Topic: Musings of a Banshee

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-02-20 11:24 EST
Art Credit:

Musings of a Banshee


"People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-05-10 00:01 EST

Taking a Walk to Clear My Memories


"Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us." - Oscar Wilde


I walked along the paths between the main houses of Bristle Crios. The snow and ice covered the grounds, leaving behind a memory of the deep green grass and vibrant flowering bushes from summer. I turned along the footpath leading to the edge of the forest. Ice covered the bare trees, letting them glisten like textured glass in the sunlight. I had rarely ventured this far out in the past year while he was gone. I didn't have the strength. I stayed in my room, isolating myself from the world, from anyone but him. All I wanted was him. My husband. The only comfort I had was the memory of our love, what we had. They seem so negligible, but our memories shape our lives. Infants have no memories, they are just beginning. I can see the promise of hope in them. Their eyes search everything, trying to learn more, trying to make memories to help them understand life. Over time, we learn how cruel life can be, and we remember everything. Every regret. Every sorrow. Every pain-filled moment we experience.

I watched as a squirrel jumped from one branch to another overhead and caused the snow carefully balanced on a limb to come hurtling down to the ground. It softly thumped down into the snow a few feet from me. I stood looking at the squirrel above me, happily oblivious to what was left behind in his wake. It all comes down to perspective. I remember seeing some of the elders in my village when I was young, how they would begin to lose their memories. All were blinded to their past in some way. Some would be able to ignore the bad pieces of their memories and lived happy, innocent childlike lives until the end of their days. Others could only focus on every stress they ever had in their long life, leading to crippling anxiety until they finally got to permanently rest, freeing their mind of its imaginary burdens. The truth no longer mattered. It was their truth, their perspectives of the truths that they wanted to acknowledge, for better or worse, that shaped the end of their life.

I continued on the path heading back home. He was there with me now; he had come back to me. I love that he came back. I love him, but I can't forget how badly it hurt while he was gone from me. Always wondering if he would be forced to leave again. Always feeling like every moment could be our last this time. I can't forget, or could I" Should I allow myself to reshape my memories" Should I alter my perspective of the truth of my past in order to shape my future" It would be simple. Just a thought. Like looking at the past through rose colored glasses. Like rewriting a page in a diary. Would it be hurting anyone" Wouldn't it only cause me to hurt less" His presence is already helping me to heal. A selfish thought, but this is my afterlife, and I have to be the one who lives it for eternity. Eternity is a long time to suffer with your memories.

References "Renewal":"t=26809 Art Credit:

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-05-10 00:03 EST

Someone Else's Nightmare


"The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent." - Carl Gustav Jung


I awoke sharply. Kristoph had his arm over me with his hand lightly gripping my shoulder. He spoke soothingly as he broke me free of my nightmare. He asked if I was alright. My opened eyes were quickly orienting me back to our room. I turned towards him and smiled, embarrassedly aware of my whimpering in my sleep. I replied softly that I was fine. He returned to his back, extending his arm closet to me. I lifted up my head to let his arm slide under me. I rested my head on his shoulder and my hand on his chest as he held me tightly against him.

I didn't want to go into it. It wasn't important anyway; just a simple dream.

The dream began well enough. I was riding on horseback as I met Kristoph. It wasn't him, I'm sure, but in dreams everyone seems to resemble someone in your life. It couldn't have been him; he was so cruel to me. I don't even remember what he said or did, just how it hurt me. After that, I was in some large event, or seemed to be. Isn't it funny how dreams play like movies" You just are all of a sudden in a new setting, doing a new scene. In real life, you remember how you got there, but in dreams, you just are there, right where you need to be.

Kristoph's rhythmic breathing comforted me as I lay against him. Funny how your dreams start to disappear from your memory as you wake. I only remember bits and pieces now. I was put on trial for something, accused of something. I don't know what it was, but I knew I was guilty. How could that be? There seemed to be death all around this place in my dream. Was I somehow to blame" I stood on trial with a heavy heart. There was a man there with no face. He was judge and jury. I watched as he executed a man right in front of me, breaking him, shattering him into countless pieces. I wanted to scream, but couldn't.

Kristoph woke me then. I kissed his neck softly and returned my head to his shoulder. I had a peaceful night's rest in his arms, but I would not forget the Man With No Face.

References "Indivisible":"t=26745 Art Credit:

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-05-21 01:01 EST

One Year Later


"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they're yours. If they don't, they never were." - Richard Bach


I continued on my way towards the Wishing Trees. I had only been there once, a year ago today, but I was still able to remember the path. Last year, it had seemed like the longest journey I had ever made. Now it was something different. Seeing the beautifully aged wooden split rail fences along parts of the path. Passing the fields of wild grass swaying softly in the wind, keeping time with my steps like organic metronomes. Listening to the songs of the birds flying among the trees in the distance. I had undoubtedly passed all of these same sights and sounds last year, but I couldn't notice all of these beautiful splendors. I was on a mission then.

I had heard about the Wishing Trees. Names of loved ones gone but not forgotten where to be written on yellow ribbons. The ribbons were then to be tied loosely to a branch so the wind could carry them to those loved ones. For those who had passed to the great beyond, they would receive the ribbon and know that they were loved and remembered. For those missing, they would find the ribbon, which would help to guide them home. I remember I scoffed when I heard about it.

At the time, it had been months since my husband had disappeared. My thoughts swayed between holding out hope of his return and accepting the inevitable reality that he would not. Within the third day of the Wishing Trees, I found myself here, before this great oak, trying a yellow ribbon to one of its branches. There were still a few yellow ribbons fluttering in the light breeze. I remembered how it was said that the wind would carry them to their correct destination when the time was right. I wonder if it was simply not time yet for these few, or if people had added more names and ribbons over the passed year.

I looked down into my now open palm, delicately holding the yellow ribbon I had tied to the tree last year. I touched the empty space on the branch where it had once been tied. I, again, said a silent prayer, but instead of a wish, this time I gave thanks. Somehow, the ribbon had made its way to him, and he made his way home to me, returning the ribbon on which I had written his name.


References "Rhy'din Wishing Trees in Bloom":"p=178503#178503 Art Credit:"p=178353

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-08-19 01:15 EST

Stopping to Smell the Roses


" Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet." - Jeremy Bentham


I had been lost for awhile.

I went on with my normal tasks of planning, paperwork, census reports, and other insignificant things on behalf of Bristle Crios. At one time, I loved it. I loved organizing everything to how many guests we had to how many bottles of olive oil was in each house's main kitchen. But lately, my heart had been restless. I tried to involve myself in different things to find a new interest. Today, I thought to try flower arranging. I had heard it was a peaceful way to organize one's thoughts while organizing the visual appeal of the blooms.

I meandered around the various gardens located by Eternal House. I had taken my residence there for awhile now. Kristoph and I moved from my room in Demon House to his in Eternal. I thought that change would be enough to sustain me, but I found myself out in nature searching for something more. I began with a few white lilies nearby then made my way to the gardenias, as they were a staple in the pieces I wanted to create. I wanted to enhance the beauty and the aroma in each of the rooms the flowers were to be displayed.

I wanted to compliment the golds, deep reds, and dark woods in the house, so I picked up some maroon red dahlias. Layer after layer of petals bloomed outwards in a seemingly infinite spiral. I wondered if there was some deeper meaning there, but I chose to ignore what seemed like a metaphor for my endless spiral into a meaningless existence. Instead, I focused on its natural beauty and the wonders of nature. As I walked along a path, deep red roses jumped out at me. I selected a few, hoping they would give an elegant velvet feel to the arrangements. Visual, olfactory, and now tactile stimulation, just with flowers. What other senses where left' Sound and taste. I'm sure I could find edible flowers, maybe berries for pops of color. Maybe I could add in a few leafy plants that could rustle against the blooms creating a soft sound"

No. I was doing it again. I made everything so analytical. I had to organize everything. Why couldn't I just pick flowers that seemed beautiful, that could make me happy' I had to go and make a whole project out of it, making each flower fit some function. I should be taking a cue from the flowers I was holding. Even if no one came along, the flowers would still bloom. The plants gave all they had to produce beautiful blossoms for no greater purpose than because it was content to do so.

I looked around to find the most amusing outlandish flower and soon found an orange tulip creation with numerous, large, wavy petals. I questioned using orange with the reds and whites, but I told myself to relax, and just create. I wanted one more variety and was relieved to find some deep orange orchids. Their white centers contained a little hint of dark red. I was so ecstatic to find one to tie all my colors together, unifying the flowers in the arrangement. Content in my choices, I made my way back to Eternal House. I stopped for a moment as I came out of the garden, looking at the full bundle of blooms in my arms. I did it again. They looked well thought out in their pairings, perfectly over organized. Flower arranging was not going to help me find my inner peace.

I looked up and saw a new guest, a girl with a white mare. I sighed and smiled. My mind began racing of all the things I would need to do. I would give her a tour, same way I had done countless times before, all going along in a methodical route, explaining important aspects of the community and the grounds along the way. I would see if she needed a place to stay for the night and get her set up in a clean room with fresh supplies. I sighed, knowing I could not escape my inner conflicts, at least not today. How in the world would I be able to promote this place as a safe haven for her to stay when I was the one who needed to get away from my own issues" I was just as lost.

As always, I maintained my smile. "Hello, traveler."

References "Drawn Through the Wind": Art Credit:

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-08-20 22:10 EST

Dragon's Eye


"He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself." - Friedrich Nietzsche


A dragon, as black as night.

It opened its massive wings, displaying them prominently and menacingly. Veins of deep red seemed like they were etched onto each onyx scale. Two horns curled out and downwards on opposite sides of its forehead while one extended straight out, ominously from the center. As it walked in the open field towards the building, it began to crush the warriors in their fine chain link armor like shelled insects under its massive paws. A boy darted among the warriors. Quickly and smoothly, he took out one and another as he made his way with his twin blades, staying out of the path of the dragon on its own warpath. I couldn't tell if he was working with the dragon, or if he may end up as one of its many victims laying in decimated piles in its wake. He seemed to be in as much awe and terror of the beast as the others.

Once the dragon made it to the building, it pulled its head back sharply on its long neck. It then shot forwards violently, exhaling a strong and steady jet of white hot fire towards the building. After several applications, the building seemed to buckle. The boy continued picking off the warriors and I grew confident that the boy and the beast were working together, though I didn't understand why they felt the need to terrorize these people and destroy this place. The dragon even picked up and ingested one man that attempted to sneak up behind the boy.

With a simple strike of his talons, the dragon tore down an entire side of the crumbling building. What seemed like white lights of energy began to blast out from inside the building. Its inhabitants were counter-attacking. It was working, the beast began to recoil. With each blast, I felt my own breaths escape me. With the last, I awoke.

It was morning now. I had to get up to attend to my daily tasks. While I got up from bed, I wondered why I would dream such a thing.

The boy looked familiar, like a young Kristoph, with long black hair and green eyes. Maybe I was recalling one of Kristoph's memories from his youth. I had absorbed his memories once before; maybe this was a residual thought from that experience. I did seem to have a problem recalling my memories lately, though "lately' was subjective. There was just one thing that didn't sit right with me. I was not a part of this dream; I was merely an observer. If this was truly one of Kristoph's memories, why was I not seeing it through his eyes"

References "Ano in Absentia": Art Credit:

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2014-12-31 00:53 EST

Rapid Realization


"The world's not a very comfortable place if you have a nightmare to face." - Tommy Lee Jones


My dreams rapidly faded in from one to the next. In one moment, I was flying through the clouds in a thunderstorm. In the next, I was sitting at a table eating cake at a birthday party. Instances flipped like changing the television station. There were dreams in which I wanted to stay on those channels forever, never wanting to wake up. Then there were nightmares that I wished I could cut to a commercial break.

I was facing battle and drew my sword. The sword had double blades on its hilt, both parallel, creating a two tine fork appearance. As I fought, more men descended upon my position. I needed to take more than one at a time. In an instant, I took the hilt of my sword in both hands, unlocking it, and splitting it. In both hands, I wielded one full blade. They were beautiful swords, versatile and accurate. They acted like extensions of myself.

I was then in what seemed like an old ghost town. I was looking for someone, I think. I don't know what he did, but he had wronged me somehow. I wanted to burn down every building until I found him. I raised my palms to one of the buildings. Filled with hatred, it became my fuel. I could see nothing but fire in my eyes, as the fire became mirrored in my hands, shooting forward against the exterior of the building. I didn't stop until the entire side of the building was rapidly engulfed in flames. Before it even had a chance to burn down, I had moved onto the next building, creating a wave of fiery destruction in my path.

I was then holding an infant. My child. I had just given birth. My whole insides had been through what I would have sworn was the most excruciating pain in my life, but I kept baring down. I wanted this baby more than anything I had ever wanted. I would have done anything, suffered through anything. I didn't know if my body could bear what I was willing it to do, but eventually, the baby was out. I held my breath until it took its first and began to cry. Half laughing and half crying, I was so happy that I was in hysterics. The rest of the world was caving in around me, but this child was now my whole world. I knew I could never forget this moment in my life, all of my lives. But something happened.

It was then when I woke up. My dreams and nightmares had progressively gotten worse over the past year. After my last series, I was sure now. They were not simply dreams; they were broken memories. I wasn't sure if what I had dreamed was even true, but I knew one thing in my heart.

I had a child.

Art Credit: and

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2015-03-21 09:12 EST

Flash of Fear


"In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear." - Mary Manin Morrissey


I had been walking around the outskirts of the Bristle Crios grounds. I needed time to think.

I liked to change my walking paths slightly each time, trying to vary my scenery. Sometimes my sense of adventure would take me off the trails. I was off the proper grounds and away from the security of my home, a point of which I was abruptly reminded as I heard someone approaching. It was odd that someone would be out. It was terribly cold. I felt like a mad woman for being out in the cold myself, but I enjoyed walking.

I approached the woman first and undoubtedly startled her. I could tell right away that she was defensive, and not truly with me. She started saying things to me that didn't make sense. Then things that made all too much sense.

"Haunt me no more?"

When she had said the words, my heart sank in my chest. I remembered the days so long ago after I had died. I lived then as some incorporeal entity, only able to observe humanity, never able to interact. Eventually I began to understand that I could do minor things. I could move small items. I could be seen, but only as a ghost-like figure, a shadow of my former self. With years of practice, I worked my way up into becoming as tangible and human appearing as I did now. But this woman knew what I was, and it frightened me. I was just as scared as she, but her fear soon turned to aggression.

The chilling winds began to rise up, and grew harsher as the woman continued to become agitated by my presence. I was unsure if she was controlling the winds, but I did not want to find out. I worried that it was only a matter of time before she lashed out at me. I tried to soothe her with my words, letting her know that I meant her no harm and I was not the person she had assumed. As I broke through to her, I could tell her concerns had nothing to do with me. We both began to calm, and as did the winds.

I spoke to her for a short time. She was not the threat I had initially deemed her to be. I am fairly certain she evaluated me in the same vein. It seemed as though we may just have certain aspects in common. If her initial misconceptions of me were due to some traumatic experiences, we both have certainly had a tormented past. I feel as though she, who had started out as my enemy, may one day become my friend.

References "Through Light and Shadow": Art Credit:

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2015-05-17 10:15 EST Of The Son ~~~ "When the solution is simple, God is answering." - Albert Einstein ~~~ I walked south to the large Catholic Church in the Old Temple district. It had been awhile since I set foot in a church, let alone a Catholic one. I grew up on Tory Island, a small, devout Catholic island off the northern coast of Ireland. I didn't even know other religions existed until I was off the island, not that I would have pursued a relationship with God any further. I had blamed Him for my untimely demise. I had blamed Him for the abomination I had become. I had blamed Him for taking away everything I had, the happiness I could have had. The day of my wedding, my fianc" was killed in front of me, his body thrown out into the ocean. Tied to the Tau cross in my white wedding dress, I was then stoned to death. I awoke on mainland Ireland, unaware of my surroundings or my new abilities. All I could do was hate He who I felt responsible. I hated Him for over a lifetime, but even hate can fade in eternity. Over time, I realized my life had taken a different path, one that I believe it was meant to instead. I found and adopted two beautiful girls, one of which went on to marry and have a child of her own. I even found love again. I had faith that God had intervened so I would find Kristoph. Although I did not have proof of divine involvement, I have learned true faith isn't about evidence. I walked inside the doors of the church. Part of me always feared I would be encouraged to follow some Holy Light or some other superstitious myth just by walking inside a sacred space. I was always unsure of what I am, and if I would be welcome there. Was I simply a ghost, cursed to walk God's Earth for eternity' Was I an undead monstrosity, a blight even God would not accept into His Heaven" No matter what I am in His eyes, it was not why I was there. I should have been there to give thanks for all of the many blessings in my life. Instead, I had come for guidance. My dreams had been filled with images, things I couldn't shake. Even my thoughts during the day became flooded with scenes I couldn't understand. I bowed my head as I dipped the forefingers of my right hand into the blessed water at the front of the church. Making the Sign of the Cross over my forehead, I whispered silently, slowly, letting each word hold its own importance, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." I walked to a pew, lowered myself onto one knee, again bowing my head, rose, and then sat down by the aisle.

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2015-05-17 10:19 EST
Closing my eyes, I prayed a silent prayer asking God to grant me an answer for my visions. I had seen men die in horrific ways, blown apart bit by bit or burned where they stood. I had seen amazing lands that one could only dream of, certainly nowhere I had ever seen before. Yet, they all seemed familiar to me, as if I had truly been there. They were vivid nightmares and daydreams. Of all of them, the most disturbing was one that revealed to me a child. I held the newborn infant in my arms. I could feel it. I know it was truth. It's something only a mother could know. "but I wasn't a mother. I had never given birth. Had I" I opened my eyes and looked up to God for an answer. The sunlight was shining in through the stained glass windows above me. There were beautifully intricate scenes in each window, depicting events and stories from the Bible I had once known by heart. The sun's rays shined through one particular window of a mother holding her infant. The way the falling sun hit it just right, her hair seemed to be as red as my own. I knew her image well. The blessed virgin mother holding her son, the savior. I saw the look of love in her eyes. Caring. Concern. They are all things a mother would know, things I knew in the depths of my heart and soul.

It was then when I knew. I not only had a child, I had a son.

I looked around at the windows for more answers. How did I not remember this child" When did I give birth to him' Was he alive" Where was he" Who was his father" Why did I not remember" The scenes in the other windows gave me no further aid. I had asked God for an answer to my prayer, and he gave me one. Although his answer only led me to more questions, I knew it was all I was going to be provided with today. I bowed my head in thanks, grateful for the blessing I was granted, then proceeded to leave.

As I reached the doors to exit, I turned around to face the front. I again bowed my head, made the Sign of the Cross, and repeated my words slowly, letting each word wash over me.

"In the name of the Father?" I wonder who his father is. I had never been with anyone in that manner before my husband, not even my fiance back on Tory. I do not know if I could love any other as much as I love Kristoph. He would have to be the father of my child in this, or any, lifetime. But I only met him a few years ago. I think I would remember if we had been together and had a"

"and of the Son?" I wonder if our son knows of us, remembers us. Is he still alive" Where would he be now" How old would he be? I do not even know when or where I would have had him. If he is still alive, would he feel abandoned, betrayed" Even worse, did someone steal him from us" I would die to protect him. I would die all over again to find him.

?"and of the Holy??

My eyes widened and I cupped my hands over my mouth to keep from gasping in the quiet church.


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