Topic: Unexpected Interruption

Josh Stuart

Date: 2015-03-01 21:08 EST
"Ow ....ouch!" "I'm sorry, your highness!" The sound of a princess being undone after a royal engagement was one Josh had certainly got used to since he'd become a prince of Tirisano. Dru certainly put up with a lot to be presented in public with the fairytale princess look, that was for sure. Today, it seemed to be the hair that was causing problems. "All right, Iona, enough," she said finally, waving her ladies maid away. "The pins are out, I can do the rest. Go and relax for the night." Iona fled gratefully, dropping a curtsey to Josh as she slipped from the dressing room and through the main room of the royal couple's suite, disappearing out through the main door as Dru came into sight, dragging a brush ruthlessly through her hair. "Whoever invented the updo needs to be strangled with their own hair."

Josh chuckled, both at the fleeing ladies maid and at the princess who he had become married to not so very long ago. "You never needed anyone to help you with your hair when we were in Rhy'Din," he pointed out helpfully, unable to hide the teasing grin from his face. Thankfully, he did not have to worry about updos and other such silliness as the prince of Tirisano. She narrowed her eyes, threatening to throw the brush at him even as she smiled. "When we're in Rhy'Din, I'm just Dru," she pointed out. "Here, I'm the heir to the bloody throne." The brush made a dreadful sound as she ripped through a tangle, shuffling across the floor in her robe to fold herself down onto the nearest comfortable seat. "It went well, though, didn't it' I managed not to embarrass us or insult anyone."

"No, it seemed you saved that for Iona," he replied, amusement in his voice. He followed her to the chair and held out a hand for the brush. "Let me," he said, not taking no for an answer. "At this rate, you'll go bald before you get than tangle out."

She sighed softly. "I don't mean to be so ratty with her," she said uncomfortably, handing over the brush without a second thought. "It just hurts when she pulls out all those pins. Maybe I should cut my hair short, what do you think?"

"No!" he said a little too quickly, frowning thoughtfully as he actually took a minute to better consider the question. "I mean, if that's what you really want, I suppose," he added, as he gently pushed the brush through her hair to work its way through the tangles. He was obviously fond of her hair, but if she really wanted to cut it, he wouldn't stand in her way.

Dru laughed at his abrupt denial of her suggestion just to lop off her long locks, tipping her head back to look up at him. "Nice save," she smiled fondly, reaching up to gently touch her hand to his arm. "I'd miss it if it was short, anyway. And it doesn't exactly give off the image I'm supposed to convey if I go pixie."

"What image is that?" he asked, curiously. Once he got over the shock of the idea of her with short hair, he thought he might actually like it. It was her hair, after all, to do what she wanted with it, and who was he to tell her what that was" He wasn't quite sure what a pixie was as far as hairstyles were concerned, but maybe it was better that way. If she got her hair loped off that short, it would likely be shorter than his. "You could always wear a wig," he teased, as he carefully worked the brush through that stubborn tangle of hair.

"Oh, you know, the fairytale princess," she sighed. "Always has long hair, always looks perfect, never says anything wrong. Always has her Prince Charming on hand. Two out of four isn't awful, is it?" She flicked a smile up at him - there was no denying that he was her Prince Charming.

"Three out of four maybe," he disagreed. He wouldn't argue the part about never saying anything wrong, though Dru played the part well. "Besides, who says you have to have long hair and have to always look perfect. Nobody's perfect, Dru. Not even you," he teased further, smiling as he drew back, the tangle conquered not by a battles of wills, but purely patience.

"I know," she sighed softly, tugging on his arm to pull him around to where she could loop her arms about his waist and cuddle into him. "It's just a lot, you know" So many people watching and waiting for mistakes to be made, just waiting to pounce. I honestly cannot wait for Parliament to be over so we can get back to Rhy'Din where everything is normal."

He had to chuckle at that a little, mostly at the part about Rhy'Din being normal, when in reality, Rhy'Din was anything but. He moved over in front of her, crouching down so that his teller form was at eye level with her. "You can't worry about that, Dru," he told her, pushing her hair back from her face, his fingers grazing her cheek. "If you start worrying about every little thing you do wrong, everything little thing you say or do, you'll just drive yourself crazy. You have to think of it as playing a part, being on stage, you know" Say all the right lines, do all the right things, but at the end of the show, you're just Dru again."

Josh Stuart

Date: 2015-03-01 21:09 EST
She sighed again, relaxing out of her tension as he touched her cheek. One thing Josh could always do was pull her firmly out of whatever worry she was nursing. "When did you get so wise?" she teased him softly, her own hand playing through his hair as she leaned close to rest her forehead against his. "I know I'm a worrywart. I'm sorry."

"Since I married you," he replied with a soft smile, though that wasn't really true. He'd grown up a lot since over the last few years - since his trip to Rhy'Din, since he'd met Dru. And he was a few years older than Dru, though she had always been mature for her age. "You shouldn't let being princess stop you from living your life, Dru." He smirked a little as another thought crossed his mind. "Besides, who knows" You might start a fashion trend." Long hair, short hair - he'd love her either way. He just wanted her to be happy, and the good thing about hair was it grew.

She laughed a little at that, slithering off the chair to cuddle herself into his arms. It was always like this after a function; finding the delicate balance between the overworked princess and the girl who just needed to be with him could take a little work at times. "I love you," she promised him quietly. "We'll be back in Rhy'Din in a month, and the princess thing can go away until August."

"I love you, too," he told her, tapping her nose gently as she slid into his arms. He wasn't sure why there were on the floor, but he didn't think they'd stay there long. "You know, there was a time when I didn't want anything to do with you. I thought you were a spoiled princess and my father only wanted to fix me up with you so that he had a son in the monarchy, but I was wrong. I resented him sending me to Rhy'Din for a while, but I was wrong, Dru. So very wrong. You are anything but spoiled, and I would have married you even if you were a peasant."

"Your father wouldn't do that to you," she told him quietly, raising her head as she stroked her hand against his cheek. "If anyone was to blame for shipping you off to Rhy'Din, it was Uncle Julius. He admitted to asking your father to send one of you to keep an eye on me." Her smile was more than a little rueful at that knowledge. "And despite the fact that it really wasn't necessary, I'm very glad he did."

"Yeah, I know that now, but at the time, I wasn't too happy about it. I mean, I was fine with the theater. I just didn't want to spy on you." He couldn't help but be happy about how things had turned out though, no matter how they had started. "I can't help but wonder what would have happened if they'd sent Jamie instead of me," he said with a laugh, as he moved to his feet, scooping her up in his arms as he did. Dru giggled, letting him have his hero moment as he scooped her up.

"Well, I don't think he and Keira would be getting married in a couple of months," she conceded that point. "And I don't think he'd be so pretty anymore." She grinned wickedly - Josh knew that, for all her delicate tendencies - his little princess was more than happy to punch her way out of a difficult situation if she had to. The fact that her hand kept clenching when speaking to certain members of Parliament added a certain spice to some public gatherings these days.

Josh actually knew his father would have never sent Jamie to Rhy'Din to look after Dru, and certainly not to woo her. For one thing, they were like oil and water. Besides, Jamie was too old for Dru and everyone knew from the time they were small that Jamie was going to end up with Keira - everyone except Jamie and Keira. "Where would your majesty like to go?" he asked, with a silly grin on his face while he stood there with her in his arms. He already knew the likely answer to that question, but asked it anyway, all thoughts of Jamie and Keira forgotten.

Laughing, Dru hugged him warmly, bare feet dangling as she nestled comfortably in his arms. "Wherever your highness would like to take me," she informed him with the familiar sparkle of impish good humor in her eyes. The public never got to see this side of the Princess Royale, reserved only for close friends and family, and most of all, for Josh.

He didn't miss the play on words, whether on purpose or by accident, as evidenced by the amused smirk on his face. "Take you? I know where I'd like to take you," he teased back, though he was heading in the direction of the royal bed, which was, admittedly, as good a place as any. Now that they were married, they didn't have to skirt the issue and he didn't have to play the perfect gentleman - at least, not when they were in private.

With his wife giggling in his arms, he didn't exactly have to fight through a wall of thorns to get to the royal bed, either, though tumbling in there at this time of night heralded an early bedtime for the young couple. "And where would that be, hmm?" Dru teased him affectionately. "The stables" The broom closet' Oh, wait, I know ....the staff elevator."

Going to bed and going to sleep were two different things, however, and once the lights were out, no one would dare disturb them. Or so Josh thought. He laid his wife back onto the royal bed and started covering her in soft kisses, starting at her lips and trailing down her throat. "Oh, definitely, the staff elevator," he teased as he continued with his kissing.

She laughed, wrapping her arms about him as he plied her with kisses, no longer shy or retiring, nor as fearful as she might have been before they were married. There was an ease about them now, grown of the months they had been wed already, an ease she embraced as whole-heartedly as she embraced him. "And there are so many places to explore, after all," she murmured mischievously, shifting beneath him as her fingers wandered down over his back.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2015-03-01 21:12 EST
"Mmhmm," Josh murmured in reply, though the explorations he had in mind were of a very different kind. His kisses had just reached the hollow of her throat when there came an insistent pounding on the door to their chambers, loud enough to be heard from inside the bedroom. "Send them away," he murmured, not missing a beat.

Dru sighed, sagging back against the bed with a resigned groan. Josh's murmur made her laugh a little, but she couldn't ignore a summons. "We can't send them away," she sighed reluctantly. "It could be important."

Josh growled in annoyance, though he was unable to argue with that. Royal responsibilities always trumped personal needs and wants. "Yes, we can," he insisted, rolling to his feet, determined to get rid of whoever it was as quickly as possible, even if he had to tell them they were busy working on making a royal baby.

Watching him roll up onto his feet, Dru followed him, wrapping her robe more securely about herself as she moved with him toward the sitting room, and the small foyer beyond. It didn't seem to matter to whoever was knocking that after hours was precious to the royal couple, which suggested there was something important that needed to be shared.

Thankfully, they were both dressed, or at least, as dressed as they were likely to be at this time of the evening, both in pajamas of sorts - Josh in plaid pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt, feet bare and hair a little mussed from Dru's toying with it. Before Josh was able to answer the door and send their visitor away, the door flew open and in stormed Jamie, fully dressed and with a look of annoyance on his handsome but brooding face. "Would you look at this" This is what she wants me to wear for the wedding. Have you ever seen anything so absurd?" he blurted, holding up a photograph of a man in a tuxedo that Jamie thought made him look like a butler. He halted in his tracks when he spied Dru tucking a bathrobe around herself. "Oh, did I wake you? Isn't it a little too early for bed?"

There were times when Dru could switch on the princess without a second thought. This, unfortunately for Jamie, was one of those times. Despite the dressing gown and loose hair, there was no mistaking who he was talking to. "Am I to take it that you have disturbed us rudely, without prior warning, to complain about a suit that you won't be wearing until May, Lord Stuart?"

Jamie stiffened a little at the scolding from the Princess Royale - his sister-in-law - who, though she was quite a few years his junior, demanded his respect and obedience. "I, uh..." He stammered uncertainly. "Yes, I suppose so, but would you look at this suit, Dru" Have you ever seen anything so ridiculous?" he continued, either oblivious to his rudeness or just too caught up in his own troubles to notice.

Josh cleared his throat to hide the chuckle that was bubbling up inside him, unsure if he was more amused by his brother's ignorance or his wife's irritation. And this was a perfect example of why Jamie and Dru would not have made a very good couple.

"Yes, I have, and I'm looking at him," she told her brother-in-law, raising her brows as she waited patiently for the penny to drop. "Standing in the Prince Consort and Princess Royale's private suite, having not waited to be invited inside, and apparently unable to notice that neither one of them is dressed for company." She watched him calmly for a moment longer, and sighed. "Why aren't you complaining to Keira about this" And how did you get in without security escorting you back out again?"

The insult either went clear over Jamie's head or he was ignoring it. "Yes, well....I'm not company. I'm your brother-in-law," he pointed out with a grin, to which Josh rolled his eyes and gave his brother a look that warned him he was treading on dangerous ground, but Jamie seemed to ignore that, too. Jamie frowned as Dru came to the point. "I have complained to Keira. She says it looks dashing. I say it makes me look like a penguin. What do you think, Josh' Do you think the future Duke of Roslae should look like a penguin on his wedding day?" He didn't bother to explain how he'd gotten in there, but he had obviously either talked his way past security or pushed his way through. After all, the Prince Consort was his brother. Josh stepped forward to take hold of his brother's arm. "I think what Dru is trying to tell you is that now is not the time, brother."

Dru's eyes narrowed as Jamie went straight on without taking the hint, glad that Josh had decided to take his brother in hand. She didn't think it would be good for family relations if she pulled rank on her brother-in-law, but he was treading on very thin ice. "Why don't you just wear the ducal uniform?" she suggested, however, through clenched teeth. "You're entitled to it." A uniform that made everyone who wore it look constipated within seconds.

"The ducal uniform!" Jamie echoed in obvious distaste, twisting his head toward Dru even as Josh tugged him toward the door. "It's my wedding day. Not a parade!" he called back, turning to Josh with a puzzled look on his face. "Where are we going?"

"We aren't going anywhere," Josh informed his brother. "You are."

"Oh, come," Jamie argued. "You weren't really going to bed yet, were you?"

"And I need to talk to Xoren," Dru added, marching past both of them into the corridor. Thankfully, the head of her personal security materialized before she had the opportunity to yell for him, wincing at the look she planted on the poor man. If Jamie didn't leave soon, chances were he was going to be removed.

"Xoren?" Jamie echoed. "What do you need to talk to..." And then it seemed to dawn on him, miraculously just as the head of her personal security appeared. He put up his hands, a charming smile on his face. "No need. I was just leaving." He turned back to Dru and offered her a respectful bow, meant more for her than his brother, who would always be his brother, no matter his title. "My apologies, Your Highness. I did not mean to disturb you." It was hard to tell with Jamie whether he was putting on airs for her sake or if he was sincere in his apology.

"Calling in advance will save you being kicked out," she told him as he bowed, rolling her eyes at what might have been a sarcastic apology.

Josh Stuart

Date: 2015-03-01 21:14 EST
Jamie turned back around, but not before pointing at the photograph and silently mouthing a plea to his brother. Josh only smirked, making no promises. After all, it wasn't his wedding and he held no sway over what Keira wanted. Frankly, it amused him to no end that Jamie was upset over what Keira wanted him to wear and had failed to realize she'd probably shown him that photograph just to rankle him.

"Goodnight, brother," Josh said, eyes dancing with amusement.

"Xoren, I appreciate your diligence, but I can escort myself out, thank you very much," Jamie was overheard saying as he stepped from their chambers.

"Good night, Jamie," Dru called after him, nodding gratefully to Xoren as he indicated that there would be no more non-critical interruptions this evening. She returned to the suite, sighing softly. "I love your brother, but he really needs to learn what is and isn't appropriate sometimes."

"I'm sorry, Dru," Josh apologized, though he couldn't quite manage to wipe the smirk from his face. "He means well," he said, excusing his brother's ignorance. "He mostly needs to learn how to knock," he added. Though they were brothers, he was a married man now, and to the Princess, no less. It just wouldn't do for Jamie to wander into their chambers at any time of day or night, like he used to do when they were boys. "He'll learn," Josh assured her, making a mental note to have a serious chat with his brother later.

Rolling her eyes, Dru couldn't help a faint smirk. "So ....would you be averse to barging in on him at some point after he's married?" she asked with innocent mischief. Keira would, of course, get a warning that it was going to happen, even if it wasn't specific in the date and time.

Josh chuckled at the thought of that. He could only imagine what his dear brother's reaction to that would be. "Not at all, so long as Keira knows in advance." He did not want to risk earning the ire of the formidable Lady Keira, no matter how much he wanted to teach his brother a lesson.

"Now, where were we?" he asked, looping his arms around Dru's waist, a playful grin on his face.

She laughed, curling into his arms once again with a warm sigh. "We seem to be back where we started, thanks to you brother," she mused, smiling despite the odd little interruption. "Should I find the hairbrush again, do you think?"

"Not unless you want a spanking," he teased back, though he wouldn't dare attempt such a thing, not to her. Jamie was another matter. "If I recall correctly, we were in bed," he reminded her, knowing she needed no reminding.

"Well ....not so much in bed as on it," she corrected him impishly, tucking her arms about his waist to lean into him and nip affectionately at his jaw. "Which reminds me ....I should lock that door." Winking at him, she slipped her arms from about his waist, turning to lock the inner door of their suite. No one else was going to barge in without a key of their own, now.

He would have locked it himself, if he'd thought of it and been quicker, but she was too fast for him. And without any further distractions, he intended to pick up right where he left off, sweeping her off her feet once again and carrying her off to the bedroom to have his way with her.

Thus the security detachment now in the hallway outside were treated to the sound of the heir to the throne squealing like a child as she was hoisted up off her feet, giggling all the way to the bedroom. It was just as well they were heavily trained in discretion.

What he intended for her was no one's business but theirs, whether they were making a royal baby or not. Children would likely come in time, but for now, the royal couple was too busy learning each other and enjoying all the benefits that came with being married. At the moment, Josh's chief concern was making his wife forget all about being a royal princess and reminding her what it was to be a lover. Laughter faded into soft sounds of pleasure, shared only by the pair in the bed as they wrestled with one another in a dance older than recorded time. They were still learning all the nuances there were to find in one another, each time teaching them something new, but the connection had always been there, shared in laughter and tears, and finally in passion on their wedding night. Months later on, there was a warmth between them that was integral to that connection, proof positive that the fairytale was real. Dru might not have been able to turn off being a princess all the time, but during these times" She didn't know how to be anything but Josh's wife. And at times like this, that was all he wanted. It still amazed him sometimes that they were married, that what had started out as friendship had so quickly turned to love. In a way, the match had been arranged for them, but it no longer seemed to matter. It was a match made in heaven, and despite his early misgivings, even Josh had to admit he couldn't be any happier than he was with the Princess Royal as his wife. It was a real life fairytale, and one that they were each determined to make certain had a real happy ending.

((Will Jamie ever learn any manners? Time will tell! Huge thanks to my writing partner for the fun! :smile:))