a hottie with a body?" Kaylee asked, filling the conversation with inanities as she removed a covered dish from the oven and began to serve the contents out into two bowls. "No, wait ....razor fine. That's you." She flashed him a smile over her shoulder, putting the dish in the sink to soak. "Chicken jambalaya, Kaylee-style. Where are we eating?"

"Razor fine?" he echoed, arching a brow. "What does that even mean?" Clearly he was not used to receiving compliments from women, and even if someone did notice him or attempted to flirt, he rarely took notice or flirted back. It wasn't that he didn't want to be with someone; it was just that he'd been terrified to let someone into the darkness that was his life, until Kaylee. The smell of the food drew his attention, his stomach rumbling, reminding him he hadn't eaten in a while. "Oh! Uh....Table?" he asked, gesturing with a hand toward the small table and chairs that occupied one corner of the small kitchen.

"It means you're handsome, Taylor," she informed him, bringing the bowls and forks over to the table and dropping into a seat. "Not that I mind you not knowing that. Less competition for me." She smiled, not bothering to stand on ceremony as she shoveled a forkful into her mouth. Despite being far healthier now than when she had first arrived at his apartment, Kaylee was still only able to eat one meal a day. Her appetite might never recover from the enforced starvation diet she'd been on for seven months.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:38 EST
"You don't have to worry about competition, Kay," he assured her, going to the fridge, rather than following her to the table. "What do you want to drink?" he asked as he pulled it open. He didn't blush, but he felt slightly embarrassed by the compliment, not having heard one from anyone in a very long time. There had been a time when girls had noticed him, but it seemed like a very long time ago. Another lifetime ago.

She smirked, having bought something earlier today that was now looking right back at him from the door of the fridge. A small bottle of red wine, of excellent vintage, just begging to be opened. "Surprise me," she challenged him, looking down into her meal with a small grin.

His powers of observation being what they were, he noticed the bottle of wine right away, knowing where it must have come from. Where they celebrating something" If they weren't officially, maybe they should be. A milestone of sorts had been passed today. There was no turning back from here, nor did he want to. A smile crossed his face again, wondering if she'd planned this all along. It made sense - the food, the wine, the ring. "You planned this," he said, surprised but not displeased.

She shrugged, innocent until proven guilty. "Figured I should stop being a coward," she admitted, looking up from her bowl. "I wasn't gonna give you the ring until we ate, though. You kinda startled me with the whole be honest, be truthful deal there."

"You weren't going to put it in my jambalaya, were you? Because I'm the one here who knows what to do when someone's choking, not you!" he teased with a grin as he took the wine from the fridge and set it on the table, before going to the cupboard to fetch a couple of glasses. Once that was done, he joined her at the table and pulled off the cap to fill both glasses.

"Hey, I'm not that blonde!" she protested, but giggled as she did. Two months had done a lot for her confidence, her ability to be a shade of the Kaylee others knew. But Taylor accepted her as she was, and that made all the difference. "Besides, I couldn't have you biting down and vanishing, could I?"

"True, that might be a bit awkward, though I seem to recall you said it had something to do with intention," he pointed out as he handed her a glass. "To us?" he asked, uncertainly. If there was anything worth toasting, it was that.

She smiled, gently clinking her glass to his. "To us." Taking a sip, she sighed contentedly, setting her glass down. "And no rubbing one out in the shower later, that's my job now."

Despite his own warning or maybe in spite of it, he nearly choked on the gulp of wine he'd taken, a little shocked at her brazen flirtation. He coughed a few times to clear his throat, holding up a hand to indicate he was okay.

Kaylee giggled, ridiculously pleased with herself. It had been a long time since she'd allowed her slightly less than suitable for public consumption personality out of its cage, and that had been a great reaction to its first outing in months. "Need the kiss of life there, boo?"

He waved his hand at her to decline, though he wouldn't have minded the kiss. It took a moment for him to find his voice, which came out as something of a squeak at first. "Can I take you up on that later?" he asked, setting the glass down and picking up his fork.

"Of course," she smiled at him from over her fork. "I've got to make a down-payment on my new rent agreement, don't I?" It was a silly tease, but she had a feeling he might possibly take it the wrong way. Which was why she added, "And then I'm going to rock my boyfriend's world. How's that sound?"

To his credit, he didn't take it the wrong way, chuckling at she turned the tables on him and used his own words against him, though he'd only been teasing at the time. "Point taken," he replied as he dipped into his dinner. "Is that what I am now" Your boyfriend?" There was a teasing smirk on his face, though he thought it was a bit more serious between them than that.

Chewing, Kaylee considered this. "It's a stupid word that doesn't describe what you are to me, but lover just seems too grown up," she admitted. "Eternal child, remember" So it's boyfriend for now, until it's husband."

Thankfully, he wasn't chewing when she said that or he might have choked again. Instead, he merely lowered his fork, studying her carefully a moment as if to determine if she was teasing him again or serious. "Is that a marriage proposal, Miss Granger?" he asked, curiously. If it was, things were certainly moving quickly since they'd declared their mutual adoration for the other.

Soft brown eyes met his, serious and gentle. "Not yet," she told him honestly, taking a fresh sip of her wine. "Ask me again in a couple of months." That smile flashed in his direction again as she took another mouthful, chewing and swallowing with a little quirk to her lips. "How is Rufus" I mean, I haven't met him yet, but I figure he's family now I'm with you, so is he?"

He looked surprised again, but pleasantly so. She wanted to marry him' He had not been expecting that, and was so stunned, he was clearly speechless for a moment. And then, she was changing the subject again, and he was having trouble following, still stuck on the idea of marriage. "I, uh..." He cleared his throat, wondering if he should just get down on one knee here and now, but no, he thought. Not yet. Not until it was all over. Then he'd do it right. "He's, uh, good, I guess."

Seemingly unaware of how she'd managed to blindside him for the second time that evening, Kaylee nodded, moving onto the next topic easily enough. She'd always had something of an attention deficit, though it was more to do with her perception of how much time a subject needed to have spent on it than any actual negligence on her part. "Did he say anything about training me, or are you still not sure about that?"

At least, he took a forkful of the jambalaya, yet another look of amazement on his face, this time at the taste of his food. He'd stopped doing the cooking over a month ago when it had become clear that she was the better cook, but this was better than anything she'd ever made before. The question, however, dampened his praise a little, as it required him to turn his attention back to a less than savory subject, the one dark cloud that always seemed to be hanging over their heads. "He said it's up to you." Which was more or less, the truth, in not so many words.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:39 EST
"Wow, okay. So I have to make that decision for myself, without any help?" For a moment, the sweet, smiling girl wavered, showing a flicker of the insecure, worried, frightened girl underneath, but she pulled herself back from it. "I guess I need to think about that, then."

He had been over it with Rufus more than once and knew what needed to be done. They'd been at this for seven years, after all, with little success, as evidenced by the young woman seated across from him. "No, you don't have to decide yourself. I'm not going anywhere, but in the end, it's up to you." He took another forkful of jambalaya before lowering his fork and continuing. "The truth is, we need you," he told her, noticing the flicker of insecurity and uncertainty and fear, as fleeting as it was. "We need you to find the house. Everything depends on that. Are you sure it was a house?"

For just a moment, Kaylee went completely still. She knew what he was asking - he needed her to remember details that were cloaked in darkness and fear and pain, details she had been shying away from for two months. Details she wasn't going to approach unless the sun was high in the sky above her. She drew in a deep breath, calming herself before she tried to answer, averting her eyes from the shadows to look into his. "Yeah, it was a house," she told him, certain of that point. "I jumped out a window and hit the ground in a forest. Can-can we not do this while the sun's going down" Tomorrow, maybe?"

Taylor frowned, sensing the terror creeping back in. One way or another, she was going to have to face those fears or all of this was doomed to repeat itself in another seven years, and while there was no rush, for him it had already been seven years. He wanted it over, and the sooner the better, but he couldn't push her - wouldn't push her, until she was ready. "Yeah, of course. It can wait. I just need you to know that all you have to do is find that house, Kaylee. That's all. We can do the rest." He didn't bother to tell her who "we" consisted of.

She nodded, not bothering to argue the point on who the we was going to be made up of. With a supreme effort, she dragged her mind away from that lingering terror, taking another bite of her food. "So what do you think of the food" It should have had chorizo in it, but I couldn't find any."

Relieved that the conversation had drifted away from less pleasant topics, he was happy to let her change the subject. "I think it's amazing. Where did you learn to cook like this?" he asked, clearly impressed by the meal. "Have you been to New Orleans?"

She laughed, though the sound was perhaps just a little too brittle to be entirely genuine. "No," she shook her head. "The cook at Humph's house started teaching me when I was little. She used to let me experiment, so long as I ate what I made, and when I got better at it, she started introducing me to all these different cultures. I picked what I liked and learned how to make them the way I like them. I like cooking."

"You're good at it," he replied, though in his opinion, she was good at everything, so far as he could tell. "I've never been to New Orleans either, but I always wanted to go. The food, the music. We should go there for our honeymoon," he suggested, surprising even himself with his spontaneity.

This time, the smile was genuine, lighting up her eyes with quiet delight at the way he pitched his idea. "I like that," she told him through that smile, that strange shyness making her blush just a little again. "We could go at Mardi Gras, really get a proper feel for the city. I won't be flashing my boobs for anyone but you, though."

He laughed at her response to his impulsive suggestion. "Good to know. Should we name them' How about Martha and Myrtle" The girls." He smirked, for the first time in as long as he could remember feeling not only hopeful, but happy. "Oh!" he exclaimed as if just remembering something. "My cousin is having twins." And strangely, she was her cousin, too. It was weird how that worked.

"Dude, you are not naming my boobs," Kaylee informed him with a giggle, waving her fork in his direction to underline the point. "Or I'll name your dick, and it won't be pretty." She grinned, the moment of uncertainty past, and blinked in surprise at his news. "Aw, man, that's awesome," she agreed merrily. "They must be so psyched about it."

He only smirked further at her threat to name his appendage, making no comment or suggestion regarding that, or maybe he was smirking because he knew something else that she didn't, but was about to find out. "Yeah, the funny thing is, she's your cousin, too." No, they weren't related. Not really. But his uncle was married to her cousin, which made their daughter a cousin to them both.

"What?" It seemed as though Kaylee hadn't made the connection yet, or maybe the news just hadn't filtered down to her. Whatever the reason, she assumed that Bethany was Rufus' daughter, and Miranda had married him way after the girl was grown. "Hold on, are you about to tell me we need to get the pope's permission to sleep together or something?"

He laughed, amused at her reaction to his little revelation. "No, Bethany is a Granger. She belongs to Miranda. It's a long story. The thing is, I've never met her. Until recently, I didn't even know I had a cousin. How do you feel about a trip to New York" Miranda wants us to meet her." Granted, they'd have to be careful. They'd have to travel by day, and it might be awkward explaining why Kaylee couldn't go out at night, but at the same time, it might be good to get away, if only for a few days. If Miranda had been planning on breaking the news to Kaylee herself, Taylor had just beat her to it.

She paused, setting her fork into her empty bowl - small her appetite might be, but Kaylee never left a scrap on her plate these days. "C-can we plan it for maybe next month?" she asked him warily. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just's awkward for me. I don't know what she knows about me, what she'd be expecting. But if you go sooner, I'll go with. I don't want to be left behind."

His smile faded for just a moment, trying to hide his disappointment. Maybe it was too soon to ask this of her, to expect it of her. "No, of course not. It can wait," he replied, not wanting to push the matter further. It had waited this long, so what was another month' "Maybe they can come here," he suggested, though it seemed traveling wasn't the issue so much as the prospect of her seeing family again.

Her hand crept across the table to curl into his, needing him to understand something. "Taylor, I'm not trying to be difficult, or keep you from seeing family," she tried to explain. "It's just ....I'm a very different person now to the one they all knew. I'm scared of disappointing them, or of them not knowing how to be themselves around me. I already saw it with my brother, and I've only seen him and Gigi since I came to live with you. They both want to fix it, make it better, make me the way I used to be, and I can't do that. So maybe I need to see Miranda, and maybe she can tell me what she's told Bethany about me, and if it isn't much, we could go sooner. I'm a coward these days, Taylor. Just being in the same room with me can hurt someone."

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:40 EST
"They just want to help you because they love you and care about you, Kaylee," Taylor tried to explain, but didn't press the matter. In a way, he envied her, all those family members who loved her and wanted to do what they could to make things better. The only person he'd had after his own ordeal was Rufus, but somehow, it had been enough. Maybe it didn't matter how big your family was so much as how closely-knit you were. "No pressure. We can go whenever you like or not."

"We will go," she promised him. "Just not tomorrow." With his hand in hers, she raised it to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to his palm. Her eyes flickered down to her empty bowl. "I didn't get any dessert. Oversight."

"I know." He smiled softly back at her, hoping he didn't sound or look too disappointed. It would happen sometime soon, when the time was right, hopefully before the twins were born. "We don't need dessert," he replied, watching as she pressed her lips to his hand. "It's perfect."

"Well, perfect would have been you getting home about twenty minutes later," she informed him with an impish quirk to her expression, though she didn't elaborate. He would have to ask directly if he wanted to know what else she'd had planned to surprise him with. She moved to her feet, taking up their empty bowls to transfer them to the sink.

"Twenty minutes later?" he echoed, curiously. "Why?" He moved to his feet to help clear the table and help with the dishes. After all, she'd done the cooking. The least he could do was clean up.

"You didn't give me time to get changed," she chuckled softly, draining the sink to refill it with hot water so she could actually wash the dishes rather than leave them to soak in the cold overnight. "I had it all planned out. I was going to seduce you, you know. Probably not very well, but it was gonna happen."

"Oh," he replied, obviously surprised by this as well, wondering how he could be so dim that he hadn't sorted that out for himself by now. "Well, there's nothing stopping you really. I mean, I can do the dishes while you get changed and pretend to be surprised, if you like," he suggested. What man would pass up the opportunity to be seduced by a beautiful woman, especially if he was in love with that woman' He'd been fantasizing about it for weeks, but holding back out of fear that she didn't share his feelings.

A childlike flicker of delighted mischief crossed her face - it seemed that, even now, Kaylee couldn't resist a little dress up. She stepped back from the sink with a bounce in her step, drying her hands as she smiled at Taylor. "Okay. No peeking." Her fingertip bopped the end of his nose warningly.

"How can I peek when I'm doing the dishes?" he asked with a chuckle, crossing his eyes to follow the movement of her finger as it tapped his nose. He couldn't help but laugh a little, though this was a very serious situation. He was about to be seduced by the woman he loved, presumably resulting in having sex. For the first time in over seven years. If that wasn't enough to make him both excited and nervous, nothing was. He felt his body reacting to the possibility, a feeling which was both as uncomfortable as it was pleasant.

"Good point." She blew him a last kiss, and for the first time since she'd come to the apartment, turned and walked the dark hall to the bedroom without flinching. Admittedly, she closed her eyes and reached around the door-frame for the light-switch in the bedroom itself, but this was still progress. It seemed that a little playful excitement was enough to help her forget her fear for just a few moments. And that was all Taylor's doing. She disappeared inside, and he could hear her giggling to herself as she closed the door.

He smiled to himself for a moment at the sound of her giggling, wondering a little at the change in her - at the change in them both. Was this what it felt like to fall in love, he wondered. But then, his thoughts turned to the inevitability of getting undressed and baring himself to her, and the smile faded. His scars were not so prominent as hers anymore, but they were still there to see, marring his flesh. And yet, if anyone would understand where those scars had come from, it was Kaylee. Would she find him repulsive or would she be able to ignore them' No one else had seen those scars. No one but himself and Rufus. Though faded, they were constant reminders of seven months in hell.

Battle scars, the tangible mark left behind by the creatures who had tried their best to break them. But they hadn't succeeded, not with Taylor and not with Kaylee. Instead, they had created a new entity they would regret - the fusing of two survivors, choosing strength over weakness to destroy the things that had tried to destroy them. Though she found the sight of her scarred skin revolting right now, Kaylee told her herself that one day she would look into the mirror and be proud of those marks. It helped. But at the same time, she was glad to cover them.

It didn't take long before the dishes were done, but the closer he got to finishing them, the more nervous he became. It was an excited kind of nervous, but also a little fearful. Fear of the unknown, perhaps. Worrying if she'd find him desirable, if he'd do all the right things. One day at a time, Rufus had advised, though it seemed that in just a few hours' time, they had skipped past all the pleasantries and were getting right down to the one act that could make or break their relationship.

About ten minutes after Kaylee had slipped out of sight, the bedroom door opened once again. The girl who stepped out was sweet and nervous, and almost unrecognizable. Taylor was used to seeing Kaylee covered from neck to ankles, from wrist to wrist, and her clothes these days didn't exactly cling. But tonight ....shades of purple and pink hugged her slender form snugly, shimmering sheer silk wrapped her legs, her arms lay bare, long hair brushing her pale shoulders. This, in its way, was as brave as stepping out naked, presenting a very grown up woman before him with every intention of seeing this through. "Surprise."

He was just drying his hands and hanging the towel up to dry when she rejoined him, and he turned to find a very grown-up, very desirable woman in place of the girl. The face was the same, but everything else about her seemed different, or maybe it was just that she had never presented herself to him like this before. The dress was definitely made for seduction, and her curves filled it out perfectly in every way possible. His jaw couldn't help but drop open a little at the sight of her sheathed in shimmering shades of purple and pink, as pretty as a sunrise. So taken with her, for a moment, he almost forgot to breathe. Though for a moment he almost didn't recognize her, inside that dress was the same girl he had fallen in love with. "Wow," he mumbled to himself, at a sudden loss for words.

Biting her lip, Kaylee twirled for him, shy and eager all at once, hoping he wasn't too put off. "The woman at the shop said that black was more grown up, but I kinda like pink," she admitted with a shrug, dropping her arms to her sides. She studied his expression for a moment, her heart beating double-time to rival the butterflies in her stomach. "But, uh ....yeah. This was the plan. Dress, food, wine, ring, and whatever happens after. Did I break you?"

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:41 EST
He blinked out of his trance when she spoke, his own heart thudding in his chest and remembered to take a breath. "Black, no..." he muttered. "Black is too..." Too what? Too dark, too depressing. Black is for funerals and formal dinner dates. No, the colors of a summer sunrise fit her perfectly. "No, I..." He chuckled a little to himself. "I feel a little under-dressed."

"You always look perfect to me." This was offered in a shy voice, her smile evident more in her eyes than on her lips as she dared a step closer. "So I guess if I'd changed before you got home, you probably wouldn't have been able to eat, huh?"

"Maybe," he replied, uncertainly. "You're certainly a distraction." He frowned over at her a little, wondering what he was supposed to do next. He hadn't been with a girl in over seven years, and he'd never been very good at this sort of thing to begin with. It seemed a shame to peel her out of the thing when she'd gone to so much trouble to dress up for him. "I have an idea," he said, unsure what exactly she expected from him.

"Well, that's good, 'cos I'm all out," she admitted, laughing a little at herself. She looked down, trying to ignore the unexpected cleavage as she smoothed her hands nervously over her hips. "I didn't really think much past the jaw dropping bit."

"I hope you don't hate my taste in music," he said as he reached for her hand and drew her toward the small room that served as a living room. He had never shared any of his music collection with her before, but whether she had perused it on her own while he was at work, he couldn't say. He knew music was an important part of her life, and though he was no musician, he'd never met anyone who didn't appreciate good music.

Hand in hand, she moved along with him as he drew her into the little living room, quick to flick on the light as she passed through the door. The wall of windows was a little dark, but with the promise of moonrise in an hour or so, she could handle that. "Why would I hate it' Looked pretty good me."

"Not exactly the kind of music you might expect from the nephew of a bad*ss Watcher," he remarked. His music collection was fairly eclectic, but for this moment, what was required was something soft and soothing and almost ridiculously romantic. Though Taylor wasn't aware of it, it was the most-played song as weddings, and for a very good reason. He let go of her hand, noticing the darkness creeping up outside. "Do you want me to close the curtains?"

"Oh, c'mon, I'm sure Rufus doesn't fart that bad," Kaylee heard herself say, another flash of that silly sense of humor that had been her mainstay just a year ago. "Miranda wouldn't let him in the house if his *ss was like that." She giggled at her own joke, shaking her head in answer to his question. "No, I can handle it. It's a full moon tonight."

He chuckled at her joke, a little surprised by it, but pleasantly so. "I wasn't talking about that kind of music, and you've never been around Rufus after he's had a full English breakfast!" Including beans. Why the English insisted on eating beans with eggs was anyone's guess. It was a bad combination, for obvious reasons. He steered away from the windows and moved over toward his music collection, choosing a particular CD from the pile and popping it into the player before selecting a song. "Keep in mind I haven't danced with a woman in over seven years, so I might be a little rusty." And by dancing, he meant the kind a couple did on their feet, though the same statement could be applied to the more private sort of dance two people shared in bed.

Lingering in the middle of the room, Kaylee could feel her nerves making themselves known again, unsure quite where they were going or how they were going to get there. She'd had a plan, and that had gone straight out of the window the second she'd thought he was going to tell her that she couldn't stay here any longer. So now she was going with the flow, wherever that took her. "I've never properly danced with a guy," she assured him. "I don't think bumping and grinding counts, does it?"

"No, not that kind of dance," he assured her, though it certainly might lead that way. He wondered suddenly if anyone had ever made the effort to romance her properly. If not, it seemed a shame, but then, no matter how many guys she'd been with, maybe this would give him an advantage. He set the track to playing and turned to face her, extending his arms in invitation. "I promise I won't step on your toes."

Mellow piano and guitar swelled from the speakers, making Kaylee smile as she recognized the song. His invitation didn't go unanswered for long. She stepped toward him, smoothing her arms around his shoulders, her fingers into his hair. "I trust you," she promised him in a tender whisper. "I love you, remember?"

"I'm not really sure why," he replied with a small frown on his face as he took her in his arms, one hand at her back and the other holding her hand. It was his mother who'd taught him how to dance, once upon a time in happier days. It had helped win him dates to dances and proms, but none of those dates had ever gone very far. A slightly raspy, unmistakable voice with a Scottish accent came from the speakers asking the age-old question: Have I told you lately that I love you?

"I could draw you up a list of all the reasons," Kaylee offered softly, looking down at her feet as he began to guide her. This was proper dancing, the kind she'd never even considered attempting before. "Maybe I shouldn't be wearing heels. I don't want to leave any holes in your feet."

"So, take them off," he replied, secretly thinking she'd be far more sexy with bare feet than wearing heels anyway. While wearing high heels looked sexy, they weren't very practical, and he had never understood why women insisted on wearing them and men found them so attractive. Sometimes, simpler was better. As if to make a point, he paused a moment to kick off his own shoes, leaving him in socks.

Surprised, Kaylee did as he told her without a second thought, losing three inches in height but not seeming to mind. She was used to being the little one in the room. In stockinged feet, she slipped back into his arms, toes brushing his as her head tipped back to let her look up at him. "Better?" she asked him, playful mischief showing in her smile. "I'm willing to bet you can see lingerie from up there now."

"I'll try not to notice," he replied as he took her back into his arms and led her slowly through the steps, keeping the dance as simple as possible. It wasn't so much about the actual dance moves as it was about being close. Mr. Stewart continued to sing in the background as they swayed slowly and closely together to the music: Have I told you lately that I love you; Have I told you there's no one else above you; Fill my heart with gladness; take away all my sadness; ease my troubles that's what you do. When his toes touched hers, he realized she wasn't barefoot at all, but was wearing stockings, a little surprised by that. Now that was sexy.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:43 EST
As they moved together, Kaylee slowly forgot the room around them, the lingering shadows, the growing darkness outside the uncovered windows. She forgot to worry that she didn't really know what she was doing, or that maybe he wasn't enjoying himself. She was too caught up in the husky voice, the gentle melody, and the man holding her close, unable to tear her eyes from his. Whether he knew it or not, Taylor had her in the palm of his hand, and she was happy to stay there, just so long as he wanted her to. Her fingers curled in and out of his hair as she breathed him in, the familiar scent that lulled her to sleep each night and kept the nightmares at bay. "You're pretty good at this romance thing, aren't you?"

He smiled, pleased by her question, but also a little amused. "Not really, but I was pretty popular at school dances. You're not so bad yourself, you know. This whole dinner thing was your idea," he told her, smiling warmly down at her, tempted to kiss her, but waiting for what he deemed might be the right time, taking his cues from her. He leaned in, holding her close - close enough to catch her scent, soft and feminine and familiar. There was no one else in the entire multiverse who smelled quite like Kaylee, and he found himself sighing contentedly.

"I never went to any of my school dances," she confided with a faint smile, closing her eyes as her temple found a place to rest against his jaw, enjoying the fact that he seemed so comfortable with her like this. "Dropped out when I was sixteen and got a job instead. I'm not the brightest bulb in the store."

He arched a brow at her confession, realizing how very little they actually knew about each other. But then, wasn't getting to know each other half the fun" "You don't give yourself enough credit, Kay. You don't have to have a diploma to prove how intelligent you are."

"I've had my moments," she giggled softly, inching just that little bit closer to lay her head on his shoulder as they danced. "I thought for the longest time that the moons only came out when my dad told them to. He had me convinced, even when my brother showed me textbooks that proved otherwise." It was easy to laugh at herself about it now. "Figures I'd spend the first couple of years out of school looking after sheep. At least I was marginally better educated than they were."

"Looking after sheep?" he asked, curiously. "Did you enjoy it?" That was the only thing that mattered really. Someone had to do it, after all, though he wasn't quite sure why she'd choose that particular profession. "I thought you were a musician."

She shrugged. "I always liked music, but my dad didn't want me studying it," she sighed, lifting her head to meet his gaze as they talked. "Grangers should work in the Granger family business, my dad always says. So he got me a job at one of the wool farms the company owns outside the city, and I did my work there. I used to write songs while I was out with the sheep and test them on the other workers. It was strange, kinda peaceful. Not something I appreciated then."

"Granger or not, you should be able to do what you want with your life. It seems to me that there are enough of you to carry on the business without you all being involved," he pointed out, though it was just an observation and he didn't want to criticize her father or her family too harshly. "Are you parents still..." He broke off, not wanting to use the word alive. "Around?" he substituted in its place.

"Yeah, sort of," she answered his question, taking the observation with good grace but choosing not to go there. "My dad's heavily into work, always has been, and he takes a lot of business trips, if you get my meaning. Not that it bothers my mom - Jay did her marital duty, and since then has spent about three days a year in Rhy'Din."

"Her marital duty?" Taylor asked, only just realizing that the song had ended, but the CD had not, moving on to the next track, which by pure chance happened to be "Tonight's the Night", a song that was just as romantic and appropriate for slow dancing as the previous song. If he wasn't careful, they were going to end up with "Do You Think I'm Sexy". "Where's she live now?" he asked further.

"Yeah, she had two kids," Kaylee shrugged. "We both hit three without dying, so she'd fulfilled her contractual obligations. She never agreed to raise us." Once upon a time, that had hurt. But knowing Jay the way she did now, and the circumstances, Kaylee could see her mother's point of view. "Uh ....I think she's visiting boyfriend number four, so that puts her in Sweden for the next month or so."

"Oh, sorry," he said, frowning, wishing he hadn't asked. Maybe it was better just to sway back and forth and listen to the music. It was safer anyway, though they wouldn't get to know each other that way. Meanwhile, the raspy Scotsman was promising that tonight was the night, and everything's gonna be alright.

"Hey." She slipped her hand from his, reaching up to cup his face between her palms as she smiled up at him. "It's fine. It doesn't bother me anymore. I had people looking out for me while I was growing up, I didn't need my parents. And now I've got you. So don't you get partway guilty on me, dude. That won't work at all."

"Not guilty," he replied, though there was a little of that. "I just feel bad. I just assumed with that big family of yours..." He trailed off again, knowing it was never good to assume. At least, she'd turned out okay, or as well as could be expected, the last seven months notwithstanding. The song dragged on, the singer seemingly knowing what Taylor was feeling in his heart, but unable to say. Tonight's the night; It's gonna be alright; Cause I love you, girl; Ain't nobody gonna stop us now...

"I had family," she promised him. "Not my parents, but I had them. My great-grandfather, and my cousin, Caroline, they looked out for me." She smiled, touched that he felt bad for something she had come to terms with years ago. She rose up on her toes, kissing him softly, knowing he hadn't volunteered much about his own family and prepared to wait until he did. It was a touchy subject. "What's a Watcher?"

"And your brother," Taylor pointed out, wondering why she hadn't mentioned him in that mix. He had yet to meet any of her family, other than Miranda, who he supposed was his aunt now, by marriage. He had not even met his own flesh and blood in the form of her daughter yet. "A Watcher?" he echoed, frowning again. That was not an easy explanation for him to make, especially since he wasn't too sure himself. "It's hard to explain, but I think his primary job is to train vampire slayers and do all the background work. Sort of like a supernatural detective and martial arts instructor all rolled up in one." He knew it was far more complicated than that, but that was the best he could do.

Kaylee Bennett

Date: 2014-06-02 14:45 EST
She nodded, smiling fondly at the mention of that ever-present thought in her mind. "And my brother," she agreed. As much as she and Correy had had their differences, her life would be emptier without him. Taylor's explanation about his uncle's work, however, intrigued her. "That sounds so cool," she said, genuinely impressed. "I guess the hero thing runs in the family, huh?"

"Dangerous is what it is," Taylor corrected. He wasn't so sure cool was quite the right word to describe what his uncle did for a living. "It's why he and Miranda were apart for so long. He didn't want to put her or Bethany's lives in danger," he explained further, though he thought she might know that already. "I'm not a hero, Kay," he disagreed.

"You are to me," she told him, just as serious as he was. Brown eyes held his, warm and loving, but absolutely sincere, too. "You saved me, in ways I can't even put words to. Every day you help people - you're a hero to them, too. You can't focus on the negative stuff, Taylor, no matter how present it is. Focus on the good."

The music reached its end, and Taylor stopped dancing, though he was reluctant to let go, holding her close despite the fact that they were no longer swaying together. He hadn't been able to save those 42 people who'd died seven years ago or the 42 people who'd died seven years later, but he had done what he could to save her and in saving her, he thought he'd saved himself. "I am focusing on the good. The best thing in my life is standing right in front of me."

Very slowly, her expression broke into a sweet, tender smile, the kind of smile only a very special person gets from the person who loves them. Drawing him closer, she kissed him, a soft touch of lip to lip that sent sparks flying. "I love you," she whispered to him, kissing him again as though underlining that point. "You're my light in the darkness." Another kiss, softer, but somehow deeper, her body betraying itself with a slow tremble as her fingers curled tighter into his hair. "Always."

Whatever he might have felt for any other woman paled in comparison to what he felt for her. If he was her light in the darkness, then she was the sun and the moon and stars. His arms went around her to hold her close as his lips touched hers, once, twice, three times, each time that much deeper, more confident. "I love you, Kaylee," he said, his voice quiet and full of feeling.

She smiled, nuzzling close as her fingers skimmed through his hair. "No one's ever told me that." No one but family, but they didn't really count. Not here and now, anyway.

"No one's ever told me that either," he echoed her statement. Oh, he'd had a few girlfriends through the years. A guy with his looks was bound to draw a little attention, but he'd never managed to let anyone get too close until now.

"Well, get used to hearing it," she told him, easing her arms about his waist as she leaned into him, nose to nose, and soft to the touch. "Because it's going to happen at least once a day for the rest of your natural."

"My natural what?" he added with a smirk, knowing what she meant but unable to resist teasing her about it. He brushed his nose against hers before claiming her lips again, letting her know without words how he felt about her. Whether they ended up actually consummating their relationship tonight or not didn't matter. They had the rest of their lives together, and like the song said, no one was going to stop them.

((It's always darkest before the dawn. I think the sun's coming up for these two. Huge thanks to Taylor's player!))