Topic: Troubles of a Teenage Empath

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2014-08-07 21:22 EST
August 1, 2014

Despite having been up fairly late the night before, Doran was out of bed with the dawn. Truth be told, he hadn't slept all that peacefully; his dreams were disturbingly vivid. Not terrifying or violent, far from it.

Enticing, perhaps, was the word. That, or confusing. Or both.

Heading out of the manor, he made for the stables. Nobody was around—except perhaps Errtu, but the drow lad tended to keep himself to himself anyway—and that suited Doran fine. He just wanted a solo ride to help clear his head, empty out the images that lingered from the night before.

As he rode out across the fields, memories drifted past him. It started with Katt. Oh, he'd made such a fool of himself! She was always pretty to him, with her eyes and her smile, but....for the first time, he'd noticed her as a girl instead of as a friend. The shape of her, her curves....and suddenly Doran had been lost for words. She had to hate him now, the way he'd been acting.

Suddenly he pulled the reins, drawing Greycloud up short. Lord and Lady, the youth swore in his head, Clayton is going to shred me!

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2015-06-21 20:56 EST
June 20, 2015

Almost a year later, and Doran thankfully remained unshredded.

Katt didn't hate him, though she occasionally teased him. Or, as she would say, "pointed out" things, which might have been worse to the lad. Still, he didn't freeze up anymore when he saw her in just the right light, so it seemed that crush was no more.

Unfortunately, he'd gone from a single fixation to noticing just about every nubile female form passing by that was teenaged or older. At least he was courteous enough not to ogle, and most of the time it was just a quick passing glance, but....sometimes, he found his dreams full of sleek shapes and curves, of flashing eyes and swinging hips.

His father had tried to help him, but in truth he didn't really have the right experiences from that age, and he admitted as much. Still, Ebon said that he knew someone who could give him the advice that he needed.

So it was that, as the sun set over the forested hillside, Doran was leaning against a fence when he heard soft footsteps approaching. The presence that accompanied them was as familiar as his own, and with good reason.

"So," said Velen as he stepped up to the fence alongside his 'brother' and glanced down. "I hear you could use someone to talk with, eh?"


Date: 2015-07-28 01:29 EST
"What's on your mind?" Velen asked when his greeting had elicited nothing but brooding silence. "Or did you just come all the way out here to admire that spectacular sunset?"

Doran just rolled his eyes at that. "Like you'd understand." Then he blinked, realizing just how stupid that sounded given who he was with, and turned to look at his elder self. "Well, I guess you would, a bit. I'm's all a confusing mess sometimes. I can barely control my own feelings, and then there's everyone else crowding in on me at all the wrong moments. How did you handle it?"

"Well, Father locked me up in a tower for a bit, but Maggie broke me out."

The younger lad blinked. "Really?"

"No." Velen flashed a grin, but it quickly faded when he spied the frown on Doran's face. "Sorry, couldn't resist." A heavy sigh escaped his lips. "I'll be honest, sometimes it did feel like I was in a tower. I stayed at home a lot, played my music....I did that a lot, learned different instruments."

Shaking his head, Doran looked a bit sad. "That sounds lonely."

His 'brother' gave a little shrug. "There were the other kids at the manor, of course; you know how crowded that can be, and being around them helped me rein in my gifts and get them under control. Then there were my friends, Melly and Addie and Errtu and, of course, Maggie. By the time I hit mid-teens, we were taking off and roaming the countryside, getting into all nature of mischief, righting wrongs, helping out where we could."

Velen climbed up and over the fence, heading towards a copse of trees across the field. As he walked, he looked back and motioned for Doran to follow. "Come on." Together they walked down the hill and into the little grove. "This is the one." He patted the trunk of a large, many-branched tree. "We built a little hideaway up in those branches, just a place to meet away from prying adult eyes, to talk and share secrets and stories." A moment of silence hung in the air. "Had my first kiss there, too."

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-05-28 17:04 EST
For several months, Doran had been a busy young man. Over the winter, the youth had spent much of his 'down time' gathering materials and consulting with experts (mainly Maggie's dad). As soon as the weather turned to spring, many a day found him headed to a shady copse at the edge of one of the manor's fields, where he would set to work.

Taking his brother's suggestion, he was building a treehouse. It wasn't in the same spot that Velen had pointed out; this was going to be a place of Doran's own choosing.

Before long, others came to help. Velen and Pearl first, then his father, and Tenball, and of course Maggie was there when she could to lend a hand. "It's almost like you're putting up your own tower," she quipped with a laugh.

"Well, your dad gave some tips," Doran replied with a grin.

Azure came by often to watch, and Doran promised that when she was a bit older, he'd help build her one of her own if she wanted. That got him a hug.

Finally it was done. A spiral staircase wound around the trunk up to a railed platform, which led around to the enclosed treehouse itself. It was cozy, large enough for a few friends but comfortable even with Doran alone.

It was his place.

((image found on Google Images, unable to determine original source))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-08-04 15:58 EST
Midsummer Festival Kickoff Sunday evening, 6/19

It was the scent of food that drew her in and sure enough she was trying to keep to the shadows of the many food stalls. So many foods, most of them she had never seen before. The drab fabric that was the cloak she wore was pulled close to both keep the sun off and keep her hidden away.

There were way too many people. That was good" and bad. Clenching on the cloak, she started to move about the booths, poking her head around the corner of one or another to see what there was and if she could sneakthief some food without being caught.

Fingers pawed lightly at what was a bread..nudging it close" closer still" until it was close enough to be snatched up. Victorious in this simple act, she retreated back around the stall and watched on' another target somewhere. More food to sneakthief.


Doran had started to get in line for dunking his dad, but something caught his eye. "....Katt?" he whispered to himself. It looked like Katt, but....too young. His own age, maybe a year or two older. Some de-aging effect, or" he considered his own experience with time-displaced alternate selves.


Andu spotted the figure hiding near the booths, and gave her a nod. "Hrmm' I wonder if anyone would help me decide what to try here, and help me eat it, so I can try more?"

Spotted, it seemed, by Andu, she blinked her doe-like eyes at him and shoved the bread in her mouth. Nothing to see here!

The minotaur chuckled and limped his way to the ice cream booth, ?accidentally' dropping a coin on the bakery stall's counter.

It took a little doing to swallow down the mouthful of bread and a single eye closed with the effort. Yeah she was kind of eating like she was afraid someone was going to take it away' probably was the reason.

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-08-04 16:12 EST
Doran had spied the green-eyed girl crouched low against the back of a bakery stall. Intent upon a piece of pilfered bread, she didn't appear to have noticed him, though he knew appearances could be deceiving.

Andu was there for a moment, dropping a coin—to pay for the stolen loaf, no doubt—before limping on towards the ice cream booth.

Beside Doran, Azure turned to him. "What are you looking at?" When he didn't response, she shrugged and leaned her head against their mother's arm

The lad was completely distracted by the girl he was watching, and slipped away. He approached the girl cautiously, allowing calm to emanate from his mind. "Katt?"

Doe-eyes slowly turned to Doran. She hadn't even noticed him get close! She was so focused on food and there he was. "I am not that woman," she rasped quietly at Doran.

"I didn't think so. What would you like me to call you?" he asked the non-Katt.

It took her a moment to remember the name that the boy had given her. "Sylva." She shifted from foot to foot while glancing to Doran then past him.

"Sylva....that's a nice name. I'm Doran." He noted that she seemed to be keeping one eye on the food stalls all around them at all times. "Hungry?"

She started to deny it..but her stomach said otherwise. Tugging on the drab cloak she gave a small nod to answer. "What do you want?" It wasn't that she was trying to be rude but she simply wanted to know. Why was he speaking to her"

"I want to get some food. Care to join me?"

"I have no money." Not like he saw her steal earlier so it could be admitted.

"My treat. As a new friend, even if you're not....that woman."

She blinked slowly. "Friend..?" The word didn't register it seemed. "I am' not her. People keep" calling me by her name." She frowned a touch. Cautiously she watched Doran but would nod. He meant food.

"I know you're not her. Doesn't mean we can't be friends, though. Come on." He started to reach out, purely out of habit, then caught himself and turned it into a gesture to follow. "There's some pulled pork, and then the kids where I live have made different types of salad that could go well with that, and maybe a kabob from the Sassy Owl?"

Sylva's eyes followed Doran's hand but she didn't move. When he gestured for her to follow she would but terribly cautious. Far too many people and following him meant no longer being able to hide among the shadows. "That is" food?"

He paused and looked back. "Yes, all sorts of food." A thoughtful expression crossed his face. "You want me to get some and bring it back here?"

She considered it for a moment and she'd slowly shake her head. "No. I" will accompany you." It was a struggle to say but she was putting effort in, as confused as she was.

"Good! Maybe you'll spot or smell something that appeals to you."

She looked mildly confused. "Appeals to me" Food" She pointed a finger to one thing, "Food." Another thing, "Food." There were no names for these things. They were food.

"Well, those," and he pointed to the first stall Sylva indicated, "are grilled shrimp kabobs, and that one serves venison burgers....and that one has jambalaya and gumbo, among other delicacies," gesturing towards the Gator's Tail stall. "Where would you like to start?"

Doran could've been speaking a completely different language because that is how it sounded to her. She gestured to nothing particular as if to say for him to pick whatever. "What' is your name?"

"My name is Doran. Doran Ilnaren." Accepting the lead, he guided Sylva into the Gator's Tail stall. "Oooh, they have beignets, too!"

"Doran." She nodded and was on his shadow though drifting slightly closer once they got to the stall. "Beignets?"

After requesting two bowls of jambalaya, he turned and nodded towards the counter where puffs of cooked dough could be seen, coated with powdered sugar. "Those. They are very delicious. A half-dozen, please?" That was to the server behind the counter.

Half a dozen" Her head tilted and she looked at Doran. Well he did look like he could put them away. "You" eat a lot."

"Well, two for me and two for you....and two for my dad, he loves these things." After paying, he took the little box of beignets and gave two of them to Sylva, then lifted the tray with their bowls of jambalaya. "Shall we find a spot to sit and eat?"

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2016-08-04 16:21 EST
Maggie had waved to Doran and" Katt earlier, but in the crowd, things got missed. She shrugged, something felt strange in the crowd, so, the girl stuck close to her Gran and Aja.

Now towelled off from the dunk tank and changed into a dry shirt, Ebon made his way over to Colleen and Maggie and the rest. "Evening, all!"

"I was gonna come over and dunk you, but I needed food." Maggie gave Ebon a cheeky smile.

"No worries, food is important....and you're not the only one who seems to have skipped out on dunking me." He glanced around. "Has anyone seen my son' I'd promised him a pork plate from Matadero if he sank me, but he never showed up in line."

A little giggle escaped Maggie's lips. "Doran's got a date!" She upnodded toward the woman she thought was Katt for Ebon. The man just blinked. Then blinked again. Seeing his reaction, she asked, "What?"

"Doran has a date?" Ebon turned to look where Maggie had indicated, and saw Doran and a young woman standing near the Gator's Tail stall. "Huh."

Maggie had both arms bent at her elbows, her palms were turned upward, and her face had a bemused look on it. "Could be a date, might not be. I'm ten, dating isn't in my experience book, yet!"

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-08-04 20:50 EST
Sylva looked confused this time as she took the beignets. Doran was barely getting her attention. It was food that was getting a good bit of attention. "Dad?" Another unfamiliar word and she didn't answer but instead shoved one of the beignets into her mouth, as much as she could.

"Yes. My father." That earned Doran a frown, as if he wasn't explaining correctly or something. " of my parents, the people who, well, created me. He and my mother." The poor youth never expected himself to have to explain how families worked to anyone, let alone a younger version of a dear friend on whom he'd once had a pre-pubescent crush.

She was a little oblivious to the world outside of the food and Doran was only there in that world because he was giving the food. "Parents." That word she understood. "I don't have those." And there went the second beignet. They were tasty!

Her apparent understanding put him at ease, but her comment about not having any saddened him. "I'm sorry....about you not having any parents." Although, given how she seemed to be living, it wasn't a great surprise. "Try the jambalaya."

She did as she was told and tried the new food but made sure that she had a bowl all to herself in case he changed his mind and wanted it back. He looked sad, though, and she didn't understand it. "What is wrong with your face?"

"Acne," replied Doran, totally deadpan.

"It looks....weird." That was what he got back.

He chuckled at that. "No, my face is fine....I just have a difficult time imagining life with no parents. It makes me sad, and I guess that shows. Sorry."

Now he was confusing her and stared at the food in her bowl. "This is" good."

"It is good, isn't it?" He ate a spoonful himself. Sylva made a small little sound as she shoved a few more bites into her mouth but stopped herself after that. He glanced at her bowl when she offered it back to him. "Are you finished?"

"I should go." She didn't answer his question. She had enough to where her stomach no longer hurt and that was all that mattered. "You should take it with you."

"I've got food at, take both." He scooped the remains of both bowls into a to-go box, closed it, and handed it to Sylva. "You looked like you don't get that many regular meals....I would hate myself if I took this from you, too." His lips spread into a warm smile.

"Home?" Another word. She looked to the box and took it slowly from Doran's hands. "All right." She couldn't argue and wouldn't. This amount of food she could ration into small shares to last a few days.

"Yes, home....where do you live?"

Sylva sort of understood. "You mean where I sleep?"

"Yes." Though his expression didn't show it, Doran winced at hearing that correction. It implied a rather harsh lifestyle.

His face was doing weird things again but she didn't call on it this time. "There are a few caverns outside of the walls," she pointed in the direction she was speaking of.

"You a cave?" He pondered that for a moment. "What do you have to sleep on there?"

"The ground?" That was the weirdest question he could ask her.

"Just the ground" Isn't that hard?" A touch of dismay entered Doran's voice. "No padding, at least' A pillow?"

She shook her head and shrugged. "That is how I have always slept." Granted when he said padding she went instantly to armor padding which seemed weird to sleep on. Pillow was one of those words and luxuries lost on her.

"So you don't have a bed, then?" He knew it was a stupid question as soon as he'd asked, since she'd already made her sleeping situation quite clear.

Since she didn't know what a bed was and decided to avoid asking yet another question, she gestured to herself. "What I have."

"You deserve more than just hard stone to sleep on." He frowned at the thought. "Why don't you live in the city' least in a cottage, if you prefer being away from crowds."

"Because I do not have those things?" Silly question.

Well, that was honest. "Oh." He considered for a moment. "Do you prefer living on your own?"

The question confused her. "Huh?"

"You sleep alone, in a cave. Is that because you're happy there, or just because you....don't know any other way to live?"

"I..." She didn't know how to answer him. Her lips thinned as she struggled to process it. "Yes?"

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-08-04 20:57 EST
Ebon was still watching Doran and his newfound companion from a distance. Something about the girl seemed familiar, but he couldn't really get a good look at her. Then he heard a voice saying his name, and turned to see Rhi and Eregor had joined those around him. "Hmm?"

One of Eregor's eyebrows went up. "Ground Control to Major Ebon."

"Copper for your thoughts?" added Rhi. tilting her head as she studied Ebon.

"He's just watchin' Doran and" Maggie giggled merrily.

"Oh, sorry....Doran seems to have made a new friend." He gestured down the row of stalls, opposite from whence the two had come. Looking, Rhi mentioned that the girl seemed familiar.

Eregor followed Rhi's gaze, then shifted his perceptions a tad and blinked in surprise. "Huh. She has an aura like Pearl or Velen."

Having heard Eregor's comment, Ebon frowned and reached out mentally to his son. Doran, are you all ri-

I'm fine, Pa. That was unexpected, but he could tell that Doran wasn't being snippish, just focused on something else. Understood. Then Ebon turned to his companions. "I don't think he's ready to introduce her, yet."


After a moment, Doran reached into his belt pouch and drew a small piece of carved jade, in the shape of a horse. Clutching it in his fist, he closed his eyes as if with intense concentration, then opened them and handed the figurine to Sylva. "Here. Keep this. If you're ever hungry, or cold, or sick....hold it, and think of me. I'll know, and I'll come help you. It won't work unless you want it to, so you don't have to worry about me sneaking around your caves uninvited."

A piece of shiny thing. She didn't take it at first and shook her head. "Thank you but you do not have to trouble yourself."

"It's not troubling myself. I just....I'd worry if I didn't know you had some way of getting help or comfort when you needed it. You're a person, just like I am, and my father raised me to be good to people in need."

She stared at him like she didn't know what to make of him. It was because she didn't. "I" am not a person. I 'm a tool." But she was not going to argue with him. Instead she reached out and finally took the stone. If anything she could find some way to pay him back for the food and call him to give him said payment. "Whoever got you to think that way, Sylva....they're wrong. You are much more than a tool." Doran smiled, then nudged the to-go box of jambalaya towards her. "Don't forget your food. Enjoy it!" With that, he stood and bowed to her, almost courtly, and stepped back to give her an opening to escape in her own fashion.

Tonight was a lot of firsts for her. He bowed to her and would find when he rose up that she was simply staring. She eventually bowed her head respectfully. "Thank you, Lord Doran." The box was hugged close and the drab cloak pulled over it to keep it safe. She retreated in the silence she had arrived earlier that night, a lot more confused but a lot less hungry.

After watching her slip into the shadows, Doran turned and made his way back down the stalls to where his father was waiting. "Well, that was interesting."

"Who was that?" asked Ebon.

"She called herself Sylva....and she's had a rough life so far." There was a finality to his tone that surprised Ebon. "Let's go home. Oh, and Pa" Next time you see Katt, let her know that I want to talk to her."

((The "Meeting Sylva" posts were drawn from live play between Sylva and Doran Ilnaren, with a few additional bits from Andu Kirost, Azure Ilnaren. Mairead Harker, Rhiannon Brock, Eregor, and Ebon Ilnaren. Thanks to all!))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-11-28 22:52 EST
September 8, 2016

Coming home from the Twilight Isle portal, Doran took a turn after entering the gate for the Stardreamer estate, heading out through the fields rather than up to the house. It was a fine night, there were stars out, and he wanted to see if Sylva was around at the treehouse. Reaching the base of the tree, he started up the steps, calling softly. "Sylva" Are you here?"

Oh, Sylva was at the treehouse all right, which in itself was an amazing feat considering her condition. She had managed up to the porch without leaving too much of a bloody mess in her wake and found a place in the shadows of the porch itself to curl up. Like a wounded animal, she just balled up and passed out.

The first smear of blood on the steps gave him pause. The second gave him haste, and he took the rest of the steps two at a time. "Sylva"!" Reaching the porch landing, he couldn't see her at first....and then he spied a shadow within the shadows, and went to kneel by her side. He remembered Katt warning him about not getting too close when wounded, but at the moment couldn't recall if that meant her being wounded or him, and frankly he didn't care.

She heard him. Sort of. It was more a blurb in the night. She felt the vibrations of movement and her first reaction was to give a growl of warning. Her short hair was matted down with blood and there was a wound that crested across her forehead, around her eye, and to her cheek. It wasn't a pretty wound. Nor was the one that had her left arm. It was angled wrong, no doubtly busted. There were a few deep gashes here but most he couldn't see with her curled up.

"Lord and Lady," he muttered under his breath, "Sylva, it's me. Doran." After a second's thought, he turned towards the door inside. "I've got an aid kit....let me get it, get those wounds tended." The arm worried him. It needed to be set and splinted.

An eye rolled open and turned up to him. It took a moment or two for the fuzzy image to focus but when she saw him she struggled to tuck her arms under her and sit up. ""

He paused at the door. "No, don't move yet....I'll get cloth and water, bandages and ointment." Then he ducked inside, and she could hear sounds of rummaging within.

She didn't think he would be returning so she hadn't considered him finding her. There was some mental scowling as she slowly sank down to the porch floor, practically faceplanted on it actually. She should move but the rest of her was like...nope.

He came back out with a first aid kit in one hand, bowl of water in the other, and clean cloths over his arm. Setting them down on the porch next to Sylva, he reached up. "Watch your eyes, I'll need to see what I'm doing." Waiting a moment, he flipped on the porch light, then looked to see just how bad it was.

She didn't understand his meaning until the light came on to which she whined a pitiful sound out. It was followed by a huff as she settled. "Sorry...Doran.."

"No need to apologize," he answered as he wet a cloth and gently dabbed at the gash on her face, washing away any dirt and grime. "How badly does it hurt?"

Every part of her body was screaming but she had been taught to never show that. To show she was in pain or agony. So she just looked up to him as he dabbed away. "I'm....okay."

"Now that is a clearly a blatant falsehood." Doran chuckled as he spoke, making it plain that he was not accusing her. "You have multiple open wounds and an arm that is quite possibly broken, and that's just what I can see at first glance." While he talked, he finished cleaning that gash and took a small bottle of ointment and a pad from the aid kit.

"Have had worse." That wasn't a lie, scary enough.

"I appreciate stoicism and not showing pain in a battle, but the fight's over now." Pause as he applied some of the ointment to the pad. "This may sting a bit, but it'll help keep the wound free of infection, and promote healing." Then he began to spread the stuff along the wound with smooth, easy strokes.

The fight was never over. Never. Though when she felt him spreading the ointment the sting of it caused her eyes to water and her to make a strange little disgruntled sound. Nope she didn't like it! But she endured.

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-11-28 23:08 EST
"I know it hurts." That wasn't a question. "That's my gift, after all....sensing feelings, emotions. Sometimes they scream in my head, loud enough that I want to cry out, to reach out and make it stop. Your quieter. You endure, and that's no easy task." Having finshed with the ointment, he lay a series of gauze pads along the wound to keep it covered, and taped them down with that wonderful medical tape that holds but doesn't pull when removed. "You can admit to your pain without letting it control you. I admire that."

Her eyes turned up to his face. He could hear her in his head" Her lips thinned briefly as if she were trying to piece together how she felt about that. "I was taught that showing pain is weakness. That I never show pain." She would get beat if she did!

"My father taught me that pain has its purpose, to let you know that your body isn't at its top shape. The weakness isn't in admitting or showing pain, but rather in giving in to the first sign of it and letting the pain control you. If you don't accept your pain, then you can't learn from it." He nodded at the now-bandaged gash on Sylva's face, then turn to her arm. "That may need to be set.:

"Be..set?" Sylva looked to her arm confused then up to him. Ow....ow....She made a face as he bandaged her face and she tried to sit up better to make it easier for him.

Examining the arm gingerly, Doran nodded back. "Yes, the bone is broken and the pieces are at an angle to each other. I'll need to straighten it and put a splint on your arm to keep the bone in place, or it'll heal crooked and need to be rebroken." Sapphire-blue eyes met green. "That WILL hurt, at least until it's straight. Let me know when you're ready."

She watched him move her arm. She understood what he meant and her eyes turned up to meet his. Nodding slowly to show she understood, she flattened her hand to the porch to steady herself. While she didn't know exactly what he was going to do, she knew she had to brace for it!

"What I wouldn't give for x-ray vision, or a sonic," Doran muttered, lightly holding her arm and then, with a firm but easy motion, pulled and quickly shifted the bone, straightening the arm and aligning the break more cleanly, Closing his eyes, he reached out with his gift, reaching for that pain that Sylva was enduring, looking for anything sharp, raw, new. There was the throb of old pain, of the original break....but no sense of anything fresh, as might come from jagged edges of bone digging into muscle and sinew. "I think I got it," he said with a smile, opening his eyes. "I would recommend a healer take a look at it soon, though. Just in case."

Sylva's body tensed when he pulled and she felt the bone grinding against flesh and meat to find its place. She didn't mean to but she growled at him like she was ready to bite his head off. It took a lot to not shove off from her spot. What pain there was for him to read before was howling out but it seemed he managed to set it properly. It was a good thing he was holding on, however, because she swayed a bit like she was about to topple over.

"Easy. You've lost blood."

"No...healer." It would only cause more pain and she didn't want anymore of that at the moment. She was pretty sure she couldn't handle more of it. "S-sorry."

Looking closer, Doran noticed some other deep cuts, and as he reached for a fresh cloth and water, he finally posed the question. "What happened" Who or what were you up against?"

She was glad he didn't push for a healer. She would eventually go out and find a small animal to feed from and hopefully free herself of the pain. At his question she frowned. "Armored person." She didn't know since they were clanned in armor from head to toe.

"What, like a knight or something" Why?"

"Something," she mumbled. "Hurt Jonigan and his friend," she mumbled more and leaned her head forward. She was trying to hide the fact she was frowning.

Doran started cleaning those other gashes, and if Sylva's modesty was in peril, well, he paid it no attention, focusing on his task and the conversation. She seemed find up until he was cleaning her side in which she twitched and sat straight up. The look she gave him was nothing short of being startled. "What' What'd I do"!"

"Thhh..." She raised her good hand like she was going to rub at her side. "Felt ..weird."

"Sorry." He hadn't been near anywhere sensitive, as it were....wait. Was she ticklish' He filed that in the back of his brain for later. "I'll be more careful." The wound on her shoulder seemed the least at the moment, so he focused on her sides and torso. "It doesn't look like they cut any vital organs or major blood vessels." As he cleaned, he examined for signs of internal damage.

She shook her head a single time. "Not meant to kill." She licked her bottom lip, attempting to find the right word. "Incapacitated." That was the word the woman used. She watched him, maybe a bit too closely, like she was attempting to figure something out.

"Well, it certainly did that." Out came the ointment again, slathered across her injuries. Catching her eyes on him, he looked up. "What?" She made a face when she felt the sting again but there was no sound that came from her. When he looked up she blinked at him and turned her eyes with a small headshake. He didn't push, though he wanted to....instead, he sighed and turned his focus back to tending her wounds. More gauze pads, larger ones, and then he took an Ace bandage and began wrapping it around her, tight enough to keep the padding in place but loose enough to allow the wounds—and Sylva—to breathe. "No broken ribs, at least not that I can tell."

When he leaned close to wrap her in the bandage she, at first, moved away. Eventually she stopped in order to let him finish but she kept her head turned away. She was able to breathe fine so she was sure there was no broken ribs. Just super sore. "Thank you....Doran."

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2016-11-28 23:25 EST
"You're welcome, Sylva." He smiled at her, then nodded to the cuts on her thigh and shoulder. "Not quite done yet. I'll take care of the shoulder....if you would rather tend that yourself," indicating the thigh, "you've seen how I do it. Or I can wrap that up myself, if you want."

If anything, all she really wanted to do was curl back up and go to sleep. Nevermind the little urge that kept nagging that Doran was there. That made her draw in her lips a bit and she shook her head. "You don't have to do them all."

"Fair enough, I'll finish this one and then get you some pillows, since you insist on staying out here on the porch." He flashed a grin as he tended the shoulder cut, which was the least of them and didn't even need a separate gauze pad, just a couple of large-sized BandAids.

"Don't feel right going inside Doran's home when he isn't here." Like she is traspassing or something to that degree. Since he was all up close and such she leaned her head and bumped her forehead against his temple.

The head bump brought a smile to his lips. "If it helps, you have my permission. Think of it as....guarding my stuff in my absence, if you like."

Well that seemed to peak her interest. "Really?"

"Absolutely!" Shoulder finished, he rose and handed her a fresh wet cloth. "Wash, ointment, pad and've been watching." Then he went inside.

She blinked when she was left with a cloth and him..gone. Part of her was thankful if only because she was afraid what she would do with him so close. She didn't want to hurt him after all. There was still some self-control in her! Quietly she started patching up her thighs, wiggling fingers through the holes that were in her pants. Blah! She liked these pants! Wash, ointment, pad and wrap, over the pants but at least on the wound.

Returning to the porch, he bore a pillow and blanket, laying them on the bench. "In case you don't want to go inside, still....which I would understand, it's an excellent night."

The whole getting up thing was the problem at the moment. "Soon. Not now. Can't..." she frowned and slowly leaned over to plop herself down on her good side. Sitting up just felt too draining.

He knelt beside Sylva, slipping his arms beneath her to lift her up and, carefully, carry her over to the bench, setting her down on her good side. The bench was padded, so he tucked the pillow beneath her head and then lay the blanket over her. "How's that?"

Her lips drew in instantly when he picked her up. She was silent right up until him asking her how it was. turning her face she quickly buried her face into the pillow and mumbled, "Nice."

"Good." Leaning down, he lightly touched his forehead to her temple, mirroring what she had done earlier. "You rest, and I'll come by in the morning with breakfast."

She was trying to hide her red face which failed when she turned to face him after the mimicking gesture. "I..N..need...blood."

"Right now?" He kept his voice even. "What type of blood?"

"Soon." she mumbled and hid her face again. She was too afraid to look at him any longer. "Rest..." There was a pause that followed. "Thank you." Then his second question struck her. "Type?"

"Human, animal....there are rabbits in the field." He paused for a moment's thought. "I could trap some, if that would be enough."

"Blood." She mumbled quietly and seemed to of sorta dozed off on him. She didn't mean to but he exhausted her!

With a warm smile, Doran stepped back and turned to make his way down the stairs to the base of the tree. Well, he knew there was a warren in the fields....time to catch a few rabbits.

((adapted from live play with Sylva, of course!))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2017-06-07 21:10 EST
May 31, 2017

Doran was enjoying an evening to himself....not that he minded companions, but now and then it was nice to walk the world by oneself to see what wonders—or mischief—could be found. So an afternoon roaming the streets of Old Market wound down at Teas'n Tomes, where he could enjoy a cup of something warm and a snack, along with a good book or two.

Of course, he expected something exciting would turn up. It often did.

Stepping away from the counter with a mug in one hand and a croissant-bearing plate in the other, he glanced around to locate a suitable table....and then stopped when he spied the figure settled—or perhaps unsettled—in the beanbag. It was fortunate that he tended to dampen his empathic perceptions in public—and that Renna was never an easy "read" anyway—because the pain in her face was clear as day.

It was the most darkest day of Renna's life. The beanbag really didn't reflect her mood. It showed all kinds of smiley faces from the :D to the :P. She never saw him coming. She was so absorbed in her own world that she turned the next page and continued on.

"Good evening, Renna." Doran's voice was soft, as non-intrusive as possible, since he didn't want to startle her.

At that, he failed utterly.

"****INGCHRIST!" Her hands scrambled the book closed as she wiggled in the beanbag to the point her rear sounded like it rubbbed against a thousand rice-grains trapped against their own kin. "D-Doran' I was expecting someone else—-female!" She glared.

"Sorry, sorry....I'm sorry, Renna. I didn't mean to disturb you."

She sucked in a breath. "No. It's fine." She smiled. "Anything for you."

Sitting in an armchair nearby, Doran set the tea and pastry down on the table beside him. "Waiting for a friend?"

Renna opened her mouth to speak, then looked down to her lap. To her book. "I have no friends, Doran."

"Well, now, that's not true. Don't be silly. I'm your friend."

Her gaze blinked away. "Even though I kidnapped you," she mused. She kept bringing that up. Inside joke" "Doran." She looked to the kid. "It's funny."

"My sister, actually....and yes, you did. You scared her....but you didn't hurt her. Pa said after it was all over that if you hadn't done that, Cain might've had someone else take her, someone who wouldn't have been as....generous." The lad took a sip from the tea. "What's funny?"

"You thought I targeted your sister?" she mused.

"At the time, I didn't know what to think, all I knew was that Azure was missing, taken into the sewers. And, to be fair, you were a trifle more villainous then, compared to now."

Tears fell from Renna's eyes. "I wish I could say I am sorry. But I am not. Do I regret saving your sister" No. Because I kidnapped you." She whispered. "The plan was to gain your trust."

"Oh?" With his now-arched eyebrow and stoic expression, Doran never resembled his father more.

"You're my friend, right?" asked Renna.

"Yes." There was a brief pause, and then he nodded. "I'd say that I am."

"I was going to give you to the Bhaalites."

"The plan was to give me over to Ol' Bocce Bhaal?" His expression grew bemused, though whether at the nickname or the idea, that was unclear.


The youth was thoughtful for a long moment, and then he spoke, deadpan. "Well, that would have put a damper on our friendship." His eyes turned back to Renna. "So why didn't you try?"

"I decided to give someone else."

((adapted from live play with Renna))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2018-01-06 21:36 EST
October 16, 2017

The sound of a tinwhistle flute drifted through the night, drawing closer to the Inn. It was a rambling, playful tune. Doran played as he made his way down the street and up the path to the Red Dragon. Coming up the porch steps, he stepped aside and moved to one end of the porch, leaning with his back against the railing. His eyes were closed, and he was lost in the music. A melancholy note crept into the tune.

Sylva was sluggishly making her way to the inn. Really she felt like that aftermath of having a five hour energy drink then crashing. It was likely because she was up far too late and slept too little then ran around town all day. Hearing the music dragged her attention forward and she peered at the figure some ways ahead of her, Innbound.


His scent carried on the wind but it made sense. He was always making her sleepy with his music so how did she not know it was him off bat' Her steps slowed as she approached the steps, a glance to the side then the door but eventually back to Doran. Slowly her head tilted as she listened to the music. "It sounds....sad."

He didn't hear Sylva, lost in the music....and his were closed, so he didn't see her.

She blinked, unsure if he was ignoring her or not. Shufflng her feet, she glanced down at them. She liked the music, though, so she would listen a little longer before making her way up the porch steps.

The flute faded as he sensed someone coming up the steps, and he opened his eyes....then blinked in surprise. "Sylva!"

Her shoulders rotated upward like she had been caught and was being called out. Mismatched eyes quickly went to Doran with a deer in headlights look. "Sorry. I did't mean to interrupt your music playing."

"No, it's all right....I was just letting my mind wander as I played. It helps me stay afloat, sometimes." He slipped the flute into a little holder on his belt. "I haven't seen you around in a while."

"Your music sounded...sad. Were you floating off somewhere sad?" She eased her stance some and clasped her hands behind her back. "I've been around. Working lots so I can make money and buy stuff." What stuff" Not like she owned anything but what she wore!

"Sad?" His expression grew thoughtful a moment, and then he chuckled. "I suppose I was, yes. I've missed you." Then he cocked his head, just so. "Working, eh?" There was nothing mean or teasing in his voice, just simple curiosity. "Where do you work?"

Sylva's head tipped faintly to the side like a curious kitten. "You've been busy with stuff" I've been at the tree house." Okay so maybe not as much. In fact she had been avoiding it until it was time to sleep. Or in her case, pass the hell out. "Uh huh. It isn't anything big. I just run around delivering things. Only job I really could find." Her shoulders bopped up in a quick shrug. "Where. Um. There is a place that I go to and see if they need stuff delivered."

"Sounds like fun....and I'm sorry for not stopping by the treehouse much lately. I just....after that whole business with Renna, I didn't want to draw her attention towards you. It's silly, but I wanted to make sure you wre safe."

"So you are going to ignore me because of that Renna lady?" Her hands relaxed and she relaxed them to her sides. "I figured you were with your lady friend or dueling or practicing like Maggie and Tenball said you should be doing."

That comment threw him for a loop. "What lady friend?"

Sylva peered at Doran. "The one that was kissing on you."

His eyes widened in dismay. "She's not my lady friend....and she kissed me before I could stop her. She was another one of Renna's....creatures." A shudder ran through his body.

"Then why did you tell the man that it was okay?" Her brows furrowed then raised. "Huh?"

"Because she didn't hurt me. That was the part that was okay....not the kissing. The only person I'd want to kiss like that is...." His voice trailed off.

She gave Doran a strange look. "She didn't look like she was trying to hurt you. She just wanted to smooch your face." People she had been hanging with was obviously influencing!

Was he blushing in the moonlight' Yes. Yes, he was. "I'd rather it was you."

Doran was turning red. Maybe she shouldn't have said that. She blinked a few times. "Bwah?" Her brain stuttered and she worked on recooping and placing together what he just said. "The only person you'd want to kiss like me?"

He nodded, once, and then again. "Yes."

Poor Doran was given such a stupid look and she didn't even realize she was giving it. Mostly because she was seriously confused by the feeling in her stomach. He knew her kisses were different but he meant the way she saw most people kiss. After a moment of silence she shuffled and looked down to her feet. "Do you remember what we were doing before that person kissed you?"

"We were lying in the grass over there," and he pointed out to the lawn in front of the Inn, "watching the stars together."

She looked up and over to where he pointed, her head bobbing a small nod. "I was working up the courage to tell you something. And was just about to tell you when she showed up."

"Tell me what?"

Gek! Okay she wasn't ready for that question even though she knew it was coming. She kept her eyes focused over on the grass. "I like you, Doran," she mumbled it quietly but still loud enough to be heard across the distance. She quickly followed it up by flapping her arms slightly at her sides. "B-But then I saw her kissing you and you saying it was okay so I..I um...I am happy with being your friend. I still like you!"

Doran blinked back at Syva. "You like me?" Pause. "Oh." More pause. "Oh!" A nervous look came across his face. "What if....we were more than just friends?"

Suddenly Sylva's panic mode activated but she managed to stop her hands from flapping by shoving them into the pockets of her jeans. She was about to say something but Doran came up with that and caused the pause button which had her looking at him. "More than just friends?"

"I don't know what the future might hold for us, Sylva....maybe. in the end, we''ll be best of friends and that's it, or maybe we'll be soulmates, like my parents....I just know that my world is richer and more alive when you're sharing it with me."

Well if that didn't just make her blush. "I can't be your best friend, silly. Maggie is." The way she it came out was as if one was expecting 'duh' to follow it up.

"That's the nice thing about best can, in fact, have more than one." He gave a warm smile. "It's one of life's little contradictions that make it so interesting sometimes."

"Oh." She learned something new but then came that curiosity and poor Doran. "Does that mean you want to kiss Maggie too." One hand went up and she touched two fingers to her lips.


She seemed to give this some thought. "Can I ask a favor, Doran?"

"You certainly may. Ask away, Sylva."

Before she could speak, Sard came up to the Inn on his bike. Sylva heard the bike and looked over her shoulder. Seeing Sard, she seemed to remember something and she quickly looked to Doran with a big smile. "It is okay that I planted something near the treehouse, right' With those flowers you said it was okay I could plant." Not what she was going to ask but Sard made her remember!

"O-of course!" He raised an eyebrow at Sylva. "Is that all you wanted to ask?"

Oh, there was some giddy smiling going on but for what reason she wouldn't say. She glanced to watch Sard until he was at the door before turning to Doran. "Can you close your eyes" Um. Please." The giddy melted down as she fidgeted with her scarf.

"Okay." And he closed his eyes.

A shuffle step drew her close and she quickly gave Doran a peck on the lips. Nothing that lingered and she was already stepping back from him and pulling on her scarf. No, she was not red in the face. Not at all.

A moment after the peck, he opened his eyes and grinned at Sylva, then leaned forward and gently touched his forehead to hers, just for an instant. Her eyes closed when she felt his forehead against hers and her smile ticked higher. "Thank you."

"You're welcome....and thank you, too." He glanced inside and waved to Collie through the window, then looked back to Sylva. "I was thinking of heading to walk with me, or were you going to stay awhile?"

"Huh' Why are you thanking me?" She saw him wave and looked over to the window. Seeing Collie she waved her hand quickly then ducked her head. Darn it! She forgot to bring Collie's present. Sleepy Sylva was not a good thinker. "I should go home and sleep. I didn't sleep very much."

Doran smiled and nodded. "I'll walk you home, then."

"Okie! I can tell you about the new peach tree I planted! It is going to grow winter peaches!"

That brought a chuckle out of him. "I like peaches....we can make cobbler!"

"What is that?" She gave another wave to Collie before turning and starting to the stairs, that same hand rubbing over her eyes. Hopefully Doran didn't start playing music on the way to the treehouse otherwise he was going to be dragging her there! She was tired and it was really, really starting to kick in now that the adrenaline rush from being nervous was gone.

"Cobbler" It's a baked dish made with peaches....kinda like a pie. It's really good!" As they walked, he began to regale her with kitchen tales of pies, cobblers, turnovers, and other delights.

((from live play with Sylva, and many thanks!))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2018-01-17 23:13 EST
January 13, 2018

Seeing a light in the treehouse window, Doran rode over and from the manor and peered up. A movement of shadow against the shade brought a smile to his lips. "She's still awake." Dismounting, he sent his horse back to the stable—an order with which it happily complied, given the frigid air—and then made his way up the steps to the porch landing.

Gently he knocked upon the door. "Sylva" It's Doran....are you still up?" There was a rustle of movement, and then the door opened to reveal Sylva, still dressed in her work clothes. She blinked once, and then again, before stepping aside with a gesture to come in. "Thank you!" he said as he came in, shaking off the chill. "Long day?"

"It was as long as all the others." She shrugged and sat down upon the couch, which was made up with pillow and blanket already. Her little kitten was curled up on the couch back, watching them with sleepy eyes.

After all this time, Doran still wasn't sure when she was truly being literal-minded, or when she was just teasing him. He chuckled and sat down beside her. "You've been working an awful lot, you know. I was surprised to see you still awake."

Sylva leaned against him, not quite snuggling. "It was busy with deliveries. A lot of people wanted baklava. Have you ever had that?"

"Yes, Aunt Ariana makes it sometimes. It's good."

"I had a piece today. I liked it!"

Doran flashed a grin. "One of the advantages of working for a food place....access to snacks!" His expression grew more serious. "I just don't want to see you burn yourself out, working too hard. You can take it easy, y'know."

Straightening from her lean, Sylva turned to him and then reached out to poke him gently in the chest. "You take it easy, Mister Busy Body! You spend so much tiime in lessons, at the theater or the academy or here at your home, and that's on top of training, and chores, and when you've got a part it's even worse. Don't talk to me about taking it easy."

Eyebrows high, Doran found himself at a loss for words until he just had to laugh. "You're right, you're right....I'm not really one to talk, am I" I don't know how you put up with me!"

"I like you, silly."

"Well, that's good because I like you, too....a lot." He leaned forward and touched foreheads with Sylva, that gesture that matched a kiss where she was raised. "We should take some time off together soon, maybe catch a show or visit the museum, whatever you want."

Her response was interrupted by a small yawn. "Right now, I want to get some sleep. Will..." She hesitated for a moment. "Will you play for me?"

Doran raised an eyebrow. "You need music to help you fall asleep?"

She shook her head. "No, but I like it when you play." Stretching out, Sylva slipped her feet behind his back, and smiled dreamily when he stood and pulled the blanket up over her. The kitten stirred and crept down to nestle in the crook of her arm.

Picking up a little piccolo from the desk, Doran lifted it to his lips and began to play softly. The melody filled the room, soothing away the stress from a busy day, and soon Sylva and her feline companion were sound asleep. He kept playing for a long while afterwards, and when the music finally stopped, he turned off the lamp and slipped into bed, letting the hush of winter slumber settle over the treehouse

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2018-07-16 23:18 EST
May 30, 2018

The late spring air was filled with the scent of sweet grass and flowers, warm but not so humid that it was uncomfortable. Indeed, it was a perfect day for riding, and so Doran was out in the meadow, astride a chestnut-brown mare. Another horse trotted alongside them, this one grey like the clouds before a thunderstorm.

Spring was nice but it meant the snow was all gone for a while. It was disappointing! Snow was fun! But all in all she wasn't all that disappointed. Her garden was coming along nicely - winter peaches were asleep for the remainder of the year, her flowers were budding, and a few of the others she had snuck in were starting to produce. She was on her way back from the little hide-spot of place she had started the garden at, out of the way and all that. In her arms was a damp napkin, wrapped over something or another. She heard the horses before she saw them, curiosity of the sound drawing her over. When she spotted them, and their rider, a hand quickly shot up to wave.

Naturally he waved back and guided his steed towards Sylva. "Hullo!" Drawing to a halt, he grinned down at her and nodded towards the napkin in her hands. "What have you got there?"

She watched the horses rather closely as Doran and they approached, as if she wasn't exactly sure how she felt about them. Animals, at times, acted odd around her. His question seemed to pull her attention away from the beasts of burden and up to him. "Huh' Oh!" With a big smile she looked down and began to unfold the napkin. Inside were a number of small strawberries. Ripe but not exactly the largest. One was plucked up and she offered it up to him. "I grew them!" Was that a proud tone" You better believe it!

Dismounting, he looked at the strawberries with unabashed astonishment. "You did" Wow!" Taking the one she offered, he bit down upon it and closed his eyes. "Mmmm, that's good! I've never tried growing anything. I'm more of an animal person."

"Yeah. But the peaches are gone now." She was a little sad with this news. A light blush of color touched her cheeks when he seemed to like it and her smile grew. "It is different for me." Making something instead of destroying it. Growing was sort of like hunting as it required patience and care in what you were doing.

When he spoke of animals her smile waned, just a touch. "Animals sometimes don't like me." Which was very much the reason she was standing so still at the moment.

"Really?" He looked from Sylva to the horses and back. "Perhaps you just need a good introduction." At his gesture, the smoky-grey horse approached, giving Sylva a soft whinny. "This is Running Cloud."

Her mouth opened to explain but quickly snapped shut when he gestured to the horse. Mismatched eyes went slightly wide and turned up to the horse. You could almost hear her silently praying for the horse not to do anything, especially if it meant hurting Doran. "H-Hello Running Cloud." She made no attempt to move to pet or touch, at least not yet. "Pretty."

Running Cloud whinnied again, then took another step forward, nose inching towards the strawberries in her hand.

She instantly started to take a step back but when she saw it was sniffing at the strawberries she looked to Doran then the horse. A strawberry was taken from the lot and offered out to the horse. "I'm sorry. I should have offered one to you too, huh?"

The horse ate the strawberry, taking it gently from Sylva's outstretched hand and chewing it in that slow, deliberate was that horses have. Out of the corner of her eye, Sylva might notice Doran feeding his own horse a slice of apple.

She smelled the apple and she looked over, her head tilting curiously. "They like all fruits?" With the strawberry gone her fingers twitched, almost as if she were tempted to try to pet the horse. Instead she lowered her hand to rest over the remaining ones. Eventually she picked out the plump of them all and offered it to Running Cloud.

"Not all fruits, but apples, pears....strawberries, apparently." Doran gave a little chuckle. "Food is a good assist towards earning an animal's trust. Food, a safe place, and honest affection."

"Those are good fruits." She agreed. She giggled as the horse gobbled up the strawberry and this time she dared to touch her fingertips to its velvety nose. It wasn't exactly a pet but more of a simple touch. She was afraid to do much more at the moment. "Why are you riding out with two horses" Are you jumping from one to the other while you are riding?" It would be her to think up something like that.

"No." He grinned in a most impish manner. "I was wondering if you'd like to join me."

That grin. Should she be afraid. "Riding" On your horse with you?" He wasn't suggesting she was going to ride one by herself was he"

"With me, for starters....eventually by yourself."

It was as if you could see the lightbulb above her head. Ding! She blinked at him. "Oh! You want to teach me to ride!" They had talked about it before, sorta, but it had been nothing but talk. She was a bit between nervous and excited. "Okay!" was quickly spilled out.

"Yes. This is Mudball," he said, indicating the horse he was riding. "She was born during after a heavy rain, and always seemed fascinated with running and rolling in the mud."

She was wondering about the odd name and was going to ask but he beat her to it! "I was going to say that was a weird name but it fits. Are these both yours" Or your papa's?"

"They're technically Pa's, but I'm pretty much the only one who rides Mudball. Cloud doesn't have a regular rider."

Her eyes swept to Running Cloud as if she were trying to figure out why he didn't have a regular rider. She knew Cratos loved riding horses when nobody was looking. Carefully folding the napkin over the strawberries she tucked it into her bottomless bag and looked to Doran with a smile. "So you are hoping that if I learn to ride that I will keep Cloud company?"

"Well, I figured it wouldn't hurt to let you two get acquainted, Would you like to ride?"

As nervous as she was, the idea of spending time with Doran wasn't something she was so quick to turn down. Besides! He was going to teach her something new! "Yes. Please?"

"All right....come over here, and stand beside Mudball. Don't be nervous, she doesn't spook easily." He stood next to the brown mare, gently stroking her neck and mane as they waited for Sylva to approach.

Her tongue peaked out to wet her lips. Don't be nervous. Easier said than done! She did as she was told, however, moving to stand next to the mare though she was keeping a close eye on the animal. Any wrong muscle movement and she was gunna tackle Doran out of the way and flee!

Once she was standing next to Mudball, Doran gestured to the stirrup hanging down from the saddle. "Put your left foot in there, then grab this," indicating the saddlehorn, "and pull yourself up, swinging your other leg over and down on the other side. Let your right foot find that stirrup. Once you're up and settled, scoot forward a bit,"

While he waited for Sylva to suck it up and mount, he made sure the saddle was cinched tight enough—but not too tight—under Mudball's belly.

((from live chat with Sylva))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2018-09-08 17:36 EST
5 September, south side of Old Market near the river

The night was dark and overcast, with both moons merely hazy shapes barely discernible through the clouds. Still, the rain was holding off, which meant that Rhydin's streets were busy yet, between late evening shoppers and night folk. The streets were abuzz with discussion of the upcoming election, the weekend festivities for Citizens Day, and the recent book burnings and missing people. In some ways, the activity across the city was going on in spite of the disappearances.

Not all the passages throughout Rhydin were bustling, though. Some were quiet, even peaceful, while others lay in resless silence, disturbed only by the furtive noises of those who preferred to go unseen. Dark cloth rustled softly as three figures slipped down a backstreet alley, on the hunt and intent on their prey.

The young couple ahead of them was oblivious to their danger, focused solely on each other, their thoughts romantic, even erotic, and an aura of glamour surrounded them. The three dark-clad hunters edged closer, one of them clearly directing the others with swift gestures. Still heedless of the threat, their prey kissed and then one gestured to conjure a flower for the other, getting a brilliant smile in return. Seeing that, the leader of the hunting party sneered, and raised a hand, ready to signal.

"Good evening!" The voice rang out, bright and clear, from the other end of the alleyway. A young man stood there, silhouetted against the street lights. "You may all go now!"

Startled, the couple looked down the alley at the speaker, and then in the dim light they spied the three who had been set to take them, and gasped in shock. The interruption had left their stalkers frozen for a moment, and the pair took the opportunity to rush out into the safety of better-lite and more populated avenues.

Deprived of their targets, the hunters rounded on the intruder, two of them gazing at him with stone-faced expressions while the third, their leader, narrowed her eyes. Unperturbed, the youth approached them, his face as unreadable as a master gambler in a high-stakes poker game. As he drew closer, a faint sapphire-blue glow could be seen in his eyes, and the woman smirked, seeing that perhaps their efforts would not go wasted tonight. "You interfere with our righteous crusade, boy. Sinners must be you will be! Name yourself, that we may know whose wicked soul we will be purging."

One of the young man's eyebrows arched elegantly as he stepped into the circle of light from a lamp high above. "That's not a very polite introduction," he mused, lips twitching into a grin. "Doran Ilnaren, at your service. And're some of those book-burning nuns, aren't you?"

"We serve Our Lord faithfully, unlike your ilk who have dragged this city into sin and wickedness." As she spoke, the other two moved to either side, ready to come at Doran like pincers of a lobster's claw. "You're a fool, boy, to face us alone."

"Do tell." Then something flashed in Doran's eyes, and a wave of pain washed over the nuns.

Caught unaware, the leader of the trio doubled over as searing agony flooded her senses. "Aaaah! Get him!" The other two, seemingly unaffected by the empathic assault, blinked once and then rushed at him from both sides.

It had been Doran's turn to be caught by surprise when only one of the nuns fell to his psionic attack. Their instant of confusion, however, gave him time to recover, and he quickly withdrew a small cylinder from his belt. With a quick shake, the cylinder sprang out to form a Minbari fighting pike, and he struck left, then right, catching one nun in the gut and then smashing the other across her jaw, which broke with an audible crack. Disconcertingly, neither of them seemed to be adversely affected by the blows, and Doran was forced to backpedal when they rounded on him and kept coming. Then he stumbled, and the one to his left grabbed his pike, jerking it free from that hand. Snarling, the two of them struggled for control of the weapon, but the other nuns were soon upon him.

The pike was torn from Doran's grip and then jabbed hard into his chest. He dropped his head, straining to catch his breath, while the lead nun turned as whistles sounded in the distance. "The Watch, roused at last, but too late. You will burn for your sins, foolish boy, burn forever. I told you, you should not have faced us alone."

"Alone?" There was an odd echo in the lad's voice, and when he looked up at her, the blue glow in his eyes fairly gleamed. "Who said he was alone?" With that, a ghostly form burst from Doran's body, and then another and another, unsettled spirits now circling around them all. "Foul woman, you and yours have defiled the peace of this city, and we say enough! You are the ones who deserve to burn....and you SHALL!"

As Doran slumped back, the alley walls echoed with the screams of the robed women as the raging ghosts enacted their own justice.

* * *

Someone shook Doran and he roused to consciousness, his nostrils greeted with the gut-wrenching scent of burnt hair and scorched flesh. "What hap-?"

"That's what I was going to ask you, kid." The Watch officer crouching beside him turned to look over his shoulder, where three charred bodies in well-singed robes lay. "I came into the alley to see a bunch of glowing folks swarming all over, and those three sisters going up like torches. Looks like they were some of those whacked-out nuns we've been trying to round up, which makes dying like that more than a little ironic."

"It seems that you're not the only one that thinks so," replied Doran as the officer helped him to his feet. "There are more than a few ghosts in this city, and I'd say that they aren't too happy with those ladies right now. Ironic justice, indeed."

((cross-posted from here))

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2019-05-13 21:49 EST
March 11, 2019

The young man settled on a sturdy limb, leaning back against the thick trunk of a majestic oak. He was as still as the forest around him, even moreso as a breeze set branches to swaying. Sapphire-blue eyes peered into the surrounding forest, seeking a sign through the foliage, some hint of his elusive prey.

Then, at last, he spotted a flash of white amid the trees. Afternoon sunbeams slanted through the canopy to shine upon one of the wood's regal, many-antlered white stags. Inching forward, the youth gauged distance, watching the stag as it made his way into a clearing. Dipping its head, the deer nibbled at some leaves, then looked up slowly, as if sensing eyes upon it, yet not threatened. The watcher waited until his target moved a bit further into the little meadow, until it presented itself in full display, turning it's head towards him. He raised his arms, took aim, and....


The shutter flashed open and shut, then again and again, the sound too faint to carry the distance. Doran smiled as he lowered his camera, and checked the viewer to see what images he'd captured. "Perfect," he muttered, almost breathlessly. "Azure will love this one, she might even make a pattern of it." Tucking the camera into his belt pouch, he looked up at the stag once more, admiring its majesty. It did not surprise him that the great deer were held in so many cultures as kings of the forest.

Suddenly the stag's head jerked, startled, and Doran narrowed his eyes as he reached out with his gifted perceptions. His lips curled downwards into a frown as he picked up an impression of ugly reality.

Hunter. Not for food or warmth, not for necessity; that, he could understand and accept. This was a man seeking nothing more than a trophy to claim. "We'll see about that."

* * * * *

Nergan Trueshot had traveled all across the wilds of Rhy'din and into world beyond, always hunting for new and exciting prey. He had earned his sobriquet by his skill with the bow, and his home was bedecked with many a beast's head, pelt, or other reminders of past hunts. When he heard of the Guild's rewards, he knew he had to come back to the city and the woods beyond its walls. Perhaps this would be his time to add one Rhy'din's great white stags to his collection"

He crept through the underbrush, swift and silent, taking care not to disturb leaf or twig with his passing. Dropping to one knee, he reached down to examine the tracks before him. Fresh, he determined, looking up to peer into the trees ahead, not far ahead of me and moving at an easy pace. He hasn't realized that I'm tracking him. Good. Standing once more, the hunter moved forward, not so quickly now, but with deliberation and stealth. It wouldn't do to spook the stag when he was so close.

Finally he spotted it! There, in that clearing, the great deer stood, grazing calmly without a care. Excellent. As the stag grazed, Nergan edged closer to the tree line. He froze when the prey's head rose and it looked around, checking for threats. For a moment, it turned to look off in the distance, and he crept forward. Then a squirrel dashed, chittering, through the underbrush,startled by his unexpected nearness, and he froze in place, ducking his head as the stag's head jerked towards him, letting his camouflaged hood shield his presence. Did it see me"

After a long moment, he slowly lifted his gaze until he could spy the stag once more. It had closer to the far edge of the clearing, but was no longer looking about, having returned to its grazing. With a self-satisfied smirk, Nergan slowly stood, hiding behind a thick trunk as he nocked an arrow in his bow. The wind rustled the leaves above him, but he paid it no mind, leaning forward to find his target. He lifted his bow, taking careful aim.


Ducking back out of sight, Nergan frowned and glanced around him, into the surrounding trees. Had he really heard a voice just then, whispering" It had sounded as though it were coming from someone leaning close into his ear, but there was nobody there. He peeked back to see if the stag had reacted, but no, it simply stood there, looking away from him, heedless of any danger. Clearing his mind, the hunter once more took aim.

"....for shame...."

Gasping, he froze in place, bow lifted but unable to let the arrow fly.

"....i'm here....i see you...."

Now that had definitely been a voice, soft but edged with menace. Someone was watching him, and he felt a tingling in the skin of his neck. Who was out there" Who spied on him from the wooded boughs and branches" "Enough!" he hissed under his breath. "You're imagining things." Taking a slow breath to gather his wits, the hunter looked back out into the clearing.

The stag was calmly looking his way. More than that, he knew with certainty that it was staring. Right. At. Him. Frozen in place, Nergan could hear his pulse pounding in his temples. He couldn't tear his gaze away from it as the stag took one step towards him, then another, and as it approached, its bright pelt seemed almost to burn with a white-hot fire. Surely, he thought in a panic, his doom was fast approaching, but he could only stand there, transfixed as awe blended with terror in his mind. My heart, pounding as if about to burst from my chest!

Suddenly the great deer snorted, almost contemptuously, and stamped at the ground. The spell broken, Nergan dropped his bow and arrow heedlessly and spun around, not caring about anything except getting away from there, as far and fast as he could.

A figure stood there, a young man, practically a lad, his sapphire-blue eyes shining with a faint, eerie glow. "Hello there," yhe youth said, and in that moment Nergan recognized the whispering, unseen voice that menaced him so recently. There was a blur of motion, and then something struck hard against his temple, sending the hunter reeling as he fell to the forest floor.

* * * * *

Dropping his staff, Doran reached down to grab the man by his tunic and haul him roughly upwards, stronger than his lean frame would suggest. He shook the hunter, his smile an almost-malicious grin as the other groggily met his gaze. "Let's see how you handle being hunted."

* * * * *

Nergan's eyes blinked once, then again before locking on the young man's face with a gaping, slack-jawed stare. Those blue eyes seemed to swell, filling his vision with a sapphire haze....and within that haze, images arose, a sense of something ever behind him, stalking, toying with him as he ran, endlessly through a nightmare forest. All around him, roars of anguish and bleating, helpless calls rang out, and beyond them were the raucous baying of hounds in chase. No! He had to escape! Had to get out, but the trees, the trees closing in all around him, and then the arrows, the spears, cutting deep into his flesh! It hurt! So much! Gods above....the pain!

He stumbled, exhausted and bloody, and then the pack was upon him, nipping and tearing his flesh to bring him down. A wordless scream erupted from his lips as he collapsed, only to have his head yanked back and something cruel and hard pressed against his throat. Cold, it slid across, and then the chill was washed away by a wet heat that flowed down his body as his vision faded to black.

* * * * *

The next day, a pair of riders came up to the Hunters Guild hall. Behind one of them rode another man, clad as a hunter, bow and quiver slung across his back, his eyes wide in a sightless stare. The two men helped their mindless companion down, leading him inside as they spoke in hushed tones.

"Maybe the Guild will be able to find someone to help him."

"The way he is" Not likely! I'll tell you, though, I sure don't want to run into whatever fell spirit did this to someone like Nergan!"

Across the street, sapphire-blue eyes watched for a moment, until the trio had disappeared inside. Then Doran smiled and, raising a flute to his lips, began to play a jaunty tune as he strolled off into the mid-day crowd.

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2019-09-21 22:46 EST
Saturday, 21 September and fire, shadows grow....elements unleashed....

Murmuring while he slept, Doran turned and twisted in his bed, his fingers clutching the sheets as though his very life depended on it. Suddenly his eyes flew open and a sharp gasp escaped his lips. A glance out the window told him that it was still night, as moonlight shone down to blanket the room. The youth swung his feet over to sit upon the edge of his bed, rubbing his eyes to try and drive out the dream, the disturbing vision that had woken him.

But why' What could it mean"

Rising from bed, he put on moccasins and a robe, and slipped out of the room, treading softly down the hall so as not to wake anyone else at the manor. Once outside, he headed out across the fields, following an unseen path he knew by heart. Soon enough he had reached the copse at the fields' edge, and started up the spiral stairway to the tree house above. The door opened with a faint creak, and he entered quietly, not wishing to disturb the young woman sleeping within.

"Doran' What?" Not quietly enough, it seemed, as Sylva stirred and turned to look up at him.

"Sorry, Sylva. I didn't mean to wake you, I just..." His voice trailed off as words and excuses failed him. "I couldn't sleep. I had a dream."

Sitting up with the sheet held close to her chest, she looked at him with equal parts curiosity and concern. "You" What about?"

He shook his head and sat at the edge of the bed, "I'm not sure. It almost felt like I was feeling echoes of other dreams, other visions. I can't really make any sense of it. There were flashes of color, elemental forces. Shards of glass scattered all about." He shrugged helplessly. "It was a dream, they have their own logic. I just-" He paused for a moment. "I just didn't want to go back to sleep alone."

With a smile, Sylva scooted over to make room, and Doran crawled in beside her, letting her wrap her arms around him as if to keep him safe.

Together they drifted off to sleep, but in the depths of Doran's dreamscape, the light of five shining stones glittered in the darkness.

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2019-10-26 18:32 EST
October 20, 2019

"What?" Doran's tone was flat, his expression unreadable.

"Renna told me to give you this. To protect yourself. From her." Ebon held up an open box, within which lay a single item. It was a weapon, a handgun. Not just any such gun, but a unique weapon of untapped power. "There are five bullets, each laced with Renna's technology, what she called SCHISM. It rends its target in space, so that—as she put it—a man struck with one of these bullets will find his chest lying across the room. She implied even advanced regenerative qualities would not save such a victim." He handed the box to his son, who simply stared down at it, silent and unreadable. "She couldn't bring herself to give it to you personally, claiming that you hate her."

Slowly, Doran shook his head. "I don't hate Renna." There was a pause. "I used to hate her. Gods above and below, I despised her!" The venom in the youth's voice, unlike anything he had ever before expressed, led Ebon to step back as if recoiling. Doran looked up, releasing a weary sigh. "There's nothing to gain by hatred, except for a gnawing emptiness inside. You learned that lesson, Pa, with Grey."

Eyebrow arched, Ebon nodded, impressed by his son's understanding. "I told her that I thought you pitied her."

"No, it's not that, either. I'm just....numb, when it comes to Renna. If she threatens Sylva, or our family....or me, I suppose," he added with a wry grin, "then I'll respond accordingly. Until then, I honestly couldn't care any less."

That gave Ebon pause, and he was left briefly speechless. Recovering after a moment, he gestured to the gun. "She said to save it as a weapon of last resort, when you or those you love are in the most grave danger."

"Fine." Doran closed the box and set it on his nightstand for now. "I suppose if I'm going to have something like that, I'd best learn to use it properly. You know of any good shooting ranges in town?"

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2019-10-26 18:35 EST
October 22, 2019

Renna told me to give you this. To protect yourself. From her.

With his father's words echoing in his mind, Doran stared at the box sitting in his lap, or more accurately at its contents. A gun. She had sent him a gun. Was he supposed to just take it at face value and everything would be all well and good once more" No, of course not. The Betrayer—he couldn't even think her name anymore—had to have an ulterior motive.She *always* had plans, plans within schemes within plots.

So why in all the hells would she give him a gun that could kill her"

There was a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in."

It opened to reveal Cratos, wearing his usual grin. "Your pa said to tell you that dinner will be ready in a little bit." The Cormyran youth stepped inside, intrigued by whatever gripped his friend's attention. "What's that?" When Doran made no reply, he edged closer and peered down. "Wicked. Where'd you get that?"

Doran looked up, his expression stony. "It was a gift from the Betrayer." When comprehension failed to dawn on Cratos' face, he sighed and elaborated. "Renna."

Now that name, Cratos had heard before, from tales told by Doran, Ebon, and even young Azure. His usual cheer faded, and he drew back a step. "Her"! Why?"

"That, my friend, is the question. According to Pa, she meant me to use it to protect myself, my family, those I love."

"From what?" asked Cratos.

"From her." Doran shook his head slowly. "She was a terror to this city, time and again....but over time, she changed, seemingly reborn into a kinder, more peaceful soul. She became-" His voice suddenly broke off, and he closed the box lid, setting it aside before rising. "Renna was my friend. She seemed happy. all went bad again. She tried to kill Pa, swore service to Bhaal. She betrayed me! How can she expect me to trust anything she says or does now?"

His auburn bangs hung down over his eyes as Cratos pondered the question. "You told me once that nobody is just one person inside. If there was ever a part of her that you could trust and call friend, trust that part of her. I know what it's like to want to protect a friend. Maybe that part truly wants to protect you from the rest of her." Beat. "Or maybe it's all a trick. Trust, but don't trust blindly."

That actually made Doran grin, then laugh softly. "When did you get so wise?"

"It's all part of my winning outlook on life! Now come on, I'm hungry and I can smell the roast down in the oven." Cratos stood and headed for the door, then turned back and pointed to the closed box. "I hope you have a safe place for that."

Doran nodded, picking up the box and placing it in a small safe that rested on the bottom of one bookshelf. "Pa already thought of that. Come on, let's go eat!"

Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2019-10-26 18:36 EST
October 23, 2019

Riding across the fields of Stardreamer Manor, Doran found his thoughts occupied with weighty matters. Life and death, love and hate. He barely registered the thudding of Running Cloud's hooves against grass and earth, or the bright autumn colors that blazed all along the wood's edge.

On the surface, his life seemed fairly idyllic. He had a promising career on the stage ahead of him, he was healthy with plenty of friends and family around him, and even the lurking threats that always seemed to be on life's edges seemed to have taken a step back into the shadows. it was definitely not a life fraught with troubles.

Yet there was something missing.

Coming back to his surroundings, Doran gently reined Running Cloud to a halt and looked around him, The manor house was out of sight beyond the hill crest, and the gates to the estate were some distance ahead. To his right, he spied the treehouse he'd constructed—with help, admittedly—years before. It was his place of refuge, and more recently had become home to one he held dear.

He had never dared to truly admit to himself the depth of feeling he held for her, but why' Scared of rejection' Scared to make her a target of his father's enemies? He considered both suggestions, and as he pondered, he could picture Cratos rolling his eyes, heard his friend's voice. You're just being silly!

That was true. He was being silly, and dumb. In his mind's eye, Doran envisioned his place of peace, afloat upon a vast ocean, gentle waves lapping at the sides of his boat. He looked down at his hands on the oars....and then another pair of hands lightly rested on his. Looking up, he found himself gazing into eyes like pools of cool green, and a smile that soothed and enticed him.

She wasn't truly there, and yet the thought of her presence left him feeling whole and contented. A broad smile spread across his face.


Doran Ilnaren

Date: 2019-10-26 18:49 EST
October 24, 2019

Sylva was just making her way through the marketplace - yes at this late hour. It helped avoid certain places and kept her mind on things like 'oh look. pretty thing in the window there'. She did a whole lot of window shopping but not really much shopping-shopping.

Over by the fountain stage, Doran leaned against a post, and the music of his flute drifted through the night air. There were a few folk who stopped to listen, pausing for a moment on their way home, or to the nearest tavern, depending on how they preferred to end their day. He would occasionally spy a listener who seemed particularly enrapt, and play to them awhile, until they smiled, or blushed, and moved on.

Music. It did pull her from the depths of her pondering and from the shiny in a window. She was well aware that Doran was not the only one who played the flute but it still drew her. As she drifted closer she indeed saw it was the young man who was playing. Clasping her hands behind her back she drifted closer but not enough to be in the small crowd of people that gathered. She was listening but she seemed to be watching him more intensely than she was listening.

He felt her presence long before he saw her. She shone within his perception like a blazing bonfire, unable to be ignored. Still, Doran played to his auddience, but as he played, he incorporated some of the tunes crafted while helping Sylva with her dancing. The tempo was akin to a body's rhythm. The drawing of a breath, the beat of a heart, the subtle play of muscles as they moved.

It didn't take her long at all to realize that he was mingling some of the tunes in - like he was saying hello to her with music and a smile began to bloom. Slowly her hands unclasped and her gaze softened. Whatever she was thinking about may have lingered but it was now somewhere in the depths of other things. If anything, Sylva was patient. She'd watch as people left, obviously talking about the melodies they had heard.

Soon enough the fountain courtyard was empty, save for Doran onstage and Sylva at the edge. Now he turned his gaze towards her as he played, and the tune became something new. It was not one that she had ever heard before; indeed, not one he had ever played. This was a melody born from Doran's soul, full of the feelings he had for her, his heart laid bare in music.

She squinted at a couple as they left, apparently the last to leave. The music wooed her attention back to Doran and she blinked. That was a new song as far as she knew. Tipping her head to the side she listened and eventually drew closer to him.  For a moment, just a moment, she met his gaze but after that she lowered her eyes.

Finally the trilling of the flute rose to a flourishing crescendo, peaked, and faded. Doran lowered the instrument and jumped down from the stage, walking over to stand before Sylva. He drew her gently into his arms, and leaned forward to touch his forehead to hers.

Music didn't feel as difficult as words, maybe that was why she liked it so much. Not that she could play a tune to save her life. Staring at her feet, she focused on not the one who played it but the melody that was created. As the music faded she became more aware that he was on the move and she looked up just in time to be embraced. Instinct had her wrapping her arms around him. Small things like the forehead tap made her smile. He didn't think her weird for her differences. It was..nice. "That was beautiful," she murmured to him about the song.

"I was inspired by you, that's why." He pulled his head back to look at her, but didn't let go of the embrace. "I'm sorry if I've been a dumb-dumb lately. Not sure how to say what I feel, hesitating, too worried about how people might look at us." He held her gaze and smiled. "I should have simply spoken from the heart, the same way I play for you. I love you, Sylva, and I am yours for as long as you will have me."

Geh! Ebon spilled the beans! Or Rhi. Or Gory. She almost groaned out loud as her arms dropped. "Worried about how people might look at us?" Her brows began to drift down but stopped and instead shot up. Like disappearing under her bangs, up. "Wh-what? D-Doran. You..You don't need to say that. I am sorry for what I told your da. Don't feel like you have to say anything like that to me!" She was practically stumbling over her own words.

"What you told..." Pa didn't say anything to me about you." He raised an eyebrow, looking very much like his father's son in that moment, and grinned. "I'm saying it because it's how I feel. You make me happy when you look at me, your smile brightens my heart and your voice soothes my soul."

Her face went red when it seemed Ebon didn't say anything and only seemed to go moreso red the more he spoke. Poor Sylva looked like a red balloon about ready to pop. Her mouth opened and slowly closed. She was lost on words. "Why...did you seem hesitant to call me girlfriend when I met Yuino?"

It was his turn to redden at that question. "I wasn't sure if you would be comfortable, being introduced like that." He shrugged. "It's silly, I know, I've called you that before. It's just, at that moment....I didn't want to treat you like a trophy."

That is where it confused her. She tipped her head as she peered at his face. "Have I given you reason to think I thought you were treating me like that?"

"" He actually hung his head a bit. "Like I said, I was a dummy."

She practically melted and released a loud breath. "I thought I had done something wrong and made you not like me no more." She was soooo happy to know otherwise and her arms went around to hug him tight. For like two seconds then he was released and she shuffled back. "Um..." was mumbled and she dug into her bag to pull out the puzzle box he should be familiar with by now. She offered it out to him.

With a quizzical look, he took the puzzle box and held it. "I never did figure out how to open this."

Her lips pursed briefly before she nodded. "I..know. I took out what was inside. That was actually suppose to be your birthday gift. But....I....chickened out. But then I, um..." She reached back into her bag and pulled out a small folded piece of paper and offered it to him. "I was....Um....going to put this one in there before giving it back to you."

He took the note, looking a little shamefaced. Then he read it.

And he read it again.

When I first made this box I had put a note inside for you to find. It said "like you lots". As weeks and days went by that feeling became a known and grew more. It scared me because I don't know how to be normal and say things right. I do know I am thankful for you and you have done so much for me I can't put it all on this tiny paper. When you didn't figure out the puzzle I took the puzzle and put this paper in instead. Maybe you will figure it out. Maybe you won't. Maybe I will be brave enough to tell you one day that I don't think I like you lots. I think I am in love with you. So if I act weird, I am sorry. Tell me to stop. K" K! Congrats on figuring out my weird birthday gift to you!


Doran's jaw dropped. "I- I- I-" Beat. "I am the luckiest man in the multiverse."

She looked confused when he looked like that. Puzzles were hard so it isn't like she was upset that he didn't figure it out. That confusion bled nervousness and she subconsciously took a step or two back. "Huh?"

"You love me." It was a simple statement, but Doran's voice seemed to swell with heartfelt emotion as the meaning of those words filled him.

Hearing him say it like that made her red in the face again. She nodded softly and she tugged on the end of her shirt.  "I do love you, Doran. I just wasn't sure if it was okay for me to say or feel that." Her brows slowly began to knit. Things were complicated in ways she didn't like. "Do you think people...find that weird" I mean"

"No, but even if they did, it wouldn't matter to me. You know how you feel about me, and I know how I feel about you. That's what is important."

She gave him a slightly confused look but decided not to say anything. Instead, she giggled and nodded a few times. "Okay." She exhaled again in a rush, like she had been holding her breath. "Thank you, Doran."

"Thank you, Sylva. And you're welcome."

The realization of his words earlier had hit her and she felt a bit giddy but at the same time it was counted by the nervousness in the pit of her stomach with everything. Saying those words but then warmly received.  Her stomach was all topsy turvy! Rubbing her cheek, she tried to get rid of the warmth she felt there. "How long have you been out here?"

"A while," he admitted, and shivered at Sylva's touch, though whether from that or the evening chill, he honestly couldn't say. "Do you want to go somewhere warm?"

"Yes, please!" she quickly agreed with a sheepish smile. "We should start wearing our coats, huh?"

"Well, it gives us an excuse to cuddle when we get home."

Well that didn't help the color in her cheeks none. Slowly she reached a hand out, fingers offered to him. "Does that mean you are staying tonight or just for a little while to warm up?"

He took her hand. They were a bit of a matched set, at least in terms of cheek color. "I'd like to stay."

"Okay. I'll make sure to wear socks." She did have a bad habit of tucking her cold feet under him. Opps? She grinned sheepishly and when he took her hand she leaned into him for a sort of hug before she took a step for home.

((written with Sylva))