Topic: FAQ: Bloodlines of Alluvius


Date: 2014-09-15 13:12 EST
FAQ: Bloodlines of Alluvius

Descriptions of demihuman races, and a synopsis of their own origin stories " from their own points of view.

The information provided in this FAQ can be used In Character, at the discretion of whatever player wishes to use them " provided it's adequately explained how they have attained the knowledge (the character that is). A detailed two page explanation isn't required " though it'd be nice its unrealistic. Even saying the character in question came across information in a book somewhere is fine.


- Ael"van House Lycid House Genji House Ossaei

- Thain - Protean

- The Hollow Ones - High Eternals

*Content Posts Pending, update notices in the Index thread when applicable.


Date: 2017-01-19 23:48 EST
The Ael'van Houses

General Overview

In what the Alluvians from Damon's Empire - the Consolidation, consider the far east of the ancient world, empires rose and lasted for millenniums, predating even a time when Krotoan weren't civilized enough to be considered to be squatting like barbarians in their own filth, afraid of animals and the dark.

The Kingdoms of the Sun and as the People of the Sun, or Ael'van in Puhra Dahli, peoples who inhabit them, managed to knowingly retain more of the secrets of the ancient world than anyone else, though they were struck just as hard by the Great Dark.

They named their domains for that which had sustained their life, and provided them their power in the days leading up to the Great Dark " for that which they waited the return of so that they might rise again: the sun. When the cataclysm fell upon the land, and light began to dim and vanish, they had already harnessed the power of the sun to do more than any of the other elder races. It was the energy and power that they had stored that allowed them not only to survive the creatures that came out of the southern and western oceans, but to beat them back and keep their influence localized " sparing much of the rest of the world the havoc caused by those creatures.

The powers and secrets they retained from the ancient world were hoarded away, their true nature only revealed to a select few. Those charged with the governance of the secular and spiritual realms of the people retained the secrets, and came into disagreement in regards to how those truth of those secrets would be communicated " and manipulated " in their transmission to the people.

The two groups became known using the Consolidation naming conventions of Houses, as House Lycid and House Genji. The former sought to encourage their people to not only to live in harmony with the land, but to embrace it to the point of worship, to avoid the mistakes of the past which had lead to the Great Dark. The Genji, however, were anathema to that; their world view evoked harmony, but not worship; they saw themselves as the stewards of the land, a people in place to tame the land but not destroy or despoil, and to cultivate and control, but to eschew it's natural wildness. The Genji too well remembered the things that had arisen from the oceans in ages long past, the things that the dark had brought with it.

Each of the two Houses embraced their worldview to the extreme, and a splinter of each of them joined together into a third group ? a group trying to modify the way the old secrets were used, the old spells and artifacts, so that the long mysterious origins of the Ael'van couldn't be leveraged into a wedge issue by those only seeking power. Due to the machinations of the elders of the race however, the artifacts that the splinter group held, which were going to be exposed to the public, were activated incorrectly, creating an entirely new sub-race of Ael'van: the Oss'aei, or House Ossaei.


Date: 2017-01-21 00:53 EST
House Lycid

Lead by their Primavaucu, a Lycidi named Seoul. The Lycid are the physically largest of the Ael'van races, standing between 7 and 8 feet tall. Mahogany complected, dark haired, and eyes of dark green to black, the Lycid stand out in stark contrast to both the other races, both in size and hue. Though large in stature, and correspondingly strong, their forms are not generally bulky, but are more lithe with a wiry musculature.

Sometime during the time just after the Great Dark presented itself, the portion of ancient world power and knowledge that the elders who would be the ancestors of the Lycid managed to protect dealt with the auspices of life itself. With ritual and magics called 'melding', they were able to imbue themselves with aspects of both plant and animal, becoming a race as a whole that sought not just to co-exist with the 'natural' world, but strove to be the apex creature within it without the benefit of artifice.

At the heart of their kingdom, their people live in the branches of Eld trees. Eld trees, grown exclusively by the Lycid, are large enough to house entire families and 'public buildings' within their trunks in natural cavities which the trees were groomed specifically to produce. Due to their meld rituals that were worked upon the oldest generation of Eld, the trees grow at a speed that a person can actually watch, and every Lycid has at least a rudimentary understanding of the rituals that can control and alter their growth. Any furnishing or furniture within a dwelling is also naturally grown and groomed, and it is considered sacrilege by the Lycid to damage an Eld.

A Lycid, or Lycidi - singular term for a Lycid female, have a number of natural abilities which begin to manifest at birth and continue on into middle age; most of the abilities would be considered extraordinary, if not outright supernatural. Lycidi do not require food, but can process it; they usually draw their energy from the sun in a manner similar to plants, and like plants are somewhat more proficient at healing conditions or physical damage that to a normal person would be fatal. In addition, they usually have the ability to adopt a hybridized animal form, of which there are many variations. These forms cannot be directly identified with a common animal, such as a lion or wolf, or bear, they are much more primal ? almost prehistoric looking versions.

They additionally have the ability to communicate and influence, but not necessarily control, animals which share the same family as the form they are able to take. The nature of their animal form is a matter of pedigree: male children more often than not favor their mothers animal form, while female children favor their fathers.

The Lycid are not only long lived, but maintain their vitality long into their old age. A typical Lycid reaches 'maturity' and appears 'adult' at almost 75 years of age, at which point the rate of their physical aging greatly decreases. Old age is typically considered anything over the age of 750 to 1000 years, though there are a few who are not only older, but much older. It is in the hands of those eldest Lycid where lies the true knowledge of the Ael'van origins among their people, and they have done their best to slip from memory to avoid repeating the mistakes that only they can remember.


Date: 2017-01-21 21:41 EST
House Genji

Governed by a council of elders known as the Telekurion, the Ael'van of the Genji House are slightly smaller in stature than the Lycid, with men and women averaging 6 to 6 and a half feet in height respectively. Like all Ael'van, they are unnaturally strong given their size and structure, but their endurance against damage is the one physical aspect that truly stands out: they are remarkably resilient against any kind of cut or abrasion, as if their skin were simply too thick, or too dense to be marked in that fashion. Piercings among their people are almost completely unheard of, and being pierced and having the puncture decorated is something that is done as punishment for someone branded anathema to the Ael'van, rather than something done as personal decoration.

The Genji are also share the trait of typical Ael'van long life. While there are no records of ages kept or birthdays " at least not in which age is a factor so much as continued existence - among the Genji, it is nonetheless relatively easy to tell one Genji's age compared to another of the same House. In their youth and into their middle age, the skin of the Genji quite literally reflect the light of the sun with a slightly different hue for different stages of life. The very youngest among them typically have skin of bronze or copper, which gradually turns more golden as the individual gets older, until they've reached the apex of middle age, at which point it becomes more brilliant gold for a time before it begins to turn silver. Almost all of the Telekurion have reached the point where their skin has started turning to silver, and a few on it have gone even further, showing the rare signs of truly advanced old age in the fact that their hair has gone entirely iron grey " but has started to develop golden, almost platinum streaks.

The Genji are masters of the elements, and of the earth; central among their people is the First City of Calumen, their literal first city, and the place after which all their subsequent gathering places were designed. In the Consolidation, their city is known alternatively as 'Glimmerstone'. Calumen is a city housed within a massive sphere, seemingly drawn up from the ground and perched in place on a vast, basalt plinth. Entering through massive doors in the side of the plinth at the city's base, the first thing that a person notices is how well " and majestically lit the city is. From the outside, the sphere appears dull and stony, but from the inside it bears a striking resemblance to a geode. With individual dwellings separated by the color of the crystals grown to build them, the entire inside of the sphere is divided into colourful and spacious interconnected spheres of white, purple, blue, red, with even more variety appearing on the tips of newly formed crystal when examined closely. The city is connected by a complex system of crystalline walkways that twist seemingly free floating through the air within the sphere.

While there is not much plant life obvious within the sphere, there are a few great trees to be found " the odd light given off within effecting their growth and causing them to grow impressively robust for some reason. Cristal, and each Genji city after it, are each centred on one Eld tree found directly in the centre of the sphere. The Genji bear no ill will towards flora, but they do not require to eat food either " and unlike the Lycid " in most cases have not only the need, but no ability to process food. Instead, of all the Genji's sustenance is drawn, like the Lycid, from the sun. In a somewhat strange turn of events, their inability to process food began to develop in their history at the same time as an almost obsessive compulsive disorder which effects the entire race: their need for cleanliness. While they are not often compelled to clean constantly, they cannot abide their skin being marred for long, and in some cases in which they are have been prevented from washing, they have been known to develop a strange sickness which causes them to begin to waste away. The cure for the sickness was also found quite by accident when the body of a Genji with the sickness was going to be disposed off: upon cleaning the body, its cells began to regenerate rapidly enough that it was noticeable by those working with what they assumed was a corpse.

Due to their facility with both the elements and minerals drawn from the earth, the Genji are considered master smiths and artisans of all things metal or stoneware. They are the only race who know how to process the alloy known in the Consolidation as 'worldstone'. The facility with elements is one brought on by the rituals and rites their ancient elders retained from the time before the Great Dark. Their particular power allowed them to bind their physical selves not with animals or plants, or something else which was living, but with the elements themselves. Their skin and bones are hard as steel, hard as diamond, and just as durable. Though some would qualify their music as being too formulaic, their songs have the ability to call minerals from the earth and air around them, and to align them as the musician desires. Known as 'sung stone', their alloys are almost always more durable than those commonly found after being handled by one of their geomancers.


Date: 2017-01-26 21:22 EST
House Ossaei

The Ossaerions are a people truly in exile, living among the western fringes of the Ael'van lands, too shunned to return to their old homeland, and the lands before them too inhospitable to brave. In terms of size and stature, the Ossaei fall between both of their brethren: they average 7 feet in height, and though they appear far more thin and almost fragile than either of the other clans, they enjoy both incredible strength, constitution, and virtual immortality without the need to consume food to survive. With skin the color of parchment, they often have an intense, passionate look, despite their gaunt musculature, due to their sometimes shocking color of hair and eyes: the former capable of being several different shades of deep red, or almost golden, with eyes of red, violet, or deep blue.

Originally half-breed's, they are the result of mixing the Lycid and Genji lineages. And while a member of the Genji or Lycid might lay with another, their offspring are viewed as anathema by the other Ael'van races. The only commonality among the differing myths held by the Ael'van races concerning the founding of an entire race of would be outcasts, is the presence of a roguish being, who goes by many names. Though the tales vary in who is the victimized party, the rogue is usually someone held to be close confidence to either the Primavoucu of the Lycid, or the Telekurion of the Genji, or both. He ultimately betrays them in order to learn their rites and the source of their power; the Lycid call him Primogenus, and the Genji Takala. The Ossaei call him the Marrowsnatcher, and since then the Ossaei are no longer reliant on cross breeding to sustain their numbers, as enough of them have eschewed solitude and gathered together.

Unlike their parents races, and perhaps because they have been forced away and have no choice, the Ossaei prefer to exist on the fringe of the livable world. No lush veldt or verdant forest, no mountain range or gorge beneath a crashing water fall hold any allure for them. They have adapted, not only to survive in exile, but to thrive in the unrelenting sun and heat on the border of, and within the blasted land they have sought to make their homes. The eldest among the Ossaei, called Bonewardens, know another reason why they make their home on the edge of a desert so blasted by heat parts of it have become glass: other living things which taste the blood of the Ossaei are irrevocably changed, a side effect of the melding of ancient rituals not intended to be used together. Further more, any human or other suitable race which has a child by or with, one of the Ossaei, create a further abomination. For better or worse, the moment one of the so called abominations is touched by the light, it immolates immediately. Those who shelter and encourage life to one of the creatures are shunned, even among the Ossaei.

Their one naturally evolved trait, perhaps because of where they have been forced to survive, is a facility in finding water, and extreme hydro-sensitivity. They can exist in a paradox form: due to the frequency and energy they use in hydromantic rites, and the rarity of it in their natural environment, they can become particularly potent casters in regards to rites involving water; the other side of the equation in regards to their affinity, or sensitivity to water, is that their senses can also be overwhelmed by large quantities of it, such as oceans, or powerful storms.


Date: 2017-02-01 18:11 EST
The Thain

General Overview

Far to the north of the Consolidation are the Fields of Forsaken Ice, and within them the crystalline caverns of the Thain, and the lost city of Arctathule.

When the Great Dark fell upon the land, the Fields were not fields at all, but a large, expansive ocean that touched each of the other continents northern tips. The elder race, using powers long forgotten, built cities which sprawled the ocean floor. Great worldstone columns rose from the sea floor, miles up through the clear blue waters, and towered indifferently over the waves which pounded against them, some were used for the transmission of air, others exclusively for materials. When the freezing began, open ports around the columns tops found themselves locked in ice, and materials had to be transported over increasingly long distances to the columns, and the deliveries became increasingly infrequent, as the rest of the world had to likewise adapt to the circumstances of the Great Dark.

Though they had received materials from above since the city's inception, those below were independently resourceful. The ocean floor could be cultivated for some things, and power and heat were drawn from deep within the worlds core. Through sorcery, most other materials could be synthesized to a degree, and for those that could not be, alternatives were found. The water around around the submerged cities, however, soon began to grow to cold to support life on it's own, and the once plentiful sources of nutrition began to disappear, moving to warmer climates. The little that remained soon found itself frozen, as were all avenues of exit from the underwater cities save for the worldstone columns that lead up and out of the ice. Tunnels throughout the ice were excavated both to reach warmer climates, and more immediately to harvest the chilled resources that were frozen outside of the urban areas. Where once the waters were harvested, there were now vast fields of ice being harvested from within.

Just as the environment changed, so too over thousands of years of solitude were that branch of the elder race, removed from all outside sources of genetic influence. Over time, the people grew to be smaller; shorter, more squat, and huskier. Their frames were better able to endure the new rigours of their changing home. The tall and lanky were prone to frostbite, and other ailments of the extremities with the extreme temperatures that the people were exposed to; taking part in activities which furthered the interests of the community were expected, and all citizens obligated to take part in sustaining themselves.


Date: 2017-02-01 18:12 EST
General Overview Cont.

A few families were slower to change, geographically separated from the rest of the Thain as much as the rest of the Thain were from the outside world. Those who toiled not even in the heart of the city, but deep below it where geothermal energy was drawn from, became more and more isolated from everyone else; theirs was a dedication that was fostered by an unwillingness to accept the changes which had come about from the outside, and their conviction to remain at their work, providing energy until the outside world righted itself, became obsession. But as long as the power flowed, none noticed their withdrawal, as they were too occupied with adapting to survive.

As the population of Arctathule, as deviation of the name of the first colony below the waves, began to grow, so too did the caverns of ice that the people found themselves in. Walls of glass and matter repellent energy were no longer necessary, without the fluidity of the water to threaten them, and were either removed or their power sources re-purposed; with air from the worldstone columns carefully regulated and warmed, the inside of the icy domes which comprised the urban areas became wet, glistening wonders, and as the waters were collected and processed, the Thain found themselves with an abundance of two resources: fresh water, and salt. A use could always be found for the former, but the use of the latter wasn't realized until the need for efficient energy rose as the geothermal source began to fail, it's caretakers having worked themselves to death without anyone else noticing, with only layered contingencies born of their obsession keeping the power flowing abundantly as it had. Baubles and trinkets made of salt-grown crystal began to grow in value as more and more complex crystals were developed using them as a base, with several new formations being wrought which could economically conduit energy as light, with less and less degradation before the energy was again changed to kinetic or heat.

Eventually, the Thain found a way to harness the energy of their crystals to delve what they thought was a new power source, but it lay not within the earth itself as did their geothermal power, but instead dormant, and inherently within the structures of the crystals themselves. Shortly after their discovery, the Thain as a race were silenced, and Arctathule was lost again, this time not to the outside world but to those who dwelt within.

While the inhabitants of Arctathule were lost immediately, there were yet three deviations of the Thain who survived ? albeit two of them for a very limited time. Two expeditions had been sent out as the ice had begun to solidify, both to the south, as they started as far to the north as possible, and one to the east, and one to the west. There were also the remnants of those who had dwelt below Arctathule.


Date: 2017-02-02 22:23 EST
The Thain

The Travelling People

As their abilities to use crystals grew, so did their ability to travel " and that is what they did. Using the power of their crystals, they burrowed into the ice. They crafted long, ornate tunnels, tunnels that began as test sites for the harvesting of minerals and other resources frozen in the ice. The tunnels spider-webbed through the entire northern ice cap, which was quickly spreading downwards over the globe until, eventually, it would encompass almost the norther quarter of the planet's oceans, while leaving the land covered with enough ice and snow to make it forbidding to those who ventured there from outside the ice, but not as much for those who ventured from within it. Eventually, the Hallways of the Thain would reach to the edges of the northern glacial cap, and would serve as the doorways that reintroduced the Thain to the world.

Runic records recovered by the Ael'van from supposed Thainish settlements show records of three factions. Though any record deciphered from the tablets remain questionable, there are repeated references to three separate 'peoples', or more accurately, divisions of the same people. Often the glyphs used which are assumed to represent them indicate a rising sun, a setting sun, and what is " depending on the interpreter ? either an eclipsed, or fully radiant image of the sun. Regardless of which of the glyphs present, it is always accompanied by one other glyph that is generally translated as 'moving' or 'travelling'.


Date: 2017-02-02 22:26 EST
The Thain

The Travelers into Sunrise

Those who went into the east carved out beautiful satellite cities from their homeland, along their pathway south and east, as they searched for an eventual end to their icy solitude. When they were certain an exit from the glacier was close at hand, they began to build what would become the mightiest Thainish fortress after Arctathule, and it's name was Cerenbahl.

As the Thain prepared to exit Cerenbahl, to finally emerge into the land again, they drew more and more power from Arctathule. The Hallways all the way from Arcathule to Cerenbahl were lit with fire within the crystalline conduits that had been built to power the smaller cities along the route. The power of their artifice was unrivaled; impenetrable armors, weapons both glorious and awful, self propelled modes of conveyance through and over the ice and land. But such things required ever larger quantities of power.

On the day the Eastern Thain were set to open their doors to the outside world, communication and the continuous pulsing energy from Arctathule vanished. By then, Cerenbahl was almost self sufficient, and with their breach into the open land at hand, they felt they would have all the resources they needed. The gates were opened, and the Thain were filled with despair. What lay before them was a vast sea of frozen glass, as far as the eye could see. There had been those in Cerenbahl who had noted that the entire southern ice shelf within the ice domed city was not like the rest of the glacier; it didn't weep, and the ice seemed somehow rotten. Too late after opening the gates did they learn the reason: their destination had been destroyed by one of the elders weapons, and the effects lingered. Not only that, but the entire world save for the glacier itself in that location had been either burned away or fused into glass. While the glass was somewhat useful for crystalmancy, they had already developed far more economic methods which didn't rely on heat for crystallization.

Retreating to their tunnels to find the source of the interruption from Arctathule, they found to their ever growing dismay that the tunnels had been collapsed, and the source of the power interruption didn't seem to be local. There is no record of their history that goes much further than that in detail, except personal accounts which suggest deepening despair by most of the Thain, and as supplies ran out, excessive paranoia. All the tunnels returning to Arcathule seemed to have collapsed for extended distances, leaving thousands upon thousands dead. There was no going back, and no going forward, and to stay where they were meant death.

That is, at least, the story as it is related by those who have traveled there since, and found Cerenbahl empty, and those few corpses that remained were found emaciated husks.


Date: 2017-02-02 22:30 EST
The Thain

The Travelers into Sunset

Those who went west, like their eastern counterparts, built satellite cities along their long route, and sometimes a generation or more of Thainish people would live and die within one of them. When the times did finally arrive that the Thain had excavated far enough to merit building another city, they dismantled the city which was already in place and painstakingly moved it, then added onto it when it was reassembled. This resulted in their community, Cerevinus, being in constant motion. It moved forward down it's tunnels in waves, and section by section, like a worm.

Part of the reason for the difference in the way the people tackled the migration before them, was due to the the Western pilgrims being the first to find the ice through which they were tunneling no longer yielding salt: the ice fields they tunneled through had come from fresh water, not salt water. They found themselves without their most basic resource, and one of the fundamental materials in the production of their crystalline structures. Everything that could be salvaged from settlements, was reclaimed, and reused. Some facilities seemed to always be in the process of being taken down, or moved. Mining and exploration on the western edge of the city, the bulk of the residential and governance placed safely in the middle, with engineers shoring up the eastern side. The governance and policing often fell upon the same shoulders; there were no warriors, as the Thain had not known war since thousands upon thousands of years before the waters turned to ice. Cerevinus was a place of work, and safety, and peace; until the excavations of it's workers lead it into the Outer Arc.

The people of Cerevinus had accomplished their goal of finding a hospitable land outside the ice, and they had accomplished it long before their eastern counterparts. When the power from Arctathule stopped flowing, there was no one left in Cerevinus to take notice. The lands to the south of where they had migrated to were lush, and full of life. The tundra that the first of their explorers had stepped onto was filled with wild herds of great horned deer. It was an animal they would never forget, but it was not the only animal of note that was present. They were greeted by hunters of a people who called themselves the Kroatoan.

More similar than alien, the Kroatoan immediately took to them, and invited the Cerevinians amongst them. It was a massive culture shock that a people who had spent their entire lives in ice were destroyed by; never again would they submit to being made to wander in dark Hallways away from fresh air. Their artifice and the secrets of their crystals were hidden away, and they accepted the dubious honor of having the Hart declared their totem. Their Kroatoan 'benefactors' had meant the suggestion as a joke, as the Hart was something that the rest of the Tribes essentially harvested for food. The choice would be almost prophetic, as they abandoned their history and were consumed by the Kroatoan. The only remnant of their history is in the Krotoan mispronunciation of the word Thain; due to their thick accent, the Krotoan omit the 'h' and reduce it to 'Tain'.

If any were left to mourn when the power from Arctathule stopped flowing towards Cerevinus, it is hard to imagine they did any more than shrug their shoulders, and walk away from the ice one and for all. Especially hard to imagine when one sees the deserted ruins they left behind, though few venture there; nothing remains but Halls of ice.


Date: 2017-02-02 22:32 EST
The Thain

The Dwellers in the Darkness

They knew they were not Travelers, the mere concept of travelling was anathema to them. It began as those who had tasted the bitter cold and lost the life of a loved one, or their own limbs to it. They needed to be warm, to never be cold again. So they sought to aid the powering of Arctathule by dedicating their lives to powering it, and the other Thain colonies which were ever growing. It was dark, down below Arctathule, but trading the reflected light of crystals and glass for the warmth within the earth was welcome. Soon, the colony which delved downwards was as feasible a choice for any of the Thain to join, as those who were migrating to the east or west, though it was never as popular, and made up the smallest percentage of the Thain.

As the world above them grew outwards, they felt under increasing demand to supply power to the burgeoning world above; always more power, never enough. Soon the watch of those who tended the great furnaces within the earth became almost obsessive. Just as their power worked it's way up, towards Arctathule and outwards to the other settlements, so too did their uses for that power work it's way down to those who dwelt below in the darkness. There in the dark with the most direct access to power, and their crystals which were all but stolen, for all the knowledge they possessed of how to use them, they did terrible things to themselves, and unknowingly to others. It was their obsession and ignorance with their crystals that lead them to seek out a new source of power, one better able to serve their growing peoples, those who lived above the earth, but below the ice.

The power they found seemed limitless, but it may have been their ignorance that lead them to believe so. The power they found seemed safe, and restricted, unable to lash out at them except for the amounts that they drew forth; it seemed to them, to be an energy source unlike any they had seen before. These assumptions, too, they made in ignorance. None argued against tapping the new source of power, and when it was finally breached, Arctathule surged with energy, enough that the conduits to both of it's major outlaying colonies erupted. The conduit to the east, one long continuous path, destroyed the entire length of tunnel and all surrounding tunnels connecting it to Arctathule; the conduit to the east however was disjointed and while the power ceased to flow and the conduits were useless, the tunnels themselves remain intact.

Whatever happened to the colonies, however, was not as bad as what happened in Arctathule. Something came through the breath that the delving had created, something that was more enervation than energy, except that it seemed to feed on and influence not raw energy and power, but emotion. In less than a week after the breach had been delved, the city of Arctathule was a necropolis. For those who Dwelt in the Darkness below Arctathule, it was worse. People that should have been dead refused to say dead, and walked around, possessed by something that none could combat or name. Those who were left 'alive' quickly succumbed to madness, and the living who were sane quickly envied the dead.


Date: 2017-02-03 22:45 EST
The Protean

General Overview

The Protean are one of the few races who finds their origins before the Great Dark, and while their proliferation did coincide with the Dark, it was not caused by it; the cause of their violence and loss lay not from outside agency, but from hubris. They have been called Changelings, Shapeshifters, and by some, in myths, spoken of as the Fair Folk, or Ogres and Trolls, but these are only miens they portray: they are the Protean, and no tale of their origins can be told without speaking first of the land, long ago two massive kingdoms, through arrogance, made into one.

In the millenniums previous, when the elder race had dominated the world, and had teased forth the secrets of all the arcane arts to make their world more pliable, it was decided that a portion of the world should be sequestered unto itself for the purpose of preserving the wild things. Realizing the need to keep alive more than just mated pairs of animals, and a wide variety of flora, not one but two islands " each an entire continent - were deemed necessary in terms of size to house such an undertaking. The two islands selected were called Serica, which was in the west, and Percanir in the east.

The inhabitants of each island who planned to stay during the transitional years moved to the coasts, western in Serica, and the eastern in Percanir. On the opposite coasts, the most powerful users of the Craft gathered, and there they stayed for generation after generation, until seven generations had passed, all working their incantations and rituals towards one goal: drawing the islands towards one another, reversing what nature had done, similar to how they would halt the destruction of species the world over by preserving them in one place.

As the generations stretched on, so did their plans.

No longer would they be content to deny the extinction of the species that were left on the earth " which would have been the natural course, given that they themselves yet existed within the natural order. When it was clear that what already existed could be preserved, they set about to reverse extinctions which had already taken place.


Date: 2017-02-03 22:47 EST
General Overview Cont.

Using bone, fossil, and hair that had been preserved by scholars and academics as the focal points for their rites, beasts long gone from the earth found themselves resurrected. This wasn't enough for them, however, and they attempted even more rites, further defying the natural order and they created things which had never existed except perhaps in dreams " and nightmares. Arcanists on both the nearest coasts grew bold and competitive in their attempts to outdo one another in their artifice.

Then seven generations worth of layered mage-craft had finally gained enough potency that their original plan " the union of the two islands " started to become reality. And they found themselves ill prepared. As both islands, continents, found themselves being dragged towards one another through a common ocean, their near coastlines were inundated with a perpetual tsunami " one that would not vanish until the lands were joined. While they were arrogant, the power of the Arcanists was great, and they attempted to right their folly. Leaving their other games and hobbies to fend for themselves, the wild things were freed to find safety if they could, and their masters turned their full, united energy to the task at hand.

Using their power, which was tied to the land due to their societies pursuit to act as it's preservers, they opened a molten seam within the ocean between the two islands, drawing forth mountains onto the previous beaches where they'd made their homes and workplaces, in an attempt to divert the worst of the waters effects from washing the entire islands clean. Leagues behind each coast of mages, on both islands, were the remainders of those who had stayed behind to aid in the the mages work in what mundane ways they could. Their lives too, depended on the Arcanists conviction.

The Arcanists were, if nothing else, determined. Their frail forms could not maintain the assault against the laws of physics, could not prevent the disaster they had invited from destroying their ward, and so they used the knowledge they had gained from their games and competitions to change their frail forms. Contact with the Arcanists was lost, as both groups became....something else. When the two pieces of land were finally one, as many generations later as it took to develop the ritual that began the process, a pair of twin mountain ranges had arisen to dominate the center of the new continent.


Date: 2017-02-03 22:52 EST
General Overview Cont.

In a basin between the mountain ranges, a lake grew. Silvery liquid-energy that slowly seeped from the ground where the Arcanists had made their stand, and from which the first Protean stepped; it drew itself together from the energy that was the lake and stepped out onto the land in the form of a man. In his mind were the memories of his entire race, and he " they " knew that once they had been the Arcanists, but now that time seemed as though it were a dream. The first Protean ventured far across the land to determine the ends of their experiment, before reporting it's findings back to the rest, who dwelt in energy form, conserving themselves. The land was wild, but everything seemed to have found a natural equilibrium. Plants and animals flourished, and he saw that it was a paradise. But he found no remains of those who would have been his ancestors " the elder race was gone, vanished. In their place, the Protean found something else, something that caused him great sorrow. The things which the Arcanists had freed to hold the mountain ranges in place against the onslaught of the water had changed not only some of the animals, but had somehow changed the elder race as well. Their numbers were greater than the elders who had remained, but not as great as they had been before the two lands were chosen for unification; the land was rife on both sides of the mountains with new tribes of humanoids. Some were short, others tall, but all were grotesquely disfigured as a people. Webbed hands and feet, scaled skin, distorted inhuman facial features, and in many cases greatly reduced intelligence were but some of the maladies which plagued the those the Protean found.

Upon returning the information to the Protean 'lake' that was the combined mass of the new race, more individuals came forth to verify " though they already knew. Nearly at once, as much as can be said of an entire people, they set about to master their new abilities " and were once again dismayed. Though their physical forms were now superior to anything they knew before in strength, endurance, agility, and their ability to " with practice ? mimic almost anything else, there was one factor that none of them had expected. Their long term use of power had almost burned the ability out of their forms to use it. It was difficulty piled on difficulty, for as while the Arcanists had been holding back the ocean, the Great Dark had fallen.

No further aid would come to them.


Date: 2017-02-19 14:20 EST
The Hollow Ones

General Overview

They are the reason people believe that interracial children born of the Ossaei are abominations; they the people who eschew fire, who hesitate to step into the light; while not liquid, their forms are many, and they drink only blood. The Ael'van declare them abominations, to the Thain they are whispered to be the hungry, gibbering mouths in the Darkness, and to the Protean they are called the Tithed. On the continent of Alluvius proper, however, they are known as the Hollow Ones, and the myths relating them to the Ael'van of House Ossaei are only half true.

Their history is recorded internally as a series of 'Tithes', with each step in their development being recognized by some price being paid, though it has either never been explained to outsiders, or the outsiders have been turned by them before the information has had a chance to be recorded.


Date: 2017-02-19 14:21 EST
The First Tithe

Amongst the Ossaei, a woman sought to save her child. An increasing number of women suffered tragic losses after the births of their children; the children had developed a severe photo-sensitivity, some of them dying as they burst into flames when exposed to natural light. Those who had been saved in instances by mid-wives, wise women, casters, or others, suffered an inability to properly feed. Attempts to feed them naturally resulted in a greater than normal discomfort to the mothers and surrogates; the infants were unable to feed without drawing blood. Examination lead to the discovery of small, needle like teeth, only large enough to abrasion the skin enough to draw blood. The discovery of the last was enough to cause a wider ranger inspection of other infants, with more found exhibiting the characteristic, but all within a small area.

Attempts to feed using bottles resulted in a slow withering of the child, and eventual starvation. When an accident caused the corpse of one of them was resuscitated through exposure to blood, all the infants with the trait that still lived, and bodies of those who appeared dead, were cremated, in a Culling.

What none of the Ossaei realized, is that there was a Protean among them who called himself Unvarex, and he had been there for some time. It had journeyed east from it's homeland, and in the process acquired great power, learning to take the shapes of the beasts of the land and air, the birds which dwelt in the skies, and the creatures of the deep as well. The Ossaei were the first other 'people' that it had encountered, and it had assumed the form of one of their own who had perished. Instead of not returning home, the being called Unvarex had returned in his stead " and in his guise. Whether due to sinister machinations, or a more primal, bestial nature from having dwelt so long among animals, he became careless with his passions " and had gotten many of the women pregnant with his children before realizing that he was the cause of the infanticide.

Days before the Culling had begun, he had infiltrated the hierarchy of the Ossaei and learned of their intentions. Later that same night, he took the form of a mid-wife and stole away to one of the women still waiting for their child to be tested. Unvarex, of course, was already fairly certain what the test would reveal, and so told her that he could spirit the baby away before the results were known " and he, posing still as the midwife " would bring it back if the tests showed her child was a healthy Ael'van.


Date: 2017-02-19 14:21 EST
The Second Tithe

Unvarex set off with it's offspring, travelling into the west and doing what he could to keep his offspring alive by keeping it hidden from light. The child was nourished on blood rather than milk, given both by it's father and by Unvarex mimicking other creatures and luring them to their doom for the sake of sustaining his child. The Proteans were no longer capable of creating children amongst themselves in the fashion that Unvarex had bred with the Ael'van, and he was unprepared for the rapid rate of his child's growth.

The child grew abnormally fast, as was befitting it's pedigree. Before Unvarex could return with it to his homeland, the child rebelled against it's father's instruction. Physically similar to a human in it's late teenage years, the child no longer had to rely on it's father for sustenance, as it was able to both mimic certain creatures and draw still others to him with his unnatural presence. What began as disagreement lead before long to physical altercation, and the child striking his father down and making off on his own. Unvarex was not killed in the encounter, as it took more wiles than were available to his offspring to achieve that end.

The child, who had been called Unvail by his father, took for himself a new name: Vehkan, which in the tongue of his mother meant 'hollow'. During their travels together, Vehkan had afforded himself of his fathers knowledge, learning as quickly as he grew, and able to speak the language of both parents and was also an adept student of flora and especially fauna " so that he could easily discern what would nourish him, and what would not. The mere fact that he lived the life of a nomad and was taught to read the stars and the poles by his father lead him to being keenly aware of geography " and in being so aware, found for himself a place to retreat. There was an island off the western coast, within the line of travel to Unvarex's Protean realm, named Pellucid by the Ael'van.


Date: 2017-02-19 14:23 EST
The Third Tithe

The island did not long survive Vehkan's presence in it's natural condition, and soon he was aware of the full power, or curse, of his blood upon other living things. After claiming one of Pellucid's ruins as his home, he began to gather a herd on which to feed. Until that time, he had had no interaction with the things which he fed on, after his thirst was slaked. It was during this time that he learned that if he drained something completely, and the body was not destroyed, it would rise again in a state similar to his " but frenzied, rabid, and unable to control itself, suffering animation only to feed. He also learned that anything which fed on the blood of such creatures as him, or the things which were created by his draining them, were also turned into drinkers of blood, though more like himself.

The latter blood drinkers, Hollow Ones they came to think of themselves for their endless thirst, were able to 'live' much as they had before " with the caveat that they must abandon the light of day, and drink blood to survive. At first only predatory animals which naturally fed on blood were subject to transforming, but they were soon joined by sailors and other explorers who from time to time found themselves on the otherwise wild island. The curious among those Hollow Ones soon turned to experimentation on other animals; herbivores, and intentionally turning various breeds of bird.

Soon the entire island was under the seeming pall of undeath. As blood became more scarce, Hunters began leaving the island to bring back food, both to eat, and to breed ? though everything that goes there eventually shares the same fate.

More and more frequently tales of their people spread to the mainlands, both east and west. Never are there any tales which seem able to accurately illustrate the power behind sending such emissaries forth, though it is impossible to believe that an entire people suffering the same condition could have thrived without the benefit of their progenitors will.


Date: 2017-02-28 22:16 EST
The High Eternals

The existence of the High Eternals defies questions of origin regarding the when, and the where, as the origin of their existence takes place between the folds of both time and space. Herein we find their origins, and the beginnings of their connections to the reservoirs for power known as Myriad. Whether or not they necessarily belong with the other races is a matter of debate, as their existence is not necessarily restricted to Alluvius.

The First Tree

Each multiverse contains an infinite number of multiverses, which are in turn combination of an infinite number of universes, and in some of the spaces between these expressions of infinitely expanding potential are the Nexuses " at least some of them.

The ultimate expressions of both chaos and law, good and evil, the Nexuses were melting pots of everything offered by each reality which happens to pay them a glancing blow. While the walls between some realities and the Nexuses are rigidly calcified, some are infinitely flexible, allowing limitless movement to or from. In it's infinite expansion away from it's centre, the top and bottom broadened out into an infinite multitude of connecting roots and branches; all extremities connected by virtue of the Nexuses, which served as nodes that both fostered energy transference between the universes, and served as mutual points of termination for opposing universes " Nexuses marked the boundaries between one universe or multiverse, and the next. Reality grew as a great tree, extending root and branch to the infinite celestial predecessors of land below and sky above. As it grew, however, there were certain spaces between the roots and branches which seemed to be filled with dead space " though that was the wrong term. They were empty, when juxtaposed against the fullness of reality, and in the beginning it went without effect. But as the tree, the First Tree, continued to grow outwards the gaps between its branches became larger, more pronounced, as the boundless energy of existence became more directed away from the dead spaces " towards living realities, growing them even further them ever further, even as the roots of those realities reached deeper, and also grew. It was growth on such an infinite scale that it beggared the mind to even consider the infinite of space and time. It was easy to miss the equally infinite rot which had taken heart in the empty spaces, and the Tree itself did not perceive the danger until it was perhaps too late; it had begun with the smaller branches and roots mostly, dying away, figuratively drying up, the flow of energy to and between them exhausting itself. The lifelines of the Nexuses, beginning with those smallest, were being eaten away.


Date: 2017-02-28 22:19 EST
The Black Wind

The desecration and eventual destruction of realities and Nexuses went unnoticed at first, due to the literally limitless expanse of existence. Only an equally illimitable mind could say if the Tree reacted as it did to answer out of awareness, or some simple means of self-preservation which makes its analog to flora all the more apt. Just as a plant would do, as whatever internal mechanism detected the end of its life, increasing energy was redirected from those branches that were dead, and pushed towards the still living, still thriving canopy above and root system below, until every branch was rife with knots of glowing, concentrated power.

As if sensing the first sign of opposition, the emptiness which ate at the branches of the First Tree seemed to be empowered by recognition " real or imagined - of it's plight. Nexuses, once like bright lights of limitless potential that twinkled like stars, winked out. Whatever was destroying, desecrating the Tree, was not doing so from within existence; more accurately, it was taking something from existence, sucking it into itself, like a parasite but not even leaving the part of the body which had been fed upon.

After so much being taken, consumed by the empty, something had to be given back; like a husk, a thing emerged from the empty, stripped of everything that had made it belong. It's new reality was as a mockery, and it's coming claimed the border that lay between the myriad realities and true oblivion. It had no form, but it had malignant presence which to the Tree manifested as a black wind, tearing at limbs and branches, cold beyond reasoning, and insidious in it's ability to pierce reality. It moved around the Tree, caressing it with its cold, enervating breeze; it's magnitude was as if it were the amassed emptiness which had grown in the hollows of branches and roots since the Tree had taken form. While the Tree itself can only be seen as questionably aware, it is certain that there was something of awareness within the Black Wind: it's mind was full of madness, and it thought and spoke with the collective corrupted will of those who had been destroyed, in such a way that even the memory of them was perverted, by the Black Wind of Oblivion.

As the empty grew in power, the Tree reacted to the terminal danger, the massing power within began coalescing into nodes. The nodes were myriad within all the branches and roots " each offshoot of the Tree held at least one small concentration of power, just as a plant blooms flowers or grows tubers when it knows it's cycle is shortening. The vigour and potency of the blooms defied the entropy of the Black Wind.


Date: 2017-05-19 23:24 EST
The Gathering

The wind blew, and despite their strength, even the branches heavily laden with the energy rich nodes began to wither. It seemed that no concentration of power, no potency, was enough to prevail against Oblivion's first servant.

Then came the Progenitors.

Until the Progenitors arrived, the Tree, and everything connected to it, were all. The energy thought of as souls, elemental energy, and all types of potential and exotic energy were as one. The Progenitors changed that. They were beings that were kindred to the Tree, cosmic beings of creation, who saw the need for the Tree to grow not in power, but in scope. They could not defend the Tree directly against the Black Wind " they were subject to it's depredations as well, and the names of those Progenitors who fell to Oblivion are now lost.

When they began to take action, each of them worked alone. It is said that they sang to the Tree, and their song moved the energy from the nodes back into the trunk and main branches of the tree, forcing new shoots to grow faster than the Black Wind could devour them. The growth of the Tree was slowed, rather than halted or turned back.

In time the success they enjoyed as gardeners of the Tree brought them back into contact with each other, the Black Wind was held at bay and instead of only fighting for survival, they were once again able to establish a more nuanced sense of community.

Within the Gathering culture developed, and the Progenitors were able to share their very essences with one another, and the offspring of those couplings were not bound by the same laws that mortals are, for not only were the Progenitors not mortal, but they were not human, nor animal, nor plant they simply were, and the children they brought forth were made in ways that allowed them to similarly defy classification.

One offspring of the Progenitors were artifacts of creation, ideas and thoughts and dreams forged into physical form, that manifest in numerous ways in every universe. The intensity of the power fused into them was mitigated by the fact that they merely existed, timeless, eternal bulwarks testifying to the strength of their parents, but fused into common marks, symbols, and items " for their birth into any universe was not subject to the rules of time, and one could be born into a stone, or headdress, or any other item at any time. Those offspring were Myriad.

The other common child, if any of them could be called such, were the Eternals. Unlike the Myriad, power diffused through living beings across countless infinite universes " people; men, women, even some animals infused with the very essence of an ideal, or dream, or purpose. Unlike Myriad, each incarnation mortal " it's lifespan limited, but also unlike the Myriad, they were capable of birthing, changing, into something else.


Date: 2017-09-05 01:43 EST
Echoes of the Word

The Gathering of the Progenitors articulated their power and influence upon the spans of the First Tree, upon the multiverse, by means of their Word. The Word was interpreted differently by each of the Progenitors, and each was influenced by the aspects of Creation which the Progenitors sought to embody. Working in unison, the combined Words of the Progenitors spun out tapestries of worlds and universes, flora, fauna, and sentient things; their sung Words were as the music of the spheres.

Where the Progenitors music touched, the nascent energy and materials of Myriad were formed; they would lay dormant, until several millennium later when the worlds population would give birth to suitable hosts for the other children of the Progenitors " the Eternals.

The hunger of Oblivion, however, knew no rest and no satiation " and the Black Wind swept through the tree as though it were a thing alive, and sentient, though it could not be as it was a thing from outside. Entire multiverses were devoured, some full of pure light, some of dreams, some even of darkness, for darkness in itself has no inherent protection against Oblivion. Worlds that had been created by single Progenitors were the first to fall, as they were inherently focused around one Word " one way of being, and thus even if the strength and integrity of the world was great, it's existence was very focused, very refined. Those that were able to stand against Oblivion were almost alien to human " to mortal " comprehension; imagine a universe composed of elemental justice, for example.

Those worlds which were wrought from the combined Word of more than one Progenitor, however, proved to be more durable. The most durable, however, were those wrought by enough Progenitors " by enough Words " that they were able to sustain life. While the nascent but unfocused energy of the Myriad invested all worlds, only those that could support life were invested with the inherent seed energy of an Eternal waiting to be born into the cycle of life. Even before they were born into worlds, though, their energy seemed inherently repulsive to the Black Wind; though one Eternal might live a thousand lives over a thousand worlds, their lifespans were so short that the might of their energy seemed magnified when juxtaposed against it's brevity.

Although the energies and latent unbirthed theurgy of the Eternals kept the Black Wind at bay, it also served as a beacon of challenge; echoes of the Progenitors Word bounded throughout existence, and to its edges. Other things heard the echoes, some of the listeners were from inside creation " things which had been born in the empty space before an Eternal awakened to power, things which had their own power, but were natural in that they were also a part of creation. Some of these things were hostile in their primal nature, and some merely curious after what might awaken in the arrival of the Eternal. Some few other sentient things were also born before and during the Eternals gestation; those things that could perceive the Eternals power were also variously curious " and sometimes covetous of it. The Eternals existence proved more than durable against Oblivion " for it is the nature of living things to endeavour to survive.

It was their capacity to articulate both their power and knowledge that set Eternals apart from the mortals which they were born and lived side by side with, most often without ever arousing suspicion that they were anything other than those they lived among. For every instance of them living low key lives, there are of course, worlds where they are hailed for their power as gods or prophesied rules of great import; their articulations of power allowed them to defy the laws of common men, wielding the elements as though they were tools, healing the terribly sick, and in some cases even appearing to raise the dead. It was in these latter worlds that Oblivion found the first of its agents, worlds where Eternals were obvious for whatever reasons; when to so many, it appears that so few have so much, betrayal finds fertile ground to breed ? even at the cost of existence.


Date: 2017-09-10 20:16 EST
The Unnamed

Eternal is forever, but Oblivion is both insatiable and inexhaustible; many are the roads to despair, and the number that walk upon them are legion. While many give in to despair, and many serve it, one had to be the first to choose despair, despite, and oblivion as a path to power.

In all the great span of the First Tree, through all the branches, all the universes, and multiverses, one sentient being - one soul - had to be the first to eschew all higher purpose, and even the primal, bestial need to survive, in favor annihilation. Of that one, little can be said, for there is less than remembrance left; the One's work was complete, it's world gone in total - no myth, or legend, or memory remains - and nothing remained but a scar on reality. Before that world ended, however, the being which wrought it's destruction stepped outside reality - to the empty planes of that which had answered his despair by granting him power.

Oblivion had found its loophole, by being invited in by the Unnamed - the one who had destroyed his own world in total, even the memory of his True Name was lost to him. Through the agency of the Unnamed, Oblivion found a way to circumvent the protections of the Progenitors and their created guardians. The Unnamed wielded the powers of Oblivion in a way none had experienced before, or could anticipate; those powers began to manifest in the worlds at alarming rates, and they were as despair, blight, entropy and vice. The Unnamed could do things that Oblivion could not accomplish before because he actually existed.

As the First Tree and it's keepers braced themselves, the Unnamed summoned the Black Wind and focused it narrowly, on one reality, one branch, at a time. Previous, the Black Wind had worked against the entire Tree, and it's effects were broad, it had lacked the intelligence, the understanding of realities, to be lethal. Now it tore branches from the First Tree anew, and as they fell they struck against others, branch against branch, universe against universe, multiverse against multiverse, each collision point forming a temporary nexus of realities where all things may be made possible.

Against the looming threat of Oblivion, the nexuses themselves were pitiful, but those that they summoned, those who were keyed to them, were filled with potential.