Topic: Out With The Old

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-04-08 13:31 EST
It was time. The Board of Directors for the GrangerGuild Conglomerate were all assembled, together with a couple of hundred workers from the various businesses contained within the company. There were even invited representatives from the various press organisations within the city, all clutching notebooks and dictaphones, eager to set down what would come from this gathering of the Guild.

The Board themselves, some thirty men and women wearing the crisp, clean lines of business suits and anxious expressions, were seated on the dais at the head of the hall, behind a lecturn placed front and centre. A casual observer looking along that line of faces might well be interested to make a few curious notes - that Hilliard Wagner, former Head of Personnel, seemed unable to keep himself from casting nervous glances this way and that to his colleagues sat with him; that three in particular - Bogart Nephriedes, Daniel Landsborough, and Oliver Hudson Granger, Junior, seemed rather too confident and smug as they waited; and that Caroline Granger, granddaughter of the current CEO Humphrey Granger, was stood to one side of the dais, so stiff and tall one might think she'd recently been given some terrible news to contain.

Needless to say, speculation was rife among those gathered in front of the dais, murmuring and whispers shared liberally between the hopeful and the hopeless, as well as scribbled down and noted by the journalists sitting among them.

However, that speculation was soon cut short by the arrival of the Old Man himself. Dressed in his best, a morning suit of exquisite cut, he made his slow way to the dais amid the quieting curiosity of those gathered. His cane was steady in his hand as he walked, though he made no attempt to fend off the steadying arm his granddaughter offered him to step up onto the dais itself. This caused another murmur to run through the crowd - Humphrey Granger had never before allowed anyone outside the family to see for themselves how uncomfortably he was aging.

He moved to the lecturn, setting his cane aside to grip the finely carved piece with both hands, and smiled benevolently on the crowd gathered in front of him. That smile did more than a dozen words spoken - the people quieted and sat, waiting in eager anticipation for what he had brought them here to understand.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Board, everyone else not sitting on a cushion," with his usual good humour, the Old Man set most in the room to chuckling, "welcome. Thank you for coming today. It's truly a delight to see so many of my employees and colleagues prepared to take time out of a busy Friday to visit with an old man like myself."

Another low chuckle ran through the crowd, though it was not shared by several members of the Board behind him, whom he seemed to be ignoring, in any case. Clearing his throat and wiping his own smile away, Humphrey continued.

"I have brought you all here today to announce my retirement from the position of CEO of GrangerGuild. As you are all no doubt aware, I am an old man, and it would appear that age has finally caught up with me. I can't complain, I have had a good innings, and it is my good fortune to be able to name my own successor, someone who I am sure will continue the great efforts made to ensure that the company does not undermine those whom it supplies, and indeed, those who work within its realms."

A new tension spread through the hall. Those employees of the Guild were now silent, staring at the Old Man in something approaching horror. They all knew of the rumours and power struggles that had been going on over the past couple of years, and there were very few of them who wished to see anyone who had won those power struggles come out on top. On the dais, those three who had displayed such confidence before now sat up straighter; there was the beginning of a knowing smirk on Junior's lips.

"I have thought long and hard who to name as my successor," Humphrey went on, aware of the tension in the hall but determined to enjoy his last speech as much as he could. "Indeed, the question has been in the air for ten years or more, and it has been on my own mind far longer, I assure you. My choice has been made in the best interests of the company as a whole, and for the family who form the very core of that company. We, both company and family, need a strong hand, one that will guide us through the turmoils of this new business year and beyond, but also care for us through good times and bad. As tradition and company policy dictates that the CEO be a Granger born and bred, I found myself looking at one name, and one name only, the owner of which embodies everything we need at this time, and in the future."

Bogart Nephriedes and Daniel Landsborough slumped almost imperceptibly. Humphrey had very gently, but very firmly, punctured their hopes with that simple sentence. However, Junior was openly smiling in triumph, not above casting superior looks to those of his colleagues who seemed disappointed, and certainly not above glaring at those in the crowd who were openly dismayed by the thought of where this announcement was taking them.

"So, without further ado," Humphrey went on, his lips curling in a wide smile of glee, "may I present to you the new CEO of the GrangerGuild Conglomerate granddaughter, Miss Caroline Granger."

There was instant uproar. Junior, who had already been half out of his seat, turned ashen grey and sat down hurriedly amid the mocking laughter of certain Board members. Others of the Board were on their feet to applaud Caroline as she made her way up onto the dais. And the euphoria of being spared Junior's heavy hand was felt throughout the hall, as the gathered employees of the Guild let rip with cheering applause.

Humphrey kissed his granddaughter's cheek, giving up his place at the podium to sit down gratefully into his wheelchair, kept close by his son - and Caroline's uncle - just in case.

The young woman's smile was wide with amusement, and deeply touched by her acceptance, as she drew in a breath, waiting patiently for the cheers to die away.

"I'm really not very good at speeches," she confessed to a ripple of laughter, shaking her head with a grin, "so all I will say at this time is that I am honoured to have been placed in this position of trust, and I will endeavor to do everything I possibly can in order to be worthy of it, and of each and every member of the GrangerGuild company. Thank you."

Short and sweet, and ended with more applause as she turned to wheel her grandfather off the dais and out of sight. With the meeting broken up, more and more eyes turned to the face of Oliver Hudson Granger, Junior. The grey of his face had not faded, but there were thunderous stormclouds brewing in his expression. Regardless of the Old Man's choice, it would seem that unless she moved quickly, Caroline Granger's new position was not so secure as people might have hoped.

Caroline Granger

Date: 2011-04-11 18:10 EST
There was so much to do. Caroline sat behind Humphrey's desk in the main GrangerGuild building - it wasn't her desk, not yet - signing everything Brynne put in front of her after a little explanation of it from a representative of the company's legal department. So far, she'd done nothing that could be called unsettling for the company in general least, not personally.

The resignations had flooded the in-tray thick and fast this morning, so that the majority of her time since coming in at half past eight had been spent sorting through these requests to leave and deciding which she should honour. The obvious ones were, well, obvious - everyone of managerial level or above who had openly supported the various bids made by other members of the company for the position she now held.

Daniel Landsborough had visited her this morning and asked to be be placed somewhere in lower management, outside the city; this, Caroline had agreed to. He was a good man, if a little too easily swayed by his colleagues, and substantiated rumours within the Guild said he had only made his bid in an effort to keep Junior out of power. Bogart Nephriedes was another matter; as far as Caroline was aware, security had had to forcibly escort him from the premises after she had fired him, due to some unauthorised rummaging in his former office. The office was, of course, being thoroughly searched now, and every scrap of paperwork was being meticulously examined.

Junior was something else entirely. There'd been no sign of him since the meeting on Friday, something which was making Caroline very nervous. She had no idea what the wily bastard was up to; she could only hope that the measures she'd had put in place immediately after the Friday announcement had been enough to keep him from interfering with the evidence of his embezzlement and misappropriation of company funds.

And, of course, she'd stolen his PA. She grinned to herself, watching Brynne skillfully manuoevre the legal team out the door before returning once again. This had been her intention all along - she'd known how badly Junior was treating Brynne, but had had no power to do anything about it until now. At least as Caroline's secretary, Brynne was guaranteed to be able to see her daughter for more than one hour a night, maybe longer on weekends.

No sooner had the two women relaxed over lunch, than they heard a familiar raised voice outside the doors.

"You will not keep me from seeing my own flesh and blood, you jumped up little toad of a woman!"

Brynne groaned, rolling her eyes as she checked her watch.

"Ten o'clock," she mused. "He must've come in and gotten a shock when there was no coffee waiting for him."

Caroline offered her a tense smile. "Uncle Bert sitting behind his desk might have been a little difficult to swallow, too."

"Good point. Want me to let in the raging beast?"

Caroline nodded, and Brynne rose from her seat, moving over to the door, behind which Junior was still ranting at the security guards who were denying him access. It was best to get this over with as quickly as possible, for both women there. Pulling open the door, she eyed her former employer with distaste.

"Mr Granger?" Brynne asked, quiet voice cutting through his tirade like a wave of silence over a crowd. "May I remind you that this is the CEO's office, and you have no jurisdiction to be berating her staff in that manner. If you do not calm yourself, you will be removed from the premises."

Junior gaped at her, evidently thrown by the sight of his former PA standing cool and calm in the doorway of the big office, reprimanding him for his behaviour. He rallied, though, raising a finger toward her as he turned.

"You are out of work," he informed her. "You're fired. I know it was you that gave them the key, you little -"

"Junior." Caroline's voice rang out from inside the office. "I would not finish that sentence, if I were you."

Stalled into alert silence once again, Junior glared at Brynne, who waited until the colour of his face had at least faded from red before stepping to one side and silently offering him access to his new boss. Scowling, the former Head of Finance stalked past her and into the office, throwing himself down into a chair without being invited.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded of Caroline, not even seeing how thin her lips were set, nor how stiffly she held herself behind the desk. A wiser man might have rethought his approach at this display of barely contained anger from the usually soft-spoken young woman. "I come into work this morning, only to find my PA gone, my offices in a state of uproar, and Bertie - Bertie! - sitting at my desk as though he owns the place! There are auditors rifling through every little thing over there, not to mention my private office at home! What game are you playing, Caroline?"

She drew in a slow breath, forcing herself not to lower to his level and shout back. When she did answer, it was cool and calm, almost exactly the tone Brynne had used when greeting their irate cousin.

"It has come to my attention that over the course of several years, you have been embezzling funds from GrangerGuild in order to pay for a succession of mistresses, Junior," she told him, inwardly crowing in triumph when all the blood drained from his face, leaving him staring at her in horror. "As of nine o'clock this morning, you are no longer an employee of the GrangerGuild Conglomerate. Your former position has temporarily been taken over by Hubert Granger, who will be conducting a formal review of all ingoings and outgoings within your department. Your assets have been frozen, your holdings taken out of your name, and your son reinstated into the Guild. Oliver's stipend has also been reinstated, as has the former sum of Laura's stipend. Your salary has, of course, been stopped; you will now receive a stipend directly from this office, calculated to conform to your needs of living. Suffice it to say, it is significantly less than you have been spending."

She rose to her feet, frowning down at the man in front of her, who seemed to be folding in on himself as she spoke.

"This is an internal affair, Junior. You are family, and it is only concern for Lola and Ollie which is keeping me from letting the press drag you through the mud with a public statement of everything you have been up to. If, however, I hear that anyone has come to harm because of you and your temper - anyone at all - I will turn the whole matter over to the Watch, and believe me when I say, I will prosecute. Are we clear?"

Ashen-faced for the second time in the presence of the iron-willed force of nature that was the Old Man's favourite granddaughter - an iron will no one had really come into contact with until today - Junior swallowed, stunned into silence. He didn't nod, or give any acknowledgement of her words, but that silence from him suggested that this was, perhaps, the last straw in what had been a truly dreadful few days. He rose slowly to his feet, adjusting the hang of his suit, and made his way to the door.

As it opened, he paused, looking back at Caroline, who was still standing, watching him leave with an expression that could only be called unreadable. A true poker face, learned at the knee of the old man Junior had thought was already beaten down only a few days ago.

"It would appear I underestimated you, Caroline," he said quietly, his tone so flat as to be utterly monotone. He seemed about to say more, but stopped himself, only nodding once to her before letting himself out.

As the door swung shut behind him, Caroline sank down into her chair, trembling as she breathed out a huge sigh of relief.

"Well," Brynne drawled from her place beside the desk, "that was ....interesting."