Topic: Out of Hours

Victoria Granger

Date: 2011-09-06 18:25 EST
Filming on 'A Murder Of Crowes' might have finished, but that didn't mean that there wasn't still a ton of work to be completed before the film could be considered done. For Vicki's department, this meant finishing up the artwork for the publicity campaign, as well as storing as much of the sets they had constructed as was possible. The department offices were filled with studious quiet, the occasional softly spoken conversation carrying across the entire floor as her people settled down to their serious business.

Just because filming had ended didn't mean Jon had disappeared from the set. His presence had still been required to take care of last minute things, along with a short interview here and there, some promotional shots and other miscellaneous tasks. And there was the business of cleaning out his trailer, which he'd mostly taken up residence in over the last few months, wishing for more privacy than Maple Grove could afford under the watchful eyes of his family. It would be a few days at least before he'd be ready to move out. He had a place in mind. He just had to sign the lease. He was planning on spending the short time allotted between film and play to move his things in and get settled.

While her team worked, Vicki was busy liaising with the other department heads, which had somehow ended with her having something to deliver to certain members of the cast. Most of them, she'd already sent on their way; Aimee had disappeared as soon as filming ended, so gods alone knew when she was going to get her delivery. But Jonathan Granger ....well, everyone on set at 21twelve knew where he was most of the time. With the little package tucked under her arm, Vicki advanced toward the trailers and rapped sharply on his door.

It was quiet behind the door, no sound of music or TV or voices heard speaking. Quiet as a mouse, he was most of the time, far more reserved than his reputation claimed, but that had been before rehab, before the shooting, before everything had changed. It took a minute or so before the door was pulled open and Jon looked out to see who wanted something from him now. He was still lightly-bearded, planning on shaving in a few days for his cousin's wedding, and was dressed casually in a gray sweatshirt and jeans, his hair pushed to the side, stray curls brushing his forehead. He arched a curious brow when he saw Vicki at his door. "To what do I owe this visit, Miss Marshall?"

Blowing a stray hank of bright copper hair out of her eyes, Vicki looked up at the actor incredulously. "Miss Marshall" Since when did I become Miss Marshall again?" she asked with a grin. "I promise, I won't turn into a fangirl if you deign to use my name, Mr Granger."

He smirked at her, always having enjoyed their verbal sparring; or was it mild flirtation' He wasn't quite sure. He pulled the door open a little further, allowing her a peek at his current abode, which was unusually messy for a neatnik like him. He was obviously in the process of packing to move out. "As long as you don't turn into a rabid fangirl, I won't protest too loudly."

"Oh, so I have your permission to come over all fangirl on you, provided I get myself tested for rabies first' Seems fair to me." Chuckling, Vicki leant her hand against the side of the trailer, looking him over thoughtfully. "Bet you're pleased filming's over. You look knackered."

"Well, only if you're planning on biting." He attempted a smirk, but the joke seemed almost too ironic and the smile faded. He stepped back to invite her into the small space, noticing her eyes on him and hoping she wasn't scrutinizing him too closely. He shrugged. "Mixed feelings really. It's like saying good-bye to an old friend."

"You'll be back," she nodded confidently, stepping up and into the trailer. Blue eyes swept the space for a moment out of habit, though she didn't mark many details. This was obviously Jon's most private place right now, so she wasn't going to poke and pry. "Oh, right, yes, reason for disturbing you. Miles made up some slates of the promo outtakes you go." She handed over the little cloth-wrapped package. The slate had been signed on the back by every member of the production team, a little memory of 'Crowes' for the actors.

"You're not disturbing me," Jon pointed out quickly, closing the door behind her. In point of fact, he spent too much time alone and enjoyed the company, but had for reasons he had not shared become even more reclusive than usual over the past few weeks and months. "I could probably use the company. My sister tells me I'm becoming a recluse." He moved some boxes from a small couch onto the floor and offered her a seat, arching a brow when he found her handing him a package, which he carefully unwrapped to take a look at.

"Ah, so the out-and-about Jonathan Granger is slowly morphing into the eccentric loner Jonathan Granger, is he?" the redhead teased him mercilessly, perching herself on the edge of the couch to watch his reaction to the little gift. "Better be careful about that - if you start buying multitudes of cats or thimbles or whatever, Lelah'll perform an intervention."

He chuckled. "No worries. Cats hate me and I never learned to sew." He wasn't too worried about Lelah. She was the only person who had any inkling what he was up to and though she hadn't stamped it with her approval, she hadn't stopped him either. But then, he hadn't told her much. "Lelah will be on to her next project soon enough." As would they all, he thought a little wistfully. He paused a moment to take a look at the memento, turning it over to read all the names of the people he'd come to know, some more than others.

"Wow, you're morbid today, aren't you? No one's leaving town, Jon, this isn't like Earth," Vicki reminded him with a gentle nudge. "Besides, it's not over until the premiere, and that's not until December or some crazy month like that. You've got the Shanachie to keep you busy until then, right?"

"It's not over until the Fat Lady sings," he muttered, somewhat under his breath, not even sure where that came from. He blinked out of his thoughts and looked up, moving over to a small desk where some papers and pens were scattered about, and leant the plaque against a wall so he could see it. "I've got a few weeks off before the next play." But that didn't mean there weren't preparations to be made, lines to learn, rehearsals, an apartment to be moved into, among other things. A wedding to attend. He frowned a little at the thought of that.

"Ah, so that means you have some free time." Vicki pushed herself to her feet, giving him a gentle poke in the ribs for the frown. "I just so happen to have a spare ticket to Seven Brides, tomorrow night. You just talked yourself into being my escort for the night." She grinned at him. "My treat. You need a night off from being Mr Big Movie Star And All Round Worry Wart."

He had his back turned to her and staring at the memento she'd given him, rather wistfully; another chapter in his life finished. One more movie, one more role. Onto the next one. Blinking out of his thoughts when she poked him, Jon chuckled. "Is that what I am' A worry wart' You know what that makes you?"

"Desperate for a date so I don't look utterly sad at the theater tomorrow?" she asked with a bright smile, pleased to have wiped the frown off his face.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2011-09-06 18:26 EST
He smiled, the dark cloud disappearing for a while, her sunny disposition chasing it away. "Hardly. I seriously doubt you'd have any problem trying to find a date."

"Ah, so you've seen through my cunning facade, then," she snorted with laughter, wiggling her finger under his nose. "You're too clever for me, Jon. Alright, I admit it - I'm picky, and you got picked." There was a pause, and she added, "And not like a bogey, either."

His eyes widened in surprise and then he laughed out loud. "Good to know I'm not being equated with a bogey." He smirked and snatched her finger from beneath his nose. "Not asking me because you feel sorry for me, are you? Or because someone told you I need to get out more?"

"Oh yes, that's right," she drawled with humour so thickly sarcastic it could have painted onto the walls. "I'm asking the famous, handsome, silver-spoon-in-his-mouth Jonathan Granger out because I feel sorry for him. You've got me bang to rights there, guv." This was topped off with a winking grin, just in case he hadn't realised she was still teasing him.

Handsome and famous or not, he was currently as available and up for grabs as any bachelor could be. He grinned, teasing her back. "I knew it. Because I could have sworn you have a soft spot for Ed Batten."

She snorted with laughter. "Oh, please. He wouldn't even notice if I stripped off in front of him," she laughed cheerfully. "Not even if I had three boobs to wave about in his face ....I've thought about that too much." Rolling her eyes at her own comments, Vicki rubbed a hand through her hair. "So was that a yes" Or do I have to get down on my knees here?"

Jon was laughing again, mostly at imagining her waving three boobs in front of Ed Batten's face. "You don't think he'd notice that?" He wondered for a moment if she'd thought too much about Ed Batten or about trying to get his attention. He was still smirking, this time at her threat to get down on hands and knees. "I don't think that's necessary. Only rabid fangirls beg." He leaned in and lowered his voice to a stage whisper. "Only desperate girls beg."

"Who said anything about begging?" Her grin grew wickedly as she said this, tossing her hair back over her shoulder as she stepped back to drape herself against one of the trailer's countertops in a manner that might have been seductive if she hadn't been wearing pants that had definitely seen better days and a shirt that declared, 'Nobody puts Baby in the corner'. "Besides, I am desperate, remember?"

Jon's head followed her, as did his eyes. He'd always liked her, noticed her, but had never considered asking her out, for various reasons, only one of which was his assumption that she was smitten with Batten. "Well..." He tried to hide a smirk, though his eyes were dancing with mischief. "Since you're desperate, let me just check my calendar." He had to move over to said countertop in order to take a look at the calendar that hung on the wall nearby, or else he was just doing it to tease her as there was nothing written there. He had to lean over her seductive pose in order to peer at the calendar. "Let's see..."

Up close and personal, Vicki burst into giggles, losing all the essence of sexy she'd managed to conjure in favor of her usual sunny disposition. "Oh, Jon, you're worse than me!" she accused him, twisting her head around to peer at the calendar with him. "And look, right there with Vicki. See" Not desperate, I'm psychic."

He wasn't feeling particularly attractive or seductive in a gray sweatshirt and jeans, but he knew it was all a matter of perspective. Some women liked grungy, while others like groomed. He could go either way, but was usually the latter. He went along with the ruse, leaning closer to take a better look at the empty calendar. "Where" I don't see that written there!"

"Right there." She tapped the empty square in question with her fingernail, bent backwards over the counter to give him room to lean in and play along without letting things get out of hand here. "Maybe you need to get yourself some glasses, professor."

He went right along, leaning in as far as he could without actually touching her, turning his head toward her and smiling, close enough that she could clearly see the blue of his eyes, the white sparkle of teeth, the tiniest, faintest mark upon the side of his neck. "Maybe I wear contacts and you just don't know it," he teased back.

She snorted with laughter, sharp eyes catching the detail on his neck - that suggestion of a mark - but dismissing the immediate theory as to how it came to be there as preposterous. "Ah, and you don't have them in, right?" she smiled. "That explains getting this close. If you had them in, you'd be cowering in the corner and begging me to cover my supreme ugliness up again."

He chuckled again, backing away and giving her space finally. "You're not ugly, Vicki. Not by a long shot. Just the opposite, in fact. Why would you say such a thing" You don't really think that, do you?"

Her smile widened to a grin. "Ah, stop panicking, I know I'm a knock out," she laughed, waving a hand dismissively. "Men just drop out of reality to trail along behind me with their mouths open when I pass by, didn't you know that?" Finally, though, she did take a somewhat more serious tone. "I'm not suffering from low self-esteem, Jon, don't get worried about me. But I will pick you up at six tomorrow, okay?"

He opened his mouth to say something and then shut it, thinking better of it. He didn't know her very well and didn't want to assume. Instead, he nodded, still a little surprised that she'd asked him, but also secretly flattered. "Six it is. I'll try not to take too long powdering my nose." There was that teasing smirk again.

"Well, just so long as it's only your nose you're powdering," Vicki chuckled impishly, moving to open the door again. "Men shouldn't smell artificial, it takes the fun out of sneaky snuggles." She tipped him a cheeky salute as she stepped out. "See you tomorrow then, Mr Granger!"

Jon followed her to the door, an amused smile on his face. He would have asked what men should smell like, but he had a feeling he already knew the answer to that. He returned the salute, taking an easy lean in the doorway while he watched her go. "I'm looking forward to it, Miss Marshall."

((Many thanks to Jonathan Granger for going along with this blatant bit of flirting!))