Topic: Imagination

Nikolai Allen

Date: 2015-09-09 19:46 EST
Emily and Benji, the names seemed to work fine in Niko's head but he couldn't quite get the to come out of his mouth correctly. His father had tried to help, adding on the final syllables as needed, but even Kruger couldn't quite fix this yet. All of the adults laughed when he got as close as he could with Emly and Benzhi. He managed a grin up to Victoria who's laugh he actually liked the best of the three tall people. He hadn't heard the remark that said he looked just like his father. If he had, he'd have grinned wider, but his attention had been diverted by the other two children.

Niko wanted to go see them, but first he needed to get past Cosmo, who was quite interested in removing the crumbs from his face with a long tongue. It tickled, Niko's laugh preceded a closed handed stroke of long fur. Somewhere in that brief moment things had changed. Daddy had been left alone with them and Cosmo. Niko finally made it over to where Emily was he squatted a little lower and looking at her very closely. She was smaller than any of the girls he'd ever seen. Sophia and Angel were both older and much taller than he was. "Aww...." It's what they said every time he saw them. It must be what you said when you met someone smaller than yourself. He duckwalked over to Ben and repeated the greeting.

In the distance was a blanket with an interesting mix of toys scattered across it. It had been a blanket, he was sure of it, but he soon discovered how wrong he was. It wasn't the first time that had happened, his father took a few steps forward his head panned slowly from left to right. When he turned around though it wasn't his father anymore. The grin was similar, but Niko had seen this change before. No longer was it Daddy who turned to them and knelt down. Now it was Captain Krugey.

"Come me hearties" look over on the horizon." Niko giggled because Captain Krugey always sounded funny like that. "Ye see it mates, land" an island filled with treasure for the takin"."

Niko looked to where the captain was pointing, how could he have missed it before. It wasn't a blanket at all, a huge island had emerged from the green grass" no it couldn't be grass, the water was green but clear. Captain Krugey had steered the Dread Pirate Ship Anvil on a course straight for that island. The volcano rose from the center of it and palm trees lined the sandy shore. There was even smoke rising from the very top of the volcano. Nikolai gasped at how high the peak was, he tapped Emily and pointed at it. Her own eyes were just as wide as his, he would have expected she'd have already known about it, this was her home. Then again these things often popped up in Belglade without his knowing so he kind of understood.

Captain Krugey was still on his knees, talking softly as he laid out their plans. "There be natives on that island, natives we be needin" to scare off if"n we're gonna get tha treasure me boyo's" and girlo." Niko pointed to Cosmo, obviously Captain Krugey had missed one of the crew in the border collie. He wasn't sure how since the dog had insinuated itself between the captain and his crew.

"Who's gonna take the helm?" The captain asked them, earnestly and Niko was quick to point to Emily. He handed her the wheel of the ship and then pointed to Nikolai who stood up. "That makes you the gunner Niko me boy' and Benji gets to sit in the crow's nest!" Captain Krugey scooped up Ben and stuck him on his shoulders, except they stopped being his shoulders. Ben was easily thirty feet in the air and manning the basket at the top of the mast.

"Man the lifeboats Cosmo!" The captain's voice had been building in a crescendo and now was loud enough to be heard all the way across the ship. Cosmo ran round and round checking lifeboats as Emily turned the wheel. The ship turned sidelong to the island, waves pummeling its side and sending the crew for handrails.

"Load the cannons Niko! Steady as she goes Emily' Yaaaar!" Niko made his way across the deck loading cannons and awaiting the word. He looked back at Emily who was using all her strength to hold the ship steady for them even as another wave struck the side of the ship.

"Yaaar!" Niko shouted back, Captain Krugey liked it better when his crew responded loud and clear. He looked to Emily who had her eyes fixed on him like he'd done something very strange. Niko flashed her his best grin and shouted again, laughing when she finally joined in.

"Fire at will Niko! Let em know that the Dread Pirate Ship Anvil is upon them' Yaar!" At the command Niko ran from cannon to cannon firing off a shot towards the shore.

"Yaaaar!" He responded and was almost gleeful when his cry was echoed by the others.

Cannonballs chewed up sand along the shoreline scattering natives to the four winds, but they weren't gone long. Emily tacked the ship around and Nikolai loaded the cannons on the port side for another volley. They were slowly making their way to the island. It took several more passes before the beach was clear, and the ship close enough to have Cosmo drop a longboat so they could row their way to shore.

The natives made one last push, Niko and the rest of the crew were forced to chase them from the beach and deep into the jungle with raised cutlasses. The shouts from Emily and Niko loud enough to keep them running for miles. Then and only then did Captain Krugey call them back to the shore.

"Arr" I'm proud of ye mateys" it does an old pirate's heart good ta see ye in the throws of battle. Now enjoy the treasures they left behind.? There were treasures on the beach everywhere, balls and puzzles, Cars with big wheels and books with pages thick enough for little fingers. It was a haul unlike any Nikolai had seen since the raid on the creekbed back in Belglade. Even Captain Krugey sat down with them, picking up a book and reading it to Benji while Niko rolled a ball to Emily