Topic: Blood Red, Black Rose


Date: 2012-02-21 08:30 EST
Act 1: Blood Red, Black Rose

Wherein the Bleak Winter passes, Thawed by the warmth of Blood, the Last Host is named, And a Black Rose blooms.


A billowing, silvery ankle deep fog flooded along the corridors, obscuring the passing footprints of any who would pass through, seeming somehow natural in a place intended to obscure things from view. Silently, a raven hopped through the Mist, its head bobbing along seemingly merrily, its black feathers marred only by a lightly glowing red mark upon its forehead.

The bird pranced nervously, occasionally sending skirls of Mist into the air to briefly hold a man's shape before slipping away to nothingness again. In a recognizably human yet mocking call, it tentatively cried out, "Sister, sister..."

It's head bobbing back and forth anxiously, as if waiting. Suddenly a twin Raven hops out of the Mist; this one more silent and albino, alighting beside the black on a raised dais.


Layla headed down to the catacombs under vampire house. She hated to do any "business" dealings this close to home. A man walked a few feet behind her. It was clear from his demeanor that he was following her lead. He was tall and had an athletic build with a strong face. His long dark hair was loose and a few strands were in his face. His dark eyes were deep and solemn. He was wearing a long black trench coat that hid everything except a small glimpse of his black pants and black combat boots.

She was wearing a one-button black blazer; even though it was low cut, it wasn't as revealing as one would think. Although, one would have to get close enough to see if she was wearing anything on underneath it, and it would probably be their last discovery. She was also wearing simple black pants and black pumps. She was adorned with platinum and diamond jewelry. None of which was her usual tastes, but she was there on behalf of her company so she liked to look as professional as possible and this was as close as she was going to get. She stopped in the mist, waiting.


The two Ravens leapt up, their wings the only noise in the vacant catacombs and perched aloft....something. Something that shouldn't have been able to support their weight, since it seemed made entirely of Mist, yet was in the shape of a man; like some sort of ethereal phantom, the figure glanced behind her and its head tilted. ?"this is....not the man I thought you would bring..." the voice deep, and soft. His head tilted, as if peering intently at her again, seeming to slide forward yet keeping his distance in a circumfrence around her as he neared the man behind her, Kaiden.

"Sometimes you have to take what you can get.? She said with a slight bite to her words.


Date: 2012-02-21 08:32 EST
He was one of her lackeys that she hired recently. She got a rush assignment from the company saying they needed alive male body with certain requirements. She didn't have time to hunt one down and had a perfect candidate in her lower ranks, but she still hated to give him up for some stranger, especially since she found Kaiden attractive. She planned to use him in more than one way.

Kaiden looked at Layla and said, "What is going on here?" She turned to him and stared at him with wide eyes as she spoke softly, "Be still." She turned back to Knightfall as the man stared straight ahead and his body language became sharp and straight. His eyes became vacant, but he was still breathing, and standing.

The Mist seemed to gain corporeality for a moment as she commanded the young man. Gliding much closer, and stopping midway between them. ?"if he's not suitable....I will require....another." Turning slightly, facing her, yet very close to Kaiden. "...he followed you in of his own will?"

Extending a hand to the man's chest and still watching her as Kaiden's eyes close and he begins to sway as if to silent music, before crumpling slowly to the ground as if intoxicated.

"He did." Her tone was blunt. "He is not now, if that is a problem."

"We'll see soon enough." his tone slightly reserved as the man shaped cloud of mist dissipated, slipping back towards the floor, along with the ravens, each perching on one of Kaiden's shoulders, only their heads visible above the Mist, and Kaiden himself all but hidden except to supernatural eyes. He lay there for a moments, completely motionless, not even breathing, until one seemingly deep yawn, which the Mist took advantage of to begin to pour into his lungs, leaving his eyes wide and vacant for a moment as his feet kicked out, his body giving all the appearances of going into a state of shock.

She looked down at his body, thinking how easily it could die, yet she just stood there, folded her arms and waited. She was only supposed to bring the body. She didn't have to ensure it would work. She waited to see if his possession would take. If not, she'd have to go out and find another. She already put more into this than she wanted.


Date: 2012-02-21 08:35 EST
It did take a few moments to happen but it was made curious by the fact that the entire of the Mist sought to enter the body, in one swallow - but eventually it did happen, leaving him laying there quietly, not breathing, thin streamers of mist at the corners of his mouth before fading away....until Kaiden suddenly sat, bracing himself with one hand against the cold of the catacomb floor, long dark hair obscuring his face momentarily from her sight as he raised a hand before his face, flexing the fingers, testing them, allowing every muscle of his body to feel life once more, Kaiden's memories briefly tickling Knightfall's own....where they now met was impossible to discern, his voice slightly more rough than normal as a hand raised to his throat. "....Layla...?"

She released a small sigh as she watched Kaiden sit up. "At least it wasn't a waste of a perfectly good body' she thought to herself. She looked upset by his response. She could still see Kaiden, but this was no longer the man who she hired. "They weren't supposed to tell you my name." She spoke tersely.

His head glanced up suddenly at her voice, hair falling away from his eyes as they blinked at her three times; Red, Grey, and Green. The change of color followed by several more rapid blinks before he responded, voice still a little raspy. "...what makes you think ....they did?" His eyes not leaving her, glancing over her entirely, lost for a moment in memory.

"Have you been stalking me?" she practically growled. Her stance took a slight defensive posture. She was not beneath taking out someone who was already down. She watched his eyes, trying to decipher his intentions and secrets, but she was distracted by the color shifting.

Not realizing her question was in regard to knowing her name, as that would have been asking about something too natural to him. Her name was in his mind now, he knew her face and they went together. A brief look of confusion veiled his eyes. "I was....watching the grounds....and by times the city, until doesn't matter, but I was. I wasn't looking for you, Layla" Her name just slipped out. It wasn't intentional, and how it looked wasn't registering to him.

This only made her more confused, leading to increasing her anger. She was desperate for answers so she was trying very hard to restrain herself. She said harshly, "You were watching me" Who were you talking to' Who told you my name?"


Date: 2012-02-21 08:36 EST
"You did. It's me....Kaiden..." the words coming out slowly, a look of confusion spreading over his face as his jaw continued to work, a small red design appearing on his brow, though only held there by some force and not actually a part of him, a sharp pain seeming to strike his stomach, sending him momentarily doubling, but not before a hint of elongated fangs are flashed.

She took a step back, unsure what this thing was. "What are you?" She analyzed over him, assessing everything she could sense, extending her senses through the powers of Auspex.

His eyes narrowed at her apparent hesitation. "...Knightfall." That one name was clear, through the diminishing rasp. At greater inspection, the ravens which now rode his shoulders and sometimes leap away were not real; they were constructs made of ....Mist. The red mark, the Myriad on his forehead ...defied all attempts at divination. "...they didn't tell you? Who hired you?"

She would bite her tongue before ever saying something bad about her company, like how they sent her in with minimal explanation. That's why they sent her. She was good. But this was even enough to throw her off. "It doesn't matter," she snapped back. She was especially thrown off by the strange birds. She was more suspicious of them than the thing in front of her claiming to be Kaiden.

His eyes suddenly becoming wary, "...Layla...?" taking a step back and to the left, not circling really, but attempting to angle himself towards her; the black raven slips off his shoulder to the ground, bursting into a cloud of silvery translucent mist. The white looks at her for a moment and begins to squak, "Sister, sis-" before Kaiden's hand came up and knocked it off, and it lost corporeality as it hit the ground. He looked to her again, " don't recognize me?"


Date: 2012-02-21 08:39 EST
Looking over Kaiden's body over with a soft glint in her eye, she saw no real physical changes, which pleased her. But this couldn't be the man that worked for her. Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head slowly. "Kaiden was no vampire." She didn't want to let on that she was a vampire, herself. Not just yet. She knew he couldn't know her secret, since she never got a chance to work with him long enough to trust him with that.

His eyes closing and opening again as a slow smile spread over his face. "You don't recognize me," now more a statement. "And....Kaiden....was no vampire." betraying a momentary wince, a split second, that his hand covered his stomach. "" Whatever was within him, one had either given in or....was silent. His eyes moving to meet hers now with that last comment, aware of her anger and yet ....amused by it' With his last question he had suddenly become aware enough to sense her anger at the confusion, but just couldn't help himself. The fact was betrayed by the grin.

She lost her self control at his apparent impertinence. She lunged at his throat with a clawed hand, and lifted him up by his coat collar and slammed him into the wall behind him. "Don't play games with me. You're not the only one with secrets." She paused to restrain herself. "Show me your fangs. Show me what you are." She spoke between gritted teeth as not to expose her own fangs. Her words had been more than a statement; they were a Command, issued through the auspices her Blood.

His fangs appeared as he slammed up against the wall, a trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth which was serious, though his eyes maintained the humor of the grin. Images flickered between them, an armored man, in Kaiden's colors of black and red wading in amongst masses, protecting; a Vampires Court at a place called Westhaven, with the same diverse crowd as one would find in Rhy din, though more nobly born; of a man with a long harp, playing, singing, and dancing in a place that looked like the local Inn, but couldn't be, since the faces were all wrong. And finally, Kaiden. An attractive but luckless young man, really of no other seeming significance, hired on by her, and now a hapless victim of one of the Company's dealings.


Date: 2012-02-21 08:40 EST
She dropped him quickly and took a step backwards. She took a strong, defiant posture. "He's in there, isn't he" Kaiden is in there." For a moment, a smile flashed across his face, this one very reminiscent of Kaiden; all at once boyish, secretive, disarming, and charming. "....Layla..?" His eyebrows raised somewhat hopefully as he dropped to the ground, a brief wince. His eyes narrowing slightly on her slim frame, "...what am I?" He arched an eyebrow as he repeated her question back to her. "twice your size" Or near enough.." What are?" his voice trailing off.

Layla quickly slipped down next to him and grabbed him as if touching him could keep him there with her. "Kaiden! I don't understand. What is this" Is it holding you? Kaiden!" She didn't even know what she was trying to hold onto. She never got a chance to get to know him anyway. She was conflicted.

A sudden flush suffused Kaiden, and vampire or not, whatever he is, he can blush at her sudden much changed attention; painfully aware of how close she suddenly became, and doing something he would never have done before given that she was his boss....simply raised a hand to place on her cheek, his eyebrows raising gently. The amusement was still there from before, but now....very blended with both Kaiden and something.....merely older. But like him, in many ways. "Layla..." I meant....when I said 'what am I' ....I just meant...I was joking, I meant....what are you?" The only telling factor had been her incredible strength in holding someone so much larger than her off the ground against the wall.

"Nothing, I'm nothing," she said quickly, almost afraid of his touch and she jerked back from his hand. "You....something happened, you don't know what you saw." She wasn't even sure what was going on anymore. This seemed to be him, but he would have never touched her like that. She didn't know what to believe, other than Kaiden was still in there, which was enough for her.

His eyes stayed on her, a momentary look of confusion as she slips away, his face filling with momentary regret. "Sorry I shouldn't have...I ..." Clearing his throat and swallowing hard. "...something hit me hard head is pounding. You didn't see it?"


Date: 2012-02-21 08:42 EST
She sighed softly. "No. I....think I ...scared it away." She sounded confused herself. She kept staring at him, trying to analyze him.

Looking suddenly self-conscious, he would have followed her anywhere, and he remembered being eager to accompany her but, "'re wishing you'd brought someone else..." Someone more capable..." His eyes having left hers, searching for anywhere else to look suddenly.

She snapped back into her business side. 'This is a job, remember,' she told herself. "No," she said in her normal blunt tone as she stood, "you did satisfactory. I'll be taking you on more assignments. I want to see how well you conduct yourself. Maybe eventually you can earn a spot on my crew." She folded her arms and glared at him, waiting for him to come to his feet.

His eyebrows raised for a moment, and perhaps that look of amusement was more at home on Kaiden's face that it had been a moment ago, as he watched her turn of character and glanced away. There was something attractive in her dominant sensuality, something he'd been aware of before but now much heightened by her previous display towards him. "...eventually?" Rising to his feet slowly, the Myriad - the Dragst Energist, flaring briefly, the only truly outstanding mark that there was anything different about him, and even that seemed to now be slipping from sight, although it was still evident if you weren't looking right at him, in peripheral vision.


Date: 2012-02-21 08:43 EST
Layla unfolded her arms and spoke with a harsh tone, trying to make up for her previous moment of weakness towards him, "You can't possibly think that that act was enough to convince me. You couldn't even hold your own." She rolled her eyes and turned her head from him, back towards the entrance for a moment, making sure she was concealing any signs of her interest on her face. She turned back to face him, emotionless, her typical appearance.

Sighing quietly to himself and rolling his eyes skyward in some silent prayer to a non existent god; taking a moment to marshal his courage against trying to speak to her with more confidence. "What act?" His head was really throbbing now and he felt ...." thirsty." Kaiden blinked in spite of himself.

"You easily get knocked out....Wait," she interrupted herself, "What do you mean?" She was worried this thing in him had done something strange to him.

"I'm just really hungry," he said as he shook his head. But that wasn't the word he'd used before, and his fangs showing slightly. "I didn't eat enough I guess before we left.." the last of this trails off, but audible to vampiric hearing. "She couldn't have noticed me for something else?"

She stared at him, then finally spoke. "Come with me. I'll get you something." She began to walk towards the large wine cellar in the catacomb under Vampire House. There was already some special Vampire House 'wines' and glasses set out on the few tables at the entry room to the large cellar. She poured two glasses and handed him one.

Following her as she bade him, flushing again as he notices the sway of her hips as he does and not quite managing to avoid the glance as the glass is handed to him, and he raises it to his nose....inhaling. "...thank you," his eyes closing as he raised the goblet to his mouth, drinking slowly, but drawing away before quite finishing the glass, a slightly bitter look on his face.

"I wanted to see if helped with....your hunger. What do you think?" She watched him intently.


Date: 2012-02-21 08:44 EST
A slight frown furrowing his brow, "I" think so. It's not the same as it was anyway' but' I think the wine is bad." His fangs were retracted now, only a little nub longer than they would normally be, and barely discernable. Dark strands of hair hung in front of his eyes, partially shielding his warmth at her constant awareness from her.

She took his glass and finished what was left. It filled her lips making them bright red. A small drop rested on the side of her mouth. She opened her mouth lightly and slowly stroked her lip with her tongue. She placed the glass down and turned to the door without looking at him as she said, "Yes, it seemed bad." She turned to face him from the doorway, lips still bright red.

Lilting his head forward somewhat as his eyes tracing the soft contours of her body, unconciously biting and drawing a single drop of blood from his own lip. "....I thought so too." his voice somewhat husky, pushing his hair from his eyes, still watching her and trying to ignore the sudden hammering in his chest. "...where now then" I followed you here....I follow you still."

She was too concerned for him to allow him to leave. She couldn't confirm anything yet, but she was almost certain enough. He might do something dangerous on his own, like go out into the sunlight. "It's late. It will be morning soon. Maybe we should stay here during the day. We will pick up our assignments tomorrow night when we are refreshed."

He gave in to her instructions and smiled as he followed her to a suite and paused in the doorway a moment before slipping inside, watching her walk away. He'd likely sleep the entire day through, now.

End of Act 1


Date: 2012-02-28 16:11 EST
Act 2: From Sunset

Within their hearts, all dreams are dark, Within their souls, all pleasure is pain;

Let search began for lovers mark, Not end with her disdain.


It was sunset.

Or very close, as the last light of the fading sphere caused the purple velvet hangings to partially light the long room, aided by the multitude of candles he'd set out along the length and width of the floor, the resultant soft, yellow-purple glow causing shadows to dance along the walls, even as he moved to cause them. Soft, supple leather boots had replaced the heavier combat boots, making a soft swish and scuff upon the floor.

Kaiden stood bare to the waist, wearing only the boots and form fitting black pants, a light sheen covering his lightly muscled form and his hair laying in damp strands over his eyes and shoulders as he quietly went through the motions, both palms outward, one hand close, the other fully outstretched; holding the form for a long moment before shifting, his muscles flowing like liquid, arms outstretched above his head, palms facing away from each other, as a bird of prey about to propel itself upwards.

The motions he went through, slowly, yet sure footed - part of an ancient technique to loosen the muscles. Bending in stride to pick up two curved sabers from a rack standing in the midst of a wall of oil portraits, he stood again and resumed the motions, this time with naked blades in hand, each a soft whisper as they sliced the air in tandem, the weight and balance of one off setting the other; occasionally leaping, similar to a dancer, but with those blades much more deadly.

Finally settling into a restive pose, arms outstretched to the sides, the blades becoming an extension of his body and his eyes closed in concentration, mostly oblivious to the outside world and letting all the sensations of the immediate permeate him as he paused, then resumed the motions, albeit at a much slower pace.


Date: 2012-05-24 23:55 EST
Layla wanted to find Kaiden before he got a chance to bump into' someone else. She didn't know if the sisters were up and about yet, but she wanted to make sure he wasn't set upon by the Twins. She worked hard to keep candidates that showed a lot of potential safe and secret from others that were in the Company ? the way power worked in the Company, the more talent that lay in the Crew that you lead, the more influence was garnered by that Crew's leader. She walked up to the doorway of the long room. She was initially taken aback by the lighting in the room, but when she saw Kaiden, the normally unfazed, professional businesswoman had to catch herself on the doorway to momentarily hold her up. She quickly gained her composure, and entered a few steps into the room.

As she entered, the routine progressed. Not gone, but perhaps less used were the formal stances and stretches, as they give way to higher speed, and more deadly grace. Lost in the footwork and sending thrust and riposte both forward and back, the monotony broken by graceful leaps into the air, spinning with blades outstretched or tucked in close. Finally, the perspiration was too much, and in mid leap one seemed to slip from his hand - but as it fell his leg lashed out, the toe of his soft boot catching the hilt of the blade and sending it darting towards a makeshift target at his end of the room, where it lay embedded, and quivering. He dropping to one knee, breathing deeply and looking up at it, back still to her as his he took slow, deliberate breaths. And one brief pause as his head canted slightly, glittering emerald eyes now visible in profile as they closed and he scented the air.


Date: 2012-05-24 23:57 EST
Layla dared not even breathe while he practiced, intently watching him. She watched as the sword took flight and, with all of her might, focused on evaluating his skills. When he dropped to the floor and turned his head, she continued to hold her breath and stand motionless a few feet from the doorway.

The scent of perfume caused a slight smile to light his lips, albeit still only profile visible, and not that close from where she stayed. "...everyone ....sleeps a little late here, don't they?" His voice was quiet, but the size of the room let it carry, and sound like somewhat of a whisper despite the difference. "...did I wake you? I was trying to be ....quiet, but couldn't ....sleep." Layla felt so foolish at the idea that she was almost afraid of him catching her watching him. She had every right to do so. She tried to get angry and defensive at that fact so she could act more subjectively. She succeeded, as her tone was even as she said, "I prefer to rise early. I need to accomplish much each night and I need all the time I can get."

Kaiden stood slowly, unencumbered hand moving to slide through his damp hair, pushing it away from his face, and eyes still on the wall with the long line of paintings; his eyes still flickering emeralds as they catch the refracted candle light as his head turned slightly towards her, scanning down the long line of oil renditions and back again. Turning away and looking long down the line, bearing his lithe, well muscled shoulders to her as tiny droplets from his hair dotted them. " know..." His breath coming in more regular intervals as he focused on the canvas, tip of the single sword he now held alighting on the floor, absently adding to a host of other score marks there. "...I've always found a woman with dark hair " alluring." He turned briefly to her before examining it again. "...your eyes are much more exotic than either of them, though?" His face flushed slightly at the admission. "...Who are they, anyway' Are they," scanning the other portraits before returning his eyes to those of the Twins. "Someone important or...?"


Date: 2012-05-25 00:01 EST
As his head was turned, Layla didn't hear a word, only able to stare at his body. When he spoke about the pictures, she quickly snapped back and became defensive as he noticed the pictures of the Twins. She assumed a defensive posture as she walked up to him with hard steps. She spoke sharply, not even realizing what he was saying, "It is none of your concern. You should just forget you ever saw them. It changes nothing. Leave it alone."

Kaiden was suddenly self conscious, and his face flushed again from her full attention.

And the fact that it was, or seemed, more than a little negative. Setting the sword he still held into a setting before them and taking a few steps back and away to retrieve the one he'd sent airborne, bearing it in a completely non-threatening manner, but gesturing to the last painting in the line with it.

"You....don't need to take it so hard." Adding in a softer, much quieter tone if something in him is extremely hesitant to make such an admission to his boss, but...."You're much more beautiful than either of them; it's your eyes, I've never seen anyone with a shade quite so?" His voice trailed on; although when practicing with the blades, perhaps there had been....something more to him, his observations were now exclusively Kaiden's, with all the awareness of the difference in their social station swimming in his head, but simply too boyishly innocent to notice that he should have shut up.

His words kept insulting her, talking about her beauty. He had no right to speak to her like that. Her eyes flashed angrily as he dared to turn his back on her. He wanted to play with swords" She'd show him how to play with swords. She quickly grabbed a long sword off the sword rack in front of her and lunged at him. She grabbed him from behind, holding the blade to his neck. She growled.

"Don't ever talk to me like that again.? She then quickly released him and threw him forward a few feet in front of her.


Date: 2012-05-25 00:08 EST
Able to brace himself only slightly against her aggression, and caught off guard, Kaiden staggered forward off balance. His dark wet hair hanging in front of his eyes as he rounded on her, blade to the side, tip edging forward in a defensive posture, his face all but hidden except for flashing green eyes in the dying light. " what? call you 'beautiful'?"

He cautiously sidestepped, and his eyes following the movements of Layla's blade. " I guess....this is what, another test' ....To see if I'm fit to join your 'crew'?"

His question echoes with a slight uncertainty, he'd touched on something unintended, but this didn't necessarily seem out of character for Layla, from what he'd seen, so he'd faked 'knowing' what was happening and just risen to the challenge. Now, if she was actually mad about something ....well, that would be answered soon enough.

Layla was cut by the impertinence in his words. Her reply was biting, "Don't you know when to shut up?" She lunged at him, intentionally trying to disarm his sword.

She knew she could easily disarm him. She saw him fight not too long ago. She often had her crew test the new recruits to see if they were worthy of being in her Crew " or if they were just disposable pawns. Occasionally she tested the recruits herself, but this was no test.

Sidestepping slowly to the left as she approached, not intending to further aggravate, but a hint of a crooked grin touching his lips as she made her move and he slipped forward against the lunge with a lateral parry, flicking the edge of her blade away and heel toe spinning off his right foot as he tried to slide past her on her right.

Kaiden breathed more deeply, and adrenaline returning to the surface from his practice. "Now seems a good time..." He sprinted for the weapon rack.


Date: 2012-05-25 00:12 EST
Momentarily stunned that her disarm did not work, she stood motionlessly. "Good time?" He was mocking her" She quickly realized the situation and ran back to meet him at the rack, knowing he would try to grab another sword in his defense.

Kaiden switched his remaining sword to his off hand as he quickly towards the rack, but caution overtook him at the sound of her hurried approach. He spun away from the rack leaving nothing between them, his good hand sweeping his hair back from his face and circling once more, a look of worry crossing his face.

"....why is it ....I get the sense..." and now a confused look added...."this isn't a game to you anymore..." he was panting, wasn't he. The intensity of his training coupled with this unexpected workout "

Layla rounded on him and spoke angrily, "Game" Play with this!? She lunged at him, no longer content in trying to disarm him. She was grateful he made the mistake to put his sword in his off hand. Trying to cut his good hand, she swung violently at him.

It had been foolish of him to assume his weapon offhand and he was forced into a graceful sidestep, followed by a not so graceful tuck and roll, his sword bearing arm thrust behind him as he tumbled and slipped between her and the weapons rack again; unknown to him the flat of his blade having slapped the back of her thighs in mid roll with not enough to do any harm.

But in her current enraged state...


Date: 2012-05-25 00:18 EST
Kaiden rolled to his feet again and took the other saber in hand, and turned to face her, one blade forward, one to the side to parry. " can still stop this..." eyeing her carefully."....maybe I read too much into you looking out for me in the catacombs..." his stance still very guarded, and indeed it looks like after his much earlier display of liquid grace he could well be ready for any two regular swordsman of the Watch.

Layla's thoughts echoed his words, "Looking out for him?" Kaiden thought she was protecting over him' That assumption, no matter how true, only upset her further. She lunged at him against, desperately trying to thrust her sword into his abdomen.

Many times now, Kaiden had seen her fight against others in her crew, testing them; all the time's he'd seen her against other foes, how he'd admired her posture, her form, every stolen glance and secret longing look merged together in a singular moment, taking advantage of her haste, in her rage and managing to anticipate the lunge. His swords snapped down, trapping her blade and using all his strength to attempt to fling the bundle of steel aside - both their swords spinning to the floor feet away. Kaiden was quick, maybe too quick for her, even. If he got to them before she did...

But as he disarmed her sword, Layla grew furious that this had even gone on this long. Weaponless, she could still fight. She jumped on his torso, trying to knock him down by pushing his shoulders back and trying to force his knees to buckle by kicking one of her heels into the back of his knee. It was something he hadn't been expecting in terms of a melee attack; especially of such ferocity, and he staggered back under the intensity of her assault, slamming down onto his back as his knees buckled, growing panic in his eyes.

"Layla!" ....Layla! What the hell...!" His breath coming in a rush, his hands on her arms as he struggled under her, even in the fury of her rage, meeting her eyes for a moment but looking away as heat flushed his bare chest and face; the tension of the situation heightening every sensation, including the momentary awareness of the heat of her straddling thighs pressed against him, as he gathered his strength to rebut her attack sending her rolling towards the windows, and him away from them, farther out of her reach.


Date: 2012-05-25 00:23 EST
Layla realized exactly where she landed against the exterior wall of windows.

Though the sun was out, they were unharmed in Vampire House with its heavy curtains; curtains that protected them fully from the deadly rays of the sun. She knew every inch of the house, including the curtain drawstrings.

She made sure she was protected by one set of the heavy velvety curtains, as she grabbed at the drawstrings of the set of curtains before Kaiden.

Still outraged and determined to win at any cost, she desperately pulled it once to open it, allowing the sunlight to hit him.

The last rays of the dying sun poured through the windows, striking him completely and covering his bare to the waist form in dappled sunlight.

As the light struck, his skin burst into flickering yellow flames and he gave an agonized cry, one word. Her name, "....Layla!!? Whaa-" His cry cut the otherwise silent room, filled with pain and the gentle, innocent confusion of someone not understanding why the consequences befalling them have occurred. The only momentary salvation being the sun thankfully settled with only moments of exposure to him, letting him collapse to the floor, wisps of smoke rising slowly from him as he now lay helpless on his back.


Date: 2012-05-25 00:25 EST
The sun had fully set by the time she realized what could have happened. She quickly ran and fell down next to him. "Kaiden?" she spoke softly, so afraid and unaware of the consequences to her actions. Any doubt now of him being a vampire was now fully out of her mind.

"....Layla..?" His chest wasn't ruined, but it was red and split; terrible sunburn, beyond what any human would have and live. His eyes, however, were still set as two perfect, dark green jades as he attempted to raise his hand, grimacing against the pain before letting it fall.

Slowly becoming aware of his condition, turmoil filling his all too clear eyes at the realization of what she must be seeing. "...don't look....just cover" you had good? reason" Trying to turn away slightly, his eyes unable to meet hers for a moment, the pain was really only very dull, but he could feel the tautness of the burned skin and wasn't his vanity, so much as the thought of every innocent dream of her touch vanishing, at what he must look like now.

End of Act 2


Date: 2012-05-25 22:56 EST
Act 3: Fortune, Like the Moon

Wherein she could doubt the stars were fire, Wherein she could doubt that the earth moved, And although the truth would turn them both into liars, But she could never doubt his love.


Layla continued to sit next to him as she spoke, absent of emotion, though her mind was full. Regret. Anger. Lust, even, was a not too distant emotion at this point. "I'm used to it. I've seen worse, much worse, vampires who weren't as lucky as you."

Kaidens's eyes didn't meet hers as she spoke, but as if in afterthought and ignoring the pain he turned to her again, eyes locking onto hers. "...Vampires?"

His eyes betrayed his confusion. "" I haven't left your side?" He blinked rapidly, his skin cooling in the absence of the suns baleful glare.

"No, you did not. You were with me, or I was with you, the whole time. Down in the catacombs, last night....The assignment we went on..." She couldn't even find the words of what she had done, not directly, but to her it was just as bad. "The assignment was to donate a body according to certain" required characteristics."

"How long" have you known?" His eyes blinked as he tried to shut out the slowly diminishing ache of his skin, perhaps just becoming accustomed to the pain. He placed his palms against the floor and starting to push himself upward, his eyes not leaving hers, a tumult of emotions being broadcast through them. "'re....going to kill me" now then" You were" just' waiting to' make sure?" He felt pain on so many levels, but also a sense of completion deep within that served to lessen it. " did it.....on purpose" That's why' you let me" in" I'm ....better than that....why??"


Date: 2012-05-25 23:00 EST
She closed her eyes and shook her head as if sorting it out for herself. As she opened them, her eyes revealed her sadness though she spoke plainly, "No, I didn't bring you in just for this assignment. I didn't even want to do it. I didn't have time to find someone else and you fit the criteria." She gained inner strength as she added bluntly, "I made a judgment call. I thought he would just kill you if that makes you feel better. Instead, he possessed you, or something. I suspected last night that you, he, whatever, were a vampire when I gave you the blood to drink to confirm my suspicions."

If there was any harshness to his voice, it faded just as the severity of the burns were, not that they would leave without conscious effort, now.

"....then....why did you bring me in?" Average skill with a blade hadn't done it. He still wasn't sure quite how he had performed so well tonight, certain things were just getting ....easier. He was stronger, faster, much better to use a sword in certainty.

Layla's eyes grew wide as if taken off guard by his question, and perhaps even by own her response. She seemed to hesitate. "I was just recruiting more people to replace....others who I had lost in assignments. I like to test all the recruits to see how valuable they would be to me, I mean, to help me with my assignments. I thought you might have had some potential, although my crew was certain I was wrong."


Date: 2012-05-25 23:04 EST
Kaiden had maneuvered himself upright, wincing, his eyes still on hers. "...are there a lot of....vampires....on your crew?"

It was obvious he still didn't know how to feel about what he now was, as his vampirism had not fully registered in his mind. "" So lost....."....What do I do?" Looking away at saying that, his voice tinted by rage, that of those who feel totally and utterly alone.

"Yes, there are a few vampires on my crew. I leave it up to them to decide if they wish it." She paused a moment, then continued, "Well, there's a lot we can do. Some have different abilities."

As he opened his mouth to speak, he caught himself. His head turned quickly to fix her again with a curious stare. " many?" The words left his lips quietly, rage quickly burned away.

"Well, about half overall. You don't know all of my crew yet. I have several groups scattered around. I keep my most trusted around me, though. Ten of the twelve in my closest crew are vampires. If you include me, that would make thirteen."

His eyes registered disbelief at the numbers. How could he not have known" True, he was new but ....vampires were essentially monsters. Weren't they' He couldn't help but look closer at the soft, full curve of her mouth. Didn't vampires have fangs or something..." But as hard as he looked, her revelation only made it possible for him to a new fullness to her lips when he looked at her mouth....and his eyes reluctantly left them to focus on her eyes again. " How long....this, entire time...?" He spoke the last softly, his tone touched lightly by disbelief at his own lack of perception.


Date: 2012-05-25 23:09 EST
She didn't mean to, but she actually laughed. "Oh, yes." She smiled, still amused by his question. Her fangs showed ever so slightly.

The tightness in his skin was much less now, the burns much receded and replaced with fresh ivory skin....that in his face was quickly taking color as he watched her laugh. He couldn't remember hearing it before and wasn't sure what he had said, but couldn't help but smile as his own fangs slipped out unconsciously. She was so close, and so ....relaxed it seemed right now....her laugh gave him time he'd never had before. Kaiden had long felt a steady, underlying attraction to her, all the time he'd known her. Now, with this new revelation, it was made even stronger. Not the revelation about him, but about herself. Drawing himself up to sit beside her, unable to make himself move the proper distance, he still bare to the waist, and she his ....superior. But his eyes told the truth more honestly than his mind did to himself. There was....attraction, but something more as well. Something that made him feel close to her; to want to be close to her.

"...I....the first thing I felt was worry. Worried that you would send me away." He didn't add 'from you', he couldn't. If he had ....she was so resolute, so self assured. He didn't want to make it sound like he wanted to support Layla in some form, or her him. He felt so much younger than her sometimes, and at least now he knew why; that was why it was hard for him to understand what he was trying to reconcile within himself. That he wanted to stand with her.

She noticed his chest returning to its natural state and couldn't help but stare, not so much because of his healing, but more so because of the result. She quickly looked up at him when he spoke to her. She said in response, "No, I knew I saw some potential in you. I just didn't imagine this. Look. See what you can do already?" She glanced down at his chest again and ran her hand lightly and quickly over it as she said, "Good as new." She stared at his chest after she did so. She needed to touch him ever since she came in the room and jumped at this probably only opportunity to do so without suspicion to her own interests. Kaiden's body had no choice but to respond to it's natural yearning, and he leaned forward, just every so slightly against her touch, causing her palm to flatten against his well toned chest as it slid quickly along, just for a moment before she drew it back.


Date: 2012-05-25 23:12 EST
His eyes were closed for just that one moment as her fingers started to graze him, opening slowly, slowly dragging his eyes from the full curve of her mouth. "I....never thought this must....'Potential'....either..." For a moment, his words were as fragmented as his thoughts; he didn't realize how little sense he'd made. Whispering softly as his eyes flicked towards the window, darting just above the horizon and noticing the sliver of the moon, "Oh fortuna, velut luna. ...something they used to sing to us when we were children. 'Fortune, like the moon.' It means....all things under the moon can change." He had added the last quite simply, no need to say what had changed. Not in regard to his humanity, at least. He left unspoken that other thing that was between them now.

She felt him lean against her touch and she interpreted his words to mean more, causing her face to go blank and her eyes fill with panic. She didn't need this. She had a job to focus on. She would refuse to be anything other than his boss. She could deny any of her feelings and any of his advances. She was the strong one, though he had certainly surprised her with his swordsmanship tonight. Many he was right about change. No, the moon and everything underneath could change. But not her.


Date: 2012-05-25 23:22 EST
Just as he had been in his forms when she entered the room, his heart and mind were now again as one and he peace with her presence. "....I need....there are things I need to learn. I presumptuous it is for me to ask but....will you teach me?" Maybe it was something she could identify with. He didn't know her as well as ....he wanted, but he wanted to know her well enough that he would know the gravity of what came next, simply, "there's no one else I trust." His eyes were completely, and utterly sincere. After all that had happened, that had led them here, she was the only one he could trust.

She was completely startled by his request, allowing it to show on her face. She quickly stood up as if trying to get away from something she feared. She stood still as she slowly and quietly got the words out, "Maybe? we will see." She turned to look at the moon so she wouldn't look at him as she ordered harshly, "Get up. We have a job to complete tonight."

In obedience, his eyes lowered as he stood, only another days rest from a complete recovery; but as he stood the hint of a secretive smile never left his lips. She hadn't said no. For now, it was enough. "Right....I'll get my things." He stretched out his somewhat abused body as he gathered his shirt and the two blades he'd practiced with. "....maybe I'll learn something tonight. Waxing cresent. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to represent a time to start new endeavors." He glanced at the moon again, then back to her and settling finally on the moon before he was finally ready. He'd only add one more thing, then he was in the role of student, ally, subject and ....for the evening at least, companion. He wasn't looking at her as he added, flexing his healed fingers. "Everything under the you wish, Ms. Tollivar, I await."

Without looking at him, she stormed off, out of the room, expecting that he better be right behind her.

And he was.