Topic: Reigns of Alluvius FAQ Index


Date: 2014-09-14 00:31 EST
Reigns of Alluvius FAQ Index


This sticky is to essentially act as an Index for the majority of other FAQs, all of which are already works in process and over half completed. If I were less picky, they would all already be done - including the Alluvius Setting & History. Alas, human frailty.

Each of the subsequent FAQs that are in development or listed here have been named after previous incarnations of the Alluvius setting across a variety of role playing platforms; each is also named specifically after what was most strongly developed in that particular incarnation of the game (ie, Secrets explored the origins of -everything-, while Legends had the players playing....well, Legends!).

The Index will eventually features links to each of the FAQ and their corresponding information, I will continue to update the thread with information bumps until all the FAQs and links are complete.

For your pleasure & knowledge, and my organizational benefit, I give you what I'll jokingly call (because I need to adhere to my naming conventions): 'Index of Alluvius'.


Date: 2014-09-14 00:41 EST
Table of Reference


FAQ: Secrets of Alluvius Origin of the Pre-Cataclysm world, the demihuman races, and magic.

- Origins of The World: Utopia to Dystopia - Origins of Demihuman Races: Unnatural Selection - Origins of Magic & Technology: Unveiled Arcana


FAQ: Legends of Alluvius Profiles of important Player & Non-player Characters who are, directly or indirectly, linked to the Alluvius setting. The information in this FAQ is free to be used In Character with almost "any- reasonable explanation for how one may have heard of one of the persons listed.

- Player Characters - Non-Player Characters


FAQ: Bloodlines of Alluvius Descriptions of demihuman races, and a synopsis of their own origin stories " from their own points of view.

- Ael"van - Thain - Protean - The Hollow Ones - High Eternals


FAQ: Legacies of Alluvius Profiles & origins of the Myriad, the Kiergaardian Gates, the Paradigm Artefacts, and more; weaving together aspects of faith, magic, and science in a tapestry that makes aspects of all three backgrounds accessible and usable by characters who have any of those backgrounds " or none.

- The Myriad - The Gates - The Paradigm Thrones - The Blades of Dominion - The Shining Host - The Arcwall - Hyperion Machina - The Tiama Pathogen - The Stormhammer - The Dragons


FAQ: Houses of Alluvius Profiles of the once Tribes, and later Houses of Alluvius.

- Tribes - Clans - Imperial Houses - Lordly Houses - Common Houses
