Topic: Speedy's Speedy Delivery for Lady Lola Granger

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2011-05-01 18:50 EST
A note in pink ink on a paper-white box: To Lola Granger, Lady-in-waiting of the May Queen court!

I am so sorry, in the mess of getting everything ready for May Queen I somehow lost your name! and didn't announce it! Oh my god I feel awful! So—I hope you don't mind this delivery.Anyhow, this is for the Ladies in Waiting! P.S. The ring is enchanted to give the wearer one bit of good luck! Can only be used once, but I checked my sources and it's all very, very good magic! I was told all the wearer had to do was wish for the good luck very, very hard. And also please ignore how creepy it seems the delivery boy knew just where to deliver it. He's a good kid and the company checked out—so..UHm...Oh gosh, I should stop writing.

—Risa Jones

In the box was what seemed to be a tiny square of vivid, rich green fabric. Small as a palm of a hand, whenever Lola had the chance to reach in however to pull it out—the amazing elven artistry which was their weaving revealed itself in the fabulous, ankle length cloak that unfurled as sweetly as a lover's sigh. In its lazy stretching from the box, the deep green when moved this way and that way shimmered finest stitching of complicated greenery, leaves and vines of almost celtic influence swirled endlessly.

Below the cloak, nestled in a plain leather ring box, a thick band of gold carved to look like oak leaves winked merrily in the light.

Lola Granger

Date: 2011-05-01 20:08 EST
Mid-afternoon, May 1st 2011

The delivery arrived just as Lola was on her way out the door to pay her once-a-month visit to Junior. The visits were always upsetting but she still felt obligated to keep trying. Still, the package was a welcome if brief delay on the way to Oak House. She smiled while she read the note, beamed when she found the ring, but it was the cloak that had her in raptures. Before the messenger left she jotted down a note in return to the lovely lady Risa Jones. Dear Risa,

Thank you so much for the lovely gifts! Please don't worry at all about forgetting to announce my name - I would have been petrified to be up in such a spotlight in any case! Unfortunately a terrible migraine kept me home last night, but I'll be sure to wear this amazing cloak and ring tonight at the lighting of the Bonfire. Thank you again, ever so much!

—Lola Granger