Topic: Interoffice Memos

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2012-08-19 23:58 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Director From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff Re: Medical Assistance

Mami, Regarding the recent request submitted by Rhiannon Brock on behalf of Dib Jaster Aurene from Dominion Exports to provide medical assistance to the people of Newbreton in St. Aldwin, I have gone over our relevant inventory, and we can easily spare the necessary vaccines. I have already alerted our suppliers to replenish our surplus supplies as a precaution, in the event that there is an epidemic here.

I have also contacted both Morton University and Smithson College. They have authorized the assignment of half of their yearly allotment to us of their first year residents, for a total of seventy residents between them, to aid in the relief efforts as well. Once these residents have completed the relief efforts, they will of course be reassigned to Riverview as their specialties permit.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2013-04-27 04:45 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Disaster Situation Protocols

Given the recent trend in disasters that center on what are presumably events for celebration by the general public, we at Riverview Clinic must be prepared once again to handle such an eventuality at the upcoming Beltane celebration.

Your performance during the recent crisis with Storm Front Hannibal went not only above and beyond the call of duty but the standards of excellence that I have come to expect from each and every one of you, and I am truly grateful to have you on staff here.

It is my sincere hope that all will go smoothly during the celebration, and that those of you who wish to partake in the events can find the time to do so, without having to open the Annex to Riverview while you are there.

Blessed Beltane to you all.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2013-06-27 21:33 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Patient Treatment Protocols

A disturbing trend has come to light that some of the staff have been discriminatory when it comes to dealing with patients of a non-humanoid appearing nature. Among the complaints received are that said patients are being called "animals" due to their appearance, and consequently treated with disrespect when treatments are administered.

This reprehensible behavior on the part of some Riverview staff is to stop IMMEDIATELY. It will also not be tolerated from any member of the staff here.

Any future incidents of this sort of behavior will be dealt with on an administrative level.


Bridget Dillon

Date: 2013-06-27 22:36 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Maranya Valkonan, Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Bridget R. Dillon, Head of Forensics Department

Re: Patient Treatment Protocols and Patient Records

In light of the recent notice regarding treatment of patients and derogatory terms being used to refer to them, I must offer the following information:

The Forensic and Pathology Departments cannot properly record certain DNA strains as human as some patients have recently requested. Due to specific types of treatments being needed for those patients with what could be termed animal, canis and felidae genetic markers being the most common, it would be irresponsible to record them simply as humanoid without further determination. What aids one patient might kill another if our records are not properly noted.

Riverview's patients deserve the best care possible in a respectful environment. However, I refuse to falsify records.

Bridget R. Dillon Head of Forensics Department

Attachment: Requests of three patients for this.

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2013-10-12 09:44 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Halloween Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, costumes and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the Halloween season.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. There have already been reports of peanut butter and chocolate pumpkins and marshmallow bats disappearing from the stockroom. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Departmental Trick or Treating for the ambulatory patients will be held as usual on Halloween day from noon until 5 pm. Each department will receive an equal portion of the candy and treats to distribute to the patients when they come to visit.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costume for Halloween. Please keep good taste and practicality in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2013-12-14 19:25 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Also, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2014, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Monday, December 23rd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on December 24th from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2014-04-15 20:52 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Easter Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the Easter holiday.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

There will be an Egg Hunt for the ambulatory patients held as usual on Easter from noon until 2 pm. Baskets will be distributed to the in-house patients so that they are received on Easter morning.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2014-06-15 07:15 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Incoming Interns

Thirty-five of the current pre-medical graduates from the local colleges have been selected by Riverview Clinic to begin their residencies. Department heads will need to submit requisitions for the available interns, up to a maximum of three per department, by July 15th, 2014. Any remaining interns will be assigned on a case by case basis once each department has reached their quota.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2014-11-29 23:01 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Also, once again, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, offer to perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients.

Due to security breaches in the past, all official entertainers, including those of the animal variety, will now be issued identification badges from Security that allow them holiday access to Riverview. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2015, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Tuesday, December 23rd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on Wednesday, December 24th, from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes that are appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality in terms of your duties in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2015-01-29 01:02 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Winter Weather Storm Preparations

With the current winter weather conditions, and the resulting influx of patients suffering weather related injuries, including but not limited to frostbite and fractures, we at Riverview have to keep on our proverbial toes.

Should we suffer another storm in the mold of Storm Front Hannibal, preparations have been made on the premises. Emergency shelters for citizens as well as for staff members forced to remain have been set up and stocked to weather out a similar storm.

Any staff members who are stranded at Riverview by harsh winter conditions will receive time and a half pay for the duration of their stay past their normally scheduled shift if they continue to work through that time. If they stay for two or more of their scheduled shifts consecutively due to harsh weather conditions, the time between their shifts will be compensated at half their pay rate.

Any staff members in outlying areas who cannot safely make it in to work due to harsh winter conditions will be given paid leave at the time and a half rate.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2015-05-30 03:21 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Incoming Interns

Forty of the current pre-medical graduates from the local colleges have been selected by Riverview Clinic to begin their residencies. Department heads will need to submit requisitions for the available interns, up to a maximum of three per department, by July 15th, 2015. Any remaining interns will be assigned on a case by case basis once each department has reached their quota.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2015-12-02 22:04 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Also, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2016, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Wednesday, December 23rd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on December 24th from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality in mind when selecting costumes.

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2016-03-05 04:24 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Upcoming Easter Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the upcoming Easter holiday.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. There have already been reports of peanut butter eggs and marshmallow chicks going missing. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Thanks also go to Andu Kirost, who is generously donating various stuffed animals for the patients as well as the gift shop.

There will be an Egg Hunt for the ambulatory patients held as usual on Easter from noon until 2 pm. Baskets will be distributed to the in-house patients so that they are received on Easter morning.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2016-06-07 11:45 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Addition To Staff/Incoming Interns

Effective as of June 8th, 2016, Doctor Rillian Blaine will be joining the staff at Riverview with full clinic privileges. Doctor Blaine is a licensed primary care physician in family medicine (among others). In addition she has studied several different healing techniques, including some spiritual and hybrid in nature. Doctor Blaine will be a fine addition to the staff here at Riverview.

Forty-five of the current pre-medical graduates from the local colleges have been selected by Riverview Clinic to begin their residencies. Department heads will need to submit requisitions for the available interns, up to a maximum of three per department, by July 15th, 2016. Any remaining interns will be assigned on a case by case basis once each department has reached their quota.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2016-12-04 08:34 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock of candies and treats on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Also, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients. All official entertainers, including those of the animal variety, will be issued identification badges from Security that allow them holiday access to Riverview. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2017, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Friday, December 23rd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on Saturday, December 24th, from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality in mind when selecting costumes.

Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2017-04-01 01:50 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Easter Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the upcoming Easter holiday.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. There have already been reports of peanut butter eggs, chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks going missing. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Thanks also go to Andu Kirost, who is generously donating various stuffed animals for the patients as well as the gift shop.

There will be an Egg Hunt for the ambulatory patients held as usual on Easter from noon until 2 pm. Baskets will be distributed to the in-house patients so that they are received on Easter morning.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2017-05-31 00:26 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Incoming Interns

Thirty of the current pre-medical graduates from the local colleges have been selected by Riverview Clinic to begin their residencies. Department heads will need to submit requisitions for the available interns, up to a maximum of three per department, by July 15th, 2017. Any remaining interns will be assigned on a case by case basis once each department has reached their quota.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2017-07-30 01:48 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: National Immunization Awareness Month Events

In light of the upcoming National Immunization Awareness Month in August, Riverview Clinic will be increasing the public service announcements announcing the month long event, to be broadcast on all of the local radio and television networks as well as on the Internet. Immunization, also known as vaccination to the general public, helps prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases. The mistaken idea that immunization is just for children will be countered with PSAs directed at adults to get vaccinated for serious illnesses such as the flu, measles, and pneumonia.

Immunizations will be available free of cost to all members of the public as well as to Clinic staff. Schedules will be posted for staff members to update their immunization protocols where necessary.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2017-09-29 00:45 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Halloween Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, costumes and other treats to distribute to the patients here for Halloween.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. There have already been reports of many candies, including peanut butter and chocolate pumpkins and marshmallow bats, disappearing from the stockroom. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Departmental Trick or Treating for the ambulatory patients will be held as usual on Halloween day from noon until 5 pm. Each department will receive an equal portion of the candy and treats to distribute to the patients when they come to visit.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costume for Halloween. Please keep good taste and practicality in terms of your duties in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2017-12-17 01:10 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: New Outpatient Clinic Opening

Effective as of January 1st, 2018, Riverview Clinic will be opening a new Outpatient Clinic specifically designed for the care and treatment of undead beings, such as but not limited to zombies and vampires, in the community. This outpatient clinic, hereafter to be known as Night Clinic, will cater to that community's special needs, for example providing blood products and dermal replacement at minimal cost.

Night Clinic will be spearheaded by these department heads: Bridget Rose Dillon - Head of Forensics, Norbert Donnelly - Head of Dermatology and William Payne - Head of Hematology. Night Clinic will also get first choice of the next class of interns from the local colleges to help build up their staff.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2017-12-18 02:59 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock of candies and treats on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Also, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients. All official entertainers, including those of the animal variety, will again be issued identification badges from Security that allow them holiday access to Riverview. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2018, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Saturday, December 23rd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on Sunday, December 24th, from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality with regards to duties to be performed in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2018-03-30 10:55 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Easter Celebrations/April Fool's Day

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the upcoming Easter holiday.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Once again, there have been reports of peanut butter eggs, chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks going missing. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Thanks also go to Andu Kirost, who is generously donating various stuffed animals for the patients as well as the gift shop.

There will be an Egg Hunt for the ambulatory patients held as usual on Easter from noon until 2 pm. Baskets will be distributed to the in-house patients so that they are received on Easter morning.

Because of Easter coinciding with April Fool's Day this year, the staff will be asked to kindly refrain from indulging in pranks involving but not limited to the Easter celebrations being held for the patients.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2018-10-30 14:41 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Halloween Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, costumes and other treats to distribute to the patients here for Halloween.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. There have already been reports of many candies, including peanut butter and chocolate pumpkins and marshmallow bats and ghosts, disappearing from the stockroom. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Departmental Trick or Treating for the ambulatory patients will be held as usual on Halloween day from noon until 5 pm. Each department will receive an equal portion of the candy and treats to distribute to the patients when they come to visit.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costume for Halloween. Please keep good taste and practicality in terms of your duties in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2018-12-22 08:12 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock of candies and treats on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Also, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients. All official entertainers, including those of the animal variety, will again be issued identification badges from Security that allow them holiday access to Riverview. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2019, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Sunday, December 23rd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on Monday, December 24th, from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality with regards to duties to be performed in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2019-04-20 02:32 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Easter Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the upcoming Easter holiday.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Once again, there have been reports of peanut butter eggs, chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks going missing. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Thanks also go to Andu Kirost, who is generously donating various stuffed animals for the patients as well as the gift shop.

There will be an Egg Hunt for the ambulatory patients held as usual on Easter from noon until 2 pm. Baskets will be distributed to the in-house patients so that they are received on Easter morning.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2019-10-20 07:36 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: Halloween Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, costumes and other treats to distribute to the patients here for Halloween.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. There have already been reports once again of many candies, including peanut butter and chocolate pumpkins and marshmallow bats and ghosts, disappearing from the stockroom. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Departmental Trick or Treating for the ambulatory patients will be held as usual on Halloween day from noon until 5 pm. Each department will receive an equal portion of the candy and treats to distribute to the patients when they come to visit.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costume for Halloween. Please keep good taste and practicality in terms of your duties in mind when selecting costumes.


Maranya Valkonan

Date: 2019-12-19 21:56 EST
Interoffice Memo

To: Mami Tharadon, Sidney Allan, Bridget Rose Dillon, Norbert Donnelly, Rebecca Diane Foxleigh, Margaret Harrigan, Oliver Hammond Jones, Snor Lax, Jordan Mueller, John Orchard, William Payne, Harold Sherman, Kevin Tanner, Regina Tillworth, Kieran Dorst, Spider Savaris, Rillian Blaine

From: Maranya Valkonan, Chief of Staff

Re: December Holiday Celebrations

Due to the generosity of local merchants and other interested charitable parties, we at Riverview once again have a fine stock of candies, presents and other treats to distribute to the patients here for the December holiday season.

Although the temptation may be great, I must ask that the staff please refrain from delving into the stock of presents, candies and treats on hand for personal use until all of the current patients have had their share. Please, think of the children before you indulge.

Also, we have had many generous and charitable people and, in some cases, animals, perform various skits and other forms of entertainment for our patients. All official entertainers, including those of the animal variety, will again be issued identification badges from Security that allow them holiday access to Riverview. These entertainments will be continuing until January 6th, 2020, inclusive.

The staff holiday party will be held on Sunday, December 22nd, from noon until 4 pm.

The official visit from Father Christmas for the patients will be held on Tuesday, December 24th, from noon until 5 pm.

Staff is encouraged but not required to dress in costumes appropriate for the holiday season. Please keep good taste and practicality with regards to duties to be performed in mind when selecting costumes.
