Topic: Exchange of Moments

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-12-06 22:00 EST

"You may delay, but time will not." - Benjamin Franklin

A lord with command over time.

A teacher of history interested in the past.

A malicious seer determined to exploit the future.

Three caught up in the present.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-12-06 22:03 EST

He never took notes. How many instructors are annoyed by that'

He did though, listen intently, his eyes rarely ever leaving the instructor, and paid particular attention to dates. Whenever a specific date or period was mentioned, his eyes would grow distant, if only for a moment, yet stay focused on the instructor. More often than not, he would not along as she lectured, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth - but sometimes his face would give way to more animation as he found one of her facts....amusing. And how irritating would an instructor, typically, find -that-" Only a first name ever graced any test that was given, but the results on them were always mysteriously good given his apparent lax attitude. And the only wrong answers he'd ever given - attributed to the man, at least, since he was the only one not signed on the registrar - were one line sentences which stated, "We share different perspectives on this subject, apologies.?

Today was a day much like any other, except he was slightly more distant than usual, though still attentive. But the lapses in time when his mind seemed to wander had grown longer by the end of this class. So great had it grown in fact, that he only noticed the class was over, when the last of the other students were walking past the headmistress's desk, and stepping out into the hallway. Blinking, somewhat sheepishly and brushing hair from his eyes, he stood and walked down the aisle between seats towards the front of the class. No books. No bookbag. And his clothes were not worn, but were more practical than a student would be given to wearing. He did make a point, consciously now, and not lost in the lecture, of meeting her eyes as he moved down between the desks.

Lydia wore her normal teaching attire, a business professional look. A black buttoned up blazer left the loose collar of her brown blouse show. Her black slacks almost covered her flats, save for the sky blue pointed toe that peeked out from under them. It appeared as though she had no makeup on, but she still had a healthy glow about her. It made her jet black hair stand out even more, pulled back into a tight bun at the base of her neck. She kept an eye on the man walking down the aisle.

Tempus Fugit

Date: 2013-12-06 22:11 EST
Brend would sit in on a large variety of classes; enough to make some of the other instructors come to Lydia to complain. Like everything else in her structured life, she wanted to get a better assessment of the situation before jumping to conclusions on his intentions. She began keeping more of a note when he would show up to her classes and found that other instructors saw him in their class at the same times. She didn't mind the complaints about his laid-back attitude, or the fact that he wasn't enrolled in the classes he attended. When questioned, she would simply state that the class was under the supervision of the instructor, and they were free to ask him to leave. If he would not leave upon their request, she would gladly step in to correct the situation. It never came to that. No one ever asked him to leave. Lydia wondered if the other instructors were intimidated by him. She wasn't. Instead, she was glad to see him.

He didn't have to be there, unlike many of the other students who were just there because the class was required. She only hoped that he was there to learn, and she would be happy to teach. As long as he wasn't disturbing the other students, she would let him be. Eventually, the other instructors complained enough about him to warrant her introduction into the matter. She walked up to him, leaving enough space for him to get between her and the desks, but remained close enough to ensure his attention.

His face feigned innocence. He couldn't help it; as she barred his path, something about the situation, being in a classroom, and her standing in his way ....It was foolish, but he felt like he was in trouble. He slowed, and stopped before her, looking down slightly to meet her gaze and brushing an errand lock of blond hair from his eyes as it fell over them, only adding to his aura of innocence. Clearly his throat, he spoke quietly.

"Is something wrong?"

Of all the days he'd been attending, he was surprised that he had come this far, this long, without someone at least asking who he was. He had genuine doubts anyone would recognize him from later in his life. The deep sky blue of his shirt made his eyes appear more brilliant as close as they now were. It had been long since he'd had anything that was....his. So involved despite vows that he wouldn't be, in other people's affairs. He had so much Time, and yet so little to do anything, or enjoy anything, for himself. These classes were one of those things he made the time for.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-12-06 22:34 EST
It was different to see history, than to hear it. Even if you were hearing it from someone who experienced it. There's something more romantic about it, something more idealized. Instead of drawing you in close, it takes you....away. Especially with the right teacher. The right voice could make him miss even errors in factual recounting of events that he had himself had chance to see. And sometimes, forgetting your own point of view was it's on relaxation, and it was an instructor who could do -that-, who's class he never missed. Even when he had other classes. And she was standing in front of him, now.

Her perfect posture was evident now as she stood confidently before him. Her face remained stoic, but her eyes were soft and friendly, revealing her true nature. Lydia spoke differently now. During class, her voice commanded attention. While she went into her lessons, she would often become more animated in her retelling of history. But now, she was her quiet, formal self. Each word was chosen with precision and perfectly enunciated.

"No, nothing seems to be "wrong". Much the opposite. You seem to have taken up too much of an interest in several classes, or so I have been told." She hated even saying the words, since she was fascinated with learning and especially about history herself. She didn't believe someone could be too interested in learning. She instead believed everyone should learn and had a right to learn. But she had to suck up her own feelings sometimes to cut through the political red tape of formal education.

"I take....-too- much..." eyebrows raising slowly, incredulously, "..." His mouth moved, soundlessly. He was obviously taken seriously aback. Of all the things he could be accused of in his life that he'd taken too much of an interest in, and on the behalf of others - there were many - and to be questioned....on....this" His own private time, rare as it was" Something about it just made him damn well angry. Not the instinct to survive activating kind of angry, but angry none the less, he spread his arms to the sides, just slightly, and shook his head, having blinked but eyes never having left hers, "So, what does that....should I Just, not attend anymore, then" his voice changing slightly, becoming mocking and, "after all, I'm just a Rhy'dinian, I don't need to know "words" and 'stuff", right?? Exasperated sigh.

Tempus Fugit

Date: 2013-12-06 22:41 EST
Lydia visibly cringed at his "words" and 'stuff". Still trying to maintain her professionalism, she answered calmly, "Not at all. I have received some concerns from other faculty members questioning your attendance in their classes." She then sighed herself. She hated that she even had to bring this up. Why did she even need to bring this up" Because some instructors were upset that they had to grade an extra test' Because others were aggravated that his answers were more correct than their own" In her sigh, her body shifted slightly, leaning to one side. Like her stance, her tone began to loose its rigidness. "I personally do not have a problem with you sitting in on any class, but some of the other instructors do not appreciate the extra course load that another student brings. I would suggest that you refrain from attending the others" classes, at least for now."

Brend, the entire time, had been completely relaxed. There was a certain awkwardness about him, but he was comfortable in it, and it seemed natural; perhaps due to the fact he spent more time in quiet thought than he did actually talking to people these days. A grin took hold of the corner of his mouth, tugging it up slightly at her cringe and subsequent visible decrease of her tension. In turn, his eyebrows raised slightly in good humor, "I only really take the tests, it's not as if I'm passing in essays..." his tone was amused yet plaintive, and bore no trace of the High Speech, which he only really used around those accustomed to it anyway. He muttered, still quite wry, "They should be thankful I don't sign up to audit them, I can see the taglines attached to their courses now, "History....whatever. Where facts are....only a suggestion.?" The look he shot her was completely deadpan level and dry, before he cracked another grin, and sighed. "Sorry, I don't want to make ...anything difficult for you," hesitating a moment before continuing, "I know you're the Headmistress, so," clearing his throat, eyes flickering away and back again, "I apologize, I'm just a little frustrated." Somewhere in the room, there was a quiet, only barely audible ticking.

Tick tick tick tick....

She tried not to take offense to his remark about history. She taught history, loved history. She had been there for quite a lot of it herself, but she knew her own limitations in teaching what was supposed to be fact. She tried to mimic his grin, but she could never hold back the emotion in her eyes. She listened to his apology and said quickly, "I hope you will forgive me for even asking. I honestly believe that your questioning of "facts" leads to their disapproval of your presence. But I agree that "history is written by the victors.?"

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-12-06 22:44 EST
Now, perhaps far too relaxed, he leaned back on a desktop, bracing his hands behind him as he leaned, an abashed look taking his features as he sighed, "There are just....exactly, history was written, that's the problem! I know people can't help it, but to -really- teach history, I think its best if you actually were there, to live it. Or at least to exist beside it as it happened. Maybe it's the victors themselves I take issue with. It's something I've discussed with a close friend, many times, the way the....victors, as you said, treat those who they are victorious over. I'm just not sure I agree always with their assessment of what happened, so, teaching from a book they wrote is..." he looked away, snorting softly, muttering almost to himself, "Ironic, that we're having a discussion about my problems with history..."

Lydia nodded and took a purposeful breath. She wanted to say what history she witnessed over centuries. Political shifts. Inevitable war. Scientific growth. But she wasn't there for everything at all times. One person could only experience one life at a time, right' "You are correct," she began simply, "But not only is history rewritten over time by those who rule the word, but even the people can adjust the facts of the past. Over time, memories fade and blend and history becomes as factual as myth and fairy tales."

"Of course, no one can be there for everything," coincidence, purely, that their thoughts were aligned in this, "but you have to admit, some people are there for more than others. I mean....some are barely aware of what?s going on around them in the moment they -live- in," and he couldn't help being irreverent, it's just the way he was, and something about the way she was speaking, it just begged it out of him; she was more relaxed, but still so serious, plus, a figure of authority to some degree, "," slowly, almost with a drawl, "'re saying that we should invest more time and energy into studying mythology and....fairy tales?" Sapphire eyes glittered in the light, full of humor. He was teasing, and it was getting harder to conceal all the time.

She smiled at the question. Her eyes lit up as she said, "I think that point sounds valid. It could be that in studying myth, we find the truth." Her words were only half in jest. "Many things can be proven as true. It depends on its portrayal. Couldn't fairy tale wisps merely have been simple lightning bugs" Couldn't something deemed as a Cyclops have had a genetic birth disorder?? Even in her relaxed state, she was full of scientific thought and processes. But her laid back demeanor began to show through in her use of more common speak and contractions.

Tempus Fugit

Date: 2013-12-06 22:49 EST
He was now leaning forward, engaged in her engagement with him. That ticking was getting louder, something he had to do, and soon....

Tick tick tick tick....

...or maybe it was only louder in his mind. And now it was his turn to quote, raising a hand, single digit raised pointing upward, in an almost professorial type gesture, especially evidenced by condescending old men, ?"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", I know exactly what you mean, that was what I meant about it being subjective, at least in part. I mean....if people don't know what they're seeing, but write it down, how can we take it as," gesturing with air quotes, totally losing propriety, ?"Gospel!?""

Still smiling at him, Lydia said, "I completely agree. In fact, I-" She stopped, turning her attention to two students who came inside the classroom to find their seat. Several other students followed. She turned back to him with a surprised expression. Usually so punctual, she had lost all track of time. "I have to sit in on a class down the hall. You'll have to excuse me, Mr?" She realized she never even asked his name.

Tick tick...

He held up his hand, and rolled a sleeve back slightly, peering at his watch...

Tick tick...

His other hand raised up, pulling out the little toggle to wind it.


"My father, was Mr, or Sir." his eyes raising to meet hers, as all other movement in the room stopped, completely. "My name is Brend," smiling, "I look forward to your next lecture....Ms. Tolmay." He cleared his throat, full of nervous energy now at the sudden interruption, and quickly headed towards the door, turning to face her as he backed through it, trying to avoid an explanation, at least at the moment. He'd only turned to look at her again, shooting her the most curious, inquisitive glance before smiling and turning, and disappearing out the door. It was, after all, easy to lose track of Time.

As soon as he was out the door, movement sprung to life around her again, slow at first, but quickly returning to its unaltered state, leaving the doorway and halls both awash in moving students.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a student stopped in mid step. She turned to look as the entire classroom had been frozen in time. She turned back to him, speechless as he spoke, then walked out of the door. She stood there watching the students return to their motions as if nothing had happened. Staring blankly at everything moving around her, it took one of the students bumping into her to break her stunned trance. She grabbed her materials and fled out the door, determined to make it to her appointment on Time.