Topic: Homecoming

Desmond Granger

Date: 2012-12-16 15:49 EST
The car that drove up to the main house didn't linger long, dropping off its passenger and pulling away, to leave him standing alone on the walkway, feeling a little out of place. The trip through the portal had gone as well as it could, but had been followed by a day's worth of sickness those who weren't accustomed to such means of travel sometimes encountered. Miranda had sent him straight to bed to sleep it off, and when he'd awoken the next morning, he'd felt almost like his old self again. He'd showered, dressed, and had breakfast before Miranda had ushered him into a car, briefing him on what to expect upon his arrival at the big house. She had declined accompanying him inside, telling him this was something he had to do for and by himself. And there he was, standing alone, suitcase in hand, looking up at the main house on the grounds of Maple Grove - a place that reminded me of the Kennedy Compound - the facade all decked out in Christmas cheer, though he wasn't feeling all that cheerful.

As had become the custom over the years, the main door of the house stood open, spilling warm light out into the chilly morning. That wasn't the only thing that spilled out, either - a hearty male laugh echoed from somewhere further inside, overlapping a younger feminine chuckle, and the loud, unguided exclamation of a baby not yet old enough to know what was loud and what wasn't. A member of staff passing through the main hall paused, looking out through the door, and smiled in a friendly manner to the well-dressed man lingering outside. "Can I help you, sir?"

"I, uh..." Des faltered, surprising even himself. The self-assured prosecuting attorney at a sudden loss for words. "I'm Desmond Granger. I'm here to see the Old Man. I assume he's expecting me." He hoped Miranda had given the Old Man a heads up; he didn't want to be responsible for giving anyone a heart attack, especially this close to the holidays. He started up the path toward the stairs and the front door, suitcase in hand. Overhearing the sound of laughter coming from inside the house, he paused, a thoughtful frown on his face. "Is it a bad time?"

The woman's face lit up with a happy smile. "Oh, Mr Desmond, of course!" she declared - evidently he was expected, and had been for some time. "Oh, please come in, sir. Not a bad time at all - Mr Humphrey's in a good mood today. Miss Caroline brought her little boy 'round to see him, and that always perks him right up." She ushered him inside warmly. "Bit of advice, sir," she offered in a lower tone, reaching out to take his suitcase from him. "If he pushes, push back. He likes it when people don't let him get away with being a grumpy old sod, if you'll excuse my familiarity, sir." She grinned cheerfully, and gestured along the hall to where a door stood open. "Right this way, Mr Desmond, I'll announce you."

He followed her inside the house, his head turning to casually observe his surroundings. It seemed like a nice enough place to live, warm and inviting with all the comforts of home - a mansion almost fit for a king, or a very well-to-do businessman, which was closer to the truth. "Thank you," he replied, allowing her to take his suitcase, somewhat accustomed to being waited on here and there by those who were generously reimbursed to do so. Once his hands were free, he shoved them into his pants pockets and glanced up at the paintings and decorations that adorned his surroundings.

The woman left his suitcase at the bottom of the stairs for a moment, moving to knock politely on the open door through which the sound of laughing conversation and something hard being rapped off something wooden could be heard. "Mr Granger, sir?" Her voice faded off as she stepped inside, but she was back within a minute, offering Desmond another of her warm smiles. "Just you slip right in, sir. I'll get Hannah to set another place for lunch."

"Thank you," he replied again, assuming Hannah was another servant. He withdrew his hands from his pockets and smoothed a hand across the tie at his shirt front, before shoving a hand through his hair in a slightly nervous gesture. First impressions were everything, and he hoped he'd make a good one, not that it mattered. This was all just to get Miranda off his back, after all. In another week or so, he'd be back in Manhattan and all this would be so much dust swept under the carpet. Deeming himself as ready as he was ever going to be, he stepped into the doorway, rapping his knuckles against the door and clearing his throat to announce his arrival.

"Come in!" The voice that called to him was the male, still hale despite his advancing years. If first impressions were everything, then Desmond was about to get a first impression that masked the real power in the family. As he came inside, he was presented with the sight of Humphrey Granger, the head of the family, chuckling and bouncing a baby boy on his knee, wrestling with the child to get his pipe back. Sat on the floor nearby was Caroline, the current CEO of the business, laughing at the playful wrestling and battling with the world's biggest diaper bag. They did not, however, look like the two most influential members of the family.

He looked between the pair, noting with carefully observant blue eyes that seemed almost exactly like his late father's the child on the man's lap and the woman on the floor nearby and putting two and two together. Though she had dropped a few names, Miranda had not really prepared him for this. "I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?" he asked, for the second time since arriving, this time to the people who really mattered. The man he figured he could handle, and women had never really been a problem, but the baby gave him a little discomfort. He hoped he wasn't going to be asked to change any diapers while there.

"Of course you are, my boy, that's what family does," Humphrey declared cheerfully, not even glancing up. He could always been relied upon to forget everything but the very basic of his best manners when presented with a child, which was probably why Caroline had chosen this morning to bring Jack for a visit.

Caroline herself looked up from where she was finishing with the bag, offering Desmond a warmer, gentler smile. "Come in, Desmond," she told him. "I promise I don't bite, and those two don't have any teeth to do any damage."

There was a mildly disgruntled "hmph!" from the Old Man, followed by a loud, wet burp from the baby in his arms, which made him laugh. Shaking her head, Caroline rose onto her feet, offering her cousin her hand. "I'm Caroline," she introduced herself. "Exhibit A is Jack, my son, dribbling all over Exhibit B, who'll answer to Humphrey, Humph, or Grampa."

It struck Desmond that humph was the sound that Humph had made, but he kept his inner commentary to himself for now. He stepped into the room, reaching across a polite distance to wrap his fingers around Caroline's hand. If the Rolex that peeked out from beneath his shirt sleeve was any indication, he wasn't hurting for money. "Pleasure. I'd like to say I've heard a lot about you, but I'm afraid Miranda dropped me off on the doorstep without much preparation."

Desmond Granger

Date: 2012-12-16 15:50 EST
She chuckled cheerfully, presenting a warm, very informal introduction for him. It wasn't really a conscious attempt to make him feel at ease; Caroline hadn't been warned about Desmond's arrival until she'd got there this morning. "Yes, she does have a habit of doing that," she agreed with a grin. "Sit yourself down, Desmond - or do you prefer Des" I'm Caro to most people outside work. Or blup, if you're talking to Jack."

As if on cue, the two month old Jack lifted his head and said, quite distinctly, "Blup!" Humphrey roared with laughter, bouncing the little boy on his knee more enthusiastically as the baby giggled. "Atta boy, young Jack, you tell her!"

They'd all been children once, Desmond thought, but to the best of his knowledge, they'd never known him as a boy, and he'd never been bounced upon anyone's knee but his mother's. "My friends call me Des," he replied, allowing her to choose for herself. They were supposed to be family, but he felt like a stranger in their home. He moved to deposit himself in the closest chair, trying to avoid staring at the burping baby on the Old Man's knee, adjusting his jacket as he eased himself into the chair. "I know this is awkward. It was Miranda's idea. You don't have to worry. I won't be staying past Christmas."

Unless Miranda insisted on New Year's and refused to take him home the same way he'd come. He wasn't sure how much they already knew about him or how much Miranda had told them, and he wasn't about to volunteer any information until he did.

"Decided you don't like us already, hmm?" Humphrey, for all that he was enthralled with his great-grandson, still had very sharp ears. His brown eyes lifted to pin Des with a look that suggested he'd better not be deciding not to like them before he'd met them all, or the Old Man might choose to teach him otherwise. "If we're that bad a prospect, I'm surprised you came at all. Too good for us, I suppose?"

Caroline rolled her eyes, taking Humphrey's declaration with a pinch of salt, as she always did, turning her attention back to Des with a smile. "You might find you want to stay," she said, turning it around a little more diplomatically. "You're very welcome to stay, however long you choose to. I know it must be intimidating coming to Rhy'Din and meeting so many of us all in one place."

"I'm used to intimidation, Caroline," he replied, meeting her gaze unflinchingly. He had a feeling it wasn't her he needed to impress, but the Old Man holding the baby. He remembered what the servant who'd greeted him had said, along with Miranda's warning. Well, if the Old Man wanted to verbally spar, he wouldn't find a better suited partner for it than Desmond. "On the contrary, I was thinking I'm probably not good enough, being who I am." He thought he might as well just lay his cards on the table, forthright and upfront. "I didn't come here to upset anyone, and I'm not here because of the money. To be honest, you're all the family I have left, and if it wasn't for Miranda's incessant - and I might add annoying - badgering, I might not be here at all, but she just doesn't take no for an answer."

"Of course she doesn't, she's a Granger," Humphrey chuckled. His hands wrapped securely around Jack's little body, and he lifted the boy up, holding him out to Caroline, who rose with a wry smile and took her son back, tactfully moving to the window to gently ease the boy out of his over-excited squealing and into sleep. The Old Man fixed Des with an astute gaze. "So you didn't want to come but you have, you're stubborn enough to say no but you didn't, and aside from being far too smartly turned out for a weekend, you can stand up for yourself politely. Blast David and his philandering! You and your mother should have been here, with us, and your brother and sister!"

From the look on Desmond's face, he wasn't expecting quite that reaction from the Old Man. If anything, he was expecting him to send him on his merry old way before he had much of a chance to say hello. The elderly man had surprised him, and in a good way, impressed by his honesty and forthrightness. He'd never been too attached to his father, hating the man for abandoning and ignoring his mother, more so than himself, though without his sperm, he might not have existed. "Well, at least I have him to thank for spawning me," Desmond replied, with the slightest smile, hoping the older man would agree.

"Thank your grandfather for spawning him, and skip David," Humphrey growled, thumping a hand against the arm of his chair. He glanced up at Caroline for a moment, smirking when she pointedly turned even further away. I'm not listening, honest. The Old Man's eyes turned back to Desmond. "I was sorry to hear about your mother," he said, startlingly gentle. "Fine woman, so I hear. I should have liked to have met her."

Desmond relaxed just a little as the conversation shifted to that of his mother, and he got the feeling that he was being tested somehow. A small frown flickered briefly across his face, a hint of the grief he was still feeling at her death. "Yes, she was. I think she would have liked to have met you, as well, but my father..." He shrugged, letting that subject speak for itself. "I've been reminded repeatedly that she's at peace now, but I guess that's a matter of faith."

"All you can say with certainty is that she's gone," Humphrey agreed, nodding sagely. He certainly wasn't a man given to unwarranted sentiment. "And I understand from that wonderful busybody extraordinaire Miranda that you are something of a big smell in legal areas and suchlike" I don't know the lingo, I'm just an old salesman."

There was a splutter from the window; Caroline appeared to have choked on thin air at that last comment.

Desmond glanced from one to the other, starting to get a sense of the dynamics between the pair before him. He looked back to Humphrey knowing that if he passed the audition with him, he was a shoe-in, though he really wasn't sure if it mattered. "I'm sure you're just being modest. From what I understand, GrangerGuild Conglomerate has thrived and grown under your leadership." Miranda had apparently told him enough to get by, without going into a lot of unnecessary details. "I'm a lawyer," Desmond admitted. "A prosecutor," he explained further, before either of them got the wrong idea. He had gone into law for all the right reasons. He'd wanted to make a difference in the world, not leech off other people's misery or defend greedy corporations.

Humphrey's brows rose, impressed with the quiet dignity with which this had been passed on. He dismissed the compliment to himself easily enough with a wave of his hand. "A prosecutor, is it?" And there was the twinkly eyed suggestion of a smile that told Caroline, at least, that Des was now one of the family, whether he truly wanted to be or not. "Could have done with him a few months back, couldn't we?"

She turned away from the window, swaying as she lulled Jack to sleep on her shoulder, smiling a little ruefully. "We probably still could," she admitted. "Junior's case hasn't come up in court yet. They're still working on getting all the evidence together." Her eyes turned to Des, wondering if he'd been made aware of their little embezzling and fraud problem.

Desmond Granger

Date: 2012-12-16 15:51 EST
From the look on his face, he had not, though he suspected Miranda had known all of this before she'd brought him here, and probably had kept it from him on purpose. He was going to have a few words for her when he ran into her again, though somehow he knew she'd just laugh off his anger as so many idle and empty threats. He suddenly felt as though he'd been set up, but he wasn't quite sure yet, if he had been or not. "I'm sorry....Junior?" he asked, his curiosity inevitably getting the better of him, especially when it came to shop talk.

"Oliver Hudson Granger, Junior," Caroline supplied, when the silence from Humphrey suggested that he was stoking an internal combustion engine. "He was originally Head of Finance at the Guild, but he had a less than legal approach to the concept of what?s mine is yours." She knelt, gently settling her sleeping son in his carrier and covering him up as she spoke. "I fired him when I took over, and when even that didn't stop him from assaulting his own daughter, I had him arrested. It's taken more than a year to get the case together, and they're still finding new evidence."

Desmond's gaze shifted when Caroline chimed in, and he watched as she set the baby to sleep in the carrier while she explained, giving him the very abridged version. "Sounds like the kind of scum I enjoy sending to prison. Sorry he's a relative." He quieted a moment, deciding he was definitely going to give Miranda a piece of his mind for knowingly dangling this little carrot in front of his nose, but it wasn't enough to make him want to take up permanent residence in Rhy'Din, family or not. "It shouldn't be that hard to prove. I assume you keep financial records." He looked back at Humphrey, noticing that the man was doing a slow burn and hoping he didn't hurt himself in the process.

"Oh, yes, my son, Hubert, is in charge of that sort of thing now," Humphrey rejoined the conversation, a great deal happier with having Hubert in charge even if it hadn't been his idea. "Poor Junior's had a bad couple of years. Got passed over for the head job, and then this young whipper-snapper pulls his job, his house, his stolen money, and now his freedom out from under him!" He chuckled, sounding almost evil for a moment, nodding to Caroline. "Shame his children are mostly AWOL, though. Bad luck runs in that branch of the family. Losing Lola, then Ollie, and Paige losing her memory, and now this business with Piper ..."

Caroline frowned. "Grampa, that's not exactly the sort of thing that's going to interest Des, is it?" she pointed out calmly, moving to take a seat herself. She looked back at her cousin. "It's not so much having trouble proving anything as the number of ex-mistresses who keep climbing out of the woodwork to point the finger at him. And they all have proof of their own, too."

He listened carefully, used to hearing sordid stories from victims, witnesses, potential witnesses, and the list went on, but never having been involved in a case that involved family. "Everyone wants their little piece of the pie or their five minutes of fame," Des remarked, wondering if taking such a case upon himself would be considered a conflict of interest, considering he was family. He shoved the thought aside, as tempting as it was, each case tempting in its own way. None of the names that were mentioned meant anything to him, and he wasn't sure if they ever would.

"Not everyone," Caroline said softly. "We're not all money-grubbing bastards." She flashed him a faint smile, but there was a hint that his harmless remark could have been taken in the wrong way. But then, she had been CEO for over a year now; she was good at offering hints without seeming to change her expression at all. "You will come to the Christmas Eve party, won't you?" she asked suddenly, forestalling whatever it was Humphrey had been about to say. "It would be the perfect opportunity to meet a good number of us, and you'd be able to hide in a corner and just watch, if that's all you wanted to do."

He was referring to the ex-mistresses more than anyone else, but he let Caroline's remark go, for now anyway. "If I don't, Miranda will probably hunt me down and drag my *ss there anyway, so I guess that's a yes." He said nothing about meeting the rest of the family, privately dreading meeting his siblings. Despite what Miranda had said, it wasn't Humphrey he needed to make a good impression on so much as it was Jonathan and Helena. That meeting would more than likely determine whether or not he ever visited Rhy'Din again.

Caroline hid a smile masterfully, glancing to Humphrey as they shared a somewhat knowing look. They both knew that it was likely to come as a shock for Jon and Lena to find out they had an older brother, but also that family was very important to that little section of the Grangers. It might not be as bad as Des seemed to be expecting.

"Well, whatever else you do, you're staying to lunch," Humphrey declared, the decision already made. "If Jon and Vicki surface, you'll at least be able to get that little hurdle over and done with sooner rather than later. It's a big if, though." And if Caroline didn't know better, she might think that her grandfather had arranged this little meeting entirely for the purpose of introducing Des to his little brother in the company of the redhead who'd set Jon right over the last year.

Desmond's face briefly betrayed just a hint of worry. Though not an actor, like his younger half-brother, being a lawyer wasn't all that much different. He had to perform in front of a judge and jury and speak eloquently enough to convince them of someone's guilt. He had long since mastered the art of the poker face and rarely, if ever, let anyone see the tumult of emotions that was hidden behind those stoic features. Miranda was the one person who seemed to have him figured out; to everyone else, he was something of a mystery. "I hate to admit I'm not really looking forward to that meeting." He allowed that small bit of anxiety to slip out, hoping Humphrey and Caroline might offer a few tips on how to approach his estranged siblings.

"Nonsense," Humphrey snorted, shaking his head. "What can they do to you, man' A few sharp words aren't going to kill you."

Closer to Des, Caroline rolled her eyes once again, drawing in a weary sigh before raising her gaze to her newfound cousin. "Just be yourself," she suggested, a little more helpfully. "Don't try to impress them. We're family, all of us, and we all have our own share of flaws." She considered Des for a moment before continuing, coming to some sort of decision. "Jon's recently married, with a baby due in February, and you've probably noticed the hype around that film he did this year. So he's fairly settled right now, and Vicki, his wife, isn't the sort to let a few knocks to his confidence or his even keel go to his head. Helena's a little more transitory right now. A few things have happened over the past couple of years that have knocked her badly - she's searching for herself and her purpose. They're a little prickly around each other, but they've been spending time together once a week. Hopefully you won't be walking into the rift that was a mile wide this time last year."

Desmond Granger

Date: 2012-12-16 15:52 EST
A small thoughtful frown appeared on his face, but it was hard to tell from that simple expression what was going on in his head. "Family is complicated. I wasn't expecting to be welcomed home with open arms. I know I'm an outsider here. I know I have to earn my place. To be honest, if it wasn't for Miranda, I probably wouldn't have come at all." He closed his mouth, realizing he'd already said as much and was risking repeating himself. "I will accept the offer for lunch though. My first trip through the portal didn't agree with me very well." And possibly last, depending on how things went.

"Good choice," Caroline grinned. "Lucy, the cook here" Touched by the gods, I'm sure of it." She reached over, gently laying a hand on her cousin's wrist and squeezing encouragingly as Humphrey spoke up once again.

"You know the earning goes both ways, Desmond," he said quietly. "We have to earn the right to have you here as much as you think you have to earn the place that's waiting for you. But I can appreciate that you may not wish to be living on top of everyone else for the next couple of weeks," he added, a little more briskly. "You have a choice of places to stay. There are rooms here in this house, or the empty apartment over the garage, or I believe other houses on the Grove have offered up space, should you want it."

He flicked a quick glance at Caroline at the reassuring touch before looking back to Humphrey and his offer of a place to stay. The usually stoic expression faded, replaced by a smile, proving that he was indeed human and capable of emotion. "If I have to stay another night with Miranda, I may shoot myself. I love her to death, but she is the most irritatingly optimistic person I have ever met." He didn't really care where he stayed, as he wasn't planning on staying long. Certainly not as long as Humphrey seemed to think. "So long as there's a bed and a shower, I'll be fine." Though he was accustomed to luxury, his life had not always been that way.

The Old Man snorted loudly. "Well, you'd best not stay here, then," he chuckled. "If you think Miran is bad, just wait until you meet Victoria."

As he laughed to himself, genuinely amused by this confession of Desmond's, Caroline huffed a small laugh of her own. "Ignore him," she suggested cheerfully. "Vicki's not that bad." She mimed the shape of an oversized baby bump by way of warning, and winked. "Georgie'll get you settled, either here or in the apartment. Your choice - it all depends on how close to the family you want to be."

Desmond arched a brow at Caroline's miming of pregnancy. He'd gotten that his half-brother's wife was with child, but he wasn't sure what that had to do with anything. "I think it might be a little too soon to barge in and live under the same roof as a brother I haven't met yet and his overly-hormonal wife." He looked back at Caroline for confirmation. "If that's what you're trying to get at." He wasn't really sure who else lived in the big house. He didn't know much about the family at all, other than for the tidbits that Miranda had told him.

She laughed cheerfully. "I used to live in the apartment over the garage, I promise you it's completely person friendly," she assured him, leaning back comfortably in her chair. "And private."

"Just in case you fancy spending a night on the town and sneaking some fancy woman into your room for a bit of fun," Humph added, shamelessly grinning along with his granddaughter as she laughed again. "We'll even give her breakfast before you send her packing." One twinkly brown eye offered up a conspiratorial wink as he said this.

Desmond glanced between the two, assuming they were teasing and not serious. He had no intentions on having an affair on Rhy'Din, one night stand or otherwise. "I don't think you have to worry about that," he replied, quickly changing the subject. "So, tell me....Are you going to get out a photo album and give me a quick lesson in Who's Who or just let me sort it all out on my own?"

"Oh, you're going to regret saying that," Caroline murmured through a soft snicker.

Humphrey, on the other hand, slapped his palm firmly against the arm of his chair and crowed delightedly. "Of course, lad," he declared. "Caroline, get the albums." A few minutes after Caroline returned from her mission to the study, Des was surrounded with photo albums, almost every face on the pages similar to his in that uniquely Granger way. And every picture had some story to go with it, some special little memory Humphrey kept stored away for moments just like this.

With a mind like a steel trap, Desmond absorbed each story, committing each face and name to memory. He hadn't become the best and brightest in the D.A.'s office by magic. It had taken a lot of hard work and commitment, and he applied that same effort to every aspect of his life. He paid special attention to those in the family he deemed particularly important, and that included his estranged siblings. His eyes lingered on a few faces here and there, and on one in particular that inexplicably attracted his attention, but he made no mention of it, asking few questions, quietly absorbing what information he was told.

It was good little introduction to the sprawling mass of relatives he now found himself amongst, though it probably came as some relief to know that not all of them would be crowding into the big house on Christmas Eve. But as the stories unfolded, Des was slowly being inducted into the world of the Granger family, eased into their joys and woes, their laughter and tears, the tragedies and triumphs of the years that had gone before, and the hopes and fears for the years that would come after. This was family, his family. Warts and all.

((Thank you to Caroline and Humphrey for the above scene and for welcoming Des to the family. :smile: ))