Topic: Old Flame

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:23 EST
Wherever the rare and precious can be found, there are vultures ready to pick over the corpse of historical preservation. Over the centuries, especially on Earth, those vultures had been the first to reach sites of importance, and had left great holes for the archaeologists and historians to puzzle over in their wake. Yet sometimes those precious rarities surfaced in the most unlikely places, snapped up by the "private" collector for their own personal enjoyment. Such things never saw the light of day, were never enjoyed by the descendants of the people who had made them. But sometimes the whispers in the community allowed for the possibility that someone might be able to bring them into the light. Someone with the right connections, the right name ....more importantly, the right bank account.

Isabelle Granger had the right name, the right bank account. Her employer at Canterbury University had the right connections. Combine them all, and Isabelle Granger was invited to a very private auction, hidden away in stately home in the beautiful English countryside. A weekend away, it seemed - two days to peruse the artifacts on the block, and the last day to spend bidding on them, with meals and activities provided for the entertainment of the "guests". She hated that these events even existed, but someone had to go and try to rescue at least some of the history being traded for personal amusement, to bring it back into the light for research and knowledge. She did not know her host, a slightly shady gentleman who went by the name of Alonzo Sisman, yet the invitation had come expressly from him. With the encouragement of the university, she had come, and found herself surrounded by agents and the elite, eager to find something else to hide away behind closed doors and feel smug about owning.

The first day had been filled with comings and goings, with guests arriving and making themselves comfortable, but finally, the doors to the ballroom where the artifacts were displayed had been opened. A black tie event, too, complete with champagne and the promise of a small banquet once the guests had a taste of what was on offer. With a glass in her hand, she moved through the milling guests, expert eyes scanning each item as she passed, looking for something very particular indeed.

There was someone else there perusing those same artifacts and for similar reasons - someone from Isabelle's past, someone she hadn't seen in a long time and would probably rather not see again. The fact that they were both there at the same time was not so strange, all things considered. They both had an interest in rare artifacts and treasures, albeit for different reasons. It was what had brought them together once upon a time, and what had torn them apart. Ryan Jackson, better known to friends as Jax, was not a black tie kind of guy. In fact, he was quite possibly the only man present who wasn't wearing one. Oh, he'd put one on to get past the hulking brute who stood guard at the door, but he'd quickly doffed the damn thing and stuffed it into a pocket before it choked him to death.

He'd already downed two complimentary glasses of champagne, which had gone down a little too easily, and was strolling about, perusing the guests almost as much as he was perusing the artifacts when he saw Her. Her with a capital H. Muttering a favorite unsavory curse word to himself, he ducked behind one of the displays cases and eyed her warily. Why her" Why here and now" But then, this was her kind of gig, and he had a pretty good idea why she was here. Aw, Christ, she was headed his way, and there was no real way to avoid her. She was bound to notice him once the bidding started anyway, so he thought he might as well face the music sooner, rather than later.

Snagging a third glass of champagne, he downed it quickly before popping out from behind the display case, a broad smile on his face. "Izzy! What a surprise! Long time, no see! What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this" Wait - let me guess. A blank check from the university to snatch up whatever catches your eye, right?"

His reception was anything but warm. Isabelle had the uncanny ability to turn frosty on like a switch, and she did it automatically for Him. Oh, yes, he deserved the capital H as well, though it was likely their reasons were not all that similar. Her shoulders straightened as she looked at him, a muscle in her jaw twitched, but when she spoke, it was with blade-sharp sweetness. "Ryan, how charming to see you here," she said with an acid smile. "Tell me ....are you trying to get me thrown out already? This auction is for private collectors, as you well know."

He snorted at her greeting, which was just a little too condescending. Oh, well. He hadn't expected her to be all that welcoming, considering how they'd left things the last time they'd seen each other. He was pretty sure he still had one of her bras stuffed away somewhere, though he wasn't quite sure why he was still hanging onto it. "Nothing private about the university, Izz," he replied, though he made sure to keep his voice down, if only for her benefit. He wasn't there to get her tossed out, at any rate. He took her arm and drew her along, as if they were old friends or colleagues. "So, who is it this time" Professor NotGoodEnoughForYou or HeadUpHisArse?"

Taking her arm was a bad move. It put her in the perfect position to dig her nails in like claws, all the while smiling as though they were old friends. "Do you really suppose I'm going to tell you?" she asked him sweetly. "I would rather rip your balls off and swallow them whole."

"Aw, Izz ....You don't have to rip them off to do that," he told her with an equally sweet, though slightly cocky smile, at least until he felt her nails digging into his arm like claws. Thankfully, he was wearing a jacket. He shook her arm off, a scowl on his face. "Christ, if you want to draw blood, why not just go for the jugular?"

"I believe that the last time we met, I informed you that I never wanted to see you again, and that if I did, you would regret it," she reminded him, taking her hand away from him with a satisfied glint in her eyes. She took a sip of her champagne, watching him all the while. "I think suffering and slow torture is so much more appropriate than a quick death, don't you?"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you never to say never?" he asked, snatching a fourth glass of champagne from a tray as a waiter passed by. "What kind of a gig is this, anyway' Where are the little cucumber sandwiches" Where's the stuffed mushrooms and caviar" Gonna get us all drunk on champagne before the bidding starts," he complained mildly. "There's a fine line between pain and pleasure, you know. I think you're the one who told me that," he said, waggling his brows at her.

"I see you don't change," she said icily. "Still not reading the invitation." She offered a smile to a couple walking by, inclining her head as the man looked her over. She knew that look; she'd been avoiding letting it go beyond looking for years now. "The bidding doesn't start for two days, Ryan. Please, do keep drinking. Perhaps your liver will finally give out on you before the weekend is over." She ignored his comment on their shared past. Well, she seemed to, but there really was no hiding the flush on her skin at the memory the comment provoked.

"What invitation?" he replied, head swiveling to catch the man's look, too, and offering another scowl in return. "Why don't you take a picture" It'll last longer," he suggested, voice dripping with sarcasm and maybe just a little of something else. "Nothing wrong with my liver, Izz," he murmured, taking her arm again to draw her away from the man sending the lecherous looks her way.

"Charming as always," she murmured, allowing herself to be led away. She wasn't entirely sure why she was allowing the conversation to continue. It certainly wasn't because she had missed him, or that she enjoyed his company, it couldn't be. She was still furious with him for the way things had ended, after all. No, she was simply being polite. "How did you manage to get in if you don't have an invitation, dare I ask" Did you, perhaps, seduce the host's wife into letting you play around like a lap dog on a string for the weekend?"

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:24 EST
"The feeling's mutual," he replied. Murmur or not, there was nothing wrong with his hearing, and he'd heard her loud and clear. He thought she was being a little too hostile, especially considering how nice he was being, but then, they hadn't left things on a very friendly note. He snorted at the suggestion that he'd slept his way into being here, though the thought had occurred to him. "Izzy, what do you take me for" Are you gonna have me thrown out?" he asked, only half serious. He knew she was enjoying their verbal repartee almost as much as he was. It was almost as enjoyable as sex. Then again, the sex had always been a lot better the less talking they did.

"You do have something of a track record when it comes to prostituting yourself in order to fill whatever nefarious orders you've been given," she pointed out, one brow rising sharply. She could feel herself softening toward him with an inevitability that should have been impossible. Why couldn't she just stay angry' There'd be far less chance of sleeping with him again if she maintained the urge to hurt him.

"Nefarious?" he echoed, looking truly insulted now. "You wound me. I have feelings, you know." He had been called a lot of different things by a lot of different people, but nefarious had never been one of them. "Now, your friend Alonzo ....There's someone who smells of nefarious," he said, leaning his head closer and lowering his voice. He didn't want to get kicked out just yet, when the fun was about to begin.

"He is hardly my friend," she murmured, her lips barely moving. Feeling him closer than before, she made the mistake of turning her head toward his, and felt her mouth instantly go dry at finding him quite that close. It took an awful lot of effort not to tighten her grasp on his sleeve as she looked into his eyes. "These events are often put on by those with less than angelic origins, as you well know."

"All the more reason for my being here," he murmured, meeting her gaze. He felt something, too, but what he was feeling was only partly physical. She did have the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen. The prettiest everything, really. It was too bad she hated him. "So, what do you have your eye on?" It was taking all his self control not to kiss her right then and then, but somehow he just managed it.

The hostility faded as she looked into his eyes, replaced with a painful sadness that was underlined by her answer to his question. "Do you really think I am stupid enough to repeat that mistake with you, Ryan?" she asked him quietly. "I don't make a habit of being burned."

"I was talking about the auction," he said, "but if you wanna talk about us, we can do that, too. Just ..." He paused to take a brief look around, as if to see if anyone was watching or listening. "....not here."

"I was talking about the auction," she said, the frostiness returning to her voice. "There is no "us". If there had been, we'd have arrived together." She took half a step back, drawing in a slow breath as she sipped from her glass, looking away. Her eyes found the object of her desire in that sweep, but with him so close, she didn't dare show an interest.

"There was once," he said quietly, almost without realizing it, a fleeting look on his face that almost gave his feelings away. For just a moment, it looked like there was sadness and regret there, but only for a moment before he had regained control of himself again. He was watching her carefully, catching the way her eyes settled, however briefly, on something outside his field of vision. It wasn't too hard to figure out what she was looking at. So that was what she was here for. Interesting. "Look, I don't wanna argue. We're just gonna have to put up with each other for a couple of days. What do you say' Truce?" he asked, offering her a hand.

Her eyes returned to his in time to see that moment of sad regret, a flicker in her own expression betraying a fleeting glimpse of doubt at her own recollections before she pulled her composure about herself like a shield. He was right; whatever their differences, they were stuck together for at least the weekend. Sighing softly, she set her hand into his. "Truce," she agreed quietly. "For now."

He smiled, pleased he'd somehow managed to convince her to agree to a truce. Maybe with a little luck he'd be able to convince her of more than that before the weekend was through. "And just to prove I'm sincere, I'm gonna take you to dinner." Never mind the fact that dinner was a buffet and it was already provided. All the better, in his opinion, since he wouldn't have to pay extra for it. His fingers closed on hers, as she placed her hand in his.

"I'm overcome with your gentlemanly manners," she drawled, very nearly teasing him as her lips threatened to smile. Before she could say anything more, however, an oily voice caught her attention.

"Miss Granger, such a delight to see you at our little soiree. And your companion, Mr ...?" She turned to find their host, Alonzo Sisman, standing behind her, with a couple of men who could only be described as heavy-set at his back.

"As well you ..." he started, mirroring a Cheshire cat grin which turned to a scowl as they were interrupted. The scowl disappeared quickly, as Jax recognized their host, flanked by a couple of his thugs. "Jackson," he informed the man, knowing he was going to have to do some pretty fast thinking and talking to in order to convince the man he belonged here. Apparently, he either hadn't greased the right palm or hadn't greased it enough. "We're delighted to be here, aren't we, honey?" he asked, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her a little too close. He flashed what he hoped was a friendly, if fake, smile at the man.

"Mr. Jackson, of course." Mr. Sisman had the kind of smile that waits on warm rocks for unassuming animals to sun themselves before striking and devouring them whole. "And yet I do not recall issuing an invitation to a Mr. Jackson. These gentlemen," he gestured to the heavies behind him, "would like to see your invitation, sir. Perhaps you have left it with your luggage." On cue, the two men stepped forward to take hold of Jax's arms, politely but very firmly. "Such a conversation should be held in private," Mr. Sisman continued smoothly.

"Is this because I'm not wearing a tie?" Jax asked, looking more annoyed than concerned as the two men stepped forward to take hold of his arms. "Because I've got one in my pocket. I just don't like wearing it." He said nothing about an invitation, but he was working on an excuse even as he stalled. He shook the thugs off, or attempted to, though his gaze never left their host's face. "Not very welcoming of you, Alonzo. My money's as green as anyone else's."

"I find it in poor taste to crash a party, Mr. Jackson," Sisman began, but Isabelle gently laid her hand on his arm.

"I believe I can clear up this little misunderstanding, Mr. Sisman," she said smoothly, knowing Jax was going to owe her big time for this. Removing her own invitation from her purse, she showed it to their host. "As you can see, my invitation is for Miss Isabelle Granger and guest. Mr. Jackson is my guest."

Scanning the invitation, Sisman scowled briefly. "By guest, my dear, it is generally assumed to mean business partners or, indeed, partners of a romantic nature," he pointed out.

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:24 EST
Isabelle smiled confidently. "Mr. Jackson is my fiance, Mr. Sisman," she explained, taking the invitation back. Only the sharpest of eyes would have noted that where her left hand had been bare before she opened her purse, now it wore a sapphire ring on the appropriate finger.

A look of surprise crossed Jax's face, but so briefly as to be hardly noticed, unless someone was looking for it, before it turned into that cocky, over-confident grin of his. He might have pulled Izzy closer but the men flanked him still had hold of his arms. "Thanks, honey. I was just about to mention that. Now, if you don't mind ..." He said, glaring pointedly at Alonzo, his expression turning serious, almost but not quite a threat.

Sisman considered them both for a moment, finally nodding to his companions, who released Jax reluctantly. "I feel I must ask, Miss Granger," he said thoughtfully, as though feeling his way toward the next mistake in their story, "why it is you have taken separate rooms from your fiance?"

Isabelle raised her brow as she looked at him. "We had no wish to offend our host by sharing a room before we are married," she said, as though that were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ah, of course," Sisman nodded. "Happily, I am not so easily offended. I will have my people move Mr. Jackson's belongings into your rooms, Miss Granger."

Only Jax knew Isabelle well enough to spot the flicker of dismay in her expression before she answered. "You're too kind, Mr. Sisman."

Jax shrugged Alonzo's thugs off, looking just a little put out, though whether he actually felt that way was hard to say. All of this was a ruse, after all, except for the ring. The fact that still owned it and hadn't pawned it for cash shocked him more than anything. Maybe there was a chance for him yet, if he wanted to pursue it. "Kind isn't quite the word I had in mind," he muttered, mostly to himself.

"Shush, love, it's all just a misunderstanding." If Jax was shocked before, he was going to be floored by the way Isabelle eased herself close against his side, tucking her arm about his back as she smiled at him.

Sisman considered them for a moment longer before seeming to nod to himself. "Well, I hope you enjoy your time here, Miss Granger, Mr. Jackson. I hope you leave us with a little something to remember us by."

As he walked away, Isabelle tensed just barely at the very subtle threat, emptying her glass in an attempt to relax again.

Shocked wasn't quite the right word, though for the moment, Jax went along with the ruse, as if nothing was amiss. He smiled and drew an arm around her waist as she tucked herself against his side. The tone of her voice was doing something weird to his insides, but he didn't have time to process what exactly it was. He offered a terse nod in return, glaring at the man's back as he and his thugs walked away. "I don't like that guy. He's up to something, mark my words," he said quietly, only in part to himself.

"He'll be watching us now," Isabelle murmured back, gently steering him about so that he wasn't noticed glaring at their host's back. "There isn't anything incriminating in your bags, is there?" She looked up at Jax expectantly; she did know what he did for a living, after all.

Once he was wearing that glare, it was hard to shake it off. He was clearly annoyed with Alonzo and his goons, but he wasn't entirely surprised. "Not in my bags, no," he replied, without explanation. She probably knew him well enough to know what he meant by that.

"Good." She could feel what wasn't in his rooms hidden under his jacket, anyway. She glanced away briefly, her eyes returning to his face to find him still scowling. "Ryan, stop glaring. People will notice. We're already being watched now, we don't want to draw any more attention."

He did his best to wipe the scowl from his face, but only ended up with a half-annoyed frown in its place. "Suppose I should say thank you," he told her, his gaze lingering on their hosts until he disappeared into the crowd.

"I do believe you're actually a worse actor now than you were when we met," Isabelle sighed, drawing him to one side, out of the milling motion of the crowd. She looked him in the eye sternly. "Get your expression under control, or next time, I will let them rough you up and throw you out, understood?"

Her threat did nothing to soften the expression on his face. He found himself feeling confused where she was confused, but that was nothing new. "I'm trying to say thank you," he told her as she drew him aside. His gaze darted briefly to her left hand before moving back to her face. "I thought you would've gotten rid of that by now," he said, not bothering to explain he was referring to the engagement ring he'd given her once upon a time.

"And I'm trying to point out that unless you relax, there'll be no point in that thank you," she said, rolling her eyes. She did know one way to make him stop glaring, but it wouldn't make the situation any less confusing for either of them. Her gaze flickered down to the ring on her finger. "Just be glad it was here and drop it," she suggested, turning her head to look out through the window to the gardens outside.

"Izzy ..." he started, trailing off with a frown on his face, unsure what to say next. He didn't dare tell her he still loved her; she'd made her own feelings on the matter pretty obvious. He'd tried multiple times to contact her to explain what had happened, and she'd refused to see him, even going so far as to slam the door in his face. She wanted him to drop it, so drop it he did, feeling those old familiar feelings of defeat and hopelessness that were too often connected with her. "You have one bed or two?" he asked, realizing they were going to be stuck with each other for at least a few days now.

Startled by the question, she blinked, looking at him sharply. "One," she told him, concealing her sigh quietly. "And our host has no doubt rigged the rooms with cameras and bugs. He doesn't strike me as a trusting sort of man." Despite her outward appearance of discomfort, however, she was very aware of an old, familiar thrill at the realization that she would be sleeping in his arms again. Not even her carefully constructed blankness could hide the gentle rose tint that colored her cheeks, or the way her expression softened just a little as she held his gaze.

"Cameras and bugs can be found easily enough," he replied quietly, though he knew that wasn't always the case. "So, we have to be careful," he told her, including her in that equation now that he'd inadvertently dragged her into this mess ....again. Wasn't that how all this had began once upon a time" "I'm not here for his entertainment," he added, annoyed at the thought of being watched while in the privacy of their room, her room. His cocky attitude seemed to soften a little at her gaze, knowing she could be his undoing yet again. "I'm sorry I dragged you into all this," he told her, his expression sincere.

"We have to be a couple for the next few days," she nodded, a rueful smile touching her lips - the first truly genuine smile he'd seen from her all evening. "Or we could have an enormous public argument, but I think that would probably result in our host getting to have you beaten up and thrown out." She shook her head at his apology, laying her hand against his chest. "I wasn't dragged, Ryan," she pointed out. "I didn't have to come to your rescue, did I?"

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:25 EST
The slight pressure of her hand against his chest was doing strange things to his body - things he didn't want to think too hard about, things that made him unable to think straight. "For what it's worth, I'd do it for you," he told her quietly, his gaze drifting to her lips and wondering if they tasted as soft and sweet as he remembered. But then, of course they did. She looked just like he remembered, just as beautiful as ever - and if he kept thinking like that, things were going to get complicated pretty quickly.

"I know." This is a bad idea, her mind was screaming at her, trying to point out that this was the man who had jilted her, the man who had used her, the man she had spent three years trying to forget. But her mind was losing the battle with her heart and her body, who only remembered the good from their time with the man standing so close. She leaned into Jax, wanting to forget the bad blood ....and a gong sounded on the far side of the ballroom, the announcement that the evening meal was ready for the guests to partake. Startled, Isabelle drew back, her composure shattered by how very ready she had been to throw herself into Jax's arms once again.

For an all-too-brief quiet moment, he almost forgot where they were, old familiar feelings resurfacing, as his arms went around her without even thinking about what he was doing. It wasn't an act for their host's benefit; at least, that's not what it felt like. His arms had been empty for far too long, and he, too, was suddenly reminded what it had felt like to have her close. It might be a bad idea, but when had he ever listened to what his brain was telling him' He sensed something in her - some softening - and he wondered if she felt it, too, but then that damned gong sounded summoning them to dinner. Who did that anyway' Who used a gong to call people to dinner, like sheep to the slaughter" He'd been just about to tell her how they needed to talk - how he needed to talk, needed to explain - when that damned gong interrupted. "Hungry?" he asked, instead, a small smile on his face, which concealed his true feelings.

Despite feeling as though she was clawing to get back a little of her composure, Isabelle responded to his smile with a familiar expression - twinkling eyes and a smile to match his, her arm looping itself through his own. "Starving," she said, surprised at herself for warming to him so very quickly after all this time.

He was surprised, too, though he thought some of it might be an act to convince Alonzo and his cohorts. He knew they were being watched, and he knew they had to be convincing, but they couldn't lay it on too thick either. "Well, let's go enjoy our enjoy our host's hospitality then, shall we?" he asked, tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, though it still felt a little like fattening the pig before slaughter.

"And try to behave ourselves in the company of people who really are far posher than we will ever be," she added, moving with him to join the milling throng. Her eyes flickered back just once to take note of the number on the display that had caught her eye, making a mental note to check the details in the little catalog in her room. Their room.

"Keyword, try," he echoed with that cocky grin of his, as he led her past the artifacts on display, noting the direction of her gaze, toward the dining room. He also noticed they were getting a little unwanted attention due to their recent encounter with their host, but he managed to mostly ignore it, a friendly, but albeit fake, smile here and there to those looking their way. "These people are about as friendly as a pit full of snakes," he muttered, that smile still in place.

"They are the elite, and not all of them English," she murmured back to him, offering a warm smile to their host's wife, who seemed genuinely unaware of anything untoward and practically vibrated with delight at having been acknowledged in a friendly way by one of her guests. That in itself was enough to make Isabelle laugh as she and Jax took their place in the slow moving queue for the food on offer. "Please tell me you came with a blank check, not a cack-handed scheme."

"Of course I did," he replied, looking and sounding insulted, though he didn't specify which of the two he was admitting to. His stomach growled loudly, reminding him and anyone close enough to overhear that he hadn't eaten in a while, but he made no apology for it. He knew she was trying to be helpful, but he didn't really appreciate the lecture. This wasn't his first day at the rodeo, after all, or so he thought. "Please don't tell me you've become a vegetarian," he said, as they slowly made their way closer to the buffet table.

She snorted with laugh, rolling her eyes at his counter to her quiet check. "Of course I haven't, don't be ridiculous," she told him, taking up a plate as they reached the long table. There was a variety of food on offer, hot and cold, but she was waiting for a crack at the carvery further down, with its generous variety of roasted everything. "Your appetites are still the same as ever, I take it?"

The plural version of the word didn't miss his attention and in fact, incited a bit of a smirk on his face. "What do you think?" he remarked, answering her question with a rhetorical question of his own. He knew they had to be careful what they said to each other, especially now that Alonzo's lackeys were keeping an eye on them. "I can still keep up with you, if that's what you're asking," he murmured back, leaning close so that his reply wasn't broadcast to everyone around them, as he handed her a plate.

This elicited a smirk of her own as she met his eyes. "If you are not careful, I may have to test that later, cameras or no cameras," she threatened rather playfully, batting her lashes at him. It had been a long time since she had flirted with anyone, much less someone she still had very real feelings for. She knew she wasn't doing her appearance of frosty indifference any favors, but did it really matter"

He grunted at her reply. Though his interest was certainly piqued and he wouldn't deny her if she really wanted to test the theory, he wasn't a performing monkey for Alonzo's amusement. "Tempting as that sounds, I don't do porn," he replied, an almost too-serious look on his face. What was the matter with him anyway that he was turning down a roll in the hay with ...well, let's be truthful ....the woman he loved.

"Neither do I." Part of her wanted to thank him for pulling her back from that precipice; as cool as her reputation was, he was one of the few people who knew that she could lose hours in passion, heedless of anyone but the man in her arms. Without thinking, she reached up, sapphire sparkling on her finger as she stroked his cheek. "Try to cheer up, Ryan. Free food has always been one of your favorite things."

There were things he loved even more than free food, and she was one of them, but he knew better than to say that. Whatever his feelings about Alonzo, she was starting to make him come a little unhinged. He glanced at that ring again, needing to know why she'd kept it, but this wasn't the time or the place. "Maybe we should take a walk in garden," he suggested quietly, wondering if Alonzo would have planted cameras and bugs there, too. "After dinner, I mean," he added for good measure, his gaze meeting hers.

She considered him for a moment as they moved further along the buffet tables. "I think we should," she agreed quietly. They did have a lot to talk about, after all, and it was best done away from prying ears and eyes if they could at all help it. "But first I demand food and a decent cup of coffee."

"In London?" He snorted doubtfully. "You want good coffee, you gotta go to Seattle. Or maybe Rome." The Italians seemed to know how to make coffee, but the English' He wasn't so sure. They did tea just fine, but he'd never been much of a tea drinker. He said nothing more about the walk in the garden, though he thought they needed to talk.

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:26 EST
"I said decent, I didn't say good," she pointed out, rolling her eyes at him as she smiled. "You're a coffee snob, Ryan Jackson." She paused as they reached the carvery, handing her plate over to the chef who was carving the meat before taking it back to add her choice of vegetables to her plate and drowning the whole lot in gravy.

"Guilty as charged," Jax replied with a chuckle. If she was anyone else, he might have scolded her for calling him by his first name. No one called him Ryan but her and his mother. To everyone else, he was just Jax. He, too, was a carnivore by choice, figuring he was only going to live once, so he might as well enjoy it - cholesterol be damned. He filled his plate almost to match hers, though his choice of vegetables was slim to none. At least, he didn't smoke. That was one thing going for him.

They didn't have much choice but to make small talk while they were eating - despite the sheer size of the dining room, it still felt very cramped around the tables that had been set up for the guests to eat at. Still, small talk was something Isabelle was surprisingly good at, and even though they had garnered negative attention for their interaction with Sisman earlier, the others who ate at their table came away from the meal with a glowing opinion of Mr. Jackson and his fiancee.

Jax wasn't stupid. He knew very well how to play this game, but he also knew it was mostly Izzy's quick thinking and outgoing personality that saved the dinner during dinner, even if he had found most of their companions dull and their conversation boring. Once his stomach's appetite was satisfied, however, and they'd indulged in as much free food and drink as they dared, it was time to make their excuses.

With the other guests choosing to go their own ways as well, it wasn't difficult to make their excuses and slip outside. Though summer had arrived, the night air was chilly, but Isabelle didn't comment on it, falling into step with Jax as they made their way between the perfectly groomed flowerbeds. "No one followed us?"

"Not that I noticed," he replied, turning to look around. It would be hard to have cameras in a garden, especially since it had grown dark since nightfall, and he was pretty sure he would have noticed if Alonzo's thugs had planted a bug on him.

"I trust your eyes better than mine when it comes to that," she admitted, turning a corner into a tunnel that seemed constructed entirely of trees trained to form a canopy overhead. But she didn't know where to start. They might not have a lot of history, but what they did have was intense.

He wasn't sure if the setting was romantic or not, but it didn't really matter. After three years of silence, she was actually willing to have a conversation with him again. Maybe he should thank Alonzo for that. He noticed the chill in the air and that she wasn't exactly dressed for it and shrugged off his coat to place it around her shoulders, revealing the Glock he wore tucked beneath it, but hoping it was too dark for anyone but her to notice. "You look cold."

She jumped, startled to find his arm about her shoulders, even if he was just settling his jacket about her, still warm from his own body. Sliding her arms into the sleeves, she smiled in the shadow-dappled darkness. "Thank you," she said softly. "I forgot how naturally being a gentleman comes to you."

He shrugged, unsure how true that really was, except when it came to her, but too proud to deny it. Now that they were alone, he wasn't quite sure where to begin, and he felt sort of like an awkward teenager on his first date with the girl of his dreams. "It's the least I can do."

They were both as awkward as each other, it seemed, neither one knowing quite where to start but knowing it had to happen if they were going to have any hope of pulling this off for the next couple of days. One thing Isabelle had learned from her siblings, however, was to jump in and get it over with. "I could call it sentiment, but I'd be lying," she said, rubbing her finger over the sapphire ring on her hand. "I just ....I didn't want to get rid of it. It was proof that you loved me, once. I needed that proof."

On the contrary, he thought that was pretty sentimental, though he didn't say so. He lifted his brows, more than a little surprised by her confession and wondering if maybe she didn't really detest him after all. "What makes you think I don't still feel the same?" he asked, not quite brave enough to use the L word just yet.

The look she gave him would have been deadly if she had been angrier. As it was, her expression was dull with painful heartbreak. "Because you jilted me," she reminded him harshly. "You let me be humiliated in front of our friends. How do you do that to someone you love?"

He frowned, knowing she was going to bring that up, but disappointed she hadn't figured the truth out for herself by now. "If you really think I'd do that to you, you don't know me as well as I thought you did," he said, knowing he could be a jerk sometimes - hell, a lot of the time - but why the hell would he propose and give her a ring that cost a small fortune if only to get cold feet and stand her up at the altar"

"I thought I knew you," she countered, making an effort to keep her voice down. "I thought you knew me. Any other way, I could have handled. A note in the morning, a phone call, a text, even ....anything to tell me that you wouldn't be there, that something had come up, or that you couldn't do it. But no. The man I loved left me to wait for two hours before realizing he wouldn't show up, to break the news to our guests, and to play host at what should have been our reception, knowing full well that everyone there was laughing at me. Icy Bella, remember" No wonder Jax didn't show, she's impossible to love. I don't have much but my pride, Ryan, and I lost it that day. Why the hell do you think I came to England" I couldn't get away from the whispers in America."

He wasn't sure if what he was feeling was anger, disappointment, or wounded pride at her accusation, but he was once again reminded of the pain he'd felt at her flat refusal to listen to any explanation he'd tried to offer following his absence at their wedding. "And it never occurred to you even once to give me the benefit of the doubt. That maybe - just maybe - something had happened to keep me from you. Something I had no control of. And then, when I tried to explain, you refused to listen. You assumed the worst and you gave up on me, Izzy, and by giving up on me, you gave up on us. I know I'm not perfect. Hell, I'm a long way from perfect, but I didn't stand you up on purpose," he said, letting her think on that before he went any further.

"You think I don't regret the way I behaved?" she snapped, still keeping her voice low, but the sound was almost a snarl. "You think I don't know how badly I behaved" I know I screwed everything up, all right' I know it was my fault we never managed to move on from that. I know I'm an arrogant, stubborn, stupid, self-centered, egotistical shit on a stick, and there is nothing you can say to me that will hurt me any more than I already do for those weeks and months. I needed to be angry, Ryan, and I held onto it. I needed to be angry and I needed not to come running back to you. I thought you knew me well enough to know that writing it down would have been safer than trying to talk to me face to face. No, I'm not perfect either, I'm far from perfect. There's nothing anyone can say to me that I haven't said to myself, but if it makes you feel any better, go on. Throw all the abuse I threw at you back in my face. It isn't like I don't deserve it."

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:26 EST
If he was expecting anything, it wasn't this. It wasn't self-condemnation and maybe even a little self-pity. When it really came down to it, they were their own worst enemies. When it really came down to it, their greatest fault was a matter of ego and too much pride and maybe the fear of being hurt again. He felt himself deflate, like a balloon, all the hot air going out of him. "Isabelle," he said, his voice gentling as he tipped her chin up to meet his gaze, though she was already looking at him. He didn't much care if anyone was watching them now. If anyone needed convincing that they still had feelings for each other, all they had to do was keep watching. "I never stopped loving you, Izz," he told her quietly, confirming what he'd only hinted at a few moments earlier. "I wish I could turn back time and change the past, but better late than never, right?"

She held his gaze, regret foremost in her eyes as he looked down at her. "Do you really think I'd still be this angry if I didn't love you?" she asked him almost hopelessly. They were bad for each other, and yet, they'd never been so good as when they'd been together. He never called her Isabelle unless he was completely serious; she knew he wouldn't lie about this. "What happened?" she asked him softly.

He hadn't kissed her yet, but he was sorely tempted to. Maybe they wouldn't have to pretend to convince Alonzo they were a couple after all, but just let it happen on its own. "Alistair happened," he told her, with obvious distaste.

Alistair. Well, that answered that question succinctly. "Did he hurt you?" she asked in a quiet voice, but he knew the underlying brittleness in her tone. No matter how old the insult, Isabelle Granger was not one to let a grudge lie down and die without intervention. If Alistair had hurt Jax, she would see that hurt repaid however she could.

He shrugged, his male pride kicking in again. Nothing short of death would have stopped him from being at his own wedding. He'd come close to an early grave that day, but he wasn't about to tell her that. "Nothing I couldn't handle," he said, though that was about the furthest thing from the truth. "I'm alive, and that's all that matters."

She frowned, unhappy with the lack of detail. "It was because of what happened in Bucharest, wasn't it?" They'd crossed Alistair's path there when they'd been newly met themselves, and it had been partly his influence on the race to the artifact in question that had brought them together. Alistair was a dark cloud in the back of her mind, and she was not happy to learn that he had taken a hand in preventing their marriage.

He shrugged, not really wanting to talk about Alistair right now, but needing her to finally understand. "Why else?" he asked. "If I ever see him again, it'll be him instead of me."

"Not if I get there first," she promised quietly, looking down at the ring sparkling on her finger. "I haven't had this far from me in all this time, you know. It's always in my purse, or on a chain around my neck. I never thought I'd see you again."

He had to admit, if only to himself, that though it was a certain artifact that had brought him here, he had secretly been hoping she'd be here, too, and he hadn't been all that surprised to see her. He took hold of that hand in his own, a soft smile on his face. "Maybe you should start wearing it again," he suggested, telling her in not so many words that he might be interested in picking up where they'd left off. He sure as hell wouldn't mind claiming her for his own again.

Green eyes rose to his once more, hope warring with wary sense in her expression. She stepped closer, touching her forehead to his, closing her eyes for a long moment as she breathed him in, the side of her nose stroking against his briefly. "I think we need time to learn each other again first," she murmured. But it wasn't a no.

"Is the weekend long enough?" he asked, a soft smile on his face and an almost playful gleam in his eyes. Should he kiss her now, or was he pushing his luck" Oh, hell. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. He hesitated for just a moment as her nose touched his, close enough to kiss her, close enough to breathe her in, not missing the fact that her eyes had drifted closed and she seemed a little lost in the moment. It was now or never, and he couldn't help but take advantage of the moment to touch his lips to hers, lightly at first but with increasing pressure.

She laughed softly at his joke, her eyes almost open again before his lips found her smile, sucking the breath from her as that old, familiar, electric thrill buzzed down her spine. Oh, she had missed him; she had ached for the loss of him for far too long, stepping closer as the kiss deepened, wanting to taste him, to know him this way all over again.

He had not intended it for a joke. He didn't need the weekend or even a few hours to know that he wanted to claim her for his own. He'd waited three years for this moment, three years to explain, three years to prove to her that he really was a man of his word, at least where she was concerned. He slid his arms around her waist as she stepped closer, claiming her lips and deepening his kiss, needing her to know without doubt that the fire that had once burned in his heart for her still burned as brightly as before.

Unbeknownst to him, she felt the same. She didn't need more than this kiss to know that this was where she wanted to be, where she needed to be. She belonged to Jax, heart and soul, but that pride of hers did not want him to know that she would come when called. A few days, a few weeks, perhaps; time enough to remind herself what she would be giving up if she walked away now. Drawing in a sharp breath, she broke the kiss, tracing her fingertips over his cheek and jaw. "How the hell are we going to share a room without putting on a show?"

Three years spent apart, three years of pain and anger and loneliness melted away in that one brief kiss - the first of many they were yet to share, or so he hoped. He chuckled at her question, his heart feeling lighter than it had since the last time he'd kissed her. "I don't know, but it's gonna be an interesting weekend," he said, knowing that was a bit of an understatement. The hell with Alonzo. The hell with Alistair. The hell with the artifact. The only thing that mattered to him at that moment was Her - with a capital H.

She huffed a soft laugh of her own, touching a softer kiss to his lips before forcing herself to draw away. "Would you like to see where you're sleeping tonight?" she asked him in a low whisper. Yes, he was a distraction, but she still needed to do something before she could let herself be distracted entirely.

"Unless you have a better idea," he replied, reluctantly letting her go. After three years of waiting and hoping and dreaming, he thought he could wait a few minutes more. Or even a few days more. There was still a lot they needed to discuss, and he wasn't so sure her room was a safe place for such a discussion, but he wagered it could wait a while longer.

Yes, she was trying to put off that conversation, and she wasn't being particularly subtle about it, but she knew that he would be able to find cameras and bugs if there were any in the room. Slipping out of his jacket, she handed it back to him, offering her hand as she headed back toward the house. Before they turned the corner, though, she paused, considering something. "Muss me," she told him, turning back with a faint smile.

"Muss you?" he echoed, a puzzled expression on his face. It took a moment before his brain caught up with his hearing, and a smile curled his lips. "Oh, I see," he said, as he shrugged back into his jacket. Now, he could have reached over and just messed her hair gently, but what fun was there in that' Instead, he drew his arms around her waist again and dipped her back to kiss her quite thoroughly, once again unconcerned if anyone was watching. If that didn't curl her toes and her hair, nothing else would.

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:27 EST
She should have expected that. Caught up in his arms, the kiss smothered her laughter as she felt the personal horizon shift, throwing her arms around him as she fought to stifle to soft moan that rose in response to the way he handled her. He knew she was proud, he knew she had boundaries that extended far beyond her own physical form, and yet he knew exactly how to reach beyond them to touch the tender girl still hiding in there. Well, she had asked to be mussed, and he was certainly doing just that, but being mussed was the furthest thing from her mind right now. Jax really had touched a chord, and whether or not they were watched, if they stayed this close, they would get closer still.

If anyone doubted they were a couple, that kiss should alleviate all doubt. What Jax hadn't considered though was what Alonzo would think of them actually being partners. Were they more likely to make their acquisition alone or together, and to complicate matters further, each was obligated to two entirely different parties for the very same item. But Jax wasn't really thinking with his brain right now, but another part of his anatomy.

Breathless, Isabelle clung to him, trading kisses back and forth, hungry for more. She'd been without him for too long, untouched and unwanted, and he was right there, vital and longing in her arms. "We ....not in the garden ..."

Not in their room apparently either, though he had a thought or two about that. "Yes, dear," he replied, touching a final kiss to her lips before righting her on her feet. Just how he managed to hold her there for so long was a mystery, even to him, but he pulled her back up seemingly effortlessly.

She bit his lower lip gently for that, grinning as she tried to catch her breath. "Don't call me dear, makes me sound like my mother," she warned him, holding on a moment longer to steady herself before trying to ease away. One hand slid into his, fingers entwining. "You've been working out."

"There is definitely nothing matronly about you," he told her, wrapping his larger hand around hers, a teasing twinkle in his eyes. Oh, she was a distraction, but a distraction of the very best kind. He answered her other remark with a dismissive shrug of his shoulders, "A little," he said, unwilling to admit to the reasons behind his effort to get a little fitter. Like everything else in his life, even that was complicated.

"I don't think I want to know why, do I?" she asked with a low laugh, drawing him out of the shadows and into the view of the manor house. Others who were taking the night air took one look at her disheveled hair and flushed cheeks, and turned away, sharing knowing smiles with one another.

Either he still had it - whatever it was - or she was deserving of an Oscar. Either way, it was a convincing performance, but even more so because it was real. "Probably not," he replied, a brief frown on his face as he considered her question. He wondered if they were partners now or if they were competitors, already knowing that he'd probably let her have the damned scarab and let the chips fall where they may.

Drawing his arm over her shoulders, her fingers still entangled with his, she chuckled, steering him along the paths and back into the house itself. Guests were still milling about, but the ballroom was locked and guarded for the night. Alonzo Sisman was taking no risks with the treasures up for auction. "Let's find out how much of my underwear has gone missing in the luggage switchover, shall we?" Isabelle said impishly, deliberately loud enough for the heavies on the ballroom doors to hear, and was rewarded with a blush from one of them. So they'd been through her belongings, too.

"Possession is nine-tenths of the law," he reminded her, though they weren't in the States. Of course, here, Alonzo's rules were all that really mattered, and he'd already broken a few. He draped his arm lazily over her shoulder, fingers locked with hers, feeling as proud as a peacock to be back in her good graces.

"Does that mean you only intend to possess nine-tenths of me?" she asked with a faint grin as they moved to mount the wide staircase, one hand holding her skirt out of the way of the stiletto sharp shoes on her feet. "Dare I ask what the other tenth did to offend you?"

"Took too long coming to your senses," he replied with a teasing grin, but he was only blaming one-tenth of her, so it hardly mattered. He wasn't quite sure how she managed to walk in those things, but they sure as hell looked good on her, so who was he to argue. And if she tripped? Well, he'd be right there to catch her.

She stuck her tongue out at him, leading the way along a plushly carpeted hallway to her own room. The key came out of her purse, and she unlocked the door, drawing him inside by his collar, close enough to murmur. "Sweep the room, baby, or you're gonna be mooning the mafia tonight."

"You sure know to talk dirty," he murmured back, kicking the door closed behind him. Now that they were alone, he really didn't want to waste any time, but then, they weren't really alone until he found every bug Alonzo had had hidden in here during their luggage swap.

She laughed, pressing a kiss to his lips once more before slipping past him to lock the door, leaving the key inserted in case of unwanted visitors. Jax's luggage had been brought to the room, his suitcase set beside hers at the foot of the four poster bed that dominated the room. But they weren't alone, and that meant no relaxing just yet. Isabelle sighed as she moved over to the bed, pulling the pins out of her hair to let the long length fall free. "God, I hate being on my best behavior."

"Then don't be," he told her quite simply, checking to make sure the door was locked - not that it mattered, since Alonzo had the keys anyway - and moving slowly around the room, checking all the best hiding places for bug and cameras large and small. They were going to have to make small talk until he found them all and small talk had never been one of their strong points.

She laughed, good at playing this part. They'd had to do it a few times in their shared past, and they knew from experience that all eyes behind the cameras would be riveted on her as she slipped out of her shoes, as she removed her jewelry, waiting for what else would be removed. "We're not likely to make many connections if I don't behave myself properly, love," she pointed out. "Mr. Sisman is already upset with us because I didn't announce you as my guest when I arrived."

Jax was more concerned with the cameras than the bugs, since he needed to get rid of the cameras first so that he could move around looking for the bugs without anyone seeing him doing it. He surveyed the room a moment, debating where he'd hide a camera if he wanted to hide one.

Rising from where she sat, Isabelle opened her luggage, pulling out her robe and nightwear as she waited for an indication of where the camera might be. "I wonder what activities they'll have for us tomorrow," she babbled cheerfully, sounding for all the world like a tired young woman who was genuinely excited about the weekend away. Setting the robe down, she went for the distraction technique, hoping it wasn't going to work on Jax, too. Hiking her gown's skirt high, she started to undo her suspenders, rolling her stockings down with deliberate care.

"Oh, probably more food and drink and enter ..." He broke off, either because he'd just found something or because he'd glanced over to find her doing a slow striptease for whoever was watching. Unwilling to share that view with anyone, much less Alonzo's goons, he scowled over at her and gestured toward the mirror, where he'd found the first camera hidden. "Baby, if you keep that up, we won't be leaving the room tomorrow."

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:28 EST
One stocking down, Isabelle rolled her eyes at him, letting the skirt fall once again as she straightened to pick up her robe. "Am I all the entertainment you can take, baby?" she asked innocently, curling one arm around his neck to kiss him softly as she threw her robe just as innocently to land perfectly over the mirror. "Any more?" she breathed against his lips.

"You're all the entertainment I need," he replied, trying not to get too distracted by her until he was through looking for spyware. "Not sure," he replied, just as quietly. He doubted there was only the one camera, given the amount of time Alonzo's goons had had to hide them.

"Top of the wardrobe?" was whispered against his lips. That would be a logical place; it provided a good view of the room, and could be hidden in the cornicing. Of course, they knew how to dislodge it without seeming to be actually looking for it, too.

His gaze glanced over at the spot in question briefly. If there was anything hidden there, he'd need to figure out a way to remove it without arousing suspicion. There was one way to do it, but he didn't really like it, assuming there was anything there to dislodge. "You think they'd respect the Do Not Disturb sign?" he asked, though this, too, was all part of the ruse. He reached around to her back and started to undo her zipper, but only pulled it partway down, just far enough to give whoever was watching a glimpse of her bare back and nothing more. If they kept this up, he was going to need a cold shower ....or something.

"Maybe if we make enough noise," she suggested, speaking for the benefit of the audio bugs that had to be in the room. She shivered as she felt his fingers drawing her zipper down; all part of the ruse it may have been, but her reaction was only too real, reaching beneath his jacket to tease her nails down his back through the thin protection of his shirt.

His body's reaction to her was genuine, as she could probably tell, whether this was part of the ruse or not. He shrugged off his jacket and tossed it aside before picking her up off the floor and wrapping her legs around his waist. He was more than capable of doing this without losing his balance, but he somehow managed to fumble losing his balance and bumping into the wardrobe on his way to the bed, as if he'd had too much champagne. "Whoopsy daisy!"

Caught up in his arms, there was no acting required as Isabelle clung on, but she was braced for the impact against the wardrobe. And they hit it hard. Hard enough that something electronic and intrusive was shaken loose, and came tumbling down to crack against the edge of the vanity before hitting the carpet. "What the hell?" she declared, waiting until she'd spoke before sharing a triumphant grin with Jax. Two cameras covering both wide views of the room was plenty for idle observation, after all.

Though he wanted to crush the damned thing under his shoe, instead, he kicked it beneath the bed where the only view they were going to get was that of dust bunnies and box springs. "Why don't you fill the tub while I get undressed?" he asked, hoping to not only use the sound of running water to cover the sound of their voices, but to give him a chance to search the rest of the room for listening devices.

"That sounds like minor genius," she agreed as he set her down, voice acting now for the benefit of the listeners. "I need to brush my teeth, too." And that meant two taps running loudly for at least five minutes - plenty of time. "You gonna join me?"

"You bet your sweet arse I am," he replied with a grin that wasn't entirely for their listeners. "Just need to get comfortable first. He would have pulled her close, but she was already about as close as she was able to get, which was making him uncomfortable in ways he didn't want to think about just yet. He kissed her again, just for the hell of it, or maybe just because he wanted to.

All the listeners heard for a few minutes was the sound of the lovers' breath as they traded kisses back and forth, almost forgetting the reason for their charade in the first place in the midst of those kisses. "Mmm!" Isabelle pulled back, patting Jax's cheek affectionately. "Smelly socks off first, sex later," she informed him with a wicked little wink, easing away to wander toward the bathroom and turn those necessary taps on.

"Who says they're smelly?" he countered with another grin that could be heard in his voice if not seen by their listeners, mostly for her benefit if not theirs. He was definitely going to need a cold shower, though he was hoping he might still get lucky. He winked and patted her behind to send her on his way, while he moved about the room again, looking for tiny electronic devices that didn't belong there, while singing in a slightly off-tune voice. "Me and you, and you and me. No matter how they tossed the dice, it had to be. The only one for me is you, and you for me. So happy together."

As she watched the water filling the tub, Isabelle heard him singing, and slowly a wide smile crossed her face. Their song, decided upon for certain when it had been the only song they both knew that was available at their joint karaoke stag and hen do a week before the aborted wedding day. She couldn't resist joining in, bouncing out into the bedroom to sing loudly against the nearest picture that bore a little metallic intruder on the underside of its frame. "I can't see me loving nobody but you, for all my life!"

He grinned over at her as she followed his lead. It was their song, it was true, and he was singing it for two reasons. One, it covered the sound of what they were really up to. And two, it was their song, and he still felt the same about her as he always had. Three years notwithstanding, there was no denying that they belonged together. He nodded his head at her, indicating that she was on the right track, even as he found another hidden inside the bedside lampshade. "When you're with me, baby, the skies will be blue for all my life!"

Plucking the bug free, Isabelle tossed it onto the bed. They could wrap the bugs up snugly for the night and replace them in the morning before they left the room. "Me and you, and you and me, no matter how they toss the dice ..."

"It had to be ..." He sang on, in his slightly out-of-tune voice, as the two of them plucked one and then another and a third from various hiding places around the room, gathering them all up on the bed. By the time they were through, he was going into the Ba, ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba part of the song to cover their actions.

When Jax was satisfied that they'd found all the bugs they were going to be able to find, Isabelle exhumed a pair of emergency thermal panties from inside her suitcase, daring him to comment on them with just a look, and proceeded to wrap the audio equipment up tightly before putting the bundle in the bottom of the wardrobe.

Dare or no dare, he gave her an odd, questioning look when she brought out those panties. They certainly weren't the kind that were made for seduction, unless maybe you were an Eskimo. Once she was finished muffling Alonzo's bugs, he took her by the hand and practically dragged her into the bathroom, where the sound of running water should further muffle their voices. "I think that's all of them," he whispered.

Drawn into the bathroom, Isabelle snatched up the catalogue as she went, not wanting to risk mentioning the artifact where there might still be ears to hear. "Sure?" she asked, not to annoy him but just to be certain. She remembered an annoying habit of his; that he would tell her everything was all right, when in reality they were being followed, or watched, or stalked, just so she wouldn't worry.

"Mostly sure. I checked everywhere, but I could have missed something," he replied. He couldn't say he was one hundred percent sure when there was even a small chance he might have missed something. He didn't think he did, but he couldn't be sure. How smart were Alonzo's men" Were they smart enough to hide something there neither he nor Izzy would find it' Hence, the bathroom with the water running in the shower.

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:29 EST
"Well, I doubt they're going to get much out of listening to us tonight, anyway," she murmured, leaning a hip against the sink as she opened up the catalogue to flip through it, looking for the item she was pretty sure they were both here for. "Bloody hell," she breathed, shocked by the description. "They don't even know what they have."

He was almost disappointed she wanted to talk business, instead of pleasure, but he had to admit they needed to talk about it before it became a point of contention between them. "Look," he started, not even having to look over her shoulder to see what item she was discussing. "My buyer is prepared to to outbid anyone and everyone. I'm under contract to bring it back, no matter the cost," he told her, knowing that wasn't going to go over well with her, but at least he was being honest.

"Maybe if you told me who you were working for, we might be able to avoid an argument altogether," she pointed out, turning to face him, hands on her hips. Without her shoes on, she had lost several inches, which meant this wasn't the most effective position to be bargaining from, mere inches from him and her lips still swollen from their kisses.

It was one of those bring it back or don't ever come back kind of deals he knew only too well, but at least, no one was threatening his life about it. "It's legit, Izzy, I swear," he told her, reluctant to admit who had hired him without being sure he'd found all the bugs. He frowned and chewed at his lip as he looked down from his height to meet her gaze. It it wasn't so serious, it might have been comical. He hesitated a moment before leaning in to whisper, "Think big. Really big."

"Like ..." She eased close, brushing her cheek along his until her lips touched his ear. "Egyptian government big?" she breathed, knowing only he could possibly hear her, and even then, only if he was paying attention.

"Bingo," he whispered back, without hesitation. He was impressed she'd guessed it on the first try, but not really surprised. He would have been more surprised if she hadn't guessed it correctly. That said, it went without saying that he wasn't going to be able to let her and the university have it.

"We were going to give it to them anyway," she whispered back. "Pretty sure we can outbid anyone together." Her hands had abandoned the catalogue to undo his holster, a little too familiar with how to disarm him.

Admittedly, she knew how to disarm both of his "guns", but business before pleasure once again. "That sort of makes us partners, Izz. Are you okay with that?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face, only to happy to let her "disarm" him.

She shrugged. "The ultimate goal is the same," she conceded. "Although if the scarab does not show up in Egypt after you get your hands on it, rest assured I will hunt you down and make you regret it." From a beautiful woman, it should have been a laughable threat. From Isabelle, it was a promise.

"Why don't you come with me when I hand it over?" he countered, a slightly smug smile on his face. Had he just invited her to join him in Egypt' You bet your ass he did, and he was looking forward to seeing her reaction to that, even as he reached around her back to finish unzipping her dress.

She gasped, half shocked by his invitation, half stimulated by the slow peel of velvet from her back as he drew her zipper down. "I haven't been to Egypt in years," she murmured, and there was a longing in her voice ....not for him, though that was definitely there, but for the land of the Pharaohs, her favorite place on Earth.

"That's settled, then," he said, dismissing any further talk of work with a toe-curling kiss while he pushed the velvet fabric away from her shoulders, leaning her precariously closer to the bathtub. So far, it had been a good evening, as evenings go. They'd just become partners, they were engaged again, and if he was lucky, he was about to get laid.

"Settl-" But he cut her off before she could object, and to be truthful, she did not want to object. Yes, he was presumptuous and arrogant, but then, so was she. As her gown fell to hang at her waist, she raised her arms to wrap them about his shoulders, for once just letting something happen. He'd catch her if she fell, in every sense of the word.

He toed off his shoes, because who wants to make love with their shoes on, while his lips were busy exploring her mouth, and his hands were busy trying to get that dress off her. Multi-tasking wasn't exactly his strong suit, or maybe it was all the champagne - just as her dress at last pooled around her ankles, he lost his balance and went into the tub with a splash, taking her with him.

Well, at least he hadn't taken the $800 dress with them. Isabelle's shriek reverberated off the tiled walls, followed by her spluttering laughter as she found herself underneath the water and on top of him, and enjoying a wet t-shirt kind of view that didn't come around very often at all. "I've never heard of a fellow getting so hard he displaced his own center of gravity before."

Like her dress, thankfully, they hadn't taken his $800 Glock with them into the shower either. He had the safety on, but that wasn't the issue. It was the fact that the Glock was his insurance policy, and the only one he'd brought with him. One thing was certain, if Alonzo's thugs were still listening, they weren't going to hear anything too incriminating. It was almost too bad they'd taken the cameras down as the look on his face when he'd found himself in the tub with her on top of him was priceless. He sputtered, soaked to the skin, before grinning up at her, and pushing a wet tendril away from her face. "It's because I'm so big."

Isabelle snorted with laughter, nuzzling to him with something that was almost affection. "I'm surprised I'm even in the water then, if you're that big," she teased quietly. "Shouldn't I be balancing on the tip somewhere up here?"

"I don't recall you ever complaining," he pointed out, letting his gaze slide over her barely-dressed and very wet body. "Just as sexy as ever, Miss Granger," he told her. "Am I gonna have to beat off the competition?"

She bit her lip, fighting to hold in a low moan as he looked her over. There was something wrong, something that didn't feel right ....Isabelle shook her head, guilt written over her features as she met his eyes. "I can't," she whispered regretfully, leaning down to stroke her fingers against his cheek. "It's this place. I don't feel safe."

There was that scowl again. "Oh, come on. I just spent the better part of an hour making sure we have privacy, and you don't feel safe" What's not safe about it' Alonzo isn't gonna do shit. You know why?" he asked her, continuing without waiting for a response. "Because when it really boils down to it, all Alonzo cares about is money. It doesn't matter who hired us. All that matters is the money," he said, reaching over to turn the water off. It looked like he was going to get a cold shower, after all. "I'm half tempted to steal the damn thing just to spite him."

"I'm sorry ..." But this wasn't an apology, as evidenced by the offended look on her face as she sat up, frowning down at him. "Who died and made you the arbiter of what I can and cannot feel" I don't remember you being selfish enough not to give a shit how I was feeling, but obviously I'm wrong." She scowled down at him, rising to get out of the tub, dripping everywhere. "Buy yourself a Fleshlight, it'll screw you whenever you want and not ask you for an emotional commitment, or even understanding."

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:29 EST
"I didn't say I don't give a shit," he argued. When had he said he didn't give a shit' He'd only been trying to assure her they were safe, but he supposed that was his first mistake. Or maybe his second. Why had she let him take her dress off if she wasn't willing to take the next step" "Izzy, come on. Don't be mad. I thought we were having fun," he said, reaching for her hand, in hopes she'd stay.

Out of the tub, she paused as he caught her hand, sighing harshly. "I didn't say it was you," she told him, not daring to look at him. "I told you, it's this place. Just because we're private, it doesn't mean we're safe. Just because the door's locked, it doesn't mean there isn't another way in here. Just don't ....don't push this, all right?"

He tried not to take her insult too much to heart, knowing she was on edge. Alonzo's goons had put them both on edge, and he'd inadvertently gotten her mixed up in his mess just by knowing her. Guilt by association. "Okay," he said, letting go of her hand. Had he matured in the last three years, or was he just being nice" The truth was, he was feeling like an ass. He'd forgotten she had a habit of making him feel that way a little too often. "Sorry," he said, as he peeled his wet socks off - which was a feat in itself - and tossed them on the floor.

"I'm sorry," she countered softly, turning to lay a hand against his wet shirt, apologizing as much with her eyes as with the oft-repeated words. "Not here, that's all I'm saying. Not never." Her fingertip traced his lips gently before she drew away, turning to undo her soggy suspender belt and remove the other stocking.

He wasn't sure how women turned their libido on and then off again, but just watching her peel the wet stocking from her leg was arousing a certain part of his body that had a mind of its own. "Aw, Christ," he muttered, turning the water on again in hopes it would cool him off.

"What?" She blinked, straightening up to find him returning to the shower. One brow rose above a smile that very nearly teased him. "Seriously' Is your little head hogging the entire blood supply tonight?" And yes, Isabelle could be a tease when she wanted to be. She wanted him, but she didn't dare have him, not while they were here. That didn't, however, mean she was above teasing him. With a snap, her bra came undone, and she didn't quite turn her back in time before it was off.

"I plead the Fifth," he replied as he peeled his shirt off, turning his back to her, but not quite in time enough not to catch a glimpse at the view. Oh, yeah, he was definitely going to need a cold shower. Or maybe a really hot one. He dropped the shirt on the floor before tugging the shower curtain closed, denying her any more previews. He was pretty comfortable in his own skin, but why tempt fate" If she'd bothered to look, she might have noticed a few marks that hadn't been there three years ago, but he didn't give her much time to get a good look.

She was no more immune to him than he was to her, and her eyes strayed to his silhouette behind the curtain longingly. But the rational part of her mind knew she'd made the right decision. Even if Sisman had no way of spying on them now, it made no sense to tempt fate by letting their guard down that much. "Try not to freeze anything important under there," she suggested on her way out of the bathroom, a faint laugh in her voice as she faded from sight and sound.

Thankfully, the water wasn't so cold that he was going to shrivel. If it was, he'd have shrieked like a girl. He didn't want to stay in there too long, but he was having a little trouble getting his pants off, wet and clingy as they were. He was half-tempted to ask her for help, but that was probably pushing his luck. Instead, he started to sing off-key at the top of his lungs, some opera or other that didn't make much sense, getting most of the words wrong. His pants finally hit the floor with a soggy splat, and he went about trying to cool off.

Kept amused by the gloriously off-key music from the bathroom, Izzy went about drying off and changing into her pajamas, leaving her robe hanging over the mirror despite a very slight chill on her arms. Her hair was, thankfully, only damp, already drying into soft curls as she made herself comfortable on the bed, glasses on her nose, with a book.

He wasn't in the shower very long, just long enough to finish his half-made up aria and relax the tenseness from his muscles that was only in part due to Izzy's teasing. He wondered briefly what would happen if he ordered room service. He hadn't had nearly enough champagne, he thought. He turned off the water at last and climbed out of the shower, snatching a towel and wrapping it around his waist. Served her right anyway for giving him a peek at her underwear.

By the time he got back into the bedroom, Izzy was sitting up on top of the covers, one hand in her hair, the other holding her book open on her knees as her toes wriggled against the soft quilt. She wasn't actually reading - no, her imagination had been working overtime on reminding her what she was missing out on in the shower - but she was doing a very good impression of it.

He looked over to find her in silk pajamas with her nose buried in a book and frowned, a little disappointed. It wasn't that she was in silk pajamas that bothered him, but the fact that it seemed he did not have the same effect on her as she had on him. He briefly wondered what would happen if he let the towel "accidentally" fall off, but decided against it. Instead he went back into the bathroom, not to gather up his wet clothes, but to retrieve his Glock.

He was out of practice reading her, it was obvious. All the signs were there - the distracted, unfocused gaze; the way her teeth worried at her lower lip; the tension in the way her legs were pressed together; the grip she had on her hair; the bullet points that silk had no chance of concealing. Aware of him the second he came into the room, she only looked up when he walked back into the bathroom, frowning at the silent retreat. Had she really offended him that much, just by not wanting to be so very vulnerable in a hostile environment"

He hadn't retreated very long, as he quickly returned, strode purposefully over to the bed and set his handgun down on the nightstand, right where she could reach it. "There. Feel safer now?" he asked, trying not to sound like a jerk. He really did want her to feel safe, even if it didn't come out quite right. He would have hoped just his being there would help her feel safe, but he knew that given his record, it probably had the opposite effect.

Unfortunately, his comment did not help her composure. Torn between wanting him, and feeling watched, Izzy bit her lip hard when confronted with what felt like a scathing comment on her timidity. "I said I was sorry," she said softly, pulling her glasses down from her nose.

"I'm being serious, Izz," he told her, trying not to get defensive or start an argument and probably failing. He sighed and took a seat on the bed beside her. "Look, I'm sorry I dragged you into this. I didn't know you would be here. I guess I should have figured as much. But I'm not sorry to see you, and I'm not sorry to be with you. I love you, Izzy. Plain and simple, and I don't want you to feel you're in danger because of me or because of anyone else."

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:30 EST
"None of this is your fault, Ryan," she pointed out to him. "And it isn't because of you." Sighing, she set her book and glasses aside, laying her hand gently on his thigh. "Look, even if you weren't here, even if we hadn't had that little scene downstairs, I still wouldn't feel safe here. Honestly' I have no idea why I was invited, specifically, and it makes me nervous. I don't know what he thinks he's going to get out of having me here. But for what it's worth ....I feel safer knowing you're here with me than I would if I was on my own."

"I thought you were here to represent the university," Jax replied, a little confused. Her hand on his thigh was distracting to say the least, but he did his best to focus on what she was trying to tell him. "He's obviously invited those he thinks are most likely to bid on the items up for auction, which, by the way, begs the question of how he obtained them in the first place."

"No, the invitation came directly to me," she told him quietly. "No mention of the university at all. As for the items on auction, well's pretty obvious they've been illegally obtained. There's no provenance for anything in that catalogue. And I know for a fact that the scarab was looted, because the British Museum has the headpiece it was broken from."

"And I'm crashing his party," he added. Though he didn't really care what Alonzo Sisman thought about that him personally, he realized why the man was so paranoid about him being there at all. It surprised him a little that the man didn't seem to know who he was, but he figured that would change by morning. At least he wouldn't suspect him of being a cop.

"Well, you're not crashing anymore," she pointed out with a faint smile. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm on edge anyway, and you know how that goes. Even the smallest thing could set me off."

"It's okay. I guess I shouldn't have assumed," he told her, making a vague apology of his own. He touched a kiss to her temple before getting to his feet. "Guess I better clean up the mess and put some pants on," he said, lingering a moment longer, just in case she changed her mind.

Her eyes narrowed in amusement as she smiled at him, leaning closer just long enough to kiss him softly. "Nice try," she complimented him softly. "It's only two nights. We can finish reuniting when we're a long way from here." She tweaked his nose gently as she leaned back, reaching behind herself to pull the covers down from under her backside.

"You're lucky you're so cute," he told her, mirroring her smile. He almost had control of himself again, though he wasn't sure he could be blamed for what happened once they were lying beside each other in bed. Then again, he was a full-grown man, not a pubescent teenager. "When we're done here, we're gonna spend a week in bed, just you and me," he warned her as he made his way back into the bathroom.

"Then I shall leave it to you to phone in sick for me," she called back to him, slipping out of bed briefly to turn off the main light. "I'm sure my colleagues would be delighted with whatever excuse you manage to come up with." Smiling to herself at the thought of what she might be doing to him when he made that call, she wriggled under the quilt once again, sighing as she relaxed comfortably.

"It's called vacation. You do get vacation time, don't you?" he called back as he gathered up the wet laundry and hung it over the shower curtain to dry. As for himself, he was "self-employed", so he could take time off whenever he wanted and whenever he could afford to do so, which admittedly wasn't very often.

"With notice, yes," she laughed, turning her head toward the bathroom as they spoke. "Besides, wouldn't you want me to keep that time for this trip you've decided we're going on?" Rolling onto her side, she propped her head up, genuinely curious as to what his answer was going to be.

"To Eg ..." He caught himself before he mentioned the destination out loud, just in case they had missed any listening devices. "We could make it a honeymoon, you know," he added, his voice muffled a little as he moved about the bathroom.

"Still rushing things a little, don't you think?" she called back, wary of allowing him to think that everything was just as it was after a single conversation. "I really should tell my family first. I'm talking to them again now."

Nothing but silence came from the bathroom. Whether he was disappointed or just considering her question was uncertain. He turned the water on to brush his teeth before realizing he'd forgotten his toothbrush and came storming back out of the bathroom looking annoyed, the towel still wrapped around his waist, his hair still damp but drying into a wavy mess about his head. "You'd think a place like this would have provided complimentary toothbrushes," he said, as he rifled through his bag for something.

"It's not a hotel, Ryan," she pointed out in amusement. "You can borrow mine, you know, you don't need to do anything creative with a stick and toilet paper. Last time I checked, you didn't have anything orally transmissible."

"If I do, I just gave it to you," he muttered, as he rummaged in his bag. It wasn't a toothbrush he was rummaging around for but a pair of boxers - his pajamas of choice - and in that moment, it occurred to him just how very different they were. Her - capital H again - with her fancy silk pajamas and him in his boxers. She was caviar to his hamburger; a Mercedes to his Chevrolet. They couldn't be more different if they tried, and yet, maybe that was what made it work.

"All right." It seemed, at least on the outside, as though he was determined to be grumpy, and Izzy wasn't in the mood to play along. She was unsettled and edgy, and if she was honest, it wasn't entirely because of their host. It was being around Him again, being nervous of making a mistake again, knowing it wouldn't take much for her to forget her reservations and let him have his way with her right here. But he'd always had that power over her; that was virtually how they'd ended up together in the first place - she'd been naive, certainly, but he'd exuded masculine confidence and sheer, unadulterated enticement, too. Rolling onto her back briefly, she sighed before rolling again, setting her back to the empty side of the bed and turning out the bedside light.

He knew he was being difficult, ridiculous, impossible even. It wasn't so much the rejection in the shower anymore as it was her insistence that they needed to get to know each other again. What the hell for" He didn't need to think about it or get reacquainted to know he loved her. And yet, maybe she was right. Here it was, only a few hours since they'd accidentally stumbled into each other, and they were already arguing. If she'd asked, he'd have said it was her who had the power over him. Her who always seemed to find a way to get under his skin, even after three years apart. He had always tried to please her, and yet, he'd always felt like he wasn't quite good enough for her.

That wasn't her fault, but his, and yet, he always felt like he should have tried harder. He found his shorts and traded them for the towel, skipping the toothbrushing ritual. It seemed they weren't going to be making love, anyway. There was an awkward moment where he felt like he should apologize, but he wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. For wanting to be with her? For being impatient' Well, hell, three years was a long time to wait for someone, and though he'd yet to admit it, he'd had an empty hole in his heart without her.

Isabelle Jackson

Date: 2016-06-23 02:31 EST
He eventually made his way to bed, only stumbling once in the dark and muttering his favorite vulgarity under his breath. He climbed into bed on the opposite side of her, but instead of turn his back to her, he lay on his side, staring at her back in the dark and wondering what she was thinking.

She wasn't asleep, lying in the darkness, listening to him move around and swear to himself. She felt the bed dip and shift as he made himself comfortable, a small smile touching her lips as she realized he was just watching her. Words wouldn't do any good here, she thought, considering her options for a moment. Then, slowly and carefully, she wriggled backward toward him, settling her back against his chest and inviting him to put his arm around her as she relaxed once more.

He'd been contemplating doing that anyway - spooning, they called it, he thought - but it wasn't until she had wriggled closer that he actually put his arm around her. He wasn't sure what to say exactly, or if he should say anything at all. Should he apologize, but for what? He'd already apologized or tried to apologize so many times already. Maybe she was right. Maybe they should take their time this time. Rushing hadn't worked out so well the last time, after all, though he still didn't think that was his fault. "I didn't know you were gonna be here, you know. That's the truth," he told her quietly, his breath warm against the back of her neck.

This time, he could feel the way she reacted to his closeness, to the warm rush of his breath against her neck. She couldn't hide that gentle squirm, or the way her breath caught in her throat, and to her credit, she didn't try to. "I missed you," she whispered into the darkness, sliding her fingers between his.

"I missed you, too," he admitted quietly, though she should have already known that. "I know it's been three years, but my feelings for you haven't changed, Izzy. I've waited three years. I guess I can wait a little longer."

There was a soft pause as she settled more comfortably into the contour of his body against hers, turning just enough that he knew he had her full attention. "I love you, too," she murmured. "I never stopped. But it's been three years. We've both changed in that time. We need to learn each other again before we rush into anything."

"How long?" he asked, not saying no. If she wanted them to take their time, there wasn't much he could do to convince her otherwise. He could be patient. He would be patient. And in the meantime, he'd show her he could be the man she needed him to be. But just how much time did she need to be sure"

"I don't know," she admitted softly. "It depends how much time we spend together, whether we can make it work with our different jobs. I want to make it work, Ryan. I just ....I don't know if I'm very lovable anymore."

"You don't know?" he echoed, feeling his heart sinking again, not for the first time that night. All he heard at first was that she wasn't sure if they could make it work. What the hell did their jobs have to do with it' And what did she mean she wasn't lovable anymore" He wondered if this was really about her or about him. He blinked in the dark, furrowing his brows in confusion, though she couldn't see his face with her back turned to him. "You're still working for the university, right' You've reconciled with your family. That's good. That's great! I don't know what you're scared of, but it doesn't have anything to do with us, Izzy."

"I'm ....different, now," she tried to explain. When they'd known one another before, when she had been living and working in America, she had been a very social person; lots of friends, lots of activities. After their aborted wedding, however ....she had moved to England, and her friends could be counted on one hand. Everyone she knew that was her age and in her field was married with children, leaving little time for socializing. "All I really do is work," she admitted quietly. "I'm not the life and soul of the party anymore. I'm not even invited to the party anymore."

He frowned in the dark, knowing it was, at least in part, his fault she'd changed. But he'd changed, too. He wasn't the carefree, wild man of his youth. She had mellowed him, and now that he'd come face to face with her again - now that he had another chance to make things right and to prove to her they did belong together - he was determined not to blow it. "Is that what you think I want' That I want you because you're the life of the party?"

"Isn't that what attracted you to me in the first place?" she asked, twisting to lie on her back, choosing to meet his eyes in the gloom. Her free hand rose to stroke against his cheek, needing to understand what it was he loved in her so she could make sure it still existed.

"You don't ask someone to marry you because they're the life of the party, Isabelle. You ask someone to marry you because you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Because you want to build a life with them ....maybe someday raise a family, stuff like that," he explained in a voice that was both soft and serious. "You wanna know what attracted me to you? I won't lie. At first, it was because I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I'd ever seen. That hasn't changed, but it was more than that. You're smart and sexy and funny ....and I just feel better when I'm with you," he told her, not quite sure how to explain.

"Well, I can promise that my punishing skin care regime hasn't changed," she murmured with a faint smile, raising her head to kiss him tenderly. "Just ....a little time, that's all I'm asking. I won't run you around or lead you on. This is about me, not about how I feel about you."

"I've changed, too, Izz," he admitted, now that they were being completely honest with each other. Why did it always take turning the lights out and lying together in the dark for that to happen" "There hasn't been anyone since you."

"Really?" Of all the things he had said tonight, that was the one that made her tear up" But it was a beautiful thing to say - to know that a man who knew he was attractive, who could have any woman he wanted with the right application of charm, had not moved on from her in all this time. It must have been a decision he made, and it touched her deeply.

"Really," he said, without hesitation, unsure if she'd believe him. She had no reason to believe him, except that it was the truth. Oh, there had been plenty of opportunities, plenty of women who were willing, but none of them were her, and he found he didn't want an empty affair. He wanted her. She had spoiled him for every other woman. He only wanted her, even if he could never have her again.

Sniffling, Izzy made an attempt to be less morbid with her response. "Well, just to warn you then ....when we're out of here, you might find us a bit of a tight fit," she confessed, telling him in not so many words that there had been no one since him for her, either. "Just another reason not to rush into it in this house."

He smiled in the darkness at last and touched his fingers to her cheek, careful not to poke her in the eye. There was just enough light coming in through the window that he could see her face dimly in the darkness, wondering if there were tears in her eyes. "When it happens, we'll make it special." It would be special, just because it was her.

"It will be special, because it's us," she whispered back to him, twisting about to curl herself into his arms, into a place she had grown accustomed to once upon a time and had missed deeply when it was no longer there.

"Yeah, it will," he replied, smiling softly in the darkness. He touched a kiss to her lips, soft and tender but not without a hint of passion. "Get some sleep, Izz. I won't let anything bad happen to you," he promised. Though he wasn't sure whether he could keep that promise, he'd sure as hell try.