Topic: A bridge in embers

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-10 02:06 EST
The drow's eyes could hold little more disinterest than they did at that moment. It was his ears, however, bearing the most punishment of all, desperately trying to convert the drunken ramblings of his patient into a true language.

"And then....I've had these....these cramps you see. Almost feels like the liver, y'know" Sometimes it goes up to my head know, that thing when your head feels like it's been squeezed..."

"You mean a headache." Or migrane, depending on who we're talking about here.

"Yeah, that's it what?s up with me?"

"Hmm, that's a tough one....your breath's enough to chase off the Watch's finest and your clothing looks like you rammed right into a Badsider brewing factory. If I had to hazard a guess.....Ohhh, I'd say its alcohol poisoning. You know, because you're drunk." The drow shook his head and scribbled down in a pad, tearing it off and tossing it to the man. "Show that to the pharmacy counter. Mild painkiller that won't react violently with the rotgut in your....gut."

The man stumbled out of the exam room without a word. For Spider, it was literally a breath of fresh air. Soon he was back to behind the front desk, adding another checkmark to the case list. That was the trouble with this sort of department. No one knew where the list would start or where it would end. The only certainty was that it'd go on as long as your shift did.

"Dr. Savaris..." Alton Lewis, one of the recently appointed residents, strode up to Spider. "Ms. Stewart is currently in post-op, the appendix removal went off without a hitch."

"Mmm hmm....keep an eye on her, none of us are mind-readers when it comes to post-op complications....actually, I'm glad that you're here." Ebony fingers grabbed a clipboard and shoved it in the resident's arms. Lewis blinked. "What's this?"

"Room 214, mother with single infant. Possible whooping cough case, and you're the first doctor freed up and in line." Lewis rolled his eyes and strode off towards the exam rooms once more. The drow in the meanwhile poured himself a cup of steaming black brew, already 3 hours past its freshness date. That's when the emergency radio whooped and crackled from the front desk.

"1090, 1090 incident, broadcasting to all emergency squads. Orphanage at 47 Palisade Lane engulfed in flames. Numerous 2nd & 3rd degree burn injuries reported. Majority of victims in transport to Riverview, 34 count. Repeat, 34 patients en route to Riverview. Over."

The trembling cup of coffee in the drow's hand almost made that count 35. In a moment, the quiver in his throat was replaced by a boisterous tone that drill sergeants wish they could match. "All staff on-hand, I want any and all rooms prepped for burn treatment! Check our stocks, if there are any rooms lacking so much as a single skin graft, correct it! This is a Code Black incident, let's move!"

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-12 14:19 EST
They were carted in by the dozens, children with burns and chars every shade of black under the sun. Most of them were so covered in soot and ash that it was hard to tell what was loose dust and what was charred into their skin.

"Burn on her lower left calf, but no other obvious injuries." Resident Van Dorn shined a pen light back and forth to the young girl's retinas. She sidestepped over to another patient lying on a gurney. "Abdominal burns, 2nd degree. Start him on sodium chloride 0.5% and get him a room."

"I've got facial burns and a possible concusion." Bakker hollered over the chaotic foyer. "Bruise and swelling on this girl's left temple. Ice pack, nurse."

"Dr. Savaris, come look at this." Gwynne called Spider over to a barely conscious boy. The already ragged clothing looked like it had a flamethrower taken to them, and had done little to protect from the burns. "Paramedics said he's been complaining of chest pains ever since they picked him up." Spider nodded and prodded his fingertips around the boy's chest area. A sharp cry rang from the boy as the fingers lightly pushed on his sternum.

"Definitely something with his ribcage....I'll take this one. Nurse, room 120, prep for exploratory." The child was wheeled away to somewhere more private. The surgeon raised his head and watched the patients continued to be rolled in. "We're gonna need more hands....and not just physical ones." He weaved around both patients and staff to the front desk, grabbing a handset and punching at its keypad. "There's at least one person I know that's still around at this late hour. Gods know why." He took a moment of slience for the call to connect.

"Neonatal? Dr. Savaris, ER. Shariane should be in your department right now. Tell her to get down here ASAP, we've got more than we can chew. If she has anyone else with her, make sure she drags them along too." He sighed and hung up, heading for the surgical prep station.


Date: 2009-08-12 16:42 EST
Fleet walked in through Riverview's front doors. His right arm had beeped and sent a signal to his mind that a Code Black had gone out asking for help. He didn't have ask what was going on. The ambulances overflowing the ER bay and the smell of charred flesh hit his nose when he was outside. Fire of some sort. When he had walked in, his nose caught the scent of children and put the two together.

"Dear Lupis." he said softly and immediately went to the front desk seeing Dr. Savaris giving orders.

"First year Resident, Fleetian Wolf reporting in Dr. Savaris. Point me in the right direction and I will help where I can."

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-14 01:41 EST
Spider turned around just before he entered the scrub area as Fleet introduced himself. He recalled having heard of him from Anya or one of the other doctors before, but this marked the first time seeing him in the fur, so to speak.

"Can't say I'm not surprised by your arrival Dr. Wolf, but it's appreciated. The other residents need some help with triage over in the foyer. There's another involved with a separate case, but I'll have him sent over as soon as possible. Stabilize the other patients as best as you can." The drow nodded and slowly backed into the prep room.


Date: 2009-08-14 09:03 EST
She was finishing up her shift when the first announcement was broadcast over the PA. She had stopped at the nurse's station finishing up her reports.

"Code Black, Emergency Room. Code Black, Emergency Room."

She finished up the report she was working on and was about to head down to see if she could turn a hand at the very least when the unit secretary got her attention.

"Dr. Uth Dravon, Dr. Savaris needs you down in ER Stat."

She nodded to that and sighed, "Which means there are children involved. Nan, can you call over to Pediatrics?"

Neonatal wouldn't be the place for victims. She had to get the ball rolling for admissions, "Tell Elise that the Code Black has pediatric cases, she'll get the unit ready."

She made her way to the Emergency Room. The scene before her was chaos at best. She looked around and called over to the attending drow. "Spider, Let me scrub in and I'll get to work."

High heels and skirts would not do. She did keep serviceable shoes with her scrubs with times like these. Once she was done, she came over to Spider. The long hair was in the hair cover, gone was the professional skirt and blouse, replaced by functional scrubs.

"Where to begin?" She deferred to Spider as this was his domain.


Date: 2009-08-14 23:07 EST
Fleet nodded to Dr. Savaris and headed for the foyer and into a scene that would have been foreign to most. Being back from his recent illness though, he felt eerily at home. Catching one intern, Fleet got a quick update on who was going where and the current Triage tree in use. He began inspecting the influx of burn victims and quickly amended some of the branches on the Triage tree.

"First degree burns keep in the Foyer. Cool compresses, and lots of aloe gel for them. Make sure clothing is off of them to reduce contamination. Second degrees move into the emergency suites for debridement and local anesthetic spray. Cool compress if no degradation of skin. Remove clothing as well. Start them on Lactated Ringers solution, drip rate by BMI, and .25 cc of ace per 10 lbs. Those with compromised vena puncture sights keep in the Foyer. I will see to reducing their pain by alternate methods. 3rd degrees, clean rooms stat. Local anesthetics to where affect-able, cool, wet compresses. Don't remove the clothing just yet, it's going to be fused with the skin. Get a list of all 3rd degrees A.S.A.P. for skin graph care." Fleet barked the orders in a clear calm voice and helped assess the different children.

During Triage, he had one more tool up his sleeve. Using his magic, he was reading auras to find those who had reaction to magic. Those who would have reactions to magic were grouped together and kept as comfortable as possible on locals and cooling compresses. Those with no reactions, he would lightly touch and leave enough energy in them to ease nerves on fire. This was going to be a long night.

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-15 01:40 EST
"Assist Dr. Wolf over in Triage for the time being." Spider's eyes didn't avert from the sink his hands were suspended in. It wasn't anything out of disrespect, but there were only so many things he could concentrate on at once. "We're going to need a serious magic touch for this one. If we try relying on supplies alone we're going to get bogged down in rushing from one supply cabinet to another, or worse, running out." He swiftly ran a towel between his fingers. "We both know that you have far more experience with children than I do. I'm sure you'll choose the best course of action. Now, excuse me.."

Spider shoved the door open with a foot to keep his hands sterile, followed by another into the operating room bearing his patient. The assisting surgical technologist wheeled the last of the required trays of instruments next to the boy's bed. One of the nurses came over to Spider and spread a surgical gown over his body, followed by the head covering and mask. The gloves marked the completion of the dressing.

"Wheel the X-ray over here. I need to confirm something before we start any more prodding." The required tool was brought bedside, a machine with a robotic arm grasping a piece of hard plastic. The sheet was manipulated over the boy's chest and took a soft yellow glow, bringing the details under the skin onto the viewscreen.

Spider watched as his suspicions was confirmed. A portion of ribcage, the 2nd and 3rd anterior bones, had been broken off from the sternum. The two pieces were also very close to the heart, and from what was visible, shorter than the remaining vertebrae.

"Dammit....get the chest cleaned. I can't get a good look without opening him up..." It was the common bane of a surgeon. With all the medical equipment on hand, some things could only be seen by the naked eye, even if it meant taking off a pound of flesh or two.

The nurses made quick work of the boy's remaining rags. The only difficult parts were over the inflicted area, where the fabric had almost melted into the skin. "Possibly a piece of debris came down on him during the fire, or could have ran into something or someone..." Chaos he couldn't begin to imagine, and of a rare kind that replaced what was happening in the ER now.

"Suction at ready....this could get nasty." With the chest serialized, the drow fingered a scalpel and drew it down the boy's right chest, making two more incisions above and below the initial cut. The H-shaped pattern allowed the skin to butterfly out and reveal the truth for all to see. The dislodged vertebrae, one each poking into the right atrium and ventricle.

"I need his blood typed ASAP and proper reserves brought in here." Red eyes tilted up to the readout. His blood pressure had gradually risen since he was first brought in. It was more than likely that the bones were interfering with blood flow. "Keep his extremities exposed but no cold compressions. Don't want his BP screwed up more than it is already."


Date: 2009-08-17 22:17 EST
A nurse handed him a Triage roster. Fleet looked over the numbers, and the numbers weren't lying.

"So few are first degree." he cursed under his breath. The majority of the listing was highlighted in bright colors, yellow for 2nd degrees, a good size chunk of red for 2nd degrees needing skin grafts, and just about an equal size in orange for 3rd degrees.

He looked to the nurse. "Get every intern you can find with skin grafting training into the treatment rooms. I see a good number of the 2nd degree cases need minor grafting. Arrange them by severity for a cue for treatment. Temporary dividers here in the foyer. We treat in the halls while the 3rd degrees are seen to as well. Which of the 3rd degrees is ready?"

The nurse pointed him to one of the suites and Fleet nodded stepping in to scrub and gown up. 3rd degrees needed sterile environment and him being covered in fur was a contradiction to this ideal. Riveverview however, had contingencies for these dilemmas. Fleet stepped in with every bit of fur behind mask, goggles, and gown. The poor child on the bed appeared to be competing for the best imitation of a hot dog at a picnic.

"Okay, nice and gentle nurse." he nodded to the lady slowly moistening removing fabric and clothing adhered to skin or fused with platelets and collagen. Fleet checked on the child's sedation. No too deep, not too light, but in between.

He helped in the debridement, soon seeing raw flesh and muscle begging for coverage. It was quickly apparent that the child was a young teen, and female. Fleet suppressed a stab of worry and pain. She looked like Lene during a shift to human. He blinked his eyes, reassured himself that his daughter was home safe, and began the process of grafting skin over the most severe tissue damage.


Date: 2009-08-19 18:36 EST
She had watched Dr Wolf go into one of the sterile rooms and shook her head. Instead she flagged down a nurse and ascertained where the worst of the injuries were.

Her heart clinched in her chest seeing the young child fighting for his life. She went right to work on him calling for items. She set a pain block on him preferring not to work with narcotics. Her ways were of magic and healing and that is exactly what she started to do.

A mental hand reached out to the Heartstone in the courtyard and opened herself up to the energies flowing there. The ones that needed skin grafts were prepped first for the delicate surgery.

Here she had unlimited energy, but she was not able to play god only to aid in the healing process and given her patient more of a fighting chance.


Date: 2009-08-20 16:02 EST
45 minutes later, Fleet stepped out of the sterile room removing his mask. That would be one lucky child. She should live the rest of her life without a lot of the scars most burn victims suffered. He didn't stop to rest though. A nurse was waiting for him, clipboard in hand.

*Next one is waiting, Dr. Wolf. Team is ready.*

"Thank you." he told the nurse and looked over the file as he stepped into the clean up station to strip off the used gown, gloves, cap, and goggles. He pulled another packet down and began to gown up.

Something in the file didn't look right. The reading were not good. The boy appeared to be in critical condition. Fleet finished gowning up and stepped in. Critical indeed. The fact the little boy was alive was a miracle.

"He needs to be cleaned." Fleet asked politely. One of the nurses looked at him with raised eyebrows.

*He is. The charring continues down to the bone in some places.*

Blue eyes surveyed the boy and Fleet held his breath. He was thinking on what to do. A traditional approach would leave him with little muscle mass on both arms and legs, and the vitals were dropping more.

"Okay then. It's a miracle this boy lived this long, time for another miracle." Fleet approached the table and looked at a sterile copy of the record. No history or reactions to magic. Good, he thought. He laid his gloved paws on the boys body and closed his eyes. I may be the last deity of Lupinoss left, but by Lupis, no more deaths on my watch, I will not allow it. He tapped into his soul, drug out the life force in him and fed it into the boys body.

He didn't have to look at the body. By the gasps all around, he knew the charring was vanishing and being replaced by healthy muscle and skin. Under his cap more blue hair grayed. Small price to save a life in need. Fleet looked down and nodded.

"Done. Keep him monitored for any magical reactions. I am going to the next case." Fleet instructed, pulling off gloves as he stepped out. As before, a nurse with a clip board awaited him. Yes, long night indeed.


Date: 2009-08-20 16:40 EST
She had felt the transfer more than anything else. She was tied into the heart of the clinic so to speak. As she finished cleaning from the girl she was working on she made her way over to Fleet.

She waited until the nurse was finished with her update and had stepped away before speaking.

(vq) I can shoulder the worse cases if you need a hand." She spoke softly to fleet. She was certain he could feel what she was channeling if not see it. It would take all their skill to see this disaster through. It would also take a lot of team work on many levels.


Date: 2009-08-20 20:35 EST
Fleet nodded to Sharianne.

"I hope that the worst is over and that the rest is not so dire." He handed her the clipboard that the nurse had left him. Some of the names were checked off already.

"I've had all the children that showed no harmful reaction to magic grouped together and the ones needing straight medical being sedated for now. It appears at least 5 more skin grafts are in order so far. I'll keep grafting if you could tend to the others for now." A smile played over that muzzle. He knew exactly what she was doing and admired it.

A paw pushed back a silvered strand of hair and he handed her the clip board. "Let all hope we don't lose any children tonight. I don't think any of us hear can bear it."

He looked over to the surgery suite that Dr. Savaris was in. He wondered how the patient was doing then pulled his thoughts back to the matter at hand and made for the next graft case.


Date: 2009-08-21 12:21 EST
"Let all hope we don't lose any children tonight. I don't think any of us hear can bear it."

She shook her head, "No, tonight is difficult enough." She already had the haunted look that she fought to quell. "Darius should be arriving soon to help with the emotion effects of this."

She was proud of her son and hoped his love could be found soon. Still the fact he would be here to lean a hand would take more weight off the staff.

She turned back to scrub in for the next patient. New gloves and clean hand for each case would cut down on infections tremendously. Still, seeing the small form burned and hurting crushed her to her core.

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-22 17:04 EST
"Suction." The nurse placed the nozzle near the chest cavity as he extracted the second rib bone from the heart. The first bone had already been removed and the hole it left behind stitched up. The drow afforded himself a millisecond to look at the boy's vitals. 80 over 63. The heart quivered as he drew the stitching hook in and out of the right ventricle. The remaining trauma over the boy's body was not helping matters.

"Stay stable, c'mon kid, stay with me....proceed with the grafts to his legs." Spider paused for a fresh pair of gloves over his hands before he manipulated the length of synthetic skin over the raw tissue below the knee. 84 over 69. "That's right, nice and easy. Nurse, looks like those burns on his right leg reached the subcutaneous. Have styptic on hand because once that burnt tissue comes off, so do his veins."

Moment to check. 88 over 67. "Done. Let's get the right leg clean..."

85 over 62. 79 over 59. 74 over 55. The machine wailed its cry. "We're losing him, doctor."

The boy's heart started to act like an engine running on the last drops of unleaded. "Paddles, now!"

The twin paddles were thrust into his hands. "Charge to 75." The defibrillator joined the chorus the vital meter had already started. "Clear!" The jolt discharged and shook the boy's body down to his toes. 68 over 50.

"Charge to 100." He rubbed the paddles together, contemplating the coming pitch. "Clear!" The boy's body trembled again. 62 over 44. Swing and a miss.

"Going to open heart massage." He shoved the paddles away and thrusted his hand back into the boy's chest cavity, ebony clad in latex cupping over the barely-beating organ. Softly he squeezed it, trying to convince it to resume a normal rhythm. The organ refused to cooperate.

55 over 40. 40 over 36. 31 over 20. Flatline.

"Dammit kid, don't do this to me. You're better than this!....c'mon, c'mon...." He handled the lifeless organ like he was cradling a newborn's head. Only his hand carried any warmth anymore, and the sensation of blood flowing through the organ was no longer detectable....

He drew the glove of blood out and freed his hands of their coverings. "Time of death.....0324 hours." He unceremoniously let the gloves fall to the floor and sulked quietly over to the door.

Those down the hallway might have heard the door almost being kicked down, along with the glowering drow retreating across the hall into the locker room.


Date: 2009-08-25 01:50 EST
Fleet walked out of the room finishing his third grafting. Boy, girl, human, non human, all looked the same burnt. In pain, in fear and needing hope. He stripped of the gloves and noted no nurse waiting for him with a clip board. He walked for the desk and looked for the next case. A nurse was behind the desk with the sought for clip board. She held up a finger to Fleet.

"Dr. Wolf. You're not allowed another surgical case without a small break first. Hospital policy."

Fleet nodded and headed for the locker room to freshen some. He was trying to get the smell of burn flesh out of his nostrils and believed it would haunt him for some days to come. Stepping into the locker room he could feel the mood of Dr. Savaris and looked over to him. He didn't have to ask. He gave an acknowledging grunt to give Dr. Savaris some warning that he was in the room, and tried to leave him some privacy.

Stripping off soot stained and blood stained surgical gown, he sat on a couch and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle. He was looking older, and he was feeling it.

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-26 11:59 EST
The way the drow was staring at the locker door in his face, he might have been looking at what was now a cadaver still lying on the OR table. He replayed in his mind the entire episode, looking for that one moment where maybe a procedure was flawed.

Extraction of the rib bones was clean....lacerations were properly sutured with no leakage....vitals were stable, seemed stable...

The grunt from Fleet brought him out of his thoughts. The angered look had left his eyes, leaving only one of disappointment. "I did everything I could for that kid, or at least I think I did....there must've been something I overlooked, perhaps some additional trauma dragging him down....that's the first time I've lost a patient since I was a conscript."

The monologue was interrupted by a nurse sticking her head in. "Doctors, we need assistance controlling one of the patients."

Spider blinked. "What do you mean?"

"She has burns across her face and neck and requires surgery, but she's not responding to anesthetic."

"What species is she?"

The nurse checked the clipboard. "Elven, doctor."

The drow sighed and raised himself off the chair. "Let Shariane know, she should know how to calm the child down. Have her wheeled over to OR 3 once she's prepped." He turned his head over to Fleet. "Think you're awake enough to assist with the surgery, Dr. Wolf?"


Date: 2009-08-27 00:24 EST
Fleet listened to Spider monologue for a moment, and his voice sounded tired and old coming from the couch.

"I have lost so many before on the battlefield due to complications, but losing a child who knew no violence is never easy. Whisper Paws Clinic has seen the death of a few mothers in childbearing and quite a few children died from the Lupanecrosis Virus that swept our Den. It is never easy..."

He looked over to the door and the nurse hearing what was being said. Fleet looked to Dr. Savaris and he nodded.

"I am more than awake enough to assist you Dr. Savaris. Have pulled worse shifts in the army." Fleet got up with a very slight whir of his mechanical arm and leg, headed for the door following Spider.


Date: 2009-08-27 10:00 EST
She had finished up another case where the burns were severe enough to be dangerous, but could be healed by her. She was feeling the effects of the link with the Heartstone. She was going to have one nasty reaction headache when this was all said and done.

She was finishing washing her hands and was drinking some Willow bark tea to stave off the headache when the nurse came up to her. "Dr. Uth Dravon?"

She swallowed the mouthful she had and looked up to the nurse. "Yes?"

"We have a child in pre-op that isn't responding to Anesthesia."

She was sure the nurse was gonna be tired of this question. "What race is she?"

"Elven." The nurse replied.

"Elves tend to be resistant to sleep potions and spells. Anesthesia doesn't work and pain killers are not good for them." She sighed softly and drained the tea. "I'll take care of her."

The paper cup was tossed into the trash receptacle and she headed for Pre-op. Once there her heart tightened in her chest. The child resembled Jasmine when she was younger. She was struggling against the pain of her burns and would need the surgery to restore her face. She waved off the Anesthesiologist and moved in murmuring softly.

"Hin, Anta amin tu." She murmured softly.

The child was crying with the pain. She wasn't able to communicate through the pain. The healer took the child's uninjured hand and thought about how to do this.

The rhythmic tapping of a cane and a soft baritone got her attention. "Do you want me to handle this, mother?"

She released some of the tension. "Yes, Dar. Many of the cases need a stronger mind healer than I. This child needs a pain block so she can get through the surgery."

Darius Wyvern

Date: 2009-08-27 10:07 EST
He knew this was draining his mother, perhaps dangerously so. He would do what he could to help ease their pain and their fears. He remembered when on of his wing-sibs was burned by a frightened firebird. The pain and fear was something that took him a while to pull out of.

With his mother's guidance, he was able to reach for the girl's hand and hold it as he linked in to her. As a projective empath, he was able to set the pain blocks in her mind far easier than his mother. As he worked the girl became more coherent. As the pain was stopped for now, it was easy to convince her mind to allow her to sleep and heal.

No magic...

He gently broke the connection and nodded to the nurse. The child was wheeled over to the OR. Darius then turned to his mother and enveloped the healer in an embrace.

She had felt the passing of the child and was holding on barely. "Mother, you need to take a break. I'll take over for you for a few."


Date: 2009-08-27 10:31 EST
The passing of the child had knocked her for a loop. While Darius worked, she took a moment to regather her calm. She need to work and not think of the tragedy. Darius' embrace had allowed a few tears to escape in that brief private moment. She held tightly to her eldest son and closed those eyes.

"Mother, you need to take a break. I'll take over for you for a few."

She nodded a moment, "I'll be in the courtyard."

Darius nodded and placed a light kiss on the crown of her head. She then moved off to the courtyard to rest and regroup. She released her hold on the node and let the power flow back to where it belonged.

She settled on a bench and let the tears flow unchecked in that moment.


Date: 2009-08-27 21:22 EST
Fleet began to scrub in to help Dr. Savaris. He was keeping tabs on the doctor subtly. He had heard by way of nurses and rumors that Spider had quite a good deal of medical expertise from the battlefield and other places as well, more than Fleet ever had, but Fleet knew that everyone was mortal.

"We all break from distress from time to time. How you mend yourself qualifies how long you have before you break again." Fleet said under his breath softly to no one in particular.

He was thinking back on his own recent breakdown he had had that kept him on medical leave from both clinics for several weeks. Another casual glance to Spider. Fleet had confidence that Dr. Savaris has been through worse and he focused on sterilization once again.

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-28 00:26 EST
Spider scooted the door to the OR open, giving a moment for Dr. Wolf to enter. A pair of fresh latex was snapped over his fingers as he came over to the young elven girl. His adam's apple wriggled a moment as he struggled to keep down the bile or whatever was threatening to come up.

Up to bat again....eye on the ball, Spider, eye on the ball.. Reddened eyes took a moment to study the girl's burnt features, planning the best method of attacking the burns to prevent further damage. Picking up a fine razor, he carefully scrapped the looser ash off of her face, making it easier for them to see which areas were most sensitive.

"Careful with the skin around her right ear. I'm not liking how it looks..." Again he took a moment of contemplation. "We'll start with treating the burns around her eyes and lips, that should take care of the most sensitive areas. After that, we'll deal with the right ear, then around her neck."


Date: 2009-08-30 02:31 EST
Fleet nodded to Spider and prepped the synthetic skin for use. Gently he assisted with cleaning the remaining soot from the child's face and followed Dr. Savaris' lead. He did have a question to ask as they worked on the girls burnt face.

"Dr. Savaris, you have any family of your own?"

Spider Savaris

Date: 2009-08-30 17:37 EST
"No." The drow replied matter-of-fact as he laid a strip of the synthetic skin across the girl's forehead. He knew all too well it wasn't an adequate answer.

"Whatever family I had were....well, a million possibilities to their state of being, alive or dead. I grew up an orphan, so to speak..." At that moment of time, he wondered what sort of reaction he should be having to this whole ordeal. Compared to being raised among my kind, an orphanage on the surface should be paradise. For these children, though, it's the string holding them barely above the ghetto.

He took a moment to listen beyond the beeps of the OR. The commotion outside was lower than it had been earlier. "It sounds like we're going to make it through this night."


Date: 2009-08-30 18:02 EST
Fleet cocked his own head listening as well with his Lupinossai senses. "I believe you're right Dr. Savaris."

He watched the grafting proceed and helped hold another strip for Spider to adhere to the girls face.

"Nothing wrong with living in an orphanage. We have one on the top level of Whisper Paws Clinic. The only reason I asked tonight was that given the nature of most of our patients here at Riverview Clinic, family ties, or having your own family with children can make things a bit difficult."

Fleet gauged the vitals read out and nodded to himself that the girl was still stable. Another strip was readied as he thought to himself. Burnt flesh was going to haunt his memories now for a long time to come. He really wanted to go home and hug Lene and make sure she was safe. He flicked his focus from inside to the tasks at hand.


Date: 2009-08-30 18:11 EST
Darius had done his part in holding down the fort. He was taking the time to calm those that only needed breathing treatments due to the smoke. His being blind went a long way to their fears being soothed. He know what it was like to be hurt.

It also gave Shari time to gather herself and grab another cup of tea. She was at the ER desk going over charts and inspect the The minor case the interns treated. She made some recommendations and was writing out treatment plans. There would be a few admissions, but nothing the Pediatric ward couldn't handle.

She called up to Elise to find out how many beds were open. There was a little relief in those Ameythst eyes, though she was drained. She took another sip of the Willowbark tea to stave off the now threatening headache. It didn't stave off the ache she felt in her heart, but at least there would be no more loss of life today.