Topic: The Promising Prospect

Victoria Granger

Date: 2012-09-08 05:51 EST
With the water supply generally considered to be responsible for the majority of pregnancies in and around Rhy'Din, most people were surprised to note that the Family Clinic attached to Rhy'Din General Hospital was located on the riverside campus site. In fact, the view from the waiting room overlooked said river. It was a pleasant enough diversion for most people, however.

Vicki had already been told off by her doctor once this week for not having found a midwife yet, much less not having an ultrasound scan, and as a result, she and Jon had been crammed into the radiographer's schedule at the earliest opportunity. Hospitals being what they were, though, the ultrasound suite was backed up a little with appointments, and thus, Vicki was bored out of her mind in the waiting room, her head resting comfortably on Jon's shoulder. "Is the idea of all this to keep us waiting until I have the baby early out of sheer desperation to get out of this place?" she complained mildly to her husband, lifting her head to look at him with her usual brand of comical dismay.

Jon was breaking his own cardinal rule by flipping through magainzes while sitting in the waiting room, killing time. He was currently flipping through an issue of Nexus Weekly magazine, pausing at a page that featured a photograph of himself, supposedly getting dropped off at the Spaceport. "When the hell did they take this?" he muttered to himself, curiously. Distracted away from the magazine by Vicki's impatience, he chuckled and glanced her way. "Patience is a virtue, Vicki. I doubt we'll be waiting here..." He had to think a minute, unsure how far along she was exactly. "Six months, is it?"

She shrugged, more than a little at a loss with dates herself. February the tenth was her best guess for a due date, but she wasn't exactly trained for this. "I don't know," she admitted a little helplessly. "It's all very new to me." Her eyes lowered to the magazine in his hands. "Since when do you wear baseball caps?"

"I don't..." He furrowed his brows as he looked back to the photo. "I don't remember this photo being taken. Is this supposed to be the Spaceport' I never use the Spaceport. I always use the portal to go back and forth." Jon handed the magazine to Vicki to have a closer look and turned to look through the pile of magazines on the table beside him, tossing several aside, until he came to one that had him cussing like a sailor, which was very un-Jonlike. "Son of a....What the eff....I was giving that kid an autograph!" Jon declared, his face flushing with anger. This was exactly why he made a point of never reading gossip mags. The cover read: Jonathan Granger, A Deadbeat Dad.

"What the eff?" Vicki repeated laughingly, looking over at him in amusement. "Did I miss the memo telling us to be on our best behaviour again, love?" She grinned, lifting her hand to gently touch a fond caress to his cheek as the door opened across from them and another expecting couple walked out, both of them smiling over a scan picture. The redhead couldn't help feeling a little envious of them - they seemed to be completely calm and enjoying the anticipation of having a baby. She was shaking like a leaf, deep down.

She blinked, distracted by Jon's angry declaration, and looked down at the magazine in his hands. A loud snort of laughter escaped her lips. "Easy, love - remember, this is the magazine that declared Piper had left Oliver and was shacking up with another man a couple of months ago. They love making things up."

"You don't think I do have any love children floating around anywhere, do you?" he asked, frowning worriedly. He didn't remember his past and really had no idea what skeletons might be lurking in his closet, other than the ones he'd read about in his own journals. He knew his past was less than lily white, but he didn't think there were any kids involved.

She sighed softly, smiling as her hand came down on the pages, closing both magazines and tossing them back onto the table in front of him. "I think if you did, someone would have come forward by now to remind you of it," she assured him, twining her fingers with his. "The only child you have is this one, Jon." Drawing his hand across, she turned his palm against her slowly increasing belly, wishing he could feel the little flutter inside that was the baby's quickening.

It was just like Vicki to turn Jon's frown into a smile as his hand came to rest against the swell of her belly beneath which their baby was residing, growing and waiting to be born. "The only child I want is this one, " he said, leaning toward her. "And the other five," he added, pecking a kiss against her cheek with a sly grin.

She laughed softly, her head turning to bump her nose to his at his sly teasing. "Five, hmm?" she asked, tempted to suggest he do all the work next time and see whether he still wanted many. "Have you picked them out of the catalogue yet?"

The door to another ultrasound suite opened, and the radiographer came out, smiling over at them encouragingly. "Mr and Mrs Granger" Would you like to come through?"

"I've placed an order for one of them to look just like her mother," he replied, smooching a kiss at the tip of her nose. His smile softened, undeniable adoration shining in his blue eyes, before turning to glance up at the technician who had come to fetch them. He gaze Vicki's hand a reassuring squeeze as he looked back at her, smiling warmly. "Ready, Mrs. Granger?"

He always had known exactly how to melt her, even when she was a child. A comment here, a smile there, a kiss to calm her down even when he didn't realise she wanted it; Jon always gave Vicki exactly what she needed in the moment she needed it. Wrapped up in his loving softness, her smile lost its nervous edge as she looked up at the technician, moving to rise to her feet with Jon. "If I say no, are you going to tie me up in a sack, Mr Granger?" she asked her husband playfully, drawing him with her toward the private room. Only Jon knew just how tightly she was holding onto his hand; Vicki was terrified that they were about to find out she'd hurt their baby somehow over the past months.

Jon chuckled at her question as he got tugged along with her toward the radiology room. "How about I tie you up later?" he smirked, a teasing gleam in his blue eyes, which seemed to lack any hint of nervousness. In fact, other than for his annoyance at the scandalous magazine photos, he seemed the epitomy of calm.

"Promises, promises." How is he so calm' Why am I the nervous wreck here? Her nerves made the quiet snort of laughter his smirking suggestion earned a little less rich than it might otherwise have been, her smile wavering just a little as the door closed behind them.

The technician glanced over to them again. "If you could lie back here, Mrs Granger, and uncover your stomach," he suggested quietly, finding Jon's gaze with a faint grin. "Feel free to pull that stool up close, Mr Granger."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2012-09-08 05:55 EST
Given something to do, Vicki reluctantly let go of Jon's hand, tossing him a slightly wild glance as she hoisted herself onto the gurney. She lifted her t-shirt, tucking it and the belly band she was wearing under her bosom, only slightly embarrassed by the fact that her shorts were hanging open. Perhaps it was time to start looking into maternity clothes.

Jon continued to smile reassuringly, warmly, more excited than nervous to get the first glimpse at their baby growing inside her. He nodded reassuringly toward Vicki, as if to tell her, "It's okay. I'm right here," without having to say a word. He waited until Vicki was settled on the table, staying close by in case she needed his help, before settling himself on the stool, pulling it up close and reaching for her hand once again. His eyes remained focused on her face, offering her as much moral support as he could, just be being there.

The technician glanced between the couple, obviously very used to every kind of reaction to this situation you could name. He explained what he was doing as he did it, making sure both of them understood what each screen showed them and what he was going to be looking for. "Now, this gel is a little cold," he warned Vicki, slathering the translucent stuff onto the transducer before applying it to the gentle swell of her belly.

She squeaked, jumping in surprise, and laughed at her own reaction, her grip on Jon's hand loosening a little. "A little cold?" Her eyes turned to Jon, rolling comically as she retreated into humor to cope with the strangeness of the situation. "There are times, love, when I think sea horses have the right idea."

He nodded his head to the technician, as he explained what he was doing and why. Jon wanted to be as much a part of this experience as he could. He wanted to be there for Vicki and their child, and he wanted to understand what was going on every step of the way. "Sea horses?" he asked, arching a brow. "How do sea horses have babies?" He gave her hand a little squeeze when she jumped and reached over to brush a finger against her cheek. "Just relax, baby. I'm right here," he told her gently.

"The boys get pregnant, that's how," Vicki drawled, relaxing slowly as the transducer moved over her womb. Her fingers curled a little more comfortably for both of them about Jon's as she smiled to him. "I promise, I'm not freaking out. I'm really not. Honest."

The technician chuckled, turning the monitor screen so that both mother and father could see the gently pulsing greyscale images shown up by the scan so far. "All right, then, we have baby," he said cheerfully, pointing to what was apparently the profile of a little face. "Looking good from here, no obvious sign of any defect, strong heartbeat. Would you like to hear that?"

"The boys?" Jon echoed, brows furrowing. "You mean me?" he asked, chuckled. "I don't think so." Hell would more than likely freeze over before that happened. He offered that effortlessly reassuring smile again. After all, it was the least he could do, since he had been responsible for impregnating her. His attention drawn to the monitor, Jon got his first look at their child. It didn't look like much more than a blob to him, but so long as the technician said everything was fine, that was good enough for him. Looking back at Vicki again, he smiled. "I think we would."

Relief had spread through Vicki like a warm breeze over her skin at the reassurance that the baby was fine, her smile growing to that familiarly care-free twist once more as she met Jon's gaze. Like him, she couldn't really see more on the screen than a blob, but the technician seemed confident. "Yeah," she agreed with her husband excitedly. "Yeah, we'd love to hear it."

The technician nodded, reaching over to turn the audio on, and in the midst of the rushing, static sound that followed, there was easily discernible - even to untrained ears - the steady pitter-patter of a fetal heartbeat.

As Vicki's eyes widened, her mouth falling open in quiet awe, her gaze turned back to the monitor. The baby moved on the screen, the indistinguishable blob suddenly finding form with a head and an outstretched hand for a moment. Vicki bit her lip, glancing back to Jon. "That's our baby."

Jon was in as much a state of awe as she was at the very first glimpse of their baby. It was the heartbeat that did it for him, making the blob on the screen and the bump at her belly all that more real. His eyes grew moist and he felt a lump forming in his throat, overcome with the kind of happiness he hadn't felt since the day she'd agreed to be his wife. He watched the image move on the screen, proving it was a real, living being. "Our baby," Jon echoed, realizing that this really was happening. It wasn't just a dream. They were having a baby. He laughed, tears of happiness filling his eyes, half crying, half laughing with joy. "She's beautiful," he said, sniffling and trying not to lose it all together.

"Oh god, don't you start sobbing!" Vicki was laughing through her own tearfully happy reaction now, especially when the technician discreetly handed a box of tissues over to them. "If we're like this at the first scan, I dread to think what the birth'll be like!"

As they shared tearful smiles over their baby, the technician went through the motions of measuring the baby and making an estimate for a due date, giving them time to absorb the information already handed over before adding more. "Well," he said finally, silencing the audio once again, "this little one is roughly 10cm long, which places you at about 16 weeks. We're looking at a due date between the 14th and 22nd of February."

Jon chuckled at Vicki's scolding. "Sorry, I can't help it!" he exclaimed, tugging two tissues from the box, one for Vicki and one for himself, dabbing at his nose while the technician went about the business of measuring and calculating. "February?" Jon repeated. That would make the baby's birth roughly one year from the day he'd asked Vicki to marry him. It seemed fitting somehow. "Should we have the baby in Venice?" he teased.

"Your uncle would never forgive us if we did that," his wife pointed out with a low chuckle, wiping her eyes dry before blowing her nose. At least she had an excuse for being weepy this time. "I'm pretty sure he wants to be there at the hospital as soon as everything's over. Unless we go with a home birth." There was a conversation that needed to be had elsewhere, preferably with the as yet unchosen midwife.

The technician let them talk as he played back the scan, wiping the gel off Vicki's belly as he did so. "Would you like pictures of the scan?" he asked curiously.

Jon smiled and reached over to brush an errant tear from his wife's cheek. "I know. I was kidding." He chuckled at the image of half a dozen Grangers pacing the waiting room floor for Vicki to give birth. "We can talk about that later," he said, knowing there was no rush and no need to decide that now. "Yes, please," he answered the technician, his eyes never wavering from Vicki's, leaning close to brush a kiss against her forehead, dropping his voice to a near whisper. "I love you. You're amazing."

Victoria Granger

Date: 2012-09-08 05:59 EST
Oblivious now to the technician carefully choosing the clearest images from the twenty minute scan to freeze and print, Vicki gazed up at her husband, blue eyes soft and exhilarated. She'd been so worried that her lateness in getting a scan done or in seeing the doctor in the first place would have resulted in harming their baby that to know everything was progressing just right was wonderful. She beamed under Jon's praise. "Love you back. Looks like your boys hit the bullseye without collateral damage." Trust her to find a particularly blunt way of returning the compliment.

"Did you have any doubt?" he asked, grinning smugly, brushing a thumb against her cheek. "Looks like you got your wish. Just one at a time," he beamed back, practically oozing happiness. Whatever had been bothering him a few days ago was completely forgotten.

"This time," she smiled, correcting him mildly. Neither of them expected this to be their one and only wandering through the highways and byways of reproducing, after all. "Who knows" Maybe now we know your grandfather was a twin, we'll double up next time." She was still chuckling over that when the technician told her she could cover up again, drawing the freshly printed images from the printer to hand them over to Jon.

"Let's worry about getting this bun out of the oven first, Vic." He smiled, letting her cover back up while he took the prints from the technician and looked them over, turning them this way and that, trying to sort out what was what and what exactly he was looking at. "Still looks like a blob to me. Baby blob, that's what we're having."

"Most parents aren't sure what they're looking at until the second scan," the technician assured him with a grin as Vicki resettled her clothing, tucking her open shorts underneath the belly band to keep them up.

"So we'll need to do this again?" she asked curiously, leaning against Jon's arm to take a look at the prints herself.

The technician nodded. "Your midwife or OB/GYN will make sure you know what to expect when," he promised them. "From my end, I can assure you that everything looks perfectly fine."

Jon leaned against the table and offered her a look at the photographs, anxious to show them to Humphrey and Mataya and Caroline and Helena and the rest of the family, hoping they would share their pride and joy. He felt as relieved as she was, though he'd been far less worried. "Five more months and we'll be parents," he said with more than a little awe in his voice.

"Technically, you already are," the technician pointed out, rising to his feet to open the door for them. "Take care, Mr and Mrs Granger, have a good day."

Jon's hand in hers, Vicki thanked the tech before drawing her husband out of the room, her eyes pretty much fixed on the prints in her husband's hand. "We're going to have to photocopy those," she told him with a grin. "My dad's going to want to stick them to the fridge."

He frowned a little at the thought of Vicki's father so far away, but they couldn't very well be in two places at once. "We should drop in on him while we're there for the premiere." He handed her the prints so she could take a better look as he slipped an arm around her to the small of her back to lead her from the radiology room. "Thank you!" he called back to the technician as they stepped back out into the waiting room.

"That'd be nice." Vicki smiled up at Jon for his suggestion, content to be steered through the clinic toward the open street and the car beyond. She peered at the baby blobs in her hands. "You know, it's going to be so galling if Humph or Helena can pick out the baby in these and we can't," she added with a laugh, glancing at her husband. "When is the premiere again?"

"We'll fake it," he suggested with a smirk as he led her back out into the sunshine and through the parking lot toward the Bentley. "October, I think," he replied, with a thoughtful frown on his face. "I'll have to do some PR stuff after that. Make my rounds of the talk show circuit." All but that as$hat Ned. He pulled his keys out of his pants pocket and pressed the button to unlock the doors, the beep indicating success.

She nodded, filing this away to check on later. "We should really prepare a press statement, then, for before we get back to Earth," she suggested reluctantly. "Rather than invite the whole world and their friend to speculate on my weight."

"Speculate on whether it's really mine or not," he muttered to himself, knowing the sort of rumors and questions that were likely to be tossed around as soon as the press got hold of the news. "I suppose I should hire a manager again," he said as he pulled the door open for her and waited for her to climb inside. He'd fired his last manager and nearly gone through a nasty lawsuit before things had finally been settled out of court.

"Oh, who cares what they say?" Vicki shook her head, dismissing any concern over what the press were likely to say. "You know I'll put them straight every time they point those annoying cameras at me, but they don't really care. And I, for once, don't care what they have to say about you or me." She paused, turning to face him in the frame of the open door. Her hands rose to cup his cheeks fondly. "I love you. And the people who matter won't believe what they read anyway."

"I know," he replied, solemnly as she turned him to face her. "It goes with the territory. I know that. It just pisses me off sometimes. They have no regard for people's feelings. It's all about getting the big scoop, whether it's true or not, and I don't want them dragging you into the mud. I know I've done some pretty stupid things in the past, but I've changed."

"It's just gossip, Jon," Vicki reminded him gently. "The journalists who report accurately are well-known for it, and they always verify facts with us when they can, you know that." She drew him down to her, her lips touching his in a slow, easy kiss. "Screw the past," she murmured to him. "In a few weeks, the future's going to be kicking you in the stomach every time you squeeze too hard."

He leaned into her kiss, brushing her hair over a shoulder, a soft smile on his face. "I still don't know what I did to deserve you." His smile widened as a thought came to mind. "What do you say we stop for ice cream on the way home to celebrate?" No, he wasn't worried about her expanding waistline, and he'd just run it off later with Cosmo.

She grinned, nipping gently at his lips. "I say ....Mmm, good idea," she chuckled to him. "And I'll also add that one of these days I'm going to tie you down and eat ice cream off you, just for kicks." Vicki threw him a cheeky wink as she leaned back, tweaking his nose with a finger and thumb.

Victoria Granger

Date: 2012-09-08 06:02 EST
"I hope you like hair in your ice cream," he teased with a grin. "Because I am never waxing again. It's painful!" Chuckling at her nose tweaking, he pecked her on the lips again before pulling away so she could get inside.

"You've never waxed where I intend to eat from," she snickered, folding herself into the front seat and pulling the door closed behind her. Twisting comfortably into position, she tucked her fingers under the burgeoning press of her bump thoughtfully. "I should have gone to the toilet before we left," she muttered to herself, rolling her eyes briefly. She raised her voice to a more normal level as he came back into earshot. "What do you think of maternity clothes?"

Jon echoed her laughter. "No, that would be painful," he agreed, torn between the thought of waxing that particular part of his body and her licking it. He missed her comment about the toilet as he was coming around the car. He climbed in and pulled his seatbelt loose to fasten it across his waist and chest, arching a brow at her question. "Do you want to go shopping?"

She laughed, tucking her own seatbelt comfortably into place as she looked over at him. "Jon, I'm not going to drag you shopping for clothes on your week off," she assured him with a fond laugh, reaching across to caress her knuckles against his cheek. She was still getting used to the idea of having access to his considerable personal fortune, still feeling guilty about buying takeout that cost more than she was accustomed to. Shopping for maternity clothes with Jon encouraging her to get everything that took her fancy was likely to make her feel as though she was emptying a moderately well-to-do bank account.

He shrugged, not really minding going shopping, though he thought she might feel more comfortable going with another woman, instead of him. "I don't mind, but maybe you should go with Mataya or someone. I don't really know much about maternity clothes." He started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot into the street. "I bet she'd love to take you shopping. You two could make a day of it. Go to lunch, go shopping. Just no swapping Jon stories."

"Oh dear god, the thought of letting that woman loose on my personal appearance is terrifying," Vicki laughed, only half-joking. Mataya was itching to give her a make-over and made no bones about it. Going shopping with the woman would be inviting an argument neither was likely to survive. Resting her head back against the seat, Vicki studied Jon's profile as he drove, enjoying the quiet time with him before he was back working the stage at the Shanachie in just a couple of days. "Besides, before I think about shopping for clothes, I need to sit down and work out how much everything will cost," she admitted. "Having a baby is expensive."

Now that really made him chuckle, not because he found her concerns silly, but because she just didn't seem to understand how she didn't need to worry about that anymore. "Vicki, you don't really have to worry about money anymore." He didn't want to throw around dollar amounts, but he'd received five million for doing Fifty Shades ....and that was just for starters.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "It's force of habit," she smiled, tucking her hair back behind her ear. "And not a habit I'm going to break, either. You and our kids are going to learn the value of a pound, whether you want to or not." Anyone else might have said dollar; Vicki was very English at heart. And as much as she loved Jon, he and his family had a rather blas? attitude toward money that made her ever so slightly uncomfortable, as though they were certain that the bottom would never fall out of their world. It was unsettlingly confident.

"You know..." he started as he glanced her way a moment. "I've been thinking I should give something back. I've donated money before to this or that, but I was thinking about doing something really meaningful this time." As if his past donations had meant nothing or had just been a drop in the ocean. It wasn't the recognition he was looking for, as most of his donations in the past had been anonymously given. It was the fact that he knew he'd been blessed, and he wanted to pass some of that along to those less fortunate.

There were so many things he could do with his fortune, and so many people he could help. Everything from setting up a simple fund to assist with schooling for those who couldn't afford it, to opening a specialist school was possible. He'd already experimented with investing into a big idea, and though no one could have predicted the crash of the studios, it had been a good learning experience. Vicki was happy to encourage him toward philanthropy, anonymous or otherwise, knowing that Jon would get far more out of it than even he expected. Besides, it would be just one more example for their children of the special kind of man their father was.

Her fingers tightened on the little printout in her hand as she smiled to herself. Three might be a crowd to some, but for the newest Mr and Mrs Granger, it was just the beginning.

((Humungalicious thanks to Jon's player!))