Topic: Sharing the News

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2014-08-27 19:05 EST
It was a rare day when Old Man Granger was up and about bright and early, preferring these days to leisurely take his breakfast in bed and venture out only after ten in the morning. Today, however, he was already in his study, eagerly devouring the newspapers that had arrived from Tirisano. He was anxious to know if anything had happened during the Independence Day Parade, to be certain that Dru was well and safe, and since the coverage of the parade was spread over three days' worth of journalism, he had three papers to get through. He didn't, however, get past the second one before his voice, still strong despite his age, rang out, piercing through the quiet manor house to summon his nephew excitedly. "JON!"

Jon was by nature a night owl. He had become accustomed to it after years of late nights spent at the theater and attending after parties, though he'd learned pretty early on after Emily's birth that small children and babies in particular didn't usually conform to the habits of their parents. Juggling a wife, two young children, an active dog, and an acting career wasn't always an easy task, but he managed it somehow. Living in the same house as his great uncle didn't hurt. Jon had come to think of Humphrey as something of a father figure in his life, or perhaps a grandfatherly figure, and the two men had grown close over the last few years since he and Vicki had moved to the big house at Maple Grove. This particular morning, Jon was juggling both children and Cosmo while Vicki spent a few hours at the theater tending to whatever matters Mataya deemed needed tending to. He had just finished diapering Ben when he heard his uncle's voice summoning him from the study.

By the time he reached the study, Humphrey was practically bouncing in his chair with impatience, a wide grin on his old face as he chuckled to himself. "Did I wake you?" he asked innocently, knowing full well that Jon never managed to sleep past eight these days unless someone else had the children.

"Are you kidding?" Jon chuckled as he stepped into the study, Ben in his arms while Emily led the way, the little family herded along by Cosmo. "These two early birds had me up hours ago." Thankfully, late night after parties were mostly a thing of the past, and Jon sometimes came home before he'd even removed his stage makeup.

Emily toddled ahead of the pack and right up to Humphrey, where she promptly climbed into his lap with a triumphant, "Gampy!"

"Hello, my little sweetheart!" Unexpected though the arrival of both little ones might be, Humphrey could always be counted on to be in a good mood for any child, allowing Emily to clamber up into his lap without even a wince for the slightly careless placement of her knees. Gently lifting her sideways over his thighs, he tweaked her nose, always happy to cuddle with this little princess. He grinned over at Jon, tossing the newspaper he had been reading across the desk. "Read that," he suggested with rather a lot of mischief for a man his age.

The newspaper declared itself to be The Tirisano Herald, the front page dominated by a picture of Dru and Josh, posed together, smiling for the camera, beneath a headline that announced ROYAL ENGAGEMENT. Below the picture, the story began.

"His Serene Highness, Prince Julius Iarocci, is delighted to announce the engagement of the Princess Royale, Claudia Amelia Drusilla Regina, to Lord Joshua Oliver Stuart, the second son of Duke Oliver Stuart of Roslae. The unexpected announcement comes swiftly on the heels of the Princess Royale's inspiring ride at the head of the Independence Day Parade, where she showed her mettle and proved her worthiness to be our next ruler. A spokesperson for the palace said, "Princess Claudia and Lord Joshua are very much in love. It has come as a surprise, but who is really going to begrudge a love match in the royal family?" Lord Joshua's father is said to be "ecstatic" about the news, adding that, "it's about time the young people who will be in charge of this country started being allowed to make decisions about their own lives". Following the rise in popular opinion that the Princess Royale should be given the opportunity to make this choice for herself, no doubt support will be strong for the young couple, who plan to wed in late autumn. Details on page 5 ..."

Jon arched a curious brow as Humphrey tossed the newspaper at him, his curiosity further piqued by the knowledge that the paper was not a local publication but had come all the way from Tirisano, where Jon's baby sister was considered royalty. "What's this?" he asked as he lowered himself into the chair across the desk from his uncle, settling Ben in the crook of one arm while he leaned forward to read the headlines. "Holy shit!" he declared when he saw the photo of Dru and her boyfriend featured on the front page. "They got engaged?"

Emily - who had recently become a magpie, echoing words and phrases in an attempt to master language - echoed her father's enunciation with a babbled version of "shit!" Which came out sounding more like "Sit!"

Which Cosmo promptly did, barking at Emily to get her attention as Humphrey tried his hardest not to laugh at the devious little girl and her new ability to mimic the worst of her parents' language. "So it would seem," he answered Jon, tickling the little girl on his lap to distract her from any other unseemly phrases that might tumble from her daddy's lips. "It would appear that patience does not run in this family."

Cosmo's barking did very little to calm the pint-sized ball of energy down, and Emily wiggled her way off Humphrey's lap to go play with her favorite toy, which just happened to be Cosmo, with a fairly-well pronounced, "Gampy, down!"

Jon picked up the paper to read further, turning to Page Five for further details as the article stated, but the highlights of the article were right there on the front page. "You don't think she's pregnant, do you?" he mused aloud, unsure how he might feel about that. He'd only met his baby sister recently, but already he felt somewhat protective over her.

Humphrey snorted, gently setting Emily down on her sturdy feet and patting her rear end to send her off with the overgrown puppy that was Cosmo. He met Jon's gaze, raising his brows incredulously. "They're young, Jon, but I doubt either of them would risk that," he pointed out. "Dru was born out of wedlock herself, she knows the stigma attached to it. And frankly, I think that young man could well be saving her for the wedding night."

"Why the rush?" Jon asked, knowing how young Dru was, but then, he knew life for a royal in Tirisano was very different to her life here in Rhy'Din. "Okay," he said lifting a hand to silence his uncle before he could explain. "I know. They're in love. You don't have to explain it to me." He and Vicki had been in almost as much of a hurry to be married, though he thought they'd been a lot more patient.

"Given how surprising this is, I very much doubt it was intended to be announced so soon," Humphrey considered thoughtfully. "Perhaps something happened that has not been reported; something that has made them wish to make their union official ahead of schedule."

Jon thought about that a moment and, knowing his sister the way he did, he frowned worriedly. "You mean something life-altering. Like an attempt on her life." He knew what that was like well enough. It had been his little adventure with the vampires that had made him even more determined to have a happily ever after with Vicki.

"Indeed," his great-uncle agreed, his own face lined with a worried frown. "Clearly there is nothing to be concerned with, but I would be inclined to think that something must have happened on the day of the parade. Something that took place in private, where the press cannot reach, but evidently something that has shaken them greatly. I daresay we will find out when they return in September."

Jon frowned further, looking both worried and thoughtful, though clearly Dru had survived whatever it was that had happened and that no one was talking about. "So, if they're getting married in fall, does that mean we get an invitation to the wedding or..." He understood the need to keep the matter of her paternal lineage secret, but it hurt that he might not be able to witness what could be the most important event in her life. A few of them had gathered together to watch the parade on TV, and while he was happy for her and proud of his sister, he wanted to be part of her life, not just an observor.

"Jon ..." Humphrey eyed him with a quiet smirk. The younger man worried too much sometimes, forgetting to look at common sense before finding something to be concerned with. "Do you really think your baby sister will wish to be married without her family there to witness it?"

"I guess not," Jon replied, though he was still frowning. "But I won't be her big brother. I'll just be some guy she met at the theater." But then, what did it matter" Dru's special day wasn't about Jon or anyone else - it was about Dru and Josh publicly declaring their love for each other and promising to spend the rest of their lives together. "Never mind. It doesn't matter," he added with a shrug.

"Everyone who matters will know the truth," Humphrey said firmly. "We have a duty to protect her from any backlash she might suffer were her parentage to become known. But there is no need to act any differently with her than you ordinarily would, Jon. There will be no press at the wedding banquet, you can be sure of that."

"I just want to be there, that's all. We shouldn't have to be punished because our father was an..." He bit off the word he'd been about to say, unsure if Humphrey would agree or want to hear that about his own flesh and blood. Then again, not everyone of Granger blood had lived a stellar life. That's just how things were.

"Jon, I am hardly the person to talk to regarding royal wedding invitations," the old man chuckled, refusing to let his nephew's worrying lower his mood. "I suggest you trust your baby sister. She may be a princess, but she is inordinately fond of you."

"I do. I trust her. I guess I just wish we didn't have to keep it a secret." Another thought occurred to him, which didn't take away that frown or brighten his mood any. He was genuinely happy for Dru and Josh, but was worried about how it was going to change his relationship with her. "Are they still gonna be able to visit' What happens if someone finds out who they really are?"

Humphrey rolled his eyes. "How do you think we have managed to keep her a secret for almost a year, Jon?" he asked gently. "Between our PR department, and the palace's own press management, every hint of her location, her employment, even her schooling, has been suppressed from both the newspapers here and in Tirisano. And we will continue to do so for as long as it is necessary, which I hope will be a very long time to come."

Jonathan Granger

Date: 2014-08-27 19:07 EST
"Claudia," Jon mused, glancing at the paper again. "I never knew her real name is Claudia." Another thought occurred to him suddenly, like a light bulb going on in his head. "No one there knows she's a Granger. So if she goes by Drusilla Granger here, no one might make the connection," he mused aloud. Unless they were from Tirisano or knew what the Princess Royale looked like, but that was unlikely.

"Family names in royal circles tend to be chosen from the selection of names pinned on a child at their christening," Humphrey smiled, resting forward on his desk. "I think Drusilla suits her far better than Claudia, personally, but Claudia is how her people know her. Claudia is the name she wears when she is at work, which she will never be here, because she is our Drusilla."

"Right, but what I'm saying is if she goes by Drusilla Granger here, no one might make the connection that she's really Princess Claudia from Tirisano," he said, rephrasing the thought for his uncle's benefit or maybe just to try and understand it better himself. "I mean, the Princess Claudia isn't an actress, but Drusilla Granger is. Get it?"

"I do get it, yes," Humphrey chuckled cheerfully, reaching across the desk to pat Jon's hand. "We will endeavor to keep her identity a secret, Jon, I assure you. Here in Rhy'Din, she will always be just Drusilla Granger. I owe it to her to make sure she remains anonymous here."

"I think she needs that, you know?" Jon countered, thankful for his uncle's patience and understanding. Despite what other members of the family might say or think about the "Old Man", Jon only knew him to be a kind, generous, caring individual. "She needs a place where she can just be Dru."

"We can give her that," the Old Man nodded firmly. "Unbeknownst to her, Helena passed on the information that Dru and Josh have been talking to the architect who designed their house and shop, and I have approached the man myself. They plan on building a home here, Jon, at the Cove but tucked away, out of sight. They will be around, often, I should imagine."

"Oh?" Jon said, a brow arching curiously. He had mixed feelings about that little bit of news, feeling both relieved and a little disappointed. It seemed the more time passed, the more of his family members moved away from Maple Grove. It seemed both his sisters were going to migrate to King's Cove, and Des had made his home with Piper and Lyneth, which was only natural. "I hope they know they're always welcome here," he said, a little dejectedly.

Humphrey rolled his eyes. As much as he loved Jon, the man did have a tendency to focus on the less joyful parts of any conversation. "Jonathan Granger, I am not too old to turn you over my knee," he threatened pointedly. "At eighteen years old, you had already left not just the Grove, but Rhy'Din as well. As much as you wish for your family to stay all in one place, that is not the way of people. They move away, and they come back. And moping about it does not endear you to anyone."

Jon's mouth fell open, not only surprised at his uncle's reaction to his statement, but a little surprised at his own reaction to the news that Dru and Josh were planning on building a house at King's Cove. "That was different," he pointed out, though he didn't really remember the event, nor did it matter what the reasons for his leaving were. He got his uncle's point and didn't really want to argue about it. "Sorry, I guess I should be happy they're planning on building a home in Rhy'Din." He wasn't quite sure how to explain his feelings to his uncle, and it never occurred to him that Humphrey might be feeling the same way. The Old Man enjoyed being surrounded by family as much as Jon did, but he was wise enough to know that you couldn't force the issue. Maple Grove was home to every member of the family and even to some friends, as well, even if they didn't live there on a permanent basis.

Humphrey snorted softly at the look on his nephew's face. "You always look so shocked when I show my teeth," he commented cheerfully. "And you know me better than most people. But you shouldn't linger on the thought that a young, newly wedded couple do not plan to live within five minutes' walk of all their nearest relatives. A half hour by car is hardly the other side of the world, after all." He leaned back in his chair, his grin twitching at his lips. "You need to cheer up, anyway. Your brother and sister will tell you off far more fulsomely than I am if they hear that note in your voice when you tell them."

"No, I know. I'm just being stupid and selfish," Jon readily admitted. "It's just....It seems like everyone is moving away from the Grove lately." The truth was there were still plenty of family members and even friends living at the Grove, but Jon was worried about losing touch with those who drifted away from the fold. "Maybe we should build a vacation house at the Cove, too. Or do you think that would be stifling their independence?"

The Old Man chuckled. "I think there is plenty of beach, and we do still own it," he pointed out. "But before making those plans, you have news to share with your brother and sister, and a small rant or two to share with your wife when she returns."

"A rant or two?" Jon echoed, arching both brows unsure what rant he was referring to. And though he'd assumed Humphrey would share the good news with the rest of the family, it seemed it was going to fall on Jon's shoulders to share it with his other two siblings first.

"I know you, and I know how you deal with upsets, no matter how large or small," the Old Man reminded him fondly. "Now ....decide what you're going to do with those two tiny terrors, and get on with telling Helena and Desmond what they need to know."

"I'm not upset!" Jon countered. "This is good news. Hell, it's great news. It's just a little sudden, that's all." Like his elopement with Vicki maybe or a dozen other events that had taken place over the course of his lifetime. He glanced at the drowsing boy on his lap and the little girl who was snuggled up against Cosmo's side. It looked like it was going to be nap time soon, which would afford him a little time to make a few phone calls.

"Sudden is something the Grangers excel at," Humphrey chuckled. "Call your siblings, invite them over for dinner. You can each discuss your baby sister's love life until Lyneth demands to be taken home."

Jon was tempted to ask, "But what if they're busy?" but he knew better than to further argue with Humphrey. When the Old Man got an idea stuck in his head, there was no way he was going to be convinced otherwise. "Okay," he agreed, moving to his feet. "I'll call as soon as I get these two tucked in for a nap," he said, leaning over to scoop Emily up in one arm, Ben in the other.

"Good," the Old Man nodded in approval. "And tell Desmond that I insist. It has been far too long since that little family came and filled this house with their nonsense."

A smile found its way to Jon's face at last. One would think that the life of an attorney would be a serious one, but of all of them, Desmond seemed to be the one who was almost constantly surrounded by laughter. Jon knew Lyneth was mostly to blame for that and was glad his brother had found happiness here in Rhy'Din. He'd always been fond of Piper and couldn't think of anyone who deserved to be happy more than her and Des. "You mean Lyneth," Jon corrected with a smirk, knowing who was to blame for most of that nonsense.

"It's a possibility that I do," Humphrey chuckled, acting coy with innocent eyes that twinkled with cheerful good humor. He moved to stand up, taking his time these days, leaning heavily on his cane. One day soon, he was not going to have a choice when it came to the wheelchair he hated so much. "Go on, settle the family to their respective jaunts. I will tell the cook to enjoy herself with the roast."

"Will do," Jon replied, with a small frown due to his inability to help his uncle as he might wish, but his hands were already full. He didn't bother to ask after his uncle's health, knowing the man had his pride, but it wasn't hard to discern the concerned expression on his face, before he turned for the door. Cosmo lingered, as if he, too, was more concerned about the older man than for his smaller charges. Humphrey was part of his family, too, after all.

Old Humphrey might be, but he was not done yet. He wanted to see his family settled as best they could be before the end came for him, and though his body was growing more infirm with each passing year, his strength of will couldn't be faulted. With a hand on Cosmo's collar, he followed Jon from the study, turning toward the kitchen with a smile on his old face. The princess was getting married. Well, that certainly was the last thing he had expected when a frightened sixteen year old had sat in front of him this time last year. Tirisano was supposedly beautiful in the autumn. Humphrey looked forward to seeing it. ((Ah, Jon is always such a worry-wart. Thankfully, Humphrey was able to help him sort things out. As always, humongous thanks to my partner in crime for the above scene!))