Topic: Shave and a Haircut

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:22 EST
((Contains reference to adult situations.))

Making the transition from 1970's Earth to Rhy'Din in 2013 was a tough change for anyone to try. The fact that Tommy had managed it was enough to be proud of, but there was one crucial change he had yet to make, and though Lena was trying not to push, the mere fact that it had not happened yet was proof enough that procrastination could easily become a way of life for them. Which was why today, she was ready for him. She'd fed him, let him drink a couple of beers to ease off any residual tension, and now she stood in the kitchen, pointing to a stool with a mild grin. "All right, Moonbeam," she told her lover affectionately. "Sit."

As for Tommy, he looked less than convinced. He'd grown fond of his long hippie hair and the beatnik fuzz on his chin. It had taken him years to grow that hair - a symbol of rebellion during a tumultuous period of history, but that was Earth of the 70's and this was Rhy'Din in the 21st century. Or something like that. "I'm not sure I trust you with a pair of scissors in your hands," he remarked, thinking she was taking this way too casually.

"Believe it or not, I used to cut my dad's hair," she told him, one hand on her hip as she looked up at her reluctant hippie. "And Jon's, before he left home. Trust me, baby, I can do this. It's not like I'm going to scalp you - I'm just gonna cut it a little shorter and give it a bit of shape so your hair compliments your gorgeous face."

He pouted at her, knowing this was coming. The four of them had been pestering him about it for days, and it had been Jack who'd finally talked him into it, insisting that it was only hair and that they weren't living in the 70's anymore. "You promise you won't cut it too short?" he asked, needing some reassurance before he let her anywhere near him with a scissors in her hands.

"I promise I won't cut it too short." Leaving the scissors where they were, she moved toward him, raising her hands to show him how short she intended to go. "I'm gonna cut it until it brushes your collar, and shape it in front. You'll still have plenty of hair when I'm done, I swear to you, Tommy. And if I go too short, it'll grow back."

"If you cut it too short, I'll be bald!" he exclaimed, over-reacting just a little. He had apparently become rather attached to all that hair, but if Jack could do it, he could do it. Besides, he had to admit, it was a bit of a pain to take care of and tended to get in his face when he was surfing. "Okay..." he said, taking a deep breath. "I trust you."

She smiled, knowing it was a hard thing for him to do but glad he was finally giving in. Reaching up, she kissed him softly, gently steering him toward the stool. "So sit down, Moonbeam, and I'll be quick as I can."

Still pouting a little, he gave in, taking a seat in the chair, the happy-go-lucky surfer sulking uncharacteristically. Like Jack, he had been hiding behind all that hair for so long, he was a little scared what would happen when it was gone, though here in Rhy'Din, he didn't have to worry about anyone recognizing him or accusing him of being a coward. His mother had always told him he had a baby face, and he wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

"It isn't the end of the world," Lena laughed gently, squirting him in the face with her bottle of water before wrapping a towel over his shoulders, turning her attention to dampening his hair for cutting. "It's not like I'm forcing you to shave as well, is it?" Her fingers ran through his hair, gentle and practiced, forbearing to comment on the state of his split ends.

He threw up a hand to block the spray of water in his face, mostly unsuccessfully, chuckling a little at her playfulness. "That's easy for you to say! How long have you been growing your hair?" he asked, not bothering to point out that her hair was longer than his. It didn't matter to him if she was a girl or not, hair was hair. He was glad she hadn't seated him in front of a mirror as he wasn't sure he wanted to watch what she was doing. "You're not forcing me to do anything," he pointed out, but hell if he was going to let Jack get all the attention.

Laughing again, this time in protest, she rolled her eyes at him. "I get my hair cut twice a year! That's how it got this long and, you know, healthy." She leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose briefly as her hands found the comb and scissors, shifting about to stand behind him and begin there. "So ....have you been thinking about what we want and need for the house and shop?"

Tommy quieted a moment, his mind turning back to what had started him on the path to letting his hair grow in the first place. It wasn't just the fact that everyone was doing it. It went a little deeper than that. He might have mentioned it, but her voice distracted him from his thoughts and pulled him back to the present. "Hm?" he asked. "Oh, no, not really. I mean, how are we going to go about it?"

"Well ..." She paused a moment as she drew the comb through his hair, deliberately waiting until she was speaking once again before setting the scissors to the blonde mane in her hands. "There are a few ways we can do it. We can draw out our own floorplan, or we could hire an architect and work closely with them. Or we go with a flat-pack system, which would mean choosing a floorplan from a company's catalog, and modifying it to our own satisfaction."

All of those options sounded a little complicated to him. He didn't know anything about building a house, but he did have a pretty good idea of what he wanted it to look like. "What's a flat pack system?" he asked, never having heard the term before and unsure what it meant. He felt her hands at the back of his neck, and quiet snipping noise of the scissors as they sheared his long blond locks.

"Well, I'm not really too up on how it all works," Lena admitted, working quickly to cut his hair to the right length. She even left it slightly longer than she had said she would, knowing that his natural waves would keep the length from drowning his face and neck. "It's quicker than building from scratch on site, I know that. Basically, you pick out your design and modify it however you'd like; then a wooden frame is constructed at the company's warehouse or workshop or whatever, while appropriate foundations are laid. It takes about six to eight weeks, I think, and then the framework is put up on site within a matter of days. After that, it's just a case of fitting it out with electricity and plumbing and all that, and decorating it. As far as I know, it takes about half as long to build a house that way as it does to build one from scratch out of brick and mortar."

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:23 EST
"What do you think?" he asked, wanting her opinion on the topic. He didn't think they had the knowledge or skill to build a house on their own or even draw up a floor plan, so their choices were limited. It would have been easier if they'd been talking about building a cabin or cottage, but what they wanted was a house they could live in year-round.

Lena bit her lip as she considered this, smoothing her fingers through his hair once again as she mapped out the layers she was going to cut in thoughtfully. Though, to be honest, she could just have been playing with his hair. She had a tendency to do that. "I'd like to have somewhere up and ready to go when the warmer weather comes around," she admitted. "It's not just our home, it's going to be your business, too. So I was thinking .....there's gotta be some way to combine the two methods, right' Get solid foundations and at least a solid base floor built up around the wood frame. It gets stormy out on the beach, and the house will have to stand up to that."

"I was thinking the same thing," he admitted. Though it was an exciting venture, it wasn't something they wanted to go into without thinking it all through. "And we need a studio for you," he added, reminding her that it wasn't just about him and his wants and needs, but hers, too. He hadn't forgotten about her love of painting, even if she hadn't made mention of it in a while.

She smiled faintly, though she was still a little resistant to the idea of letting anyone other than him see her work. "It would be nice to have a studio," she admitted, drawing layers of his hair up through the comb to snip confidently. "I still don't know if I'll ever be able to sell anything I paint, though. It's your work spaces that are important, and our home spaces." She paused, stepping around him to begin the slightly trickier task of shaping his hair about his face. "I'd like at least two spare bedrooms, though," she murmured, a faint blush touching her cheeks. The future of their relationship wasn't something they'd discussed in any great detail, despite the plan to build a home together.

He wasn't about to argue with her while she had a scissors in her hands, though he believed in her just as much as she believed in him. She just needed to believe in herself a little bit. "Maybe you should have a showing sometime. Put your stuff in a gallery. See what people think." He knew how scary that could be, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. She knew that. It was one of his mottoes, after all. "Two spare bedrooms?" he asked, arching a brow and almost turning his head to face her before remembering she was cutting his hair. What did they need two spare bedrooms for" Oh! It hit him like a ton of bricks. Children" She wanted to have children" With him"

Inserting herself between his knees, she gently turned his face toward hers, carefully neatening up the layers she had already cut into his hair so that they fell in a more pleasing shape about his face, framing the eyes she loved so well. "Well, I do know one gallery owner," she confessed shyly. "She used to show my cousin's paintings. She might be interested in mine. Possibly." With a gentle shrug, she pocketed the scissors and comb, deliberately not commenting further on the spare bedrooms. She didn't want to worry him over nothing, after all. Her fingers rubbed through his now dry hair, and she smiled. "Okay, I'm all done."

He wasn't worried exactly. More like in a state of shock. They'd never really mentioned children before, or even marriage, and for a moment there, he forgot all about his hair. She wanted children, with him' He knew he wasn't ready to raise a family just yet. It was something he'd never really considered before, and it took him more than a little by surprise. "Huh?" he asked, blinking out of his thoughts.

Giggling a little at his slightly shell-shocked expression, Lena moved to take the towel off his shoulders, dusting the loose hair from his clothes. "I'm done," she repeated fondly. "Go and take a look in a mirror. And try not to scream too loudly, or we'll have security running in here from all over the Grove."

He was pouting a little again, lifting a hand to touch his hair and see feel how short she'd cut it before he looked in the mirror and got the shock of his life. He hadn't worn his hair short since he'd left home seven or so years ago. He felt almost naked with all the locks shorn, but he was pleased to find she had stayed true to her word and hadn't cut it all off. Pushing up from the chair, he started toward the bathroom to have a look.

She smiled as she watched him go, bracing herself for a level of disapproval she hadn't seen from him before. In all honesty, she hadn't actually cut that much off, out of deference to the reason he had grown his hair long in the first place, but she would like to see his face clean shaven at least once. She chuckled to herself as she moved to tidy up, fetching the broom out of the cupboard to sweep up the fallen hair. That was a conversation she wasn't going to have with him for at least another month. Let him get used to having shorter hair, first.

Maybe the quiet was a good sign, maybe it wasn't, but no sound at all came from the bathroom. No shriek, no tears, no shout of anger. Absolutely nothing but silence. While she cleaned up the mess, he was scrutinizing his own face and his new haircut, debating if he should do away with the "bum fluff", as they called it. It wasn't bum fluff to him. He'd grown that bit of blond beard for several reasons, but none of those reasons seemed valid anymore.

As she tidied up after herself, studiously not worrying about the reaction he was going to show her for his newly cropped locks, Lena found herself wondering just why it was that she wanted a pair of spare bedrooms. She loved Tommy deeply; indeed, she couldn't imagine her life without him now, and with those imaginings came hopeful thoughts she'd never had before. She could imagine him with a son or three, and found herself surprisingly agreeable to that prospect, when she'd never really considered the possibility of having children before. Perhaps it was seeing how happy Jon was with Vicki and Emily and expecting another child, or Des and his little family. Everyone seemed to be settling down and popping out babies, and though she was in no rush, Lena couldn't help feeling a little broody for her own.

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:24 EST
Tommy's thoughts drifted, too, as he examined his face in the mirror. Who was it that was looking back at him these days" Who was he" Who had he become" Tommy Kasinsky from Detroit, or Tommy King from Half Moon Bay' Did it even matter anymore" He had reinvented himself, changed, become someone his own mother wouldn't have recognized. He frowned a little at that thought. Somewhere inside him, he was still the idealistic kid who'd left home with a dream in his heart, and now because of Helena, he might finally be making that dream come true. What was a little hair in exchange for all that' He smiled, his mind made up, and pushed the bathroom door closed.

Hearing the bathroom door close, Lena paused, a very faint frown on her brow. Was that a good sign or a bad sign" Or had she got so much hair down his shirt collar that he'd decided to take a shower to clean off" She didn't want to interrupt, however - she knew cutting his hair was a big step, and was happy to give him however much time he needed to come to terms with it. Shaking herself away from worrying too much, she turned her attention to investigating the cupboards, wondering if Dru was going to join them for dinner tonight or skip up to the big house, as she had been doing for the last few nights.

It was quiet in there for quite a while before the sound of water could be heard coming from the shower. He was uncharacteristically quiet. No singing of Beach Boys' tunes, no whistling, just the sound of water running through the pipes. He felt strange without all that hair and somehow liberated, like the hair had been holding him back. He scrubbed himself clean, scrubbing his fingers through the shorn yellow locks, cleansing himself of the last seven years, ready to start fresh. He felt strangely reborn.

When the sound of the shower running reached her ears, Lena relaxed a little. So he wasn't that upset with her, or he wouldn't be scrubbing himself under the flow of hot water. A momentary flicker of a grin found her face as she considered joining him, before sternly reminding herself she was giving him space to come to terms with the loss of his hairy curtains.

He wasn't gone much more than half an hour, a little longer than he might normally take in the shower, but not overly long. Certainly not long enough to worry or send in a search party. At long last, the sound of running water was replaced once again by silence, but even that didn't last long. The door creaked, announcing his re-emergence, his stomach tied in nervous knots, though he wasn't sure why. She'd either like what she saw or hate it. Whatever she thought, one thing was certain - nothing was permanent; nothing stayed the same for ever.

Lena was determined not to make a fuss when he came out, not wanting to make him feel any more self-conscious of his newly shortened hair. The beard, she could live with - she hadn't fallen in love with his facial hair, after all; she'd fallen in love with him. So when he re-emerged, she was busy in the kitchen, scowling at the contents of the larder and trying to stop her mind from wandering in the direction of what it might be like to cook for children.

No matter what he looked like, he was still the same Tommy he'd always been, the same Tommy she'd met and fallen in love with, lost and rediscovered. He found her in the kitchen, but made no move to let her know he was there, standing in the doorway for a long moment quietly watching her, as nervous as a schoolboy on his first date. She already knew what he looked like with the new haircut, but what would she think of the final touch he'd decided on himself"

She became aware of him watching her after a long moment, lifting her head as she turned to smile at him, only to have that smile falter as her mouth dropped open in delighted surprise. The look in her eyes softened as she gazed at him, tender desire flickering all too obviously into view across her face as she felt herself blush, biting her smiling lip like a schoolgirl. "Wow."

"Is that a good wow or a bad wow?" he asked nervously as he remaining in the doorway, wondering why it was so important to him that she approved of the change. In addition to the haircut, he was clean-shaven, no longer hiding his youthful, boyish face behind the scruffy beard.

"Oh, it's a very good wow," she promised him, the smile rising on her face unmistakeable as anything but delighted, proud approval of the step he had taken all by himself to shave off the beard he had been clinging to. "Tommy, you're stunning. I ....I have no words for how much I want to jump you right now."

"Really?" he asked, as surprised and shocked by this as he'd been by the mention of children. Not so much the jumping part, but the part about him being stunning. No one had ever called him that before, not even Red, once upon a time. Oh, she'd wanted him, when it suited her, but she hadn't really loved him. She had loved Robbie. "Don't think I look fourteen?"

She laughed, forcing herself to take a step forward, not quite believing what she was seeing. Tommy had been handsome enough with the wayward long hair and scruffy beard, but now ....Part of her was glad he hadn't shaved until after he was sure she loved him. She certainly couldn't be accused of being turned by a pretty face now. "I think you're the most handsome man I've ever met," Lena admitted, slightly embarrassed by the husky, wanting tone that injected itself into her voice as she looked him over. "You're so handsome, I'm blushing just at the realization that I'm allowed to touch you."

"You're just teasing me now," he said, blushing like his friend Jack had done when he'd first revealed the handsome face that had lain hidden beneath an overgrowth of hair and beard. If he was so handsome, why was he always second choice? At least, until now. But things were different with Lena, and no other girls - women - really mattered. "I might have nicked myself," he admitted, raising a hand to rub his chin, feeling naked without the familiar scruff of beard there.

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:24 EST
"I'm really not teasing you," she promised him, moving to gently slide her hand against his smooth cheek herself, inspecting his face for this nick he thought he might have inflicted on himself. And when she found it, nothing would do but that she should kiss it better. And the skin around it. And the strong line of his jaw. And ....well, she might have gotten a little carried away.

He found himself reacting to her touch and her kisses in the usual way, the expected way, wanting her as much as she wanted him. Thankfully, he already knew she loved him, or he might have questioned her reaction. Though he thought her beautiful and always had from the first moment he'd laid eyes on her, it wasn't solely her looks that had made him fall in love with her. His feelings had gone far deeper than that, feeling a connection of some sort with her, a bond that went deeper than just physical attraction, though it certainly didn't hurt. He breathed her in as she kissed him, his heart soaring with love as he warmed to her kisses. It felt good to know she loved him, desired him, wanted him for himself, not because he was Tommy King, or because he was Robby or Jack's friend, but because he was himself.

Drawing reluctantly back, she drew her thumb along the line of his jaw, nose to nose with him, showing him nothing but tenderly loving eyes as she nuzzled affectionately to his lips. "Thank you," she told him softly, leaning into him as he leaned into her, enchanted by the stunning good looks he seemed so embarrassed by, selfishly pleased that the man beneath them belonged to her.

"If I knew it would make you this happy, I'd have shaved a long time ago," he remarked, kissing her lips again. He would have at least not spent the last few days resisting and worrying what her reaction to a clean-shaven Tommy might be. With that shave and haircut, he had finally taken the last step in breaking the pact that he'd made with Robby all those years ago, but instead of feeling guilty and grief-stricken, he only felt free.

"There's a time and place for everything," she assured him warmly, curling her arm about his waist as her hand played over his now smooth cheek. "I love you." Her lips brushed his, soft and confident of her heart, of his feeling for her. Part of her couldn't wait to see Dru and Jack's reaction to Tommy's new look now it was complete, yet most of her wanted to keep him to herself a while longer. Warm and loving, she swayed into his arms with absolute trust, nuzzling kisses to his smooth cheek as she smiled. "Might take a while before I can stop touching and kissing, though."

His arms slid around her waist as he drew her close, that smile on his face no longer obscured by fuzzy facial hair, his eyes bright and warm and no longer half hidden beneath an overgrowth of hair. His heart swelled at her declaration of love, sharing those feelings even if they came a little harder to his lips. "I don't have anything I have to do today, do you?" he asked, savoring and returning each kiss with one of his own.

She smiled up at him, happy to linger there, trading kisses back and forth as her fingertips played over his smooth skin. Three little words, and he lit up from the inside. She didn't think she would ever stop saying it, just to watch as Tommy swelled with pride and affection. "You mean you're not going to run over to Ivy Lodge and terrify Jack with your shiny naked chin?"

His hair was still damp from the shower and he smelled like a masculine but clean mix of soap and shampoo. "You mean run over to Ivy Lodge and be poked fun at?" he asked, though he didn't really care, so long as Lena was happy. He had risen to the challenge and no longer had anything to prove. He smirked as a thought came to mind. "Jack has more hair than I do now."

"He does," she chuckled in answer. "Compared with you, he looks like the Abominable Snowman now." Grinning, she ran her fingers through his hair, infinitely pleased with the way the haircut had come out, but even happier that he seemed to be happy with it himself. "Or you could put on a fashion show for me. Or, you know, just get naked and let me do unspeakable things to you for the next several hours."

"What's the point of putting on clothes if we're only going to take them off?" he asked, brown eyes sparkling with mischief. "Do you really like it?" he asked, lifting his gaze to watch her running her fingers through his hair.

Her smile softened as she gently trailed her fingers through his hair and down to rest her hands on his shoulders. "I really do," she promised him, as much sincerity as loving affection in her voice and expression. "I can't help liking the fact that you're not hiding from me any more, can I?" She rose onto her toes to kiss the tip of his nose with a cheeky little cast to her smile.

He mirrored her smile as she kissed his nose, moving his hands to settle against her hips. "So, should we go show Jack or do you have a better idea?" he asked, having already given her his opinion on the matter. Jack could wait a little while longer, as far as he was concerned.

"Well ..." Lena giggled, not quite able to keep her hands from roaming once again, stroking his smooth face and neck, easing down along the line of his arms as she swayed against him. "We do have the house to ourselves for the next few hours," she mused teasingly. "What would you recommend, beautiful?"

"You said it might take a while before you can stop kissing and touching me. I don't think I'd have a problem with that," he said as he leaned in to touch a kiss to her lips, before moving to leave a trail of kisses against her neck.

This earned him another low giggle, delivered in husky tones against his ear as she leaned into his affection, her fingers teasing through his hair once again to clasp a gentle handful as she arched against him, eagerly responsive to even the slightest touch from the man she loved so well. "You should be sure," she breathed against his ear, even as her other hand curled to his back, wending its way beneath his shirt to explore his bare skin teasingly. "I'm pretty close to blindfolding you and seeing how many fun ways I can think of to make you beg."

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:25 EST
"Oh, I'm pretty sure," he replied with a smirk as he felt her fingers against his back, stifling a shudder of pleasure. He arched a brow, more than a little surprised by her threat. Or was it a promise" "Beg?" he echoed, chuckling a little. "Is that another challenge?"

"Are you saying you wouldn't beg for me, Moonbeam?" she asked him with a lilting laugh in her voice, tipping her head back to meet his smirk with her own grin. "Not even if I tied you to the bed and made you watch me enjoying myself with your name on my lips?" In fairness, that was pretty evil coming from one of the Granger's Good Girls, but rather staid in other respects.

"You wouldn't," he replied, practically calling her on the challenge. He had a hard time believing this sweet, innocent girl was capable of such a thing, though the thought of it was doing things to his insides that he was having trouble controlling and keeping to himself.

Her laugh was an indignant protest as she curled her arms about his neck once again, nose to nose with her newly shorn Tommy. "I might," was gently insisted against his lips. "Of course, you'd have to cooperate for me to be able to get you all tied up in the first place ..."

"And if I don't?" he asked, rising to the challenge or at least to the prospect of it, even if she was only teasing and had no intention of carrying through with her little evil plan.

"Hmm ..." She paused, seeming to consider her reply for a long moment, though in truth she was distracted all over again by the look in his eyes, unable to deny the very obvious truth of the flush that spread over her skin in answer. "Well, in that case, we'd just have to wrestle and see who won."

"Arm wrestle or body wrestle?" he asked with a hint of mischief in his eyes. The haircut and shave looked good on him, even if he wouldn't admit it himself, and gave an almost boyish charm to his smile, eyes bright with amusement.

"Which would you rather?" she laughed back at him, tweaking the end of his nose between her thumb and forefinger teasingly. "Since, obviously, we are now going to wrestle this best of three strip arm wrestling, or free-for-all body wrestling" Huh, Moonbeam?"

He crossed his eyes to watch her tweak his nose, smirking mischievously at her teasing. "Should I let you win?" he teased back, since it was obvious - at least, to him - that he'd clearly win any wrestling contest, arm or otherwise. "Come on," he said, reaching for her hand. "Why don't we talk about it in the bedroom?"

Of course he would win any such contest between them; that wasn't the point. The point was how much fun they could have getting to the point where she would, inevitably, surrender. Laughing, she let him wind his fingers through hers, holding tight against him as they moved toward the master bedroom. "Yes, master." Her other hand, however, couldn't resist goosing him as he led her away.

Tommy chuckled when she called him that, suddenly visualizing her in a genie costume like the kind Barbara Eden wore. He'd never admit it, but she was one of his boyhood crushes and the thought of Helena dressed like that was doing nothing to relieve his growing frustration. "Do I need to make three..." He broke off as she goosed him, laughing.

"Three what, dare I ask?" she grinned back at him, that roaming hand quite happy to wriggle into his side as he laughed, seeking out all the ticklish spots she could find as they eased through the doorway and into the master bedroom. "Magic beans?"

He turned to slap her hand away as she searched for her ticklish spots. She'd already accidentally found some, but he still had a few secrets. "Wishes, Jeannie," he replied with a grin. "Tell you what....If I win, you get to be my slave for a week." Which means she'd have to do anything he said. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere.

Lena's jaw dropped indignantly at his condition. They both knew she didn't have a hope in hell of winning a wrestling match between them, however much fun it was, and he was loading the dice. "A whole week?" she protested laughingly, twisting to walk ahead of him, backing into the room that was entirely theirs and brooked no intrusion from anyone.

"Too long" What's the matter, Midge" Afraid I might have you do something you don't wanna do?" Oh, he knew he had the upper hand in this, and he was having fun teasing her about it. He reached for her hand as she backed into the room, letting her lead him along.

"No, I think I might get too attached to being your willing slave, and you'll end up having to make all the decisions for us for the rest of our lives," she told him with a grin, teasingly pulling both her hands out of his grasp as he reached for her.

There was that boyish smirk again, dimples that had once been hidden behind the beard peeking through, a sprinkling of boyish freckles his nose and cheeks. And all of a sudden, he roared and stampeded toward her, catching her around the waist and tossing her onto the bed.

He took her completely by surprise, too distracted by the charm of his dimples to recognize when something was being plotted. Lena let out a loud shriek as he rushed her, breaking into wild giggles as they bounced onto the bed together, all too happy to wrestle with him regardless if that had been his intention or not. Of course, she was already at a disadvantage being below him, but she was planning on cheating anyway.

But getting her clothes off and taking advantage of her didn't seem to be his goal, at least, not yet. Instead, had her pinned beneath his weight and was repaying her tickling with some torture of his own, fingers searching out the places where he knew she was most vulnerable and ticklish.

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:26 EST
"No!" Caught up with helpless giggles already, she writhed underneath him, flailing to grab at his hands and pull them away as her body contracted, trying to protect her ticklish frame from a man who knew her a little too well to be put off so easily. "Tommy, this is so unfair!"

He only wanted to tease her, not torment her and it wasn't long before his tickling subsided and was replaced by a fresh slew of kisses. He slid his fingers beneath her sweater to draw it upwards as his lips spread a line of kisses along her neck, softly and slowly in a different kind of teasing.

All too easily, her giggles faded to a tender moan as he switched his attentions from tickling her to tormenting her in the best possible way, her back arching as her sweater rode up under his guidance. Whatever they'd been doing, he had definitely won this round, charming her without even needing to try. Lena was putty in his hands, eager to touch and be touched as she breathed his name against his ear, fingers clenching in his shirt, unable to resist teasing him just a little more. "Yes, master ..."

He smiled as she called him master once again, pausing a moment in his kissing to draw her shirt up over her head. From that point on, he took charge of the situation, touching her, kissing her, showing her in no uncertain terms how much he adored and desired her. There was no more teasing, no wrestling, playfulness turning to desire. He took his time, learning a little more about her each time they made love - where to kiss her, how to touch her, to elicit her sighs and moans. Each time, he grew a little less unsure of himself, a little more skilled, the making of a perfect lover.

Yet she didn't care that he was still a little unsure of himself. He was the perfect lover for her, no matter how skilled or inexperienced he was. He loved her, that was all she needed to know, and she loved him more deeply than she'd ever thought her heart was capable of. Sharing that feeling gave her confidence in more than just the way she moved with him, learning herself the way to touch and kiss, to bring him to the peak every time; it gave her more confidence in every other aspect of her life, knowing that here was one person who would stand by her in everything. Or, in some cases, take charge when she needed him to.

And take charge he did, at least for a while, taking her to the precipice at least once before claiming her again and making sure his own passion was quenched, at least for now. If Dru were to come home now, she'd find them lying in bed, panting in each other's arms amidst a mess of sheets and discarded clothing, still as amazed at the intensity of their love as they were the very first time. Though Tommy's first time was not the same as Lena's, it didn't seem to matter. She had caught up with him in time, and he had fallen in love with her, just as he had in her past and his future.

Wrapped in his arms, she gasped for breath, brushing her lips against his skin tenderly. "Gods, I love you," she laughed softly, unafraid to say it over and over again. Her fingers smoothed down his arm, turning his hand over to let her fingertip trace the infinity tattoo on the inside of his wrist as they lay together, sated for now with one another's passions. Love and Life ....for infinity. She smiled faintly, raising his arm to kiss his tattoo with gentle affection.

He saw her tracing the tattoo for what seemed like the thousandth time, a small frown at his lips as he recalled the origins of that tattoo and its meaning, but not as sad as he'd once been now that he had someone to share his life and his love. "We got matching tattoos," he started to explain, possibly not for the first time. "Robby and I." And Red, for that matter. He sighed. "We were so young then. We thought we could change the world, you know?"

She nodded, raising her eyes to his, her expression as gentle as it had ever been with him. "You did change the world for me," she told him softly, smoothing her thumb over the inked mark. "Is that such a small thing compared with the dreams you had when you were a boy?"

He didn't spare much time to consider his reply, answering almost immediately. There was nothing he could do for Robby anymore; Lena was another matter. "No, it's not a small thing." He pulled his arm away from her so that he could roll onto his side and face her. "I love you, Midge....Helena," he corrected, as if calling her by her real name would hold more meaning.

She smiled, raising her hand to gently stroke her fingertips against his cheek. "I will never grow tired of hearing you say that," she promised him softly, inching closer to kiss him, her lips tender against his as she nuzzled to him. "Would it be weird if ....if I got a tattoo to match yours" I don't want to intrude on your memories or anything."

"Like mine?" he asked, arching a brow, more than a little surprised to hear her suggest that. He hadn't yet noticed that tattoos were more commonplace here than they had back back in his own place and time. One did not make the decision lightly as it was considered permanent where he came from. "Are you sure?" he asked, touched by the thought, but needing to know she wasn't making a rash decision.

"Yes, like yours," she nodded, tilting her head back to smile at him as he studied her thoughtfully. "I know it's very personal to you, and ....I don't really know how to describe it. I know I can't take Robby's place, or Red's, but I'd like to be a part of you, if I can. I know it's a lot to ask, and I promise I won't mind if you say no. But I'm as committed to you as I'm ever going to be, and I want to show that."

"You don't have to get a tattoo to show me that, Midge, but if you really want one, I think I'd like that." He made no comment about Robby or Red, since there was really no comparison. No, she couldn't take their place, but comparing those relationships was like comparing apples to oranges. Robby had been like a brother, and yet, Jack had been a far better friend than Robby had ever been, and he was in love with Lena. There was a small residual bit of worry in his mind, but he brushed it aside. "You know..." he started with a small frown. "All these years, I think I've been taking Jack for granted."

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:26 EST
"I'd really like one," she assured him, looking down at her own inner wrist, easily able to imagine the same mark there as adorned his skin. As the frown made itself known on his brow, she nestled closer, giving him her full attention. She had a little insight there, after all. "I think Jack would rather have you take him for granted than never be his friend," she told Tommy softly. "He loves you like a brother, you know" He'd do anything for you. All you have to do is ask."

Tommy turned quiet a moment as he considered this. A lot had changed in the last few years, and even more had changed in the last few weeks. He was happier than he'd been in a long time, and it was all because of Lena and Jack. He could no longer keep Jack out of the equation. He had stood by him through everything and become the brother Tommy had never had. To say Jack and Lena had taken Robby and Red's place was unfair. They had done far more than that; they had carved an even deeper place in Tommy's heart. "Do you think if I asked him to be best man at our wedding, he'd agree?" Tommy asked, trying to hide a small smirk from his face, entirely serious, but wondering what she'd say to that.

"No, I ..." As the actual question sank in, Lena trailed off, her mouth dropping open as she stared at Tommy in amazement. Was he really asking her that' So soon' He was such a free spirit, she hadn't thought that marriage would even enter his mind for months, perhaps even years, and yet ....there he was, not exactly asking her to marry him. "Uh ..." She stammered for a moment, a slow, delighted smile rising on her face as she blushed, utterly unable to hide how happy that not-question had made her. "I think he'd be overjoyed," she answered finally, her voice quiet with sweet pleasure.

"How long do you think it will be before he asks me the same thing?" he asked, beaming a smile back at her. If things kept going the way they were going between Jack and Jasmin, Tommy had a feeling the pair wouldn't be far behind. He knew it was fast, but what was the point of waiting when he knew what he wanted" He reached for her hand, linking his fingers with her. "How about sometime in the spring, after we get the house built?"

She giggled softly, not wanting to predict a timeline for Jack and Jasmin. Between them, those two had a few issues that needed to be ironed out before they started thinking in this direction. She watched his fingers twine with hers, rubbing her thumb over his with understated affection. "On the beach," she suggested softly, lifting her eyes to his once again. "I think that's a beautiful idea."

His smile widened at her suggestion. On the beach. Of course, on the beach. There was no better, no more romantic place to be married than that. "I know it's sudden, but life is too short, and I know I want to spend what?s left of it with you," he told her softly.

"There's a lot left of it," she told him in a firm tone, shifting to roll him onto his back, leaning over him to run her fingers through his hair once again. "I love you, Tommy. And I'm touched you didn't even need to ask me to know what my answer would be."

He smiled up at her as she rolled him onto his back, realizing his own mistake, though she didn't seem upset by it. "I suppose I should have asked you first," he admitted, a bit sheepishly. He had just assumed that she'd say yes. Why else would she have traveled back thirty-eight years to find him and bring him here"

"It's a little quicker than I was expecting," she admitted with a soft chuckle, her lips touching the end of his nose impishly. "But I'm not saying no. I don't think I'll ever say no. Unless, you know, it's so completely depraved you can't even describe it to me."

He laughed as he caught her meaning, though he couldn't imagine ever asking her to do anything she wouldn't be more than happy to partake in. "If you were my slave, you wouldn't have any choice," he pointed out, returning to the challenge he'd made a short time ago, before they'd gotten distracted with each other.

She laughed, leaning down to nip at his lips. "That doesn't count," she told him cheerfully. "You cheated." Giggling, she kissed him tenderly, smoothing her fingers down the line of his throat. "So when are you going to give Jack this heart attack and tell him he's organizing your bachelor party?"

Tommy's eyes lit up at the thought of that. Like her, he had a feeling Jack would be shocked by the news, but pleasantly so, and he was looking forward to seeing the look on his friend's face when he told him. "I'm not sure yet. I only just thought of it. Maybe I should do it over dinner sometime," he replied with a chuckle, remembering the look on poor Jack's face when he'd tumbled from the window.

Lena laughed at the sheer mischief in his eyes as he suggested this. "Maybe you should save it for an evening when we're not eating something hazardous to his health if he chokes," she chuckled fondly. "Or, you know, spring it on him when we finally get him and Jasmin to the big house for dinner. Now that would be funny."

"If I did that, your brother might kill me!" he exclaimed, laughing. He had only met Jon once briefly, and he seemed likable enough, but Tommy wasn't too sure what he'd think about having a surfer for a brother in law. It never occurred to Tommy that the one person in the family he should be worried about wasn't Jon, but Humphrey.

Lena's laughter rose with his, gentler giggles in a sweet counter-point to his deeper laughter even as she kissed him once again. "Do you think Jaz has got at him with clippers yet?" she grinned playfully. As gorgeous as Tommy was without his beard, she was still curious to know just what was lurking underneath what remained of Jack's hairy curtains.

He laughed at her question, unable to imagine what Jack would look like with even less hair than he had now. "You don't think his hair is short enough?" he asked, a little incredulously. "Don't get any ideas about mine. I feel naked as it is." As a matter of fact, he was naked, but that was another matter.

Helena King

Date: 2013-10-26 08:28 EST
"You are perfect, just the way you are," she promised him with a fond smile. "So ....are you going to make me a surfboard that has Future Mrs Tommy King on it somewhere?" Her eyes sparkled as she looked down at him, one brow rising teasingly as she grinned.

His smile widened at her compliment, and though he didn't say it, he felt the same about her. "Actually, I wanted to ask you about that. I was wondering what you'd think about painting designs on my boards."

She bit her lip, considering this for a long moment. "I think I'd have to practice a lot before I tried it," she admitted reluctantly. "I'm not used to painting directly onto wood, or whatever it is you use, and I think I'd need to use an airbrush in any case. But, um ....well, I'll give it a try, if that's what you want."

"It's just an idea, but I've seen your work. You've got talent, Midge. You should do something with it, share it with people." Whether she believed in herself or not, he believed in her, no matter what she decided to do.

"I should at least show my family something, before I try and branch out," she offered, almost as a gentle compromise for the time being. "If they don't like my work, then at least I haven't made a complete idiot of myself, have I?" She shrugged lightly; it would take a while before she developed the faith in herself that he had in her, but Tommy was the one person who could instill that confidence in her.

"What's it matter what they think" What's important is doing what makes you happy." There was that Tommy King philosophy again. "Besides, if they really love you, they'll support you, no matter what you do." He should know, he thought. He'd had a mother who'd supported him, and a father who hadn't. "Do you know what happened the first time I got on a surfboard?" he asked, trying to make a point.

"You wiped out," she guessed fondly, glad they'd moved away from her painting, however brief the respite might be. It wasn't exactly a difficult guess - everyone wiped out their first time on a surfboard. She'd been lucky; Tommy had been there to retrieve both her and the board before either of them could drift out to sea.

He was tempted to tell her he had mastered it immediately, just to tease her, but that would have completely negated the point he was trying to make with her. "Yes! And not just once either. But I kept trying and, slowly but surely, I got better. I didn't set out to earn a living at it. It just happened."

Lena rolled her eyes at him, getting the point he was making almost immediately. "Sounds familiar," she conceded. "But you didn't spend most of your adult life keeping your surfing a secret just in case you upset someone else, did you?" She hadn't yet fully explained about her cousin the artist, but it was pretty obvious that she'd been trying not to muscle in on someone else's territory.

"I did from my family," he admitted, which was what she was afraid of and at the heart of the matter, he thought. He had not talked about his family much, though she probably already knew enough to put two and two together. "You should do what makes you happy, Midge, no matter what anyone else thinks."

"Doing you makes me happy," she mused playfully, making a not so subtle attempt to change the subject. She wasn't comfortable talking about herself, much less about the talent that he thought she had but she couldn't quite see. She knew he meant well, but Helena wasn't quite there yet when it came to showing off her skills to a world that could so easily reject her offerings."What do you think of that?"

He thought she was changing the subject, but he didn't bother saying so. "I think maybe you should make yourself happy again," he teased, grinning up at her as he reached out to caress the gentle curve of a breast, hoping she'd get the hint.

She shivered as he caressed so sensitive a part of her body, shameless in releasing a soft moan in answer to the touch. "If you say so ..." Her grin was the only warning he got, however. She still hadn't forgotten her threat to tie him up, and their clothes were within arms reach. Snatching at his pants, she wriggled upright suddenly, endeavoring to pin one of his arms under her knee as she grappled with the other one, cackling with her intention to tie him to the bed.

He laughed at her obvious attempt to subdue him, which would only be accomplished if he either let her or she caught him when he was sleeping. Instead of being pinned and tied to the bed, as exciting as the prospect of that might be, he endeavored to flip her over onto her back, which then became a bit of a naked wrestling match.

She squealed as he caught her at her own game, ridiculously out classed when it came to wrestling with him but enjoying every second of it. Every time she thought she might actually get the upper hand, he took it away from her with a grin and minimal effort, until finally he succeeded in thumping her down onto her back. She laughed up at him, still wrestling for all she was worth, despite the fact that she had obviously lost.

Pinning her to the bed beneath him, he didn't waste much time lording his defeat over her, instead rewarding them both with another round of love making. There was no loser here, no matter who came out on top. They both had what they wanted, and what they wanted was each other. It would be a while yet before they were through enjoying each other, taking and giving equally in turn.

It would be a while longer than that before they left their bed and finally began to seriously look at the various floor-plans Helena had spent the last week or so gathering together from myriad companies across Rhy'Din. More than one important step had been taken today, though others would follow, without question. But their most important plan was the house they would live in, the shop they would work in, the beach they would marry on. The place where, someday, be it soon or in years to come, they might raise their own family, and between them banish the last lingering specters of the fathers who had hurt them both so badly. Moving ahead was what they wanted, what they intended, and they would drag Jack along with them if they had to. He was a huge part of their family, and would remain so for the lifetime to come. Provided he survived having Tommy's big news dropped on him from a great height.

((Well, we weren't expecting another engagement so soon! Mind you, when it happens, it happens. Magniflorious thank yous to Tommy's player))