Topic: The Pancake Brunch--


Date: 2010-02-07 07:51 EST
Pancake Brunch-

Traveling into town, signs of recent construction can be seen. All the buildings along the main street heading for the Ship yard gate have been remodeled and updated. The sun is already on its steady rise into the sky, warming the air comfortably, and promising a warmer afternoon. The ocean breezes bring the smell of salt air and the various flowers that bloom along the coast line.

Getting to the gate, a guard gives you a smile and directs you to the manor house tucked far behind the main ship yard and gate walls. Passing the yards office and docks, several ships in different states of repair or progress can be viewed, including that of the yacht that Aja has spoken of giving her hand to trying to build.

Once clear of the docks, the three story structure comes into view. The landscaped lawns roll out from the stone pathway to the front door. The house looks like several styles of architecture were used to build it. A group of children are playing in a side yard playing soccer, their laughter and the smell of fresh baked bread fill the air as you approach the house.

Another walkway leads around the house to the backyard, and several colorful balloons and signs beckon you to follow around to the back of the house where tables and comfortable chairs are set up around the pool and in the lawn beyond the patio. A drink tray with a wide variety of juices and beverages is there on one side of the in ground hot tub.

Wait staff is going around from guest to guest to make sure everyone has a drink and is comfortable. The patio doors are open and lead into a hallway. To the left is the kitchen, to the right is the den with one of Tru's massive television sets.

All guests are greeted warmly by Hochi, Aja, Tru, Maria (the portly mothering but loveable housekeeper) or Mami (Rico's mother). Since Hochi wanted everyone to have fun like he does, he's also arranged for many games, (board, card etc) to be out for any that wish to play while awaiting breakfast. For those wanting to take advantage of the warm weather and swim, (either in the reef protected lagoon or swimming pool) there is a stack of fluffy towels near the hot tub and a guest bedroom (with bathrooms) set aside for each gender to change in.

((Those invited guests may add anything they'd like to the Brunch. Hochi wanted the brunch to have every style of pancake available. Have fun with it! Name any of the children playing that you wish to. Enjoy your time in Arcadia!))


Date: 2010-02-09 04:45 EST
A smile is the whisper of a laugh. If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy. —A child's proverb

Once upon a time in a faraway called Poland, there was a sleepy little farming village, whose people toiled the land endlessly during the growing season in the hopes of producing a bountiful crop each year. After the yearly harvest, the people had a festival where the ladies would get together and cook pancakes for the entire village. And every year, each family would save their pennies so that they could buy a pot of jelly, which they would use to add flavor to the seemingly endless stacks of pancakes that were cooked up during each festival.

In this village lived an elderly couple. Every year the wife, Magdalina, would buy a pot of jelly. And every year the husband, Fabek, would eat it all up before the festival. This year Magdalina came up with an idea to keep Fabek from eating up all the jelly.

"Be wise, Fabek," she said with a scolding tone as she pointed to the pot of jelly. "And do not eat this, for it is poison and you will surely die if you do."

"Do not worry, Magdalina," he replied. "For I do not want to eat poison."

And so Magdalina put the pot of jelly in the top cabinet, the couple went about their day and all the days afterward until the day before the festival. Magdalina by now had become so certain that her ploy had worked that she felt it safe to go into town to some flour and shortening to contribute to the pancakes to be cooked the following day.

"I am leaving for town," she said. "Do not forget, Fabek, to leave the poison alone." And to be sure, she added cleverly. "Why don't you go and buy some bacon from the village butcher?" That should keep him out of trouble, she thought before she left for town.

And so Fabek walked to the other side of the village. Along the way he met a man of ill character who swindled him out of all the money he had. And Fabek came home so very distraught. "What ever shall I do?" He cried, slamming the door shut behind him. "For I have lost all our money, and Magdalina will be so angry!" He so despaired and feared his wife's wrath that he would rather have died than face her again.

It was then he remembered the "poison" that was stored in the top cupboard, and Fabek opened the door and reached up to retrieve it. Placing the pot on the kitchen table, he got a spoon and dipped it into the pot, and took a big mouthful. His eyes widened in surprised delight. "This poison is yummy and sweet," he said, having expected the "poison" to be bitter. In no time at all, Fabek devoured the entire pot-full and laid down on the couch to await the inevitable.

But fifteen minutes passed, and nothing happened. Another quarter-hour, and his tummy began to ache. "Oh, this must be the beginning of the end," he reckoned. But a full hour passed and still he lived with nothing but that sour tummy. Just then Magdalina came home to see an empty pot on the kitchen table and her husband laying on the couch, clutching his belly with a woeful expression on his face. "Fabek!" she exclaimed. "Whatever have you done?!"

"I have eaten all the poison, my darling wife, for I have lost our money and am not worthy to live!" Fabek answered her with sadness in his voice.

"Oh Fabek! That was not poison, but our jelly for the pancake festival!" And the two clutched at each other and cried together. And just when it seemed that they would have no jelly for their pancakes again this year, the village learned of their plight...and each family donated a spoonful of their jelly, adding it to Fabek and Magdalina's empty pot until it was full once more. And the next day, when the festival began, the elderly couple gave thanks for the generosity of their neighbors, and relished their pancakes like they never had been able to before.


"And the moral of the story," Alec said to the collection of people and whatever children had gathered to hear the journeyman there by the pool as the day's brunch began to wind down. "Is that you should never lie, never gorge yourself on sweets...and that given the chance, the love of your friends and neighbors can get you through the worst of time." This was said with a meaningfully caring look at Hochi, who it might be assumed had come to listen to this flaxen-haired friend of friends tell his tale of pancakes and jelly.


Date: 2010-02-09 05:41 EST
Aja listened to Alec's story while she leaned against the patio doors. The family, which consisted of so many different types of people, were gathered around listening to Alec's smooth voice take them to a small village in Poland. Aja was listening but also thinking how very blessed she was as her eyes rested on each person's face, smiling at the enraptured expression.

"And the moral of the story, is that you should never lie, never gorge yourself on sweets...and that given the chance, the love of your friends and neighbors can get you through the worst of time." Alec said looking at Hochi warmly. Aja stepped back into the hallway to grab a tissue and quickly wipe her eyes.

Hochi himself always touched a spot in her heart anyway, but the love and care her family showed the young man just made her catch her breath and bat back tears. Hochi had once told her that he was lucky to have found her. She said she was lucky to have him in her life.

Aja was firmly convinced it was fate and that he didn't just find her, he found an entire family. The members being of all walks of life and temperament. She smiled softly, the gods surely knew what they were doing when they led that little boy to RhyDin and the Outback that day.

She watched Hochi hug Alec before leading the whole group of kids off for a game of hide and seek leaving the adults to talk the sounds of laughter and chatter filling the afternoon air. Tru had turned on a radio and the soft music was filling the air behind the different conversations and good natured teasing that her family often engaged in with each other.

Fate, it seemed, knew what it was doing when it led her home. She tucked that tissue in her pocket and went out onto the patio in time to catch someone teasing Neo lightly about his penchant for blushing when the girls would spin in their dresses.

In the smiles and the laughter, Aja looked at the faces of the family again and was reminded of a quote she heard somewhere. "Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of the heart."

Sivanna Cyredghymn

Date: 2010-02-09 15:18 EST
"Our greatest strength' is our ability to acknowledge our differences. Our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them." ~Judith Henderson

Around the same time that Aja was making a retreat to dab her eyes, Sivanna remained propped against a doorway, listening to Alec tell his story. The barest hint of a smile crept across the cleric's lips as the pirate gypsy swept past, carrying the white chiffon skirt of her sundress along with her in the wind of her wake. Sivanna didn't seem to mind at all. Her eyes remained locked on Alec, though it had nothing whatsoever to do with the story he told, judging by the loving expression she wore. The entire image was so sweet; it brought an ache to the teeth.

As the children giggled along with the moral of the story, the elfess couldn't help but be struck with pangs of guilt. Her husband was naturally gifted with a kind, tolerant personality. Though he would say he earned it through years and years of practice, his wife always had the sneaking suspicion that he was born compassionate and patient; the latter trait quite unalike her occasionally hotheaded self. Indeed, as Sivanna observed the rapt, adoring mien upon his listeners" faces, she recognized an uncomfortable sensation brewing in her stomach.

An inaudible sigh escaped her lips as she turned around and wandered aimlessly into a spare bedroom. It was selfish keeping him all to herself, wasn't it' When he was so wonderful with children, with people" Perhaps that little worry didn't matter to Alec in his grand scheme of things, but even his Ippon brethren believed he was destined for greater things. What she would give to go back in time and walk his Earth— to ask his mentor what he thought about the impending, inevitable turn of events: The Scathing, Nemesis, and ultimately his arrival on Rhy"Din, where he had been reduced to performing chores all day. Sivanna was confident it wasn't a life he would have seen for himself, and she often had to wonder if he weren't remotely disappointed with it. After all, Rhy"Din had never been a first choice for him. Or her, for that matter.

Or any of them.

The elfess lingered in the bedroom as the journeyman's story concluded with the thunderous applause of tiny hands. She dwelled. Alec's calculating thought process had become more a part of her than she would care to admit, and so as she dwelled, she analyzed each individual within their group with dizzying speed.

Almost every one of them had been burdened with a tragedy that brought them to Rhy"Din. Whether it was Anya's harrowed past that brought her to her fear all things fire, the thought of Neo's history in glorious ruins, Hochi's doleful enslavement in the inhuman confines of a mine, or Aja's grudging and precipitous departure from a life of indulgence, Sivanna deduced that every one of them had grown stronger because of their trials.

Well....Almost every one of them.

The cleric gazed at the lines and faint scars on her palms, reminded of her constant, desperate endeavor toward more power. She sighed.

No. She hadn't changed much. Not much. She was always going to be that general in Silvanost what brought the vibrant growth of an impressive metropolis to a staggering halt. It was a part of who she was, and she would ungrudgingly carry it with her for the rest of her life.

Perhaps that was all right, though. Perhaps it was all right that she was different. Perhaps it was more their differences than their similarities what brought them together. The former Brats Club United. As Sivanna recalled that name, she couldn't help but emit a musical chuckle. What in the name of Nuitari were they thinking when they put that together" It seemed so trite now" like they had all grown years apart since then.

And yet, here they were in Arcadia on one of the most beautiful days Sivanna had seen in a long time, eating pancakes and teasing Neo about his embarrassing blushing habit. What was it about long skirts that made him light up like Yule" Why did Aja, a grown woman, turn into a child again when presented with candy' What prompted Anya to sing operetta when she was delightfully filterless" What actually brought Misty to smoke" Why did Thorne choose to remain so often in puppy form'

These were all questions that she wanted answers to, but ones that could wait. No, Sivanna would be happy to have them unanswered for however long it took" so long as she could find the answers out on her own. Her family: Every last one of them a strange, quirky collection of awkward traits and goofy mannerisms.

Her family.

With a smile, Sivanna ducked back into the hallway and crept up on her favorite pirate gypsy. In one sweeping motion, she made to cover Aja with her arms from behind in a firm embrace, and proceed to gnaw playfully on her shoulder.

"Feeeeeeeed meeeeeeeee!" she teased, giggling, before she perked up with a wicked look.

"This is a brunch, right' Where are the mimosas" Come on, Aja!" she bubbled, snapping her fingers. "Get on the ball, woman!"

Even as she jested, Sivanna shared a warm, loving smile with her sister. She had a feeling they were both thinking about the same thing.

Myrlene Spiritor

Date: 2010-02-09 17:18 EST
Lene sat quietly amongst the kids and family during the brunch. Spice, her tribble, was perched on her head, cooing softly as Alec told his story. Lene nibbled on her pancakes a bit distractedly. She was seeing so many people she'd only known briefly when she was young gathered around the party. She was at a loss at what to say to them.

So she remained quiet and just listened, being a well behaved Lene for the first time in months.


Date: 2010-02-09 18:20 EST
Misty, in true Kirn style, had found herself a perch near the ground in one of the trees, tickled pink to finally be able to wear her favorite sarong and halter-top combination again. She missed those floral prints soooo much.

Her eyes twinkled as she watched everyone, her tail waving in the gentle breeze, her only sound a quiet purring. It was nice to relax like this. She'd been doing so on Motuv'Utaw, but it just wasn't the same without this, her new family.

Even so, with everything else that was going on in her life, she was almost snoozing by the time she heard somebody say "mimosas". But it only made her smile. Somehow, that wasn't even a temptation anymore.

It was finally starting to feel like she had nothing to prove.


Date: 2010-02-09 22:27 EST
Aja moved around the party, taking moments here and then to talk with the various guests. She grinned to the point of almost laughing out loud watching Maria and Mami, who were in absolute heaven. They had people to spoil, nag to eat too much and mother.

Aja couldn't help it, she laughed. After years of just having Aja and the kids to look after, Maria seemed to come more alive with this big, chaotic extended family that Aja had adopted. She moved from person to person, putting a pancake on their plate, or refilling their drinks. She fussed over Misty for more than Misty was probably comfortable with, since Aja had made the mistake of mentioning how tired Misty had been lately. The Kirn had gotten a big glass of milk to go with her pancakes and vitamins to take home with her. Misty, Gods bless her, was gracious about the over mothering but had escaped to a place near the trees at the side of the patio to listen to Alec's stories.

Mami was doing something very similar with Lene. The teenage girl probably was starting to wonder just what kind of whacky lovable town she had come to live in was. Mami, only having one child, suddenly had a full family. Daughters and sons she could look after in the same motherly fashion that she had always looked after Aja. Aja had noticed that Mami had left her knitting out in full view of the people on the patio. She had been working on baby blankets. Aja had gotten her to promise not to nag Anya or Sivanna about having a baby but Mami was tricky. She may have promised not to say anything but the presence of the baby blankets in progress was her silent way of loveable nagging. If her two sisters noticed that small hint from Mami, they were wisely keeping quiet.

Neo was not so secretly gushed over by Mara and her friends who had taken to peeking at him from behind the bushes behind the hot tub. She was sure that he had caught at least one or two of the giggles, but didn't make a big deal out of it. Neo was always calm almost shy around the family. Aja watched him with Kel, he was very sweet to Kel. Making sure she had everything that she could want or need. Kel seemed happy to see Marcus doing so well. He would run up to talk to her in between games with the other children. Aja had heard small bits about the boy and where he came from, but she thought it would be best at some point to ask Kel about him.

Trevor had even heeded his mother's wishes and had come for breakfast. He was now sitting with Thorne and Rekah talking about different types of stones. Aja watched her son with a soft smile, trying not to stare at him because she knew he'd react like she would. He'd squirm and then find an elsewhere to be. Her son took after her in a lot of ways. Some of his recent personality had developed since coming home. He had learned to talk with all sorts of people with ease and a grace that Aja herself had never quite managed.

Yes. It was a busy Sunday at the home of the gypsy pirate, but in the chaos and clamor a strange sort of calm descended upon them all. A relaxation not usually gotten to while hanging out in town.

A biscuit flew past her head and she laughed startled realizing that she had missed Hochi and Tru talking about starting a biscuit hockey game. Aja laughed but got up to stop it before it turned into a food fight. She almost paused...that could be fun with the gathered family. But for the sake of the kids and the ladies who ran the Orphanage, she interceded. She couldn't have the kids thinking that food fights were a good idea.

Darcy Angel

Date: 2010-02-10 02:14 EST
Better late than never Darcy had arrived in her full fashion of completely Awesomeness. Happy to shed winter clothes for a time as she wore a spaghetti strap scoop necked black band midrift tank top this one featuring The Misfits, hiphugging black shorts, and flip flops. Pack of cloves and Zippo were stuffed in her pocket. Hair pulled back in a high ponytail. Darcy was more of a summer person than anything. Even though she knew it was a brunch Darcy of course not being able to help herself brought quite a few platters of yummy ooey gooey brownies she herself had made.

Secretly she wanted to spoil Hochi rotten. And that is what she was here to do. Once she had set the platters in the kitchen she went to greet her fellow BCU members. Her family. Each was greeted with a hug, a kiss, and a warm greeting. Funny how she had quickly came into this family of misfits and seemed to fit in perfectly.

However she had a mission...She had promised her Hochi she would get rid of this horrid closet monster. So after hugging him tight, ruffling his hair, and sneaking him some brownies when Aja wasn't looking she asked him to take her to battle on this closet monster head on.

She would do anything for Hochi. And the rest of the Brats. Simply because she felt deep down within herself that they were her family. A family to love, support, and be there for no matter what.

Hochi Banto

Date: 2010-02-14 16:37 EST
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, the thought of those delicious foods filled his head. But the food wasn't the only thing that was on his mind, his entire family was going to be here. Also Aunt Darcy and Uncle Neo were going to get rid of the monster that was in his closet. He was ecstatic he would be able to sleep in his own bed again. He ran to the front gates and waited for the first family to get here. He would stand there until everyone had arrived, he greeted everyone with a hug and a smile. He never sat still he was moving from one person to the next telling thrilling stories of adventure and danger. He couldn't be happier with his entire family here together. But he had a closet monster to deal with today.