Topic: Of Fae and Faerytales

Piper Granger

Date: 2011-05-25 13:16 EST
The great Library of Rhy'Din City was by far the largest and most beautiful public building Piper had ever seen, seeming to take up an entire district of its own and capped with a high, sparkling dome. She stood on the steps for a long time, staring up at the elegantly fluted columns and highly decorated portal door in amazement. The sheer size of the place was intimidating; how on earth was she goingt o find what she was looking for in a library so big"

The interior was no less intimidating. The library seemed to be split into separate rooms for separate subjects, each one able to accomodate several of her mother's not-insubstantial personal library back home with ease. Piper couldn't help feeling more than a little overwhelmed, wondering if she would ever be able to find anything, much less learn what she needed to know.

After several minutes of wandering to and fro through the rooms, marvelling at the size and beauty and peace of the place, Piper was thoroughly lost. She touched her hand to the small bump at her waistline, the cause of her visit here in the first place.

"I hope you're pleased with yourself," she muttered to the 18-week-old foetus residing within, not at all pleased when it replied with another of those fluttering kicks she was becoming accustomed to. "My brain is going to melt out of my ears if there's more than ten or so books in here that I have to read."

"Excuse me, madame?"

Piper jumped, startled by the near silent approach of the woman who had spoken to her. She was a lady of upper middling years, it appeared; one of those formidable types who seemed to approach the world from behind a battering ram consisting of an ample bosom and delicate reading glasses looped on a sturdy chain. Just as intimidating as the library itself, in fact. But then she smiled, and Piper felt herself relax a little.

"My name is Magda, I'm one of the librarians here," she introduced herself in a voice that made Piper think of her childhood nanny. "I couldn't help noticing that you seem a little lost. Is there some way I can help you?"

"Oh, I rather think you can," the young soon-to-be mother said in a quiet voice, not wanting to break the hush of the huge building. "Do you have anything here on ....uhm ..." Embarrassed not to know the phrase off the top of her head, she rummaged in her bag for a moment, coming up with the scrap of paper on which she had had Ollie write down the words, reading it out carefully. "Unseelie Fae?"

Magda nodded pleasantly, laying a warm hand on Piper's back to steer her through the complex arrangement of whispering, book-lined rooms. "Ancient History, Modern History, Magical Studies, Anthropology, Dimensional Geography, Contemporary Studies, or Myths and Legends, my dear?"

"Oh, uhm ..." Piper looked blank, already out of her depth. "All of them?"

Magda looked at her as though she'd gone ever so slightly insane. "That is a lifetime's worth of study for a mage, young lady," she informed Piper gently, glancing down at the younger woman's swelling belly. Perhaps if you tell me why you are researching the Dark Fae, I could point you in the right direction."

Piper bit her lip, a flashing memory of pain lancing through her mind. If Riley, Mesteno, and Gem were right, that was only a foretaste of what could happen in the future. "I don't know anything about anything," she confessed to the librarian unhappily, her expression crumpling as she suddenly found herself close to tears. "I'd never even heard of magic before I came here, and now I'm pregnant, and there's dragons and fairies after my baby, and even my baby does magic, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."

"Oh, there, there, my dear." To her surprise, Piper found herself swamped in a motherly sort of embrace as Magda moved to comfort her, producing a handful of clean tissues from what Piper could only assume was a filing cabinet hidden in her impressive corsetry. "I see what we need. You need an education, and a little background, to prepare you for what might come after."

Startled, Piper nodded, wiping her face dry with the tissues she had been given. "Oh, and I need to see a directory of midwives in the city," she added, remembering belatedly Gemethyst's addendum to the reams of advice. "Preferably those who have experience with ....non-human pregnancies."

"Of course, my dear, I can look up a list for you easily enough," Magda told her firmly. "Now, you sit down here, and let's see about getting you settled in. You'll be coming back here for at least a few weeks, I'm certain."

As she was manoeuvred into a comfortable armchair, set a little out of the way in a nook between shelves, Piper realised she had been gently guided through several more of the library's rooms, to one evidently set at a corner of the building itself. Sunlight streamed in through tall windows on two walls of the room, illuminating various desk and work stations no doubt set up there to take advantage of the natural light. Bookshelves lined the walls almost without any breaks; a balcony ran around the mid-point of the room's height to make access to the higher shelves easier for those who were browsing.

"This is our section on Myths, Legends, and Faerytales," Magda explained as she watched the younger woman look around in slack-jawed wonder. "Most of the information you need will be in Modern History or Magical Studies, or possibly in Contemporary Studies, but I think we will make this your base of operations, Mrs -?"

"Piper, please. Just Piper." Don't let's get into a discussion on why I'm not married.

"Piper." Magda chuckled softly to herself, laying two impressively bound volumes in the pregnant girl's lap. They were both bound in rich green- leather, embossed with gold and silver lettering which read, Grimm's Fairy Tales, Volume 1 and Volume 2. The authors were cited as The Brothers Grimm. Looking up, Piper offered the older woman a confused smile.

"You mentioned you have little familiarity with magic," the librarian said gently. "Reading this will at least give you some idea of what magic can do, in a safe manner. They're stories primarily read to young children, to teach them moreals and ethics as they grow, but I still find them refreshing to read as an adult. Now then, you settle in with Wilhelm and Jacob, and I will see about getting together a good selection of material for you to study."

"Wilhelm and Jacob?" Piper was mystified.

"The authors," it was explained to her with a wide smile. "If you need me for anything, dear, just say my name, but be careful not to shout. It upsets the books."

With that she was off, moving with purpose to a computer set not too far away to compile a list fo books she could need to hunt out for Piper. After a long moment spent staring hard at the bookshelf beside her, Piper eventually dismissed a vague notion that upset books might leap off the shelves and shower her in prose until she went away.

Her eyes turned back to the pair of books in her lap, fingertips gently caressing the soft leather covers as she sighed softly. It wasn't quite what she had come here for, but Magda seemed to know what she was doing. And what harm could a little light reading do, to get her in the right mind set for the complicated stuff?

With another gentle sigh, she shifted out of her coat, laying her bag down by her feet. Opening the first of the volumes, Piper settled comfortably into her chair and began to read.

Piper Granger

Date: 2011-05-26 18:28 EST
By the second day of her research, Piper had somehow managed to be given a table all to herself in a sunny corner of the Myths, Legends, and Faerytales section of the library, piled high with books from various eras and areas of study. To her surprise, Magda was there again, seated opposite her, going through each book in search of pertinent information to make the arduous task easier for her young client.

Already Piper had a list of midwives in the city who were particularly apt with humans bearing non-human babies, carefully copied down into her green journal. The leather-bound book never left her side since Ollie had given it to her, already beginning to fill up. The first page was filled with the whys and wherefores of her arrival in Rhy'Din, bringing her up to date whenever she skimmed it. Further in, there were recipes for her to practise, given to her by Gemethyst; reflections on the people she had met, in particular Riley, Mesteno, Gem, Fiora, the various Grangers ....and the less savoury end of her experience, the white dragon and her serpentine companion; the first scan picture of her baby lovingly pasted to a page all its own; and a single dried iris, pressed and carefully attached, from the unexpected bouquet Ollie had presented her with.

Now it was in use again. Even just two days into her quest for an education in the finer points of the Unseelie, Piper had filled five pages with her distinct handwriting, making notes on everything from a passing reference to Fae in Arnal Golian's Thoughts of An Adventuring Mage, to detailed descriptions of the changelings Riley had mentioned from three or four different books now put in her 'Read Again' pile.

Magda had been right, though. There really was just too much information here for one person to hold in their mind, much less learn without any background understanding of magic and how it shaped so many worlds. Piper had already been forced to dismiss several avenues of enquiry, limiting herself to the Dark Fae's powers and how to protect against them. This, however, was going to be a mammoth task in itself.

Between herself and the wonderfully helpful Magda were piled upwards of twenty tomes, the sections pertinent to her enquiry bookmarked with bright pink post-it notes. Piper had a feeling she was going to need a much bigger journal to write it all down in. ____________

Piper Granger

Date: 2011-06-07 10:20 EST
Over a week later, and Piper was getting distinctly tired of the library. Her days had settled into something of a monotony. In the mornings, she spent a little time setting her newly acquired house in order; lovely as it was, there was a distinct odour in the main foyer that just wouldn't shift, no matter what she did. The afternoons were devoted to research in the library, and she could lose several hours just reading one book, trying to track down anything she could use to protect her baby from the Dark Fae who would be coming after it.

Today's book seemed to be a winner, though. Magda had called in any number of favours to get a few books returned to the Modern Anthropology section, and among those tomes was the one in which Piper was now engrossed. It was entitled A Study of the Unseelie In the Modern World, and was filled with fascinating descriptions of just how these Fae blended into different environments. More importantly, it offered a few hints as to how they could be identified from a distance, and how their power could be dampened, if not negated completely.

" is important to retain such information as one discovers about these Fae at the forefront of one's mind. One never knows where they will be, nor when they will choose to take an interest in oneself. There are several runes that, once drawn upon one's body or upon something of great personal importance, will provide an aura of protection against the unconscious forms of magic Dark Fae habitually employ. These include ..."

Piper groped for her journal, carefully copying down each rune with an explanation of what it should do for her. Above this in her journal was a reminder to go to one of the Catholic priests and ask them for a blessing on her both her and baby, alongside a description of a ritual her midwife had suggested to her, designed to subdue the baby's unpleasant habit of stretching its magical wings to say hello to any Dark Fae Piper encountered.

Her pen went down once more, and the book rose before her eyes, her attention caught by the very practical suggestions made in the text. This was a book she would be checking out, she decided as she continued to read. There was a lot in here she could do with knowing.

Piper Granger

Date: 2011-06-20 17:05 EST
It didn't look like a tattoo parlor. It didn't look like a shop of any kind, not from the outside. Within, Piper found herself surrounded in a haze of blue smoke, sweetly scented and soporific to the senses, coiling harmlessly around racks of ink and herbs, through myriad charms hanging from the ceiling. At her side, Loki held himself stiff and tall, a protector against everything, even if he couldn't see or scent the threat. There were others here; men and women who seemed both comfortable and nervous of the power that wound itself through the little building.

"Ah, Miss Piper."

She turned, her hands clutching protectively to the growing swell of her belly. The man who addressed her was younger than she had expected; tall and broad-shouldered, bare-chested, possessed of flaxen blonde hair and beard that framed blue eyes wise in their kindness. He smiled down at her, the expression more gentle than she could possibly have expected from the rune master she had been sent to.

"I am Alv'ss," he introduced himself, his accent vaguely reminiscent of the Scandanavian people she had met in the past, back on Earth. "Alannah sent word ahead that you would be coming ....of what you need. Please, come through."

With a gentle hand on her elbow, he steered her through the clouds of scented smoke, past the patient others who waited their turn with the master in his inner sanctum. The room he brought her to was lighter than the other, lit with burning oil lamps to illuminate the shadows. There were many books here, ancient and well-kept; a rough hewn table over which was strewn in orderly chaos all manner of tools and sundry items; short stools, tall chairs, a chaise padded with worn velvet and raised high.

Alv'ss directed her to one of the chairs, taking a seat himself before her, nodding in greeting to the Malamute who sat himself tall beside his mistress. The rune master didn't speak, slowly reaching out his hand to hover close above the curve of her pregnant belly. his eyes closed for a long moment.

"Ahhh ....the Elves have been at work," he murmured. "I understand now." Lifting his eyes to hers, he smiled in sympathy. "Fearful, is it not, to be the bearer of a child so blessed and cursed with blood?"

Piper nodded quickly, her own blue eyes wide with alarm and hope as she watched him. "I don't know what to do," she told him softly, instinctively trusting this calm, powerful being in his own domain. Her hands shook as she withdrew a sketch from her bag, something she had found and drawn in the hope of finding someone to explain it to her. "I found a reference to a rune that might help, but -"

He interrupted her, taking the paper from her trembling hand. "The Aegishjalmur," he nodded. "For one who knows nothing of these things, Miss Piper, you have stumbled upon something of great power."

"Will it ....will it protect my baby?"

Alv'ss nodded slowly. "This is the helm of awe, a powerful symbol of protection among my people," he explained. "It was worn on the forehead in ancient times, drawn in blood or saliva, calling down the protection of the gods upon a warrior who went into battle." His eyes touched hers once again. "You are a warrior in a battle beyond your understanding. The Aegishjalmur will be your shield."

She blinked slowly, wary of what he had said. "I have to have this on my forehead?" she asked, understandably alarmed by the thought.

He laughed, shaking his head. "No, liten moder, not so clear," was his reassuring answer. "Your battle is one with the spirit, with the power that resides deeper than the soul. All beings have an opening to this power. Yours, I feel here." He touched his fingers lightly to her spine, low enough that the unseen opening he spoke of might almost have been a second navel on her back. "Here, we can mark the Aegishjalmur, and here it will shield you. From the influence of the dark ones, and the pain of your child as it reaches out to them."

"Truly?" Piper leaned forward, desperate to have confidence in something so far beyond her understanding as to be totally alien. "They won't be able to touch me, or my baby?"

"Until the babe is born, no enemy will be able to influence your mind, nor stir your child to madness in your womb," Alv'ss told her firmly. "If you will allow me, I will seek ways to keep the babe from the arms of her father while she still grows."

"You would do that' For someone you know nothing about?"

His smile was the smile of generations gone by. "Ah, liten moder, I know you," he said tenderly. "Lost yet not alone; loving and loved; strong and firm in your beliefs, yet open to the possibilities of other times and places, other powers. You are the blessing on this child; you, and the man who has opened his heart to you. Such warmth of spirit is rare in mortal races; the child is blessed beyond all the gods' powers to have such a family in which to be born."

Piper didn't know what to say, rendered speechless by the certainty in his voice as he spoke of herself and the baby; of Ollie, the man who had opened his heart to them both. She bit her lip for a moment, sniffing back the urge for tears.

"When can you do this?" she asked Alv'ss, needing to know how soon she could feel safer beyond the walls of her little house. Loki was a constant presence, a canine companion who had proved himself more than capable of taking on any physical foe. But this enemy was not so foolish as to attack with touch.

The rune master looked up from his desk, where he was touching needle to ink. He smiled gently.

"Now." _________________

Piper Granger

Date: 2011-07-04 05:05 EST
Piper was laughing as she and Loki made their way back up the gentle slope to her little house, the Malamute walking obediently at her side, free from his leash. She had never had any trouble controlling her dog, and in his own turn, he saved his exuberance for when they were out of the city, playing at wild, unimaginable games among grass and trees.

Odd, then, that Loki paused before they reached the door, his canine shoulders broadening, hackles rising on his back. His lips pulled back to reveal those dangerous teeth, releasing a growl so low and threatening that Piper felt her happiness drain away into fear. She turned wide blue eyes toward the door before them, wondering what it was that had so disturbed her hound.

"What is it, Loki?" she asked uncertainly, the keys jangling in her hand as she forced herself to unlock the sturdy entrance to her own home. "Is someone ....someone in there?"

There was no answer but another growl, the big dog pushing her out of the way to stand in the doorway as the barrier swung open, glaring into the house as though expecting something to come hurtling from the sunlit room beyond. As her fear increased, Piper felt a familiar sharp pain in her swollen belly, laying her hands on the roundness of her womb as she sought to calm herself and her unborn child, willing it not to fight against the protection she herself had had inked into her skin to keep from suffering through any more magical influences.

Nose jumping as he sniffed the air, Loki padded slowly into the house, the agitated swish of his tail all Piper needed to know that something was not right. Trusting the dog implicitly, she lingered in the doorway, hugging herself tightly, watching as Loki went over every surface, every piece of furniture, seeking the unknown scent that had brought him into this hyper-alert state. Unknown scents were not allowed in the home of his mistress, not unless they were there to be introduced by her.

When his sweep of the living room brought nothing to light, Piper crept inside, closing the door behind her as she followed the growling Malamute through all the rooms of the house. In three distinct places, he stopped, scratching at the swept boards, his growling somehow intensifying ....the balcony at the end of the upstairs hallway; all over the little used spare room; a spot beside her own bed, in her own bedroom.

Piper felt herself pale as she dropped hard to sit on the bed. Someone had been here; someone Loki did not know, someone the dog instinctively did not trust. Someone who had entered through the hall balcony, who had inspected every inch of a room she didn't use and rarely went into ....someone who had stood beside her bed, in the perfect position to watch her as she slept. Someone who had the power and skill not to be seen or heard, who could enter a locked house and leave nothing but their scent behind them as evidence of their ever having been there.

"Oh, my God," she whispered to herself, shocked by the revelation that came upon her. "They've found me."

It had to have been a Fae, a Dark Fae; no other would have any interest in her, surely. And if it were, then there was the terrifying thought that it could well have been one with an interest in her baby. Her mind numb with fright, she wrapped her arms around Loki, hugging the Malamute tight as he leaned up against her.

Protecting herself was nothing, if her own home was so easily violated. She had to get some help. Ollie had to know. Alannah, or Alv'ss, even Magda might be able to send her to someone who could protect her home. But one thing was now perfectly clear; some faerytales did not have a clear happy ending.