Topic: Patient Tale: Mami Tharadon

Mami Tharadon

Date: 2009-10-24 21:13 EST
Mami Tharadon wasn't someone anyone would describe as weak. She ruled her kingdom with a mother's love. Stern but fair. Her empire wasn't vast, but she was content with what there was of it. The Isle Of Avalon.

Stories of the famed King Arthur were well known to the small tropical island, but viewed with humor. Avalon as they knew it was vastly different than any fairy tale versions of Arthur's Avalon. Fairy tales were things Mami didn't have time or patience for. Even less lately as her health began to fail. Parker did what he could for her, the enchantment that kept her young, also prevented any magically healing Parker may be able to manage. He advised her strongly that her heart needed attention, and soon. For that, she turned her attentions to RhyDin City and a clinic named Riverview. A place and people she had heard a lot about from Aja.

Aja Bird was as close to a daughter as Mami was ever going to get. Over the years, Aja had proven to be many things. Loyal, stubborn, generous, a little crazy but the sweetest girl under all her defenses. Aja was forever collecting strays, finding them homes, giving them a sense of belonging or purpose. Human or otherwise had never mattered to the young woman. Mami's own son, Rico, had found a place with Aja. Following her for the past thirty or so years on whatever adventures Aja deemed worthy. In that, he had become a fine man. Cared for others no matter their race. Something his father had never shown him. Richard was a good man, but a prejudiced one and had passed that hatred onto Rico. Mami thought that she'd never be able to change that about her son, but she had never taken Aja into account. It took Aja a little while, but Mami saw how Aja had chased all that hate and judgment out of Rico, and taught him how to see the world differently than his father had wanted.

Aja made it a point of coming around once every couple weeks and having lunch with Mami. During the visits, she spoke of people that existed in her world. The admiration Aja held for them was clear in the way she spoke of them. One in particular had caught her attention. Doctor Maranya Valkonan. Aja merely referred to her as Anya or Mo, and said the nicest things about the good doctors personality and strength of character. How she healed people, how much she cared for her patients. The thing Aja seemed to admire most was the woman's bravery. A tale of how they freed Hochi from a slaver had brought the pirate captain to tears of gratitude, which very much interested Mami. All the years Mami had known Aja, she had cried very little. During Tristan's death, Aja had locked herself up away from the world. She had done the same when her guardian Tanner died. Those were the only two times Mami could recall the young woman reacting in any sort of emotional manner. Tragedy or good times were all taken in stride. But this eclectic group of friends she had now, had brought Aja around to a different way of viewing the world. Had brought to the surface the feelings and emotions the pirate had always kept on lock down in order to go about her life.

To Aja, Anya, Sivanna, Neo, and Tru were the most amazing people she had ever met, and spoke of them to Mami often. Always in tones of admiration, pride and care. There were other names Aja mentioned, other people who were taken into the family, as she called them. But the stories mostly centered around the four. Anya being the one mentioned most often. Aja had taken to telling stories to the children in the ward and had even been convinced a time or two to don a dress for charity events supporting the clinic. Mami knew that it was her family's influence that made this new growth in character possible.

When Mami looked up the Doctor, she found glowing articles about her and the clinic. She found the couple that Aja had been ready to go hunting the author's of. And after reading the articles, Mami could see why. They were obviously biased and derogatory towards someone Aja cared for as a sister. She discussed with Parker the treatment options available at the clinic and it was decided that if Mami wanted to see a couple more years and the possibility of Rico ever getting married, that Riverview was where she needed to go.

She packed up and headed to the mainland once she arranged for the head of state to run things in her stead. Parker did his best to keep her stable as they continued to research her possible options, but it became clear. She would have to trust that all they had read, and everything they knew from Aja was enough to brave a new world of medicine.

On Wednesday, Mami had gotten Parker to take her into town. She walked into Riverview Clinic and looked the place over before being brave enough to step to the receptionist, one Phyllia Hawkwood and make an appointment with a Dr. Leonard Kelly. The woman was friendly but professional. Once the appointment was all arranged, Mami walked down to watch the nursery for a little while. She listened to the staff, who seemed happy in their jobs and contemplated life as she gazed upon the tiny lives in the clear cradles in the nursery.

Checking her watch, she smiled seeing it was near lunch time. Mami made her way to Anya's office, hoping the busy young woman would have time to join her for a little conversation and food. She stood outside Maranya's office door and knocked, not sure if the woman would even be in there. Chief of Staff had to be a busy position.

Mami Tharadon

Date: 2009-11-19 21:42 EST
Mami sat on the couch, Hochi not far from her on the floor playing with his many toys and stared at the computer screen. Rico had brought over a laptop, which she thought was a very appropriate name for the machine, and told her that she could find many things on something called the internet. Knitting, cross stitch and crochet patterns, recipes, she could shop and not have to leave the house. She could read books, listen to music and watch movies. It all sounded very interesting.

Hochi had been showing her stuff for a while. Kid sites his tutor showed him, learning games designed to capture his very active imagination and make learning a fun thing for him. He also showed her the web site that Rico had commissioned for the yards. Then Hochi showed his Grandma Mami his Auntie Anya's work site. He talked on and on about how his Auntie Anya saved kids and could do magic with hugs. Mami smiled at the young boys obvious love for Anya.

There was a touch of hero worship when he spoke about his Aunt Anya. And why shouldn't the lad think that about her" She was an extraordinary woman. Hochi was surrounded by amazing women really. Aja, Anya, Sivanna, Maria, and Mara. He had strong male role models in Tru, Rico and Neo. The family Aja had put together had skills and talents of various degrees. She had a Hodge podge of people that could help in any given situation.

Mami watched Hochi with a smile. He engaged in a game of tag with Peanut and Lenny, before it quickly gave way to a race of his toy cars. Once Hochi was settled in the floor with his toys, Mami found a search site and typed in the words she heard Dr. Leonard Kelly say to her. He was very gentle in his delivery of the news.

"Mami, our tests have confirmed the worst. You have Coronary Heart Disease, Mami.?

Those words alone could be heart stopping. Mami did her best not to panic, Dr. Kelly was a very patient man, and did his best to calm her down. They discussed the options and Dr. Kelly was very certain that the only option to make any significant difference in Mami's life, was quadruple bypass heart surgery.

Mami didn't know what she should do at first. She spent the afternoon staring in the windows of various shops. The driver Aja and Rico had hired to take her to her appointments was very patient as well, as if he knew she needed to have some time to think.

When she arrived back at the manor, she threw herself into lavishing attention and love on Hochi. The young boy was very lively and an absolute joy to be around. He was a comfort, his zest for life and new discoveries made Mami remember her own passion for such things. He gave her hope.

She would do what she had to do, she had much to live for. Her son, Rico, who she had watched grown into a fine man. Now she hoped that he would find a bride and perhaps give her more grandchildren. She wanted to live to see Aja take further steps towards becoming the force, Mami always knew she could be. Yes. She had much to live for. Now she would place her faith in Dr. Kelly and trust that her journey would not end in a hospital.

Rico Tharadon

Date: 2009-11-19 22:03 EST
Rico leaned up against the crates and exhaled slowly. This shipment was ready to go out and the next would be coming in a an hour. He had enough time to grab dinner before returning to ensure the smooth transfer of goods from ship to shore.

Walking to his house, he saw his mother's carriage return. He smiled seeing her walk to the house with packages. Probably more toys in which to spoil Hochi with. His mother was crazy about the little scamp.

Walking into his house, he saw evidence that Maria had been by again. Probably to claim his laundry and put dinner in the fridge. A quick look around confirmed both thoughts.

Taking the sandwich outside, he sat on the deck, smiling as he saw his mother come out to settle in a chaise lounge on the lawn while Hochi and his friends played a game of tag. Maria sat with his mother, the two ladies talking about whatever it was older women discussed.

He was pleased she wasn't alone. Especially recently with her failing health. The thought brought a frown. He had spoken his concerns with Rena only a day or two earlier. If something were to go wrong, and his mother died, he would be lost.

His entire life, she was the one constant. His father's temperament changed often. But his mother, stood firm. Believing that one day, Rico would be an upstanding gentleman, able to have compassion and fairness in his heart for others.

Rico smiled. She had been right, as she often was. He had become the man she had hoped for. He saw the pride on her face when she spoke to him, or about him. He would give anything to keep that look there always. He would also give anything to find a way to make her well again.

For that, he would trust in the medicine of Riverview. He would trust that old ways of magic and alchemy could not help this time and that a new approach was needed. His ability to have that faith, had not come easy. But over the years, he had learned patience. He had learned that answers and good tidings often came from the places he least expected them to.

He had much to be thankful for. He would never take it for granted. But he would give it all away just to ensure his mother would live on a while longer.

Finishing his dinner, he stood up and took a long last look at his mother, who was laughing at the antics of the children. He stored the memory away, smiling as he returned to work.

Mami Tharadon

Date: 2009-12-07 23:30 EST
Mami stared at the papers. Never in her life had she thought this much about her health. The inner workings of the human body were mind boggling. "Question: What Is Quadruple Bypass Heart Surgery?" she read aloud and made a face. "Something they have to cut you open like a pig for." "No one would mistake you for a pig, Mother." Rico said as he entered the room. "I never said they would. And mind your tongue, son." She gave him a smile as he approached the bed. "Of course." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "How are you feeling?" "Like a pin cushion." Mami huffed as she fussed with the blankets. Rico chucked and pulled the chair closer before taking a seat. "Sorry to hear that. But once all this is done, Dr. Kelly assures me that you will feel much better." "I dearly hope so, Rico." She laid back into the pillows, the papers put on the tray over the bed. "I do not like laying around doing nothing." "You've hardly been doing nothing, Mother." Rico chuckled. "I have noticed the nurses scurrying around, running errands, bring you children and other patients to visit with and then there's the staring they are doing at me. One out right spoke with me about going on a date." "You should find a nice girl." Mami said unrepentant. "And I have. You met her. Rena, mother." He gave Mami a smile cause he saw her face light up, she always could get him to the topic she wanted to talk about. "The candle maker. Yes. She's lovely." Mami smiled at him. He knew that smile, she was about to launch into her favorite game of questions. A mini interrogation of her sons" love life. "Yes she is. But you stay out of it." He gave his mother a boyish smile and she patted his hand. "Alright. You're nosy old mother will not involve herself in your relationship." Her smile was warm, her green eyes full of amusement. "You and Aja, I swear. You'd both swear I was trying to make you miserable." "We'd never say that." He winked at her then shook his head with a smile. "But you do tend to ask a lot of questions that we're not sure of the answers." "I have no doubts that that is true. You both work too much and don't give a thought in the world to the future. Her, I can understand. She has more time to get it right, but you son, do not have that luxury." "I know." He said solemnly, all too aware he was human and secretly hoping that this wouldn't be one of his mother's forays into finding him a 'suitable" wife. "Can't marry the sea, Rico." Mami gave her favorite line which was a subtle hint to him that he should give up sailing and settle down. "Aja's not sailing as much these days. She seems pretty set on making Arcadia prosper." "I have spoken with her about it. She does seem serious about getting Arcadia moving in a forward direction. Tanner would have been pleased." Mami smiled fondly when she mention Tanner, he was a companion for her for a while. Someone she could talk to that didn't treat her like she was fragile or better than himself. "Yes. I believe he would've have been. Arcadia is becoming the place he imagined it could be." Rico also had a fond smile. He did miss Tanner on many occasions. The man was more of a father to him than his own.

"Aja spoke to me about becoming mayor. Combining Arcadia and Avalon together government wise." "And what do you think of that?" "I think it's a lovely idea. I could see both of you and the children more often." Mami's smile practically shined at that. "She even mentioned that bridge idea you had. Connecting the two places." She gave her son a serious look then. "I had spoken to engineers before, they tell me it's a dangerous job to undertake." "Yes. It has it's challenges, but we'll do everything we can to make it safer, Mother." He told her patiently and she nodded as she thought it over. "I'm sure you will." She squeezed his hand in hers. "I'd like you to live long enough to give me grand children. So you better make it very safe, Son." That made him laugh. "Of course, Mother." He leaned up and kissed her cheek just as the nurse came in. "Miss Mami, it's time for those tests Dr. Kelly ordered." "More poking needles into me?" "I'm sorry, Maam. But it's necessary." The nurse gave her an apologetic look and Mami sighed. "If I must." She looked at Rico then. "Now. You go to work. Be a good boy." "Yes, Maam." He gave her a snappy salute and a smile. "You be good for the nurses." That made her chuckle. "Of course. Of course." She gave him a soft smile and he paused at the door to look back at her. Somehow, the hospital bed made her seem so small and fragile. He passed it off as a trick of the lighting in the hospital and went out to the hallway.

"It's so sweet that your son comes every day." "He is a very good man. I am a lucky mother to see him grow to be such." Mami leaned back while the nurse prepared the wheelchair. For just a moment, she wondered if she would be around to see what else her children would become. But she quickly shook the thought away. She was determined to be there to see them all settled. She'd argue with the gods themselves to make that happen.

Rico Tharadon

Date: 2009-12-14 19:49 EST
There was something eerie about a hospital waiting room when you were waiting for news of a loved ones surgery. Every noise seemed to intensify, every footstep in the hall seemed to be heading your way.

Rico got up and paced around for what seemed like the millionth time that hour. Rena had been by, and took a walk with him. He wasn't much for talking but she seemed to understand that and told him about the projects she was working on. That helped for a while, he could imagine the pieces she told him about in detail, what they might smell like, look like. It worked for a while. He didn't want her to waste her whole day when he was acting like a zombie, so he sent her on her way.

He was in the middle of his now double digit path across the room when Aja's voice broke the silence. "Ya know, it would just be easier ta carve "Rico was here" in the door frame or something." he stopped and looked at her. "Yer gonna wear a hole in the floor." she grinned at him. "I can't stand this, Aja." he stopped and looked at her leaning in the doorway. She gave him an easy smile and he sighed. "I know. Me either. We're big do something types. This waiting gig, ain't our thing." she stepped closer. "Come on. Let's go." "Where?" Rico didn't hesitate to walk with her, but he still asked the question. "Outta here." she said grinning as they walked to the doors. "I can't just sit there and I can't watch you pace. Makes me dizzy." "Dizzier." he cracked, their easy banter coming in to save his sanity. As usual, Aja seemed to understand perfectly and just nudged him. "Better than looking like a weasel did my hair." at that she reached up and fluffed his hair. "What the heck is this" Hospital chic?" "Shut up." he cracked a smile and took a deep breath. He resisted the urge to look back at the hospital building. Aja glanced up at him and then back at the street ahead.

"She's in the best hands in the world, Rico. I wouldn't trust her to anyone else but Anya and her staff." "I know. She just..." he started then stopped speaking as he walked along side Aja down the street. The lump in his throat had appeared from no where and it took a moment to shove it back down. "She just seemed so small in that bed." "She seems like a force of nature. But I know what you mean. She's suppose to be up, scolding me about settling down, becoming a proper lady or something. Not that.." Aja waved a hand behind her and took his arm. "But. I refuse to believe she won't come out of this absolutely fine. She's a fighter. She ain't gonna up and die on us yet." Aja's voice was firm as if she believed sheer force of will would make it happen. He'd seen her do a lot of things on that, but this was something different. "Besides, she ain't gotten you married off yet." Aja gave him a grin. "No way she leaves before that happens." "Ain't that the truth?" He laughed. A weak one, but there.

He patted Aja's hand lightly, as if to say thank you. He didn't need to say it, the two of them didn't work like that. It was an unspoken accord. They often would work in silence, instinctively knowing what the other needed. It took years to get to that point, but he couldn't imagine his life any other way. No matter what else was going on, he knew without a doubt, he could count on her. She had saved him, without him even knowing he needed saving. And he liked to think he was as important to her that way.

Aja looked over at him and squeezed his arm as she turned into a small courtyard that held an alter for Apollo. He gave a warm, thankful smile to her then. A small prayer to the God of medicine and health couldn't hurt. He'd take any help he could get.

When they were done, they left the courtyard in silent thought till Aja broke the silence. "Ya know...let's grab something to eat and go check out the competition at the docks. That'll take an hour or so, then by the time we get back, there should be some news." "Yeah. Sounds good." he nodded, bless her anyway for trying to keep him busy.

They turned in the direction of the docks, random bits of conversation broke the silence along the way, but they never let the other one go.That's just the kind of family they were.

Mami Tharadon

Date: 2009-12-20 22:41 EST
Mami woke up, disoriented and sleepy still. There was someone talking to her, a chipper voice belonging to a little blond nurse whose name was failing to pass Mami's lips.

"Mami. Wake up, honey. We just need to check your state of mind." "My state of mind is tired." Mami struggled to say. "Here, take a drink of this." The nurse held a straw to Mami's lips and she swallowed down a few sips of the water before taking stock of just how much everything felt strange. The tightness of her chest, the fogginess of her mind. She looked around the room and blinked to clear her vision.

She saw Maranya standing there giving her a warm smile. "You are well again. Rest now, dorogaya Mami." She said softly, placing one of those gentle hands on Mami's forehead. Mami smiled softly at her and closed her eyes again, falling back into a peaceful slumber.

When she awoke a little while later, the room was quiet but she knew she was not alone. A moment for her eyesight to adjust to the dimness of the room, revealed Rico and Aja on either side of the bed, each holding one of her hands, and resting their heads on the edge of the bed. Mami smiled softly. Her children had fallen asleep while waiting for her to wake up. She took a moment to watch them resting, a soft smile gracing her face. They were hard working, good nature d individuals that spent a lot of time looking after others. Mami couldn't have been prouder of them.

Before she could muse any longer about them, Rico lifted his head slightly and smiled at her. "You're awake." "I am." "How are you feeling?" "A little sore, but good. Do not worry, my darling boy. I will be just fine." He smiled looking relieved, then reached over and tapped Aja's head, who looked up startled, right at Mami, relaxing some and smiling when she saw Mami looking back.

"Hey...yer up." Aja smiled at her. "Anya fixed you up ok?" "Yes, my dear. She did." Mami gave her a soft smile and squeezed their hands. "Now the two of you go home. Get some proper sleep." "We're good. We can stay here, play some card with ya or something." Aja gave Mami that grin she always gave when she didn't want Mami to worry about her. "Yeah, we cleared everything for you, mother." Rico sat up a little more, rubbing his eyes. Mami reached out and brushed his hair back smiling. "You want to do something for me" Go get a haircut, son." She said softly and Aja snickered. "Oh yeah, yer fine." She winked at Mami and leaned up to kiss her cheek. "Alright. We're going. But we're back first thing in the morning. Make sure you don't try to take over the hospital much more than you already have." "I have not taken over the hospital." Mami said in mock indignation. "Yet." Aja said amused with a wink. "But yer workin" on it." She stepped away then and let Rico say his goodbyes. He gave Aja a smile then looked at Mami concerned.

"You're really ok?" he asked, Mami noticing a tone she hadn't heard her son use since he was a little boy. She realized that he was scared and gave him a reassuring smile, placing a hand gently on his cheek. "Yes. I am. You are going to be stuck with me for a very long time." "I can live with that." He smiled and leaned in, hugging his mother carefully. Mami kissed him on the head, then patted his shoulder. "Now. Go get some sleep. I will see you both in the morning." Mami said in her best mothering tone making them both smile. "We're goin." Aja grinned at her. "Come on, Rikki. Let mom rest." "Yeah." Rico said slowly coming away from the bed. "You want us to bring you anything?" "Just your smiling faces." Mami answered feeling much more chipper than she had in a while. Rico and Aja both nodded then moved to the door, they both paused at the door and looked back at her. That move alone held little surprise for Mami. They often seemed like one entity to her at times. So close, so connected. True siblings, blood relations made irrelevant.

"Love you." Aja was the first to pipe up, Rico made a face at her. "You stole my line." He protested with a smile. "Yer slow." Aja shot back. "I'll give you slow." He said in a mock threatening tone with a shake of a fist. "You and the plastic army men?" she asked grinning broadly making Mami chuckle softly, she did so enjoy when they played off each other like this. In the mock bickering was a great deal of affection that warmed her heart to see and hear. "I should kick you." Rico shot back with a grin. "You wouldn't dare in front of mom." Aja put her hand on her hip sassily and held her chin up. "Who said I would do it in front of mom?" he returned with a broad grin of his own. "I'm so telling on you if you do."

"Not that I don't adore the entertainment, children, but it hurts a little to laugh. So go on home please." Mami interjected before they got carried away with their mock fighting. They both looked at her concerned and she waved them off. "I'll be fine. It will just take a day or two. Now go on home. That's an order." "Yes, Maam." Came the in unison reply. "I love you both so much." "Love you too, mom." Another stereo reply that made her smile warmly, feeling so much joy she thought she might burst. "Now go." She shooed them out with a smile and sank back into the pillow smiling happily.

She had so much to be grateful for. She vowed never to miss another moment just before drifting off again to dreamland.