Topic: Surprises

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:28 EST
((Contains material of an adult nature.))

Though Elle had agreed to a dinner date with Dominic for his birthday, she had not expected to be wrangled by none other than Vicki and Daisy well before that. "I know what you two are up to," she warned them both, though she had gone along with their little plot. "You're trying to play matchmaker. Both of you. Don't even try to deny it," she said as she examined herself in the mirror and adjusted her hair for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Sat on the bed beside Daisy, Vicki flashed the little girl a wide grin before drawing her features into something that might have seemed innocent ....on someone else. "Maybe we just want you to have a lovely evening," she suggested, nudging Daisy teasingly. "Don't we" Mummy looks very pretty all dressed up. She's going to knock his socks off."

Considering Dom had already asked her to elope, whether he'd really meant it or not, their attempt at matchmaking was probably unnecessary, but Elle had to admit the idea of having him all to herself for one night was very appealing. There were few opportunities for privacy in the big house, not only because of Daisy. "Do I look all right?" she asked, turning this way and that. It had been a long time since she'd had any reason to dress up for a man.

"You look stunning," Vicki assured her, rising from the bed, one hand open for Daisy. "Seriously, you could be wearing a garbage bag, and he'd still have to pick his jaw up off the floor when you walk in. You are beautiful woman, Elle. Own it." She winked warmly, glancing at the clock. "You are also ....late."

"Yes, well ....I haven't been on a date in a very long time," she said, mostly to Vicki. She knew she could charm the pants off a man when she wanted to, quite literally, but this time it was different.

"You look pretty, Mummy," Daisy said, smiling up at her mother as she slid her hand into Vicki's.

"Well, I suppose it's now or never," Elle said, taking a deep breath. She turned to Daisy and leaned down to give her a peck on the cheek. "You be a good girl for Vicki, all right?" she said, to which Daisy nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, Mummy. Dom will think you're pretty, too!" she told her mother.

Grinning, Vicki bent to hoist Daisy up onto her hip. "We're going to have a girlie night and paint Jon's toenails, and make him watch The Princess Bride with us, aren't we?" she encouraged the little girl cheerfully. "And maybe Humpty's, too, if we can crowbar his shoes off him." She chuckled, reaching out to gently squeeze Elle's hand reassuringly. "Dom's in the conservatory."

"Thanks. I'll see you in the morning. Be good!" Elle said, offering both woman and girl a hug, lingering a moment longer than necessary in hugging her daughter. The two of them weren't used to being away from each other, but it was only for one night, and they would presumably be staying in the same house.

"Have fun, Mummy!" Daisy replied, turning back to Vicki with a big grin on her face. "Can you paint my toenails, too?" she asked, looking like she was just about ready to hop and down with excitement.

Vicki smiled, letting mother and daughter hug as tightly as they needed to for as long as they wanted. "Of course we can paint your toenails," she promised the little girl with a grin. "We can do your fingernails, too - I have lots of colors to choose from." Holding the girl secure on her hip, she gave Elle a little push toward the door. "Go on, shoo. You won't get to enjoy your surprise if you don't actually go and enjoy it, lady!"

"Surprise?" Elle echoed, as she was pushed toward the door, but Vicki and Daisy were already ignoring her, Daisy chatting excitedly about all the colors she wanted to paint her fingers and toes and how she thought Jon would look funny with painted toenails. Elle frowned a little, wondering if Daisy needed her at all anymore, though she knew it was ridiculous to worry about such things. They were both doing this for her, and there was no one who could really take her place in Daisy's life. She drew a deep breath before giving the door a soft rap, almost hoping no one answered. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous; she'd never felt nervous about such a simple thing as a date before.

The voice that answered her knock was the calm, confident tone she knew to expect from Dom. "Come in, Belle."

Pushing open the door admitted her into a softly lit wonderland. The conservatory was beautiful at the best of times, but tonight ....tall shrubs and potted trees had been brought inside to frame the windows that looked out onto the setting sun over the Grove gardens, wound about with tiny electric lights that sparkled softly. A table had been set in the perfect position to enjoy that view, two settings laid out. Wine was chilling in an ice bucket beside the table, on which had been set a small bouquet of peonies in a vase as a centerpiece. Dom stood beside that table, one hand in his pants pocket, looking nervous in his second-best suit.

"Oh, my goodness," she whispered as she stepped inside. The conservatory was a lovely place as it was without all the ambiance he or some accomplice of his had created. If she didn't know better, she'd think they had left the house all together and wandered into some sort of enchanted wonderland. And then, there was the man standing there looking handsome and dashing in his second-best suit. At that moment, she thought she had never known a more handsome man in all her life. "Dom, I ....I don't know what to say. This is ..." She paused a moment to catch her breath. "No one has ever done anything like this for me before." No one, not even Jimmy. "What a lovely surprise."

In that moment, all the cursing and effort that had gone into transforming the room was swept out of Dom's mind as he looked at the woman who was fast burrowing deep into his heart. He smiled at her expression, glad that he had been right to follow his instincts. "Not half so lovely as you," he told her gently, moving to meet her, his hand extended in invitation. "I know it isn't quite the dinner date you might have wanted, but I didn't want to take you too far from Daisy. Not yet."

"It's perfect," she assured him, reaching for his hand and stepping closer. You're perfect, she thought to herself, not quite ready to tell him that. She didn't quite know him well enough yet, but so far, she had seen nothing to convince her otherwise. He was flawed, certainly, but then so was she, and his flaws were very similar to hers. "You look very handsome," she said, returning the compliment, but only because she meant it. She reached up to adjust his tie, though it didn't really need adjusting. "Was this your idea or did someone put you up to it?" she asked, with a hint of a teasing gleam in her eyes.

"I may have had some help," he conceded, though he wasn't about to admit that the idea itself had come from a certain little someone who was currently bouncing all over his cousin upstairs. And because she was right there, so warm, so beautiful, he leaned down to her, brushing a soft kiss to her lips. "You truly are a wonder, Elle. I wanted to reflect that, if I could."

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:29 EST
Who was she to argue with that' At least, not with the kiss. Her fingers slid along the tie that hung against his chest, just because it was an easy excuse to touch him, as her lips touched his. "I am no such thing," she pointed out. "Or do you forget that I'm nothing more than a common thief and that if it weren't for your cleverness, I would have robbed you of your most precious possession without so much as a second thought?"

"You are far more than what you pretend to be, Belle," he breathed to her, his arms finding an easy wrap about her waist as they lingered together in the softly lit conservatory. "You are an intelligent, beautiful, loving woman, and you can do anything you set your mind to." He kissed her again, just because he could, just because he wanted to, teasing his fingertips along her spine. "Don't ever let me hear you putting my girl down again."

She smiled into his kiss as she slid her arms around his neck. "Hmm, your girl, am I" Do I get any say in this or is it non-negotiable?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"It'll do, until you agree to be my wife," he murmured playfully, teasing his lips just barely against hers. "That is ....if you don't object. Perhaps you'd prefer to be my woman. My lover. My squeeze?" He grinned, kissing the tip of her nose. "Noticing the theme yet?"

"Don't push your luck, handsome," she replied, playfully tapping a finger against his nose. She considered pointing out the fact that they weren't lovers yet, but thought better of it. If they kept going the way they were going, it was bound to happen sooner or later, though she wasn't about to make any assumptions. If he was any other man, she'd think he was just trying to impress her, but she thought she knew him well enough to know he was only trying to please her. "That's the second time you've hinted at marriage, you know," she pointed out.

His smile was a little guilty as she pointed this out, but he wouldn't be himself if he wasn't honest upfront in everything. "I don't like the deception that seems to accompany every relationship, be it family or lovers," he admitted with a rueful sigh. "I want to be honest with you, Elle, to know that I'm not hoping for anything less than a lifetime. But at the same time, I'm not going to push you. I will learn to be content with whatever place you decide to give me in your life." His hand rose to cup her cheek. "I am falling in love with you, Elle. I've never been one to guard my heart, and I don't see any need to do it now. Denying love is as deceitful as lying."

The gasp from her was audible, and just when she was starting to feel comfortable with him. It wasn't so much the fact that he'd admitted to falling in love with her, as she was feeling very much the same - it was more the unexpected and very serious nature of his statement. She had been trying hard to take things slow, for his sake as much as hers, and here he was using the L word. "Dom, I ..." She found herself suddenly speechless. She remembered the night Jimmy had proposed - it was the same night he had died. "I don't know what to say," she whispered before pulling away from his embrace as gently as she could and turning away, not because she was rejecting him, but so that he wouldn't see the tears in her eyes.

Dammit. Dom released her gently as she drew away from him, a litany of his own faults running through his mind as he rubbed a hand over his hair, grimacing. He'd said too much too soon, again, and this was the result ....what should have been a comfortable evening had already devolved into something awkward and even painful for her. Sighing quietly, he glanced toward the set table, wondering if he should give her the chance to escape. "You don't need to say anything," he said finally, making a supreme effort not to let his anger with himself show in any nuance of his tone as he fought to calm that temper of his. "Nothing at all." He sighed again, a heavy sound in the quiet around them. "Should I leave" I don't want to, but ....if you need me to go, Elle, I will."

"No," she whispered quietly, almost too quietly for him to hear, not trusting her voice not to give her away. "Please, don't," she pleaded. The last thing she wanted was for him to leave, not now, not when he'd shared so much. He'd done so much for her, and he deserved better than this, better than this fear she was having such a hard time overcoming, despite all his reassurances. "I'm sorry. It's just such a lovely dream," she said, her voice breaking on the last word. She hugged her arms about herself, afraid she'd end up a sobbing mess. That would never do.

He couldn't leave her there, holding herself together by a thread. Shaking his head, he reached out to wrap his arms around her, drawing her into his arms. "It isn't a dream," he promised her, his hands sure and gentle as he stroked her hair, her back. "I promise you, Elle, it isn't a dream."

"Jimmy proposed to me, you know," Elle told him, unsure why she was bringing this up now, but needing him to know for some reason. It wasn't to hurt him; it was only to help him understand. She was grateful for his touch, grateful he hadn't turned his back on her and left her there to try and deal with this alone. "The night he died. The night they ..." She trailed off, knowing the rest didn't need to be said for him to understand. "I know you're not him, Dom. I know that's not likely to happen. Not here, not now. I just can't bear the thought of anything ever happening to you because of me. I can't do that again."

"It takes time," he murmured, rocking her gently. Perhaps it was a strange, to have a name for Daisy's father, a hint toward what had happened to him, but here and now, it was Elle who mattered. "I'm not asking right now. You don't need to have an answer, or even to feel the way I feel. Perhaps I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry I've upset you. That wasn't the plan for the evening."

"You don't understand," she continued, needing to share her heart, just as he'd shared hers before he misunderstood her completely. "I loved Jimmy. He was a good man, but what I feel for you ..." Here she paused, almost as if she was afraid to go on. "I know I haven't known you very long. I know it's quite sudden, but I think I love you, Dom, and I don't know why, but it scares me."

"Sweetling, loving me doesn't mean you didn't love Jimmy, or that you're betraying him in some way," he told her softly, stroking her hair back from her face as he met her gaze. "I loved Gwen, and for a long time after she died, I thought I would never feel for anyone even a fraction of what I felt for her. But that just isn't true. I love you, Elle. It's a different feeling, perhaps, to the way I felt before, but that doesn't mean it's any less powerful, any less meaningful. But we have time, Elle, and we are safe. All of us."

There were tears on her face when she turned to meet his gaze, as hard as she was trying to hide them. After all the time she'd spent putting herself together for him, and now she was going to ruin it all by crying and end up looking like a raccoon. "You're a good man, Dom. The best man I've ever met, and I don't deserve you," she confessed, dabbing at the tears on her face before they ruined her makeup, as if that even mattered. "Do you really think we can make this work?"

"I don't think we can," he told her firmly, gently sweeping his thumbs over her cheeks before those tears could stain. "I know we can." He kissed her forehead. "We have all the time in the world. No rush, no need to run before we can walk."

He hadn't denied that she wasn't good for him, and yet, he seemed adamant about them being together, and for the first time since Jimmy had died, she was really starting to believe that maybe she could start again, maybe she did deserve to be happy, maybe they could make it work. "I want this so badly, Dom. I want you."

He hadn't denied it because he didn't see that it was an opinion she needed to have validated. He didn't believe she was anything but good for him, and he fully intended to prove it to her, over time. His hands gently cradled her face as he looked into her eyes. "I want you," he echoed her softly. "All of you, every facet you hide, every shining star you show, every part of you. But let's take it one step at a time. Get used to being in each other's lives. We'll find you and Daisy somewhere to live; I'll help you find a job, if you need it. I'll even sit surrounded by fairies eating cake and ice-cream. But first, darling Elle ....dinner, followed by the possibility of mind-blowing sex. How does that sound?"

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:30 EST
What could she say to that' Her heart melted at his words, so sweet and thoughtful, until he mentioned sex. Was he serious or was he only trying to lighten the mood" She found herself laughing at his boldness, wondering if he really meant it or if he was only teasing. "Are you sure you're up to it, darling" That's quite a claim," she teased back, the tears subsiding, though her eyes were still wet. She slid her arms around him, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck and smiling coyly up at him. "I wouldn't want to disappoint you."

"I didn't say whose mind was going to be blown, did I?" he smiled, infinitely relieved to hear her laugh, to see those heartbreaking tears fading as she teased him in return. Another kiss, warm and tender, assured her that there was no way he could possibly see her ever disappointing him, in any arena. One hand patted her rear gently. "I do, however, need to eat before I try anything athletic," he admitted with a low chuckle. "And I daresay may well need your strength, too."

"If we are lucky enough to make it to bed, I can assure you, you're going to need your stamina," she told him with a cheeky grin and a kiss that lingered long enough to give him a small hint at what she might give him later. She was no virgin, but a mature and experienced woman who knew well how to please a man, and this man deserved plenty of pleasing. "I haven't properly thanked you yet, have I?"

"Mmm, promises, promises," he chuckled, stepping backward with his arms still wrapped about her, drawing her toward the romantic dinner table as he shared her grin. "You haven't run screaming from any of my kisses, or my wandering hands, I'd say it's me who should be thanking you."

"I don't recall promising anything," she replied, with a teasing smile on her face. They seemed to have just averted a potential disaster, and there was no guarantee things wouldn't get awkward again, but wasn't that all just part of the process of getting to know each other" She took his arm and let her lead him toward the table, laughing a little as he ridiculed himself, unnecessarily so. "Believe me, you have nothing to worry about in that regard."

"Oh, I'm worried," he chuckled, finding it easy to deprecate himself if it kept that smile on her face. "I haven't taken my pants off in company in years. For all I know, it's grown a beard." Winking at her, he released her arm, drawing her chair out to guide her into a seat.

"Yes, well, from what I've seen so far, I have no complaints," she reassured him as he led her to a chair. "Why, thank you, sir. Aren't you the gentleman?" she teased, rewarding him with the whisper of a kiss against his cheek before settling herself in the chair. Though she hadn't seen much of him without clothing yet, she'd seen enough to know what was hidden was likely to be just as appealing as what wasn't. "You really shouldn't worry so much. You are quite an attractive man, you know," she continued.

"Sadly, it's a habit I've never been able to shake," he smiled, referring to his manners, making sure she was comfortable before moving around to the other chair to take a seat of his own. "All that matters is that you like what you see," he told her with a grin. "Though I refuse to dye my hair pink, or start wearing sandals, if that is the way your tastes run." Chuckling, Dom reached out to lift the wine from the bucket, wiping the water from it before he poured out a measure of the crisp white into her glass. "I wasn't sure what you would prefer on the menu, but Daisy assures me that what we eventually chose is a favorite meal of yours."

She laughed, having a hard time imagining him with pink hair, though sandals wasn't a bad idea, depending on their environment. "I'm a little too mature for someone with pink hair, don't you think?" she replied, her eyes shining brightly as she watched him pour out the wine. "Did she?" she asked, arching a slender brow. "It's not puss'ketti, is it' Because that's her favorite, not mine," she added with a smile.

"Well, she was absolutely adamant that you would thoroughly enjoy this," Dom assured her laughingly, remembering the silly wrangling over the menu he'd had with the cheeky little girl who had been so invested in helping him put together a nice dinner for her mummy. He cleared his throat a little awkwardly, and rang a small crystal bell set on the table between them. A moment later, two covered plates were brought in and set down, one in front of each of them. Dom bit his lip, trying not to laugh or look as worried as he felt.

There went that brow of hers again, a little surprised at the service. She had almost forgotten they were still at the manor with a staff of servants to wait on them hand and foot. She wondered what it would be like to have him all to herself. Did he like living with his mother and sister" Did he ever do the cooking" Was it Gwen's death or his career that kept him away from Maple Grove" Would he go off again now that he'd found her" A plethora of questions suddenly filled her mind, but thankfully for him, she only looked mildly curious about the plate in front of her. She thanked the servers politely, before leaning toward him to whisper a question. "How do they know which is which?"

He nodded to the servers, a little awkward for the silver service that was assigned to them for the evening, and leaned forward to answer Elle's whispered query. "I don't like to ask," he admitted in a whisper of his own. "The cook gets handy with her wooden spoon if you ask too many questions." He grinned, nodding to the plate in front of her. "Have at it." Lifting the cover from his own, he almost laughed aloud at the contents. Daisy had insisted that what her mother liked best in all the world was chicken salad sandwiches and thick cut fries, and a gourmet version had been provided by the terrifying woman who ruled the kitchen at the manor.

Elle wasn't sure what to expect when Dom uncovered his plate. What would be waiting for them there" If she knew her daughter the way she thought she did, they were as likely to find toasted cheese sandwiches for dinner as anything else. Elle wouldn't deny the fact that she had expensive tastes, but those tastes were rarely indulged and never in front of her daughter. When she saw what awaited them, she couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I do like chicken salad, but I wouldn't say it's my first choice for a romantic dinner," she said, though she didn't seem displeased. It was the company that was really important. "I have to say, this is the first time I've had gourmet chicken salad," she told him with a smirk as she, too, uncovered her "dinner".

More than a little embarrassed, Dom cleared his throat, rubbing his neck worriedly. "I think perhaps next time I won't ask Daisy for advice on feeding you," he admitted. It had seemed like a good idea at the time; here and now, it seemed ridiculous, and he felt he should apologize for it. "I think it may be the first time it has ever been created on Rhy'Din," he shrugged, fighting not to apologize. He'd committed to the date, he had to see it through.

She reached across the table to touch his hand reassuring, her fingers lingering there a moment longer than necessary. "Don't be silly. It's perfect. And I'll enjoy watching you lick your fingers." Or perhaps she'd lick them clean for him. There was a tempting thought. "I think we can do better for your birthday though, don't you think?" she asked, her smile still in place.

He chuckled, shaking his head at the ridiculous meal as he squeezed her fingers in return. "I will take you out," he promised her. "Somewhere sumptuous, to make up for this." Laughing, he sighed, considering his meal. "How are we supposed to eat this without wearing it?"

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:31 EST
"Very carefully," she replied with a smirk. She'd been eating sandwiches like these for many years due to having a young child with a penchant for messy food and had mastered the skill of eating without making much of a mess long ago. It would be amusing to watch him struggle through it, however. "It's your birthday, Dominic. You shouldn't feel the need to take me anywhere. You should do what you want. You can indulge me next month when I turn twenty-nine." She paused briefly as she very gingerly picked up half of her sandwich. "Again," she added with a saucy wink.

His smile relaxed as she teased him, his larger hands giving him something of an advantage when it came to picking up half a sandwich, even if they didn't save him from squishing half the contents out when he bit down. Snorting at his own messy attempt, he swallowed, wondering if he should be wearing a bib. "And how many times have you turned twenty-nine, I wonder?" he asked her playfully. "It can't be many, surely."

"Lean over your plate, love," she suggested mildly, as any mother would, though he was not most definitely not a child. She took a bite of her sandwich, making a sound that showed her approval, chewing and swallowing before offering an answer to his question. It was bad manners to speak with your mouth full, after all. "Enough that my time clock is ticking," she replied without much forethought, frowning suddenly as she realized what she'd implied. "Sorry, I don't mean that ..." She broke off, sighing.

The endearment that she seemed not to have noticed was more than enough to send him arching over his plate obediently, his tie slipping free to dangle in the way. She may have noticed by this point that smart clothes and fine dining weren't exactly his comfort zone, but he was trying. The implication of her reply, however, made him choke, laughing as he coughed and groped for his glass. "All I can promise is the sex," he answered her teasingly, wiping his eyes as he chuckled. "Impregnation might take more than one go."

She set her sandwich down to reach across the table and toss his tie beneath his jacket so that it wouldn't fall into his plate. He really was a going concern, or so she thought. How had he managed without a woman to take care of him for so long" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way," she said, averting her gaze by turning her attention back to her sandwich to hide her embarrassment. "I really am not trying to entrap you, Dom."

He smiled, putting his own sandwich down to wipe his fingers and reach for her hand briefly. "Elle, darling, I know you're not," he promised her. "It's a little difficult to entrap anyone who will happily walk into the mouth of hell just to see you smile, anyway. And yes, it would be lovely to add to our family together, but it's hardly necessary, sweetling." He held her gaze, teasing amusement in his eyes. "Your womb is not your most attractive trait."

She lifted her head to meet his gaze, wondering which ones of her traits it was that he found the most alluring. Certainly, it wasn't her bust line, which was not nearly as voluptuous as she'd like. If she had to pick one, she thought it would probably be her hair. Either that or her eyes, but she wasn't a man and likely didn't see herself the same way that he did. "I didn't mean it that way. I suppose I'd like to have another child someday. I haven't given it much thought. If you were to ask Daisy, I'm sure she'd be thrilled with the prospect of having a sibling. She simply adores Emily and Benjamin."

"I know, sweetling," he assured her. "Don't take it so much to heart. I know you're not telling me to get between your legs and go at it in a hurry. And as lovely as Daisy is, a little brother or sister isn't her decision. Relax, Elle. I do solemnly swear not to start ticking off your cycle on my calendar if you will simply relax."

He had already mentioned marriage at least twice. Having children wasn't much of a stretch for a man who had been robbed of the opportunity once before, though if they were to marry, Daisy would be as much his as hers. "Dom ..." she started, a bit nervously, knowing the subject was a touchy one, at least for her. It seemed nearly every subject that was halfway serious was touchy to one or the other of them, but there were serious things that needed to be discussed and decided before they could move forward. He had told her that they'd find her a place of her own and a job and all that to help her get settled, but it really said nothing about what he was planning for himself. "Um ..."

"I know it's a bit premature, and I know Daisy asked if you were going to be her father, but ....well, that is ..." For perhaps the first time, it was Elle who seemed to be tongue-tied about something. She had been a closed book for so long, she was finding it difficult to open up, but if she and Dom were going to be together, she was just going to have to find a way to do just that. "If we were to ever get married, what would you think about making it official? Adopting her, I mean. You don't need to answer now. I don't mean to put you on the spot, but if we are going to be together, well, Daisy's happiness is important to me." Perhaps even more important than her own.

Dom felt his mouth drop open, deeply glad he'd swallowed before she managed to reach the end of what she had been trying to say. For a long moment, his mind whirled without coherent thought. When he and Gwen had married, he had been so eager to have children, to be a father; he blamed himself for the complications of their attempt that had robbed her of her ability to walk. He'd put those feelings away for such a long time, and yet ....Very slowly, a gentle, almost tearful smile touched his face. "Elle, I ....I would be honored," he told her softly. "I love you, and with your permission, it would be a privilege to be allowed to love your daughter, and one day, to call you both mine. I ....I don't know what else to say."

She noticed the threat of tears and thought it might have something to do with his late wife. He had dropped enough hints at their failed attempts to have children and the tragedy of her death, and though she was not normally one to pry about such things, she thought it might be better for him, as well as for her, to bring it out into the open so that he could put it behind him. "Tell me about her," she said, reaching over to touch his hand again in quiet encouragement and reassurance. "Tell me about Gwen. She must have meant a great deal to you." That much was obvious, but Elle wasn't afraid of replacing Gwen or of Gwen's ghost. She only wanted to know so that she could understand him better and so that he could unburden his own soul.

Of all the questions she might have asked, that one surprised him the most. It had been a long time since he had spoken of Gwen, to anyone, but there was hope in this moment that perhaps he would be able to now. His smile was fond as he looked at those memories, pained for the memories he bore guilt for. "She was ....we were childhood sweethearts," he admitted quietly. "She was one of those people who never let anything get to her. She could make people smile at a funeral." He laughed a little, shaking his head. "We got married too young, really. Too eager to be grown up and seen as the adults we wanted to be. I was too eager for children, and she never said no."

The smile faded as he spoke. a darkness settling over his expression. "He was too big for her, lying at a strange angle, and he came too soon. During the birth, he panicked, and the way he shifted ....they didn't realize until it was too late that he'd cracked her spine. Not until she couldn't move to hold him as he died." He sniffed, looking down at his half-finished meal, ashamed of his tears even now. "I've never forgiven myself for it."

"Bloody hell," she muttered, a phrase rarely uttered and one that pointed to her modest London origins. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked," she said, her first reaction to upbraid herself for having asked, though she still felt it was good for him to talk about it as a means of letting it go and letting Gwen go. She knew she'd have to do the same with Jimmy, but she wasn't sure there was much more to say about that. "It wasn't your fault, darling," she tried to assure him, reaching over to take his hands between her own. Admittedly, her timing could have been better, but dinner, as it were, could wait a bit - it wasn't going anywhere. "I don't know why these things happened, but it wasn't your fault. You must know that."

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:32 EST
He clung to her hands, a crack in that cool, calm exterior he showed everyone enough to prove that he needed her. "She always insisted that it wasn't my fault," he agreed with her brokenly. "But if I hadn't been so eager to be a father, if I hadn't pushed her ....I will never stop blaming myself for that. And I decided that I would never be a father, I would never have the family that I had hoped for. I'm sorry, Elle, I don't mean to be maudlin, but ....Just the thought that you might even consider allowing me to take that place in your lives's overwhelming."

"I can only imagine how you must feel," she told him sympathetically, holding fast to his hands as long as he needed the simple, reassuring warmth of her touch. In truth, she understood those feeling of guilt all too well; if it hadn't been for her, Jimmy would still be alive, but that was another tale for another time. "And if you had waited, it might have happened anyway. Who's to say why these things happen" I'm sure she never blamed you, as I would never blame you, but things are different now, Dom. I would love to give you a son someday, though I know he could never replace the one you lost anymore than I could replace Gwen." There were tears in her eyes as she spoke, of the dreams and wishes she hoped would come true for both of them, though she knew only too well that fate sometimes had other plans.

He sighed softly, rising from his seat to kneel beside her. "Without Gwen, I wouldn't be the man I am," he said gently. "Without Jimmy, you wouldn't be the wonderful woman you are. Would they want us to dwell on the past' I don't think they would. I will never try to replace Jimmy, in your heart or in Daisy's. He is as much a part of you as anything you have experienced. Without him, you would never have entered my life, and I will always be grateful, though I never knew him."

Now it was her turn to shed a few tears, as she turned to face him, touched not only by his words but by the fact that he had pushed his own pain and grief aside to touch on hers. She shook her head at him, unable to speak for a moment, not because he was wrong, but because he was right. "No, there's no changing the past, and even if I could, I'm not sure I would." She touched his cheek with gentle fingers, needing him to understand something about herself and her past that she was only starting to realize herself. "The truth is, though I loved him, I hardly knew Jimmy. It wasn't the same as your Gwen. And Daisy' She never knew him. He died before she was born. She only knows what I tell her of him, nothing more. Jimmy and Gwen are gone, and there's no bringing them back. But you and I ....We deserve a second chance, Dominic, and I'd like that second chance to be with you."

"Toward the end, I barely knew Gwen," Dom admitted, the guilt in his eyes flaring painfully bright. "I've spent twenty years running. Running away from what I did to her, from having to witness every day the consequences of my impatience ....and after her death, I was still running. I ran away from the family who wanted to help me. Oh, I've made a name for myself; I have a notable career. But I have nothing else. Before she died, I had a wife whom I saw for perhaps a month at a time, before I went away on yet another trip that would last months. I let her down, a long time before she died, because I couldn't face what I believed I'd done. That won't happen with you, Elle. I'm tired of running. The only thing I truly want is for you to be happy and healthy and safe, and I want to be a part of that. I won't let you down, the way I've let so many other people down. I swear it."

"I've been running a long time, too," she admitted, though her circumstances were very different from his. Her eyes welled with tears, both happy and said, as she cupped his face between her eyes and held his gaze, needing him to believe what she was about to say. "No matter what happens, I'm not going to let you run away from me so easily as all that. We've been given a second chance to prove to ourselves and each other that we've learned from our mistakes. No one is perfect, Dom. You're stubborn, reckless, and just a little too remorseful for your own good, but you've never let me down, and I don't think you ever will. Unless perhaps you forget my birthday," she added, unable to resist teasing him a little, though as yet he didn't even know the date yet. "I know I'm not perfect either, but I will promise you this ....I will never run away from you, and I will do my best to make you happy."

He laughed a little at her tease, drawing his arms around her waist to pull himself close, burying his face in the crook of her neck for a long moment. It felt somehow more intimate than any embrace they'd shared before, that promise not to run somehow drawing them closer than they had yet become. "We will be happy," he promised her fervently. "All of us."

It seemed it was her turn to do the comforting, holding him close in an intimate embrace, her fingers curling around his neck to trail through his hair, the familiarity and softness of it against her fingers oddly comforting. She pressed her cheek against the top of his head, slowly breathing him in, wanting to memorize the smell of him, the feel of him close, and eventually the taste of him. "It really is such a lovely dream," she told him softly. "I might never want to wake up." She was speaking figuratively, of course, knowing full well that if it it was a dream, it was a waking dream, a dream of the living.

Leaning into her, Dom cried a few more tears - tears he hadn't really shed when the grief was new and fresh, tears that were long overdue. And abruptly, he drew back, rubbing his face dry with a rough hand. "Dinner can be reheated," he said, rising to his feet, offering her his hand. "Come with me. I want to show you something."

Her heart ached for him as she held him close, allowing him that heart-wrenching release. How long he had held that pain so deeply in check, she could only guess. Months" Years, more likely. More than she cared to guess, it seemed, and she found her heart opening to him further, aching to heal his wounds and soothe that pain and grief, if only she knew how. Very gently she helped him to wipe away his tears, smiling through a mist of her own making. "Dinner is sandwiches. There's not much reheating to be done, is there?" she asked, a little amused at his worries over dinner, when there was plenty of food to be had and much more important things to worry about. "What is it?" she asked, taking his hand and tossing her napkin aside on the table as she moved to her feet. She had no idea what it was he wanted to show her, and she was a little afraid what it might be.

"Something I found when I was a boy," he told her. "It isn't too far, but you'll need a coat." Wiping his eyes dry, he drew her back toward the body of the house, collecting his own coat from where he'd left it haphazardly over the bannister to wrap about her shoulders. "Something I've never shown anyone."

His answer only heightened her curiosity further. Whatever it was he was about to show her, it must be very dear to him if he'd never shared it with anyone else, not even his Gwen. What could it possibly be? Whatever it was, it seemed she was about to be offered another small glimpse into the heart of a man who she thought had kept his heart guarded for far too long, much as she had. "Never?" she echoed as he drew his own coat about her shoulders, though she didn't think it was all that cold outside just now. What the devil was he up to"

"Never." There was a secretive smile on his face now, almost childlike in his excitement. Taking her hand in his, he lead her back through the conservatory, and out into the garden, still lit with the last rays of the sun, the springtime dusk lingering lovingly over the gardens that were so beautifully cultivated around the manor house. "I found it when I was a child," he explained as he drew her along. "I used to spend hours exploring the Grove, usually on my own. It was where I went to think, to be myself without worrying about what other people were thinking when they looked at me." Ducking through the wall that surrounded the manor's own garden, he drew her into the gentle wilderness of trees and plants that curtained the manor from the cottages on this side of the Grove.

She arched a brow at him, though he wasn't looking her way. Could it be he'd been as worried about being judged for his life of wealth and privilege as she'd been for being the exact opposite" She'd worked hard to rise about her meager beginnings, like Eliza Doolittle, pretending to be someone she wasn't until she nearly believed it herself. "Where are we going?" she asked, wondering where it was he was about to whisk her away to.

He smiled reassuringly at her. "It isn't far," he promised again, and indeed, he came to a halt not long after. "Bear with me a moment." Releasing her hand, he ducked into the darkness of overhanging shrubs to his left, and for a moment, all she could hear of him was the sound of his footsteps - not on overgrown weeds, but on stone. And suddenly, he let out a whoop that was nothing but pure delight. "Found it!" His hand thrust out from between the greenery, beckoning to her.

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:32 EST
She heard him rustling about in the bushes, the sound of footsteps on stone, though he had disappeared from view, and she wondered further just where it was he was taking her. Wherever it was, she doubted very much there would be dinner or a soft bed awaiting them, but she was intrigued all the same. Was this place where he had first realized the thrill of discovery and adventure" They were not very different in that regard, both of them treasure-seekers of a sort, though they'd gone about it different ways. She waited patiently for his return, but it was only a moment and he was beckoning her forward. She had to step carefully through the branches and brambles in only her high heels, but she had been too intrigued by this mystery to bother pointing that out. Stepping forward, she reached for his hand, trusting him to lead her her forward.

For all his excitement, he was solicitous of her safety, wrapping an arm about her back to give her a steady footing as he drew her into the cave that lay hidden beyond that cloak of greenery. "I'd ask you to close your eyes, but I don't think it's necessary," he admitted with a low chuckle, his breath warm against her ear. It was almost pitch black in the cave - almost silent, too, but for the echo of their breathing as he drew her to a halt. His hand left hers, reaching out to touch the wall ....and from beneath his touch, spread a sudden scattering of blue light, starlight pinpricks in the darkness, clinging to the rock itself to illuminate the space they found themselves in.

"Oh, my," she said with a soft gasp of breath as the dark space was suddenly alight but a soft blue glow, the likes of which she had never seen before. The darkness hadn't frightened her, not so long as he was there beside her to guide her. "Oh, Dom. You've never shared this with anyone" It's lovely," she whispered, almost afraid to speak lest she'd break the spell.

Standing close to him, no doubt she felt him relax as the gentle illumination lit the place, proof enough that this really was his place. "Never," he assured her softly, looking up at the scattering of light above them. "Who would have understood" I'm the oldest in our generation - I'm the one who has to have all the answers, who experienced everything first, who looks after everyone else. How could they possibly have understood that sometimes I need to feel small?"

"Sweetheart," she said, turning toward him and lifting a hand to brush a tender caress against his handsome face. "We are all specks of dust in the vast multiverse, but that doesn't mean you ever have to feel small or alone. The others, they don't look up to you because you're the eldest or even the wisest. They look up to you because you're the best of them. Because they see so much good in you that they want to do better. Don't you see, darling" Despite what you think of yourself, they love you and respect you and need you, just as I need you. Just as I love you. Of course, you do snore and you talk in your sleep a little, but I think I can live with that," she added with a smirk.

He turned to look down at her as she caressed his cheek, turning his face into her touch with tender warmth. He might not have believed everything she said, but she believed it. Perhaps that was all that mattered. "I'm not alone anymore," he whispered softly, taking her hand in his to kiss her palm. "Am I?"

She realized that it wasn't so much this place that was important to him, though it was - it was the significance of it, the reason he had sought it out and made it his. "No, darling," she replied. "You don't ever have to be alone again, so long as I live. I promise you that." It was as good a promise as one might make upon an altar, but who needed witnesses at a time such as this"

He drew her into his arms, wrapping her warm and safe in his embrace as he rested his cheek on her hair. One promise, that might have seemed so small to so many people; yet it was more than enough to still the fear in his heart that he might still have to walk alone. "Neither will you," he whispered to her, reveling in the quietness, the intimacy that held them close. "You will never have to walk alone again, sweetling, as long as I live."

There was one thing she had that he didn't - one thing that had kept her sane for the last five years - and that was Daisy, but that small difference no longer mattered. If she had any say in things, it wouldn't be long before they were a family, and Daisy would belong to them both. As he held her there in the quiet and the solitude, as alone as they were ever going to be at Maple Grove, she let her heart open to him, to let him inside for as long as he wanted to remain there, feeling safe and content for the first time in forever, there in his arms.

She pressed herself against him, loving the feel of him close to her, the warmth and safety of those strong arms holding her close, and suddenly she was overcome with a feeling so strong and so urgent, it could not be denied any longer. "I want you," she whispered softly. Perhaps not here, where there was no soft place to lay themselves down, but tonight. Not tomorrow, not the day after. Today. Right now. The hell with dinner and everyone and everything else. This was too important a moment to let pass into nothingness. "I want to know you, all of you. Now, tonight, before I lose my nerve." He stared down at her, surprised by that sudden surge of feeling he could sense beneath her words, in the way she pressed herself to him. He hadn't expected her to throw caution to the wind so easily, not so soon; he couldn't deny it was a welcome surprise. Clearing his throat as he smiled, he kissed the tip of her nose, seeming to need a moment to put together something coherent as an answer. "All right," was what he eventually came up with - not the most romantic response, perhaps, but she'd thrown him a little. "Hold on." Bending, he swept his arm beneath her legs, lifting her up off the rough rock beneath them to carry her deeper into the cave. A cave that was not a cave, as such ....more of a tunnel that led out into the overgrown garden of a cottage not so very far from the main house. "Shame it isn't summer, or we could make full use of all this soft grass."

She eeped a little in surprise as he lifted her off her feet. She wasn't sure what the help back at the manor might think nor did she care. They were both adults - consenting adults, for that matter - mature enough to make their own decisions. The hell with what anyone thought of them. Though they'd only just met a few weeks' past, this seemed to have been a long time coming. "Yes, and we could end up with mosquito bites and itch ourselves silly," she remarked with a smirk, her arms going around his neck, as much in awe of the overgrown garden and cottage they came out into as she was with the cavern and tunnel itself. "Does no one remember this place exists?" she asked, wondering a little at the mystery of it. Someone had put this place here for a reason, but who and why' She wondered if Humpty - or rather, Humphrey, knew the truth of it.

"Maple Grove is full of secrets," he told her, gently setting her down by the back door of the cottage. Bracing his shoulder against it, he pushed hard, and it came open, popping him into the gloom beyond with a very unmanly yelp.

"It would seem so," she told him, though she wasn't talking about the cavern or the garden or the cottage, but him, glad she'd been the one to discover him and snatch him up before anyone else had realized the treasure that had been hiding in plain sight. "So it seems are you," she told him quietly, turning her head to trace his jaw with her lips.

"Just you wait," he grinned, hands reaching out to pull her into the cottage with him. Though it was clear the place hadn't been lived in for many years, it had not been forgotten. Humphrey took care of the properties on his land, whether they had owners or not. Dom's lips found Elle's in the darkness, drawing her in close, always closer, tasting her, offering her a taste of him. "Are you sure?" he breathed to her, unwilling to take advantage of her if there was even a speck of doubt in her mind.

"Stop thinking with your head, Dom. I'm very sure," she assured him, already leaning over to dispense with the heels. Whoever knew of this place was taking very good care of it, and she once again wondered at the mystery behind it, though for now, she had better things to occupy her mind. Once her shoes were off, she wasted no time, surging forward to meet his lips, her fingers working his tie loose in a hurry to explore what secrets he was hiding beneath his clothes.

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:33 EST
Once her shoes were off, all bets were off, it seemed. Heedless of the mild burn through his shirt as his tie joined her shoes, he bent his knees just enough to gather her up, lifting her from the floor to tuck her legs about his hips, pressing her against the opposite wall with a low, eager groan. "Might be a quickie to start," he warned her in a low growl - it had been a long time since he'd been with a woman, much less a woman who set him alight the way she did.

"I don't give a bloody damn," she whispered back as she wound her arms around his neck and her legs about his hips. His need and desire was rather obvious now with her pressed so close and the knowledge of it only made her own desire flare to life, like a flame burning deeply inside her that was only for him. It had been a long time for her, too, and she was just as much in a hurry to quench that desire, at least the first time around. She smothered his lips with kisses that grew ever deeper, ever more daring. If he wanted her, then she was only too willing to let him have all of her - heart, body, and soul.

His own curse was muffled against the smooth line of her neck, one hand leaving her to push away from the wall and stumble up the steps beside them. He might be in a hurry, but he wasn't in so much of a hurry that he was going to have her right there next to the back door. As his feet stumbled them through the nearest door, he dropped forward, covering her as she landed on the softness of a bed that was at least clean, his lips devouring hers as impatient fingers trailed up beneath the hang of her dress to touch and tease the aching secrecy nestled there.

She wouldn't have cared in that moment if the bed was clean or not. Perhaps later, but not now. Now, all she wanted was to discover him, and in the discovery to relieve that aching need that was burning inside her. No words were needed now - no entreaties of love. Words would only distract them. She would show him without words what she was capable of and how much she needed him. Her fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt, half tempted to rip it away from him, but they'd have to look at least half-way presentable later. Or would they' At the moment, she didn't really give a hang either way, her only thought, her only desire to have him inside her. She moaned against his lips as his fingers found that which made her female. Aching for his touch, she lifted her hips to push herself against his hand, encouraging him further, though it was not his fingers that she wanted so much as something that was still frustratingly hidden from sight and touch.

Luckily for that impatience of hers, he was in no mood to fanny about with proving to her he was the greatest lover in the world. He could do that later. Right now ....she just needed to be ready for him. It wasn't smooth, or particularly adept, but within a few minutes, she was bare to his touch, and he was ....well, mooning the ceiling, to be quite frank, easing himself close enough to feel her heat with a lusty groan.

As much as she wanted to explore him and discover every nuance of him, trace every last inch of him with lips and hands, that sort of exploration would have to wait. She was too impatient for him now, and even his pandering about trying to prepare her for him was only frustrating her further. If he wasn't careful, she was going to take what she wanted and not bother asking permission. "I want you," she whispered, her breath ragged against his lips. "Now," she told him, demanding that he take her, that he show her what he was capable of. Instead of kissing him, she nipped at his jaw, not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough to let him know she was done fooling around.

"As you wish." It might have been offered on a huff of breath that was almost a laugh, but it was no less obedient for that little tease. No more teasing, no more anticipation; his lips covered hers as he found his mark, bold and decisive, reading her impatience as well as his own with no need to be soft and gentle. Not this time, anyway. His groan was swallowed by that kiss, filling her mouth with the taste of him as he moved within her, clinging on with white knuckles in the hope that he could last long enough not to leave her hanging.

If her sigh of breath was any indication, he need not worry about disappointing her. It was as though there had been an empty place inside her that only he could fill, and once there, she didn't want to let him go. She held onto him tightly with arms and legs, their bodies moving together, frenzied in their mutual need to both please and find pleasure in each other's embrace. She'd had several lovers over the years, but in that moment, they all paled in comparison to this man who was at last fulfilling her every way possible. This man who held her heart in his hands, with whom she was falling more in love with each passing moment. This man who was as damaged as her, and yet, whose heart yearned to love and be loved. This was one wish she could fulfill, wholeheartedly.

Frenzied was, perhaps, the only word for this first coming together - first, because Dom was beginning to become aware of a need to make sure she couldn't walk straight by the time they were done here. He needed to show her that he was more than a man who hadn't been with a woman in too long; that she was far more than the satiation of a physical feeling. He needed to love her, in every way she would allow him to, and he had every intention of making a very good start on that right here and now. Even in the aftermath of that first frenzy, he held her close, his hands restless to find the warm skin beneath the still cloying cling of her dress as his lips played over her temple and cheek.

Even aching as she was from the first frenzied coupling, she wasn't anywhere near done with him yet. Somehow she managed to untangle herself from him so that she could join him in his state of undress, slowly unveiling the warm skin he had felt beneath her dress but not yet seen. She was comfortable and confident enough in her own body to know what kind of reaction his body might have to that unveiling, an amused smile on her face as she watched him for a reaction even as he watched her undress.

Even caught up as he was in the closeness of that moment, in the utter perfection she was unveiling, Dom never could resist the urge to tease. He flopped onto his back with a low groan, blue eyes dark with desire sweeping over every inch she showed him. "Good grief, woman do you propose to explain my death to Humpty?"

"Oh, I think of all of them, Humpty would understand most," she said, surging forward to cover him with her body, warm and soft and curved in all the right places. Her hair fell across her shoulders to veil her face as she sought to reward him for his efforts with a much slower seduction - one he was not likely to forget. She reveled in the power she held over him, if only for a short time, each groan of pleasure re-igniting the flame of desire deep inside her until she was taking him, just as he had taken her - slowly this time, until she thought she had tormented him enough, until she could hold herself back no longer.

If she only knew the effort it took not to take charge all over again, the corded tension of his muscles screaming at him as he succumbed to a woman who knew exactly what she wanted and was not at all afraid of sharing it with the lucky man who'd found a place in that bucket list of hers. She wiped every other lover from his mind, filling him with only herself, the softness of her skin beneath his hands, the hills and planes that made up a body he had been dreaming about since he'd first caught her lingering in his vault, no more than three weeks ago. But more than that ....she wasn't just a body, a collection of skills that made his bones melt; she was, quite simply, everything. She was Elle, his Elle, and he was going to make sure she knew it by the time they were done tonight. Fears might come and go, but she would never doubt his heart.

For a short time, it was as if no one and nothing else existed but them. She knew the feeling would only last for a short while, but while it did, she intended to make the most of it, showing him in no uncertain terms that he was the center of her world. Though she adored her daughter, this was a different kind of love, a special kind of love that could only be shared between a man and a woman. Without saying a word, with only kisses and caresses to relay her feelings, she was determined to alleviate all his doubts and fears. And when they were done and they lay tangled in each other's embrace, hearts beating hard and fast, only then did she utter the three words she had told him only a short time before, this time meaning them with all her heart and soul. "I love you," she whispered, curled against him, her body aching sweetly and warm from his love.

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:34 EST
Three words neither of them had ever really believed they would ever give to anyone again, and yet here they were, wrapped lovingly about one another, sharing those words as much with touch as with tongue. Dom breathed her in, reveling in the scent of the woman he loved, feeling his heart ache as he finally let go of the guilt he had felt for loving this woman when his first love lay cold in the ground. "I will always love you," he whispered, not to the ghost who was leaving, but to the living, breathing beauty curled against him. He would grow to love Daisy, too, for her mother's sake and for her own, but Elle would always come first in his heart. She'd reached in and unlocked all the gates he had erected to keep himself from making the same mistakes all over again. He would never make those mistakes with her. His lips pressed tenderly to her temple as he drew the covers over them both, glad that the little cottage had not really been forgotten. "You will never have to face the world alone again. I'm here."

Perhaps she saw him through rose-colored glasses, but it didn't matter. To her, he was perfect, despite all his perceived flaws and mistakes. Life was full of mistakes and learning from those mistakes. She truly believed they had been both been blessed with a second chance, and she had no intention of losing him the way she'd lost Jimmy or the way he'd lost Gwen. She found herself laughing a little as he drew the covers over them, as if he was ready to sleep already when the night had just begun. "Oh, no, you don't," she warned, nipping at his lips and sliding over so that her body was covering his again. "I'm hungry, and you're going to feed me. Tell me, which of your cousins do you trust most?" she asked, her eyes shining brightly down at him, like stars in the night sky.

"What?" He looked up at her in vague confusion as she covered him once again, hunger of a different sort rising once more at the intimate brush of her body to his. His hands found a place to settle on her rear, squeezing with fingertips tantalizingly close to her center. "Which cousin do I trust most' To do what, dare I ask?"

She was well aware of the reaction he was having to the warm press of her body against his, of the soft friction she was creating with the press of her hips against his. Her own reaction was slower, deeper, and far easier to hide, like a tiny flame just flickering to life, teasing and tantalizing. "If I don't eat soon ..." she started, touching a kiss to his nose, then his lips, and working her way slowly downward, enjoying teasing him and his reaction to her teasing. "....I won't have any energy left to make love to you again," she teased, leaving a trail of kisses against his chest.

"Oh good gods ..." His head fell back as she went back to teasing him, feeling his own stomach rumble even as certain other parts rushed to inform him they were close to being right on board with the pass out from love rather than eat plan. "Right." Abruptly, Dom sat up, swatting at Elle's rear end with a laugh. "You want to eat, you keep that teasing of yours to a minimum, or I will answer the door balls deep in you, understand?" He would, as well. Leaning over the edge of the bed, he groped for his suit jacket, locating his phone to dial the only cousin who would have the discretion not to share what he was about to be made privy to.

It seemed she was asking him to choose a cousin he trusted most to fetch them some food - someone who wouldn't mind seeing them in bed together or be tempted to blab. She laughed at his threat, which was really no threat at all. "Mmm, I love it when you talk dirty to me," she teased, sliding up behind him and reaching around his waist to further entice those other parts even as he dialed the phone.

"Stop that ..." Defeated even before he began, Dom batted at her hands in an attempt to at least have some dignity on the phone. "Hey, Teddy," he spoke as the call was picked up, biting down on a strangled exclamation at the enticing things being done to him. "No, no, everything's fine ....any chance your lovely Latina made extra for dinner and fancies boxing it up and sending it to W-Wisteria - sweetling, if you don't stop that, I'm going to spank you!"

"Promises, promises!" she teased back, calling a greeting into the phone before rolling off the bed and flouncing toward the bathroom. "Hullo, Teddy! I hope we're not interrupting anything!" And off she went, stark naked toward the bathroom, shaking her mane of long brown hair out behind her, knowing fully well that the sight of her would likely only frustrate Dominic further.

Edward was treated to the sound of Dom's growl as he watched Elle saunter away, distracted by the view. "Hmm' Oh ....No, fish stew is fine." There was a pause as Lisbeth corrected her husband from a distance. "Bouillabaisse, then," Dom chuckled. "Yeah, we're in Wisteria. And Ted" Keep it under your hat, okay?"

Somehow, Elle had known that given the choice, Dom would choose to call Edward. She adored Vicki and knew Dom trusted Jon, but Daisy was staying with them, and there would be too many questions. She knew, too, that Desmond and Piper didn't make their home at Maple Grove, and Dom had mentioned Edward's name enough to know they were or had once been as close as brothers. She had taken a liking to Lisbeth at their first meeting and so had Daisy. She thought there was no one better to trust with their secret than them, though she doubted it would be a secret for long. "Does no one live here?" she called from the bathroom, the sound of water running not quite drowning out her words. Wisteria, Dom had called it. From what she saw of it so far, she found the place both cozy and charming.

"Mmm?" Setting his phone down, he rose to his feet, moving to the bathroom to lean in and watch what she was up to. "I think Gordon and Felicity had this place before they started a family," he mused. "They moved back to Beecham House when Gordon and Miranda's father died, though. Wisteria's been empty for most of my lifetime, although Humphrey maintains all the properties on the estate, just in case." He tilted his head curiously, oddly unabashed by his nudity after all the fuss he'd made about her enjoying it while he was on the phone. "Why do you ask?"

What a lady did in the bathroom was her own business, but by the time he was off the phone and he arrived in the doorway, she was only freshening up a bit, combing her fingers through her hair, a towel wrapped around her for modesty - not for his sake but Edward's. "I rather like what I've seen of it, and I'd like to keep that tunnel our little secret." A secret that had been his alone, until he had shared it with her just a short time ago. "I gather Humphrey knows of it," she remarked further. She doubted anything went on at Maple Grove that got past the Old Man, no matter how he might not let on.

He smiled, admiring her easily from where he stood. "There's very little Humphrey doesn't know about the Grove," he agreed with a chuckle. "Fairly sure he's the one who pointed me in this direction when I was a kid. Also fairly sure Gordon never found that tunnel, either." He eyed her with amused suspicion. "Have you found somewhere you'd like to live, Ms. Marlowe?"

"I may have, Mr. Granger," she started, as she turned to face him, her arms going around him, fingers linking at the back of his neck. "But only if you agree to live here with me ....with us," she corrected. She had a few questions regarding Humphrey and the cottage, but they would keep, at least until she had her answer.

"Oh really?" Dom grinned, smoothing his hands down her sides to lock his fingers together at her back. "I do believe you may be making me an offer I can't refuse there. But ..." He let the tip of his nose brush hers. "There's a certain little person who needs to be a part of that decision before the offer is made officially, don't you think?" Smiling, he kissed her tenderly, easing away in search of at least his boxers. He wasn't going to embarrass Edward with all his glory.

She frowned a little at the but, for a single instant, her heart freezing with fear, afraid he would give her some excuse not to accept her offer, or perhaps insist on trying to hide their relationship from his family until they could make it legal. But then, he went on, and the frown faded. "That certain little person has already asked you to be her Daddy. Do you really think she's going to be unhappy about the arrangement?" she asked, touching her lips to his before he pulled himself away. What worried her more was what Humphrey might have to say about it.

"I think I should start as I mean to go on," he said, pulling his boxers up to his hips comfortably. His smile found her where she stood. "By not coming between you. I told both of you, the decision is yours, to make together. And to be honest, I don't think I would survive being spanked by a five-year-old if she felt left out."

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:34 EST
"I highly doubt that," she said, frowning a little and turning away, hopefully before he could notice that frown. It seemed she had worries of her own that she had not shared with him, just yet. She went to the window, the towel wrapped tightly around her. As bold as she was, that view was for Dominic's eyes alone, not Edward's or anyone else's. "With just a little work, this place could be lovely. The garden's gone wild, but all it needs is a little taming."

He caught the edge of that frown, a furrow of his own between his brows as he followed her to the window, curling his arms about her waist to draw her back against his chest. "It could be home," he murmured, brushing a kiss to her temple.

"A bit cozy, but we don't need a mansion for the three of us," she agreed, her hands covering his, well aware of the warmth of his body so close to hers, once again. She leaned back against him, enjoying the way it felt to have his arms around her, so warm and protective. "It isn't just a dream, is it, Dom' We could really be happy here."

"No, it isn't a dream," he promised her, rocking her gently from side to side as he kissed her neck beneath the fall of her hair. "We could move in tomorrow, if Humph gave the word." He smiled, hugging her close for a long moment. "Of course, I recommend being dressed for that conversation ..."

"Don't worry. I'm not planning on seducing your uncle to get my way. I get the feeling he understands me better than he lets on though," she said, with a soft sigh. "I can only hope the rest of your cousins are half as understanding." There was the hint of another fear again, worrying they might think her motives less than honorable. Money was a big motivator and had been all her life, but her feelings for Dom went far deeper than his pockets.

"Sweetling, let me tell you something." Dom drew her back from the window, turning her until he could look into her eyes. "You've met Lisbeth, Edward's wife, yes" Two months ago, she was his sister's housekeeper and cook. She was the help, nothing more. Do you see anyone accusing her of wanting anything more than Edward?" He raised his brows, daring her to compare herself poorly to his closest cousin's wife. "The only person who would dare say anything like that is my sister, Isabelle, and she is a bitter, unhappy woman who talks out of her ass more than she sees with her own eyes."

As a matter of fact, Elle could compare herself poorly to Lisbeth, at least in her head. Though Lisbeth had come from modest means, she had made an honest living. The same could not be said for Elle. Oh, she had tried to go that route once, long ago, but found thieving far easier, exciting, and far more lucrative than waiting tables or selling shoes. She'd developed expensive tastes over the years, though she'd also learned that money alone didn't make her happy. She was about to open her mouth to argue with him when a knock came at the door and she smiled sweetly, knowing it could only be his cousin Edward. "Shall I answer that?" she asked, with a smirk.

"Don't you dare." He laughed, swatting her backside for the tease. "He may be married, but you are mine." Pulling her close for a last, fierce kiss, his hand slipped beneath the towel for a tease of his own before he stepped away, making a showing of licking his fingers as he headed for the door and down the stairs.

"Oh, aren't we possessive, Mr. Granger," she teased back, only to happy to return that kiss, smiling against his lips when she felt his hand slip beneath the towel. There was another knock at the door, louder this time, more insistent. Elle laughed at Dom's mischief as he stepped away from her, waiting to give him a head start before tiptoeing down the stairs, just so she could see the look on Edward's face when he saw her.

"All right, keep your shirt on," Dom chuckled as he reached the front door, pulling it open to greet his cousin in nothing but a grin and boxers. "Found the place okay, I see?"

Edward stood outside the door, knuckles poised to knock again when Dom opened it at last. "Good lord," he said, upon seeing his elder cousin in nothing but his skivvies and a grin. "Are you mad" What if it hadn't been me at the door?" he asked, pushing past his cousin to duck inside, so that he wouldn't be seen while on his secret mission.

"Hullo, Teddy," a silken voice greeted him from the stairs and Edward turned to find the woman known as Elle wrapped in only a towel and that same stupid grin that Dom seemed to have plastered on his face.

"I see. It is you who has addled his brain," he accused, though there was no malice in the accusation.

Snorting with laughter at Edward's greeting, Dom stepped smoothly aside to let the other man in, turning to find Elle right there and still not adequately dressed. He rolled his eyes at her, and decided to play along with Edward's assumption. "You should see what happens when she drops the towel."

"I would rather not," Edward replied as he made his way past the pair toward the kitchen, forcing himself not to so much as glance at Elle. He was carrying a package in his arms, presumably the promised sustenance to keep his cousin and lover from starving for lack of food. "By the way, may I suggest the next time you want delivery, you call a pizzeria?" he asked as he set the contents of his arms on the table.

"Oh, what?s the matter, Teddy' Don't you like threesomes?" Elle teased, from the stairway where she waited for Dom.

"Don't you appreciate the trust I put in you, Tedward?" Dom asked his cousin, flashing Elle a warning look with amused eyes as he turned to follow the man into the kitchen. "Or did we interrupt something extra special planned with Lis?" He grinned teasingly, throwing an arm around Edward's shoulders. "I know we always promised each other we'd be cat ladies together, but my dear boy, you got married. What else was I supposed to do, pine away for your ivory flesh?"

"Of course, I do," Edward replied, sounding just a little insulted at the insinuation that he didn't. "Your timing could have been better is all," he continued, as he started pulling things out of the bag. It seemed Lis hadn't just packed them soup, but fresh baked bread, butter, a bottle of wine, and two slices of chocolate cake. Edward flashed a look of shock at Elle for her remark before shrugging off Dom's arm. "I love you like a brother, Dom, but that's as far as it goes. You simply do not have the right equipment. Sorry, old boy." He turned his gaze toward Elle then. "And you, madam, are a tease."

Elle cackled with laughter and started toward the two of them. "I don't deny it, but my heart belongs to just one man," she said, laying a hand on Dom's heart as if to claim him. She reached over then to touch a kiss to Edward's cheek. "You're a dear. Thank you."

Chuckling, Dom caught Elle's hand against his chest, looping his arm about her waist to kiss her cheek. "Don't spread it around, Teddy, but I might have had sex for the first time in seven years. Maybe. I probably need another couple of goes to be absolutely sure." Looking down at the array of food being unpacked, however, he couldn't help but laugh. "She just can't help looking after people, can she?"

"Twice," Elle added, waggling her brows at Edward before touching a kiss to Dom's cheek and whirling out of his arms. "I'm just going to go upstairs and freshen up a bit," she told them, though that was mostly a lie as she'd already done that. What she was going to do was put Dom's shirt on and give the two men a few minutes of privacy before she shooed Edward away for the night. She paused to goose Dom's rear, cackling wildly again before departing.

Edward chuckled finally at both Elle's antics and Dom's confession. "Twice. That's a record. And yes, she just can't help herself, which is good for you and bad for me, as we were enjoying a relaxing evening when you called."

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:35 EST
Laughing at Elle's exit, Dom rolled his eyes, calming as he leaned on the table. "Sorry, Ed," he apologized quietly. "The relocation wasn't exactly planned at this end, either. You're the only one I trust not to make a big deal out of it ....for Elle's sake, more than mine."

"No need," Edward replied. Despite his complaints, Dom - of all people - should know that he'd do just about anything for him, save the aforementioned threesome. He glanced at the door through which Elle had departed. "What are you doing here" No one has used this cottage since ..." He trailed off, realizing that might be just why they'd chosen this place, rather than any other. "Your secret is safe with me. You know that, but I must ask if you're sure you know what you're doing." This from someone who had only recently and very unexpectedly fallen in love and gotten married himself.

Dom knew he should have expected that query. From anyone but Edward, it would have been a question about his sanity and her motives, but Dom knew his cousin. It was concern, pure and simple, and it deserved an absolutely honest answer. "I love her, Ed," he told his cousin very simply, holding the other man's gaze. Edward, of all people, knew how earth-shaking that simple fact was.

"Yes, well, that much is obvious to anyone with eyes to see," Edward replied, setting the groceries aside and turning to Dom with a serious look on his face. "If you are sure this is what you want, then I will stand behind you all the way. I'll even brave Isabelle's ire, if it comes to that. I only want you to be happy. You know that. You deserve to be happy," he said, clapping a hand against the other man's shoulder in a brotherly gesture.

"I can handle Izzy," Dom assured Edward, echoing the brotherly gesture. "I'm a little worried about Elle, though. She's very concerned that the family will consider her a gold-digger. She could do with a few friends in our ranks, if that makes sense. I can deal with my sister, but some of them might not be so brazen about it as she will be."

Edward frowned, sympathetically. He knew his own Lisbeth had feared the same thing for a while, but nothing had come of it. Even Brynne had come around eventually, though it had taken a bit of doing on his part. "Who might object besides Isabelle?" he asked. "Besides, so long as Humphrey likes her, no one else much matters."

"You and I know that, but trying to convince her is a little more difficult," Dom sighed, shaking his head. "We'll get there. Eventually." He glanced toward the stairs, and lowered his voice. "I'm going to marry her, Ed. As soon as she's ready to say yes."

That put a smile on Edward's face, trusting Dom to know his own heart and mind. "And they all thought we were hopeless," he said, pointing out the irony of the situation. "I'm sure it won't be long from the looks of things," he added with a warm smile. He'd seen the look on Elle's face - it was the kind of look someone had when they had fallen madly in love. It was a familiar look; one he'd grown used to seeing on Lisbeth.

"And my mother will kill me if I do her out of a second wedding, so there's that little question to broach, as well." He chuckled, relieved that Edward had reacted just as he hoped. "Thank you, Ed. And now you should get back to your lovely Latina before she decides to bake something that'll take all her attention for the evening just to pass the time."

"The only thing I plan on heating up is the bed," Edward replied with a grin. If it had been anyone but Dom, he might not have been so easy to admit that, but the two of them had known each other all their lives and shared most of their secrets.

"You'd best get back to it, then," Dom chuckled, squeezing his cousin's shoulder fondly. "Give her a big wet kiss from me."

"I will, and you ..." Edward nodded his head toward the stairway. "You have seven years of catching up to do," he said, adding with a grin, "but don't expect me to deliver breakfast."

"Breakfast, I can manage," Dom laughed, giving him a gentle shove toward the door. "Thank you for coming to the rescue. No one cooks quite like your Lis." He winked, knowing full well Lisbeth was in perfectly safe hands with Edward, and vice versa. "Now shoo. I need to eat before she wears me out."

"Shall I have some groceries sent over?" Edward asked. That much he could manage, though he wasn't sure whether Dom and Elle planned on staying at the cottage long. That particular cottage had been vacant for as long as he could remember, and as far as he knew, Elle and her daughter were staying at the manor for now.

"No, we'll be back at the manor in the morning," Dom assured him, escorting him to the door like the gentleman he was, despite the fact he was only in his boxer shorts. "It'll likely be a few days before any decision is made, but ....chances are Wisteria won't be empty for too much longer. Keep it under your hat for now, okay?"

Edward glanced toward the stairs again at the presumed news that Elle and her daughter would soon be occupying Wisteria. He would have thought she'd have preferred one of the bigger, fancier houses, but he couldn't deny that Wisteria had its own charms. Seeing no sign of her, he looked back at Dom and nodded his head. "Of course. My lips are sealed," he assured his cousin, adding with a smile. "I'll wait for my invitation in the mail." It had only been a few months earlier that he and Lis had gotten married in too much of a hurry to make much fuss about a big wedding.

Chuckling gently, Dom clapped his cousin on the back, gently but firmly guiding him out through the door and on his way back home to his wife. Then he turned his attention to the kitchen, hunting out a tray, bowls, and a couple of glasses in order to transfer the bounty Lisbeth had sent over upstairs in one trip.

Upstairs, Elle had turned quiet, reluctant to come back down and interrupt the two men while they presumably discussed the situation. She wasn't worried about Edward, trusting Dom to know his cousin well enough to know he could be trusted. She was sitting near the window again, silently watching the night while she awaited his return. "I can see why you trust him," she said, insightful enough to have noticed the brotherly love shared by the two men.

"Of all my cousins, all my family, he's the one I admire the most," Dom admitted quietly, giving the covers on the bed a tug to straighten them before setting the tray down. He moved over to her, stroking her hair affectionately. "He's the most selfless person I know. Nothing he does is ever selfish ....well, nothing before he got married," he added with a smile. "And even then ....They're good for each other." He kissed her tenderly. "Come and eat, sweetling. Next time we get some of Lis' cooking, we'll have to be dressed for company."

"You love him very much, don't you?" she asked quite seriously, even as she offered him her hand and moved to her feet. She wasn't jealous, though she was a bit envious that he had someone like Edward in his life, that he'd grown up with a family and knew what it was to be loved in such a way. She thought if she was lucky, one day she might find her own place in his family, but that day was still a long way off.

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:37 EST
"Yes," he agreed simply. "He and I have always been close, though to be fair, we were all pretty close when we were younger." Drawing her to the bed, he dished out a bowl of bouillabaisse for her, breaking the bread to give her a fighting chance with the butter. "We all grew apart, but for some reason, even when I was in the darkest depths of Borneo or wherever, and Ed was in Africa, we managed to stay in touch. Must be something special about that boy."

"I'm sure Edward is a perfectly lovely man, but I tend to think there is something very special about the man sitting in front of me," she said, taking the bread and the bowl and somehow managing not to spill a drop while she sat cross-legged on the bed. She had replaced the towel with his shirt, open at the front to show a hint of cleavage, but far more comfortable than that towel. "Vicki said he was an aid worker. What made him want to do that?"

"He's always felt very strongly about the divide between rich and poor," Dom mused thoughtfully, pausing to wolf down an enormous mouthful of stew and bread. "Always wanted to help people who are, for one reason or another, ignored or neglected by the people who should be looking out for them. I'm very proud of him for following through, although it very nearly killed him toward the end of last year."

"Yes, Vicki mentioned that he had come home sick and exhausted. It's noble of him to want to help those less fortunate," she added, though her own modest beginnings were far different than anything Edward might have encountered in Africa. No, her story was quite different, and she wasn't sure there was anyone at Maple Grove who was likely to understand. "What's he going to do now?" she asked, wondering if Edward planned on returning to Africa now that he was married.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure," he conceded with a low chuckle. "I know he's working on a book at the moment, and the more he's home, the more he's realizing what he's missed - especially with Lila, his niece. I've heard some talk about opening a clinic, although the location seems to veer wildly between the poorer areas of Rhy'Din and possibly Ghana, on Earth."

She arched a brow, having a little like experience at being poor. "There are poor everywhere, Dom. There's no need to go very far to find them." And the worst of the poor, in Elle's opinion, were those who fell through the cracks. "I'm sorry," she said suddenly. "I'm being morose." She offered no explanation for the sudden change in her mood or the subject at hand, but only added, "I do appreciate his efforts. More people like him are needed in the world." She turned her attention to her stew, soaking a bit of bread in the broth before taking a bite.

"They're different levels of poverty, love," he told her gently. "I can't even begin to predict what Edward and Lis will do, but whatever it is, they'll do it together, to help people." He watched her thoughtfully for a moment. "It isn't morose. But you're right, I don't know what I'm talking about. I've lived a privileged life, and though I try, I'll never understand."

"Of course, they are, but that doesn't make one group any less or more worthy of help. It's a difficult problem and one that won't be solved any time soon." And one you couldn't just throw money at in hopes it would go away. Her gaze softened at his apology - it had not been her goal to make him feel bad. "Don't. You're a good man, Dominic. You have nothing to feel guilty about. It's not your fault, you know. Life isn't always fair, and I've certainly a lot to learn about selflessness. Your Edward could likely teach us all a lesson about that."

"Oh, I have every expectation of that book of his making me feel incredibly proud and simultaneously incredibly ashamed of myself when I read it," he nodded, smiling at her. He didn't feel bad, exactly, but he knew that she and others had a level of experience that he would never have. The Grangers were affluent, and they looked after their own, even when their own chose to walk away from them. The safety net would always be there. "How did we end up talking about Ed, anyway' Philosophy doesn't really have a place over dinner when we're, neither of us, dressed for the occasion."

Elle's smile faltered, feeling suddenly guilty, even though she'd struggled nearly all her life to make ends meet. She really wasn't using Dom or his family to make her or Daisy's lives easier. In point of fact, she'd never intended for any of this to happen. He already knew that and had probably guessed at her modest origins. So then, why was she feeling so guilty about it all" "No, I suppose not," she agreed, turning her attention back to her stew. Her mood had shifted again, probably due to the talk about the needy. He was right about one thing - there were needy and then there were needy. She had always been one of the former and not one of the latter, but did it really matter"

His brows furrowed a little as he watched her smile falter, inwardly berating himself for whatever it was he had said wrong this time. It seemed as though they were destined to waver between smiles and sadness, at the whim of moods - it wasn't ideal, but at least he would never be bored, and hopefully, neither would she. "Of course, you're still overdressed for what I intend to do with dessert ..."

That comment put a smile back on her face, albeit not as bright as it had been a short while ago. Should she confess and tell him her whole life story - or at least, the important parts of it - or had she told him enough already? "I hope you don't mind," she said, regarding wearing his shirt. "I thought it less likely to fall off than a towel and ....well, it smells like you."

He raised a brow, looking her over with a warm flicker to his smile. "I could protest over losing my shirt, but I have to say looks far better on you than on me." The flicker became a fully fledged grin. "Easy access, hint of cleavage, built in possibility of bondage ....oh yes. Much better on you." He winked, ripping a huge lump of bread free with his teeth to chomp it down.

"Bondage?" she echoed with a laugh. "Has someone been getting ideas from his cousin's films, I wonder?" she asked, that teasing smile of hers returning. She tore off a bit of bread and dunked it in the broth, wondering if he was just teasing or serious.

He groaned, rolling his eyes. "Oh gods, don't remind me." He even whimpered, for effect. "Humph made me go to the premiere of the first one. I never want to see Jon's ass again. Ever."

"Darling, those movies - those books - were made for frustrated housewives, not the likes of you. Do you really think women sit around fantasizing about being spanked" I, for one, can think of much better things to do in bed," she told him, eyes alight with amusement. "He is rather attractive, but not at all my type."

"He's an old married man these days," Dom snorted with laughter, mopping the last of his bouillabaisse up with what was left of his bread. "I do hear tell he's even managed to teach Victoria how to cook. Oh, to have been a fly on the wall during those lessons ..." He flashed her a grin, resisting the urge to lick his bowl clean. "I should get a few lessons from Lis. Have to make sure my girl and her girl are well fed, after all."

It seemed they had gone from talking about Edward to talking about Jon to talking about Lis all in the matter of a few minutes. "That's not why he's not my type," she told him with a mischievous smirk as she, too, finished up the last of her bread and stew. "Are you offering to do the cooking" Because if you are, I'll take you up on that offer."

Dominic Granger

Date: 2015-05-12 07:38 EST
"What?" He gave her the most innocent look he could come up with, although genetics had not given him the most innocent of faces, which made that harder than it first seemed. He laughed, shaking his head as he set his bowl down. "I'll have you know I quite enjoy cooking. Well experiments. Making actual meals might take a little practice. Dom's Disasters, that's what Ash calls my cooking."

"You can't do any worse than me," she admitted, moving to her feet to collect the bowls and the tray and remove them from the bed. It appeared Edward's Lis had sent along a couple slices of cake and a bottle of wine, but that could wait until later. "I can cook, if I have to, but I'm afraid I'm not very good at it."

"I could teach you," he offered, watching her move about. Once the tray was secure, he reached out, drawing her between his knees, hands firm on her rear end. "I have many skills," he teased her with a twinkle of a grin. "Should I show you one of them?" He didn't wait for an answer, catching one of the buttons on the shirt she wore in his mouth and undoing it, nuzzling past the material to press a kiss between her breasts. "Gods, you smell so good ..."

"Mmm, that's a different kind of cooking, Mr. Granger," she remarked as she went about demonstrating some of his "skills". She settled her hands against his shoulders while she stood over him, allowing him free rein at the front of her - or rather, his - shirt. "So do you," she replied, all of her worries forgotten again as that little flame inside her flared to life again. She curled her fingers into his bare flesh before sliding her arms around his neck to bury his face against her cleavage. She'd let him have his fun for a little while, before she took over.

Oh, and he fully intended to have his fun this time. She'd been a little too much in control, far too aware of what her teasing could do. It was time to show her that he wasn't always in a hurry. One by one, the buttons on the shirt came free, each one accompanied by the brush of his lips to the soft skin beneath, until it hung open, hinting at the delights hidden there. And quite suddenly, he whipped around, spinning her from where she stood to bounce onto the bed, knees on his shoulders. "I wonder if you beg ..."

She tipped her head forward to press a kiss against his hair, cradling his head while he undid her buttons hinting at the curves barely hidden within the confines of his shirt. She sighed contentedly, anticipating his kisses, but then he was spinning her around and tossing her back on the bed. She squealed in delighted surprise, looking up at him from her back and reaching to draw him closer. "I have never begged for anything, and I see no reason to start now," she teased back, though that was not entirely true. She had begged for the life of her daughter, but that did not compare in any way to this.

"Mmm ....let's see if I can make you eat those words, shall we?" From the teasing glimmer in his eyes to the way his hands pinned her hips to the bed, it seemed he was confident of his ability to back up the implication in his words. And confident was a good description. He was merciless; lips and tongue working together to tease her from navel to thighs, circling but never quite touching the treasure nestled between her thighs, not until he was ready to make her squirm even more than he was already. And even then ....if there were awards for this kind of talent, he would top the lists every time. He might not have done it for almost a decade, but it seemed that muscle memory even extended to the tongue.

There were skills that no matter how long unused never seemed to be forgotten. Riding a bike was one of them, and it seemed, so was lovemaking. Though neither of them had had a lover in some years, each still knew how to tease and tantalize until their partner was begging for mercy. Though Elle had tried hard to stay true to her word, it wasn't long before she was squirming against the sheets and gasping for breath, whispering the word, "Please," in a soft husky voice that begged him to end her torment.

She must have felt him grin against her, the flex of his fingers at her hips as he heard her plead with him. Only one word, but more than enough to earn her the reward that was just out of reach. Out of reach, that is, until he did something remarkable with his tongue, wanting her just a little bit wild before he took her again.

As stubborn as she was, she could not help but moan and call out his name, her body trembling in anticipation and aching with desire. If he did not finish the job soon, she was going to have to take matters into her own hands, and then she would not relent until he was moaning and trembling along with her. She had not quite reached the pinnacle yet, but was teetering on the edge, trying to hold herself back until he could join her, until he extinguished that burning hunger with his own sweet release.

He had her exactly where he wanted her, wasting no time in giving her what they both wanted, that coupling that would bring them together in the most intimate way a man and a woman could be. His lips covered hers as she enveloped him, offering his own groan to taste as he moved within her, determined to make her see stars before he saw his own.

She didn't need much encouragement, exploding with ecstasy, almost as soon as she felt him moving inside her. She swallowed his groan and added one of her own, arms and legs going around him to pull him ever closer and deeper. Her fingers raked his back as her body shuddered against him, wave upon wave of the most amazing feeling rushing through her, rocking her to the very depths of her soul. She moaned his name against his lips, kissing him again and again before breaking to gasp for breath, and when that sweet vibration was finally fading away, she shifted her weight to push him over onto his back, intent on returning the favor.

He was nothing if not fair minded, hands clasping hers with entwined fingers as she rose over him, feet braced against the bed to give her as much as she gave him. Endearments poured from his lips, tender entreaties of love, affection, admiration for the beauty who had him entirely enthralled.

She pushed him to the edge, just as he had pushed her, and when she sensed he was cresting the peak, she helped him go over the edge, savoring the tension in him. She ravaged his mouth, smothering and swallowing up his groans, relentless in her taking of him, as though she was trying to conquer him. Her fingers raked his sides, enjoying the feel of strong muscle beneath her hands. She claimed him as hers with every kiss, every touch, every small gasp of breath, whispering his name against his lips so that he would know he belonged to her and her alone.

Oh, he knew. He'd known from the first moment he looked into her eyes, and seen the fear, the longing, the need for someone to help her, someone to make it all okay. And if he had anything to do with it, he would be the one to love and protect her, all the days of her life. This, he promised in every kiss, every caress, every moan and sigh that held her name. He had never made a promise he hadn't kept, and he had no intention of breaking his word now.

When they were finally both satiated - at least, for now - she laid down beside him, curled up against him, her head on his shoulder, her fingers toying with the soft curl of hair on his chest, blissfully content. "Is it too soon to say I love you?" she asked quietly, though it was a little too late to ask as she'd already told him more than once.

"Not if you're sure." He drew his arms close about her, lips teasing the silky softness of her tangled hair. "I'm sure." Fingertips stroked down her back as he sighed, more content - more at peace - in that moment than he had been in years. "I love you, Elle. And someday soon, I am going to ask you to marry me." He tilted his head to share a faint grin with her. "When you're not teetering on the edge of being a flight risk." He winked, leaning down to kiss her lovingly.

"I'd be a fool not to marry you, Dom," she replied, her voice soft with affection, a hand on his chest to stop him from kissing her until she had said her peace. "And I'm not saying that because of who you are or what you've done for us. I'm saying that because I love you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I'm not going to run away from you. I promise, not so long as you want me, not so long as you love me." Only then did she let him kiss her, one hand sliding up his chest to curl around the back of his neck, lips soft and warm and full of love and longing. It had been a very long time since she had given her heart to anyone, but in all her life, she thought there was no one she trusted more, loved more, than this very special man.

So the promise was already there. All it would take was a little more time, and there would be two new Grangers to add to the ever multiplying clan. Dom couldn't think of a better birthday present than that.

((These Grangers really do have open hearts, don't they' Many, many thanks to my partner in crime!))