Topic: The Twins Have Landed!

Victoria Granger

Date: 2016-10-19 06:55 EST
The following announcement appeared in several newspapers and magazines across Rhy'Din.

Humphrey Granger would like to announce the birth of Jonathan and Victoria's twins, delivered at Rhy'Din General Hospital between 7 and 8 pm on Sunday, October 16th, 2016.

Madeline Diana and Christopher Jon, named for their grandparents on both sides, join Emily, aged 3, and Benjamin, aged 2, not to mention the family's collie, Cosmo. Mother and babies are doing very well, and are expected home imminently.

Gabrielle Bradford

Date: 2016-10-20 16:48 EST
A few days after the birth, a large box arrived from Beecham House, tagged as a Twins Survival Kit, and signed by Gabi, George, Gordon, Jacob and Theodore.

Twins Survival Kit includes

- a bag of cotton balls ....for the times when you can't hear yourself think

- a pair of carabiners ....for when you reach the end of your tether

- a ball of rubber bands keep you flexible

- sweet and sour Candy ....because every child is different, but not one of them will say no to sugar

- a clock remind you that children grow up too fast

- puzzle pieces remind you that you are an important piece in the journey of each of your children

- marbles replace the ones you've lost

- nuts remind you to laugh - life is totally nuts with twins!

- a candle you never feel alone in the dark

- a Do Not Disturb sign remind you to take a little time for yourselves

- aspirin ....for when all else fails

- kisses ....because you'll need lots of them too

- gum remind you that everything works when you "stick" together

- pennies you'll never be completely broke, even if it feels like it

- band-aids ....for hurt feelings; yours or theirs

- a lifesaver ....for always being there when your children need you

- an eraser ....because we all make mistakes

- a paper clip you can hold it all together

- a clothes-pin ....because sometimes being the grownup stinks!