Topic: One Step Forward

Rufus Bennett

Date: 2015-06-26 10:27 EST
It had been a long day for everyone, most of all Miranda and Rufus, but finally everyone seemed to be settled. Taylor and Kaylee were staying in one of the cottages at Maple Grove to be close, and Bethany and Jason were busy putting the twins down for the night, while Miranda readied Rowan for bed. Thank God for bottles, she thought, as breast feeding was impossible. At her age, she couldn't have even gotten pregnant again if she'd wanted to. She was supposed to be enjoying grandchildren at her age, not just getting started on raising a child, but the thought of anyone else doing it besides her and Rufus was simply out of the question.

At least, she had managed to tidy the house up a bit, despite Beth's scolding, and she had changed into pajamas. The house was dark and quiet, except for the sound of Miranda's voice coming from the nursery as she rocked the infant to sleep while singing her a lullabye. It was one mothers had been singing to their children for eons, and one she had sung to her own Bethany once upon a time all those years ago. "Hush, little baby, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird don't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring ..."

Old habits died hard, and would take a long time to die out completely. Even knowing that Lei was gone - and with her, the immediate danger to his family - Rufus' evening routine was unlikely to change, especially with his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren in the house with them. He had been surprised to find Taylor and Kaylee there when he had woken up; slightly less surprised when Beth and Jason had arrived with the twins, deeply grateful to all of them for coming when they were needed most. He needed to be surrounded by the people he hadn't failed, the loved ones who were still there because of him. Miranda's instincts had been absolutely correct there.

But after a long day, it was nice to have the house settle to sleep finally, to be allowed to make his rounds and secure them all against whatever the night might or might not be hiding from view. Making his way back up the stairs, he paused on the landing, a small, bemused smile on his lips as he recognized the sound of Miranda singing. Drawn on as though lured by her voice, he came to a halt in the doorway of the nursery, watching as the woman he loved rocked the tiny girl in her arms.

The baby cradled in her arms was trying hard to get a hold of her own fingers so that she could suck on something to give herself comfort while the woman's voice lulled her to sleep. She wasn't quite sleeping through the night yet, and Miranda would need to be up at least once to feed her and change her and tuck her back in, but it was a chore she had always enjoyed, even if she did have to sacrifice a little sleep. The room was lit only by the soft glow of a nightlight, while Miranda rocked back and forth, singing softly, the words fading at last until she was only humming. She didn't even notice Rufus there watching at first, all of her focus and attention on the small bundle in her arms - so innocent and ignorant of the tragedy that had happened today. The words of the song tugged at Miranda's heart. There she was, promising something to a child as though she was her mother, when she wasn't.

Rufus smiled sadly, glad to have his Miranda. He would need her in the weeks and months, and yes, years to come; need her to teach him how to be a father to a growing child, even if Rowan never called him Dad. He felt a little lost in the face of that task, though secure in the knowledge that everyone around him would make sure he didn't fail this time. Drawing in a slow breath, he moved from the door to curl his arms about his wife's waist, swaying with her as the tiny girl struggled for her own fingers.

Miranda smiled as she felt his arms go around her, even as her eyes filled with tears at the bittersweetness of it all. "We'll take good care of her, won't we, Rufio?" she asked, her eyes still on the tiny bundle in her arms.

"We will, love," he promised her, still rocking both woman and babe back and forth as he kissed his wife's temple softly. "She'll be loved." One arm left Miranda's waist to gently stroke his finger against Rowan's soft cheek, reaching down to locate her pacifier before she grew frustrated with her uncooperative fingers. "Thank you," he murmured against Miranda's ear. "I needed them here."

Despite all the sadness and grief, she felt strangely safe and content with his arms around her and the baby in her arms. In that moment, it didn't matter if the child was theirs or not - Lei had been like a daughter to Rufus and that was good enough for Miranda. She would love her like her own, but she would never let her forget who her real mother was or the fact that she'd been a true hero. She smiled at little when he thanked her, though her eyes were wet with tears, glad she had made the right decision in his mind. "I need them here, too," she whispered back, turning around slowly so that he hold the baby in his own arms. "Say goodnight, Papa. It's time for all good little babies to go to sleep."

Despite his practice with Brody and Evelyn, there was still a certain amount of wary panic in Rufus' eyes as he found himself holding the baby - perhaps more, because this precious little bundle of sleeping baby was all that was left of her mother. One arm tucked beneath her, he hesitantly introduced the pacifier to her mouth, stroking her cheek once again as he glanced at Miranda for any reassurance or encouragement she wanted to give him.

She smiled back at him, all the love and affection she felt for him right there in her eyes and on her face. They had missed this with Bethany - this raising of a child together. Despite the tragedy of Lei's death, they had this tiny reminder of her and maybe together, a little happiness could come out of such tragedy. To see him there with the baby, holding her so tenderly, and looking so unsure of himself wrenched her heart. Here was this man she had believed could do anything, and he was looking to her for reassurance over something as simple as a baby. "You're doing fine, love. She's fragile, but she won't break, so long as you're gentle with her." And she knew from experience that he could be gentle. She touched a kiss to his cheek and gently steered him toward the crib.

Lei, no doubt, would have laughed at the sight of her Watcher, who could fell most humanoids with one punch, lifting her daughter delicately to his shoulder with two big hands, brushing a soft kiss to the wobbly head as Ro sighed softly in her sleep. "I can be gentle," he said, though he seemed to be reassuring himself of that as he moved toward the crib. "Can't I, little tree?" With a last, slightly panicked look to his wife, he bent over the crib, carefully laying the tiny girl down. "You are safe, and you are loved," he promised Rowan softly, drawing the blanket up over her little tummy. "I promise you."

She wasn't going to rescue him, not this time. If they were really and truly going to raise that little girl, he was going to have to get over his fears and learn to do these things for himself. Miranda smiled softly and sighed, brushing away a few errant tears. Though she knew it was going to take some time for him to recover from Lei's death, she was proud of him and confident that he'd be just as good at fathering as he was at everything else he set his mind to. There was no one she loved or trusted more than Rufus. He had helped raise his sister's son when she had died, and Miranda knew in her heart, Rufus would do his utmost to keep those promises to Lei's daughter - they both would. She came up beside him and slipped an arm around him, resting her head against his shoulder. "That goes double," she said quietly, more for his sake than the baby's.

Rufus Bennett

Date: 2015-06-26 10:29 EST
It was with no little relief that he straightened up, glad he'd managed to put Ro down without breaking her or waking her up. His arm wrapped automatically around Miranda as she leaned into him, choked for a moment at the realization that this was how it should have been with Bethany. His work had almost destroyed any chance he might have had for happiness with the woman he loved and the daughter they had made together; he would not allow it to destroy Ro the way it had her mother. Squeezing Miranda tenderly, he turned his face against her neck, his eyes dry but his heart aching. "I'm going to have to get Beth to teach me how to make up bottles," he murmured - not that he didn't trust Miranda to teach him how. He was acutely aware that he would have to walk a tightrope between his care for his blood-born daughter and his care for the daughter he never expected to be given.

She squeezed her eyes closed against the threat of more tears, tucking her arms around him and holding him close, not just for him but for her, too. They needed each other now more than ever, and she suddenly knew she'd made the right choice in calling Bethany. She smiled at his statement, understanding his need to invite Beth into his life in such a way that she wouldn't feel threatened or left out by the new daughter in their lives. She also knew Beth well enough to know she'd be more than helpful and understanding - Miranda had raised her, after all, and knew her better than anyone. "I think that's a wonderful idea," she whispered back, lifting her head to look up at him and force him to meet her gaze. "We're going to be all right, Rufus."

He drew in a slow breath, not quite able to see further ahead than a few days just yet. But he had faith in his beloved wife, and if she believed they would be all right, then he believed it, too. He touched a soft kiss to the tip of her nose, stroking her back with an affectionate hand. "What would I do without you, Miri?" he asked in a low whisper.

There was a myriad of ways she could respond to that, both serious and comical, but she thought she'd give him the response that was nearest her heart and perhaps the one he needed to hear most. "What would I do without you, Rufio?" she countered, in a whisper that matched his, touching a caress to his cheek before touching a kiss to his lips.

His arms tightened around her, drawing her closer into an embrace that tried to say everything he could not find words for. To thank her for being patient with him, for taking him back after so many years apart; for loving him, especially now, when he knew he had failed so terribly in the one job he'd had for over a decade; for gathering their family close when he needed them. But most of all, for being herself, the woman he loved and had loved for too many years to count. "I need you, angel."

Her heart swelled to hear him say those words - not love but need, even after all the years spent apart or perhaps because of them. She had let him back into her life without a second thought, doing her best to make up for all the lost years. There had never been any doubt in her mind that he loved her - he'd sacrificed his own happiness to keep her and Bethany safe. But to know that he needed her, that was something she hadn't heard from him before. The truth of the matter was that she needed him, too, more than she had ever dared to admit. "I need you, too, Rufus." She let go of him so that her hands could trail up his chest and around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. "I never stopped loving you. Not for a single instant."

The kiss burned with words unspoken - words that didn't truly need to be spoken. They both felt them, knew them to be true, clinging to one another in this gentler slide of grief that had settled upon them in the wake of the shocking day. "Nor I, you," he promised her fervently. He had never even so much as looked at another woman after leaving her side, giving rise to all sorts of speculation from his colleagues and such. There simply was no one for him but Miranda.

A gentle cough from the doorway warned them they weren't alone. "Am I gonna have to put you guys to bed, too?" Beth drawled softly.

Miranda laughed softly at the sound of her - no, their - daughter's voice at the door. She smiled against his lips, stealing another kiss. She thought she'd never grow tired of kissing him, even when they were far older and grayer than they were now. "I think we can still handle it on our own," she replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief, despite the sadness of the circumstances that had brought them all together.

"Good." Beth grinned at them, wandering into the room to claim the baby monitor. She waved it under Rufus' nose. "This is ours for tonight, one night only," she informed her father, who grimaced and rolled his eyes at her. "You need to sleep, both of you. I will put you straight back to bed if you get up tonight at all." This threat was leveled at both her parents; evidently Beth took looking after them very seriously, indeed.

"Just sleep?" Miranda asked, that playful gleam still in her eyes, tugging Rufus closer. Whether or not she followed through on what she was alluding to was no one's business but their own, and as their daughter, Bethany most likely didn't want to know either way, but she couldn't help but tease her.

Rufus snorted with laughter at the look on their daughter's face at Miranda's tease. "I do solemnly swear to make her bite a pillow if she gets carried away," he assured Beth, who grimaced much as he had and waved her hands at them.

"Shoo, both of you. I'll look after Ro tonight. Just banging so hard you break anything, okay?"

"The only thing I'll break is your father. Promise," Miranda quipped back at her daughter, earning her reputation as being an irrepressible optimist - or maybe she was just being cheerful for Rufus' sake. Either way, she refused to let even this tragedy drag at them too long. She would rather celebrate Lei's life than grieve her death. "Come along, husband," she said, tugging at his shirt. "Before she makes good on her threat and tucks us both in."

Leaving Beth snorting with laughter even as she leaned over the crib to coo at what was, essentially, her new baby sister, Rufus grinned for the first time all day, bending himself to hoist his wife up into his arms, ignoring the last twinge from the mostly healed wounds on his body. That magic ointment Taylor had brought with him had worked wonders. "Come along, wife," he countered, sidling through the door on his way to their own bedroom. "It's about time I tucked you in for once."

"Eep!" Miranda gave a little surprised squeak as her husband hoisted her into his arms, pleasantly surprised to find the sadness of the day hadn't diminished his spirits entirely. "I like the sound of that," she said, waggling her perfectly-plucked eyebrows at them both, as her arms wound their way back around his neck. She was perfectly happy to let him take charge, and actually wished he'd do so more often, but she wasn't going to say that in front of their daughter.

Safely ensconced in their own bedroom and the privacy it afforded them now their home was filled with family for a little while, Rufus drew his wife down onto the bed. Whether she said it aloud or not, he knew she enjoyed it when he took charge, and for some reason, tonight he needed to do that. He needed this reminder that he was alive, that she was alive, and he had every intention of making sure she knew beyond any shadow of any doubt that she was the center of his world. It was just as well Beth had claimed ownership of Ro for the night; Rufus was fully intending to utterly exhaust the woman he loved with nothing but the skill in his hands and lips.

It would be a little while yet before he exhausted her, as she intended to do the same to him. There was more than one way to show him she loved him, and she intended to drive all thought of grief from his mind the only way she knew how, if only for one night. Come morning, they'd face the reality of Lei's death and deal with what needed to be done. She would make sure there was no doubt in his mind or his heart that they would weather this storm, just as they had others, but this time they'd do it together.

((Well, there are a few adjustments to make for this branch of the family now. They can do it!))