Topic: Taking Good Advice

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:08 EST
((Contains material of an adult nature.))

It had been three weeks since Edward had collapsed and been ordered to take to his bed, first at Lisbeth's apartment and then back at Juniper Lodge, where his sister Brynne and daughter Lila lived on the ground of Maple Grove - not to mention where he had spent his boyhood years before going off on his own to save the world. Now, three weeks later, after all the fussing over him, he had started to regain his strength, along with some weight, but as far as the doctors were concerned, he wasn't out of danger yet.

He was still under strict orders to take things easy or risk suffering a relapse, but between Lis, Brynne, and Lila, he was in good hands. He'd spent a good deal of time curled up on bed or on the couch going through his journals, scribbling notes, writing letters, and doing research in preparation for a book he was opening would shed some light on the plight in Africa. Today, he was curled up in bed, still in his pajamas - books, papers, and laptop scattered around him, a cup of hot tea and a half-eaten omelette on the table nearby.

He had peace and quiet for most of the day now he was back at Juniper Lodge. Aside from the morning rush of Lila and Brynne heading out to school and work and insisting on saying goodbye, he was left in peace for a good six hours or so. Lis was in the house, of course, but she didn't like to disturb him, going about her work as quietly as she could, keeping him in tea and snacks. And then the afternoon rush would start with Lila's return from school, which today was even more excitable than usual.

The ten year old burst in through her uncle's bedroom door, still wearing her coat and bag, and leaped onto the bed to throttle him in a somewhat chilly hug. "I'm back, I'm back! Did you have fun today' Dom's here! What did you do, were you really bored on your own?"

Unfortunately for him, he'd been so focused on his work, he'd lost all track of time, as evidenced by the half-eaten omelette and the fact that he was still in his pajamas. "Lila!" he exclaimed as he was pounced by his overzealous niece, making a grab for his papers before they were scattered everywhere. He couldn't help but laugh though, unable to get angry with her. She loved him, after all, and he needed to feel loved. "How was school?" he asked before backpedaling in his head. "Dom's here?"

"School was good!" the little girl enthused, belatedly shifting back to let him gather together his papers before they disappeared under the bed. "We did math and English, and I started a story that I have to finish for Monday!" She bounced closer, cuddling him affectionately. "Yeah, Dom got me from school. He said he was going to help Lis in the kitchen so I could splat you in peace." She giggled wickedly.

"Splat me?" he echoed, chuckling. "That sounds rather painful. How about hugging me instead?" Though he had actually already been hugged and was now being cuddled. "I have a surprise for you," he said, with a smile that might be a little playful or nervous - it was hard to tell. "But it's sort of a secret."

Her eyes widened with excitement as she looked up at her uncle, wriggling about to dump her schoolbag onto the floor. That made her a little less bulky to hug, anyway. "I can keep secrets," she nodded enthusiastically. "I keep lots and lots, and I never tell anybody but Mr. Bunion, and he can't talk, so that's fine." Mr. Bunion, despite the unfortunate name, was the stuffed elephant she slept with - a present from Edward years before on her fifth birthday.

Edward laughed again. He had never understood why she'd named the elephant such a silly name, but it seemed to make the poor stuffed elephant all the more endearing. "Yes, but I haven't told your mother yet." And everyone knew how that might go.

"I don't tell Mummy secrets, unless they're my secrets and she's in a good mood," Lila declared importantly. "And I tell Lis more, only I'm not allowed to talk to Lis anymore, Mummy says." She didn't look happy about that, but soldiered on, regardless. "And I promise I won't tell Mummy your secret. Pinky swear and everything."

He frowned at her admission, not only about keeping secrets from her mother, but even more so about being forbidden from talking to Lis. "Why aren't you allowed to talk to Lis?" he asked, though he thought he could likely guess the answer. It was more about him than anything else, and he didn't really think Brynne was being fair. He knew he was going to have to brooch the subject with his dear sister sooner or later, and he was dreading it.

"Mummy says she's here to work and when I talk to her, she can't work, and if she doesn't work, then Mummy can't pay her properly," Lila explained, rattling off Brynne's excuse almost verbatim. She didn't understand the underlying politics, which was probably just as well. All Lila knew was that the person who helped her with her homework wasn't allowed to anymore.

"Hmm," Edward mused quietly with that frown still on his face. What was Brynne going to say when he told her he and Lis had made future plans together" Granted, none of it was set in stone yet, but he had no intention of losing the only woman he'd made any connection with in years just because his sister was being snooty. "Did she say anything about whispering" Or singing" Or passing notes?" Oh, he knew he was going to get into hot water over this, but he didn't really care. Brynne needed to be set straight sooner or later, and it looked like her big brother was going to have to be the one to do it.

Lila considered the question thoughtfully, shaking her head. "No, she just said I can't talk to Lis," she said, appreciating the impressive amount of sneaky her uncle had just handed her on a silver platter. Her grin was all kinds of mischievous as she looked up at him. "I didn't think of that."

"That's what I'm here for," he said with a half-grin, happy to help but knowing someone was going to get in trouble for it later. "Would you like to know what the surprise is all about?" he asked, happy to change the subject.

"Can I really know what the surprise is?" she asked hopefully, concerns over what Mummy may or may not say forgotten in the renewal of excitement over her uncle's news. "Only it won't be a surprise if I know about it before it gets done."

"No, but then it will be our little secret," he told her, having a feeling she wouldn't mind keeping this secret so much. "Hand me that letter on the table there?" he asked, gesturing toward the table where an envelope lay, peeking out from beneath the cup of tea.

"Oooh ..." The thought of keeping a secret with Uncle Teddy was a very enticing one, certainly more than enough to make her promise faithfully to keep the secret. "I won't even tell Mr. Bunion," she promised, wriggling off the bed in search of the letter. Her coat ended up on the floor beside her bag before she picked up the envelope, turning to crawl back onto the bed beside him. "This letter?"

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:10 EST
"Mmhmm," he replied, clearing a little space for her to sit and curl up beside him. "Open it," he instructed. The envelope had already been torn open and inside were two neatly-folded letters, one in a child's crude printing, and the other in a more neatly scripted font. There was also a photograph of a young African girl, smiling happily at the camera.

Lila was very careful in opening the letters, her attention caught immediately by the photograph rather than the writing. "Ooh ....she's pretty," she offered with a grin, looking up at Edward curiously. "Who is she?"

He leaned close, glancing over her shoulder at the photograph, though he didn't need to look at it to know whose face the camera had captured. He smiled fondly, almost as fond of the girl in the photo as he was of the one right beside him. "Her name is Zahan. She's a friend I made when I was in Africa."

"Africa's on Earth, isn't it?" she asked, wanting to get her facts straight before she went on. "And you write to her like you writed to me when you were all away and busy and stuff?" She looked back at the picture, unable to help smiling back at the pretty girl smiling into the camera. "She's very pretty, Uncle Teddy."

"Yes," he replied, confirming her question. "I'd like you to meet her sometime. Do you think you'd like that?" he queried. Though it was really up to Brynne, he wanted to know what Lila thought before he took things further. "She's just about your age. I think you'd like her."

"Oh, can I?" The little girl bounced excitedly on her backside, beaming at the thought of meeting her uncle's friend. "Does that mean I get to go to Earth and to Africa and stuff?"

Thankfully, he was well enough now to handle the bed-bouncing without getting dizzy. He chuckled a little at her enthusiasm, glad she liked the idea. Now he just had to convince Brynne. "Actually, I was thinking about her coming here. She's never been to Rhy'Din. It's a big secret on Earth, not many people know about it."

"What, like on a school exchange thingy, and she can come to school with me and stay in my room and all that fun stuff?" she asked, perhaps a little too hopefully for the situation. Mind you, now he had Lila on side, Brynne would be a push over. She'd do anything for her little girl.

"Something like that. I'm not sure she'd be able to stay very long, but perhaps for a few weeks. We'll have to see if her parents will let her," he said, taking the letters from her and handing her the one that was written in a child's handwriting. "I helped teach her her letters," he said, letting her look the letter over. It didn't say too much, except that she was doing well, going to school, enjoying her new home and parents, and missing him.

It took a little while for Lila to read the letter through, though thankfully it wasn't out loud. She was a pretty good reader for her age, not even with her lips moving. "She's got a new home?" she asked when she was finished, looking up at him. "So she doesn't live in the Africa anymore?"

"No, her parents died, and she was adopted by a family who took her someplace else." He didn't bother to add that he had considered adopting her himself before he'd come down ill, but maybe it was better this way. She needed a stable home life, and he wasn't sure that was something he could give her right now.

"Oh." Lila's face fell at the thought of someone losing both their parents. She barely remembered her own father, and besides, she got a card from him every birthday, but the thought of not having Mummy around was a sad one. "But she's happy now?"

"She's happy now," he confirmed, leaning over to brush a kiss against her forehead, just because he could. He noticed the frown on her face and had a feeling he knew what she was thinking. "You know I love you, right?" he asked, needing her to know that even if her father wasn't part of her life anymore, she was surrounded by people who loved her.

Lila nodded, cuddling into him as he reassured her. One thing Mummy and Uncle Teddy always seemed to know was when she needed to know they loved her. "I love you back," she promised, carefully laying the letter and photograph in his lap before wrapping her arms about his waist.

"I love your Mummy, too," he added, needing her to know that, too, especially if he and Brynne got to arguing over the next few days, not only about Lis, but about Zahan and plans for his future and any number of things. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, leaning over to kiss the top of her head.

"I know," she assured him, hugging in tight. "And just 'cos you fight doesn't mean you doesn't love each other." It was pretty clear that wisdom hadn't come from Brynne; as hot-headed as his sister was, Edward knew she wasn't very good at explaining herself, either. It seemed as though Lis had been sharing a little wisdom herself. A knock on the door made her look up, blinking. "Who's it?"

A masculine voice from the other side laughed and answered warmly. "It's me!"

Edward chuckled at the reply, recognizing the voice. Of course, it didn't hurt that a certain little bird had told him he had a visitor. "How can you be me if I'm me?" he replied in query. It was an old game of theirs they'd played as boys.

"I'm the me that's better than you," Dom answered from the other side of the door, his low voice rich with laughter that was echoed by the little girl cuddled up to Edward. "My me is older, bigger, and stronger than your me!"

"My me is as wily as a fox," he replied. He couldn't argue with the rest of Dom's claims - he was older, bigger, and stronger than Edward, though there was some debate about who was smarter.

"My me wants to come in and see your fox," was the answer, followed by a brief pause and a sudden gale of laughter as Dom considered all the ways that could be taken out of context. Beside Edward, Lila blinked, lost in their game but enjoying it, nonetheless.

"Does your me know the secret password?" Edward countered with an amused grin and a playful wink at Lila. He tucked the letters and photograph away in the envelope and hid it among his papers. The fewer questions, the better. He'd have to brooch the subject with Brynne sooner or later, but he was hoping it to be later.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:11 EST
"My me has fresh tea and sandwiches," was the countered response from the other side of the door. "If your me doesn't let my me in, my me will just make your me listen to my me eating them." There was a pause. "There were way too many "me"s in that sentence."

As many mes as there were, Edward got the gist of what he was being told. He chuckled at his cousin's response, looking to Lila with a grin on his face. "Would you get the door for the other me, Lilakins?" he asked, grateful for both the company and the fresh tea and sandwiches. He often got so involved in his work that he forgot to eat.

"Okay!" Lost as she was in the silly game being played between the cousins, Lila was happy to be involved in some way, scrambling down off the bed to scuttle over to the door. She pulled it open about an inch, grinning up at Dom suspiciously. "Is your me gonna play nice?" she demanded, and from the sound of things, Dom nearly choked stifling a laugh.

"My me is always nice," he promised the little girl. "My me promises not to bounce on his me until his me is well enough to poke my me back."

A chuckle was heard from the direction of the bed as the other me piped in. "Always is a long time. Perhaps the other me should say usually. Usually seems more reasonable, I think," he pointed out helpfully. "You can let him in, Lila, since he's promised to be nice," he added, as if it made any difference.

"Arguing semantics from your sick bed, how very Edward of you," Dom chuckled as Lila pulled the door open for him, his tall frame seeming far too big in the bedroom. But then, Dom never looked quite right indoors. With Lila leading the way, he pulled the table over to the bed, setting the tray he carried onto it before catching the little girl about the waist and planting himself on a chair with her in his lap. Lila didn't even get a chance to ask for help before Dom blew a raspberry on her neck, making her squeal with laughter.

"Some things never change, I see," Edward remarked with a chuckle. He was starting to get stir crazy lying in bed all day long, but Lis had told him that was a sign he was getting better, though she'd made him promise not to rush it. Oddly, Brynne had told him the same thing. If he could just make the two of them understand that they were on the same side, they might actually learn to get along. He picked a slice of bread off the sandwich as if to check for some secret and unsavory ingredient. "Did you make this or are you just the delivery service?"

With Lila wriggling around on his lap, it took a moment for Dom to answer, grinning as he released the squirming little girl. "I'm just the delivery man," he assured Edward. "The lovely Lisbeth read the note Brynne left about feeding you and threw it out." He laughed at that, choosing not to repeat what he'd heard of Lis' mutterings when she'd done that. "I think you'll find those sandwiches are about as far from broth and dry bread as you're ever going to get."

"Lis is a brilliant cook," Edward said, replacing the slice of bread on top the sandwich and wrapping his hands around it. His appetite had definitely improved, and it didn't hurt that Lis was spoiling him a little with her cooking. He'd have said more about Lis, if it wasn't for Lila. "It's been a long time, Dom. How have you been?" he asked, other than for the obvious. He'd heard the bad news about Dom's wife and had written him a long letter expressing his sympathies straight away, but he knew it was hardly sufficient to take away the pain.

"Yeah, it has, hasn't it?" Dom nodded in agreement. To be fair, he was often gone from the city himself, but he'd managed to stay in touch with this particular cousin better than he did with most of them. The question sobered his smile, but he nodded once again, slowly. "Better than I was," he conceded quietly. "It's still hard, to go home, but I'm not running any more."

Edward frowned, wondering just how much running of his own he'd been doing. "I'm sorry I wasn't here," he said, apologetically. Whether they were far apart or close together, this was one cousin who understood him and his lifestyle more than any other. "If there's anything I can do..." he added, not just making an empty offer, but meaning his words.

"There were too many people here, Ted," Dom said quietly, watching with interest as Lila dissected a sandwich and remade it to her own satisfaction. "Too many well-wishers, too many hands wanting to make it all better. I went off the rails, and then I went back to work. And believe me, you're doing what I need you to do. You're recovering, before it got so bad you had to be airlifted home."

There was a reason he'd let himself get so sick, but that reason was wrapped up in Zahan, and he didn't want to share that with Lila sitting right there. His gaze shifted to Lila a moment before looking back at Dom. What did one say to help make it better" There was nothing that would bring Gwen back, but at least Dom had memories to cherish. Was it easier being alone" Edward wasn't so sure. "I know what that's like. Throwing yourself into your work, I mean."

"I wanted to be away from the house," Dom shrugged. "It didn't help, because I had to come back. But it's getting easier to smile at the memories, rather than cry." He, too, didn't want to get too much into things with Lila right there, not wanting to upset the little girl with losses that had occurred only too recently. "What's this I hear about a book?"

"I understand," Edward said, frowning in sympathy, but didn't want to discuss it too much in front of Lila or to open wounds that might be better left alone. "Oh!" The frown turned to a slightly embarrassed smile. "I thought perhaps I'd write about my travels. I'm not sure anyone will want to read them, but there's little enough to do sitting around in bed all day."

"Well, you've got one reader right here," his cousin pointed out, his expression smoothing into the familiar quirk of his smile once again. "There's a real market for your genre, you just need to get it marketed right. If the right people know about it, they'll read it." He nodded confidently. "There must be someone in the family with the right contacts."

"Jonathan, maybe," Edward suggested, though that particular cousin was famous for film and theater, not the written word. Still, maybe he would know of someone who could help. "You don't think it would make for boring reading?" he asked, unsure of himself. Despite all the encouragement and support of his family, he knew they were biased.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:12 EST
Dom chuckled gently. "With all you've seen and done, everything you've experienced, I doubt you could come up with anything boring," he pointed out. "And it's a good platform for making people aware of just what it is that you, and others like you, are doing for the people who need your help. No, I think it's an excellent idea."

If Edward trusted anyone's judgement, it was Dom's, and if Dom judged it an excellent idea, an excellent idea it was. He nodded his head again, glad to have this cousin's opinion on the matter. "That's what I thought, too," he said. That decided, he bit into the sandwich, moaning appreciatively. "That girl is going to make me fat!" Hey, it could happen!

Lila giggled around a mouthful of her own sandwich. "Lis makes good sammiches," she nodded in agreement, despite the fact that every last piece of greenery from her own had been neatly piled up on the side of the plate.

Dom rolled his eyes, laughing at the pair of them. "Should I leave you two to commune with the bread and meat?"

"When you haven't been able to eat solid food as long as I have, you gain a new appreciation for anything you have to chew," Edward replied with a smirk before taking another bite of his sandwich. "So, tell me....What do you think of the cook?" he asked, hoping Lila wouldn't report this little conversation back to her mother.

Dom's brows rose briefly at the question, sensing something more than a simple query there, smiling as he answered. "What do I think of her?" He considered this for a moment. "Very quiet, very pretty ....obviously knows her way around a kitchen, but she wasn't born to be in one all the time. I'm guessing she's from Earth, going by the accent."

"Venezuela," Edward replied, filling in at least one of the blanks in Lis' history. "She's a nurse, by trade," he added, alluding to the fact that Lis was far more intelligent and talented than she let on. He'd told Brynne this, too, but Brynne had seemed unimpressed. Still, Lis was a good part of the reason why Edward was getting better. "Lilabean, could you do me a favor and take the empty plates into the kitchen?" he asked, effectively giving his niece busy work, so that he and Dom could talk without little ears overhearing.

"And sing?" Lila perked up at that, smiling brightly. "'Kay, Uncle Teddy." She slithered down off the bed one last time, collecting the plates and making her way to the door. "Nooo playing without me," was her parting shot to both of them before she disappeared out through that door, pulling it shut behind her.

Dom chuckled, shaking his head. "She's going to be a handful."

"Yes, sing," Edward replied with a chuckle as Lila slid off the bed to do as he asked. Oh, he was going to be in big trouble later, he knew, if Brynne got wind of this. "She already is!" he told his elder cousin with a grin. "Brynne's going to have her hands full when she's older." Especially, if he wasn't there to help. He frowned a little at the thought of that, torn once again between family and a higher calling.

"Brynne's a big girl, she can handle it," Dom assured him warmly. "Besides, she's not alone. If Desmond and Piper can handle their little bundle of energy, Brynne can definitely handle Lila there. Even if she is eavesdropping." He glanced at the door, smirking at the rather obvious giggle and patter of footsteps running away.

"You know her pretty well," Edward said, laughing again at the telltale giggle and patter of feet outside the door. He finished off most of his sandwich, followed by a sigh. "I'm a little worried about Brynne," he admitted seriously.

Dom's smile faded, that curious brow of his rising once again as Edward offered up a serious confession. "Any particular reason, or just worried in general?" he asked, fairly sure that if Brynne had been behaving in a way that caused concern, there had to be a specific reason behind it.

"You know Brynne," Edward replied, which wasn't really an answer at all and yet, it sort of was. They all knew Brynne had a temper, but those closest to her also knew that deep down she cared, even if she had a funny way of showing it sometimes. "It's Lis," Edward ventured. "We're sort of dating."

"Ah ..." Dom nodded, catching on quickly. So that was the point behind asking what he thought of Lis. "And Brynne's being difficult about it, I take it?" he asked, though to be honest, it wasn't really a question that needed answering.

"She doesn't think Lis is good enough for me, but I think it has more to do with Lis being her maid than anything else. What's she going to say when she finds out we're serious about each other?" Edward asked, dumping his concerns on his elder cousin, not only because he needed someone to talk to about this but because he trusted him more than most of the others.

"Let her say what she has to say," Dom shrugged. He had his own sister troubles, after all. "Just don't let it fester, if you can. What's important is your choice, and your happiness. If she can't behave and respect that - and the woman you're serious about - then she needs a bloody good talking to, and fast."

"I have a feeling she said something nasty to Lis," Edward continued. "She's forbidden Lila from talking to her, and it's all my fault. I don't understand her sometimes. I don't know why she can't be happy for me instead of being jealous."

Dom sighed, shaking his head. "I can't help you in the understanding department," he admitted. "Look at my sisters - one won't even be in the same room as the rest of the family, and the other one talks about nothing but fish, constantly. I might have an idea, though ....It could be as simple as not wanting you to get hurt. So she's being protective in the only way she knows how, which unfortunately means being a bit of a bitch. But that's how Brynne works."

"The last time I checked, I was the big brother," Edward pointed out with a frown, though he appreciated Dom's perspective, which helped him to see things from another point of view. "She has to stop worrying about me and let me live my own life, make my own decisions. Mum and Dad have. They never have a bloody thing to say about what I'm doing!" But maybe that was part of the problem. He really had no idea what his family thought, and sometimes it seemed if he was out of sight, he was equally out of mind, though he'd done his best to keep in touch.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:12 EST
"Yes, well ....our parents' generation don't seem to know quite what to do with us, do they?" Dom agreed quietly. Though he was relatively close to his mother, she was currently on a very pointed kick to try and get him married again so she could have grandchildren. "What it boils down to, Ted, is this ....You need to know what you want. If you want to go back to Earth, then go. If you want to have Lisbeth in your life, then do it. Your family loves you, even if they can be as thick as a collection of short planks at times. They'll deal with it, and if they can't, then I'd suggest unleashing that Latina temper on them."

"Yes, I'm sure Lis telling them off would solve the problem," Edward said doubtfully, though he understand what his cousin was trying to get at. "I can't help but feeling guilty about leaving," he confessed. "I've missed so much of Lila's childhood already. How do you do what you do, Dom' How do you live your own life without feeling like you're abandoning those you care for?"

"Because it's my life, and they have their own lives to lead," Dom said quietly. "It hurts, that Isabelle doesn't want to have anything to do with us, but it's her life to live the way she wants to. All I can do is be here if she ever needs me. But I would never tell her how to live her life, nor would I tell Ashlynn, or my mom, how to live theirs. And they afford me the same courtesy. We worry about each other, and we miss each other, but it makes the reunions more special in a way. Purely because we've been apart."

Edward didn't dare bring up the subject of Mads; she, like Isabelle, seemed to enjoy her role as black sheep, and no matter how much Edward had tried to bring her back into the fold, he always seemed to fail. Brynne, however, was another matter. "I wonder sometimes if my sisters are jealous of me." He had always been the golden boy, after all, though he'd thought there was enough love in the family to go around.

"It could be as simple as Brynne's lonely," Dom offered in a gentle tone. "And that isn't something you can cure, Ted. It's up to her to do something about it, if that's the case." He shook his head at the thought of jealousy between the siblings. "You all went different ways, and you've all taken something from your choices that no one could have predicted. If anything, you three are probably the best balanced of all of us."

Edward lifted both brows in surprise at that last statement. He had an entirely different opinion of the choices his sisters had made, but Dom was right about one thing - if he wanted them to accept his choices, he had to accept theirs. "How so?" he asked curiously, unsure how his elder cousin had come to the conclusion.

"You all went your own way, and you've each found where you're happiest to be," his cousin pointed out mildly. "Despite the friction, Brynne's happy where she is; Madion is obviously happy to be where she is; and you know where you want to be. That's not to be sneezed at, you know."

"No, I suppose not," Edward admitted. After all, there were some cousins who were still directionless and had no idea what they wanted to do with their lives and possibly never would. "So, what do you suggest' How do I make peace between my sister and my..." He trailed off. What was Lis to him anyway' He was too old to have a girlfriend, and she wasn't quite a lover. Not yet, anyway.

Dom considered him for a long moment, wondering if he really needed this to be pointed out or not. "To be honest, I think the problem is the sister, not the wife-to-be," he said calmly. "And that problem will resolve itself, although I doubt you'll like the method. At the moment, Brynne sees Lisbeth and you as separate entities who both belong to her, in a way. You're her brother, with everything that implies; Lisbeth is her home help, and she feels she has influence over the woman's private life. Either Lisbeth quits, or you move out, and I think Brynne's problem will ease off."

Or both, Edward thought with a frown, though he had no intention of living there forever. "I've been thinking about getting a place of my own," he admitted, not bothering to add that he was also thinking about asking Lis to move in with him as soon as he was well enough to be on his own. It would be better for everyone if he had his own place. Maybe there'd be less tension that way. "I don't want them playing tug of war over me." Part of the problem was he was just too kind to put his foot down with his sister, but until and unless he did, this little problem was likely to continue.

"Ted's not your responsibility to make everyone happy," the older Granger pointed out. "They're big girls, they can sort themselves out. And where love's concerned, you'd be surprised how civil people can be with each other rather than cause harm where they least want to."

"I like her, Dom. I like her a lot. She's the first woman I've met in a long time I can say that about. We are talking about going to Earth together to open a clinic somewhere." That statement alone should tell Dom how serious Edward was about his relationship with Lis.

"Then you can't let anyone else get in the way of your getting to know her better," Dom told him firmly. "You deserve to know if there truly is a future in a relationship with her, without worrying about anyone else getting in the way. Would you like me to talk to Brynne" I can get away with being the big mean cousin without jeopardizing your relationship with your sister."

"No, I don't need you fighting my battles for me. She'll take it better from me, but I think you're right. Brynne needs to see Lis in a different light, and that's not likely to happen so long as she's her maid." He hated the thought of asking Lis to quit her job with Brynne and Lila, but if she were to move in with him, she wouldn't really need the income anyway.

"As long as she's anyone's maid," Dom pointed out. "If you're serious about this clinic, then you should both be working on it. It's going to be a while until you're back to speed anyway, Ted. Make the most of it - have fun being a big brother and an uncle, and get your kit off with your lady." He winked mischievously. "Want me to send her up here now and run away with Lila for a couple of hours?"

"My kit?" he echoed with a laugh. "Yes, I'm sure Brynne would be happy to know I've been shagging the maid right under her nose," he said, which he hadn't been. Not yet, anyway. If they kept going the way they were going, it was only a matter of time, but ever since he'd returned to Juniper Lodge, things had been a little strained between them, as if neither knew quite how to approach the other.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:13 EST
"You look up to it," Dom teased him warmly, hoping he'd at least helped a little with the issue at hand. "Brynne's not off work for at least a couple of hours, and I know a little girl who's been dying to ride a couple of my bikes." He chuckled wickedly.

"You're going to get us both in trouble!" Edward warned his cousin with an amused grin. One, for encouraging Edward's growing relationship with Lis, and two, for taking Lila on a bike ride, but he couldn't deny the fact that he needed some time to talk to Lis alone, and that was hard to accomplish with Lila around.

"I'm a big boy, I can take it," the elder grinned cheerfully. He wasn't afraid of Brynne's temper, having had a pretty strong argument with her a couple of years back. He'd seen the worst, and was pretty sure he could take anything she laid out. After all, Lila was perfectly safe with him. "I think you could all do with a bit of space, actually."

"Maybe," Edward grudgingly admitted. "Is the garage apartment still empty?" he asked, though he didn't think he was quite well enough to move yet, the time would come soon enough.

"As far as I know, yes. Might need a bit of refurbishing, but Humph'll be happy to do that." Dom chuckled, rubbing a hand through his short hair. "The Old Man's happy to tackle any task that doesn't require him walking too far these days."

"I need to get up there to see him one of these days," Edward mused aloud. "He's bound to think I'm snubbing him!" he added with a laugh, though it was unlikely. It was no secret that he'd been ill, and his relationship with Humphrey had always been a good one.

"He'd love to see you, I'll bet," Dom nodded. "And you wouldn't need to worry about keeping him entertained. They've got a mad dog and two small children up there these days, not to mention the nutcase who married Jon in the first place." He said this with a fond laugh - he thoroughly approved of Jon's life choices, after all. He just found it hilarious that the actor who hadn't known where he was going had somehow ended up with a wife and two children.

"So I've heard," Edward replied with a grin. "Who would have thought Jon would end up back here?" he asked, happy for his once wayward cousin, glad he'd found the happiness he'd so desperately craved. A good woman tended to do that to a man, on occasion.

"He was certainly off the rails for a while there," Dom agreed, nodding. "He's done good, though. Success in every part of his life, finally - personally, and in his career. Seriously, mention the Oscar, and that wife of his will go and get it to show you. She's enormously proud of him."

"I'm happy for him," Edward remarked, the smile fading just a little. Now, if he could just find his own way, like so many of the others had. "Do you think he'll take over as family patriarch when Humphrey is gone" I always thought Caroline would take charge of the family. Or you, maybe. You're the eldest." He was only making conversation now. Edward didn't give a bloody fig who was in charge of the family, so long as it was someone who was willing to preserve everything the family had worked so hard to build here. Of course, he hoped that wouldn't be for some time yet, but they all knew Humphrey wouldn't live forever.

Dom laughed out loud at the thought of himself as head of the family. "I'm not the sort to stick in one place and hold everyone together," he guffawed loudly. "No, I think Caroline's got the company under control, but Jon might well end up being the Humph of our generation. Whether he wants it or not."

"Odd how things have turned out, isn't it?" he remarked thoughtfully, though the story wasn't over yet. They had many years ahead of them, and who knew what would transpire over the course of time"

"I'd say it's all turning out for the better," the older Granger nodded mildly. "It's good to have something static at the heart of things. Even better when it's built on love. Everything'll come good, Ted, you wait and see."

"Let's hope so," Edward replied, hopefully. Despite everything, he couldn't help but be hopeful, especially now that he'd met Lis. "I suppose I should go down and talk to Lis while I have the chance," he admitted, knowing it wouldn't be long before Brynne came home and tension brewed, once again.

Dom looked over at the clock. "I can give you until ....ooh, six, maybe seven," he said. "I'll call her and tell her I'm taking both of them to dinner." He winked, more than happy to be a co-conspirator if it solved a few issues. "No arguments from you, either, matey boy. Go and remind that quiet Latina why you're a catch she shouldn't pass up."

He couldn't help but laugh at that, though he wondered just how much of a catch he really was, especially right now. "Yes, I'm sure I look quite dashing in my pajamas," he said. And with a headful of messy blond curls.

"To the right woman, Ted, you could be disguised as an elderly minotaur, and she'd still fall for you, every time," his cousin assured him, patting his shin. "Right, I'd better go and scoop the Bean off the floor and call her mom. Brush your teeth first, though, okay?" He winked at Edward, genuinely glad to have the other man back home, even if it were only for a short while.

"It was good seeing you, old boy," Edward told his elder cousin, which was the closest he'd likely come to telling him he loved him. The two had been close when they'd been young, almost like brothers, and he was glad to know the years and the distance had done little to tear that closeness apart. He took the advice to heart, however, knowing he probably looked a wreck.

"It's good to see you," Dom answered, reaching down as he stood up to clasp his cousin's hand tightly. "Don't go getting yourself ill again unless you've got someone to take care of you, all right' Had me worried for a day or so there."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," he assured his older cousin, returning the handclasp. His grip had grown stronger over the past few weeks. A few weeks ago, he'd hardly been able to lift a hand, much less grasp hold of anything. He knew he had three women to thank for his recovery, including Lilabean. "Don't be a stranger," he warned.

"Just try keeping me away," was the parting shot, complete with a salute and a wink. Dom might not be the most predictable of the Grangers when it came to his presence in Rhy'Din, but when he was there, he was there for all of them if they needed him. "Have fun." His laughter was audible even through the closed door as he headed down the stairs.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:14 EST
Edward chuckled at the parting shot, sighing a little to himself as he debated what to do next, now that Dom had left him alone with Lis. Brush his teeth sounded like a good start, and he climbed from the bed, careful not to disturb the piles of books and papers on the bed to make his way to the bathroom to make himself halfway presentable.

From downstairs came the sound of Lila being bundled up in her coat once again, yelling her goodbyes to her uncle and to Lis as Dom audibly heaved the little girl off her feet and carried her bodily out through the front door. A minute or so later came the sound of Dom's favored motorbike revving up before it pulled away at a gentle pace.

Edward smiled to himself at the sound of activity one floor beneath him. Between them, they were going to spoil Lila rotten, but in his opinion, she deserved it. As he made his way into the bathroom, he sniffed at his pajamas to see if they were ripe. He'd just showered that morning, so he didn't think he really needed another one. Why Dom had suggested his brush his teeth was a mystery. Maybe he thought some there was going to be some kissing going on.

With the departure of the loud ones, the house fell quiet once again, as it always was when Lis was around. Apart from the occasional sound, she was remarkably good at seeming not to be there at all. As things stood, she was in the kitchen, preparing the meal for the evening, though it seemed as though only Edward would be there to eat it.

He finished with his teeth and examined his reflection in the mirror a moment, scowling at the face that looked back at him. Had it really been that long since he'd seen civilization' His hair was a mess and in need of a good cut, his face looked a bit drawn and ragged from illness, and his pajamas dangled off his slim frame, giving him a rumpled appearance. Should he dress, but what to wear" None of his clothes fit anymore, not until he regained the weight he'd lost, and he'd always been slim to begin with. He snagged a brush and tried to shove it through his hair, but it was no use.

After a while spent staring at his own reflection, he decided there wasn't much more he could do about his appearance. He tossed an over-sized sweater on over his pajamas, grabbed the half-empty cup of tea and started to make his way down the stairs, perking his hearing to locate Lis.

The radio was on quietly in the kitchen, underscored with the gentle tap of a knife slicing through vegetables, enough evidence as to where she was. She was humming along softly, her back to the door, a pan on the stove emitting the tempting scent of beef browning as she added vegetables to a larger pot standing off the heat. A large crusty loaf stood cooling on a rack to her right - evidently she was fully intent upon feeding up all of them, not just Edward.

He came to a halt in the doorway, watching her quietly for a moment, charmed by the quiet, gentle way about her. He smiled at her humming, wondering what it would be like to live together on their own, without his sister and niece to constantly watch over them. He cleared his throat to let her know he was there before stepping into the kitchen to set the tea cup in the sink. "I hope I'm not intruding."

The clearing of his throat made her smile as she lifted her head, looking around at him without being startled by his presence. "You are never intruding, Eduardo," she assured him in her soft way, setting down the knife to wipe her hands on a cloth as she turned to face him. "I am afraid Lila and your cousin have left."

"I know. I came downstairs to talk to you, not them. Is that all right?" he asked, uncertainly. It had been a few days since they'd had any meaningful conversation, and he wasn't quite sure how to start.

Her smile softened, dark eyes lit up with a sparkle that proved he was very welcome to be here with her. "Of course it is," she promised warmly. "I ....I have missed talking to you." I have missed kissing you, she added in the silence of her mind, but did not dare say it aloud. Since his return to Juniper Lodge, things had been ....awkward.

"I've missed talking to you, too," he replied, relieved, as he stepped closer, pulling up a stool to sit on beside her. "May I?" he asked before taking a seat, ever the gentleman.

Again, she smiled, a little bemused by his reverting to the gentlemanly good manners that had stilted their first few meetings. "You do not need to ask my permission, querido," she reminded him gently. "This is your home."

He frowned a little at her reply for some reason. "No, it's not," he said, lowering himself onto the seat. "It hasn't been my home for a long time. That's partly what I came down here to talk to you about."

Lis subsided at his frown, uncertain what she had said to disquiet him this time. It had been very different in her own apartment; easier, somehow, to be relaxed and herself with him, and it seemed as though he had found it easier, too. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Lis. Nearly good as new. Stop changing the subject," he told her, feeling the awkwardness between them that hadn't been there before. It was this house, and the fact that she was supposed to be in his employ. Or at least, in his sister's employ. His tone of voice was gentle, never demeaning or scolding, but he knew she was feeling as awkward as he was.

She ducked her head, turning back to her chopping - something, anything, not to have to meet his gaze as he talked, deathly afraid that she was going to be asked to leave and never come back. Afraid that being back in his sister's house had changed his mind about her altogether. "I am sorry," she apologized softly, her eyes on the knife as it sliced and diced.

"Don't be sorry," he told her, contradicting himself in a way, but needing to speak bluntly and honestly. "This isn't working, you know," he started. "It's not going to work so long as you're working for my sister." No, he wasn't giving her the brush off or the break-up speech. The exact opposite, in fact.

She stiffened, biting her lip. The chop of the knife stilled as she stared down at her hands, her cheeks flushing with hurt at the thought that he was telling her there was no hope, after all. "I have nowhere else to go," she said very quietly. "I could find somewhere else, to give you time to find someone else to take over here."

"No, that's not what I mean," he said, reaching over to turn her cheek to face him. "I mean, I would like you to move in with me, but not here. Somewhere else. I can't live here anymore. I'm only in the way, and Brynne will never accept us as a couple, until we make her see that we are serious about being together."

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:15 EST
Her eyes turned to his as he touched her cheek, the fear of hurt fading as she quietly absorbed what it was he was saying to her. "You-you would truly like this?" she asked him softly. "I do not wish to cause pain in your family, querido. But I cannot deny that I should like to have leisure to learn to love you, without fear that Miss Granger will find a way to get rid of me."

"Unless you have changed your mind, yes, I would. I like you very much, Lis, and I would like time to get to know you better. I'm afraid that's never going to happen so long as we both stay here," he explained, his fingers in gentle caress of her cheek.

Not only did he see her relax, he felt the tension bleed out of her, tension she had been carrying since Brynne had informed her that she was in this house to work and no more, shortening her hours in the process. "My mind has not changed," she told Edward fervently. "Neither has my heart. But where would we go' And if she is truly so stubborn, then I shall have to find another job anyway."

"You don't need a job, love," he replied with the quirk of a smile on his face. Had she not noticed that his family was loaded" Had she forgotten the plans they had made for the future while he'd been convalescing at her flat' "The sky is the limit, you know. We can go anywhere we want, do anything we want." Though he knew both of them were a little too pragmatic for such lofty dreams as that.

"I would not know what to do with myself, once you are well again," she pointed out with a wry smile of her own. It wasn't that she hadn't noticed his family were very well provided for; more that she had been raised with a strong sense of self-sufficiency that was going to be very difficult to break her of. "Unless ....unless we truly do build a clinic where it is needed."

"There will be plenty for you to do!" he exclaimed with a smile and a sparkle in his eyes that promised he was well on his way to recovery. He reached for her hands to grasp them between his own, the chopping of vegetables forgotten, his heart soaring with hope. "You can help me with the book, and then, when I'm better, we can start looking for a place to build a clinic, just like we planned."

Her fingers curled through his with barely a thought for the residue she was leaving on his hands, her own hope clear and distinct in the dark sparkle of her eyes. "Then I would very much like to do this," she nodded, a little ashamed of the relief that turned her gaze a little wet in the wake of how braced she had been for the very worst. "With you."

"Are you sure" It won't be easy. At least, not at first. We'll probably have to wade through some red tape and secure financing, but I'm pretty sure my uncle will be happy to give us enough funding to start us off," he said, looking almost like he was about fit to burst with excitement. It was the most animated she'd seen him since he'd arrived home, sick and weary with exhaustion.

It was truly a delight to see him so animated, so excited, and not even hinting at swaying off the stool he was perched on in the process. She couldn't help laughing a little at the sheer sense of freedom that had settled on her with plans begun for the future. "I-I have some money put aside, I could help a little," she offered, though she was beginning to realize that Edward was more likely to insist she spend her savings on herself than on a dream that was growing closer to fruition each time they spoke.

As predicted, he chuckled at her suggestion. No matter how much money she had managed to save, it would likely be a drop in the bucket to what would be needed to fulfill their dream. "You keep your money. You worked hard for it. That's what philanthropists and fund-raisers are for." It seemed he'd had some time to think about all this while he was convalescing in his sickbed the last three weeks.

"You will not let me give even a little toward our cause?" she asked, the twinkle in her eye just giving away that she was teasing him with her earnest expression. Just a few minutes of frank honesty, and the easiness had returned to them. It had to be this house that was the problem.

Not so much the house as the sister who seemed so against them being together. "All right. I'll let you contribute..." He seemed to consider thoughtfully a moment. "Ten silvers, not a silver more!" he teased, though he didn't really care if she contributed at all. Her contribution was far more valuable than any sum of money.

Her mouth fell open in protest at the paltry sum he named, even as she laughed, wriggling a hand free to poke at his shoulder. "You are a tease, Eduardo," she informed him with teasing archness. "And you will go hungry this evening if I do not finish this stew."

He only grinned back at her. If she only knew. One of these days, he was going to feel well enough to show her just what a tease he could really be. He would have argued with her that he could live on love alone, but he knew she would only laugh at him and insist he would not get better if he didn't eat. "All right. Finish the stew, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm afraid you're stuck with me, Miss Espinoza," he teased back at her.

Laughing, she stuck her tongue out at him, turning back to her chopping. "S", Se"or Granger," she winked back at him, shaking her head as she returned to her work. There wasn't much to do with it, to be honest - the last of the vegetables added to the stock, and the beef, too, and then left to simmer for a couple of hours.

He smiled, charmed not only by her sweet nature but by the Spanish accent. "I was thinking perhaps we'd move in together, if that's all right with you." He had already mentioned that, but wanted to make sure it was all right with her. "I'm sure my uncle would be happy to let us live here at the Grove, while we're in Rhy'Din," he suggested. While her apartment was charming, it was almost too small for two people, and he wanted her to be comfortable.

If she was honest, her apartment was virtually too small for one person. And she couldn't deny the excited feeling that flipped about inside her at the thought of actually living with Edward. "I would like that," she nodded in agreement, setting the heat on beneath the pan before turning to wipe up after herself. "If you are certain. I have never lived with anyone but family before. My habits may not be so very person friendly."

"What habits are those?" he asked, watching from his perch on the stool while she got dinner going and cleaned up after herself. He had yet to find anything about her that he found annoying or distasteful. "Are you going to tell me you snore" Drool" Pass gas in bed?" he teased.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:16 EST
"Drool?" She laughed, certain he had made that word up, slipping past him in search of a damp cloth to wipe down the surface. "You are teasing me still. I do not think there is such a word, I think you are wanting to make an imp of me."

"An imp?" he echoed with a chuckle. "Do you even know what an imp is?" he asked, wondering what she thought of the mythological creatures that made Rhy'Din their home. It wasn't anything unusual to him, but for someone who was new here, the place could be a little frightening.

She paused, one hip against the counter as she considered him, glad he was laughing but truly at a loss as to what had caused that laughter. "I have said something wrong?" she assumed, one brow rising curiously above her smile.

"I think you might have your words confused, darling," he said. "Drool....hmm, let me think how to say that in Spanish." He tapped a finger against his chin, but the word just wouldn't come to him. "Drool, it is when saliva drips from your chin, like this," he said, trailing a finger down his chin to pantomime the action.

"Oh, like dogs?" Possibly not quite what he had been getting at, but it was as good an analogy as any, and certainly a clear one. She tossed the cloth into the sink, wiping her hands dry on the towel before hanging it up. There was a brief pause, in which she blushed deeply at the wander of her thoughts. "I ....I have nothing else to do until dinner is ready to be served," she admitted shyly. "Should I go and come back?"

"Yes, exactly like that!" he declared, a little too happy to have finally helped her make the connection. Not that there was anything canine about her in the least. "Go?" he asked, the smile fading, looking a little confused. "Why would you go?"

"I ....if I do not go, then I think I will do something that is not ....not right to do with my employer," she tried to explain herself, her blush deepening as she looked down at her fidgeting fingers. She truly did have no idea how to be alone with him. Not yet, anyway.

"Ah, but I am not your employer," he pointed out helpfully, charmed by her blush and glad Brynne had not completely frightened her off of the idea of being with him. "And what is that, Lis?" he asked, not daring to touch her, only wondering what it was she was thinking.

She looked down at her sneakers, watching her toes curl up and down off the floor as she forced her fidgeting fingers into the back pockets of her jeans, partially wishing she had remembered to take the clasp out of her hair so she could hide behind it. "I-I would like to kiss you, Eduardo."

"What is stopping you, Lissy?" he asked, not moving from the stool on which he sat, letting her set the pace and make the first move, though he though if he ever wanted to get anywhere, he might have to be a little more assertive.

Her gaze flickered up to his, the by now familiar mixture of humiliated embarrassment and shy hope obvious in her eyes. She was truly ashamed of having reached almost thirty with absolutely no knowledge of this sphere of male/female relationships. "I do not think I do it so very well."

"Kissing?" he asked, both brows arching. He knew she didn't have much experience where love was concerned, but everyone had to start somewhere. "They say practice makes perfect," he teased, his fingers finding her cheek and leaning in to touch his lips to hers in a soft, sweet sharing of affection.

It was so easy to feel her nerves as his lips found hers; easier still to feel those nerves fade as she relaxed into him, so certain that he was the expert and that her own attempts must surely be disappointing him. Shy and warm, her arms crept about his waist as he kissed her, very slowly growing accustomed to sharing such physical affection.

He felt a wave of desire flow through him, the likes of which he hadn't felt in years. What was it about her that made him feel so alive again? He remained where he was on the stool, his fingers trailing through her hair, around to the back of her neck to pull her deeper into his kiss.

For her part, Lis had never met anyone who could make her feel this way; filled with confidence and nerves in the same instant, certain that if he stopped, she would implode. Her sneakers squeaked against the tile as he drew her in, the soft gasp that parted her lips more than enough to bring this kiss to heights she'd not explored yet. But, oh, how she wanted to explore them with Edward.

"When will my sister be home?" he asked her between slow, languid kisses, taking his time with her, though his heart was pounding with desire. He wanted to take his time with her, to learn her and teach her the finer points of love, but until they had a place of their own, there was no time. Dom and Lila could be back any minute, and what if Brynne decided to come home early"

For a moment, she struggled to find words to answer, caught up in his kisses, her mind clouded with this unfamiliar longing. "Not until ....until six," she murmured finally, her fingers creeping up to touch his cheek as they traded kisses back and forth. "Your cousin said ....said he was taking them to dinner."

"Hmm," Edward murmured, touching his lips to her neck, wondering if he gave Dom a call, his cousin could run interference for him and meet Brynne at work, giving him a few more hours alone with Lis. "Give me a moment to make a call?" he asked, breaking away from her kisses before they both got carried away. Whether anything developed between them or not, he didn't want to chance Brynne walking in on them at an inopportune time. He really was going to have to talk to his sister in the next few days and arrange to get a place of his own.

The sounds that almost tumbled from her lips as his kisses found her neck was certainly encouraging, a soft pleading sort of sound that rumbled from her chest as her fingers tightened in the folds of his sweater. "I ....S", yes ....yes, of course," she whispered, however slow she was to slip back from him.

"I think I might be able to buy us some time," he explained as she unwound herself from him and stepped back. He inhaled deeply to catch his breath. She had apparently had quite an effect on him.

He wasn't the only one who came away from that embrace breathless. Lis bit her lip, her smile still shy but glowing with affection as she stepped away, smoothing her hands over her hips.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:17 EST
Was he bold enough to dare making love to her, right here in broad daylight with his family expected home in a few hours" Or did she just want to share kisses and go slow" How was he to know what she wanted" "I, um, I'll just make a quick phone call," he said, clearly flustered, though she had been the one to admit to her own desires.

How was she to know what she wanted" All Lis really knew was that she wanted to be closer to him, however he wanted that to be, more than ready to set aside her nerves if she possibly could. But not knowing whether or not Brynne was going to veto Dom's plan and come home early was a concern she didn't want to entertain; the last thing Lis wanted was to be the cause of any more friction between the siblings. She nodded in agreement as he told her what he intended, dark eyes a-glow with warm promise.

He went off in search of his phone, which was more than likely upstairs in his old room, hidden amongst the papers on his bed. It only took a few minutes to make the call to Dom and explain that he needed a few hours alone with Lis, though he wasn't sure what those few hours were going to entail. They could just as easily end up playing a game of backgammon as making love.

Dom had apparently taken Lila to an indoor playground to wait for Brynne to get out of work, if the sounds in the background were anything to go by. He was encouraging, though, promising to lay the charm on thick and get a good long heart to heart out of Brynne after dinner - which she had actually agreed to. He insisted there would be no interruptions until at least half seven, a good three hours of alone-time.

Relieved, but nervous, Edward slipped back down the stairs to rejoin Lis, wherever it was she was waiting for him. "Well, I managed to buy us a few hours. They shouldn't be back until a little after seven," he told her. Now what"

It said a fair bit about Lis that she hadn't left the kitchen, uselessly stirring the stew before turning it down to simmer properly. It was a slow cook, after all. She turned as Edward came back into the kitchen, lifting a warm, shy smile in answer. "Then we have a little time."

"We do," he replied, in agreement. "So, um....What should we do?" he asked, uncertainly. Now that they were assured a few hours alone together, he was feeling more awkward than ever.

"I do not know," she confessed with a shy shrug of her shoulders, shoving her hands into the back pockets of her jeans before she could start fidgeting this time. She cast around for something to say, finally hitting on something that might be suitable. "How is the book coming along?"

He mirrored that shrug, feeling silly and awkward and not very romantic. How was he supposed to create a romantic atmosphere when he was still in his pajamas" "It's slow going, I must admit, but I've ten years of journals to wade through." He paused a moment as a thought came to him. "Would you-would you like to see what I have so far?"

Her eyes lit up above her smile, truly delighted to be asked to see his work. "I would," she nodded warmly. "Oh, I would very much like to see your work, Eduardo. If you truly wish to show me, I ....I do understand that it is very personal to you."

"Yes, well....If it's going to be published, it won't be so very personal anymore, will it' Besides, I could use an unbiased opinion. It's difficult deciding what makes for interesting reading and what doesn't." He paused again, unsure if he should bring his work downstairs or bring her upstairs. "It's, um....Shall I bring what I have downstairs, then?"

She shook her head. "Why should you bring downstairs what you will only have to take back up later?" she pointed out, not seeming to realize that this would put both of them in very close proximity to one another, not to mention a bed. "I should come up. It will save you that extra journey."

"Good point," he replied, though he wasn't quite sure if she realized that going upstairs could prove tempting to both of them. "Well, um....I'll just lead the way then," he said, feeling awkward again. She knew the way well enough, though he insisted on taking the lead.

She moved to follow him, feeling that sense of awkwardness between them once again. But it felt different this time - it wasn't an awkwardness born of his sister's stubbornness, but something they had somehow created themselves. As they mounted the stairs, she dared to slip her hand into his, needing to reassure herself, and perhaps him, that nothing had changed.

He was grateful for the touch of her hand in his as they ascended the stairs to his room. Whether anything came of this or they just shared a few hours of companionship, it didn't really matter. They'd be together soon enough in their own space, free to do whatever they wanted without fear of anyone intruding. "I heard back from Zahan. I'm trying to arrange for a visit."

"Oh, that is wonderful, querido," Lis declared, delighted for him. He had seemed so undecided when she had suggested that he write to the little girl who had captured his heart so thoroughly; she was very pleased to hear that he had gone through with it, after all. "I am sure she would be mooning over coming to visit you."

"I hope so. It will be difficult explaining Rhy'Din," he admitted, worriedly. It seemed there was always something or other to worry over. If her adoptive parents decided he was a nutcase, it was likely he'd never see her again. "I'd like her to meet Lila."

"She is a child," she pointed out gently with a smile. "She will not struggle so much with it, and if it is her parents you are concerned with, then why not ask them to come for a couple of days themselves" Allow them to meet you, and to understand how close you are to Zahan, as well as introducing them to Rhy'Din themselves."

"That's what I was thinking, too," he admitted, as they turned the corner into his room, the bed strewn with books and papers and his laptop. His phone at least had been moved to a table. The room itself wasn't too messy, other than the stuff that was strewn across the bed. "Sorry about the mess," he found himself saying.

She smiled at his apology, stroking the back of his hand without thinking. It was a rather sweet gesture to reassure him, all the more so for being without conscious thought. "I do not see mess," she told him. "I see dreams and hopes and ambitions."

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:17 EST
"You're too kind," he replied with a smile, reassured by her gentle words and reassuring touch. He reluctantly let go of her hand so that he could go over to the bed and gather up some of the clutter, clearing space for one of them to sit, since there was only one chair in the room. "Please, sit..." he told her, gesturing toward the only chair in the room. It was a small, simple room, the bed taking center stage, surrounded by a dresser, desk and single chair. What he really needed, if he was serious about this project, was an office.

She watched him clearing space on his bed, moving to take the seat Dom had abandoned not so long ago. One part of her noted Lila's school bag still on the floor as she swallowed her grin at the realization that the little girl really had run straight up to her uncle the moment she got home. "Where have you got to?"

"Not far, I'm afraid," he replied, stooping to lift a pile of books off the bed and transfer them to the desk. Some were journals - leather-bound, speckled, and otherwise - while others were for reference and research. "I didn't realize how much material I had until I started going through it."

"You have several years of experiences to go through," she agreed warmly. "Even setting them down in a timeline will be a job, but you must choose which stories to tell and which to leave be. It is a great task."

"It is," he agreed. "I didn't realize how daunting a task it is until I got started. I could really use all the help I can get." And that, hopefully, was where she came in. If she wasn't working for Brynne, maybe she'd have time to help him with his book.

"I-I could help, if you would like it," Lis offered. It hadn't occurred to her that if they moved in together and she quit this job, she would be in the perfect position to do just that. "I do not know the stories you would wish to tell, but I could help you with the timeline, and with the research behind such things."

"You can help me sort out which stories are worth telling." There were so many of them, after all. Stories about people, mostly, and the difficulties and challenges they faced on a daily basis. He took a seat on the bed and exhaled a sigh. Though he was feeling much better than he had been, he still wore out quickly. It would take some time before he was back to normal.

Concern flickered through her eyes at his sigh, but to her credit, she didn't fuss. She inched forward to the edge of the chair, leaning onto her knees as she smiled at him. "Perhaps you are looking too much at the big picture," she suggested softly. "Perhaps if you were to break down what you need to do into steps, and focus only on each step as it comes, it will not seem so very overwhelming."

"Perhaps," he admitted agreeably. He'd been thinking along similar lines himself. Small steps, Edward, he told himself, thinking that same advice probably applied to his advances toward Lis. "The first thing to do is to go through the journals, I think, and sort out which stories are worth telling."

"And it is a big job to do that in itself," she pointed out. Her fingers gently stroked the cover of the uppermost journal, unable to hide her interest in the content, not just to understand the past years of his life, but to understand him, too. "There is so much of you in these books. It is a brave thing, to share it."

He shrugged again, as if it wasn't all that big a deal really. "People should know what?s going on there, besides what they read in the news. You know, I don't think people really appreciate the suffering of others until you make it personal."

"You do not give yourself enough credit," she told him in a gentle tone, reaching out to capture his hand between her own. "How many have worked themselves into illness, and even in recovery have chosen to devote themselves to the same cause" You are a very special man, Edward. I am privileged to know you."

"I'm not so sure about that, but thank you," he replied, with a slightly-embarrassed, slightly-shy smile, glancing to the hand she held between her own. "I only wish to make a difference in the world," he said, not really understanding why more people didn't feel that way.

"I am very sure about it," Lis insisted fervently, her fingers moving smoothly over his hand beneath his gaze. "And you have made a difference. Even if it is for only one or two people, it is a difference no one else could have made. And your commitment to it is what makes you so very special."

"I think you're special, too, Lis," he replied, lifting his gaze to meet hers. "I'm not very good with this sort of thing, and I know it's rather sudden, but I think I'm falling for you, Lis. I think we could be good for each other."

For a moment, the familiar hint of confusion showed itself in her eyes, a sign that his use of language had lost her briefly. Her hands tightened on his as she smiled her shy smile once again. "I do not understand "falling for you?," she admitted awkwardly. "But I do not think it is sudden. I ..." She sighed, frustrated with herself for not being as comfortable in this shared language as she was in her own. "Te quiero, Eduardo, eso es todo."

He arched a brow, clearly surprised by her confession, but pleasantly so. He understood enough Spanish to know what she'd said, enough to be able to repeat the words with almost perfect pronunciation. "Te quiero, Lisbeth," he told her in quiet reply, touching her cheek as he leaned closer to gaze into her eyes.

The darkness of her eyes lit up as he answered her in kind. It might well have seemed too soon, but she had no other word for the way she felt, whether she was with him or not. He was a part of her heart; she only knew one way to describe such a feeling. With a soft laugh, she closed the distance between them, lips capturing his without hesitation to seal the unspoken promise that came with those words. Brynne was going to kill her, but frankly, she didn't care.

He returned her kiss, as soft and warm and gentle as he had before, but with something deeper behind that kiss, something more meaningful. Was it too soon to express his feelings? Maybe, but life was too short, as it was. He knew what he wanted, and what he wanted was her.

At least he could be certain she wasn't dazzled by his extraordinary good looks or dazed by his love making. All Lis knew was the man himself - the personality and mind that had called to her from their first meeting, and it was Edward she had fallen in love with. Not love at first sight, perhaps, but something that had grown over the course of his convalescence thus far, through the time they had spent together in close quarters. No wonder she had been so very afraid that he had changed his mind about her.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:18 EST
She had been unexpected, to be certain. He had never expected to meet someone like her, much less fall in love with her. He'd been just as afraid that she might have changed her mind about him, relieved to find she had not. Though the kiss he offered her was undemanding, it was full of warmth and affection and an underlying passion that promised so much more.

His kiss may have been undemanding, but there was a certain sense of longing in her own as she slid from the chair, one knee on the bed beside him as her hands moved to cradle his jaw. All she needed was time for her confidence to grow; time with him, no matter their activity.

He wound his arms around her waist, drawing her toward him as their lips met again and again, each kiss a little more passionate than the last. He didn't want to pressure her or force her to do anything she wasn't ready for, willing to take his time and follow her lead. The best things in life were worth waiting for, after all.

Whether this was what Dom had expected to happen or not, he'd certainly provided them with the time to discover that they were each burning a torch for the other without speaking of it. Drawn closer to Edward, Lis felt herself tremble as her fingertips poured into his hair, following him as much as he followed her. The shifting sound of paper on the bed made her gasp softly, gently breaking their kisses. "Your notes ..."

"Hmm?" he murmured distractedly as her fingers found their way into his hair and her lips broke from his. "Oh." He turned to find some papers still strewn across the bed, and he unwound himself from her embrace to gather them into his arms. "Sorry," he apologized again for the mess, which wasn't really all that messy to begin with.

She blushed once again, moving to help him tidy the various papers away. "I do not want to leave you in disarray," she apologized herself, setting the loose leaf pile down on the table beside his journals. Her eyes lifted to his as her voice lowered gently. "I do not wish to leave you at all."

He set down his own pile of papers on the table, his fingers brushing hers, lifting his head to find her looking into his eyes, her voice just barely audible. "Then don't," he said simply, though he knew it wasn't all that simple. It was clear they could no longer stay here, not if they wanted to be together, and he was well enough now that he didn't need his sister fussing over him any longer - especially when he had Lis to do the same thing. "Tomorrow," he promised. "I'll talk to Humphrey tomorrow, and we'll get a place of our own."

The thought of not having to leave when the lady of the house returned made her smile, however much a dream that thought might be. Her hand rose to gently touch his cheek with a soft caress. "I will go wherever you go, as long as you allow me to."

"Well, then, I should think we will be together a very long time," he said with a smile. Though it was too soon to propose, he could not imagine his life without her anymore and could only hope that she felt the same. He sighed again as another thought came to him - one he was dreading. "I'll talk to Brynne tonight and explain."

Her smile deepened at his reply, though faded at the sigh that swept from him barely a moment later. "I could stay a little longer, to help," she offered, though if she was perfectly honest, she didn't want to be in the same room as Brynne Granger's temper again. It was an uncomfortable feeling, to be labeled a Jezebel simply for falling in love.

"No, I think it would be better if I talk to her alone," he said, not only for her sake. He thought Brynne was more likely to listen to him if he spoke with her privately than if Lis was there with him. She had to let him go sooner or later and let him live his own life and make his own decisions, even if she didn't like them or approve.

She nodded, a little ashamed of how relieved she felt not to have to endure Brynne's company. The two women could get along very well, and would, once these tensions were laid to rest, but for now, Lis felt too intimidated by her employer to say more than "yes" and "no" these days. "I am sorry to make things so painful for you," she apologized softly. "But I am not sorry for loving you."

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. Brynne just worries about me too much. Deep down, she really does care. She just doesn't want to see me get hurt. When she sees how serious we are about each other, she'll change her mind. You'll see." It might take weeks or even months for his sister to accept Lis in his life, but he was confident it would eventually happen.

"I hope very much that it comes about as you say," she nodded, daring to gently brush a kiss to his cheek. Each offering of affection she gave him, however small, seemed to build a little more of the confidence he was giving her in her own ability to love without disaster. "I will try not to upset her, if I can."

He smiled when her lips touched his cheek, touched by the gentle display of affection. He shrugged his shoulders again. "It's not your fault if she gets upset, Lis. It's her, not you."

"She would not be so upset if it was not for me," she pointed out softly. A sparkle of something fierce touched her gaze, however. "But I will not let you go unless you ask me to. Te amo. I have not ever felt this way for anyone before."

His fingers grazed her cheek in a gentle caress. "Why would I ask you to go, now that I've found you?" he queried quietly with a small frown on his face. "I've never felt this way either," he added. Oh, sure, he'd had a few girlfriends and even a couple of brief flings, but he had never cared for anyone the way he cared for her.

"I am glad," she murmured, her cheek tilting into his touch as her eyes fluttered closed. The bloom rose on her skin once again as her eyes opened once more, shy invitation in her eyes. "I do not know what to do, but I am longing to learn."

There was that uncertain frown again, not wanting to push her any farther than she wanted to go. "Lis, I..." He stammered a moment, not exactly confident of his skills in the bedroom. It wasn't that he didn't know what to do, only that he wasn't quite sure where to start or how far to go. Then again, they were both consenting adults; there were no children here. Oh, hell. He leaned in to kiss her again, deepening the kiss more than he had before.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:19 EST
The barest murmur of sound traveled from her lips to his as he kissed her once more, her hands creeping up to curl to his cheek and neck as she unconsciously leaned into him, innocently eager in answering that kiss with her own. His uncertainty might have concerned her, if she had not been able to feel his heart in the way he kissed her, the way he touched her, trusting in him not to push her away as she had been so afraid he might. They seemed to be on the brink of something she was not too innocent to guess at, and there was no fear in her. It was Edward; so long as he loved her, she didn't think she would be afraid again.

There was nothing to fear, really. He'd rather die than hurt her. Left alone here with her, he wasn't sure just what was going to happen between them or how far they were going to go, nor did it matter. She had told him she loved him, and that was all that mattered. He put all he was feeling into his kisses and caresses, following his instincts, taking it slow and easy, but not too slow. Though he lacked the awkwardness of a teenager, it was like it was the first time all over again.

Drawn into his arms as they traded kisses back and forth, her own hands began a tentative creep down over his shoulders, wrapping her arms about his waist as she dared to try and match each kiss he gave her with his own. At some point, the clasp in her hair gave up the ghost, pinging free to land on the floor with a thump that was utterly ignored in the tumble of black hair over her shoulders.

Her hair, in his opinion, was one of her best features, and as the clip found its way loose, his fingers found their way into her hair, savoring the silken feel of it against his fingers. If asked, he wasn't sure he'd be able to choose a favorite feature. He loved the dark of her eyes and her soft sweet lips, the way her hair tumbled over her shoulders, the soft curve of her body that he'd tried so hard to ignore. But no more. He needn't worry about that anymore. She had declared her love for him, and though he didn't feel himself worthy, he loved her just the same.

Somehow, her fingers managed to work themselves beneath the out-sized sweater he wore, easing up beneath the pajama shirt that lay underneath it, smoothing her touch over the warm skin of his back. Was it bravery, confidence, desire, or a mixture of the three guiding her to touch him as his fingers combed through her hair" She couldn't have said, only that he felt wonderful to her touch.

Thankfully, he had filled out a little since she had first met him, though he was still and always would be on the slim side. Encouraged by her touch, his fingers found their way down her back to the hem of her shirt, hesitating a moment, as his lips trailed away from hers to leave a trail of soft kisses against her neck and along her shoulder.

She had seen him at his worst, three weeks before, though he doubtless did not recall her stripping him down to sleep after their minor disaster of a first date. Yet that memory was far from her mind as his lips traveled down her neck, her breath staggered against his ear as she rose and fell on her toes, pressing tighter to him with each movement.

He pulled her down to the bed with him, now that it had been cleared of papers and books, hands daring to sneak beneath her shirt, fingers skating against her flesh, wanting to go farther, but hesitating, even as his lips captured hers again and pressed farther, deepening the kiss to explore her with lips and tongue and mouth.

Untouched as she was, there was no hesitation in the way she followed him down onto the bed, nor the gentle shift beneath his touch as he found her skin to explore with those long fingers of his. Lingering with him, exchanging kisses that only seemed to grow in passion, a century could have passed, and Lis would not have noticed. Everything she wanted was right here, in her arms, and she was determined to get the sweater off him sooner rather than later.

He helped with the sweater, shrugging it off his shoulders without much thought. Brynne and Lila and Dom were the furthest thing from his mind now, his attention completely focused on Lis. It wasn't difficult to tell that he wanted her, as evidenced from the hitch in his breath, the tension in his muscles, the desperation of his kisses. "Lis," he whispered, as his lips momentarily parted from hers. "I want you," he told her, needing her to not only know how he felt, but needing her permission if he was to go any farther.

In the tangle of their limbs as they lay together on his bed, in the heady rush of kisses shared and touches dared, she had momentarily lost her grip on their shared language, answering him in the Spanish that came so easily to her lips. "Te amo. Te deseo mi amor, s" ..." Did he know enough to understand that she was answering in kind? Perhaps not, but there was no mistaking the breathless hunger in her eyes and voice.

He knew enough Spanish to understand she was giving him the permission he so craved, but it was more the way she said the words than their actual meaning that encouraged him onward. Hopefully, Dom would keep his word and keep Brynne away a while longer, or there would be hell to pay, but he didn't really care. This had been his home as much as hers, and after everything he'd been through, he deserved the love of a woman as much as anyone. Wasting no more time, since there was so little of it to waste, he drew her shirt upwards, enjoying the view that was revealed to his eyes.

The blush that so charmed him on her face spread over her skin as her shirt fell away, warm with shy desire, trying to be confident enough not to hide herself from his gaze as her lips sought his once more, drawing her fingertips tenderly against his cheek. She had no room in her head for anything but him, any foolish fear of what was happening swept away by the affection that drove it.

"So lovely, Lis," he murmured as his eyes admired the view that was only a hint of the beauty that was Lis. He drew the shirt over her head, before smoothing his hands against her sides and over her breasts, still safely hidden beneath the lace of her bra. His lips touched her neck, her throat, leaving a trail of kisses moving ever downward, hands reaching around to her back to free her of that barrier of lace and allow him to explore her further with mouth and hands.

She didn't know he saw beauty when he looked at her. All she knew was what she saw when she looked at him, absorbing the slenderness of his form with no hint of disgust for the thinness that still suggested itself over his bones. She saw the strength and the weakness, and loved him for both of them, fingertips drawing the buttons of his shirt undone even as she gasped at the gentle loosening of the clasp at her back. She was in his hands and felt no concern, nuzzling kisses against the tousled blonde curls that adorned his head, murmuring her love over and over again.

Whether he'd been sick or not, it seemed he had enough strength for this, or maybe her love just helped him find some reserve of strength inside him that he wasn't aware of. He'd worried that she'd find him undesirable, especially now that he was little more than a bag of bones, but he was too far gone to worry much about that now, letting his instincts take over, reveling in all that was Lis. He was tender with her, gentle and patient and loving, each soft caress given in love and affection and a desire that was not wholly physical, but of the heart, too.

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:20 EST
Quite how it happened, she was never sure - not even when she looked back on this moment in times to come - but somehow Lis found herself naked in his arms, trading kisses and caresses that came as naturally to her as breathing. Experience, it seemed, counted for little when love was there to guide you, drawing her onward as she shared tenderness with her Eduardo. It was new, but familiar, too; sensation pouring through her serving only to urge her on as they seemed to meld together, body, heart, and soul.

There was pain, but it was brief, hardly worth mentioning when compared to the pleasure passed back and forth between two new lovers as they slowly discovered and learned each other. Kisses and caresses exchanged, their bodies melding and tangled together in a lovers' embrace. Breath shared, moans of pleasure and whispered entreaties of love and affection between the pair of new lovers, until both were lying together, breathless and exhausted in each other's arms.

Lis truly believed she had never felt so safe, so loved, as she did lying in Edward's arms. As her breath returned to her, so did her wits, and though she blushed at the intimacy they had just shared, she did not try to hide or run away. The tip of her nose circled his as she murmured to him, making a concerted effort this time to speak in the language they shared. "I love you," she whispered to him tenderly. "Greater than the moon in the sky, I love you."

"I love you, Lis, but I don't deserve you," he murmured quietly as he held her close, feeling warm and happy and content, but completely unworthy of her love. But then, what was it about him that he felt so unworthy' Was it because he knew he was no great catch' He was nothing special to look at, and though he had money, money didn't buy happiness. He had learned over the years that richness of the soul was far more precious than how much money one had in their bank accounts.

Her lips brushed his, silencing those thoughts before they could become words. "Even I know doubt is an enemy," she murmured, content to lie languidly in his arms for as long as they could dare. "I know my heart, and I trust yours. No matter how you think of yourself, querido, I will love you."

"You're so beautiful, Lis. You could do so much better than me," he said, obviously not thinking too much of himself, especially compared to some of the other Granger men. It seemed there was nary a one that was not known for his good looks, and Dom was no exception. He wondered if Lis was to compare the two, if she'd still find him as desirable.

"No, I do not think I could," she disagreed, shaking her head warmly. "I love you. No one else could possibly come close to you in my heart, querido. And I will not have you putting yourself down. You are wonderful, just as you are."

"You're the one who's wonderful," he countered softly, though he was smiling now as he brushed her hair back from her face, fingers gently tracing her cheek. "I'm so lucky to have you," he told her quietly, though there was no one there to hear but her.

"You will always have me," she promised him tenderly, nestling just that little bit closer to him as he smiled. "And I will never feed you broth again," she added with a teasing little chuckle on her breath, smoothing her arms about him once more. She'd heard a few of his choicer comments on the menu that had been suggested to him when he'd come back to the Lodge.

He laughed at her comment, knowing she'd had a very good reason for limiting his diet. "With any luck, it will never be necessary again," he replied, hopefully. He glanced passed her at the clock that stood on the table beside the bed. "We should probably get dressed," he said with a frown. A few hours had already passed since he'd called Dom, and the last thing he wanted was for Brynne to find them in a compromising situation.

She followed his gaze to the clock, and blinked in surprise, biting her lip. "Your dinner should be ready to eat by now," she assured him, fingertips smoothing his frown away as she smiled, touching a kiss to the tip of his nose. "So we should get up, yes."

"I suppose we should," he replied, though he didn't really want to move from this spot, especially without knowing when they might have the opportunity and the privacy to do this again. "Lis, I meant what I said. I love you, and I want to be with you. It doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks, but us."

"Shh." Her smile deepened as she laid her finger against his lips. "You do not listen well, do you, querido?" she asked him impishly. "I trust you. I trust your heart. I know I am shy, and I have not all the words all the time, but I know what I feel. And what I feel is for you." Her hand laid itself, palm flat, over his heart as her smile softened lovingly.

He curled his fingers around her hand, before lifting it to his lips for a kiss. "I do not really know what to say to that," he admitted, never having heard anything of the like from anyone before in his whole life. Whatever Brynne or anyone else thought, this was one woman he was not letting slip through his fingers.

"You do not need to say anything," she whispered to him, fierce in her defense of her heart and his right not to have the words to describe what she felt from him each time he looked at her. "But you do need to eat, and to do that, you must not be naked, or Lila will see far more than she should when she comes running in through the kitchen."

That much was true, anyway, and he found himself chuckling at the visual it created in his mind of his niece running away screaming from the view. "No, I suppose that would not be a pleasant sight." Not for a ten-year-old anyway. He pressed his lips against her forehead before rolling away to retrieve his pajamas, which were scattered on the floor somewhere.

As he rolled away, she blushed at her own boldness in admiring him from where she lay, reluctantly moving herself to gather her clothing from where it lay scattered by the bed. Shy of her nudity, nonetheless she did not try to hide herself, daring to share gentle touches as each layer went on, hiding what they had shared together. "I will make the bed, before you settle in tonight."

"You don't have to," he told her, cupping her face in his hands and smoothing the hair back from her face. Though Brynne paid her to work as a maid and cook, Edward didn't want her to feel she was obligated to clean up after him or cater to his whims, especially now that they were together. "Should I break the news to Brynne or do you want to give her a few weeks to find a replacement?"

"I want to," she told him softly. "Am I not allowed to look after you, now we have ..." She didn't know a good word that wasn't rude in some way, her voice trailing off as she blushed deeply once again. His query about his sister gentled her smile. She felt a little more confident about that now. "Tell her," she said gently. "She will talk to me, there is no way to prevent it. But I will not leave here without someone to take my place, whether she wishes me to or not."

Lisbeth Granger

Date: 2015-01-12 07:21 EST
It was likely Dom had already beaten him to it, but Edward nodded his head gravely. "All right. I'll talk to her tonight," he promised. As much as he was dreading that conversation, it was a necessary one.

Lis rose up on her toes to kiss him. "Do not worry so much, querido," she murmured. "You will make yourself ill." There was as much a warning in there as a gentle reprimand - if his worrying made him relapse, there would be no holding Lis back from making her position abundantly clear with his sister.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry. She loves me," he offered with a faint smile. "We'd better go eat before the stew burns," he added, slipping back into the old worn sweater he wore over his pajamas. If one didn't know better, they'd never know he was a Granger the way he dressed.

Pausing to slip her feet back into her sneakers, Lis watched him with a secretive smile for a moment before slipping from the room, her hair clasp forgotten and kicked under his bed at some point. The stew wasn't burned, thanks to the exceedingly low heat, and she was quick to lay the table for him before moving back to the stove, humming to herself without the need for a radio this time.

He followed her down the stairs to the kitchen, wondering what it was going to feel like to get back into regular clothing after living in pajamas for the last three weeks. He'd promised to talk to Brynne tonight and Humphrey tomorrow, hoping both conversations went his way. "Do you think Zahan should stay with us when she visits or with Brynne and Lila?" he asked, the thought coming to him out of the blue as he thought about their moving out.

Lis looked over her shoulder at him curiously as she stirred the stew, giving his bowl a chance to warm up in the oven before she served up his meal. "I....I do not know," she mused thoughtfully. "It would be good for her to know Lila, but she will want to see you. Perhaps Lila could stay with us for a little while, when Zahan is here" With Miss Granger's permission, of course." Odd, how Dom was Dom, and Lila was Lila, but Brynne was always Miss Granger.

"Hmm, perhaps," he mused, as he went about making himself a cup of tea on his own. He wasn't sure how Brynne would feel about that, but if couldn't trust him with Lila, who could she trust' And it was no secret he and Lila adored each other. He wasn't really sure how the visit was going to work yet, but they'd work out all those details when the time came.

Lis smiled, bending to fetch the warm bowl from the oven to fill it with the beef stew she had put together. It could always be frozen down as an emergency meal, what remained of it. This, she brought over to the table for him, together with the bread that had been baked earlier that day. "Eat, querido," she told him, one hand smoothing through his tousled curls. "You need to keep up your strength."

If what had passed between them a short while ago was any preview of what was to come, he would definitely need to keep his strength up for that. "Yes, dear," he replied with a teasing grin as he took a seat at the table, tea cup in hand. The smell of the stew seemed to convince him that he did, indeed, have an appetite. "Smells delicious," he told her, as he picked up his spoon.

"Yes, you do," she murmured, bending to drop a kiss just behind his ear before she returned to the stove, taking the stew off the heat to cool before wiping down the surfaces once again.

He chuckled at that comment, knowing it was probably very far from the truth. "I highly doubt that," he said, though he had at least showered today. He smiled at the show of affection, following her with his eyes and frowning a little. "Aren't you going to join me?" he asked, wondering why she hadn't served herself a bowl. "I would like you to join me, Lis. You are not my servant. You're my..." He trailed off, wondering what word would properly describe her now that they had crossed the line between friends and lovers.

She hesitated, caught between wanting to join him and aware that if she was caught at the table with him, his strained conversation with his sister might begin before he was ready for it. But he asked her, and how could she refuse" Touched, she turned back to the pan, serving herself a small portion, and moved to join him at the table. "I'm yours."

"If you're mine, then I'm yours," he countered, the smile back in place now that she was humoring him. "Besides, you still need to eat," he said, handing her a hunk of bread. "I don't want someone to wait on me hand and foot, Lis. You're my equal, my partner, my companion in life. My friend and my lover." There, he'd said it, and perhaps if things kept going the way they were going, one day she'd be his wife.

Her fingers brushed his as she took the bread he gave her, automatically tapping the loose crumbs into the stew before her with a faint smile. "Your companion in life?" she repeated softly. "I like that." Her smile widened as she giggled a little, unable to avoid imagining Lila's reaction when she finally worked out what was going on. "May I wait on you just a little, querido" I like to look after you."

"I suppose that sounds rather silly, doesn't it, but I'm not sure how else to put it. What I'm trying to say is that I want someone who will be my equal, my partner, my companion in everything. Do you understand what I'm saying?" he asked, fingers reaching for her hand.

She nodded, her fingers curling into his. "I do understand," she assured him, swallowing her own opinion that she could never be his equal in intelligence, compassion, or experience. "Te amo, te quiero. I will try not to do what you do not wish me to do."

"Well, I don't really mind being looked after a little," he admitted with a smile. After all, if it hadn't been for her, he might very well have ended up in the hospital and what man didn't like being fussed over a little every now and then, especially by a beautiful woman. "I'm sure there's nothing you could do to upset me. Now, eat your stew."

"Then you should allow me to look after you," she told him firmly, reclaiming her hand to break her bread and begin eating obediently. "I am eating. Now you eat." She looked at him from beneath her lashes, half-teasing, half-serious.

"If you ask me nicely, I might even let you tuck me into bed at night," he teased back, turning his attention back to his stew, his stomach reminding him of his need to eat.

She laughed at that, warm and relaxed in his company in a way she had not been until now. Just that morning, she had been shy and awkward, uncertain of her future, or even if she had a future that held any part of him. And yet now, though she was still shy, that uncertainty was gone, swept aside by his reassurance. The companion of my life, he had called her. How could he possibly know how wonderful it felt to have such a place by his side" She hoped she never disappointed him, sure she would break her own heart if she did. The difficulty would come when Brynne returned to burst this little bubble they had formed together, but until then, it was only too easy to linger in the shared warmth of promises and affection. Even if it was a dream, it was a good one. Lis did not intend to wake up from it, ever.

((Dun-dun-DUUNNN! What will happen when Brynne gets home? Stayed tuned to find out!))