Topic: FAQ: Legends of Alluvius


Date: 2014-09-15 13:09 EST
FAQ: Legends of Alluvius

Profiles of important Player & Non-player Characters who are, directly or indirectly, linked to the Alluvius setting. The information in this FAQ is free to be used In Character with almost "any- reasonable explanation for how one may have heard of one of the persons listed.

As a side note to players, if you scroll through and somehow find your name on this roster and don't want it there, just message me; although I intend to ask before I add anyone to it, there is the chance it will slip my mind, as my intention is that admission determined along simple terms: if we've played together, or you've played with someone else involved in the world and or settings here, in such a way that you've seriously influenced them " I'll likely be making a note of you, and that note will likely end up here. The entry will almost certainly include a link to your profile.


- Player Characters - Non-Player Characters

*Content Posts Pending, update notices in the Index thread when applicable.