Topic: Baptism in Blood


Date: 2012-05-31 23:26 EST
Baptism in Blood

~~~~~ Warning: This Story is intended for Mature Audiences, and may contain Violence, Gore, Nudity, Sexuality, and Adult Situations. Reader Discretion is advised. ~~~~~

Prologue One

The Darkening had begun, despite the best efforts - unconsciously accomplished through they were - of the Eternals. Instead of pursuing those things that were obvious, Dy Hauc had instead pursued secondary, smaller goals, whose sum was a gestalt. The poor girl hadn't stood a chance, not with the offer that she was given - it was her genetic proclivity to agree with him, after all.

Dy Logos had commanded, "...FIND THE ABBEY. SEARCH OUT THE LAST ABODE OF AYLEPH AND OMEGA, AND CORRUPT ITS FONT..." and wasn't it easy for him to give orders from the Outside" Of course it was, but....his day was coming too. The Servant of Oblivion had instead heeded another geas he was under, and sought out instead his counterpart from this world, offering her everything she wanted....and like he had, so long ago now....she accepted. Easier in fact, than he had anticipated, which both excited and worried him....what if her....proclivities were even more extreme than his own"

Still, he couldn't help but smile from the shadows as he watched her take a knife to her parents, paralyzed as they were from a powerful sedative. She was almost playful the way she carved them, cutting their hearts from their chest, mindless of the spattering gore and turning to offer them to him with a smile, and wide eyes unable to discern that she'd done wrong.

And she was only seventeen.

~ Fin Prologue One

"When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you." Nietzsche


Date: 2012-05-31 23:37 EST
Prologue Two

Last December

The Company Headquarters. Secret Location. Incognito.

Through some auspices which did not seem to be Thaumaturgical in Nature, a Mist had permeated the headquarters of the structure and before the eyes of the vacating Council of Elders as they were about to close session, solidified into the form of a man.

Immediately upon his entrance, the room filled with eldritch energies as vampire disciplines were thrown towards the outsider, testing him and seeking information about him. Those that were non invasive were met with passivity, while those sent in aggression, attempting dominance were rebuffed with a vengeance as the man would turn immediately on the user and do his best to conceal a sneer. Whoever he was, he was old, though heightened awareness through magic would tell it not to be age in the conventional sense. He waited among them, everyone silent and silently testing.

Until he finally felt their probes drop away, and one withered ancient asked softly and dangerously, "Make your business known to us, your arrogance is hardly amusing."

The man's head canted only slightly, accepting the invitation and spreading his hands slightly. "I had to desire to risk your ire, but such a lofty audience would under normal circumstances take too long to acquire for the time I have left....I come seeking a business arrangement."

Again, the ancient spoke for the group, "And that is...?" His voice a dangerous rasp, sizing the man up.

"I wish to invest. For shares in this business..." he began, and watched the lips of the others curling into sneers - they would never accept, but they hadn't heard him out, "....for which I can pay in currency, knowledge by form of ritual and enchantment....and my Blood."

And all the parties present smiled.

~ Fin Prologue Two

"An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects." Martin Luther.


Date: 2012-05-31 23:41 EST
Act 1: Purification

Layla kept an eye on Kaiden after their first few assignments together. She told a few of her trusted crew members to watch him as well. When they later came to report their findings, they told her she was paranoid. They said, if anything, he seemed to be fitting in to the role of the group well, much better than he did before. That only made her more concerned, but she kept these concerns to herself. She thought the best plan of action was to keep an eye on him herself. She had a few important missions to go on, things she could mostly likely handle herself, but she assigned him to go with her. She was supposed to go to some church or something and complete some ritual. The company told her no matter what that the assignment would have to be fulfilled to the letter, since the person who ordered the assignment paid up front.

Layla drove to the assignment location with Kaiden next to her in the passenger seat of her little black sports car. The short trip from her office was uncomfortable in more ways than one. She rode with her back arched and abdominal muscles tense to appear even thinner against the black interior, in case he might look over towards her. She questioned why she was even doing this, denying to herself any feelings she may have thought she had. She purposefully stared straight ahead, but watched him through reflections on the windshield and passenger side mirror. She pulled up to the location, parked, and quickly got out of the car. She walked lightly to the front of the car, in a way, claiming her dominance of the mission, by positioning herself in the lead. Her back still arched, her one button blazer and skin tight black jeans accentuated her figure. Her black hair was pulled back in a tight bun, with a few stray hairs that had fallen in her face. She waited for him without turning around, as if to show she did not really consider him.


Date: 2012-05-31 23:44 EST
It had been impossible to tell exactly what was on Kaiden's mind during the drive there - he'd taken to wearing those dark glasses she'd provided to him, in varying styles, even at night. And he wore them now. Trying to get rid of them was almost useless - whenever he broke a pair, there always seemed to be another, within some hidden pocket. He was very subtle, looking at her in the rear view mirror, just over those black lenses, watching to see when she'd look long enough in the side mirror to steal a true glance at her, eyes drawn by no coincidence to her abs - fingers tingling, at the memory of her taut muscles beneath his fingertips, and a slight smile arising on his lip - though only on the side away from her - and the only thing visible to any in the vehicle would be a creeping blush.

Trying to clear his mind, he thought about his seemingly rising success within the Company - it seemed they all took notice of him now, more so than before, and he was fortunate enough to accompany Ms. Tollivar....on some of her more important outings. It was hard not to develop a thin vein of pride at that, if nothing else. As they arrived, he slipped gracefully out of the car, his long black coat flowing almost cape like as he moved to catch up with her quick stride - burgundy on black beneath, with a three and a half foot long, curved, lacquered bundle strapped across his back - his eyes rising from her feet, over calves, thighs, higher....and he tried to banish not only his grin but the slightly protruding teeth as well, by the time he was beside her and staring ahead at the refurbished two story complex with a bell tower - some peculiar religious site, he supposed. His eyes narrowed.


Date: 2012-05-31 23:50 EST
There in the darkness, there were runes glowing with a soft incandescence that could be mistaken for reflected moonlight to the casual observer, cunningly built directly into the repaired architecture. Dancing lights from behind stained glass windows bespoke of someone - or something " being home at least, and that something clearly had use for light, if not fire. He absently fingered a chain around his neck, bearing a slight silvery circlet that was kept mostly hidden between thumb and forefinger as he surveyed the building before them. Veiled eyes looked down to the thorny vines and shrubbery which littered the sides of the cobble walk to the large, oaken door. "Not much on upkeep, are they." he cast another glance, sidelong, this time clearly looking over the tops of his shades, "....what was the reason we were on this detail again, Ms. Tollivar" Last I checked....we were a lot of things, but not um....Magic users?" a single eyebrow raised as if in apparent inquiry, his words noticeably quiet to keep from carrying in the night air. He spoke how he felt at least, he was no sorcerer. A few parlor tricks perhaps. Good with the blades on his back. Other than that....well, he'd do what he could to protect her....I was his job, right' It had nothing to do with the fire he felt reflected in her eyes the few times they'd dare meet, that....desire, that he tried hard not to feed....without much success.

She paid little attention to the architecture. She didn't care. Nothing could affect her but' She watched him approach her and stand next to her from the corner of her eyes. She managed to glance over to him with a half smile when he said he didn't know magic. She didn't like to reveal more than she had to, so she wouldn't reveal the spells she had picked up over the years. Her half smirk faded and she said stoically, "We are to perform a protection ritual on this abbey. They have become overrun with squatters. Come, we are wasting time. Walk and talk.? She regretted giving that final order, which may encourage him to speak more. She quickly walked up to the heavy door leading into the abbey, making sure she reached it first so she could open her own door, another sign of her independence. She would have let it slam behind her unless he grabbed it in time, again trying to show that she had no regard for him.


Date: 2012-05-31 23:52 EST
He stayed a step behind her only, increasing his pace to match her own....but not enough to walk beside her. He could tell. She was in one of those moods. If he'd been aware of it, he probably would have wondered if the fact that her behavior made her all the more attractive to him - her vicious, careless, independent, mentality - was something she was aware of and consciously using to bait and manipulate....well, he would have wondered - if his eyes hadn't flickered down to her hips as they seemed to roll, as she was moving away from him. At the last moment after she'd flung the door open, he'd spun 360 degrees, hand slipping up over his shoulder in the process to unlimber the lacquered sheath which shot out and caught the edge of the door with a loud, single, 'Clack!' as it was used to prop the door open as he slipped in behind her. Dark loose strands of hair fell to either side of his face, framing even the glasses as he looked around. Some sort of foyer, with three arches leading into the main chamber - light coming from beyond. From their current vantage point it appeared to be a long great hall like abode. Given the size of the building, there were clearly more rooms beyond - and midway down the obvious length a stairwell arose to the second floor, which balconies the entire hall. Foremost in front of that stairwell, though, there was a set of heavy, double doors. Lower, on the ground level, two corridors lined both outside walls, running evidently to the back of the Abbey.

What dominated the center of the great hall however, were the Stones. One circle of three upright stones - like grave markers - surrounded by a greater circle of ten stones, made in the same image of grave markers. Each of the thirteen stones held a sword buried blade down within it - but made of the same material as the stones themselves. There, lurking amidst the shadows, were yellow eyed? things. The things would move closer upon their entrance, not all of them stepping into view perhaps, and their gaze was dull, but perhaps not....lifeless. Except for life as mortals know it. Those that directly stood before the door, two of them, actually noticed it opening - and their eyes were on the first person that had come through it - feral and hungry....and not at all the same type of hunger that Kaiden had for her. The first ones lips curved upwards in the semblance of a hideous smile at seeing her, and began to half groan, "Jooooooon...."


Date: 2012-05-31 23:55 EST
She turned around in one swift step from the sound on the door. She scowled, "Why not announce our presence?" She turned around and continued her path as she quickly began to assess the situation in front of her. She quickly knelt down and grabbed her two handguns from leg holsters hidden beneath her jeans. She quickly took a step to the side to allow Kaiden to notice the danger. She moved into her firing stance and took aim, but did not fire, instead saying strongly to alert him, "Kaiden."

As soon as she side stepped he was flowing into place - liquid, deadly grace - as the lacquered bundle slid into his hands again and thumbs pressed two buttons hidden within the grain of the wood, allowing a katana like blade to slide free from either side of the now revealed sheath. A clatter as the sheath fell to his feet and a toe sent it spinning forward, catching one of the two creatures end over end in the middle of the forehead, causing it to jerk to the side, yellow jaundiced looking eyes widening as he took yet another step - blades criss-crossing and separating the others head from its shoulders, almost severing the arm of the first in the process as he dances past and within one of the arches, spinning to face the creature again - well clear of any shot that would be fired, now. "Should have waited..." he spoke as he moved, "for me to go first, since that's your own" black ichors spattering from the blades, "protocol for team endeavors. Oh," yes, he was learning from the others within the company quite well, picking up little tidbits here and there, even as they watched him - and he did it without even intending to - he just enjoyed being told stories about her, stories that made him want to be beside her even more, "I've been, reading and um....talking." And now his back was to the great hall, focused back on her and the mangled creature that remained.

She watched in amazement as he beheaded one of the creatures that she quickly determined where the 'squatters? she was vaguely described. She walked cautiously towards Kaiden with her guns aimed towards the last creature in the room. She thought she would leave him to Kaiden. She hated firing in situations like this lest more were there to hear the shots and be alerted to their presence.


Date: 2012-05-31 23:57 EST
Black ichors flecked the walls as his other blade flickered out again, slicing the thing across the throat and spinning towards her again. Though the throat was slashed, it was not completely incapacitated - and a sickly grin spread across its mouth, revealing yellowed, mossy teeth in a rictus grin as it began to lurch forward, seemingly unseen. A sharp, acidic bouquet filled the air, with the scent of the things blood. It was not appealing in any smelled....rank, even to things that would eat carrion. And suddenly he was standing before her, the thing ambling behind him, shades just down the bridge of his nose as his eyes met hers, "There..."

She continued to have aim on the creature, continuously staring at it, staring in horror as he turned his back to it. She couldn't hide her fear in that moment. She said strongly, "Down." She instantly took one shot, centered at where the creature's head should be, hoping that Kaiden would follow her command....and trust her. But Kaiden wasn't stupid - he'd seen the thing, in the reflection of the sunglasses - and her words made sense as soon as they left her lips, his body reacting in autonomous synergy with her command and dropping to one knee, blades splayed out to the sides as he would appear to bow before her. The shot hit dead center on the creature as he dropped down and she sighed with relief, though she kept her weapons ready. She didn't know what to say, but quickly she forced out a few harsh words to hide her admiration of him and his quick thinking, "Don't tell me how I should use my own policies."


Date: 2012-06-01 00:00 EST
The body of the Hound dropped to the ground, gray matter and ichors spattering the walls behind it, with a matching oozing streak running down its forehead and face. Kaiden only saw the barest reflection of this, in the tilted mirrors of his dark glasses - his eyes glancing forward would find themselves settling upon her navel, and rising higher just as he did. Even silenced, the muffled shot sounded foreign in this place, and had cut through all other sound, bringing a deafening silence from deeper within the edifice. The look he shot her as he fully gained his feet was sharp, though he wouldn't open his mouth to give voice to his rebuttal.

Her policies - indeed.

Then shouldn't she be the first to adhere to them' And it had occurred to him as well, that given their temperaments....maybe he was included in these particular forays -because- he questioned. He wouldn't balk at authority, hers at least, but...."I'll teach you to use a blade yet, Ms. Tollivar." He quirked a quick, lopsided smile before he would position himself beside the nearest doorway, angling to look without as his eyes narrowed, focusing in the poor lighting.

She glared at his statement. She didn't like him talking back, but he had a point. She kept watch as she placed her guns back in their holsters and instead pulled two long knives from sheaths from her legs. This would be a lot quieter than her gun. Besides, she had to show him that he didn't know who he was dealing with. She may not be as good as he seemed to be, but she was going to try. She had something to prove now. She stood and walked to were he was, listening to hear if her shots had alerted anyone to their presence.


Date: 2012-06-01 00:02 EST
There was movement within - but hard to detect, even to their vampires? senses, heightened as they were. Evidence of some kind of glammer, perhaps, not that either would be taking the time to think about it just at the moment as footfalls that had been concealed were suddenly upon them, converging on the arched doorways. Soft, feral utterances, escaped the lips of whatever these things - these Hounds - were. Numerous pairs of yellowed, unnatural looking eyes reflected light back towards the entrance as they loped forward - four....eight....twelve....fourteen pairs of eyes, Kaiden would gauge from a quick calculation as a look of worry would cross his features as he assumed a more defensive stance as he would move to infer himself between her and the open doorway, casting a sidelong glance at the other two. "Let's hope they're not too intelligent and we can focus their atten-" his muscles had been contracting, readying himself for action as he spoke - and was suddenly cut off by a flurry of bodies clambering through the doorway - three of them bearing down on Kaiden directly, though they would lose hands and take brutal wounds in the process. Three more strove to move in around him, seeking to surround - until they saw that there was more than one intruder, and the rearguard of their motley, questionable brigade began to stream towards a second arched doorway. His head canted sideways just for a moment, enough to see foes streaming around him - and the blade in his right slid quickly and silently up through a throat and into the brain of one of the creatures on him, "Ms. Tollivar...!" his left was burdened by repelling the other two, and even his prodigious strength couldn't avail him due to the close quarters - he could push them back, but not far enough to get them out of reach.

She quickly stepped into action during the ambush. She used her knives, which paled in comparison to his blades. She preferred slicing. One who often thrusts into an opponent may lose their blade by getting it stuck inside, something she had learned the hard way over many years. She viciously cut into as many as she could, trying to take ones further from him to help cover him, trying to draw some of the attention away from him.


Date: 2012-06-01 00:03 EST
And three would follow her - before another group came pouring in through the middle archway. The things were vaguely human, or at least humanoid; they were diseased looking, with emaciated, scaly, patched flesh, and random sprigs of hair. And those minor cuts would irritate them, enrage them, and serve to draw them after her - but would do no lasting damage, it seemed. Another of Kaiden's foes would have its head almost hacked from its body as he would turn to rush to her aid - there would soon be nine of them upon her, surrounding her! But as he would turn, the last of the first three through the door managed a lurching pounce onto his back, burying moss covered yellow teeth into his shoulder and causing him to cry out before he would savagely elbow the thing, sending it sprawling back through the arch.

She turned when she heard Kaiden cry out. She saw him on the ground and began thrashing violently at the ones around her, blocking her path to him. She began stabbing into their heads, though desperately clutching her hilts.

Shuck! Thok!, Shuck! Thok!, the sounds off long knives carving past bone and cartilage and sliding free again, as two of those blocking her path went down with arcs of foul black ichors sprayed through the air from the edges of her blades as she began her wet work - the third Hound, however, was waiting as soon as its comrades dropped, and sprang towards her, lips pulled back from yellowed mossy teeth, and fingers almost claw like and caked with all manner of disgusting matter & fluids. Kaiden staggered up from one knee and dove forward blades extended to the sides - but couldn't possibly reach the thing in the time that it would close to Layla; the six who had just entered were making up the distance towards them as well, but cautiously - it seemed they were at least smart enough to realize that so many of their number had already gone down fighting. One of Kaiden's arms suddenly pitched back, taking a reverse grip on one of his two blades and hurling it spear like - past Layla and into the face of one of the oncoming Hounds which was in the lead of those seeking to flank her and catch her unguarded. He winced as he threw, though it likely wasn't noticed amid the flurry of activity - the bite ached and he rolled his shoulder to compensate and draw the pain away as his blood would seek to heal it - and as the scent of his blood half banished the scent of the other foul substance these things bled.


Date: 2012-06-01 00:04 EST
Without thinking she lunged toward the one lunging at her and shoved one of her knives into its jaw, thrusting upward into its skull. It became lodged as the black ichors oozed down the hilt and down her hand that was desperately trying to free the blade to no avail. He began to drop and she let go as she quickly turned around with one blade and a clawed hand to face the others. She stood between them and Kaiden and she screamed a horrific growl that any animal would have fled from. She would fight these things to defend him and it was clear in her eyes and her battle stance.

Kaiden was rolling his shoulder again as he drew near to her again, " didn't want to do back to back...?" He was covered with minor cuts and scrapes as he moved to face those coming in from behind her, who had given pause at her growl - though not that long a pause. Self preservation was not high on their list, it seemed. Either that or they feared what drove them more than they feared her. And all six pressed the attack, as Kaiden's remaining blade began to whip back and forth tearing out throats and severing at least one head - but only the one fatality as they clambered closer, two of the six purposely ducking under his somewhat wild swings seeking the soft underbelly - of either of the two vampires.

As he took his stand beside her, she glanced over with her eyes, to see him standing there beside her. Calm took over her that he was ok and she loved the fact that he stood beside her. She was used to taking the lead so often, but it felt good to have someone at her side. She thought too long. She got distracted. As one of the two ducked under his blade, it lunged towards her and started slashing its claws into her legs and abdomen, ripping her pants and blouse and starting to stain with her blood. She cried out and jabbed her knife down into its skull, quickly pulling it from its head as it went down.


Date: 2012-06-01 00:06 EST
"Layla!" Jade eyes turned dark, almost cherry red as cold rage flowed through him as his eyes were torn from her kill - and her wounds, and he surged forward again, blade flickering left and right with ever increasing speed - inhuman, vampires" speed - and savageness; every flicker of the blade would catch one of two throats, gouging out a hunk of flesh as though a meat grinder were being pressed directly into their throats. Yellowed, jaundiced eyes went wide with surprise at the brutal technique, but in a matter of moments the stares were meaningless as the tip of the blade scored then broke through bone, leaving two heads falling somewhat to the side - the creatures done, and now only one left that hadn't noticed it's compatriots downfall - and was giving a final, loping lunge towards Layla's bleeding wounds, and Kaiden would turn again, to see it close on her, but again - he could only be in so many places at once. This one was hers, but wouldn't be for long, if she delayed.

She sighed in pain, not hearing his call, not seeing his slaughter. She only saw the one coming towards her. As it rushed her, she dropped to her knees in pain and angled her knife so as she fell to attack her, it fell on her knife, its weight forcing its head down on her knife. Its lifeless corpse fell on her, knocking her to the ground.

Thunk! His blade bit into the wood as it was slammed there as he skidded forward and down, onto his knees, grabbing the body fallen near her and easily hurling it aside as one arm slid under her neck and one beneath her knees as he would move them towards the back wall and a more defensible position, faint, warm white light glowing softly from behind his sunglasses as he would speak softly, "Ms. Tollivar...?"


Date: 2012-06-01 00:08 EST
The pain was subsiding. It had been awhile since she had been injured like this. Her bleeding stopped, through much of her cut blouse and pants were covered with her blood and sprays of ichors. She was more concentrated on his reactions, well, reaction. She sat dumbfounded as he sat her down. She hated him to see her in a weakened state, physically' or emotionally. She looked at him and said, "What' Let me go. Get off of me. We've got a job to do." She hastily jumped up to her feet. Though, she was holding onto her abdomen to help with the pain, on the side that was hidden from Kaiden's view.

Eyes narrowed behind dark lenses as he watched her move away, not really all that surprised by her reaction, truth be told. A slight sigh escaped his lips they where grazed by the tips of fangs - the scent of their mixed blood was in the room, overpowering the ichors, which seemed to be drying into some sort of ashy substance. "Right, the job..." He moved to collect his two lost blades, all the while flickering glances back to her as he moved, saying nothing as his left hand moved to slip into hers - only briefly - as he would pass, and the profile of his face in passing would indicate the glow of a soft, warm, light emanating from his face. Only a few moments earlier, it seemed, he'd been staring from his knees, directly at her taut belly - and the image was burned into his mind - a burning that for her, would have been a warm, pleasant heat that would flash across her abdomen as wounds began to knit and heal with even greater speed than vampirically normal.

Their touch would last only a moment and he would be past her, blades shielded again in their scabbard as he walked out into the main room, curious gaze cast about as he would turn in a slow circle, paying particular attention to the thirteen stones and the stone worked blades held there, his mind trying futilely to remember what little detail of the mission he'd been given to work with.

She went to collect her own knives as he slipped his hand into hers for only a moment. The touch made her stop in her tracks and she turned and watched him continue. She was no longer concentrated on the pain, there was no more pain, none that she would have noticed, and she was only focused on him. She blinked hard when she realized what she was doing. Her focus on him was what got her in that position to begin with. She was such a fool to allow herself to get tangled up in emotions.


Date: 2012-06-01 21:37 EST
Act 2: Revelation through Ritual

Layla hurriedly collected her large knives and kept them ready in her hands. She said tersely to Kaiden, "We are supposed to find thirteen gargoyle things and paint some symbol on them."

"Gargoyles, Ms. Tollivar?" Now that tickled a memory - weren't they those things that perched on old castles and churches" His eyes focused further behind those dark lenses, as he scanned the room and began to count, turning in a slow circle. A slight smile spread across his features as his back turned to her and he continued to spot something that might be a gargoyle, very quietly murmuring, "....good thing I can trust you, cause if you like detail at all, you sure save 'em for yourself..." he gestured to one of the statues towards one of the walls, a humanoid looking creature with wings, down on bended knee facing the circle of stones where Kaiden stood as he surveyed the room, "Something like....that?" He moved closer, eyes narrowing. The thing before him was huge, if compared to most men. It would stand seven to eight feet tall, with talons where its feet should be - and these large enough that they could crush the chest of an average man in them. It's final peculiarity was a set of rams horns which sat on either side of its face and curled down almost as low as its jaw. Such was the detail that it seemed unlikely to be recreated elsewhere - and likely that each of these....-things- had its own, unique design.


Date: 2012-06-01 21:40 EST
She was not amused by his attempt at humor. She stared at him with a blank expression on her face and she said emotionlessly, "Yes, those would be it. Here." She commanded him to come with her as she walked up to the one he pointed out. She handed one of her knives to him. She used her remaining blade to cut into the palm of her hand. With her blood she drew a circle and put a plus sign inside, overlapping the circle. "Now you draw an "X" inside the circle," she instructed, " and we will say "enamareth, emaleth, doth diende uthbeck sud anell nathrak"."

Kaiden frowned as she spoke, and as soon as the last of the sentence left her lips, he began, "Actually, I believe its 'enna morathi, amel-eth, dii en'Dy, uthbek sud anell nathrak'." The words sounded almost the same as hers, albeit with a slight change at the start, and a minor change to the inflection of some of the words. He'd followed to the statue she'd indicated and spoke from over her right shoulder, just slightly, as he'd accepted the knife and now drew it down across his palm " just scoring the heel of his thumb - and used the resultant wound to inscribe the mark that she described. He then stepped back, beside her, and waited for her cue to say the words, a slightly puzzled look on his face.

She glared at him when he corrected her. When he cut his thumb, she tensed up, drawing in as much for the scent as she could. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on the task as she began, trying to speak according to his corrections, "Enna morathi, amel-eth, dii en'Dy, uthbek sud anell nathrak.?


Date: 2012-06-01 21:41 EST
And he'd began as soon as she had, matching her timing with near perfection. He took no notice of her glare; he hadn't corrected her intentionally, he wasn't even aware that he'd done it, or where the information had come from - something from that night in the Catacombs. Cobwebs seemed to clutter his mind for a moment as the heady scent of her blood filled the air - and he felt hunger stir within him, though he had fed well before the evening had began. As the last combined syllable left their lips, the crimson smears on the gargoyle seemed to flow together, former straighter, more perfect lines instead of smears, and the sigil began to pulse with crimson light until it was a continuous soft red glare. Their words seemed to softly echo along the corridors back to them, and another voice - though perhaps its just the strange atmosphere - seems to whisper something, just low enough it can't be made out. Kaiden's head slowly turned to face her, an eyebrow raised above his dark glasses as he spoke, "You realize that it's times like these, that people generally meet some grisly death, don't you Ms. Tollivar?" His tone was slightly dry.

She obviously glared at him then. She was always solely focused on her missions, and obeyed to the letter, never questioning her superiors, but this one" She didn't know why she would accept lip from someone under her command. She said bluntly, "Next one. We've got a lot more to do. Let's hurry this thing up. I don't want to be here all night."

He cleared his throat somewhat, and bowed, rather stiffly, gesturing onwards that they might circle the four that were already in this room, at least. The lacquered wooden scabbard was used for the gesture, as he mumbled something to the effect of, "Of course, Ms. Tollivar. I don't want you to waste your evening away with an underling..." and that would be his only comment to her haste. As they proceeded through all the statues they could see - at least on this floor, the scent of their blood grew stronger in the room, at least to vampires" senses. And with each of the Guardians activated, the echoes would follow, along with the voice, growing a little louder with each one marked with their blood; the voice would whisper softly, in a patient sigh, "The eternal flame..." - that much could be heard, at least. Jogging quickly around the room - though jog might be a misnomer given his speed - he surveyed other possible locations, and noted one at the end of each of the corridors, as well as two at the top of the stairs, "Floor by floor, then, Ms. Tollivar?" It seemed the most reasonable to him, at least, even if the two at the top of the stairs were visible - it would ultimately be less retracing of steps, and he wanted to serve her desire for haste. The doors along each corridor all appeared to be shut, though the corridor itself was lighted. The scabbard was in hand again, its grip already tacky from being repeatedly grabbed with bloody hands.


Date: 2012-06-01 21:44 EST
With each draw of more blood, her words bit more. She was losing her tolerance and focus. She didn't hear the other voices, too filled with heated passion and savage anger. She was just trying to focus on his words. "Yes," she said almost desperately, hoping to get away from the smell of their blood, knowing it was fruitless since their mixed blood covered her hands and down her arms from alternating their painting.

And by the time they had opened all the doors in one corridor, seeking out the last of the Guardians on that side, he didn't look any better - his shirt was discarded, it was dripping and wet from him wiping his hands on it in an attempt to keep a better grip on his sword - and now his bare chest was painted with streaks of blood, running red rivulets downwards. The only respite was the fact that it at least appeared as though they had dispatched all the threats within - even though that didn't make the building seem any less foreboding, especially with the voice adding a little stronger with each application of the spell, "The eternal flame, life, which cannot be extinguished...". The fact that the steps they -did- retrace now were already wafting with the scent of their blood, and at times he would almost stagger drunkenly before righting himself - and by the time they would return to the two at the top of the stair....he was trying not to pant with hunger, so much hunger, and so many manifestations of it - not just....blood thirst. There were only the two in front of them, and one more door ahead of them left unchecked. He reached down into a side pouch and pulled out a small flask, unstoppered it - and another blood scent filled the air, actually a mixture, from the flask, "Ms. Tollivar?" he was offering it to her first.


Date: 2012-06-01 21:46 EST
She took obvious notice when he cast off his shirt. She couldn't even help looking at him with passionate heated eyes, though she worked hard enough not to do or say anything, other than repeating the chants. She had fed before she came to the abbey, but losing so much blood was more than taking its toll on her, though not as much as it was on him. She scoffed when he offered her the flask, turning away from it and him in an act of showing how she was better than him, continuing on her way to the next gargoyle. In reality, she knew if she drank, she would leave none for him in her frenzy that was forming from the additional scent, and she knew him, being a younger vampire, would need more than her to sustain.

His eyes couldn't help but fall down her back to her swaying hips and blood streaked arms - his frown muted as he would raise the flask to his nose....and take only a slight drink, perhaps a quarter of it, before stoppering it again. He was younger - but he was also Salubri spawned, and he was adept at resisting frenzy. The other primal hunger, however, could not be vampirically repressed, and he gave his cloudy head a shake before following to the last gargoyle, and repeating the ritual; the bodiless voice adding, "The eternal flame, life, which cannot be extinguished; the origin which cannot..." As he would turn to her, eyes casting between hers and the final unfound doorway, he had a slight distant look to his eyes - fevered, to some, perhaps - and reflecting an odd shade of red in his jade eyes, probably from the wet slick upon his chest and forearms. He'd given up trying to keep hold of the scabbard and it was now bound to one thigh, as much holding the pant leg in place as the blades. He would make a weak attempt to reach the door before her, but, given her dominant state....he had just enough focus to know that there's no way it would happen.


Date: 2012-06-01 21:48 EST
Defiantly, still trying to show she was in control of herself, and him, she walked in first with her knife ready to cut her hand one last time.

And he was in behind her and the doors slammed shut - though perhaps they didn't notice, so caught up in their work - except that to her at least, the room would be more than familiar - save for a red crystalline rose at the foot of the bed, almost as all as Kaiden, and the last Guardian a few feet beyond the rose. There was a feeling within the room - Power! - And it flowed around and through them, converging here from all the different points of the ritual throughout the Abbey. The thought of taking her hand and slowly sucking each finger clean of the red, sticky, substance flickered through his mind's eye, and the sound of his blood roaring in his ears almost drowned out everything else - as he now the thought of being inside her, his fangs pushing against and into her, tasting her....he muttered, "Just one more...Then....we leave." He wasn't focused enough at all, at the moment, to note her reaction - if any, to the room.

She looked around and barely understood in her weakened state. How could this be? How were they back in her room in Vampire House" She shared it with her twin, Lydia, who Kaiden knew nothing about. What was this thing at the foot of her bed" She stood stunned. She didn't hear his words. She was so disoriented, but filled with confidence and power - a dangerous mix. She looked anxiously around the room as she spoke more harshly than he had even heard her speak to him before, "What is this?"

He blinked through the haze, "What do you mean....the last room, top of the stairs..." he had moved to stand beside her, their blood mingling as his arm lightly grazed her own, fingertips jerking at the sudden touch, and finding hers before slipping away, trying to focus. He was looking at her, from behind those shades, eyes flickering to the bed - a brief rest, yes....maybe that would....just let him forget and wake up and things would be right again....just after this last one - it was the only way she would let him alone, he knew. "....can we finish...?" He reached out to steady himself as he wavered slightly, muscles flexing beneath red stain of his blood.


Date: 2012-06-01 21:52 EST
His touch only angered her. "This isn't right," she growled, "This isn't a joke!" She was slowly losing her control that she was working so hard to keep. She took a breath, one last attempt to gain control. "Yes, let's just do this." She walked up to the gargoyle and cut her hand. She made the first half of the marking, then waited for him, watching him impatiently, looking again at his bare blood soaked chest, her rage and heat slowly building against her again, since she felt unabashed in what seemed like her room.

Kaiden's hand pressed against the chest of the last Guardian, and inscribed the sigil for the final time - his own chest looking like someone had been practicing it there, from constantly wiping his hands. He still felt drunk, and maybe that's why he was bold enough to reach out, taking her hand and feeling the hot sticky smear between their skins, "We should go....we're done, right?" He couldn't stop looking at her lips, her neck.

When he grabbed her hand, it was too much for her to take. She lost any willpower she may have had. She ripped her hand back from his and growled, "Don't ever tell me what to do.? With her free hand she pushed against his chest violently shoving him back. She adjusted her grip on her knife and held it ready in her other sticky, blood stained hand. She had a rage in her eyes that he had seen when they had fought in the practice room, but this time it seemed even more uncontrolled and savage.

"Ms. Tollivar..." he staggered backwards, not expected the sudden ferocity, "I didn't, I..." He was weaponless, the scabbard secured to his thigh in such a way it prevented him drawing a blade, and so raised his hands cautiously, "What so..." rational thought was leaving him as well, her lips seemed to turn an even deeper red in her rage - everything was red, and blood, and thundering in his head, "I apologized, no reason....for the knife..."


Date: 2012-06-03 00:15 EST
Repeated Mature Warning: Sex & Nudity Act 3: The Sixth Day

Layla glared at him when Kaiden called her Ms. Tollivar. She lunged at his torso with her knife. The move was sloppy even for her, but she was just blinded by rage.

As she moved towards him with the blade out, one hand slapped out and hit her wrist, the other slapped the flat of the knife blade, sending it spinning across the floor even as his then free hand would seek her other wrist, drawing them close as he would try to restrain her - but for his own blood slicked hands, he would have. Instead, she threw her weight backwards and down - leaving him off balance - as she swept out with one leg, taking his precarious stance out from under him and bringing him hard to floor beside her, and even as he would seek to gain purchase in the scuffle by grabbing onto the bedding, she would lunge again and he would lose his grip on anything that might avail him - and now both of their clothes were completely ruined, soaked or smeared with their own or each others blood. Somewhere in the fray, a hand closed about his mouth just as he was about to make some quip of a remark, but instead of silencing him, his mouth somehow was open to receive a red, wet finger which - perhaps to her further annoyance - he took greedily against his tongue. He was too far gone now to be held accountable for acting with any rational at all; a young man saddled with the powers of an ancient Salubri did not an ancient Salubri make, no matter their self control.


Date: 2012-06-03 00:16 EST
Somewhere in the fray, a hand closed about his mouth just as he was about to make some quip of a remark, but instead of silencing him, his mouth somehow was open to receive a red, wet finger which - perhaps to her further annoyance - he took greedily against his tongue. He was too far gone now to be held accountable for acting with any rational at all; a young man saddled with the powers of an ancient Salubri did not an ancient Salubri make, no matter their self control.

She frantically gained control, sitting dominantly over him, pinning him against the ground by slapping her hand onto his chest. She ripped her finger from his mouth. He struggled briefly as she regained dominance, and sucked defiantly on the finger as it was drawn from his mouth. Her hands quickly made her way down, against his chest and stomach and below. It was all he could do to stifle a groan of pleasure and the feeling of her so close to him - finally - it felt like his body was aching - burning - for her touch, and he didn't care what form it came in. Every touch of skin on skin brought a moment of erotic pleasure, no matter how aggressive she seemed - it always had, after all, and he had no way to stop it even if he wanted to change the way it made him feel.

She positioned herself above him and used his firmness against her. She forced him into her as she let out a seductive moan. He could no longer restrain the moan from his lips as it softly escaped while she pushed down onto him and one of his hands sought her hip, frantically grasping, sliding behind her, squeezing, as the other was placed firmly against her abdomen - sliding through the ripped material from the earlier attack, against her bare flesh and sliding upwards. Her breaths became more labored with his touches, causing her to pant softly as his hands explored her. It was almost as if she realized what she was doing now, realizing how she was showing him how she felt, even if just in this way. She desperately cried out softly, "Kaiden." She meant it as a warning that they should stop, but she, herself, could not even stop her growing rhythmic rocking.


Date: 2012-06-03 00:18 EST
And for long moments, her panting with his - their soft moans, were the only noises, and as she had called his name it broke him from his reverie - he hadn't been able to take his eyes off of her - all of her. He attempted to lift himself, rise to sitting somewhat - he needed her, more of her....all. As he sat up to meet her, she moved her hands from his chest to his shoulders as if to get a better hold of him to force herself against him harder. She stared at him as she did so with a clear drive in her eyes.

He leaned forward after meeting her eyes for a moment - he needed his as much as her, if not more, though he'd never known desire this strong before. His gaze broke from hers as he leaned in as she ground against him as his own grinding up against her increased and his eyes closed. The determination in her eyes and her thrusts well exceeded what she could take. She slapped one hand against his chest causing him to moan - he didn't care, just touch him, in any way - his body burned for it, and he couldn't stop himself anymore - they both knew what they were doing, although perhaps she more than he, given his lack of experience.

She put one hand behind his neck and leaned into whisper in his ear between hard breaths, "Don't you dare finish first." As she leaned in, and drew him to herself, his grinding became much more deliberate - making sure not to pull back before she would raise back up, "I....don't..." his squeezed his eyes closed harder, he couldn't stand much more, it was too intense, "Ms....La?" he was panting, getting closer, and soon, very soon, unable to stop, he couldn't even make himself focus on what to call her anymore....he wanted to say her name so badly, it felt so right"


Date: 2012-06-03 00:19 EST
She clutched him between her legs, trying any and every way to get any part of her body closer to him. She said frantically, "Say it!" Just the thought of him calling her name, something she begged him to do so many times, was enough to distract her. She threw her head back and released a feral scream that seemed to echo briefly in the room.

Seeing her pleasure, feeling it, so intensely around him was too much, and he gave in; an inarticulate moan of pleasure formed into her name as she kept rocking her hips, "Layla!" And his hands slid around her, up her back and tangling in her hair, pulling her face to his, he didn't care - beat him near to death later - and savagely pulled her face back to his, needing her lips, her mouth, seeking it out frantically.

She kissed him, fighting with her tongue, even now, as one last hope to maintain her dominance over him in some way. She quickly realized what she was doing and pulled herself away from him. She hurriedly jumped up, going to her knees, and putting her hand on the gargoyle in order to help herself to a standing position. Heart still beating frantically as she said, "We" It looks like these guys are good."

His eyes met hers for a moment as she rose, burning holes into hers as he quickly gained his feet, dramatically snapping out a pair of shades and putting them in place over his eyes, once again donning his veil, hesitating before speaking, "I guess ....we did what we," he took a moment to softly clear his throat, "came here to do, then." His eyes were solely on her, and so he took no notice - vampires" senses or not - that the statue beneath her hand had begun to move, talon toes curling and stretching, shoulders beginning to roll beneath the apparent weight of its winged cloak - and perhaps most telling to Layla, its hair taking on the qualities of the living, becoming less and less stone, and more and more, leathery living tissue with fine, downy soft hair. And at that moment, began to rise from its crouch, giving no time to talk about the events which were involved in the undertaking of the life giving ritual. As the creature - the Gargoyle Guardian - stood, its eyes slowly grated open, revealing white, glowing orbs underneath. But he finally had noticed, "Ms. Tollivar..." cautiously, moving towards the coverlets, eyes not leaving the creature, but hand grasping for the lacquered sword hilts. The creatures jaws opened - stretched, revealing fang like canines on both top and bottom of the jaw - and spoke, "I'm....alive...!"

She turned her head down so he would not see how his words hurt her. She looked down at the gargoyle under her hand, she saw and felt it move. She quickly let go and stood up next to Kaiden as the creature began to stand from its crouching position. She grabbed her guns, her security in dangerous conditions, and took aim on it.


Date: 2012-06-03 00:55 EST
His words hadn't been meant to wound, he was just....used to adapting his attitude to make it appear as though he wasn't wounded by her brush offs anymore - since that is how he took them, only in the depths of the dark nights considering how pathetic it made him feel that he would accept any scrap that was offered, and be glad and loyal for it. But in the end, words are wind, and what one does tells the tale of ones character - one's self - and that was how he found himself in front of her, though she had drawn her guns; his position that of a kneeling crouch, ready to spring forward and safely positioned below the weapons held overhead - his own twin blades singing from their sheaths and taking position on either side of him. This one was not like the other things they had encountered, it was larger, bulkier, yet more lithe appearing for all its size. Kaiden murmured under his breath, wary, "I'll protect you, Layla." Funny, any time that they were doing business or that she might mock him, or call him down, she was Ms. Tollivar. But the moment she was in danger - that he perceived as danger - she was Layla, and his subconscious took over, throwing away the mask that his ego had created - the one he called Ms. Tollivar. As the creature stretched out before them, the clasp of its 'cape' unhooked and twin wings beat out to the side, also stretching towards the ceiling, arms raising as it would yawn - and tower above them both. As it settled again, its luminous white, glowing eyes settled on them both, as it crossed its arms beneath its - her - breasts, wings once again fastening before her as she would toss her head, snowy white mane - now that it was no longer inert - flowing down past her shoulders. "Peace favor you, Children of the Dragons..." Its look was....amused.

Any other time, she would have noticed and been grateful he called her by her name, but this time she was too unbalanced. She watched the creature and was unsettled by its response, figuring something more must be going on. This creature easily could have had them by surprise and was much more than the other creatures they had fought. She lowered her guns and took a step forward to stand next to Kaiden. She halted him as she outstretched an arm in front of him, as if to say "wait".


Date: 2012-06-03 00:57 EST
Even as her arm extended, his chest pressed into it, still bare from earlier, though now cleaned by sweat and saliva. Eyes as red as the creatures body bore into it, but heeded her command - and he stayed. The room was beginning to darken around them, it seemed. Shadows crept in, and became more than shadows, living patches of darkness that ignored the light, though the creature still did not appear threatening, instead, it smiled - showing off those fangs - at Layla as its head canted to the other side, "Ah, Daughter of Night, how long has it been" Do you remember....or does the body you wear prevent it, yet"" A slight, airy, tsking sound before she would continue, "I have not seen you, darkle nor tinct, since the beginning, so long ago now, and you," turning more fully on Kaiden, "Lost One, aren't you? The Host Who Wasn't, the Abandoned." Again she would sigh, but this time cluck with her tongue, against the roof of her mouth, "but he wasn't supposed to Host as long as he did, and you were made....well, you became something else, now didn't you?" Arms were dropped from being crossed - the poor thing was only barely clothed, supple black tunic, thigh length and cinched at the waist - beneath all too obvious femininity and now apparent five talon fingers laced together, hand in hand before her as her wings draped off shoulders. "Forgive me, I am....Ayleph."

Layla glared at it. She didn't like how it seemed to know him, let alone her. It seemed to talk in riddles to her, that it knew more about them than they did themselves. She took a step forward making it clear she was in dominate position of Kaiden, not as a way to undermine him, but as a way to show this 'Ayleph' that he was hers and she was in control. She spoke with a presence in her voice, "Why do you call me 'darkle nor tinct'" How do you know us?"


Date: 2012-06-03 22:37 EST
Kaiden chose to remain silent, his wasn't the position to barter or bargain - he was the enforcer, and so the conversation went on with him listening, and at the ready. Ayleph's features, though a little bit alien, were clearly growing in amusement to the antics she perceived, "I do not call you that, Child, it is what you do - you who are the Hosts," and she was clearly smiling now, remembering something herself, perhaps, before she spoke further, "The Hosts and the Dragons....twin children, darkle and tinct - live forwards and backwards in time, and sideways as well." Cryptic as ever; she might soon learn the nature of the Myriae to be. Her features would soften further, as the darkness that was creeping in began to give way to a red glow - red as her features had been before she took the stony flesh she now held; the only thing which remained of the room as the light grew to a peak again - some ambient glow from behind red panels - was the crystalline red rose. "....Do you believe in, or have you heard of Reincarnation, Child"" Her tone was soft, gentle, as if truly speaking to a child. Compared to Ayleph, after all, she really was - regardless of her age, and Kaiden - younger still. So give some understanding, if you will, if she appears condescending - she's a parent, or perhaps an aunt - trying to teach willful children not to touch the stove.

She said stoically, "I've heard of many things. What does that have to do with us?" She wondered why the gargoyle said "host". She remembered Kaiden and what she had done" Her mission was to find a body for someone to possess. She only had so much time and she couldn't find anyone in time" anyone but the new lackey she hired, someone that she" She made her decision. She chose her job, her company. Kaiden didn't even know what had happened. She could never bring herself to tell him. But this creature seemed to know? seemed to know her biggest secret, her biggest regret.

Ayelph's eyes closed and opened somewhat languidly, amusement painted there again as she gazed from one of them to the other, "You are each of you....Hosts. Though in another time, it might have happened that that potential was never realized - but the End has Begun, and even I have been cast down, for the next world - the next life, as you may think of it - has already been nullified, taken by Oblivion." Her wings seemed to ruffle of their own accord as she spoke, perturbed. "....You are each of you Hosts, from your respective homes from across the Nexus. Though this one," she paused, and gestured to Kaiden, wings truly ruffling, "...this one is unique." Ayleph drew back, pensive, thinking aloud, "All of the Hosts to Be are unique, now....the odds..." were one in a number so large that it defied human conceptuality of the infinite - but this was that instance, not a coincidence - just the statistic, this universe.


Date: 2012-06-03 22:41 EST
Act 4: Exodus

The panels on the walls flared to life, each of the four great walls held life sized recreations - or so it seemed - of both their lives, two walls dedicated to each of them - then, to cunning eyes only, at first, those portraits of their lives took on....subtle differences. The people they were watching were themselves - yet different - always the same core, but each scene - each life unveiled before them - forged through the unique experiences of that particular world that was shown. It began to appear as though they were each looking into the lives of their twins, twins of their twins, and so on - an ever increasing myriad of lifetimes.

She watched each of the scenes, hers and his. She looked at Ayleph and said, "What is this?" She still didn't understand anything she was saying, though she wouldn't say those words exactly.

The variety of Kaiden's scenes were less than those of hers, due to the fact that he had diverged from his intended course - quite without knowing it, or without having hand in it, when the Black Rose Lord had returned from Oblivions edge. "This the history, the true history, of your lives - not the ones you currently lived, but all those that have been, and will be, Darkstar. Daughter of Night. Shall I spell it out to you? Tell you why you feel what you do"" Her eyes flickered to Kaiden, dismissed him, and returned to her again. " that what you would really want"" And suddenly the voice spoke again, but this time in her mind - and Kaiden looked on, concerned with the growing silence, as he could no longer hear - at least this conversation. "....Would you have me explain to you, why you chase him, and he you? It should not have been so - this I see, but it is as it is, now. Once, upon a time, you would have lived your life out - uncaring of this individual, he would have grown old and aged beyond your interest - gone away with the innocent eyes, the chasing glances - he would become defeated; but....not now, not any longer. For you have both been realized as Hosts - perhaps because....this is the last Bastion against Oblivion, perhaps because all others of you - your twins the multiverse and Nexus over - have been....silenced. Ask your questions, Darkstar, in your mind - then only I may hear them, and only if you wish them heard. I am no enemy to you, and this boy..." There was almost a mental sigh, on her part, "He has been let out, a sheep among the wolves. Lord Knightfall, however....was ever persuasive, and his is the hand that controls the chess board on this side of the game against Oblivion."


Date: 2012-06-03 22:49 EST
She glared at her, becoming more intolerant of Ayleph 'spelling things out' for her, but as she heard her words, not seeing her lips move she took a step back to Kaiden's side and said aggressively, "I do not!" She meant it in response to her hidden words accusing her of chasing him, those they inadvertently would have been an appropriate response to Ayleph's last spoken statement, in Kaiden's view. Once she made reference to Knightfall, the one that ordered the possession, she knew this creature knew much more than even she, so she would listen. She asked subconsciously, "Why is he important to this" Why am I important to this, whatever this host thing is?"

Ayleph flashed a sudden smile, canting her head as she thought out the conversation, "And that's the most important question of all - why! You are both important because of who you are - what you are, and what you carry within you that has been there all along, but only sought to be awakened. You -are- Hosts of the Myriae, and Children of the Dragons - and in being, Dragons yourself." And an image was floated from mind to mind, showing - at the mention of Dragons - not the traditional western or oriental style of dragon, but Dragons - the pinnacle of ascendancy of spirit, mind, and body, into one Vessel. Not a winged, four legged, fire breathing, flying reptile - no, this definition of Dragon was something that was greater than the sum of its parts, something insurmountable, unstoppable, and immovable. When fully awakened, at least. "He is the Sun, as you are the Moon - and you know he chases, and so do you. Lux and Nox, Light and Dark. When he began," nodding towards Kaiden, "He was for Lord Kristoph Knightfall - but, by fate or by chance, another Dragon drew him out as a Host as well - you. While Lord Knightfall's orders were followed - he was far away, and you never left Kaiden's side - yours was the stronger call, though you knew not you made it. As for the Hosts....why you? Because you will not quit. Nor fail nor falter. Nor quaver or fear. You fight. Do you not feel it' Greater purpose, out there" Waiting" That dark question mark that hovers in our mind as you lay to sleep, wondering of all this that one perfect question - the question 'why'?"

Lately Layla had been wondering why she pushed so hard, why she fought so hard to hide what she felt, why she devoted herself to a company that asked so much and gave so little, she was just confused. This was his entire fault. If he never would have came into her employ she never would have took an interest in him and knew he would have worked for the possession. She just looked at Ayleph. She didn't say anything verbally or subconsciously, but she knew her thoughts would have been easy enough to read. She tried not to focus on her feelings for him, but figured she must already know.


Date: 2012-06-03 22:53 EST
Kaiden began to feel nervous as the two women were locked in an apparent staring match, and he used the term 'woman' loosely, at least in the case of Ayleph, whose origins he had no idea save the ritual they had just completed. His eyes blinked hesitantly behind his dark shades, but he kept his inoffensive posture as Layla had demanded, and instead his left hand absently rose to his chest and he again began to finger the silver ring which hung there - and completely missed Ayleph's eyes on him, as his eyes were focused on Layla. Ayleph's gaze flitted back and forth between them, almost gesturing with her eyes to his unbidden attention to the ring at his neck, with a secretive smile towards Layla, and speaking mind to mind, "I'll tell him nothing, for there is nothing to tell which should not be obvious, I would think. But for you, in his his turning, such as you have accomplished it..." her head canted and she began again, as if all this should make sense, "Everything must exist in Balance, and just as he was changed in the resurrection of the Black Rose Lord, so must that change be answered. When Justicar fled him, something else stepped in to take its place, something elder, and reminiscent of Olden Times, the Daystar - Lux. Even as that Myriad was called forth and into him, it's balancing force passed into his possession, though he knows it not - not yet. The Darkstar, Nox. Tell me now, Layla Tollivar, do you believe in coincidence""

Layla continued to stare at her. She said aloud, as if to pretend she was just imagining all of this that was going on in her head, "I don't know what to believe anymore." It would seem innocent enough as a spoken statement. "That mean you're done your staring match and we can go, then?" Kaiden had finally spoken up again, brought out of his daze by her voice suddenly breaking the still silence of the moment. "You may answer in your mind, if you wish, Layla Tollivar. Let us change topics then, and perhaps this will distress you less - though you would be among the few it would have that effect on - would it distress you, knowing that you were being used as a weapon' Is that not how your Company has always used you though, of sorts?" Ayleph's eyebrows rose incrementally, with genuine curiosity to what the vampires reaction might be to a changed line of questioning, "You put to much faith in symbology, as well" now skirting the earlier subject, "The ring was his mothers, and when the Daystar came into him - its balance was thrust into something that Daystar's Host cared about, leave it at that." And leave your question then, if you would not have it answered - as to why you. Certainly, that last wasn't voiced even in Layla's mind, but it was implied, silently between the two women.

And Ayleph would let it lie.


Date: 2012-06-03 22:57 EST
When Kaiden spoke, Layla quickly turned to look at him and demanded, "Quiet!" She had given him the order once before. They both knew he could disobey her, but something weakening in her eyes begged him not to do so. She turned back to Ayleph when she spoke to her and she said angrily, "I tire of these games. Tell me when you need of me" of him. You are one of the gargoyle things we came here to activate, and you're activated, so unless you have any demands, I completed my mission." She didn't know what this thing was telling her, but she had been through enough emotional upheaval tonight. She didn't need this thing in her mind.

"Gargoyle"" Ayleph threw her head back and the room, odd as it was, was filled with the sound of tinkling bells. Laughter. Her head canted forward again as the sound drifted away, leaving Kaiden slightly wide eyed, fingers frozen on the ring - which had been displayed prominently when Layla had begged him again for quiet, and indeed he seemed about to speak again, but just as he was about to his eyebrows lifted slightly and he caught the depth of her look, and sighed. In the moment he noticed that both her eyes and his mothers ring held the same shades, purples to a small band of vibrant blue, and glittering onyx - a gem that refracted all light, and eyes that absorbed everything. He gave a terse nod, and the words As you wish....left unspoken, but in his gaze. "So young," Ayleph continued, seemingly oblivious - though that would be hard to believe in truth, and was probably an act - consider, she was speaking mind to mind, "I'd forgotten the impetuousness of the very young." Ayleph sighed, this time aloud - which drew Kaiden's attention as well. "Very well. Consider me a Guardian of this place, if you will., that is..." a hint of a smile graced her lips, and arms that were crossed beneath her breasts slid down her form, palms sliding over the soft swell of her stomach, as she looked down, thoughtful, "Consider them, my Children - but I am not OF them. They will aid in our defense, here. Though they may only delay the inevitable, they will give us time ? and it is Time that we need. You there, boy," Now she spoke to Kaiden, whose gaze returned to her behind dark glasses, save an eyebrow that shot up as he looked to Layla for approval. At this point, it was fine with him if she just did all the talking. He seemed to be making a fool of himself.


Date: 2012-06-03 23:00 EST
Layla turned to Kaiden when Ayleph addressed him. She felt she wasn't making any headway with this thing and raised her eyebrows as if to indicate that he was permitted to talk to it and see if he could do any better. It was this time at she noticed the ring, the one Ayleph said was once his mothers. She got lost in thought of it for a moment, wondering if he would one day give it to someone that he planned to " but she let the thought vanish before allowing herself to finish it. She turned her eyes back to his.

Sunglasses were slid just down the bridge of his nose with his free hand as Kaiden eyed Ayleph, "Yeah?" he didn't care if she had just mocked him, like Layla, he only wanted to get this over with. It was just a good thing Layla was there, he thought to himself - little known that Ayleph could hear him - to make this type of endeavor worth while, else the level of creepy alone that always accompanied these missions would just make him walk away. "Your blades - they're weak. You know it to be true." and she paused, only a short time as she recognized his slow nod, "Take two from downstairs - within the Stones. They will give for you, but you must return them. They will never break, nor pit, rust, or corrode and will remain ever sharp and true. This would be worth something to you, yes?" Kaiden slowly shifted his gaze from Ayleph to Layla, trying to gauge what he should say - he wasn't the diplomat here, where in her policies did it state the hired muscle did the talking! Something else he'd have to grill her on, later. He muttered sarcastically as his eyes sought those of his commanding officer, "Yeah, they sound great - now if you could only come up with something a little more quiet for her while you're at it...", which due to the unique telepathic abilities within the room Ayleph quickly picked up on, "....we included her in our offer." Hands still on the swell of her stomach, they now moved down over her hips and locked together behind her as she regarded them.

Layla watched him and the concern in his eyes when he looked to her. She had never diverted her eyes from him, showing that she had complete faith in his ability to speak on long as she was finished talking. She turned back to Ayleph and her head perked up as she was given a gift as well. It was good, that it was offered; she would have attempted to take them regardless since they were offered to Kaiden. If it was something he could have, it would be something she would want.


Date: 2012-06-03 23:12 EST
And that look sealed it to Kaiden's mind. Layla wanted it. "Yeah, ok, you've got my interest....what?s the catch' You said I'd have to bring them back. Doesn't sound like much of a gift, to me," his tone was completely irreverent, but hey, if she was giving permission. Ayleph only looked on, amused, and brought her arms out in front of her again, "Collateral, something to keep, to make sure you return what belongs to the Sacred Temple - something precious to you; perhaps an heirloom, like your ring." And she'd given him permission, so his hand slowly coiled the chain around his fingers, not looking to Layla at all now for permission, having already attained it, "I'll be returning for this, you know..." but even as he spoke, Ayleph's hand rose to gesture a halt to his actions. "Hold, boy. I am not some heartless thing, even if you would perceive me as such." and with that she did frown, sad at being misunderstood, perhaps, "An agent will hold it for me. But this agent will be -bound- by Oath to bring it to me, should you choose to forfeit the bargain, and do something ....stupid ....such as lose our Gifts." Kaiden's eyes were deadpan, no matter how the situation shifted, he didn't particularly like the sound of it - but would do whatever it took to gain praise from....his gaze shifted to Layla then, but just as quickly away. "....and who would you propose be the Keeper" I can't wait to see what manner of creature you'd force me to interact with and call it a fair bargain," his voice would soon sound venomous if he didn't reign himself in, but Ayleph looked only more amused as his anger rose, even as his complexion began to look more like her own - dusky red. Ayleph was quickly all innocence though, as her eyes sought and settled on Layla again, "....From seeing within you what I've seen," Ayleph to Layla, "I find it hard to believe that you would tolerate him calling you a 'creature'."

Layla heard when Ayleph asked for his ring and her face displayed her horror. The swords downstairs were not the only things she had wanted" one day' if it would come to that' She was lost in thought again, and only focused when she heard Ayleph's remark. Not usually one of few words, but completely blindsided by the turn of events, she stumbled through the word, "Me?" She didn't like the condition. She would have to give it back? There is no way anyone could rip it from her finger.


Date: 2012-06-03 23:14 EST
Ayleph blinked languidly, raising a hand to her lips and tapping her finger gently against them as they pursed, "Yes, I think this arrangement shall do....nicely." She smiled slowly, as Layla broadcast obvious thoughts, which she would say nothing to contradict. Kaiden, on the other hand, held the ring in a white knuckled grip, confused. "Now just a minute, you can't just go giving rings to wo-" but he was cut short, "In this place, I assure you, I can do quite as I please. You will return, mark my words. If only to talk - her carrying it for you is not so great a burden, is it' Now, be gone." And the cape that were her wings now spread, unfurling behind her, rising upwards until tips would touch the ceiling, "I have work to do, here." With a gesture over her shoulder, an unseen force knocked Kaiden's hand - hard- and the ring, chain and all went flying, streaking through the air - to hover in front of Layla. "I can always alter the conditions, if you're feeling particularly ungrateful,? and this was said with a snarl, though not necessarily a particularly convincing one.

Layla turned to Kaiden. She didn't care what the creature had said. She would not accept the ring until he permitted her to have it. It was not the creature's to give. She didn't even care about the ring. She only wanted what it symbolized. That symbol wasn't something the creature could give. But she wasn't even sure if that's what she wanted. She had been through too much tonight. She ignored the ring hovering in front of her, and only looked to him. She ignored the symbol....and turned to what she really wanted.


Date: 2012-06-03 23:18 EST
His eyes met hers, and his was much the same state of mind, and his defenses lowered as he raised a hand up to slip his shades completely off, "....take it, it..." the thought of her with it didn't bother him, not at all, "it....matches your eyes, actually..." and a slow, steady flush had suffused his cheeks, "Ms. Tollivar, I mean....that is....take it, it's fine. I trust you."

"It was a ring; that was it", she told herself as she grabbed it from the air and removed it from the chain. She held it for a moment in her fingers, as if silently deciding, before placing it on her ring finger on her right hand. She immediately dropped her hand and would not look at it. Her eyes went wide after she realized it fit her hand perfectly, but she wouldn't say a word about it " ever. It was just a ring. She took a deep breath and collected herself. She looked to Kaiden and growled, "Let's grab those swords and get the hell out of this place."

Kaiden paused a moment, he'd been about to tell her that was the wrong hand, but only blinked slowly. "Right, the swords" and for a moment, like once before, he would show just a little dominance as his hand touched her lower back, "then the hell out of here..."


Date: 2012-06-09 19:36 EST
Epilogue One

The girl sat, cross legged with her hands on her ankles, swaying from side to side as ear buds blasted a steady rhythm, drowning out everything but the voices in her head. Staring vacantly ahead, she focused on the conversation going on within her mind. The Ageless Stranger had come to her, and devoured her mind with promises of destiny and power. As she dreamed of what was to come, she was almost bored with the task at hand, until finally the two she had been waiting for emerged from the Abbey.

Vampires. She could smell them, now. And the things they carried, she could smell them too - like berries and cinnamon, all laced together. An errant strand of drool slipped from the corner of her mouth and trailed down to her blouse, and as she wiped it away she broke from her reverie at the voice's insistence.

"There, you can sense them, can't you?" the male voice, disembodied as it was almost purred with satisfaction in her head, "Each of them carries a piece, and the more divided they become - the weaker the Guardians of All, Ayleph & Omega, within the Final Myriad become. The Black House has already fallen to Us, only this bottle neck of a Nexus remains now, then..."

The girls head snapped to the side and up forty five degrees, brows furrowing as she spoke to the man in her head, "....then we take everything that's left, and use it against them' ....Right?" Her eyes closed as she leaned into an unseen hand that stroked her hair, and nodded to his response.

"That's right, Joni, my pet. Then....we....take it." A part of him wanted to do it right then - wipe her mind and turn her into a mindless puppet - but those were so much less reliable. What a chance he was taking though, with her. His Twinner. He should kill her now, totally, and be done with it....on another plane, ethereal lips twisted into a dreadful smile - which then turned to one of pure arrogance.

He could handle her, after all, perhaps.

She was only like him.

But since she wasn't him, why not weaponize her?

She was after all, expendable.