Topic: Searching for a Lost Soul Sister

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-04 13:37 EST

A woman looking for her sister. A man looking for a job. Both would find much more.

A teacher's simple request to a private investigator to find her twin sister would lead them on a dark mission into making backdoor deals, breaking into secret business fronts, and discovering illegal trafficking.

A special thanks to Masked Visitor

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-04 13:40 EST

Since the start of the Academy of Bristle Crios in September, Leta had been absent from Bristle Crios. Her twin, Lydia, wondered where her sister had been. At first she preoccupied herself with running the Academy, but after three months, she didn't have a good feeling. She had heard about a man that could help her. Unwilling to let anyone at Bristle Crios know that there was an issue, she made an appointment to meet him away from the compound. She arrived precisely on time that evening at the small park and began walking to the fountain and benches she instructed him to meet her.

Word had gotten to him that he was being requested for a job, which was good because his funds, which were low to begin with, were even less than usual. A man did have to eat, after all, and his landlord would kick him out as soon as he missed a payment. With his slightly tattered trench coat wrapped around him and his ever-present mask firmly tied onto his face, he showed up at the appointed time and waited.

She wrapped the collar of her closed plain grey, woolen coat around her neck to shield her from the sudden gust of wind. She looked around worriedly as she saw the masked man. It was obvious this was the most outlandish thing the simple woman had ever done. In trying to look unsuspicious, she only achieved looking as suspicious as possible. Her simple flat shoes sounded lightly on the paved walkway as she approached him. She didn't really know what to say. She stumbled through her few words in a meek voice, "Hello. I'm Lydia."

He gave a polite nod and stopped a few feet short of her. "Evening, ma'am. I'm Q. I hear you were interested in buying my services?" Simple and to the point. Much like he generally tended to be. He looked her over, trying to get a read, but she didn't seem different at first glance.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-04 13:42 EST
She appeared shorter than she really was, hunching her shoulders, showing she was totally out of her element here. "I am trying to find my sister, Leta Tolmay. She may not be using that last name, though. She always goes by Leta, though." She was softly rambling. She took a breath, realizing how she sounded. This was a far cry from the confident, compassionate teacher who tamed even the roughest students. Whenever her sister was involved, Lydia was not herself. She slowly stood to her normal perfect ramrod straight posture, and began again softly, "Leta is a part of an organization. It's not easy to locate them. They....It's not a good company. They....She has done things....I just want you to find her and make sure she's ok, alive. You shouldn't attempt contact with her. She would be so angry if she knew I was doing this..."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a notepad and pencil and began taking notes. "So to be clear, all you're asking me to do is find her, and report back to you on her well-being?" Sounded like a simple enough job. Just some legwork and putting pieces together to find her. "Now, before I accept, how much were you willing to pay for this" I'd prefer that to be settled upon first so that we don't argue later and I can decide if it's worth my getting into."

Lydia was grateful for the masked man. She didn't just teach at the Academy; she was the Head Mistress. She had no need for money anyway. She didn't even know how much would be appropriate. She looked at him and said, "What is your normal rate?" That little comment got a smirk out of him under his mask. Not that she would be able to tell, though. "That depends, ma'am. On how soon I feel like taking another job after, and how many bills I'll have to pay. Couple gold ought to get me through for a few weeks." He'd never actually had a set rate anyways. Just used his skills to get by as best he could, as quietly as he could.

She had a rough idea of what he was in store for if he attempted this. She said tersely and sincerely, "I'll give you five.? She quickly pulled five gold from her coat pocket and offered it to him. If how quickly she was able to pull out the currency was any indication how much more was in her pocket, that would be one reason why she appeared so nervous, but to her, the money was meaningless in exchange of knowing her sister was ok. Leta had never gone this long without contacting her.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-04 13:43 EST
Five gold would keep him going for quite a while. Heck, he could even get some new clothes with that. he tucked the coins away into a pocket and went back to his notepad. "So, now that I've taken this case, can you tell me what she looks like" Picture would be even better if you had one. And how soon do you want this taken care of? Just so I know how fast to try and be."

"She looks just like me. We are identical in every way, physically." She put emphasis on her last word, then continued. "I don't care how long it takes. Even if you can't find her, just let me know anything you find out. If you find her, I'll give you more." Her last statement was said with desperation. She shifted her hips, looking down uncomfortably, feeling guilty that she didn't quite know how to tell him how bad this could get if he wasn't careful. She continued to look down, as if ashamed that her sister was involved in an organization like this. "Leta has only ever referred to it as "The Company'. I'm unsure if it even has a name....I wouldn't even know how to help you begin looking for her. She comes and goes from this area often as her company needs her."

"So I'm finding a needle in a haystack....great." At least it was a cute one. The extra pay possibilities were also starting to give him incentive to get to work on this come morning. "Don't worry too much about it. This town's got a bunch of shadowy organizations and they're all not as secretive as people think. Word travels in strange ways." A job was a job, and one of the rules was that he didn't question motives or try to dig too deep. That was bad for his health and his rep. He put the notepad away and looked at her once more, studying her face and trying to commit it to memory. "Well, if that's all, I'm going to head home and get some sleep so I can start this in the morning. Anything else you'd like to tell me?"

She looked back up at him. She admired his professionalism, something she worked hard to achieve herself. She looked into his eyes, passed the mask. If he could really pull this off, she would be amazed. Still looking at his eyes, "I don't think there is much I can help with, but if you have anything else to ask, I'll try." His eyes locked with hers, which was strange for him because most people just saw the mask and didn't bother looking behind it. It was almost unnerving for him. "I don't think I have any more questions for now, but I'll let you know if I have anymore.? And with that he nodded, turned, and began walking before he got lost in her eyes anymore.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-06 14:18 EST

Q found it mildly frustrating that after a few days of trying to dig up dirt on this "Company' by asking around, he had turned up zip. Oh sure, there were some rumors every now and again, but none of his contacts had anything concrete. It was another reason why he hated these secret society types. They made him work for any info he could dig up. He still had a few cards to pull, but it was probably a good idea to give his client an update. He'd sent over a message asking to meet in the same place as before, and was waiting there for her after dark.

Lydia tried to focus on her last few classes of the term, but her mind kept wondering about where Leta was and the masked man who was out looking for her on Lydia's behalf. She was worried Leta might be involved in something that might get him hurt, or even killed, knowing the things Leta was into. Though she didn't realize it, she probably thought more about his safety than her sister's. She was excited when she got a message from him, only because she knew that meant he was ok, at least for now. She arrived on time, dressed in another simple long coat, covering part of her dress slacks. She looked around for him eagerly, and quickly approached him when she saw him. He was casually sitting on the park bench, or at least it appeared that way. He'd gotten quite good at paying attention to things without looking like he was. "Evening, miss. I've got bad news and good news. Which would you like to hear first?"

She sat down on the other end of the bench and turned slightly to still face him, as a sign of respect. She blinked at his question and hesitated a moment, her mind quickly flying to every idea imaginable. He found her, but she was in prison. He didn't find her, because there was nothing left of her body after some trouble she got into. She took a breath, then said decisively, "I will hear it all.?

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-06 14:19 EST
Taking a deep breath and letting out a little bit of a sigh before he spoke. "Bad news is, I haven't been able to dig up any leads yet. Good news is, I still have a few more cards to play, but I don't like having to use up these kinds of favors." Probably wasn't the worst news he could have given here, but it certainly wasn't the best. "I figured I'd fall back on an old favorite of any investigator. City hall and tax records. No matter how shadowy the agency, there's usually some clue there."

"I've got a contact that'll let me in this time of night, so I can take a look around without being disturbed too much. If you wanted to come along, I was thinking that maybe it would help jog your memory and maybe give me something else to go on." It couldn't hurt any, that was for sure. Looking down, she said softly, "I doubt the Company would leave any paper trail of evidence..." She definitely wanted to help in any way possible, though. She looked up, into his eyes and said, "It's certainly worth a shot. I would love to go with you." Her eyes widened slightly from embarrassment from her wording.

He chuckled slightly. "Not directly, I don't think. But one can often find a clue by looking for what isn't there, but should be. Absence of data is just as good as data itself sometimes." Way this was working, at least he'd have some company to talk to while he searched. made things go nicer. He got up and looked at her. "Well then, shall we be going?" He was right. She smiled, thinking that maybe this masked man would be up for the challenge. She stood up next to him and said simply, "Yes."

He walked smoothly, but at a light pace through the streets with her until they came to city hall. Going to one of the backdoors, he knocked four times in what appeared to be a set pattern, then waited until a janitor came and opened it up. "Hey Miles. Need a favor. Mind if I come in and look through some records" Nothing comes home with me, and I'll put everything back the way i found it." He then slipped him a few coins and was given the nod for the both of them to enter. "Thanks. I know the way and I'll try to be as quick as possible." Giving her a quick look as the went inside. "Just stay with me and try not to touch anything. We'll all get in trouble if anything's out of place, even though I think I'm not the only person who does this from time to time.?

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-06 14:20 EST
Lydia wondered what led her to city hall to look through court records and tax history with, essentially, a stranger. She knew his name, well, close enough. Q. Q wasn't a name; it was a letter; a letter she taught her youngest students in bright colorful blocks and books. She was far away from that environment now, that was sure. Secret knocks and backdoor entrances....She wondered if this was what it was like in Leta's world. She listened to his words and followed his instructions to the letter, staying close to him at all times.

He led her down to the basement and to a small computer terminal on a desk. "Pull up a chair if you'd like. We might be here for a while." The heat was on, at least. Which gave him the opportunity to slip out of his trench coat for a bit. Much cooler and less restrictive now that he was rid of that. He had just a plain white workshirt and brown slacks on, but both had a couple of dirty spots that hadn't come out in the wash. It looked like they had both been well worn over the years, but he seemed not to care. The important thing was that he was comfy and able to get down to business.

She watched him take off his coat. She just assumed he wore it all the time, well, not all of the time, obviously, but since he wore a mask, his privacy must be really important to him, so it'd be a logical conclusion that he....She blinked a moment and swallowed, realizing her thoughts were wandering. She also took off her long coat to reveal a tailored silk white blouse over her professional black slacks. Her black patent leather flats conveyed her own respect for comfort, while still sticking to her high professional standards. She laid her coat over the back of her chair and sat down next to him.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-06 14:20 EST
"First I'm going to search the electronic records and hope I get lucky. probably won't, but I can hope. If that fails, we'll go through the hard copies." Searching for "The Company' wasn't a good way to start a search, but he figured he'd take advantage of his other resource sitting next to him. "So what is it that they do anyways" And do you have any clue where one of their buildings might be?"

"They have buildings that they operate out of for limited times. Their offices are only temporary." There could be just as many errors with a business constantly on the move. She continued, "They seem to be involved in a lot of things. Leta was caught up in stolen antiques. She arranged business contracts for sports teams. She also had some dinner with a politician once, though I think they were declared dead not long after. Just about anything, really."

"Hmmm...temporary offices. That actually smooths things down a bit. Means I can exclude any permenant business. the tricky part is going to differentiate the owners of the buildings and try to figure out who they might have rented to....." Getting deep in thought here, and wondering if he was going to have to bring in a hacker contact. He didn't want to have to do that, mostly because it would eat into his profit margin, but he'd do what he had to in order to get the job done.

She thought a moment. That reminded her of something. Excited to offer some help, she eagerly smiled and looked into his eyes as she said, "Renting. I remember one office they had a few months ago was a real estate office, at least that's what it appeared to be on the outside. If someone came into the office to find a new home, one of their staff would take them to old abandoned places until they eventually left since the 'realtor' didn't have any "good' places to offer. I can't remember the name....It had "homes' in the title, though."

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-06 14:22 EST
It was a start. Typing at the keys, he narrowed things down some more. "That makes it more like picking one fish from a barrel and less like finding a needle in a haystack." Another sigh as he picked through some findings. "Some days I hate how big this place got. Always liked the country a little more. Wide open spaces, less people to have to deal with, and cleaner air." She turned from the computer screen and looked at him. "Country?"

He stopped and nodded at her. "Yeah, the country. Outside of the city limits. I don't know too many other large industrialized areas around these parts, but then again, it's not like I grew up around here either." She smiled. "I grew up in the country too. What was your hometown like?" Boy, was that a loaded question. How to explain that he was from an alternate version of Rhydin" Better to just say the truth, and fudge it just enough so that he wouldn't have to give too many details. "I grew up on a farm. Chores, cows, the works. Had a town a few miles away, but other than that, it was quiet."

She smiled at him. He didn't seem to want to talk about his past, just as much as she tried to avoid her own. She turned back to the screen and quickly tried to change the subject, "Do you think you'll be able to find the realtor front?" He coughed and turned back to the screen. "I think this'll give us something to go on. I'll probably have to do a fair amount of legwork to see if any of these are the right places, but it looks more promising that what I had before." Which was nothing, but he wasn't going to say that in front of her.

She focused on the promise the screen held. She was happy she was able to help, even if it was just a little. She was tempted to ask if he might want company on the legwork part. No, she had her students think of. Classes weren't over yet. What did she find so intriguing and mysterious" Sneaking in to the city hall at night. That was all. She tried to focus on the screen.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-06 14:24 EST
Out came his notepad and he began to jot down a list of addresses. "I'll get working on these in the morning. Anything else you wanted to ask while you have me around?" He closed down the computer and stood up, putting his jacket back on. Anything else she wanted to ask him' No. Anything else he could ask her" Sure. No. Her students needed her to finish their studies. She got up and put on her coat as well. She said as casually as she could, "No, but if there's anything I can help you with you search, I hope you'll get in contact with me."

Another nod as he led her out back up to the streets. "I'll get back in contact with you sometime in the next week or so. However long it takes me to go through these leads. You need me to walk you back?" That last bit out of concern for the neighborhood. It was never a good idea to be walking alone this time of night. She grinned. "Oh, no, I'll be ok." She certainly didn't look like she could handle herself, but anyone who thought so, would be seriously mistaken.

"In that case, goodnight miss.?

He nodded and headed down a back alley in the direction of his apartment so he could get some sleep before starting back up in the morning.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-08 11:59 EST

It had been a week since they last talked and had gotten the list of suspected hideouts from city hall. He'd done his legwork, and had a good idea about what was what. So he was back in the park after dark, sitting casually on the usual bench. The man's wardrobe apparently changed very little, as he was in clothes akin to the ones he wore the other times. Mumbling to himself "I hope she checks her messages...."

Lydia arrived promptly on time, just as she always had done. She quickly walked up to him and sat down beside him. Her confidence and determination was more noticeable now; the scared little schoolteacher wandering around after dark that he first met was a woman of the past. She turned slightly to face him. She always looked into his eyes. For her, it was a simple sign of respect. She said softly, "Good evening."

He gave her a polite little nod. "Evening, miss. I checked out the buildings. Most of them are legit, but there are two that seem a little on the suspicious side, especially after I dug deeper into them." Business. Keep it business. Tended to be easy enough for him. In the PI world, there were enough horror stories about a gumshoe getting in trouble because he fell for the dame. Not like he'd had a whole lot of dates, even before the accident anyways. She was so impressed with everything he was able to do. It meant so much to her that we would go out of his way for her like this. Well, not for her, per say, she would tell herself, it was just a job for him. Trying to stay on topic, she asked, "What's the next step?"

"Next step, if you want me to do it, is to perform a little B&E tonight and see what I can find." He chuckled a little. "Heck, if you follow direction well, I could use a lookout. Leaves me more focus on looking for clues." And if she went, it means he wouldn't have to pay for someone else to tag along, and one less mouth to have to watch over and keep silenced if anything went wrong. Lydia had no idea what 'B&E' meant, but she was excited to go with him....only to help him professionally, of course, she justified it to herself. She smiled and said, "I would love to be your lookout."

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-08 12:02 EST
"Good. Shall we get started then?"

He stood up, offering her a hand and reaching into a pocket for his notepad with the other. "Shouldn't take us more than a few hours." Inside his head, he was making sure that the pockets of his coat were carrying all the appropriate tools that a night of picking locks and breaking into buildings entailed. She stared at his hand a moment. She had never been offered a hand up like that, not for a very long time, if at all. She didn't mean to keep him waiting so she quickly grabbed his hand light a light touch and pulled herself up. She quickly let go after she stood and took a deep breath to clear her mind, knowing not to read into the simple polite gesture.

He wasn't wearing gloves, because his fingerprints being what they were, he'd always have an alibi. "You need to pick up anything before we go?" She didn't know exactly what she would need. She just assumed a lookout didn't need any supplies, since they would just be watching. She'd obviously never done anything like this, but she figured she could make due if need be. She said, "I don't believe so."

As they began to walk towards their first destination, he looked over at her cautiously. "Now, I'm pretty sure you've never done something like this before, so let me set some ground rules. One, no lights. Those give us more problems than benefits. Second, be as silent as possible, even if something goes wrong. Shouting out just gives away your location. Three, avoid windows if at all possible. Four, channel your inner ninja and act like you belong there, like a fly on the wall." She listened intently, memorizing his instructions. Unbeknownst to her, her footsteps became softer. She followed in his footsteps exactly, making sure not to step on any crackling leaves or snapping twigs.

He had them take a few twists and turns, going slightly out of their way from time to time, but it ensured that they weren't being followed. And then they came to their first target, an old brick building that was across the street and down a block from them. "I didn't notice any security cameras when I cased the place earlier. But these days people use that fancy magic stuff that's harder to spot. We'll try the back door first, just so we're not out in the main road." She nodded silently, acknowledging his instruction, though since she followed closely behind him, he probably didn't see it.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-08 12:03 EST
When he felt that things were relatively quiet, he led her down the alley to the back entrance. "Keep an eye out and make sure that no one's watching me." Digging into a pocket, he pulled out a lockpicking kit and started to work on the two relatively simple locks keeping the door shut.

With heightened senses, she could hear the flapping wings of an owl preparing to perch on a tree on the other end of the building. She scanned around them, keeping an eye open for trouble. She heard him digging into his pockets and rattling something in the door. She quickly turned to see what was making the sounds.

When she saw him using the lockpicks, she said in terror, yet softly, "What are you doing!"!"

Grumbling as he finished the first and was working on the second. "Well, I can't walk through walls or teleport, so if we want to get in, this is the best way. trying to get in through the sewers is overrated and messy.?

He was right.

Well, he was wrong to do such a thing, but he was right. His thoughts on this were that he did what was needed to get the job done, and that the Eleventh Commandment be followed at all times- Don't get caught. But Lydia was always a model citizen. She felt like she had to be, to make up for what her sister had done and continued to do. She was an accomplice now. Maybe she was more like her sister than she had wanted to admit. Either way, her main goal was making sure her sister was ok. She turned quietly and continued to keep watch.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-08 12:04 EST
Q got through the second door and pulled her inside with him, making sure to relock the door once they were though. "Office is on the third floor. No elevator, which I would avoid anyways, so stairs it is. Just try to keep it quiet." After going upstairs, they reached the door in the middle of the hallway. "Keep an eye out for anyone. I'm going to pick through this and enter. I'd invite you in, but you're more useful for me out here." That, and if she stayed out, she wouldn't accidentally leave any prints or random DNA inside.

He pulled out his lockpick set and started working on it, until the lock sparked and he fell back on his butt. "Shoot. They got a magical system set up. Least I know we probably got the right place." She jumped back when she saw the spark. When he fell back, it was her turn to offer her hand to him. She reached out her hand gently, smiling slightly. He took her hand and got back up before staring at the lock. "Thanks. Lucky for me, I have something for this."

He pulled out a small box that fit around the doorknob and attached to it. Waiting for a few seconds, he heard a ping and the box disintegrated. He then opened the door and looked at her. "Remember, stay quiet and keep an eye out. I'll start having a look around." She did as he asked.

What seemed like only a few breathless moments after she was left alone, Lydia heard as a man's footsteps approaching from downstairs. Either he was on lookout duty or he was there to break in too. She didn't know how to alert Q. She was instructed to be as silent as possible, even if something went wrong. She took a breath and stood against the wall.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-08 12:06 EST
If only she wasn't there, the man wouldn't even know they were there....

No, wait' Q left the door open. It didn't matter anyway.

She stood silently, waiting for their impending doom. The man came up from the stairs and into the hallway. He determinedly rushed up to her, then passed by her as if he didn't see her. He looked at the open door. She couldn't let him find Q. She said softly, "Hey!" He turned around and saw her standing clearly in front of him. Before he has a chance to do anything, his aggressive eyes met hers and she just wished that he had not seen her or the opened door, that he only saw an empty hallway with the magical lock still on the door.

The man blinked and turned back around to face the opened door. He looked around the hallway. He picked up his small communication device as he began to walk back down the hallway and down the stairs, "No, everything looks good, Mike. ...Nope, nothing was wrong with the lock. It's all clear up here..."

While she was playing guard duty, Q was busy searching through papers, trying to gain access to computers, and looking through as much as he could in as little time as possible. He looked up, startled by the sudden action and realized that there must have been other security that he hadn't picked up on. Going over to the door, he closed it behind him and took her by the hand. "Time to go. Never overstay your welcome."

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-08 12:07 EST
She had no idea what was going on....Whatever happened, she didn't mean to do any of it; she never did. She wouldn't even bring this up to him; there was no way he would believe it; she didn't even believe it. All she knew what that he was leading her by the hand. She probably would have been glad to have been holding his hand, but given the circumstances, she just wanted to get out of there. He wasn't going to say anything until they got out of the building and a safe distance away anyway. He led her down a stairway that didn't have footsteps echoing from it and made his way down and out the back door. Continuing to walk with her hand in his for a few blocks, he finally stopped and faced her.

"Whatever you did back there, nice work. Made it easier to get out of there without any...interruptions."

Lydia didn't even know what to say. It wasn't like it was something she could do on command. Still flustered by the ordeal, she tripped over her words, "I don't're welcome....I don't know exactly what happened...It's not something I can control. I didn't even know I could do something like that. It's not my fault..." She looked down a moment, not wanting to say too much. She didn't think he had seen her and suspected by now that he had. It wasn't so much as what he saw, but what he heard. Security doesn't just turn and say that everything's normal unless somethng happened to them. "Relax. I don't really care what you did or how you did it. I just wanted to say thank you."

She looked back up at him and smiled lightly. She glanced down again, connecting a few dots in her head. She noticed her hand still in his. She looked up, trying not to draw attention to it, assuming he hadn't noticed either. She said as casually as she could, "You're welcome, then." He hadn't noticed it at all. His mind was more on making sure that no one was following them. "You know of a place where we can go for a bit' I'd rather not talk out here."

She took him to the safest place she knew.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-13 23:47 EST
Lydia led Q to her home of Bristle Crios. Through the large gates of the compound, to her office at the Academy, she held his hand the whole way there.

Everything in Lydia's office seemed large scale as one walked through the thick wooden door. The elevated ceiling gave way to massive mahogany bookshelves with intricately scrolled designs hand carved onto the antique wood. These bookshelves surrounded the room, save for the large wood burning fireplace at the opposite end. Swirled white marble encased the strangely absent fire, framed with matching mahogany.

Lydia's large cherry wood desk sat in front of the fireplace. Her black leather executive chair overlooked two cranberry red velvet wing chairs with scrolled cherry wood legs. Q sat at one of the wing chairs as she sat at her chair. He discussed his plan with her. In the office building he found a solid lead, a simple warehouse. There was extensive paperwork on it, yet the paperwork had no legal merit backing them up.It was clear that there was something shady about it and all the paperwork seemed like it was rushed through, indicating that whatever was there, was going to be gone soon.

He asked if she wanted to join him in checking out the warehouse. He figured if her talents came in handy once, they might be beneficial again. She thanked him for the offer, but she said that she needed to focus on her students. She knew she had spent more time on this than she should have. He nodded, shook her hand, and departed into the night.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-16 15:32 EST

The wind had picked up a bit as it grew dark, causing him to turn up his collar in a vain hope that it would keep him a touch warmer. He pulled the scrap piece of paper out of his pocket and looked it over one more time. Sure enough, the date and time hadn't changed since he last looked at it. He looked down the street that the warehouse he was looking for, waiting for darkness to creep a little bit closer before he made his way over. Once it grew dark enough, he snuck around to a back door and tested the handle. It was locked, but a good set of picks fixed that. Trying to make as little sound as possible, he slipped in, kept to the shadows, and began to look around.

The warehouse was bustling with activity. Outside, large skids and taped-up boxes were being moved by several strong men and forklifts into trucks. Inside, men and women were organizing boxes in piles to be taken outside. It seemed as though they were packing up and getting out of there in a hurry. The boxes were unmarked, though it was clear that the men were handling them gently. Two security guards were even helping out. Unlike the other men, they seemed to move in odd steps, as if not their own. One person seemed to be directing everyone. A woman.

She turned and her profile lit up from one of overhead lights. It was Lydia. No, she looked like Lydia. Her dark sapphire eyes were much harsher, commanding authority with a simple glance. Her stance was relaxed, as if she had done this many times before. There was an unmistakable confidence about her as she flipped her long jet black hair back over one of her shoulders. She wore tight black pants and a dull black leather jacket. It was a harsh comparison to Lydia's business blouses and pencil skirts. This woman was dressed as though she was ready to get into of out of any situation she got into, running into, or away from, trouble.

He spotted her as she went under the light. Just the person he was looking for. Inside, he was thinking of a nice bonus he'd get for doing the job right. He hoped, anyways. She did look just like Lydia. Just with a more sinister and evil tone about her. Like that one time June Abernathy did those drugs and became her own evil twin. Now, all he had to do was get out of here in one piece.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-16 15:35 EST
Leta looked off to her side for a moment. She closed her eyes. She spoke a few words, waited, then nodded. One of the men dropped a box inside, causing its contents to crash out onto the floor. The contents were heavily wrapped and quickly replaced into their box by the man that dropped them. The group halted a moment, but quickly returned to their duties trying to get this stuff out of there.

First rule of trying to be sneaky and unseen. Noises bring people and attention. Which meant that his best move now was to go in the opposite direction and hope the path was clear. He ducked behind a stack of pallets, trying to get an idea on which way to go. Leta was waiting for him as he turned behind the pallets. She stood confidently, standing tall in her dull leather high heeled boots, arms crossed, though not in an offensive stance. She almost had a light smirk on her face. Her crew was nowhere in sight of them, continuing their duties.

He skipped a breath there as he was quite shocked to find her waiting for him there. So much that he didn't immediately throw a punch and turn tail. Not that it would've made much of a difference, but he wasn't going to be a caged rat without biting a finger or two in the process. His eyes darted around looking for something that might help him as he spoke, trying to buy himself a few moments. "Well, if I played chess more often, this is where you'd be saying 'check'."

Leta was intrigued by him. She inspected his mask, then looked into his eyes, just as Lydia had done several times before. She grinned, thinking "mate', though in a different way than he had intended. She shifted her body weight and said, "I think you'll find that I'm always a few moves ahead, though I will say that you have followed a little more closely than I would have liked. You and my sister gave my guards quite a scare a few times."

Good. She was talking. It never failed that the evil masterminds loved the sounds of their own voices and showing off to anyone around.

She was not only trying to show off, but intimidate him. She hated anyone knowing she had a twin. If anyone in her organization new, especially her enemies, they could use Lydia to get to her. But Lydia hired this man, so Leta would hold no malice towards him. While it was annoying to find out that she had been doing some digging on him, it was an occupational hazard. Detectives wearing masks tended to stick out in people's minds. "So, what do we do now?"

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-16 15:37 EST
Her demeanor shifted with her grin to a serious manner. She said harshly, "You will leave from here, do as she asked you to, then you will leave her alone." She dropped her arms to her sides and took a step forward. She said in her previous light hearted tone, "What you do from there is up to you, but I will caution you that if you try to find me again, you will find yourself in a pawn's position." Her lips remained flat, but her sapphire eyes smiled. She was a hard read for most. Even those she worked with thought she seemed volatile and unpredictable, but she was good at what she did. That was the only reason they put up with her craziness.

Behind the mask, his eyebrow raised a smidge. This wasn't quite what he expected. Perhaps it was time to find a new hole in the wall to sleep..."I'd planned on doing that already. She's asked for a job. I did it. I don't have any other reason to have contact with her. And be careful about those pawns. Everyone tends to ignore them, until they put you in a bad position." She liked him. If this pawn played his pieces right, he'd find a "promotion' with this queen. He did get a lot further than most men in his place. She could see the potential in him. "After your work is done with my sister, find me again," she dared, "You may earn a "position' in with my crew."

"Hmm...we'll see about that. Make it worth my while and you might get to see what positions I'm capable of handling." Q, are you really flirting" Smile, nod, and get the heck out of there before kitty decides to stop playing with you and start showing her claws. He gave a little nod and smiled behind the mask. "In any case, good luck getting all this finished in time." With that, he walked right towards the nearest door, trying not to break out into a run and wondering if there was a knife that would soon be introduced to his back.

She had to tend to her men. She liked having the final word, but loved how he denied her of it. She put her hands in her jacket pockets and swayed back to a good vantage point from which to command. She didn't look back at him until she reached her spot on a small stack of boxes. When she did, she almost smiled, watching him go, making sure no one in her crew would hassle him if they saw him.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-24 00:06 EST

His job being his job, Q felt no sense in waiting for tomorrow to come around before he informed Lydia of what he had found. In fact, he would be quite happy to be done with it all, get paid, and then lie low for a few weeks. He wasn't particularly happy with the way it had all played out, but he was alive and that's what mattered to him. As he walked through the alleyways in a random pattern designed to evade tails, he made his way towards the Bristle Crios grounds in hope that she'd be in her office and he could get this done with.

Lydia was in her office grading papers from her class earlier in the day. She held classes during the day on occasion, but only in special classrooms with no windows. Every move she made during the day was always well planned out, like everything else she did. She felt more comfortable at night, but she had to make certain adjustments in her life to fit her role as the Head Mistress of the Academy.

Q managed to get through the gate with little trouble. Few people were around, and those that did almost seemed like they knew he was coming. A quick look at a directory showed him where her office was and he made relative due haste that way. Once outside her office, he gave a knock and waited for her to respond instead of just barging in there. She got up when she heard the knock at the door. She lightly smoothed out her bun as she walked to the door in her brown suede pumps. She wore a magenta blouse and brown pencil skirt. She opened the door and smiled, "Mr. Q. Please, come in." She took a step back and gestured for him to come in.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-24 00:07 EST
Lydia could tell even through the mask that he wasn't in a good mood, as upon entering he chose to stand instead of sitting. "Miss, I have news tonight that the job is over with. I found what you were looking for." After hearing that, she needed to sit. She sat down in one of the two chairs in front of her desk, but turned to face him. "You found Leta" She is alive" She is still in Rhydin?" Excited, nervous, she tapped her foot on the floor in a soft methodical pattern. He responded, "Oh, she is alive, well, and still in Rhydin. I'm lucky I got out in one piece." Still feeling upset about having been spotted, plus pretty much being let out of that mess by her.

"Oh!" She exclaimed as she jumped up and over to her desk. "Your payment!" She reached into her top desk drawer and pulled out the money. She handed him five gold, same as her beginning payment. She could see that he probably had been through more than he bargained for. "I hope this will cover all that you endured to find her. I will forever be grateful for what you have done for me." The gold was quickly pocketed as he said, "Now, seeing as how this job was a bit more than I expected, I'm going to have to try and disappear for a while. So if you need me for another job, I'd suggest waiting a month or two before trying to contact me."

She smiled and said "I doubt I will have a further need for your services, not unless she disappears for months again." She looked into his eyes and offered a simple, "Thank you." She lightly hugged him, then quickly released him once she realized how forward that must have been. He froze for a moment as she hugged him. Wasn't expecting that at all. "Well, uh, if that's it then, I'm going to go and find a nice place to hide in hopes that they didn't track me down. Be seeing you." He turned and headed on out before things got any weirder.

There. Job was done.

He could focus on more important things, like finding a way to stay alive long enough to spend this gold he got. He took another roundabout route back to his place, hoping that it was still there and not blown into the Nexus by now. Time to pack up what few things he had, and make haste for anywhere but here.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-24 00:08 EST

Leta was waiting in the dark of his room, sitting in the chair she had turned to face the door. She continued to sit silently, seductively, with one leg crossed over the other and leaning back in the chair comfortably. As soon as Q opened the door, he could tell that someone was in there, waiting for him. But seeing as how he wasnt already dead, he assumed that he could turn on a light and silently swear at the same time. "I know I'm not a difficult man to find, but really now" Couldn't have you at least let me have a good night's sleep first?"

Leta was in black matte leather pants and matching jacket, which was zipped up all the way. Her black high heeled boots reached her knees. Smiling at his response to her presence, she said softly, "I wanted to catch you before you left. I was wondering when you would be home. Nice place you have here." He rolled his eyes at her sarcasm as he sat down on his bed. "Yeah, regular penthouse suite I have. So what?s the reason you tracked me down" I want to know if I should be casually trying to find a weapons cache around here while I pack."

"I have a business proposition for you. I can match whatever my sister gave you. It will be a simple job." She continued to sit comfortably in the chair. It was a silent form of dominance, showing she had no need to be in a defensive position. He said, "Great. More opportunity for me to put my neck on the line.....and just why shouldn't I tell you to piss off?" Getting into his place and waiting for him was not a great way to engender trust in his eyes. And given how this last job turned out, he wasn't keen on doing anything else right now unless it paid enough to warrant it. She smiled. She was determined to do everything she could to scare him off, but he remained constant. She liked him. "I think we would work well together. If you perform adequately, you'll find a long term future with The Company I work for." She continued, "It's just a simple delivery. You just need to drop off a small box at a nearby location. I'll double whatever she gave you.?

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-24 00:09 EST
"I find that I rather like being freelance. Less pay and job security, but the freedom makes up for it. My experience with company work has been that I'm a pet on a leash. I'd like to avoid that now that I'm here." He shrugged off his coat, getting a little comfier. Hopefully she would get the hint and he wouldn't have to make things ugly. She nodded, blinking slowly. "Yes, I completely understand that. Then look at it as a Company looking to hire a freelancer for one job." She looked at the table, where she had left a four inch squared box with a note on the top. She turned back to him and said, "All you have to do is go to the directions on that note and drop it off. Get in, get out, no problem." She added, making sweet eyes and speaking softly, "I would be very appreciative if you would do this one job for me." She tried money. She would try anything at this point.

He sighed in slight disgust as she tried the whole batting eyes and womanly charms on him. It had been a long, long time since he had bothered with women, and the whole thing continued to have little effect on him. "Please, I'm not some random guy off the street. Quit batting your eyes and trying the sweet routine. I know you better than that and I just met you tonight. 50 gold. Payment in advance. And you knock before entering next time." She smiled and teased, "Who knew you'd be such a cheap date" I brought one hundred." She pulled out two small coin bags from under her jacket and tossed them on the bed, a few of the fifty gold coins spilling out. She continued, "One catch....You can't peek in the box. It goes unaltered."

"Secrets, I can keep. Used to that sort of thing." He said with a little tap of his mask. "I wouldn't be good at this if I just opened up to anyone, you know?" Leta leaned back in her chair and said, "Oh, I don't think of myself as just "anyone' but I do hope to see what?s under that mask one day." Her eyes softened. That flirting wasn't to get him to take the job. That was just for her. She uncrossed her legs and put both feet on the floor. "You see I'm quite good myself. If I could give you a small pointer?? His head tilted slightly as he wondered just what could this pointer be.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-24 00:14 EST
Leta began to tap her foot in a familiar, soft methodical pattern and continued, "You know, when you take those long random trails to keep people from following you, it only allows people to get to your destination ahead of you." She pulled her long black hair into a bun just as she had done when she mimicked Lydia in her office, then let it fall back around her shoulders.

Q stayed silent for a long while after she said that. He was even more upset over having been fooled, but that was a problem when dealing with twins. "You'd have to know where I was beforehand, which makes me think that you've been scouting me for a while."

She got up and walked up to him slowly and casually, giving no indication of an offensive attack. She said softly, "I may have been watching you for awhile, but I assure you that I've liked everything I've seen, and I can't wait to see more." She looked down at him as he continued to sit on the bed. She stared at his mask for a moment. She brought one hand up slowly and stroked down along the cheek, gliding her pointer finger slowly across the lips, then letting her hand drop back slowly to her side as she smiled, looking into his eyes.

He had a few involuntary twitches as her hand went over the metal of the mask. As good as she looked, he still felt like a mouse being stalked by a cat. "Careful, I'm not sure you want to find out what?s underneath. A little mystery keeps people wondering and interested."

Her eyes softened as she nodded. She respected his privacy. "It wouldn't matter much. I only see you."

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-24 00:25 EST
Leta paused, then continued, "You're a hard worker, good at what you do. You seem to be a good man, but I won't hold that against you." She smirked, teasingly.

He gave her a little snort of disdain. "Good is a relative term. All depends on who you talk to and if you're doing what they want. I find that doing what i want works out better for me. Does that make me a little self centered" Maybe. But it's what more people should be doing anyways. We're just a step up from animals. Most people tend to forget that." Stopping before he rambled on too much. His finger poking her nose slightly. "If it works out for me and you at the same time, I suppose that'd be acceptable."

Her eyebrows raised as she watched his finger tap her nose. She looked back at him and said, "Good." She used the 'relative term' on purpose, to push any buttons and prove she was paying attention to his every word. "Then I will wish you luck on your delivery." She took a few steps back, standing next to the table. She patted the small box with the note on top as she said, "Remember, don't peek.? Watching her as she left, he said, "Don't worry. I know how to do a job." She turned and confidently walked to and out the door, closing it softly behind her.

Leta began on her way to tell Lydia that she was alive and well since she had intercepted his message. She took Lydia's money to pay him, so it was only right that Lydia got the results she paid for.

Months ago, when Lydia had told Leta about becoming the Head Mistress for the Academy of Bristle Crios, Leta decided to leave and throw herself into her work. Leta wouldn't admit it, but she was afraid that Lydia wouldn't have time for her anymore with such a demanding job. Leta chose to walk away from Lydia before Lydia had a chance to ignore her.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-30 08:35 EST

The box was small, only about four inches on each side. It couldn't have weighed more than a half pound. It was wrapped in plain brown packing paper, taped up on all edges with clear, shiny tape. The note left on top of the box was left inside a small, plain, white envelope. It was unsealed.

First things first. Before moving the box, Q carefully took the note out of the envelope and read it, hoping it had some instructions on what he was supposed to do with it. The handwritten note was scrawled in perfectly formed calligraphy letters. "Leave the box on the door step of 588 Hunter road in the West End at 8pm tomorrow." A decorative cursive "L" was added at the end.

"Hmmmph...simple enough." He snorted as he read his instructions. He just hoped it didn't blow up on him before then. Assuming it was a bomb, or worse. Nothing he could do about it now except set it down and wait until tomorrow.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-30 08:35 EST
After waking up around noon and running a few errands such as getting a clean shower and washing clothes now that he could afford it, Q waited until night began to fall before heading out with the package tucked inside his trench coat. He wanted to get there in plenty of time, because who knows what would happen to the package at 8pm.

Well, the place was easy enough to find. The address was a small two story house in the West End. There were a few children's toys left outside on the porch. Even though the house didn't appear to be in the best shape with paint chipping off the exterior brick and the tattered screens on the windows, it still was kept up well with neatly cut grass and clean windows. A light was on in a back room of the house. Metallic numbers 588 were screwed onto the front door.

He even had some time to kill before it was the appointed time. He had the package in one hand, a pocket watch in the other, just waiting for the minutes to get closer. At around 7:58, he went from the shadows up to the doorstep, dropped off the package, and knocked on the door. Without waiting for it to be answered, he quickly darted back into the shadows.

When he knocked on the door, it opened a few seconds later. A man stuck his head outside. When he noticed the box, he hurriedly began to open it, reaching a small note sitting at the top. He picked it up and read it, shaking his head and talking to himself, "I can't do this. I just can't?" He turned to hear some children playing in the back room. When he turned back to the note, he looked in the box and dropped it. He fell back against the doorway. He regained his footing, then looked around. He took a step forward and said loudly, desperately, but determined, "Tell her I'll do it." He stooped down and picked up the item that had fallen out of box when he dropped it. He clutched the slender finger in his hand as the diamond ring around it glinted in the light as he turned and walked back inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-30 08:36 EST
Once the door was closed, Q started to head back to his place. A little hunch told him that she'd be waiting for him back at his place, probably waiting for an answer. He didn't catch sight of what was in the box, but he didn't really care, either. His job was just to deliver it, and he did.

Leta was waiting in the hallway. She wanted to prove she could follow his rules. She was leaning against the wall next to his door, with one heel pressed up against the wall and her head leaning back. He gave her a little head tilt, very surprised that she wasn't waiting inside. "Package delivered. And I have a return message for you. He said he'd do it. Mind you, I was in the shadows when he said that, but I think that he meant it for you." He opened up the door and stepped inside, leaving it open for her to follow.

She didn't move while he approached. Once he opened the door, she pried herself from the wall. She followed him into his room and said distantly, "Good to know." She stared at him a moment, trying to see if he had taken a peek or had seen what was in the box. He didn't even bother to look back as he went to the icebox and pulled out a cold Badsider. "I didn't look, if that's what you're thinking. I know how to do a job correctly." He held up the bottle at her, in case she wanted one as well.

She looked down and shook her head. Instead, she took her place in the chair. She crossed her legs as she said, "Too bad. It was kind of funny' You know how easy it is to get cadaver parts" Put a wedding ring on finger, and people just assume. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a ring finger.?

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-01-30 08:41 EST
He cracked it open and pulled out a straw, putting the end through his mask and sipping. "Most people aren't perceptive enough to notice the difference. They don't think to look for finger size, shape, color, time of decomposition, scars, and a bunch of other things to identify it." She nodded. She liked how he worked, how he thought. "You could definitely have a future with The Company," she said as she stood up and walked towards him, ?"if not with me." She stopped a few feet in front of him and smiled, looking into his eyes behind the mask.

"Hrmm...if they want to hire me on a per diem basis, I wouldn't be adverse to it. As for you..." He took another sip and stared right back at her. "We'll see how useful I am to you as this relationship moves forward." She stared for a brief moment, her eyes softening. Unfortunately she didn't have time to continue her proposal. She had a deal to settle with a certain distraught husband and father in the West End. Still smiling, she slowly began backing up as she said softly, "Oh, I definitely have a few uses for you. I'll keep in touch." She waited a moment when she got to the door.

A smile creeping onto his face under the mask. "Oh, you know where to find me. Try not to get into too much trouble tonight." He wasn't quite sure what kind of sendoff she was looking for, but he was still cautious about having his guts ripped out. She nodded as she turned. She looked back and slipped a quick smile before going out the door and closing it behind her.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-03 21:35 EST

Q had made good on his promise to find Lydia's twin, Leta.

Once he found her, Leta gave him a job with the promise of many more to come.

It was now when Leta came to Q with another job, making good on that promise.

They were to break into a little family restaurant during the night to find out information on the co-owner.

Leta had her own secret motivations for finding out more about the man.

Q has his own fatal reasons as to why they shouldn't.

She would learn why soon enough.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-03 21:37 EST

It had been a relatively quiet week. After that last job, he hadn't needed to go our for much other than food and some random errands. Which left him here tonight at his table reading a book he managed to find on marine biology. Since he was likely never going to step foot in the ocean, he figured it was as good a way as any to learn about it. So it came as quite a surprise to him when his studying was interrupted by a knock at the door. Looking up, he put his mask on and asked "Who's there?"

Leta rolled her eyes, knowing that she agreed to follow his rules of etiquette and not just barge in when she felt like it, and now she had to announce her presence. She bit her lip, not wanting to say her name in case anyone else was listening. She smiled, then said, "Your boss." Quiet evening" Somehow he had the sinking feeling that he was kissing it goodbye. He got up and opened the door, motioning for her to come in. He got right down to business, asking "Ok, what?s the job and what?s my cut?" While he wasn't terribly upset to see her, since she did look good after all, he knew this was primarily a business relationship.

Leta was covered in a long black trench coat. It mostly covered her tight black pants and tank top, and much of her black leather boots that covered her knees. She had on black gloves and her long black hair was brushed to cover her face as much as possible. It was clear whatever she was getting ready for, she wanted to keep a low profile in the night. She rushed into the room as he waved her in. One deep blue eye peeked out from underneath her hair and stared at him. "Look, we got to go now. We can figure out your payment later. You know I'm good for it." He really didn't. She had only hired him once before. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ok, fine. You can fill me in on the way over."

He grabbed his trench coat and motioned her back out, locking up behind them. "Would it have killed you to give me a little notice instead of just showing up in a huff?" She did come on short notice. Granted, she was not happy about having to rush into this either, but this time she was desperate. She just couldn't believe he would be so willing; he had only worked for her once before. She was so appreciative; she couldn't help but let it show through in her eyes. But she quickly remembered what needed to be done. She began to walk and talk, telling him where they would be going and what needed to be done. He followed beside her, trying not to take more than an occasional peek.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-03 21:38 EST
Leta led Q to Maurice's, a local Italian restaurant. It was closed for the night and locked up tight. This was where she needed him. She said quietly, "I need information from in there. I am looking up stuff on one of the owners. I need anything I can find on him. Anything." Her last word sounded as desperate as she was.

He quietly smirked under his mask and looked at her. "Does that mean you'll pay anything to get it?" Her hidden eyes went wide at his question. She didn't respond. He led her around back, looking for the service entrance. "Better hope there's an office in here and some incriminating papers left out on a desk." That would make it wonderfully easy. She quickly followed him and hoped he could get them in. She kept watch. She did not like to be thrown into situations like this. She would rather have one of her crew do this, but she had no choice this time. "Can you get us in?"

He saw two doors. One looked like an emergency exit. Which wouldn't be a good choice since those were usually wired with an alarm that would go off when opened. Which left the service door. Crouching to get a better look at it, he thought for a moment. "Yeah, I should be able to pick this. Might take me a moment though." She said hurriedly, "That's fine. I just need in there. But I don't know exactly what?s in store for us in there. I don't know how good this guy is?"

Removing his lockpicks from his pocket, he went to work on getting them in. "Well, given that this restaurant is already closed for the night, it's not that late, and it's a Friday, either they went on vacation or it's a front for something else. Should be interesting, either way." Even though she was supposed to be lookout, he still kept an ear open. "So who is this guy anyways and how'd he get under your skin so much?" His question caused her to return to her hardened self. "He may be a threat to someone important to me." She realized she may have said too much. This mission didn't have anything to do with the Company. It was personal.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-13 01:52 EST

One picked lock. "Wait a sec, some people are actually important to you? You mean we're not all just tools for your amusement?" Was he being slightly sarcastic there" Yeah. But considering that he was doing her a favor, he felt she could deal with a little of it. She threw back some of her hair so she could glare at him. She then smiled and said, "Well, in your case, I think you may find that you can become a very important tool for my amusement."

A little more work on the door and he opened it without so much as a squeak. "Here. Now let's hope that there's no wards or silent alarms. Assuming this is just a restaurant, we should be safe, but you know me. Always pessimistic about things." He didn't mind being thought of as a tool, so long as he was well compensated for his work. Money spoke higher to him than most anything else these days.

Now that they could get in, she felt a lot more comfortable, and overconfident. She flicked her hair back over her face just in case and pushed him out of the way as said, "Alright. Let me in there." She barreled into the restaurant, trying to find the room where she could find some files. Q grumbled for a second as she just pushed past him, but he took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy her backside for a second before standing up and following her in. "Do you know exactly what you're looking for or are you just looking for any kind of dirt?"

"Anything," she barked as she found the office. She grabbed the handle of the door and quickly turned it. She growled, "It's locked." She still kept trying to open it, thinking, hoping, maybe she didn't know how to open it properly, like if she never opened a door before in her life. He sighed and shook his head as she displayed all the grace of a giraffe on ice skates. "Move over. Let me work on it." Giving her a nudge out of the way, he knelt down and took a look. This one wasn't quite so bad. Pulling out a card, he stuck it in the frame and wiggled it around until he heard the lock pop. Then he stood up, pushed it open, and bowed slightly. "After you, miss."

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-13 01:53 EST
Leta glared at Q. Like if she needed the invitation. She quickly rushed in and immediately stopped in her tracks when she saw the two filing cabinets. She sighed, knowing they too were probably locked. She turned and looked at him blankly, having had enough issues with being locked out for one night and hoping he would just take the one as well. She turned to the desk to begin rooting through it for any information.

"Oh great. Another thing for me to do." Walking over to the cabinet on the left, he looked at it for a moment before pulling on it and finding that it wasn't locked. Same with the one on the right. "Look. Magic. Knucklehead who's office this is didn't think that the cabinets needed to be locked if the door was locked." Even if it was, filing cabinets were ridiculously easy to break into. "So, what do you want me to look for?" Leta said tersely, "Find anything with the name Vincent Smith on it, especially anything that looks shady." She figured he would be good at picking out things that didnt look just right with all of his experience. She continued digging into papers, quickly skimming them, putting a few in her trench coat pockets that interested her.

He froze for a moment as he heard that name before standing up and staring at her. "Repeat that name again. I don't think I heard it right." If it was who she said it was, he was done with this, and the sooner they left the area, the better. She said clearly, "Vincent Smith. Goes by Vinny, too, apparently. Either way, I need info. I want to know what he's up to?" She assumed everyone was like her, always up to something.

Yep, that did it.

He was done with this assignment for the night. He stepped toward her and grabbed her by the arm. "We need to get out of here, preferably yesterday. People who go digging into Vincent Smith too far have a nasty habit of disappearing and never being heard from again. Trust me on this. Just leave it alone and let me dig another way." He turned towards the door, trying to drag her in tow. She grabbed her arm from him and stood staring at him. "What the hell is wrong with you? We are right here. We got all this at our fingertips. Just chill out and help me out here." She was angry at his sudden turn against her. She came too far to go back now. Apparently there was no turning back now as voices could be heard outside.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-14 21:42 EST
From the windows, they could see as two figures waived flashlights around. A barely audible comment could be heard acknowledging that the back door had been broken into. Great, figures that there'd be some Watch members out patrolling by here. Q said quickly, "Put everything back. We need to get out of here quick and quiet without these guys IDing us. Word leaks that it was us who broke in, or if they find out who we are, we're done for." Was he nervous" Yes. Scared, quite a bit, actually. If only because he had a clue of what he was dealing with.

Now their roles were reversed. She may have been nervous to get in and get what she wanted, but at the mention of a name, he was nervous to get out. She ignored his instruction and put the few papers in her hands in her coat pockets. She would be hellbent if she left with nothing, especially if Vinny's name had this much of an effect on Q, so who knows what this Vinny might be up to. "Ok, fine. Let's go.?

He let her take the lead out of the back office. She obviously had the better fighting skills of the two. He relocked the door behind them, trying to leave as little trace as possible that anyone had been there. If she was only taking a few papers, maybe no one would notice until a long, long time from now. "Take them out, I don't care how. Just get us out of here fast." Leta was more than prepared to fend them off as passively as possible to save them from any further incrimination, but as she rounded the corner, one was already up on her. She took a swing and hit him square on the jaw, knocking him back a few steps. She took the opportunity of their distance and jump-kicked him back into the man behind him. Still, she was no lethal fighter and the two men were quickly regaining their balance.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-04-14 21:43 EST
While their attention was focused on her, Q snuck up behind the one in the back and applied a choke hold. When the guy tried to headbutt his way out of it, he got a nasty shock when it hit the metal of his mask. He wasted no words on the man, simply holding it until he went unconscious a few moments later. As the other approached her again, she looked as his eyes met hers. She commanded in a calm tone, "Stop." He stopped immediately where he was. She walked up to him, steadying her breathing and continued, "You saw noone here. Nothing was stolen. No damage was done. Now go outside and wait for your partner." The man finished staring at her and blankly walked back outside and waited silently.

Leta turned to Q and saw the other man passed out. She glared at Q and said, "Now how am I supposed to fix this when he's passed out?" She was still fuming at him from before. He'd watched her do whatever magic mumbo jumbo she did and was mildly impressed by it. He shrugged, arms crossed in front of him. "Hell if I know. I didn't even know you could do...whatever it was you just did. Either way, should result in the same. This guy never saw me. I jumped him from behind, and he doesn't know anything's missing. Now, can we get out of here before some of their buddies come along?"

"Well we got to drag him outside to the other one, especially if you want to try to lock the place back up..." She looked at him blankly, offering no help in dragging the man out. She considered this to be his mess to clean up. Q said, "They already know this door was picked into. No sense locking it back up. Let's just get out of here." He had no intention of doing anymore heavy lifting tonight, and was wishing he could just vanish right about now for a few weeks. This was going to be bad for business. "Might as well just go. Tonight's been a mess." She was already at her limit with the whole situation. She conceded. "Fine. I'll meet up with you later.?

They turned and took separate paths into the shadows. She would come calling again soon and interrupt another quiet evening.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-07-24 22:44 EST

A quiet night of catching up on some reading was interrupted by a knock at the door. Putting his book down, he made sure he had one of his tools within arm's reach. "Who is it' And it better be worth my time."

Leta responded tersely, deliberately not answering his question, "You are needed for a job."

He rolled his eyes and went about putting on his mask. Figured it was her. Not like anyone else ever came by unless it was for a job. "One sec. Let me get dressed for company." Once the mask was on, he went over and unlocked the door, opening it up slightly. "This the kind of job where you come inside, or we discuss it on the way?"

Leta was dressed in unusual attire. A heather gray pencil skirt, solemn white blouse, and black soft flat shoes. Q would recognize Lydia's typical dress, but the harsh eyes and confident posture would reveal Leta in disguise. She said hurriedly, "We'll talk on the way." He paused for a second. She was doing her sister impersonation. Which usually meant that she'd been doing some sneaking around somewhere. It also made him think that she was up to no good. At least, less good than she was normally good for. "Fine, let me grab my coat and we'll head out."

They started to walk along they alleyways in the moonlight night, their path leading towards a place he generally had been avoiding like the plague. "Wait a sec, you want me to go where and do what now"!?" Leta continued, "I need some information from a lab. Don't make this harder than it needs to be." She explained how they would attempt to walk into a secret laboratory, one that Lydia has been to before, and might be able to get in again. She wasn't quite sure of that, but she wasn't going to let him know that. They would need to collect the information that she needed in order to complete one of her own science projects. "We walk in, grab some research, then leave," she concluded.

He was more than just a little skeptical of all this. "Easy for you to say, but you know who's lab this is you're trying to break into' I've heard rumors that it's one of the five most impossible places in Rhydin to access. The guy's probably got wards, locks, and a heck of a lot more than I can take care of. You got any idea how we're getting around all this?" She seemed to choke on the words, as she said simply, "I suspect he has generally let his defenses down when it comes to my sister. I'm going to test that theory by seeing how far she gets us inside.? She walked faster, fueled by her silent anger.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-07-24 22:48 EST
They still had a few minutes to go, and the closer he got the more he felt that this was a suicide mission. "Suspect' Test the theory' That's great for you. You look just like your sister. I look like a cross between The Man in the Iron Mask and a 30's mobster film. I'm betting his security's onto me in under 3 seconds." She saw his point. She always forgot about his mask. It was never really a concern for her. She responded, "Well, you look close enough in height and build to him....Don't worry. I'll make it work." Q eased the concern, "Technically, I am him. Sort of. Might throw off some of the sensors long enough for me to escape if needed." She stopped in her tracks and stared at him a moment, but quickly picked back up her pace. She would remember this information later. It might prove useful in the future as well.

They got the the Ritz and Q put on his best calm, composed, 'no, I'm not scared out of my mind' persona. She knew the area a little bit more than he did, so once they went in the front door, he let her do the leading.

Leta saw the man behind the main desk. She smiled sweetly and said to him in passing, "Oh, Mr. Smith and I are just going down to the lab. Don't mind his mask. We left the rest of our play equipment down there the other night." She wanted to address them being there, just in case he might alert someone to suspicious activity. Embarrassing Lydia by insinuating she was into fetishes was just icing on the cake. Well, there were certainly worse ways to get by the front desk. Who knew what other stunts had been pulled here before for them to just smile and continue going about their business. They went over to the elevator and stepped inside. Once the doors closed, he looked at her. "Ok, so we're in. But what now and how do we get to the lab from here?"

A little red light came on near one of the readouts and a voice could be heard speaking from somewhere. "You two have some balls. Lots of stupidity to go with it, but balls nonetheless. Was your plan really just to walk in, imitate Vinny and Lydia, and just get down here" Props on the body cosmetics. You both look and scan close to the real things. But you can't fool me.?

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-07-24 22:50 EST
On the inside, Leta was panicking, but she didn't show it. She called out sweetly, mimicking Lydia's charming demeanor, "Mike, I don't know what you are talking about?" She purposefully used his name, hoping to indicate she was Lydia, since Lydia would know his name. She needed time to think of a game plan. She knew she would scan identical to Lydia, a side effect of the way they were turned so long ago. If she wasn't the problem, maybe Q was. She noted that Q said he resembled Vinny. She didn't know what that meant exactly, something she was going to look into later, but now, they had a problem. She continued to Mike, "Are you saying that this is not Vinny?"

"I'm not saying that it isn't A Vinny. I'm just saying that it isn't THE Vinny. Really now. The guy's put himself under the proverbial knife so often that I know his body better than most of the women he's slept with. I know all the enhancements, adjustments, modifications, nanites, and magical hoo-ha he's done to himself. This guy' Reads just like Vinny.....if he never had any of that stuff done to him. Where'd you dig him up anyways" Ah, nevermind. I'm not that curious right now. So, before I gas you both and have the bodies molecularly disassembled, any last words or requests?"

Leta's posture relaxed and she spoke in her normal harsh tone, "Ok, look. I want to get into the lab and take a look around. I wont steal anything. I just want to figure out how to make a little mini me of my own. Vinny's done it countless times. I just want one." She knew he'd never grant such a request, but she didn't have anything to lose now.

Mike said bluntly, "See" Asking nicely gets you a lot more things than trying to be duplicitous."

The elevator started moving down towards the lab and Q looked over incredulously. "Um, ah. We're not dead."

Mike spoke back up. "Not yet, but you may end up on one the lab tables for dissection if you don't be careful. The more you're here, the more I want a closer look." Shortly, the doors opened up and they had access to the lab. Leta was pretty shocked about their escape from demise, but she tried not to let it show. She turned to Q and said, "Let's get on it, then."

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-07-24 22:52 EST
Q stayed close to her, but before they got two steps out of the elevator, Mike spoke once more. "No running around, you two. I'll give you what you want, if only because I'm finding this totally hilarious, but the moment you try to take something else, I'll turn this room into that scene from Aladdin where the monkey grabs the ruby instead of just the lamp. So walk straight ahead, 4th computer display on your right, and a disk will pop out momentarily." Leta turned to Q and smiled. She was more than happy with following the rules, as long as it still got her what she wanted.

The disk popped out a few seconds later. "There's all the instructions you'll need to making your very own clone. No guarantees as to it'll obey your directions or not. That's up to you and how you program it. Details are under 402.b. Now, miss, since you seem to be the brains of this operation, do you have any of the hardware necessary to undertake this task?"

Well, she certainly loved being called the brains. She usually acted as the beauty. Tonight, she would be herself, since she didn't need to act at all. She motioned to Q to get the disk for her as she spoke. "Well, I'll admit, I'm no scientist. I'm new to this whole type of endeavor. I would be happy to accept any suggestions" or materials you have to offer. I'm sure you know so much more about it. I would value your expertise." He complimented her; she wanted to offer one in return.

If a computer system could sigh, it just did. "I swear, you kids. No thought into any of this. If I wasn't here, you'd be dead right now. Oh, wait. I'm here and you were almost dead anyways, except you're so comically bad at this that I couldn't stop snickerfitting and want to see how else you can screw this up. Give me a sec to have the maintenance bots put together a kit for you. Where do you want it all teleported to?"

She blinked hard. She turned to Q, but responded to Mike. "I have a small warehouse that it can be sent to. Let me punch in the coordinates." She went over to a terminal to do so. She wasn't stupid. She knew Vinny might track the parts back to where they were sent to, so she would send them to one of her disposable addresses. She would have her henchmen move everything to the lab she prepared before daylight.

"Done. It'll be waiting for you there. Now, would you like the quick way out of here, or back up the elevator??

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-07-24 22:58 EST
Though she was literally eternally grateful for all of his help, she still didn't quite trust him. "I'm fine with walking. We don't mind the trip up the elevator. You've done more than enough for us already. Thank you."

Mike put on is best HAL9000 voice. "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't let you do that....."

Really, he was messing with her just to see what she'd do. The other guy was already two steps away from leaving bodily fluids on the floor, but at least he had been smart enough to take the dissection threat seriously and zipped his lip.

She froze on her way towards the elevator, waiting for their impending doom.

"I've decided that I'm going to have some fun and send you to the cornfield!" With that, he had them both sucked into a rift that dumped them off right next to the equipment in the warehouse. Attached to the growth tube was a little note with a smiley face that read- "Have fun with this. And come back afterwards to let me know how incompetent you were at this. I could use another laugh."

Leta took a step forward, trying to make sure she was on solid ground. She quickly realized where she was, but Q wouldn't have known. Q! She looked around to make sure he was safely with her. He was there. Taking a few deep breaths and making sure all his pieces were intact. "I don't believe it, but we made it out successfully, and with what you wanted."

Leta returned to her arrogant demeanor, "Oh, yeah, everything went according to plan." She only felt so sure of herself, since they were out of earshot from Mike's potential wrath. She shifted her pencil skirt, not knowing why Lydia would wear anything so impractical for running and fighting. She said, "I need to go and get out of these clothes. Stay in touch. You know me, I'll be contacting you sooner than you realize." Sooner than he wanted, most likely. She turned and headed off into the shadows of the nearby warehouses. She left Q to find his own way home. Her real plan was just beginning.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-08-11 23:11 EST

Everything was going according to plan, as it always did.

Leta asked The Company for a small team of genetic scientists. The Company was happy to oblige Leta in her small personal projects since she was such a vital component to The Company. She was their Seer. Of all of her vampiric abilities, foresight was her strongest. She would inform them of the best politicians to buy off, the most profitable stocks and companies to invest in, the worthiest countries to aid in wartime, and other advantageous endeavors. No one outside The Company's Elders was ever aware of her support. To everyone else, especially the ones she worked with, she simply seemed to be a crazy sociopath. Though, she was that too.

Her team of scientists worked diligently using the research and equipment she stole from Vinny. They were brilliant men and women, who knew exactly what they were doing and what they were creating. It took a short time in scientific standards to complete their assignment. They sent word to Leta when the project was complete. She quickly came to the secret facility and waited for the head scientist to call her in. It was a short wait, but every minute felt like hours to her. Finally, he opened the door and spoke, breaking her nervous pacing around the room.

"She is ready."

"Let me see her," she said severely. The scientist led Leta to the small room the creation was kept.

Leta stared at the naked woman as she lay on an operating room table, looking as though she was sleeping peacefully. She looked identical to Lydia, identical to herself. She was missing a navel, undoubtedly a process of the procedure. Leta smiled at the creation and walked up to touch her lightly to see how real she truly was. Her warm skin burned against Leta's cold touch. The creation opened her eyes suddenly and Leta jerked her arm back. Leta and the scientist stared for a moment at the creation, then looked at each other.

Leta spoke harshly to him, "I thought she was to be an empty shell, something I could control." He looked at her dumbfounded, "She was. I don't know what happened. She shouldn't be able to move on her own." Leta turned back to her doppelganger, who had now turned her own head to face Leta. Leta continued to stare at her, but spoke to him, "Something went wrong. You need to find out how bad this situation is." The creation opened her mouth and repeated her words awkwardly.

"Bad" this situation"is?"

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-08-11 23:14 EST
In all of her foresight, Leta did not see this coming. She watched in horror as the clone shifted on the table.

"Call security," Leta instructed the scientist, while still staring at the woman. He immediately fled the room, locking the door behind him.

The woman slowly got to her feet, and steadied herself against the bed. She took an unsteady step towards Leta, but soon understood her coordination. Leta could have been impressed at how quickly the clone was learning and adapting, if she wasn't so anxious. She tried to remain silent. If the woman learned language as quickly as she learned how to move, any words Leta might speak would fuel her vocabulary. Leta knew how easily words could become power.

Leta walked to the foot of the bed, and the woman walked with her, mirroring her steps. This was all wrong. This was everyone's fault. Leta hated her scientific team for getting Vinny's cloning experiment wrong. She hated Vinny for his stupid cloning research that would allow such a flaw in the procedure. She hated Q for helping her to get the equipment and research in the first place. Mostly, she hated the abomination that stood before her. Leta would not allow it to continue. She would put it down herself.

Leta reached out to lightly grab the woman's arm and was surprised when the woman jerked her arm back defensively. Leta stared at her a moment. She moved faster, but the woman mirrored her speed. Leta stood still and stared into the woman's eyes. She could dominate her mind that way. She spoke a one word command.


Leta again reached out to grab her, knowing she would have to stop and hold still. The woman stood still as instructed, but repeated Leta's command, "Stop." Leta immediately paused. They stood staring at each other. It was then when Leta realized. Not only did the woman have her appearance, she had her abilities. She was an even match for the woman. Much to Leta's dismay, the woman seemed as if she began to realize it too.

Blood Sister

Date: 2013-08-11 23:15 EST
Four security guards rushed in through the door.

The distraction broke Leta and the woman from their stand-off stare. The identical women turned their heads to face the men. Leta said harshly, "Kill her."

They lunged toward the woman. As Leta began to back away from the potential fight, the clone began to back up as well. Leta was never one to fight; she had no active power to aid her in combat, but she had a natural grace and dexterity that allowed her a greater edge over most men. The clone seemed to share this as well.

The woman backed into the bed behind her and then suddenly flipped over it backwards, standing straight up on the other side. She looked around for an escape, but there were no windows or doors save the one door that had an army of men blocking it. They continued to come towards her. One stayed at the other side of the bed to block her while the other three began to walk along the bottom to approach her. It was simple math then. Even Leta saw the opening as it happened.

The woman quickly took a few steps back against the wall, as if intimidated by the three men approaching. She then took a few running steps towards the bed and jumped over it, kicking the man left on the other side and knocking him to the floor. Before he could rise and before the others could even make it past the foot of the door to run after her, the woman had already rushed out the door. The four men followed, but Leta remained standing against the wall, looking at the empty bed.

Leta did not need her foresight to know what the woman would do. She was as brilliant as Lydia, as cunning as Leta, a deadly combination. The woman would go out and begin to explore the world, learning everything she could far quicker than she should. She would find clothes, a name, and a purpose for her life.

Leta would report this to her Elder. He would undoubtedly be disappointed in her and the way she conducted this, though this was certainly not the worst situation she had caused for him and The Company. They would send out teams to retrieve the woman. The one time they needed Leta the most, she would be of no use. Her foresight could not help her; she could neither see into her twin's future, nor her own, and the clone was now her sister, too.

The Company would continue the search for the woman, but none would find her until it was too late.