Topic: Hormones, Who Needs 'Em?

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-02-05 11:20 EST
((Events take place on Monday, 4th February, 2013.))

Despite the excitement of a fun-filled baby shower the afternoon and evening before, and the expected prospect of a broken night, Vicki was pleased to find that she woke on the Monday morning following completely refreshed and not at all grumpy. She stretched out with a yawn, blinking her eyes open to look up at the ceiling. Hmm. The light fitting was on the wrong side. She must have claimed Jon's side of the bed last night before falling asleep.

Jon usually slept like the dead, especially when he was working, but when morning made its inevitable arrival, he found himself feeling tired, achey even, entirely not himself. He thought at first that maybe he was coming down with something. It was the time of year for the flu to be making its rounds after all, and he tugged at the blankets to bring them up higher over his shoulders and snuggle down for a little more sleep. Dress rehearsal could wait a little bit longer. He couldn't afford to get sick on opening night.

Feeling Jon stir beside her, Vicki smiled, taking her eyes from the ceiling to look over at her husband. Who wasn't what she was expecting to see. Instead of the familiar head of wayward brown curls and chiseled jaw she loved so well, Vicki found herself looking into a face that looked very much like hers. Same copper red hair, same pale skin ....same zit coming up on her chin. There was a moment of absolute disbelief, and quite suddenly she cried out in shock, jerking backwards to land in a tangle of sheets on the floor. "Oh, my God -" But the voice wasn't hers. It was Jon's. Vicki looked down at herself and let out a whimper. The chest wasn't hers. The legs weren't hers. The ....yes, that thing between those legs wasn't hers, either. So what the hell was going on"

"Mmm..." Jon muttered sleepily upon hearing the thump beside him, too sleepy to realize his bedmate had fallen out of bed. "Five more minutes," he mumbled, burrowing deeper beneath whatever blankets had remained on the bed and not followed Vicki - or presumably Vic - onto the floor. His eyes were tightly closed against the onslaught of sunlight that was trying to break through the window and disturb his sleep.

"Oh no ..." Sitting bolt upright on the floor, Vicki slammed a hand over her mouth as Jon's voice made the words she had intended to speak. Another faint whimper escaped as her other hand lowered to the very male chest and abdomen she sported, seeking out her baby. No bump met that questing hand, but she knew where else she could look. Crawling to the edge of the bed, she lifted the covers, and there was the bump. On the other her, who was still asleep. And the baby was still moving inside, thank God. "Oh, this can't be happening."

He felt a rumble in his stomach and winced, thinking he was getting sick. Moving a hand to rub at that rumble, he vaguely realized that something was very very wrong. One eye peeked open as his fingers moved over that stomach, which felt familiar but not in relation to his own body. Either he had swallowed a bowling ball or....His eyes flew open and he jerked upright in bed - or tried to - but his body wouldn't cooperate, moving sluggishly, heavily even. "The hell..." he muttered, one hand fluttering to his throat at the change in his voice, which had risen several octaves above normal.

"Vicki!" he shouted in a panicked voice, finding her - no, himself, crawling around on the floor and peeking beneath the blankets at a baby bump that most definitely didn't belong to him, but suddenly did.

It was certainly a novel experience, watching herself struggle to sit upright in bed. Was she really that ungainly' And her hair was a mess. God, Jon was a very good actor if he could tell her she looked beautiful first thing in the morning without laughing. "Wait ..." She cleared her, Jon's throat, trying to make her voice sound more like her own. "Jon, calm down. The baby."

"The baby!" Jon echoed, that sound of panic coming through loud and clear and in a decidely female pitch. Jon looked down at himself, but it wasn't him he was looking at - it was Vicki - and when he looked over at Vicki, he was seeing himself. "The hell is going on"!" he exclaimed, feeling suddenly nauseous, but whether it was the shock and panic or the pregnancy, he wasn't sure.

"How the hell should I know?" came the panicked answer from his own mouth. Vicki didn't have the faintest idea of what was going on. "Is that really you in there" In me?" She made to climb up onto the bed, and winced when a certain part of her - his - anatomy banged unpleasantly against the edge. "Ow ....whoa!" Standing up gave her two very new experiences. One was the new sensation of being 6 feet tall or so; the other was standing upright all of it's own accord, and very strange feeling. She stared down at an appendage she'd been pretty intimate with over the past year, but never this intimate. "Make it stop doing that!"

He was about to reply when he saw her bang his most precious appendage on the bed and he winced. "Watch it, will you! I need that!" He wasn't sure why but his hand went automatically to lay itself against his - or more accurately - her (talk about confusing) belly, rubbing unconsciously at the ache. He watched his body rise to its full height beside the bed, Little Jon rising like a flag at full staff. He narrowed his eyes up at Vicki, who was now somehow wearing his body and wearing it well. "What do you want me to do about it' Go take a leak and it will relax!" he barked back. He had enough problems of his own, the main one being that he was now the one who was miserably and heavily with child. "I think I'm going to puke," he whined in Vicki's voice.

"Well, I sort of need it too, you know!" Vicki retorted, rolling her eyes at the sound of her husband's voice saying every word she intended to say. The famous Granger eyebrow rose at the whine that erupted from him. "No, you're not. It's heartburn - take a swig from the bottle on the stand next to you. Do I really sound that whiny?" As she spoke, she turned around, walking with a very careful gait - knees wide apart, careful not to make too much move down there as she went - to the bathroom. "Hmm ..." And Jon was treated to the sound of himself squeaking in discomfort as Vicki endeavored to take a leak. Sitting down.

"You don't need it as much as I do," Jon muttered to himself, as he glared down at the swollen abdomen that had only hours ago been a six pack he'd been rather proud of. "Vicki?" he called, almost afraid to move from the relative safety of the bed. "I think I'm - you're - going into labor. Everything hurts!" He rubbed a hand against his stomach, feeling the baby moving around from an entirely more personal perspective. Curious, Jon peeked down the front of Vicki's nightshirt to find her breasts were now his. "Umm..." He lifted his head when he heard his own voice squeaking from the bathroom, wondering what the hell she was up to with his most valued appendage.

"God, this is weird," she was heard to mutter. "How do you get anything done with this thing hanging down there all the time" It never stays still!" The flush was audible, followed by the sound of her washing his hands. As she came out of the bathroom, her eyes narrowed on the sight of her husband taking advantage of his temporary place inside her body to take a good look at it from her point of view. "Do you mind?" she asked pointedly. "Be careful with those, they're getting heavier by the day." She paused on the way back to the bed to drag a pair of boxers from his drawers and pull them on. "Oh God, that feels even weirder ....Now you know what it feels like. Congratulations, you're pregnant."

He oogled at the rather full set of breasts he was now wearing, wondering what would happen if he touched them. How would it feel from this perspective" His mind wandered for a moment along similiar lines with other parts of her body, and yet, part of him felt disgusted with the thought of having sex at all. He jerked his head up as he glanced back to see himself striding out of the bathroom, with his now flacid appendange hanging between his legs. "It's no different than boobs! These things don't stay still either! See?" And just to demonstrate, he took them between his hands and moved them like he was juggling two melons, but it was short-lived as he groaned in misery at the ache that resulted in that. "I don't want to be you," he whined, looking on the verge of tears, which was partly hormonal.

"And there's the crying thing." Sighing, Vicki folded Jon's long frame onto the bed to gather her whining, weepy-looking husband into her arms. That felt very strange, too. Usually she was the one wrapped up, not the one doing the wrapping. "I don't know about you, but I'd quite like to have my body back. I love you, Jon, but seriously ....this is all wrong." As if to illustrate that point, Cosmo came bursting into the room, leapt up on the bed ....and froze, his shaggy head swinging back and forth between them as he sniffed the air. Then he turned tail and ran, whining, back out through the door.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-02-05 11:22 EST
Jon sobbed, sounding a little too much like a woman. "Why..." Sob. "...did this..." Sniffle, sob. "...have to happen?" Her body that he was now wearing shuddered, shoulders shaking with hormonally emotional sobs. "I can't do this..." He - or rather she - sagged against the shoulder that was no longer his in a heap of sobs. "Ev-even Cosmo hates me now!"

As concerned as she was about what had happened, Vicki suddenly found herself fighting not to laugh. She knew the crying thing very well herself; after all, even when she wasn't pregnant, it was a monthly visitor. "Shhh," she tried to soothe her sobbing husband as he cuddled into her - his - her arms, rocking him gently. "Cosmo doesn't hate you." She had to stop there before the grin made itself known in her voice, forcing herself to grow a little more serious before going on. "He's just confused. Try and calm down, there's a good girl." As soon as it was out of her mouth, she knew it was a bad idea, but she just couldn't help it. Even if they were wearing each other's bodies, it was incredibly funny to hear Jon indulging in proper hormonal sobs.

"G-girl?" Jon echoed, lifting his tearful face from his wife's - correction, his own - shoulder. It was a strong, masculine shoulder, he decided, and he wanted it back! "I'm not a girl!" He sniffled again, her face blotchy from crying as he looked up into his own too familiar face looking back at him. Was that a dimpled smirk" "Are you laughing at me?" he accused in a decidedly feminine and accusatory tone. "Do you think this is funny?"

It was a dimpled smirk, and it erupted into a full blown belly laugh at the feminine accusation. "Yes," Vicki informed her now irate husband. "Yes, I think it's bloody hilarious!" Even in Jon's body, her laugh was infectious, bubbling up in a timbre entirely his as she hugged her body with his arms, challenging him to stay upset and frazzled in the face of her hilarity. "Oh, come on, stud muffin. You keep saying you wish you knew what it was like to be that close to the baby!"

"Not this close!" he whined against the chest that was hugging him close, rubbing Vicki's nose at the chest hair that was tickling him from his own chest. Maybe he should ask her to wax. See what that feels like! He sniffled again and pulled away to look up into his own face that looked just a little too amused by all this. Women, ugh! Or was it men" "But what if we stay this way' Have you thought about that?"

"Love, this is Rhy'Din. Anything is possible, remember?" Weird though it was, Vicki couldn't help turning Jon back to face her, tilting the blotchy visage of her own face upward to drop a kiss on the end of her own nose. "You really think I want you walking around in my body for the rest of our lives" There's got to be someone who knows what?s - Oh, sh*t." The smile was suddenly wiped completely off his face as a dreadful thought occurred to Vicki. "I can't stay like this! It's your opening night!"

Just as the storm cloud of tears was starting to clear, Vicki reminded him what day it was. "Oh, sh*t! I have dress rehearsal today. I have to call in sick." He paused as he realized he couldn't very well do that while he was sounding like Vicki, unless he pretended to be Vicki, which he sort of was but really wasn't. His head was starting to spin, and he was starting to give himself a headache. "You have to call me in sick!" he pleaded, her own eyes blinking up at her for a moment before he was trying to roll out of bed and having a hard time of it. "Oh, God, I gotta take a leak."

"And you have to calm down, too," his wife pointed out in that calm tone that always infuriated her when he used it and she was being hormonal. Maybe now he'd understand why. "It's not just you in there, remember?" With an ease she'd actually gloried in, she rose off the bed herself, reaching down to help Jon with the bulk of her - his pregnant body. "I'm not calling in for you. Call 'Taya, she won't mind if you tell her what?s happened."

"Are you kidding"!" He exclaimed, as he struggled to his feet, scooting slowly toward the edge of the bed and reaching for her help to pull himself to his feet, feeling a little like a lopsided penguin. "She's going to..." The female voice that now belonged to Jon broke off, halting in mid-sentence as a thought dawned on him. "Son of a bitch," he muttered, the cussing sounding a bit odd coming from Vicki's mouth and in her voice. "Mataya."

"Yes, you need to call Mataya," Vicki nodded, not entirely understanding why her husband was just standing there, refusing to waddle off to the bathroom the way he needed to. She knew that one good hit on the bladder he was currently in control of, and they were both going to be embarrassed by what happened next.

Jon had decided it was either Dom or Mataya who was to blame for this little escapade, and since he hadn't seen Dom lately, that left Mataya. But the redhead's expression shifted again as he felt something moving down there in his nether regions, and it wasn't the kind of movement he was used to. It felt sort of like an alien life form moving around inside his belly, or a bit of really bad gas, and at the moment it was making him feel a little bit seasick. His face turned a little pale and he tried to make a dash for the bathroom, having to squeeze his legs together to stop himself from having an accident, but his body wasn't cooperating. "Vicki!" he cried in distress.

Jon's famously handsome face creased in an uncomfortable grimace as the woman inside realized what was going on. "Baby, trust me on this one," Vicki called to him as he tried to dash away. "Suck all your muscles down there upwards and hold it." It was the best description she could think of for teaching him what his - her pelvic floor was for, and doubtless it was not very helpful.

What the hell did he know about kegels" All he knew was that they rhymed with bagels and had something to do with women having better orgasms. He scrunched his face up as he tried to follow her directions, but it was easier and faster just to waddle his way to the bathroom in hopes of finding some relief. He frowned, biting his lip against the urgency that was almost overpowering. At least, he wasn't feeling any urges to bear down. There was a little comfort there. He paused when he reached the toilet, as confused as she'd been on what he was supposed to do with her anatomy, but once again the instincts that came with this body seemed to take over, and he threw up her nightdress and sank down on the seat with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, this is bad," Vicki groaned as she watched herself waddle at high speed into the bathroom. It was not the most flattering view of herself she had ever seen, either. But to be fair, Jon was having to deal with the fuzzy end of the lollipop. She might be contending with altitude and uncooperative genitalia, but he had all the joys of later third trimester pregnancy with none of the gentle build up from the past eight months to prepare him. The least she could do was call in for him.

Once he was done, there was no point in shaking because there was nothing there to shake. He frowned a little perplexed as he tugged a handful of toilet paper from the roll. "I'm so sorry, Vicki! I swear. I will never do this to you again!" he called from the bathroom as he went about dabbing himself dry. He suddenly grew a little too quiet as he tried to look past his swollen belly to see her private parts from an entirely new angle. Hmm....What would happen if he...."Oh, my God!" he shouted from the bathroom.

Vicki, meanwhile, had her own problems. She was trying to get dressed, but after a mis-start that had involved trying to get into her own jeans, she'd found herself totally confused by Jon's closets. This man has far too many clothes, she thought to herself as she hunted around for jeans and a t-shirt, brought up short by the yell from the bathroom. Jon was treated to the sight of his own body slamming hard through the door with a panicked look on that famous face. "What, what is it?"

"Nothing!" he replied, a little too quickly and looking a little bit like a kid who'd just been caught with his hand in the candy jar. Sort of. He threw her nightgown back over his legs and pulled himself to his feet with a groan, rubbing at the small of his back as he straightened. One glance at the bathroom mirror and he was turning a little too pale again and feeling slightly faint. It was like Freaky Friday or something. He'd seen that movie, but had never expected himself to be living it. "Vicki, I'm you and you're me," he declared in her voice, as if he was just realizing it, the two of their faces looking back at them in the mirror, reversed.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-02-05 11:23 EST
Even in her body, Jon couldn't lie to Vicki. It took a moment, but she guessed what he had been doing. "Hey! Hands off the goods, you perv!" Anyone passing through the hallway outside would be hearing some very strange exchanges this morning, especially since Cosmo's exit had left the main door open. Seeing her face turn pale, Vicki reached out with Jon's hands to steady herself, holding onto his shoulders gently as she came to stand behind him. There they were, reflected back at themselves, in the wrong positions. "Looks like it," she agreed with her husband. "How do we get it the proper way around again, that's what I'd like to know."

Vicki's face frowned back at them both in the mirror. She looked so cute when she frowned, but only when it was really her doing the frowning, not him. "Mataya," he said, perfectly plucked ginger eyebrows furrowing uncharacteristically, at least for her. He wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling all of this had something to do with Mataya. And if it didn't, maybe she'd at least know what to do about it. She'd helped him on numerous occasions, after all, when he'd been dealing with other matters of weirdness. Had he been in his own body, he would have strode across the room, and called his BFF on the phone, but these legs weren't doing any striding. Instead, he waddled out of the bathroom and sank wearily onto the bed, eying the clothing she'd laid out for the day. "You're not wearing that, are you?"

"Don't frown like that, you make me look like a disgruntled monkey," Vicki objected to the look on her face, stepping back as Jon took her body out through the door and to the bed once again. Following along behind, she leaned in the doorway, that famous eyebrow rising seemingly of its own accord. "Yes, I am wearing that," she informed him, his own voice as no-nonsense as it got. "While I'm in here, I'm going to be comfortable. And frankly, your wardrobe scares me."

"You don't look like a disgruntled monkey. You're beautiful!" he argued, the pronouns confusing him a little. Not for the first time, the face he was wearing looked aghast at the very idea of going to work in jeans and a t-shirt. The very idea was appalling. "Oh, really?" he countered, that voice sounding a little too female. "Shall I go get a new hairdo today?" He crossed his arms across the swell of her breasts and glared up at himself, blue eyes flashing, daring her to call his bluff.

This time it was his face that twisted in a suddenly appalled grimace. "Don't you dare! You take scissors, dye, or those twirly things anywhere near my hair, and I'll get your pubic hair done up like a bright yellow chickadee," she threatened in return. "You can live with people noticing you're a little dressed down, Jonathan Granger. Maybe they'll think you've taken the stick out of your arse for the day!"

"The what"!" he shouted back, moving to get off the bed, half moving to his feet before dropping back heavily back onto her little round *ss on the mattress. "I do not have a stick up my *ss! I take pride in my appearance, unlike some people!" he shouted back, chin trembling and feeling hormonally emotional again, not far from breaking into a sobbing mess.

"Oh, and I suppose by that you mean that I don't take pride in my appearance, do you?" Jon probably had no idea how frightening he could be when he was angry, and with Vicki's anger behind the looming masculine body and furious eyes, it was not something she would have wished on him. "I'm a scruffy mess who lets you down every time we're seen out together, I take it. I'll tell you what, it's not easy to look great when you can't even take a single step without it hurting, Jon." Vicki stepped back, breathing hard through her nose, and realized she'd lost her temper. "You know what? Screw this. I'll be back when I've calmed down." She turned on his heel and marched Jon's tall figure out of their rooms, almost bowling Humphrey over in the process.

Old Man Granger paused in the doorway, his cane clicking gently against the floor as he moved into the suite to look over at who he assumed to be Vicki. "Is everything quite all right, Victoria?"

"Vicki, wait!" Jon called, immediately regretting words that he hadn't meant, only said in frustration of their situation, mingled with an overabundance of hormones he was completely unaccustomed to and had no idea how to keep under control. She had wounded him with her comment, and he had lashed out in anger, but had meant none of it. He tried to find his feet again, groaning against the weight of the child that was now his burden to bear. Hot tears of frustration spilled over onto a face that didn't belong to him, a face that he adored more than any other, but didn't really want to wear as his own.

That face looked up to find Humphrey standing in the doorway and probably assuming they'd just had their first row - which, in a very real way, they had. He wished he could just go back to sleep and start the day all over again. Vicki's chin quivered as tears rolled down her face, and Jon looked up at his uncle through Vicki's eyes. "No, it's not all right! Everything is all wrong!" he exclaimed in that decidedly female voice that did not belong to him.

Humphrey chuckled his gentle laugh, not bothering to wait for an invitation to enter. No, he stepped right in, easing himself down onto the bed beside his nephew's wife as she sniffled unhappily on the bed, and opened an arm to her. "I doubt everything is all wrong, Victoria love," he said encouragingly. "The pair of you haven't fought before, have you? Though I must say, it's unlike Jon to walk out like that."

Jon hesitated before allowing Humphrey's arm to go around the shoulders he was wearing, unsure if he should be honest with his uncle and tell him what had happened or play along with the ruse and let him think he was Vicki. Once Humphrey found out - if he found out - Jon figured he would do one of two things: he'd either not believe him or die of laughter, and Jon didn't really like either of those possibilities. Jon sniffled against Humphrey's shoulder, feeling more than a little awkward, though there was some part of that body who seemed to draw comfort from the embrace. "Jon....Jon isn't himself today. Neither of us are," he explained without getting into too many details. Jon wasn't too worried about Vicki going far. It was winter, after all, and she hadn't dressed his body in anything but a pair of shorts.

The old arm wrapped warm about feminine shoulders, utterly oblivious that it wasn't actually Victoria sniffling in his embrace. "Ah, little love, it was bound to happen sooner or later," Humphrey assured the redheaded woman leaning into him. "My Katherine and I never had a fight except when she was pregnant. Hormones are horrendous things, aren't they?" He chuckled, stroking the copper hair gently. "Jon will be back, and soon no doubt. If for no other reason than to get some pants. My advice to you is lock him in here with you and seduce him. You seem very good at that."

Jon looked up at his uncle through those pretty blue female eyes he was so very fond of, a very Jon Granger expression on Vicki's pretty face. "We never fight either. It's just..." He trailed off as Humphrey stroked her, or rather his, hair and continued, frowning a little at the rest of Humphrey's advice. For some reason, the thought of sex was the farthest thing from Jon's mind. It was the last thing this body wanted. "I don't want to seduce him," he heard that female voice saying. There was something very weird about the thought of seducing one's self, even if you were in someone else's body. "I just don't want to fight anymore."

That expression wasn't one Humphrey was used to seeing on Victoria's face, making him snort a little in amusement. "I think you may be spending too much time with your husband, young lady," he warned her. "You looked just like him for a moment there." Gently brushing the red strands out of her face, the Old Man smiled gently. "People say all sorts of things when they're upset," he told his companion. "Jon's no different to any of the rest of us. Prick us, and we lash out harder, anything to avoid being the one hurt worst. I very much doubt he meant what he said, little love."

"It wasn't so much what she..." Jon faltered a moment when he realized his mistake. "What he said as what I said. I was being an *ss." He frowned, a pretty little pout on Vicki's face, though the sentiment was completely Jon's. "What did you do when you and..." He faltered a moment again, stumbling over his late aunt's name, who he didn't remember, and Vicki had never met. "And Katherine argued?"

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-02-05 11:25 EST
She. Humphrey's brow rose. He might be old, but he wasn't stupid. Jon never left these rooms in just his underwear; Vicki never allowed anyone but Jon to see her cry. Things were not all as they seemed here, apparently. "I never apologized," the old man said regretfully. "And it is what I should have done. We'd go for days without speaking, and eventually she would apologize just to bring the silence to an end. I should never have made her do it; what she said was often spurred on purely by the way she was feeling at the time. Pregnancy, and such." He sighed, stroking the red head next to him for a moment before deciding to chance his arm with a seemingly absent addition. "In this case, I would wait for Vicki to say sorry first."

Comfortable in his uncle's presence, Jon forgot for a moment that he was occupying Vicki's body and sighed resignedly. "No, I'm the one who should apologize. I said something stupid and..." He broke off suddenly as he realized Humphrey had either figured out what was going on or was taking a stab in the dark. Had he been Vicki, he might have gasped and drawn a hand over his mouth, but though he was wearing Vicki's body, he was all Jon in there - along with their child who was along for the ride. Instead, Vicki's face was suddenly wearing one of Jon's familiar perplexed frowns. "How'd you know?"

"Well, my suspicions were first aroused by the sound of fighting coming from this room shortly after I woke up," Humphrey offered with an unrepentant smirk. He didn't take his arm from around Jon's Victoria-esque shoulders as he spoke, genuinely enjoying this for all it was worth. "My interest was piqued when Cosmo ran into my room and hid under the bed. But I think the first clue was when Vicki shouted her own name after Jon as he exited the room in just his underwear." He chuckled, patting Jon's pale cheek. "What in the Nexus happened to you two?"

Jon's - or rather Vicki's - frown deepened. It was comforting to know they didn't have to keep their little problem a secret from Humphrey, but that still didn't solve the problem. "I have no idea. Everything was fine when we went to bed last night, and then I woke up like this!" Jon exclaimed, glancing pointedly at the swell of Vicki's belly that he was now wearing. He felt like he was carrying around an over sized beach ball beneath her nightie. "It's opening night. I can't go on stage like this, and Vicki doesn't know my lines. Mataya's going to..." He broke off at the mention of Mataya's name, remembering they'd been discussing who should call him in sick before they'd been sidetracked by a debate about his wardrobe. "We have to do something. I'm not....I can't stay like this!"

"Ah, ah, ah, first things first," Humphrey interrupted the roll call of panic. "You will wash, you will dress. And you will make friends with your wife again." This was delivered in a stern tone. "The last thing any of us needs is for you two not to be talking while we're working this one out. I will telephone Ms De Luca and invite her over here so the pair of you can explain to her why she has to have an understudy up on the opening night of a new season. No arguments."

Jon listened mutely as his uncle took charge, more than happy to let him help them work things out. If this was magic of some sort, there had to be a way to reverse the spell. But like Humphrey said, first things first, and the body Jon was currently occupying was hungry. "Do we have any pickles" I'm dying for some pickles!" He struggled to move to his feet to get his day underway, starting with a shower, but before he could straighten, he was dropping back onto the bed with a cry of pain and pressing a hand against the swell of Vicki's belly.

"Vicki!" he called, not really caring in his distress who heard him call her name in her own voice.

"Oh, my - Jon?" Humphrey failed to catch his nephew-in-his-wife's-body as the redhead fell back onto the bed, apparently in pain, but he was quickly there at Jon's side. "What is happening?" From the hallway outside came the sound of bare feet slapping against polished wood, apparently Vicki already on her way back when she heard her own voice shouting her own name. "Jon?" The tall frame of Jonathan Granger crashed in through the door, tripped over his own feet, and landed in a sprawl with his head in her husband's borrowed lap.

Though Jon had gone to classes with Vicki, he had no idea what he was supposed to do from this perspective. He was supposed to be the coach, not the woman in labor. The contraction was mild, as far as labor goes, but without anything to compare it to, Jon had no idea what was happening and thought he was going into full blown labor. "I think..." he started, flinching as his own tall frame came crashing down onto the floor and he found himself looking into his own face, looking as startled and worried as he was feeling. "I think you're having the baby!" he exclaimed, settling his hands on his swollen abdomen and breathing in and out so fast he was in serious danger of hyperventilating.

"I can't be having the baby, it's too soon!" was Vicki's somewhat panicked response. As scared as she was of giving birth, she didn't particularly want to have to watch Jon give birth to their daughter. "What does it feel like" Oh God ..." Clambering onto her husband's feet, Vicki reached down to hold onto her own shoulders, forcing Jon to look into his own eyes. "Calm, Jon, breathe easy. In ....two, three ....out ....two, three ....Just like you always tell me. Nice and calm, and please don't slap me, because I know you're itching to do that right now."

There was a snort from Humphrey who, while thoroughly enjoying what he was watching, was at least trying not to laugh aloud at the ridiculous sight in front of him.

"I am never..." Breathe. "...letting me..." Breathe. "...touch you..." Breathe. "...again!" Jon drew a final deep breath as he looked up into his own face, remembering what he'd been trying to teach her, but it was a quite a bit different from this perspective. After a moment, the contraction subsided and he exhaled slowly and relaxed, looking on the verge of tears. "I can't have this baby, Vicki! Please, help me!" Whether it was the hormones or the fear of giving birth or the shock of what had happened, it was hard to say, but Jon looked on the verge of a panic attack, and though the situation had its amusing aspects, it was really no laughing matter. The baby's welfare was of utmost importance to them both, but Jon had no idea what he was supposed to do in this situation.

"All right, all right, sweetheart." Vicki took her temporarily male hands - hands she loved, but not from this perspective - from Jon's feminine shoulders, spreading her palms in a peaceful gesture. "Sweetheart, you're not going into labor, I promise you. Remember what the doctor told us about Braxton-Hicks?" Jon's own face looked pleadingly into Vicki's, wearing an expression that suited her far better than it did him.

"Braxton-Hicks," Jon repeated in Vicki's voice, which sounded on the verge of tears. "I remember. They're....they're pre-labor pains, right?" Jon asked, looking expectantly up into the face his wife was wearing. Was that stubble" She hadn't shaved yet. He'd worry about that later. "Make them go away," he whined, in an almost child-like voice, almost forgetting his uncle was sitting there right beside him and probably having a good chuckle at his expense.

"I can't make them go away, love." There was something so wrong about the fact that she was cupping her own face in a hand that didn't belong to her, stroking her own cheek with Jon's thumb, watching her own eyes threaten to fill with tears. "They'll ease off by themselves in a minute or two, I promise. It's just my body practicing for the big event, that's all." Another snort from the Old Man made Vicki glance his way. Jon's face had never looked so terrifyingly stern before his wife had gotten control of his facial muscles. "And you can stop laughing, too. Make yourself useful, call in sick for him."

Humphrey's expression didn't even flicker, his smirk still sharp and amused as he rose to his feet. "Of course, Mrs Granger."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2013-02-05 11:28 EST
Vicki's chin trembled again at Jon's lack of control over his suddenly hormonal emotions, though he felt a little better now that she had returned and seemed no longer mad at him. It was no big secret that Vicki wore the pants in this family, though at the moment she was clad in Jon's body and underwear. "I love you, Vicki, but I don't want to be you. I like being me. I want my body back." He sniffled back a barely-repressed sob. He didn't touch her, was afraid to touch her. As curious as he might be about the body he was wearing, it was just a little too weird.

"So we find out what happened," his ever-practical wife informed him, thinking far more clearly now she was temporarily not pregnant again. Humphrey nodded to the pair of them and left the room, exploding into guffaws of laughter as soon as he was out into the hall. Vicki rolled Jon's eyes at the sound, but couldn't help a twitch toward laughter herself in the form of Jon's dimpled smile. "I'd quite like my body back, too, but for now, I think getting dressed is probably what we should both be doing."

Jon frowned at the sound of uproarious laughter coming from the hallway, which in his very pregnant state (don't laugh) made him feel all the more sensitive knowing that laughter was at his expense. He turned that frown back toward his studly wife, looking more than a little troubled. "Does everyone really think I have a stick up my *ss?" he asked, completely and utterly seriously and needing an honest answer.

He was treated to the sight of his face attempting Vicki's soft, conciliatory smile. "No, love," she assured him, hating the fact that he was having to hear her speak in his own voice as she tried to reassure him. "You just exude perfection. You always look gorgeous, no matter what you wear or what you do. You're a wonderful man ..." Her voice trailed off as she looked down at him, seeing herself and seeing the funny side again as she told a weepy pregnant woman what a wonderful man she was. Jon's lips twitched, trying not to smile. "I'm sorry, this ....I can't help seeing the funny side. Don't you think I'd look fetching in my wedding dress right now?"

Jon was just starting to feel a little better when he caught the flicker of a smirk against his own mouth. He knew his own self and his own face too well to mistake it for anything other than a smirk. He really wasn't seeing the humor in the situation. Maybe he would later, but he wasn't right now. He wasn't sure what she was trying to get at exactly, but the thought of himself being seen in drag was making his hormonal emotions spike again. "I think neither of us would fit in it right now," he replied, unsure which of them she was referring to wearing it. His expression smoothed out again, turning familiarly serious. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I don't know why I said that. I'm not feeling like myself." Well, obviously. "You're beautiful, Vicki, and I love you. I don't care if you wear jeans or diamonds. You're always going to be beautiful in my eyes." Which seemed weird since he was wearing that body right now and not her, but she needed to hear it.

"Welcome to my world, sweetheart," was her drawling response to his confusion about his own words barely an hour before. Strange, to hear her voice telling her how beautiful she was, but it was becoming easier to see Jon in her own eyes. "Close your eyes," she told him quietly, needing to show him something he would not understand if he didn't experience it for himself.

Trusting her implicitly, he did as he was told, closing his eyes and settling the hands that didn't really feel like his own on the swell of baby at his middle. Vicki's brows furrowed in a way that was very characteristic of Jon as he awaited whatever it was she wanted to show him. "What is it?" he asked in her voice.

"You want to know how I know how you feel about me?" she asked him gently, that tone seeming odd to her ears in his voice, so unlike the way he sounded when he was gentle with her. "How, no matter what you say to me, or what happens between us, I know I'm beautiful in your eyes?" She drew closer, leaning down to herself and tried very hard to put out of her mind how wrong this seemed from her end. "This is how." Jon's lips touched Vicki's, soft, tender, loving, trying to show her befuddled, frightened, hormonal husband what it was like to be kissed by a man who adored her.

Oh, he knew what it felt like to be kissed by a man who adored him, but not from the lips of a woman and by his own lips that were somehow being worn and controlled by the woman he loved. He wasn't sure he liked how it felt at first, knowing they were his own lips pressing against the lips of the body he was now occupying, but once he relaxed a little, and let this body react to that kiss, he found that kiss sent a little thrill through this body unlike anything he'd ever felt before.

Gently drawing back, Vicki let the feeling flood through the body she knew so well, giving Jon time to process what his borrowed hormones were telling him. She hoped she'd helped, rather than weirded him out more, but there really was only one way to tell.

"Is that what it feels like when I kiss you?" he asked, as those familiar blue eyes opened to face familiar blue eyes of his own. He already knew the answer, but needed to hear it for himself. He knew she loved him, and he knew he had a certain effect on her, but he'd never known just how such a simple thing as a kiss could affect a woman in such a profound way before.

Her familiar smile rose on his face for him to enjoy, surprised to find that quiet wonder suited her own face remarkably well. "Yes," she told him through that smile, gently pushing the pad of his thumb against her nose in a tender tweak. "You don't even need to kiss me to make me feel like that. Sometimes all it takes is a look, and no matter how much of a mess I am, I feel beautiful. Even with a gremlin destroying my figure." She gently smoothed a manly hand over the prominence of the bump Jon was contending with, and gasped in surprise when their daughter stretched to respond to that touch. "Wow ..."

"What?" he asked, arching slender ginger brows questioningly at the surprised gasp and look of wonder that she was wearing on his face. He settled a hand against hers, realizing not for the first time how small and delicate her hand seemed in comparison to his. He felt their child move, not beneath his hand as he was accustomed to, but from somewhere inside him. It had felt foreign at first, strange, like a bit of gas, or an aching muscle that needed to be stretched, but now that he recognized it for what it was, those blue eyes widened in renewed wonder. "Is that the baby?" he asked, slender fingers sliding between larger ones to link their hands together.

Twisting, Vicki lowered her unaccustomed larger frame down onto the bed beside her pregnant husband, one arm around Jon as they felt their daughter move together. "Yes," she half-laughed in amazement. "Yes, that's her. I didn't realize it felt like that from the outside. She's so strong."

Jon closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling of movement that was going on inside him, pushing away all thought of pain or fear, thinking only of the wonder and miracle of life that was taking place inside Vicki's body, of the daughter that belonged to them both. "It hurts a little, but it's a good hurt," he said, trying to put what he was feeling into words. He opened his eyes and turned his head to her again, seeing for the first time the woman he loved somehow reflected back at him in his own familiar eyes. "It's amazing," he told her quietly, eyes shining with tears again, but for a completely different reason. These were happy tears.

"Yes, you are," Vicki told him, deliberately turning the compliment onto him the way he so often did for her when she was weepy or distressed or just bad-tempered. It always worked on her, after all. She pressed a kiss to his - her own - his cheek, drawing in a slow breath. "Let's get dressed," she suggested quietly. "We're going to have to face Mataya at some point."

He pouted again, but nodded in resignation. They were going to have to face the music sooner or later and figure out how to resolve their little problem. "I hope Humphrey doesn't tell anyone," he said worriedly. He'd never hear the end of it, though he was starting to think that maybe this - like Dom's little gift of a trip through time - was a gift of sorts, albeit an unexpected and startling one. So long as it was temporary, anyway. As much as he loved his wife and was in wonder of her body, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life trapped inside her. "Do I have time for a shower?" he asked, uncertainly. Jon always started his day with a shower, without exception.

"I'm sure you do," Vicki assured her husband, one thumb gently smoothing the pout from his lips. It just didn't look right on her face, she thought. "Just be careful, okay' My center of gravity is very different to yours, and my balance isn't much better." It was a necessary warning; he'd seen her fall over on perfectly level ground often enough to know that it wasn't just an occasional thing, though she'd been extra careful since becoming pregnant. "I'd offer to help, but ..." She glanced down into her borrowed lap, Jon's cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "This seems to have a mind of its own."

For the first time since they'd awoken in each other's bodies, Jon laughed. The sound of it sounded both familiar and strange to his ears, coming out of his own mouth as it were, or at least, the mouth he was borrowing for the time being. "You shouldn't have kissed me," he said, a smirk appearing on Vicki's pretty face. He knew all too well what a simple kiss did to the body she was now wearing. A cold shower might be in order if she continued.

"Oh, shouldn't I?" They must have looked very odd, both of them wearing each other's smiles as they looked at one another. "Careful I don't get carried away and put my big manly hands all over your delicate little backside, angel face." She stuck his tongue out at him, nose scrunching as she grinned.

"You," he said, as he poked himself in the chest, which was temporarily hers, "make a horrible man." But he - or was it she; it was all so very confusing - was smiling now. "You could take a shower with me. Make sure I don't fall down and hurt you." Strangely, he wasn't really feeling the stirring between his legs that he normally would at such a suggestion. Instead, it was more of a warm glow from somewhere deep inside.

Vicki eyed her husband with warm amusement, hugging him about the waist. "Jon, I love you, but I'm really not going to tempt Fate like that," she told him laughingly, moving to rise and investigate his closet all over again. "Next time you're in me, I want it to be the right way around."

"Okay, Hot Stuff," he reached over to whack his own body in the *ss as she strutted away from him. "Don't blame me if you need to jack off later. Remember, I offered." And off he waddled toward the bathroom, slowly and carefully and extremely awkwardly.

((Okay, so we're incredibly mean to our premier couple. But it's fun! There will be more on their awful Monday coming just as soon as we can get it out there, so enjoy it here! And massive thanks to Jon's player for agreeing to make him pregnant for a little while! :grin: ))