Topic: Flooding the Marketplace


Date: 2012-02-11 11:50 EST
The witnesses were many and their stories seemed to vary as far apart as the individuals who gave them. A baker's delivery boy with auburn hair said that Raven was in the market and summoned down the Death Knights, but he was alone, and they attacked him.

The hairdresser up the block stated that there were definately one or two women involved but they didn't have their hair done by her so she didn't recognize the two, except to say she could do better with their updo's.

The gentlemen from the laundry had sworn that there had been a pair of cats that attacked the Death Knights though there was some confusion as to which of the people had controlled them. All agreed there were two, but the descriptions varried.

The more people he spoke with the muddier the details became. Raven had appeared in a puff of smoke, no it wasn't Raven, but some bloody but brave warrior. He hadn't come from a puff of smoke but fallen from the sky as though dropped from dragon back.

No not dropped but purged up out of the earth itself, and it wasn't a man at all but some large three headed monstrosity two of the heads were female and one was a male...and all of them were covered in blood.

The only facts that stayed the same were the ones that told of three Death Knights. This was easily confirmed by the bodies that lay in the streets.

"Well this will make for an interesting report if nothing else." He looked to the bodies and stared at their attire. He needed to understand the relationship these creatures shared with Raven. The only thing in common that he saw had been staring at him since he had gotten to where the knights had fallen.


Date: 2012-02-12 21:46 EST
Kruger looked at the fallen knights, revulsion had his skin crawling. The area was nearly empty of people, a couple of men talking only. One of those left, and the other seemed to observe Kruger as he worked. Kruger was suspicious by nature; he refused to lay hands upon the corpses of the knights until he had gotten a better look. He reached out to the body with Heaven, the angelic hammer in the pair that made up Purgatory.

The contact caused a flash of light, Kruger pulled on the body but the strength seemed to drain from him. Surely this one body wasn't too much for him to handle. The harder he pulled the weaker he felt, it seemed that something was trying to prevent him from moving the corpse. Giving a final heave the corpse rolled, Kruger had a moment to see before he fell to his backside the sword lying on the street, runes glowed red on the blade. At his fall the man had come over, and offered his hand to Kruger.

He had said his name was Grem, Kruger didn't know the man but he seemed concerned that magic had been used to create the beings. Kruger felt oddly drained, and shaky the sword on the ground had his attention. This was a problem because Kruger nearly admitted things to the man. The use of the word we had become something that adorned the smith's vocabulary lately. He hated the word, it reveals much in and of itself. The word we means always that there is more that cannot be seen. It says that I am not alone here, there are others whom you cannot see. Often the word we indicated that alliances had been formed, and this was the crux of Kruger's problem.

In all things he had been a solo act. He had in the interest of preserving others set into motion elaborate sequences that by design would leave him to face enemies alone. He was rarely sure that his involvement in any struggle put him on the correct side, so he championed hopeless causes and risked no one but himself. Lately the problems faced had been too large to be settled by one lone combatant. He wished he could drive away the darkness by creating the perfect shield, or the ultimate weapon. He didn't have enough information to do this though. He needed what these bodies held.

The man, Grem stayed with him, so Kruger made an excuse to rid this body of its sword. He claimed that children shouldn't have such a thing available to them, and that he would store the thing in his shop until proper authorities claimed it. He waited then for the street to empty completely. Darkness was coming, and with that cover he would be able to gain the rest of the pieces he needed. He was fairly certain that an entire suit of Ebonsteele armor would be missed, so he went to each body and pieced together a full set. He was certain that within the metal was an answer to dealing with the Death Knights. There was no one he could think of better to find it than himself.


Date: 2012-02-14 11:36 EST
Kruger had asked for company on the way back from the duels. While traveling in pairs was good idea with RhyDin in its current situation, Kruger had things that he needed to discuss. He had been thinking since he had investigated the incident at the Marketplace. This was always a risky scenario because it gave rise to the paranoia that he struggled with. Something about the scene seemed strange to him, almost as though he were intended to find the Ebonsteele.

He spoke to Rachael about it, hoping she would tell him he was crazy again. She however couldn't rule out the possibility that he was correct. On one hand Kruger didn't see what if anything could have drawn attention to a simple smith by someone as powerful as Raven seemed to be. It was true that people tended to snicker at him when he referred to himself as such. Kruger had been a little more active lately, bolstering defenses in different districts, but hadn't the other weapons makers been doing good business too'

Rach had asked him what his first instinct was. He explained that he simply thought he had found a way to aid that wouldn't get in the way of any plans that he couldn't see. It was only second thinking that made him skittish. Perhaps he was being tested; this thought was better than the thinking that he had somehow become targeted. Tested by who was the next question. Kruger had no answer, he could still find a way to link back to being a target, and he hated the feeling. Best case for him would be if the shadows behind the defense of the city were seeing if he was as good as he was professed to be. He might do the same if he were looking for a partner. Recruited by the enemy was something he didn't want to consider.

They walked slowly despite the chill, Kruger's sense of foreboding increased the closer he got to the forge and what was inside it. He was positive this was just the unknown trying to make him balk and pressed onward. Even a slow pace though gets you where you're going. He unlocked the man door and stepped through. This was slightly abnormal behavior as he usually took the gentlemanly route and held the door for a lady. He was no psychologist, and therefore didn't understand that in this place he was the master, and therefore must lead.

The forge was warm, the recent addition of a fire lizard to the forge fires aided in the maintaining of the flames so critical to his business. To be able to open and start quickly instead of waiting for the coals to properly heat gave him more time to practice his trade, thereby increasing his customer base. He was a different man once inside this place, he knew every corner of the shop. Kruger exuded that confidence that he had when he stepped into the rings, except that here there was no fight to be had. In this place he had only old friends to work with. The fires and quenches, his tools hung over the anvil which showed the wear of use, and proved that the calloused hands of the smith were stronger than the handles of hardwood on the hanging hammers.

He produced an odd key, and removed a piece of it before placing it to the locked chest containing the armor of the Death Knights". His hand shook slightly as the magnetic lock snicked open. He knelt and placed a hand to the lid, but stopped. He looked over at the Watchwoman; even in the dim light she would be able to see his eyes shining with moisture.

"I am afraid Rach." He shook his head trying to deny it, but the words he had been struggling to bring out for that long walk were finally voiced. "I have never felt this way towards a piece of armor, or a weapon. I don't know what will happen here when finally I begin to break this stuff down. I don't want to become a monster.?


Date: 2012-02-14 11:37 EST
Kruger couldn't read her expression; her face was always so much more schooled than his. He was sure that she held the same emotions that most people held. He had made a private campaign to get an actual laugh out of the woman. In the back of his mind he shuddered to think what would happen if that control was tested to the point of breaking.

Her advice to him was sound; if he was truly afraid then don't try. Kruger thought that might be her way of helping him through his anxiety. "I won't be ruled by fear Rachael." The twitch of lip she gave could have been amusement, or approval. Hard to say what Rachael thought on the surface. Kruger believed she only said what he needed to hear, because the tremble to his hand had dissipated, and his chin rose with the defiance that had given him so many scars on his back.

Rachael left as Kruger began to pull the pieces from the chest and line them out. Kruger didn't see her leave that invisible sentry of air to watch over her friend but he could hear it enter. He was grateful for that small demonstration. Once he had the pieces in the order he wanted he considered his next steps carefully. He stepped away to the cloak he had abandoned on entry and took the badge that marked him as guardian. He pressed his thumb to the wings the halo came alive shining blue as it scanned his finger.

Haru had said he could speak to specific members; he just needed to say the name. "Cael, its Kruger if you have some time, there is something I need your help with. I am at the forge, and will wait for you to arrive unless you tell otherwise." Kruger took the badge and attached it to his shirt. It wouldn't do to miss the reply because he was too far away to hear it.

CaelMal DulQue

Date: 2012-02-14 14:55 EST
The badge had whispered to him as he was walking towards the Inn. The words were felt more then heard. Within a matter of seconds, the drow had slipped into the magic of his birth and faded from view. He appeared at Kruger's shop and stepped through the door.

"You had need, I think" Tell me, how may I be of service to you." Always formal, always polite to those he respected. The words were spoken as he offered a low bow. And then he saw the blackness of the armor. No, black would be a bad word. It was the complete and total lack of light, the darkness that sucked the light from a room. And a man. With another gesture, drow became dragon. He landed on the table and offered a stare of wonder up to the man.

"Tell me, how did you come by this" From where and from when" And you must know sir, you are in much more danger then you could even begin to understand right now. Tell me, have you slept since you touched the metal?"


Date: 2012-02-16 14:48 EST
Kruger was relieved when Cael showed. He addressed the easy questions first. "Earlier today there was an incident in the marketplace. Three Death Knights were killed, I"borrowed these from them." He put out his hand indicating the pieces of armor and the sword. "I haven't slept yet, I honestly don't think I could right now." He turned and grabbed hold of the anvil before him, his left hand gripping the horn.

"I am going to evaluate these Cael, to find out how they were made and how we may break them in the future if I can. The creatures adorned with this'darkness are not natural. What hope for the rest of us if we can be so easily breached by their kind?" His knuckles whitened on the anvil; there was determination in the wolf branded face, and a little hint of fear in his eyes.

"You said something once when I was crafting your sword that led me to believe that you could assist me in this endeavor. It was something to do with hearing the whispers in the dark, do you remember that?" Kruger didn't wait for the answer, he was sure Cael would remember as well as the smith did. He moved over towards the table the dragon sat upon, and turned to look on the Ebonsteele. "I hear the whispers too. I want to speak to the pieces Cael, but the whispers block me. I can't see them but when I try I can feel them move against me. I can't destroy those sentries because it could affect the memories I am looking for. I need time to get through to them, but I won't get that alone. This will take all of my concentration. Can you help me??

Giving a final look to Cael the smith waited for the answer, hoping that he was correct in choosing this particular Guardian.

CaelMal DulQue

Date: 2012-02-16 23:51 EST
The small dragon seemed to grow in the presence of the armor, his size hard to imagine. His body would waver, losing its tie to this plane and this place. In the presence of such unholy work, his nature was shown for the smith to see, mammoth wings and dripping fangs, a specter more then anything. Said creature curled into the corner of the shop, mismatched eyes peering at the man. "If I am correct in my thinking, you would do well not to sleep. Seek a ward before you do so. There is an evil in this that seeks to claim a mind, claim a soul, yes" It does this with ease when a man sleeps."

The dragon would begin to prowl around the table, tail flicking back and forth as he growled low in his throat. "You play with fire. There is something strange with these knights, yes there is. I understand most of them, but there is a darker presence here. You and I will both fight this, yes we will. For in this, you seek an answer to a question you ask. In this, I seek an answer to a question I ask of myself. The armor and myself, not so different." The words came out strained, low and almost, dangerous. The dragon was holding himself on a leash, a very tight one.

"And yes Kruger, I recall that day. I hear them at all times. I am the shadow. Simply a hole in the night, yes?" He fell quiet at this, another hate filled stare passed to the items on the table before he sprawled in front of the door of the room. "I will be here, and when I am not here, you have only to speak to me with the badge. If you find yourself without the badge, you have only to speak to the shadows. i will listen for your voice. You will have my aid in this, yes you will, most noble of smiths. I will be a sentinel while you work, I will be council should you need and I will be blade should you ask." With another gesture, the dragon summoned a small cloud of smoke to his feet and murmured in his own tongue. "You have only to speak to the smoke, it will find me. You do yourself much honor in this, and I think you will do yourself much more in these next days, yes? I will be here."


Date: 2012-02-22 22:52 EST
Kruger looked to the dragon on the table; his brows sank slightly, as cheeks rose in a look of concern. He dragged a raspy breath into his lungs before speaking to Cael. "I'm afraid the time is now Cael, do you feel how the metal strengthens over time" There will not be a better time to do this"I should have done it hours ago when I found it. I should have begun the moment I brought it back here. I know the hour is late, I am tired, you may be tired but there is a pot of coffee over on the fires. I don't expect to sleep this night."

The coffee in the pot was stronger than Kruger liked. It passed over his lips and left a bitter coating on his tongue, it was all he could do to swallow the brew that was just short of rancid. The duels had taken a lot out of him tonight, and he was very weary. The effects were not immediate, but the man was soon wired awake. His hands were jittery, a little with apprehension and a lot with caffeine. Normally he wouldn't work this way, but he wasn't making tonight.

Kruger laid hands upon the individual pieces and began to sing in a voice of gravel and stone. The Ebonsteele sucked at his aura as he began. Kruger had begun though to stop now would be inherently dangerous. He had to rely on Cael to watch what he could not spare time for. He felt it then, a lightening of the forces gathered against him. His chin came up with that defiance that always preceded action. "Occupat hunc spiritus invoco tenebras terra ferrum." He sang his call to the spirits of the metal. To the elements themselves used to form this dark armor.

Elemental earth spirits formed one above each piece of the metal and screamed to the smith in pain and anger. The sound of their voices was an avalanche on the move, a landslide broad and high that mows down all it comes into contact with. Kruger did not flinch, instead he sang louder changed his tempo to match the vibrations in that avalanche of voices, he sang words to soothe. The earth is unlike all the other elements. It can be formed and reformed as needed. It can hold that form until time and use has forgotten the why of the form. The earth is the element most like a true slave. Kruger heard their pain and anger as that of S?jira, and it tore at his chest. Born into her life she knew no other way, when the life was gone still she was the same. It made her more beautiful to him.

She reminded him of a spire that had been carved eons ago and outlived the civilization that had carved it. Many hundreds of years later another group found this spire, and made their life around it. It was a part of their daily lives. To Kruger she was that spire, and he the people who settled at its base. He would form his life to her. It was these feelings he gave to the spirits, love honor and respect. Everything he felt for her.


Date: 2012-02-22 22:55 EST
What is it you want of us child" The voices spoke distinctly but as one to Kruger. He took no offense at the term they gave him. To them he had lived less than a moment in time.

"I wish to know of your path to this place. I ask for your story from the beginning." The forces that had been trying to prevent him surged slightly as he made contact with those elements. Kruger sensed the wariness in the spirits, and knew that to take them straight to their making could unbalance whatever struggle was keeping the Death Knights at bay. He would approach from as far back as possible.

The earth remembers the past by events, visions began to enter Kruger's mind. They showed him the beginning, that molten ball and the swirling of forces that created the planet. It always began that way, this particular set showed him the forming of the moons, and how their pull attracted them towards the surface where they were to experience the great cooling. He saw tectonic upheavals that pushed them upwards and into the view of the air. They showed him the mining process that pulled them from the earth and the purification process when the element was smelted. They were poured into large slabs and shipped out.

Kruger could feel the attention on what he was doing again but it faded quickly as though it found something far more dangerous than simple information facing it. He watched on as the metal bumped along roads, and came to a familiar gate. The carts rolled in at the witching hour, three fifteen in the morning is early enough that the earliest of risers won't be getting up yet. It is also late enough that those about the streets are likely to drunk to remember anything. Kruger recognized the building they were parked in front of from his patrols. It wasn't far from where he now stood.

The voices of those earthen creatures began to change now, they grew frightened by what they were showing him. Kruger saw the warlock uttering his words of power over the metal. He could feel it entering the souls of the ancient elementals. People often said that the fires of his forge stank enough to push away clients whose purses seemed to hold more gold than three men needed. Kruger supposed that could be true, though he had no shortage of that kind of buyer. The scent projected to him was so much worse. It was the smell of death, of corpses rotten from exposure. The warlock worked that into the metal, and the need for blood. This Ebonsteele seemed to crave the stuff, it reached for him as he touched it, and now he understood what it wanted.

He began to place the pieces into the forge and change his songs; he called the fire, and air to him and begged for their help, he didn't feel the guard Rachael posted leave, but the air seemed to flow through the bellows even though they weren't being worked. The temperature in the forge increased as the flames grew hotter, Kruger got one last view of the warlock forging the armor, a clear view as though the light from Kruger's fires were illuminating his face. Kruger's wolf branded face with the eyes of burnt grass looked upon the warlock, It's eyes were reddened and burned like the coals in Kruger's forge. Its expression was cold and appraising, and it was looking directly at him. It sneered and began to point at him, Kruger gritted his teeth and kept on singing, he grabbed up the tongs and reached into the flames. They burned as they had never done before, in the moment it took him to pull the free the piece the figure had been working, his skin had a burn as though he had been in the sun for an hour. The Warlock was chanting now, Kruger couldn't hear him but he could feel a connection between himself and the warlock. The sword glowed beyond red, nearly white with heat. Kruger took up his heavy cross peen hammer and gave a defiant grin to the warlock.

"Per malleus plaga vos esse infectum." The hammer fell, and the stroke took the heated sword as Kruger sang a song of unmaking to it. A blast of energy emanated from the anvil it propelled the smith away, and against that heated forge. Skin peeled and clung to the forge as Kruger fell to the floor, the darkness that had inhabited the blade seemed drawn to him like iron to the magnet. Kruger rolled to his knees as the shadow entered him through his back.

Kruger began to retch as the darkness entered him, something was fighting it. Pushing it out of him like bad fish. He was sure it wasn't Cael; he could hear the dragon still struggling with the forces he had just unleashed. The time had come in that blow that Cael no longer had to simply hold back the evil, he could now smite it as well. Still Kruger vomited out the darkness, he felt as though a burning light were searing the inside of his body, it worked its way through him and into his head. He fell to the side and wept at the hell he had witnessed in the creation of these items.

His head lay near that pool of vomit, but the air smelled sweet. It was as though he wasn't in the forge at all though he could plainly see that he was on the floor. He felt or thought he felt a brush on his cheek, and the whispered words of a name once heard. "Marissa De Vie.?

CaelMal DulQue

Date: 2012-02-24 20:34 EST
"I know nothing of the metal, no I do not." The dragon was perched on the table, staring at the man as he worked. Oddly enough, both eyes had shifted to black. While Kruger was moving for the coffee, the dragon began to mutter in his own tongue, a language long dead, long forgotten. And for good reason. As he spoke, he grew larger, not in size, but in presence. His scales shifted, his image wavered. In a matter of seconds, the dragon had left this plane and was straddling the two of them, his own home and the one Rhydin called home.

His voice grew lower, almost a whisper. Each word hung in the room, seemed to hide in the shadows and clutch at the darkness which was pouring off the dragon and falling from the man as he worked. With a subtle shift in motion, the dragon stood and stalked towards Kruger, an almost hungry glare in those dilating pupils. His place was found, at the man's side while he worked, eyes still tracking the darkness as it fell from the smith. With a quick motion, he was standing on his back legs, wings spread to form a covering over the man. This time, he spoke in the native tongue, a slow sound, rolling and almost hollow.

"Your's is the darkness that hides the truth, the darkness that ends the light. Your's is the darkness that hides those who watch and those who wait, the blanket for those who would bend the shadows to his own will, is it not?" The words grew in strength, an almost enraged snarl ending the questions. "Mine is the darkness that starts the day, mine is the darkness that hides those who would aid the ones that can not see. Your's is blindness, mine is equality. For where there is no sight, we are all the same, are we not' And you have made your mistake, yes you have! The darkness is not a tool, not at all. It is a way of life, and it works both ways. You, who would use the darkness, are you prepared to see it used against you?"

A serpentine neck bent, the shadow of the dragon moving with more speed then the physical representation, massive maw snapping as it met the darkness that Kruger expelled, swallowing it whole. As it spread through the dragon's body, his only noise was laughter, hollow and empty as he turned his eyes to a window and let his challenge ring through the night.

A visible calm settled over the dragon, the shadows still dancing under his wings as he stared down at the man on the floor. "You mentioned a name, yes you did. I have spoken to this one once before. Perhaps we should leave, go somewhere to find her" Or perhaps we should hunt the source of this darkness in it's home?"


Date: 2012-02-25 20:46 EST
Kruger was confused, maybe a little disoriented after being tossed by the hammer blow. The smoking end of the handle lay near him, but the head itself was no more. He understood in that moment if he hadn't had his friend there with him, that blow would likely have killed him. The tactics were sound, what he needed now was a change of tools; something designed to take the punishment. He would need to address this as soon as possible, but for now all he had was Heaven and Hell. Purgatory was not designed to forge equipment, but oh could it take apart armor. He looked to Cael at his questions.

"Did I speak" I honestly can't remember speaking." Once before he had heard the name, then as now he had assumed that the sound was illusion. Could he have been the one to say the words in the first place" No, Cael had said he had spoken to this one before that meant she was real. In his heart he believed that was the only possibility, but why did he feel like she had already been and gone" Why also did he feel like he had been cleansed" "It saw me Cael, as sure as you are looking at me it saw me. It has a link to the city, I don't really understand it but it can enter through that point, and never have to worry about encountering a guard." Kruger pushed himself to his knees, the burn on his shoulder shouted at him to stop but he was stubborn about doing what he wanted. He pulled himself up completely and retrieved those new hammers from the desk where he had laid them.

If he had been wrong, and she hadn't been here then she would need to catch up. That was assuming she chose to come along. He wasn't sure what to think anymore; perhaps part of her already was with him. "We need to get to that community center Cael, you know the one" It isn't far even by foot, but the place has been condemned.? It had been more than that, and the governor's bold move on this point impressed Kruger. The only issue he had was how Raven felt about what was intended for the center.

Kruger opened the door to the forge and set out into the night. It was close to that witching hour, and somehow he felt that would be necessary in finding their way. If Marissa wasn't with him, didn't make it to him she would have to be found later. Kruger hoped that for him there would be a later.

CaelMal DulQue

Date: 2012-02-29 23:32 EST
When all was said and done, dragon became drow again, no worse for the wear. The clothes were still perfect, everything in place. A keen observer might note the eyes though, as black as night but with none of the shine. Simply empty. holding nothing inside of them while holding the world with a stare. This was a dangerous game for the Drow, the shadow dragon. Toying with the darkness brought his own emptiness to light, and that is a beast best kept on a tight leash. With those thoughts in mind, he simply stared off into a wall before coming back to life when the man spoke.

"Yes, yes you did. In your own tongue, you did. In the Common, you spoke a name. Marrissa something. I was busy and did not catch all of her name." The fact that this was new to the man, the fact that it saw him set the Drow to laughing, deep and honest mirth as he stared at him with those dark pools that passed as eyes. "Oh' Did it see you? What else would it have done" Ignore you? No, it saw you. And it might not be happy." What is was, he didn't bother to say. That was something beyone words.

"Yes, we should go but we will not go on foot. I fear that you may have been marked Kruger." He was shrugging at this, stepping out of the door. A few quick words and skin became scales, arms turned to wings. This time though, the dragon was not small, not a horse sized creature. For the second time in his stay in this town, the dragon slipped out of the guise and stood watching the world beneath him, the arrow that cut the night stood poised to fly. With a slightly baleful gaze down, he dipped a single wing towards the fllor and murmured "Mount and do it quickly. Know that you are the second living creature to mount me." Just as quickly, he had forced his legs against the ground, dark wings beating the air. Once at an acceptable level, he turned his head back and shouted "Tell me where to land friend, and I will go. Who or whatever is in this place might not expect a visitor made of the same stuff they are." With that cryptic response, the dragon turned his wings towards the ground, waiting for a command.


Date: 2012-03-02 20:55 EST
Kruger was wary when it came to riding anything. He didn't enjoy horses very much unless they had a very docile temperament. Cael was certainly no horse and the prospect of flying with nothing attaching him to the dragon's back had him skittish at best.

It was his need for speed that won out over the want to refuse Cael. He also understood that what was offered was an honor; it would be insulting to refuse. It was factors such as these that had Kruger clinging to the dragon with all the strength in his hands and arms. The bright side to riding dragon back was that Cael was sentient, and could communicate. This made guiding him to the place much easier as the city looked much different from above. Perhaps it was the fact that Kruger never paid attention to roofs or their individuality, but he did have reference points he could use, the fountain and other places. Using these he was able to bring Cael to the building. The governor was quite correct in her assessment of this place. He agreed with her decision to the point he would raise arms in defense of it.

He needed to be on the ground, the memories in his mind were all from that angle. It was the path that the Ebon Steel armor remembered that would guide Cael and Kruger to the entrance to that hidden forge. He could feel the presence of a forge somewhere below him. The insides of the forge had been his sanctuary for years. He needed its pieces to perform those magical skills he had been showing lately in the duel rings. Those things pulled at him now. He followed the path those memories led him on, remembering each jostling bump of the carts used to convey the raw metal. He was stopped at the hidden doorway. He had no knowledge of how to get through.

Cael though seemed to see the doorway, or was it what was beyond that door. He made short work of the thing and the two passed into a darkened corridor that just kept circling back upon itself in a downwards spiral. There was no light to see by; Kruger guided himself by keeping that left hand of his on the wall. When the corridor leveled, the wall broke away into a large chamber. He couldn't see the other side of it through the darkness, but there were two burning points of light in the distance. These he knew. He remembered how they seemed to bore right through him. Kruger loathed the creature attached to those burning orbs.

"Your methods are a sin, blacker than the foulness you create." Kruger's fingers slid towards those hammers of his. His voice echoed through the chamber, the burning orbs disappeared and were seen again. The Ebon Warlock's blink was the first indication that it was even still alive, if one could call a creature like that alive in the first place.

CaelMal DulQue

Date: 2012-03-05 04:14 EST
Flight had given the dragon the time he needed alone. More mentally alone then anything else, a time to force everything to the back of his mind. While he was unsure of what was about to happen, something in his mind was telling him that it would not be easy, would not be natural. WIthin seconds, he had flipped back into the assassin, the long hidden persona. With no real need, he had almost forgotten. At least, his mind had. His body, not at all.

By the time the two landed, he was well within that shadow, hidden and poised. As he followed the man into the building, past the door and down the steps. His eyes shifted, from green to black, with no luster. One might assume they were dead and wasted, a pair of stones set into his face.

"Oh yes, yes they are Kruger. A blight on this whole world." Flat and emotionless, dangerous and controlled, as both of his hands flipped towards his belt, the blade Kruger had made for him and a dirk, polished obsidian. With a final nod towards Kruger, the drow slipped into the cast shadows of the room. "The perfect strike, the final blow. The killing blow, yes? This is what I will look for. I will follow your lead, yes I will." The words held an unholy glee, honest and total mirth as he stalked away.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2012-03-25 20:39 EST
"You" were felt...Maker, and—-un-maker. Even before you took what was not yours, yes...Even before you delved into that, which was not yours to delve into' Yes. You were felt?"

The words were soft, yet carried in such a manner, that Kruger would indeed have felt them, deeply within...The ebon warlock, stood there"hardly surprised, in fact. It was almost as if" "You were expected forge master...You were expected indeed."

The reddened eyes remained affixed to Kruger, as a faint rustling of robes gave further credence to the fact, that this warlock was very much alive.

"And you bring—— another it seems" That"Was not felt, but it is moot now. For you have arrived, forge master."

If the warlock were concerned of the drow, it was not shown. Then again, little was shown of the warlock, due to the darkness, coupled with the robes that further concealed the dark creature. But the eyes" Yes, the eyes of red" They remained quite fixated upon Kruger.

"I do apologize for the darkness, forge master" But you of all people know full well, how fond of the darkness, I and my own tend to be, do you not' Then again, forge master" You seem to know a great deal, indeed."

Slowly did the warlock seem to rise, those eyes of red still bearing upon Kruger, as the rustling of fabric could be heard softly.

"You and your friend will have to forgive my rudeness, it seems. I admit to not having much in the way of company as of late with all the goings on and what not. I should have been more prepared for your—- arrival. Then again, I should have been prepared for a great deal more it seems. But that is, as they say"what it is, correct?"

Slowly, the room began to brighten—- bit by bit...

Torches came to life softly, one after another, and another. From the rear of the room, to where Kruger was standing. The dim illumination offered a better view of the room, and what was held within.

"I would have cleaned up a tad, again—- my apologies." Said the warlock...A hint of jest might have been made out, but it was rather hard to tell, given the softness of the voice..

A few more steps were taken towards Kruger, as the warlock paused once more, as the hooded head glanced to the left, and then the right once more. One would swear, given the light and what not...That the warlock, looked—- well shorter than someone would expect"

Then again, it may have gone unnoticed given the fact that the rest of the room was now visible.

The room itself, was not as large as one would have honestly believed. In fact, it looked more akin to a large corridor...Roughly about 20 or so feet across, and stretching at least double that in depth. The ceiling itself was vaulted, as heavy grade rafters could be made out, somewhat. Strewn down the sides of the room were racks...Several of them in fact, loaded with weapons, and armor. More than in all honestly could be counted given a few glances...But the first impression, I dare say—- would make one ponder a sizable force indeed, that was being outfitted here. Well that, the fact that pieces of armor also littered the floor as well, here and there...Piles of helmets, pauldrons, and even shields.

"As you can see, it's been a bit busied as of late...Or perhaps, not so late. Either way, all of this mess aside forge master, I believe this is not what drew you here, is it?"

A shake of head, as the warlock motioned slowly to the double door that was at the far end of the room..

"You see forge master...Your time with the ebonsteele, while useful for you, was useful for some of us as well...A two way mirror, so to speak...Then again, I believe you knew that. Or at the very least, some part of you, maybe? You seek answers...And you may very well get them. Perhaps you may not like what you find" Either way, you will not find them with those hammers of yours.."

A pause, as the warlock simply watched Kruger for a moment or three..

"You—- interest me, forge master" Actually, you interest us. You—- have done something that no one else has, and it seems in doing so, you have opened some doors not meant to be opened, as of yet...You spoke to the ebonsteele, and it—- spoke to you. Such a thing, has not been done outside of—- well, it's been a long time, forge master. Let's just say, your gift is a considerable one, and one I for one, respect. However, that changes little...Given what you have done, I doubt there will be any recourse for us, save—- ending one another...But, that is not my decision...I am not the smithy here...I am not the master of what lies beyond me. I am but a piece to this, you see...Much like you. But we've little time, forge master—- before the smithy—- my master arrives...So let us see?"

Slowly, hands lifted to slide back the cowl, as the warlock revealed"

The face of a young woman' Light skinned, unblemished...Hair of ebon, in a short bobbed cut...Somewhat pouted lips, that curved into a faint smile..

And eyes of such crimson..

"What you are made of...And more so—- how far will you go, do discover what you wish to know??


Date: 2012-04-09 20:53 EST
"You" were felt...Maker, and—-un-maker. Even before you took what was not yours, yes...Even before you delved into that, which was not yours to delve into' Yes. You were felt?"

Kruger felt those words in his bones; they seemed to vibrate with the reverberations of the chamber. At once he was alarmed, but also intrigued. What had brought him to their attention' He craved the answers to his questions. He should have charged into battle, but then the voice continued.

"You were expected forge master...You were expected indeed."

Now the paranoid smith suspected some form of trap, it was meant for him alone it seemed. That this Warlock could feel only him was strange. Cael was himself a force to be reckoned with; it was why he had asked for his help. As the torches came up, Kruger took note of the large stockpile of weapons and armor. The ones strewn in a seeming haphazardly way did not escape him either. That the cloaked figure controlled fire was something he would need to be wary of. There were times he wished he could conjure the flames in such a way. That thought left him quickly for he understood fire in a way that was all his own. Could this be the trap" Would that armor come to life if he stepped too far forward" In truth he didn't know, but now that he could see the warlock it seemed different than the image he had been shown.

Something was wrong, the warlock kept using the word us and the hooded figure kept dangling bits and pieces of Kruger's involvement here. He needed to know what part he was playing so he could stop it. Kruger's suspicions were confirmed as that whispering voice revealed to him several things. The first was that the feeling of being watched was not just his paranoid delusion. It may still have been but the mention of a two way mirror suddenly pushed any doubts from his head. Right or wrong he believed that he had found his watchers.

You—- interest me, forge master" Actually, you interest us. You—- have done something that no one else has, and it seems in doing so, you have opened some doors not meant to be opened, as of yet...You spoke to the ebonsteele, and it—- spoke to you. Such a thing, has not been done outside of—- well, it's been a long time, forge master. Let's just say, your gift is a considerable one, and one I for one, respect. These words struck him in the strangest of ways, and only solidified his thoughts further, especially when that hood came away to reveal the woman beneath. So small and beautiful, that dark hair though cropped short reminded him of someone. Red eyes instead of black, pale instead of sun kissed, but the look was too close. His breath caught silently as he looked at her. He turned to Cael then and whispered.

"This is not the one from my vision, an apprentice of course. This has the feel of a trap to me; we may need more men to get to the bottom of this. Call as many as you can, and wait for them at the tunnels mouth. I will delay this as long as I am able, worst case I will need my bacon saved." Kruger could see the doubt in Cael's eyes, the man complied but it was certainly not his most willing act.

Kruger watched the elf walk back into the darkness before turning to meet those exotic red eyes. "It's been you all along then hasn't it?" He began a slow advance of his own towards her, keeping his hands visibly away from his hammers. "Not you personally though, there have been times that the presence has felt more malicious. Lately however"how long have you been left to yourself" Why have you needed to watch me so closely?" His advance had carried him almost halfway into the room to meet hers. He stood mere feet from her, the closer he got the more attractive she became. He stepped once more, bringing him close enough to feel her breath on his skin. He was close enough to smell the brimstone of the forge on her clothes.

He reached his right hand forward and laid his palm on her cheek, a calloused thumb slid along that unblemished cheek bone. "What is your name" Was that you I spoke to in the alley that night' If so why did you stay when I was at such a low point?" He brought his face forward now, towards hers but passed it by to put lips to her ear and whisper even more quietly. "What information could you have gained from watching me make love?" This last question brought had him angry, and even embarrassed.

He jerked his hand away and stepped back to gauge her reactions, his brows furrowed with emotion. "What do you and your master want with one simple smith?" It was his turn to look to the double doors now. The way this place was set up seemed so like his place. Clearly this pre-existed his forge by as much as years, if the labor were done manually. Therefore it was he who had tuned into them, inadvertently of course, but why had it happened" "I do have many questions, how far I go will depend on what answers you have to provide me. Where is this master of yours?" He returned those eyes of sundried grass to her red ones and waited for the beginning of the answers he sought.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2012-04-12 19:45 EST
Flooding the Market Place..

Ever so still was she...Eyes of crimson, took in the man before her, this—- 'simple smith", as he would think himself. She however knew he was far more than the mere paltry sum of his mental calculations, which reeked of a humbleness that literally made her skin crawl to a degree"

Yes, he was...The master knew it...Others knew it as well, and most importantly—- she knew it.

"Do not engage them' Do not try to force your role into something it is not meant for, my dear. Their humanity, is not a boon...It is a crutch and more so it is one we shall take from them, and then use it to beat each and every one of them into submission.

We are not of that world any longer child" We are of a world that cannot hope to even comprehend. Our work is of a greater purpose, and sinking to their level would detract from that very purpose. Yours is a gift long since forgotten...The metal—- it sings to you, child...The forge moves for you...The hammer—- it bends to you, like no other since the creation of the ebonsteele...Seasoned you are, deeply within...Yet, weathered you are not...Two worlds it seems, carry that grasp upon you, child. The latter of which, is the world that requires you—-more so, that you require.

Which is why you must remain here...And work as you have...Work towards that goal we share as a whole, the goal our master has tasked us with...Bring life to that which was dead in oh so many ways, child as you have done before your—- evolution. Move the forge as only such few will ever be able to, and bolster those who are deemed worthy to don the ebonsteele in the name of our master...And know, the master understands the sacrifice you made before, and the continued sacrifice you make now, child...And know he will see fit to reward you, ever so.."

The words of her "teacher" resounding softly within her...Tasks she was presented with— some of which she had completed far beyond the true measure of those which presented them before her...

The ebonsteele, was something more now—- something she had helped to evolve more so, to such a degree that even she did not truly comprehend the results that were the sum of her own——equations..

Pride...An emotion that would easily be felt by anyone, who would have given birth to such a creation. Well, almost anyone, truth be told.

She did not feel pride, when it came to the ebonsteele...She felt—-


And it made her skin crawl, then" And more so now with this—- 'simple smith"..

The drow had gone...It mattered little, as the drow was not what had interested her to begin with, or for that fact, interested her superiors. As far as she was concerned, the drow would be simply another statistic, and little else. Now mind you, that did not mean she wasn't respectful of the drow's abilities, what so ever.

What it meant, was that she did not care.

However, back to the matter at hand, no"

A faint smile had taken form...So very much so, as she knew full well that her appearance had not been anticipated in any way, shape or form. She had to admit, a bit of a let down, mind you. Somewhere deeply within, she had expected or even wanted a reaction of rather shocking proportions. Alas, that had not come to pass.

However...This reaction, she could work with"

That breath caught...Yes, she felt it.

So she had let it sink in a tad...Let the man—— this 'simple smith", if you would...She let him close that gap" She let him ask those questions of his...Questions she was most sure, he was far from finished with. She let him, gauge her—- all the while, gauging him in return...A silent go round indeed, akin to a boxing match of sorts...Each looking for that one moment—- that gap, if you will. That brief moment that would tell far more than one would truly want, and more so—-open one up ever so widely.

If only it were that easy...She knew beforehand it would not be, but a girl could wish, no"

When one plays a game, one must play to win...The most basic of nature, indeed. Sportsmanship be damned to the farthest reaches of hell, when it came to the preservation of oneself. That was something learned from her previous life, and more so, sharpened to a razors edge, during the course of her current life.

And when one wishes to win— to truly win, they must sacrifice...They must do and allow things that most would not wish upon themselves, and more so—- what others are terrified of. She was no different...

So she allowed that touch.

That weathered touch of his..

Such a hardened feel , that calloused thumb of his...Yet, a gentleness held deeply—— a refrain if you would...

A contradiction.

Likened to herself, it was. Soft as she may seem, visually...Yet inside, she was a mechanism of alchemy forged in the fires of the ebon forge, given birth anew to serve in the taking of life, and its re-shapement.

A tool of destruction..

And yet—- as much the warlock she was....As much the servant she was to the dark lord, and his machinations.

She also still—- somewhat, held that small shred of humanity.

"Child, you are not like them and do not forget that ever. You were chosen by the lord himself, for the tasks at hand...Your balance, is one of which even I myself cannot comprehend and one day, you will take this forge and make it your own, and you will be its master, and you will never ask of it...It will ask of you...

Your humanity— that small strain which many hold in such contempt is a boon...It allows you commit to such wondrous things...And at the same time, it also is that crutch...You are of a rare breed my dear, one of both worlds...Your old, and this new. Temper that balance carefully, lest you lose yourself...Temper..

The words again of her teacher came to mind..

She was different from the others, and had always been so ince her 'rebirth' and quite possibly before that. Truth be told, she could not tell anyone, even if she had wanted to, as it was all a thickened fog. Still, that did not stop her from keeping that interest in the ones that lived...The ones that sang, and danced...The ones that would smile, and yet cry...Those of that world she was told, she was once a part of.

Those of humanity..

No...It is not that time...Not now...This is no time for fleeting thoughts of what was or could be...What may have been..

Snapping back to that here and now, a soft brow raised as eyes of crimson took in the man before her once more.

It was hard to believe he had actually arrived where he had, and then again at the same time it was not...She said it herself, it was a two way mirror of sorts. He had opened a door, that already had been opened—- by she herself.

Things were far easier with that distance, and what not...And now here they were, face to face. She would have to tread carefully, because as it stood— time was of the essence.

Finally, she spoke...

"Such questions you ask me, forge master. Still, you have been patient—- with me. So I shall answer them, and more so—- truthfully."

Turning from him, steps were taken towards the double door at the far end of the room...A hand raised, as a chair suddenly slid across the room from its place on the wall, finally settling next to Kruger himself...

A hint perhaps"

Sliding her own robe off, as it was tossed to a near rack, revealing that which was concealed. Darkened leather tightly fit to her form, light plates of ebon could be made out and more so, as she turned around to face him. A chair was taken in hand, as she approached him again, revealing more of her as she did so.

The leather seemingly covered her whole form, literally from the top of her her neck to her feet. It looked as if it were literally a part of her, save the boots and gloves which were easily discern-able. Lights plating adorned her frame at various points. Upper and lower arms, thigh and calf...

Darkened leather pauldrons adorned her shoulders, attached to the light mail shirt she wore, which literally pulsed ever so softly with runes of blood, and flame appearing briefly, on occasion. A belt wrapped about her form would be made out. A heavier type it seemed, and attached upon each of her sides, a short sword and hammer...

Pausing a moment before him, she remained where she was as her own chair was settled upon the floor proper.

"Kruger...It has been me all along. You are correct— for the most part. Actually, I am not the only one you have gained the attention of, in reference to your particular gift with the ebonsteele. But, I was the first."

She watched a moment, and continued..

"As to how long I have been here, that matters little to you and your own...But since we are here, I will answer...It's been too long, in all honesty. And the malicious tone you felt—- well that could have been me as well, unless you are wishful it wasn't...I believe we shall leave that up to you, forge master."

Moving from the chair a bit, she turned from him and spoke once more.

"Where I am from, a name is power...Demons would kill their own kin to protect their names, man would sacrifice child and worse...However it is not fair is it' That I have a name for you, and you've not one for me" Especially with what I have seen of you, Kruger...Even at your lowest, or most—- vulnerable.."

That drew a soft chuckle, as she turned to face him once more. She had wondered if that had truly registered with the smith.

"Ahnika....That is my name, Kruger. Ahnika....So now let me answer the rest of your questions, and let us see what road we are lead to, hmm?"

A roll of her neck, causing a soft 'crack' of sorts as she eyed the smith once more.

"Why have I watched you so closely, Kruger" That was easy—- it is because the forge bends to you—- it is one with you. You are one with it, and at times I admit it is hard to tell, which is which when it comes to you, and your forge...Your work...Your work caught my notice, and when I saw what it was you did and more so began to see more of it, I admit...I had to see more. Professionally of course.

Now to the next— the alley.

Yes that was me, and mind you—- against my better judgment. Why did I stay...Because even at your lowest, I had to see what you were made of. Even when all else was stripped, and you felt as 'low' as you had, I knew there was more there and I wanted to see that for myself—- and no, it was not a noble sentiment at all, before you even make the mistake of assuming...It was an affirmation, that I was correct in my original assessment of you, and by seeing you here, I know I was correct."

And now, a turn of the tables...As she appeared before him, a breath away indeed....Her eyes of crimson, looking up to his own...A cool feeling upon his cheek, as fingers of ivory stroked gently...No callouses what so ever..."As to the love making, there was more information gathered in that, than you would ever understand, Kruger.."

A tip toe lean, as her lips found his ear, as he had done to her before..


And like that, she was across from him once more, next to that chair of hers, sliding her glove on once more.

"So vulnerable are you men when it comes to that—- so giving, and willing to open yourselves to gods know what. I admit, I'd be a tad envious of you both...Being able to let one's guard down in such an absolute nature. Fortunately I do not carry that luxury."

A bit of a nod, as she continued..

"What do we want—- hmmm....Well there are many things I'd want, Kruger. But that can wait, as this is your story, simple smith...No, that is a lie...What I want to know, is if you 'truly' fathom exactly what you have done, and more so——"

Her eyes looked to him, directly..

"Can you reverse it?"

There was no deviation, there was no betrayal of emotion...She had asked, and asked directly...The question was...With the limited time at hand, would Kruger venture forth into that realm of question"


Date: 2012-04-15 17:23 EST
Her touch was cold, but not unwelcome, how long since it had been given" There was an ache in his chest as lips poured that honeyed word into his ear. A lick of his lips ended with that bottom lip gently caught between his teeth. Eye lids shuddered at the thrill of her breath on his skin. Kruger needed to master himself and only had that hand's-breadth moment to do it in. Had she caught the quickening of his breathing" He could hide is expression, but that one voiceless sound was as much a clarion call as trumpets from the rooftops.

It only took a fraction of a second for her to speak and move away, but Kruger had lived minutes perhaps even hours. When she stood once again by her chair asking him if he knew""truly' knew to use her words, he had a passive look on his face. He wondered what it was he felt from her, a link that couldn't be seen but had a weight of anchor chains. Finally she wanted to know if he could reverse it, Kruger poured himself into the chair she had provided him. He put elbows to knees and laid his face in his palms. He needed a moment to consider what she was asking of him. He still expected a trap, but was it hers or his" It didn't matter at this point; traps were born to be sprung. All he could do was hope that he was prepared if it came.

Kruger considered once again those hammers at his waist so aptly named Heaven and Hell. He could feel the crossroad upon which he stood; the next few moments would determine his fate. He seemed to put himself in this position a lot recently; it was this notion that had given rise to the pair. A metaphor for the crossroads he constantly found himself standing at. A few more breaths before he favored her with those eyes that went from green to golden brown. He may have found himself outmatched again, but he pushed forward anyway. Her question was simple, but the answers were complex.

"I was fifteen when I left my master. I believed he was afraid of how easily I worked the forge. Always he watched me as though doubting that I had followed every step of the process. I had tried to explain to him on many occasions that the forge seemed to speak to me. That the pieces all of them had their own voice." Kruger searched her face for understanding. Others had seen his process and walked away in disbelief. He didn't get that feeling from Ahnika, true enough that he didn't really know what he was getting with her.

"My master gave me the journeyman's forge for the years of service I had put in. He should have had encouraged me to work for a few years, and then create my master's piece. Instead he put me out, and I wandered. It would be five more years before another smith would test me. In my shop there is a Katana, the very one I created for that test." The chamber was quiet except for his voice echoing from the walls and ceiling. He never blinked, nor did he take his eyes from her, but he was seeing a memory.

"I tell you this because it was that piece that made me question what was different about me. I used the proper methods, thirty three thousand folds should take months to complete, but I was able to do it in far less time. At one point in the making I cut myself, nothing serious, I didn't even notice until a droplet fell to the heated metal. It danced across the surface until it finally boiled away. I took it as a sign that the sword wished to be called blood boiler. A silly name I know, but I was young." There was a small upturning to the corners of his mouth at that, Ahnika would see the brand on the left cheek of a wolf with the all seeing eye in his mouth twitch with it.

"I have always heard the music in the forge, that rhythm that drives a tune into my soul. It was no different with this piece, with one notable exception. The distinct voices that I heard singing were joined by my own. I was content in my labor, and that feeling flowed through me and back out. I haven't always understood the voices; I started hearing them as a child. I learned early not to let anyone know, people who hear voices tend to be?" Kruger let the words trail away that upturn had gone flat, and he shook his head his eyes however never left Ahnika.

"When my work was elevated to master's status, I was thrilled to engrave my name into the tang. I even put the swords title in there. For a laugh I tested it again, a drop of blood from my fingertip. It sizzled as though the metal had just left the fires, but the blade remained cool to the touch. I told no one of this for days, not until a wizard named Jack came to me and asked me why I carried a possessed sword. I had no idea what he was talking about. Sure I could hear the sword speaking to me, but I had always heard such things"Do you understand what I mean?" His eyes narrowed at the admission before they dropped to the floor. He had to look away in order to continue.

"Jack was able to hear the spirit inside the sword. A dragon lich, he was able to make it tell him what happened. It had heard the music"no I mean THE music. It came because it felt it had no other choice. It watched over me as I worked that metal. It was there in the moment that the sword went through the process of receiving its soul. It had even reached out to caress the metal as it was rapid cooled. It happened so quickly that it became trapped. Jack asked it how it made it through the barrier, and it told him in that moment which it came the barrier was like a waterfall hiding a cave behind it. He simply stepped through." Kruger chewed at the cuticle on his thumb now. When his story had commenced it had taken almost no time before he had his eyes back on hers.

"We were able to expel him from the sword; Jack said he needed to investigate this further. He left in pursuit of knowledge, but he must have learned a little too much because his body was found several weeks later. It has taken me years to fully understand what happened. I had only my process and my limited understanding to work with. Three years ago I left to find the final answers. I was close but there were too many distractions here. I left Rhy"Din behind. Four months ago I returned with my knowledge." He sat straighter now, an unconscious acknowledgement of an arrogance that he would not allow his self to utter.

"It is a seven part process, but I am sure you already know that'don't you? As for wether or not I can reverse it' If it has been made it can be unmade. Can I unfold the steel?" He gave a small shrug and let his eyes travel to the armor that filled rack and floor. "The question is what would you have me reverse and why?"

It was her turn to respond to him. Kruger let his gaze flit from piece to piece before coming to rest one last time on Ahnika's unblemished face. "Qui tollis peccata mundi, Dona eis requiem, Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem." He said it softly, a prayer for what he knew about the Ebonsteele. He was on his knees at those cross roads now. Would it be Glory or Hellhounds"

Ahnika Delbuernon

Date: 2012-05-02 22:53 EST
Ahnika listened quite attentively, slowly taking in every single word with a rather meticulous manner. A rather soft nod took hold, as the woman pondered more so, upon the tale told to her by the 'simple smithy". Part of her wanted to reach out, and just end this here and now with a rather well placed spell. Well that, and an ebon blade through the chest or whatever else she could use.

A brow gently raising, as a gloved hand lifted to stroke that chin of hers thoughtfully.

"End it now! Kill him, and be done with it! You can use him, you know" BIND HIM to the steele, and make him yours! Do not hesitate, child! Just take him now!"


"You will do it you know—-like you did with the others. Just as you had done with me. It can't be helped 'daughter", it is after all—- what you were born for. To destroy, and remake life from the death, you reap. He is no different from myself, or the others" Even the children you did not spare were—-"

"No...I will not do this here. You are the armor and I am the master, do not forget that! I made you, I can bre—-"

Trying so hard to remain composed, save a slow shake of head, the quiet banter from within continued..

"Ah, but you can't can you!" You can make, and make and make—— but we both know, you cannot un-make, child. Isn't that right' So here you are, going against everything that was ever instilled within you, talking to this—- this mortal! He cannot do what you do, child. He is not like you, is he" He bound a soul, accidentally! You tear souls from the mortal coil, weaving them into such a tapestry of pain, and misery, as only you may. Tapestries of woe, likened to no other before you, and possibly after. It is what you are—what you were made for, 'daughter'. To rain down such pains, and justices upon those doomed to feel the wrath of your very creations!"

"No....I saved those souls, they would have died horribly after what had happened to them! I—- I did what was best for them. I did what I had to do!"

"A conscience now child" After all this time" Henrietta, and now you too' So you saved those souls, hmm' And before this incredible change of heart, and mind" Hmm' What about then, when you did so willingly' Time and again? Such humble beginnings, with the various creatures you 'used' to imbue such wondrous weapons—— a rodent here, a large cat there" What of the yearlings slaughter left and right to bolster your works" The cubs, and mothers" The strong hearts of the princes of the forests? The warmth of their blood, all over your form, as you performed ritual after ritual in the name of the 'Pacto de' Nocturne', hmm?"

"I did what was required, to save others! They were animals! Nothing more, but meat! They were not wasted. Leave me alone, you are breaking my concen—"

"You lie to yourself, and you know it...The master found you, as I did. An eager student, looking to far surpass her master and you did, in oh so many horrid ways, and well before your turning, no less! And after—-"

"Stop this—- please."

"I think not, child...You need to be reminded as to exactly, what you are, and who better to remind you, time and again than the very first piece you bound fully...Your very first true success, for the dark lord, hmm' Who better than your own——"


"Father, and forge master...Me..."

Ahnika's eyes tore across the room, bearing down upon an rather darkened chest piece of ebon plate, that was mounted on a stand. As she did so, visibly that form of hers trembled, as the fog within lifted ever so, showing such soft visions..

Visions of such violations that were set upon a younger Ahnika...By parties that should have been protecting her, instead of seeking to sate their sordid lustful natures on the defenseless...

Uncles, and cousins...

Bastards, each and every one.

Visions of a man clad within folds of darkened robes...Honeyed words, and promises..

Promises of such power, that she would never have to be victimized that way every again. And believe me, she never was...

The taste of their blood, upon the blade of her sword...Such a tart victory did she relish, in the slaughter of each of them, and more so, using the sorry souls they carried to further the works gifted to her, by the mysterious man she came to regard as a dear friend, and more so—- a mentor.

Such things he had told her, such stories...Heroes, and villains alike...A land called Darkenwood and the people who resided there...Those who protected it, and more so, those would see it crushed beneath their heels.

Tales of how a man, took a single soul...And with that power routed such a terrible force, that the land was saved from a horrible fate.

Lynneth, Desire, Blaze, Reileena, Queen Imogene Muse.


All names she came to hear, so many times until she felt she knew each and every one of them so well. The more she heard, the more she wanted told to her. Tale after tale, came after that and with that came more—power.

So much so her own father and teacher, forbade her from seeing this man, anymore.

Something she would not do, and to further prove that point..

Her own father had fallen at her own hand, and more so was bound—— to the Ebonsteele.

The first success for the work that had begun with words told to her, by the man who called himself, Raven. Work that had expanded with creatures, and more so other beings..

Work that entailed such death and despair, and yet—- power...

Growling loudly, Ahnika gripped that chair, hurling it at the chest piece, sending it crashing to the floor...Her body shaking as she looked to Kruger, and then back to the chest piece...Back and forth she glanced, again and again...Finally she spoke..

"What I would have you do, is undo what I have wrought upon this land and its people, before more die, Kruger. We've not much time—- I've not much time, Kruger. I will explain more, inside the forge."

Moving to the large pair of doors, she opened them, revealing the fires of the forge itself...As flames of black, and crimson melded in a dance of the most ungodly nature..

"You cannot do this alone, and neither can I.."

Turning to him, "I lied to you.."

"Do not do this, child! He will kill you, he will betray you! He cannot save you!"

"I am the forge master here, and the Ebonsteele is my child. Given to me by Raven himself, Lord Darkin of the Gauntlet.."

"You traitorous bitch! You will suffer, like Henrietta! We are all linked, you fool! He will know! He will know!"

"I am kept here, because I am bound to this very forge, with all that I am. I cannot leave this place, ever. So I brought you to me. I—-need your help, even if it kills what I have left.."

"He knows! He knows! You will all DIE!"

Ahnika quieted, watching Kruger. Her sword belt undone, the sword tossed aside. Leaving the hammer.

"I will tell you everything, Kruger."

"DIE! You will all DIE!"



Date: 2012-05-05 15:31 EST
As he stood, he heard Cael's voice across the winged and haloed badge. A ten twentyfour, Kruger hadn't memorized all the codes quite yet, but this one was ingrained into him. Gardian in trouble, send help. Time was indeed running short, a look to Ahnika and her discarded sword belt decided him.

"Can you bar the entrance" It would not do for us to be disturbed before we finish." He pulled his shirt over his head discarding it on the chair behind him and moved towards those black flames. His own weapons belt was loosened, but he placed it over his shoulder. He didn't stop to count omens, or he may have run when he realized that hell was the hammer across his chest.

The eyes had been with him often enough to know the crisscrossing roadmap of the whip scored back. He moved with her, two forms that seemed to share the same gait. The room was, as he expected, nearly identical to his shop. The ceiling was the same distance from the floor; the pieces matched position with Kruger's Exotic. The main difference was the fires themselves.

"I suspected that layout, and acoustics had much to do with what this. I have never had any proof until now." He laid his weapon belt down onto a workbench; there were pieces on it in varying stages. He half expected some strange reaction from Purgatory, but there was nothing. Perhaps it understood he had made his decision. He would help her, even should it kill him. The people were his main concern tonight. From that bench he retrieved a heavy cross peen hammer and inspected it.

He retrieved a cross peen hammer from that bench, he found it funny that good or bad the tools remained the same. This was not some elaborate bard's tail where the tools of the players matched their alignment. This was real life, and there would be no reason to embellish a simple tool. Kruger took a moment to inspect the works in progress, a nod of approval at the workmanship. He turned back to Ahnika the door was closed and bolted.

Was that concern on her face" Did his look similar" The air had already begun to heat up, it was welcomed to him. This place was so familiar, he didn't feel any different here than in his own place. "I'm sorry it has taken this long to get here. How long once we start before he understands what we do here" How quickly can he move against us?"

He was ready to begin, looked forward to it really. To work with her would be to work with himself. Already their movements within the forge seemed to complement each other. Why had she not contacted him sooner" Why did it have to be now, at the end" It seemed a little strange perhaps that he had come here to destroy her, and now he was working with her.

He had known almost from the start that this would test his resolve. If she were having the same misgivings about her actions, then perhaps they were each other's opposite. They would meet in the middle, and make or unmake such wonders. He would save her if he could, but that was his nature. Did that mean she would destroy him if she could" He had no time to worry over it; there were bellows to work, and fires to attend to.

"I need to know exactly what we are undoing, you are right to say alone it will not work. Together I don't think there is anything we could not create in this place, or destroy for that matter. Where were you when"never mind, let's get to work." He fought down his regrets for the past, that feeling that they should have noticed one another before. Perhaps though they had, maybe it was this that took him from Rhy"Din to all those other worlds.

"Ahnika"why do I regret that we may only be able to do this once?" He meant working with her, they both understood the danger that was involved here. He looked to her making her preparations, and understood them in a way that ranged beyond intimacy. Yes he would save her if he could, and mourn her if he couldn't. At the thought it hurt to look at her anymore, he turned his attention away, seemingly back onto his own preparations.

He had one final question before they started a curiosity more than anything else. She still worked near him. "He will be able to counter this eventually, but the blow will be wide reaching, yes?"

Ahnika Delbuernon

Date: 2012-05-27 15:26 EST
The door was bolted, as Ahnika then went as far as to barricade it with everything she could get her hands on in the weapons room. Tables, chairs, armor racks and whatever else. If it wasn't bolted down or needed, it was used as part of that massive barricade. There were no words spoken, as she felt there were none needed what so ever for the moment.

She heard the shift of fabric, as the discarded shirt met chair, and turned to look at the man once more, as she in turn committed to the same, undoing her own cover and tossing it to the same chair he had used.

Had this been any other time, she never would have done such a thing. Never in a million years, for anyone would she have shown a hint of what had been underneath that 'leathered skin' of hers. But this was not simply 'any other time', or 'any other place'. This was here and now, and despite her misgivings, there was work to be done and more so, undone.

Vanity had no place, when lives were at stake.

So the concern over the unflattering and rather tightly wound wrapping that kept her feminine form in check, so to speak, was tossed aside. Along with the fact that her upper body, was literally covered in bruises, front to back, down her arms and some actually had shapes....

Fingers could be made out, whole fists....What looked to be rods or sticks of some kind, and even—- a hammers head" Yes her form looked a right mess, and yes she would rather have remained covered, but there was more at stake than her own personal feelings, or the fact that questions would no doubt be asked. However, she did say she would tell him everything, and whether he believed it or not, she would.

Provided they lived through the ordeal at hand, and what not.

So she joined him once more, "Yes, you are right about this place. The layout and acoustics had a great deal to do with what has happened here. In fact this entire forge was brought here from Darkenwood, by Raven himself. He was rather specific in the location, as where we literally stand is where a pair of ley lines intersect. One is earthen, and the other is necrotic. So this place was dug out, and I've no idea how, save Duergar were somehow involved. So take care with what we are about to do, Kruger. Because the forces here, may take aim at us directly, despite their obvious attentions elsewhere."

A hand extended as a cross peen hammer appeared in hand. A quick twirl of the hammer, as Ahnika looked to Kruger once more, her own look mirroring his....The heat was felt, and welcomed, as it took her mind back to the task at hand more so, as a shake of head took form towards the fellow smithy.

"No apologies, Kruger. Not from you, ever. I helped create this, not you."

Steeling herself, and no pun intended, Ahnika called forth a web of rather intricate wards that would offer a bit of time, so that what was done by her, may very well be undone by she and Kruger, together. A slight shimmer would be felt, as the room seemingly reacted to the actions of its mistress, and if one were attentive enough, they would have heard a soft and rather low groaning....As if something were jarred from a slumber.

Or if something had been——

It mattered little to Ahinka, as she felt much more would be on the way, as she answered Kruger once more.

"He knows, Kruger. I'll tell you bluntly, he already knows. And someone, or thing will be sent. We've not much time at all, as they can arrive here any time. I have bought us some time with this ward of mine, but given what is sent, I cannot promise how much that will be. So forgive me, I will be quick on what we have to undo. Then you can decide whether you truly wish to commit yourself to this, or simply end me here and now..."

The fires erupted to those words of Ahnika, as she backed a moment and with a wave of hand sated them once more, causing them to return to their normal state of being for the moment.

"The Ebonsteele, you know is alive. I know you understand exactly what I mean, as you spoke to it. What you may not know is what exactly gives it that life, and more so what it offers the wearer. Judge me if you will, but I think we are past that for the moment, as it may very well be one of the last things you or I do."

With an outstretched hand, Ahinka summoned the chest piece she had tossed earlier. Quickly did it come to her, her hand catching it with ease, despite its velocity. Hefting it a moment, Ahnika looked to Kruger once more, as she slammed the piece down upon a near work table. As the piece struck, a series of red runes began to flash violently about the piece, as a voice was openly heard.

"You b*tch! You traitorous b*tch! He will rend you from whatever mortal coil you attempt to hold on to, and you know it! He made you! He made us, and this is how you replay him!" But trying to undo what you've made!" By trying to right thousands of wrongs with one act!" You think this man, will help you!" He will END you daughter and I will be waiting for you in HELL!"

The voice went on and on in a barrage of verbal threats and 'promises' for a good bit more.

The was until runes of frost began to appear about the piece, overtaking the red runes bit by bit, as the chest piece soon was frosted over completely, causing the voice to basically diminish to nothing.

"Kruger, this was—- my father. This was my first piece of Ebonsteele. I killed him, and then literally plucked his soul and then forced it within a twisted measure into this darkened armor. A fusion of such confusion and aggression, lost within a vast darkness of the likes a soul should never see upon a passing. A fusion that soon yielded such power, through the sheer will power of hate and vengeance, likened to none before. A power that could be used in conjunction with another being and more so directed."

"Two bodies, Kruger, with one mind and one soul. That was the original premise of the work. The work that Raven had some across when he slaughtered an infant in front of those who would oppose him, when he and the army of the damned tried to sack a town called Milliport. The rending of the child's soul turned out to be his undoing then, but he learned from it. When he came back, he had a true understanding as to exactly what a soul in turmoil can do. What power one could extract and use from those souls!"

"He came to me Kruger, after he had tried others. There were others before me, but somehow they did not complete the works, somehow they were consumed. Raven figured they were older, and not up to task, as they were not open to such teachings."

A somewhat shudder took form, as she continued.

"Not as open, as a young woman who had been raped time and again by those who were her own family, and friends. Whose father did not protect her when she pleaded with him to do so, because he would not face his own brother. A young woman, who harbored so much anger, that she slaughtered each and every one of them, in an utter act of pure revenge, and more so to further her own works. "

"I make no excuses Kruger....I chose this path, and I would very well do so again, given the circumstances. But we're past that. The fact is I was open to those words of his—- those teachings, and I complete the process. In fact I complete it so well, that in some cases, a person did not have to die, in order to rend their soul for the armor. I took the teachings of my father, and his father, and I perverted them to such a degree that—-"

"Oh now isn't this precious! Look at you, baring your blackened soul to the mortal, hoping you can die with some tiny bit of redemption' Maybe a little dropping of secrets before you depart this realm, hmm' You make me sick!"

Ahnika whipped around, a growl.

"Oh hello there, daughter! No hello for your mother" You bring a boy home, and don't even introduce him' I swear I've raised you better than that!"

"Misitanne....He sent you!?" Ahnika tensed more so, as another peen hammer appeared in hand. The pair of hammers twirled, as Ahnika growled loudly. "Go back mother, and save yourself. Because I will end you here, and now you cow!"

The newly arrived woman, was clad in the blackened armor. The ebonsteele, no less...Runes of blood flared brightly about her armored form, as a pair of axes were drawn slowly, as that face of hers offered such a twisted smile. That face that resembled Ahnika's in such a way that the mother and daughter reference was not lost in any way. Even her hair was cut quite similarly to that of Ahnika's. adding to the eeriness of the face off. In fact save the fact Mistianne was a tad taller in build, they looked like they would be able to pass as siblings.

A step was taken by Mistianne towards the pair, as Ahnika pressed herself in front of Kruger, the hammers raised to the ready, as she addressed the smithy.

"Kruger, this will be quicker I'm afraid. You'll have to forgive me, but you need time, and she needs to die and that about sums this up. You are the key Kruger, you can begin this and I will help you end it, I promis-"

Mistianne had other idea, as she moved to charge the pair, and suddenly...

She was incased in a block of ice.

The runes of frost fading from the hammers Ahnika carried, as she looked back to Kruger.

"We will only be able to do this once, you're right. But it need not end here. Should we survive this, I will explain more I promise. What you need to undo is the bond of torment, sing the song of undoing, and it will reveal itself to you! Begin with my father's piece. When the soul is extracted, it will be captured in that well to the right of you, next to the furnace. Do NOT attempt to send it anywhere else. If you can extract it, then we have a way to make sure this is felt by all the wearers!"

Ahnika readied herself, as steps were taken towards the incased Mistianne, whose prison had already begun to show signs of stress.

"Whatever you do, once you begin do not stop. I will be back, somehow."

Suddenly Mistianne was blown clear through the doors of the forge into the weapons room, slamming roughly within the barricade Ahnika had built up earlier. The iced prison shattering, from the impact as the death knight regained her bearing, and slowly began to rise to her feet.

Ahnika followed her, as the doors to the forge slammed shut, leaving Kruger to the forge, while she handled business on the outside...


Date: 2012-06-13 21:11 EST
Ahnika had left him alone, the equipment would let down those who were run by the belief that things of dark power must be cruel looking and misshapen. The truth of the situation was that had the fires not burned blackly he would easily have thought himself in his own forge. Ahnkia had left Kruger a single piece of the Ebonsteele to work with. This had perhaps been his mistake, trying to bite off too much at once. He had done so before, and was perfectly comfortable with the fact that he would do it again.

He acknowledged her leaving, but only peripherally, his mind already begun the preparations he needed to go through. With one piece of armor, he would be able to deal directly with the spirit that inhabited it. That he understood this was Ahnika's father would be a great advantage. Kruger would have preferred to take the same route he had before, but this was more urgent. Time had turned against him; he understood it to be a fickle lover anyway.

He turned to the chest piece and laid it across the anvil, this was his alter and his ceremony. Soon enough it would be his war, or so he assumed. Even if Ahnika safely defended him more would come, if all else failed He was sure Raven himself would come, and he just couldn't see a way for him to defeat that head on. This was his opportunity to make a difference, his moment to shine a light in the dark. It would be tiny, perhaps insignificant but it was what he knew above all other things.

The delving began with the usually ceremonious callings and greetings, except these were now punctuated by weapon blows and the sounds of battle. He had long since abandoned the notion that nothing occurred in these first few moments. His hands went down on the chest piece; the thing seemed to have its own aura. It felt as though it were trying to swallow him, a strange feeling as the other pieces had not felt this potent or personal. He began his delving, the song that had sprung in his mind sung to the spirit possessing the dark armor. There was resistance to the delving, another thing that hadn't occurred before. He pushed forward more insistently, his song filling his ears from the inside, threatening to break free by any orifice if he failed to continue giving it voice. The resistance pushed back at him growing in strength matching him, as though knowing that if he broke through the spirit on the other side was doomed. Kruger assumed his fate would be much the same if he should falter.

Memories began to ebb and flow through his vision. There was at his chest a burning as a handprint over his heart. It pushed into him taking him to every moment when he would have wished for death but kept on through strength of will, or through defiance. He saw all this as though another were looking at him, his face and his determination. The burning hand print seemed to close over his heart; it flexed and released pumping his blood for him, but turning it to fire in his arteries. The blood fire passed swiftly through his chest and abdomen, up through his neck and shoulders. His mind turned to fire as well, the song of unmaking now burning him from the inside out. It was only when that fire had reached his eyelids that he realized they had closed, for they sprung open.

It was through that heated vision that he saw as he had never seen before. He could immediately see the elemental spirits he had called; he could see the shifting of the barrier between physical and metaphysical realms. It shifted only, still remaining solid but something was happening to it that was certain. This all would have amazed him, but it was a pale second to what he saw standing across from him, palms to the Ebonsteele singing a song meant to unmake Kruger himself.

Things began to make sense to the smith as he watched the spirit who fought him so forcefully. The words of Ahnika came to him again. "You" were felt...Maker, and—-un-maker. Even before you took what was not yours, yes...Even before you delved into that, which was not yours to delve into' Yes. You were felt?"

Kruger looked on the specter that inhabited the crafted armor, and he knew everything. He smiled at the spirit, smiled a pearly grin, but his eyes were set directly on its face"He looked upon himself, or at least some version of himself. There was no scar branded beneath the left eye, Kruger would bet that there was no crisscrossing of scars lining its back either. This version of himself had missed that episode of Kruger's life. The creature's eyes however were hard, far harder than Kruger believed his had ever been. There was in the spirits face however a sudden recognition that Kruger could see him. In that split second a single note faltered from that spirit.

"Can it be so simple?" Kruger's world shifted. He was aware all at once of two things. The first was that he had won the battle of the songs, but the second was more disturbing for him. He stood to the side of the forge he could see that both the spirit and his own body were still locked in combat. He could tell that the spirit grew weary with its efforts. The barrier between was still shifting, but it was easier to determine what it was in either state. One moment it was a wall, solid and strong and in the next it flowed as a waterfall. The waterfall moments were growing longer and longer.

The spirit turned at his words, a look of disbelief crossing its features stopping its song all together. "I cannot beat you, I haven't the strength." That voice was so like his own, it was his own, seeing for the first time what it meant to feel defeat. It moved through the forge as though looking for an escape. It backed away from the waterfall though It had no intention of going in there.

Kruger watched it but made no move to close with it. In his mind he still had questions; every time he learned something new here he had questions. "Why did you die?" He moved now, stepping around the anvil and looking at the armor from a new perspective. There was from this side of things a place where the spirit would fit. Within that space were the shackles that bound him to the armor. The space was too small for Kruger, and that solved another riddle for him. He looked once more at the other Kruger and saw that indeed he was smaller.

The other ground his teeth at Kruger and snapped words of venom at him. "She killed me, that is why I died." For a moment it looked as though it would charge him, but then it also looked to the physical body of Kruger. It had begun to remove the padding that went to the chest piece, still singing. The elementals around the forge were entranced by his song. They offered small contributions to the music that only Kruger could seem to hear.

Time worked strangely here, Kruger couldn't tell how long had passed, did Ahnika still fight' Had she won, or did she lie in a pool of blood. Kruger considered these things as he now moved forward towards the other. "Yes but why is what I asked you. Why did you die?" The last was said as Kruger put his hand on the shoulder of the other. Another shift took place, Kruger watched the ordeal of the others death in reverse. He could feel the echo of the blow that had done the other in. She had come to him in shambles, desperate in her need. Kruger near wept to look at her. She told him of the brutal attack she endured. Kruger began to go livid, then she told him of who had done it, and a cold mask of steel closed down over him. "Impossible, I don't believe you child."

Kruger felt the blow again, and again, it seemed to be the final thought of this spirit. The other refused to let go of it. Kruger ripped his hand way from the other. "What do you believe now" What would you have done to any if it was true"and moreover what would you have done if you had been her and heard you say those words."

The other backed away wide eyed. There was no telling what he had endured from the contact. A brief moment in Kruger's past perhaps. Whatever it was he was visibly shaken, there was movement from its hand going to the left eye"a working of the shoulders that seemed to give Kruger an exact idea of where it had gone. "Your death is one of shame"no wonder"I said what do you believe NOW?" Echoes didn't form here it was an odd feeling not to have something so familiar.

The other backed and knelt before Kruger. "I know it true now?"

"Get up"I won't be bowed to! How long"and you have never told her, never forgiven, never let her know you were wrong. How proud you must be to have created such a legacy of death. She fights for her life now and the lives of so many others?" Kruger pointed to the wall, and though it seemed solid it became opaque. Through it could be seen Ahnika in her battle. She was wielding two weapons, but they were a blur, not that she was that fast, they simply could not be focused on. Kruger wondered at that for a moment, before becoming lost in the fight. Distraction here was a powerful thing.

Ahnika went down, the thing known as Mistianne closed in for the kill. "NO!" It was cried by two voices so similar, that it could have been same one. In this place it was more though, it was a missing sound, an echo' that thing that Kruger had noticed missing from the beginning. An echo had power here; Mistianne looked over in dismay, a momentary look but enough for the crouching Ahnika to move and strike.

Mistianne seemed ready to take the blow and continue on with her assault. Kruger saw a blur cross the forge and stop to hold back Mistianne's stroke. The other had her arm; he looked to Ahnika and spoke a few simple words. "I'm sorry daughter, forgive me for not believing." Mistianne was locked in both realms; she shoved the other away and continued her fight. Ahnika's blows were doing massive damage to the Death Knight, but it refused to give in. Kruger believed that given its prey, it would not submit, or die easily. These things were all the result of Ahnika's work; they would never forget what she had done to them.

The other seemed to realize this as well. He looked around trying to formulate a plan, Kruger was doing the same. As one their gaze hit the waterfall. The physical Kruger had advanced quite far in his operations. The chest piece was glowing nearly white as he brought it from the forge. The other two looked at one another. There was a only a moment to react to what was coming. The song had continued the ebb and flow taken its course. They both knew that unmaking was coming through that portal the moment it opened. Kruger watched the other rise and move in the direction of the well which Ahnika had spoken of. He stopped as though contacting an invisible wall. When the hammer finally dropped there was a ringing unlike any Kruger had heard in the physical realm. There it always seemed a bell; here it was a cry of so many emotions a host of voices calling out for a single need. In here Kruger saw the barrier vibrate with that call. Kruger saw the blow shatter those shackles that held the other back from the well. The other had enough time to look over his shoulder before being forced through the opening.

There was that shockwave again, but this time it seemed not to touch physical Kruger. Spirit Kruger felt it though, as did Mistianne. Kruger had only a moment to see her eyes go wide, on her armor a single rune glowed white, and then changed. The wave from that blow seemed to be spreading outwards like a tidal wave gaining force with each passing moment. It seemed to erupt only on this plane though. Kruger saw a golden rope; he clung to it for all he was worth, pulling himself along it. Strange he had not noticed it before, it seemed so obvious now as it protruded from Kruger chest, and into the man at the anvil.

Kruger took up the song as he pulled himself back to his body. He would need to pick it up exactly when he was back inside himself. That burning energy still flowed through with his blood, he could feel it as he started back inside, just before he entered fully he heard something begin to emerge from the waterfall. He tried to late to turn and see what it was, when he considered it later he would realize that he did best not know who or what came to the forge that night.

The energy was pulled from him he could feel it rushing from his body but he continued his song. He knew at once that something in the steel had changed. It still held that color, but its presence was just a shadow of what it had been, perhaps what it would ever be again.

He sank to his knees when the labor was over. He would have stayed there but Ahnika may need him on the other side of the doorway. He rose and went to the workbench only to discover that his hammers were gone. Kruger kept the cross peen hammer he had been working with and moved to open the door to the room beyond. "Ahnika?? He was tired, and weakened from the work of this night, but he would fight on, and on as long as his limbs could swing a hammer.


Date: 2012-06-13 22:34 EST
The man with no face screamed to her in the mid-morning light. "Blood boiler. Blood boiler." She'd been asleep, but the silent screaming startled her and she sat straight up.

"Blood boiler?" Asking the darkness.

He spit on her face. "Tell me about the fucking Blood Boiler, witch. Tell me why you tied all of this together. Tell me why you send him fire, why you sent both of them fire. Tell me now!"

It took a moment before she pulled herself to the edge of the bed and sat there. "Your blood boils, I've see it, it boils now." The pawn is always good a playing coy.

"No you bitch, tell me of the Blood Boiler. He's a thief."

A veil of dark curls covered her face as she whispered to the darkness and the man with no face. "The anvil's creation, the spirit talker and one protected." She knew the cost involved and gladly paid it.

"Why would you do that' Why would you allow him to steal from the holy fires?"

Slowly standing and she put candle against the shadows, the man with no face a horrific sight for anyone to see. "Because they are my fires to give. I will strip away your power and light, know this in the end you will be dead."

He hissed. "I will see to your end witch."

"Try." A challenge behind her words and she expected the worse.

"I will destroy you and I will destroy him."

Threats she would not cave into. She stood there in the middle of her room, alone and cold. The fires had died down so she knelt beside the fire and tossed another log on the smoldering pile of ash and broken wood. Staring into the white-blue flame seeking wisdom. Oddly enough in the flame she watched Kruger fighting his inner man, well what looked like to be his inner self or inner man. Where was the scar upon the other"

"I cannot beat you, I haven't the strength." Hearing pieces of the conversation inside of the fire, that was the oddest part. She kept watching like a voyeur. The scene played on and she could not stop what was happening.

Camilla stood behind her and whispered. "Do not forget the heavy hammer you blessed, Gabriella. You should remember."

The witch turned to see Cam, but no one was there. In the end of the fire, the Anvil was there alone without his hammers and the voice of reason whispered in the back of her mind. She knew what had to be done.

The slender blade slowly drug across the already overly scarred palms to bleed into the fire. Her tongue whispered an ancient language and soon she was one with the fire. First she found the hammer Kruger left behind. Her hand reached out for it and sucked it into the fire.

Next, she prayed and soon found herself in middle of his fire. As he called for another she called for him. "Kruger!" The flame cursed and crackled. "KRUGER.?

The witch could not endure the flames as she once did in her condition. She wanted to explain to him what she saw and if he needed help, but the threads of time were calling her back. With the last bit of strength that she had, her arm drew back in the flame and she tossed that hammer like a dagger for the wood wall. It went sailing across the room and the wedge stuck to wood. She delivered his hammer, when he touched it he would know what to do.

The threads sucked her back and she landed on the floor smoking from being in the fire. All the air sucked from her lungs and she finally gasped for air. She laid there crying and almost laughing. The man with no face would know exactly that she meant business.

The fire belonged to the Anvil.

Ahnika Delbuernon

Date: 2012-07-09 21:10 EST
"You insolent bitch, how dare you stand against us! I'll see you ended daughter-mine!"

Mistianne slowly rose to her feet, as ice was shaken from her armored form. The wild eyes of the death knight, boring such a hole within the one she called daughter and traitor in the same breath. A slow crack of neck, as those axes were twirled a bit for measure, while a step or two were taken towards Ahnika, who in turn did not falter one damned bit, as she too began to step towards the woman she called mother, with nary a weapon in hand.

"I told you Moth-Mistianne, walk away while you can and leave us to do what we need to do, before I crush what little soul you have in that whored out husk of a form, Raven saw fit to leave you with!"

"Whored out husk, is it' My, haven't you gotten a bit of a back bone all the sudden, hmm' I guess it wasn't enough to simply leave you here, away from everything else was it' No, I guess not—- but don't you worry baby girl. Momma is here now, and I'm gonna make it all better when I beat you into submission, and then take the head of that human of yours in the forge! Raven knows what you did child, and he is none the pleased. In fact he wanted you dead! But that's alright, because when you watch me torture your friend there till he begs me to end it, you will wish you were dead all over again. And you know what? Maybe this time around, I can rid you of that damned humanity of yours!"

As she had been speaking, Mistianne shook off the last bits of the iced prison that Ahnika had encased her within....The axes in the death knight's hand twirled yet again, as steps were taken towards Ahnika, who in turn went straight for the woman she called her mother, and now—- her enemy.

"My humanity is what kept me from ever being like you and the others, and I'll be damned if you or anyone else takes that or anything else away from me again!?"

"Bold words, daughter! Let's see if you can back them up!"

Crying out in a sheer rage, Mistianne rushed dead on at Ahnika, who had little time to even act, as the death knight reared back those axes, and let loose with a solid cross cut, hoping to end the confrontation in one swift measure.

Ahnika however, had other ideas in regards to her mother's intentions....

Sliding to her knees, she avoided Mistianne's attack, quickly countering with one of her own, as runes of frost violently flared to life around the forge mistress!

Suddenly a pillar of ice erupted from the ground, slamming into the gut of the angered death knight, who in turn was taken completely by surprise, as the wind was soundly knocked from her form, causing her to also drop her axes in the process.

Ahnika did not stop there, as her arms quickly outstretched and then pushed forward with such intent the runes she summoned exploded in all directions, as the pillar thrust forward with the somewhat impaled death knight upon it, towards the ceiling, where stone and ice met with Mistianne in between for measure.

The force of said impact causing the death knight to cry out in such anguish, as such darkened blood splatter from that mouth of hers, as she tried to get some bit of air in those lungs of hers with such gurgled gasps of sheer desperation.

Gasps Ahnika would not allow her 'mother', what so ever.

Once more the the runes were summoned, as they answered the call of their mistress, flaring to life with such crackles of a hunger yet to be sated, as Ahnika measure Mistianne up once more, the breathing of the force mistress heavy as she spoke, "I told you, I'll be damned before any of you take what?s mine from me! ANY of YOU!"

Her hands forming in a pair of tight fists, as they slammed into the base of that pillar that still had Mistianne pinned to the ceiling, as a shock wave was sent upwards through the pillar itself, directly towards the pinned death knight, who offered no resistance what so ever, as the impact shook the room to it's very foundations, knocking so much to the ground, from its sheer ferocity, as shards of ice exploded all over the room, itself.

Ahnika did not falter one bit, they did not cower, or even seek to shield herself, as shards cut her small frame all over. Defiant was the forge mistress, as she watched the spectacle, despite bleeding all over.

And she was not done either...

Mistianne fell to the stone floor rather unceremoniously, in a rather crumpled and quite bloodied heap. The impact of the wave, causing such damage to their armor of hers, not to mention what lay underneath.

Yet as she fell, a good portion of what was left of that iced pillar did not.

In fact, it hovered above the fallen death knight.

Shards, and spikes....Blocks and chunks of ice...

All held in check by Ahnika, as bloodied hands were outstretched towards the woman she once called 'mother' in a pure love.

And with a swipe of hand, it all came crashing down upon Mistianne in the most horrific of manners.

"I told you— no one..." Ahnika said rather in a rather exhausted manner, as she sank to her knees in a somewhat pool of her own blood. Her body a right mess, as more and more bruises began to appear on that form of hers, in addition to the old ones, and the fresh cuts and scrapes from the ice. Her breathing was ragged indeed, as she hoped she her outburst had been enough to end this in one fell swoop.

After what had felt like forever, yet in truth was mere minutes, Ahnika decided to rise once more, using some debris to assist her, crying out in pain, as she did so.

Her body ached all over, and more so felt like a dead weight, as it took that much effort just to rise to those feet of hers, even with assistance.

And the pain seemed to grow more so, with each passing moment.

Crying out, as she doubled over, Ahnika sank to the ground once more, clutching her chest, as darkness began to creep in from the peripherals of her vision, as her eyes widened in shock to what she began to see.

The sight of her own blood leaving her form.

Rising from her, with runes of blood crackling aside them.

Crying out in sheer agony, she twisted and twisted feeling her insides being shifted and pressed against, by an unseen force.

Across the room, debris began to shuffle, as ice and stone gave way to a battered hand, and then an arm. More, and more debris was shifted, as a disgustedly battered and bloodied Mistianne pulled herself slowly from the rubble.

"I told you—- let's see if you can back—- it up. Your spent child—- used it all, when you knew better. Hope it was worth it, because now you're mine, b*tch!"

Ahnika continued to write in such agony, as Mistianne began to right herself, as best as she could, which consisted of popping joints back into place, and pulling off that chest piece that sank into her form earlier. The piece tossed aside, as steps were taken towards the forge mistress, as a moment was deftly taken to recover those axes of hers.

"What's that' I'm sorry, I don't speak whiny whore! You'll have to forgive me, but don't worry! I'm gonna keep you around long enough for you to see me, kill that mortal of yours, and turn him into my personal &*^%!"

Ahnika offered a whimpered response, barely audible...

A brow was somewhat raised, as Mistianne took to a knee to better here that whimper, relishing in the suffering of the forge mistress.

"Say it louder, love—-heh."

Suddenly, a frost rune flare ever so briefly and before Mistianne could react, a spike of ice erupted from the ground below Ahnika, through the forge mistress' upper left chest, and literally impaling Mistianne's jaw from below with the blunt force of a 2X4 as the death knight pulled back, howling in pain, with blood spraying in all directions, as she fought the impaled spike with all she had, dropping the axes in the process.

The runes of blood dissipated as did those of frost. The spike vanished from Mistianne's jaw, leaving a gaping hole that bled furiously, like the wound of Ahnika's. Mistianne quickly recovered those axes, as a gutteral growl escaped the death knight.

Ahnika rose to her feet, with arms outstretched. Suddenly a pair hammers appeared seemingly from no where, as she eyed Mistianne carefully, "Collateral damage, b*itch— now we end this, you and I."

Mistianne was spent, and she knew it....

She had fallen prey, to the very thing she had assumed Ahnika had. The twisting of blood was took an immeasurable toll on a death knight, and it was a terrible gamble to lose.

Crying out once more, Mistianne charged Ahnika with those axes swinging wildly, as the younger countered with those hammers of hers, left and right. The impact shaking each woman to the core, yet neither would yield at all, as they swung back and forth in such a furious and wild manner!

Moments passed, as the pair remained in that steadfast cycle of swing and counter, pushing each other to such limits, as their insides screamed as loudly as their outsides, and more so!

Again, and again they went, as Ahnika refused to let Mistianne gain any ground what so ever, and the death knight refusing the same of her daughter as blow upon blow rained down upon each of them!

And somehow, Ahnika had slipped...

Ahnika went down, the thing known as Mistianne closed in for the kill. "NO!" It was cried by two voices so similar, that it could have been same one. In this place it was more though, it was a missing sound, an echo....that thing that Kruger had noticed missing from the beginning. An echo had power here; Mistianne looked over in dismay, a momentary look but enough for the crouching Ahnika to move and strike."

Mistianne seemed ready to take the blow and continue on with her assault. Kruger saw a blur cross the forge and stop to hold back Mistianne's stroke. The other had her arm; he looked to Ahnika and spoke a few simple words.

"I'm sorry daughter, forgive me for not believing."

Ahnika's eyes widened....The words— those words she had longed to hear, for so long....The words— those words...


Inside she cried out, to the heavens themselves! Memories of old were let loose in a torrential wave that swept throughout the forge mistress, as she called out in turn.

"Father, forgive me! Forgive me, and help me set this right! Guide me! Guide me!"

A renewed vigor welled within Ahnika, as her body felt so— refreshed....Almost whole, even.

Mistianne however, was locked in both realms; she shoved the other away and continued her fight.

And then— Ahnika cried out, and pressed the attack once more, throwing all else out the window, so to speak!

Ahnika's blows were doing massive damage to the Death Knight, but it refused to give in. Kruger believed that given its prey, it would not submit, or die easily. These things were all the result of Ahnika's work; they would never forget what she had done to them."

The other seemed to realize this as well. He looked around trying to formulate a plan, Kruger was doing the same. As one their gaze hit the waterfall. The physical Kruger had advanced quite far in his operations. The chest piece was glowing nearly white as he brought it from the forge. The other two looked at one another. There was a only a moment to react to what was coming. The song had continued the ebb and flow taken its course. They both knew that unmaking was coming through that portal the moment it opened. Kruger watched the other rise and move in the direction of the well which Ahnika had spoken of.

He stopped as though contacting an invisible wall. When the hammer finally dropped there was a ringing unlike any Kruger had heard in the physical realm. There it always seemed a bell; here it was a cry of so many emotions a host of voices calling out for a single need. In here Kruger saw the barrier vibrate with that call. Kruger saw the blow shatter those shackles that held the other back from the well. The other had enough time to look over his shoulder before being forced through the opening.?

There was that shock wave again, but this time it seemed not to touch physical Kruger. Spirit Kruger felt it though, as did Mistianne. Kruger had only a moment to see her eyes go wide, on her armor a single rune glowed white, and then changed. The wave from that blow seemed to be spreading outwards like a tidal wave gaining force with each passing moment.

Mistianne looked like she had been kicked in the gut when the shock wave struck her, as her eyes widened to such a degree, as she doubled over, her axes clattering to the ground, as their matter cried out in pain, and shock.

Ahnika felt it too, and part of her wanted to scream out in pain, as well—- but something else was pushing her. Someone was with her, on this side of the veil and the other. She knew that now, and she felt it true. And she would not be denied that moment to set right that which she wronged..

She would changed her destiny...

"Father....Thank you, and I'll make it right, this time around— fates willing, I will set this right somehow....Guide me father, and free mother to finally be at peace with you."

And those hammers came down upon the head of Mistianne, in the most crushing of ways.

It was over.

Ahnika sank to the floor, those hammers of hers— Kruger's hammers, clattering next to her, as the forge mistress openly wept...

Tears came freely, as Ahnika let it all out. Lifetimes of memories came flooding back in an instant, as she continued to cry.

Softly, she felt something. Akin to a kiss on the wind, it was. And words were heard softly, "Thank you, daughter-mine"

Ahnika's eyes opened, in time to see a light blue outline before her, a woman it was, and in another moment, it was no more.

Nodding, Ahnika ceased crying and just tried to catch her breath, as she her her name called.

"Fath—-Kruger! Are you— you did it. You did it..."

Ahnika Delbuernon

Date: 2012-09-10 22:08 EST
How long she had remained there on that floor, Ahnika could not tell. It had felt a lifetime since the tears had finally spent themselves, and still the forge mistress remained there seated upon that stoned flooring.

The truth of the matter, was that it was hardly a lifetime at all.

In fact it had been minutes.

The eyes of the forge mistress panned the expanse of the rather decimated room, a moment more so, as she slowly began to lift her weary form to a standing base.

The scene before her still sending such a chill within that form of hers, as she truly began to take in the sheer scope of what had transpired during that fight of hers, and more importantly that fight of Kruger's.

Each fight revealing so much in the way of the pair, and even more so, of their enemy—- Raven.

There was a weakness now, Kruger made it so.

He had broken, that which was thought to be unbroken and then made it so much more the whole, that the wearers of ebon would not fully comprehend what had really fallen upon them this day.

The undead, were becoming more and more alive, by the moment.

And what lived, could be killed so much easier than that which was dead to begin with.

Upright now, Ahnika leaned upon a near wall to get her bearings once more, as those heavy eyes began to close more so, yet again.

It would be so easy to sleep, for a life time.

Suddenly those eyes widened in pure surprise, as bloodied hands lifted to her forehead in a cupping motion, as she stumbled along the wall, crying out as she did so.

And then, it passed.

The quickened pain giving way to shock, as Ahnika looked around the room cautiously. "Kruger??" Kruger!"

"Kruger, I saw it! They're here in the city! I saw it! And he wants to come here to the city, too! They're waiting for him, and——"

Another vision struck the woman, sending her to a knee in the process. Clenched eyes quickly opened widely, as a name slid from the lips of the forge mistress.

"Aldridge! NO!"

Scrambling to an upright manner once more, Ahnika quickly gathered what she could, throwing pieces of armor into a spare duffel bag, along with the hand axes that belonged to her mother, Mistianne. Looking back to the forge, she knew there was no time to waste. If Aldridge succeeded, it would mean the loss of many lives all over again, and if the remaining ebon forces manage even a small foot hold, it would offer that slim chance Raven would need to create such disaster yet again.

She had to do something...

Find others who would stand for the city, like Kruger had stood for her.

A hand extended to the far door of the storage room that lead to the corridor out, as the door was blasted open in a fury of ice.

"I am headed to the market place, and then west! They are gathering, and need everyone they can get! Rest up father, you've earned it! I hope to see you soon again, someday!?

A thoughtful glance back to the forge, and then Ahnika was running down the corridor with a renewed drive to do whatever she could for these people, she did not know in the slightest.

It was time to stand, once more.


Date: 2012-10-04 23:21 EST
The black flames called to him, they seemed to know him by name. He tried to follow behind Ahnika but the fires stopped him. They seemed to pull at his very soul"we could be all you desire Maker, and Unmaker. You need not go"need not stray from me. Great works could be yours"ours. Life and unlife at your your hand. Power"it had been something he flirted with, an elusive veil that only ever allowed him to toy with the stirrings of its passing. Did he desire more" Want perhaps to be the one who empowered his objects" Could he really consider being less than this" "You would make me"God?"

The exhausted smith turned in the doorway to regard the flames. They swelled and flashed blackly at him, beckoning him back to the anvil, back to the task at hand. Kruger looked to the hammer he held so perfect for the work he did'so necessary for the life he had chosen. To be Hephaestus, Vulcan"no"better than they are, stronger. Mightier than the thunder god who required Iron Gauntlets to wield his Mj"lnir. He was Kruger, The Maker"The Unmaker.

His steps carried him closer to the forge, one hand sliding across a shelf to pick up a piece of the darkened metal. Its weight bulged the bicep muscle on that arm"Kruger held the piece aloft. Already he could see the possibilities of this, the shapes that cried out to be revealed to the world. He could trace every hammer blow that it would take to free them. The flames beseeched him to begin his work. Where one chain breaks another can be forged"You have been chosen before, and again. Everything burns Maker"you burn inside it can be seen by us. It can be felt. The chain to the bellows was taken, and pulled steadily, rhythmically. It breathed as he breathed, this place was his"more than that this place was him. Inside he was the forge, the anvil the bellows and the quench. It was his heart that hammered great works into being"his spirit that called to and was answered by the deities of nature.

The black flames jumped and heated with his ministrations. The spell they were weaving becoming stronger as they grew. Why would they come"what purpose to give as you ask" To see The Maker"to witness The Unmaker. Yours is their adoration, yours is their joy. The powers they bestow simple payment for the honor to witness what it was like at the creation of the universe.

Kruger's breathing was timed with the pumping of the bellows, he stared deep into the darkness of the flames, and they stared back at him. The block he held had been forgotten as he worked. He held it still but the weight was a part of him now. The very floor was a part of him'somehow he knew in this moment that if he wanted to, he could change the entire layout of this place with a thought. Power lived here"his power lived here. His chance to be; that dark metal fell deep into the flames with an overturning of his hand. The sound of metal hitting metal reminiscent of a cell door being closed.

"I AM!"

Singing sounded in the forge, calls to quarters. Acknowledgements of elemental spirits were uttered. The smith had begun his work and this time he had put up a circle meant to keep out those who would work against him. He raised that hammer above his head, a wand befitting the man make no mistake. In a cone of power he consecrated this anvil, his altar.

"So Mote It BE!?


Date: 2012-11-05 14:07 EST
Pain was a subject he was versed in, days of it"worlds of it. When the first hammer stroke fell that was what he felt. The pain of the world, the pain of all worlds rolled bitterly across his skin and through his thoughts. Suffering deep and far reaching, all on the edge of bristled nerves. A second stroke and the darkness crept in to avert vision and hide fundamental truths. Pain can be endured, can be pushed aside like a veil torn down and shredded. Here in his hammering frenzy, his search for truth through darkness.

That black voice caressed his mind sought to lull him to remove him from a world that it told him no longer needed him. "This world has made its choices, rejected what it was you were trying to give. This world spurns your efforts and casts you aside. Come precious"come Mighty One you who hold sway in the east and rule the realm of air."

His skin gave a shudder, he could no longer tell the voice of the flame from his own. Surely the words had come from his tongue"had been uttered through his lips. The hammer fell again a resounding gong in the darkness"a bell in the stillness to make all ponder and fear. "Come you of the south"Mighty One"guardian of the flame"Keeper of the realm of Fire." The words he couldn't stop, the message heeded, he could feel them at their approach.

"From the West I bid you come"Mighty One...Watch tower of the sea"Holder of the realm of Water." Presences filled voids, stations take at the precise points of his circle. From the west he felt a mighty stirring. In his chakra budded the vibrations of power, the feeling of oneness with everything and everyone. The hammers falling a bell tolling for silence in the realm, a dark droning of sound ringing from mountains and echoing across water.

"To the North I look now and beseech you come"Mighty One"pillar of stone?embodiment of the realm of earth." Even as the western presence took its lace the northern moved towards him, the room felt as though it were spinning. Power flowed though him, around him, he was dizzy with it. He paused in his work feeling drunk under the flow. So much energy tapped from the nexus itself. Of this he was sure.

With shaking arms he moved forwards, the northern guardian taking its place. "Brothers and sisters I thank you for coming, see me for who I am. I am Kruger, he who creates, he who destroys. I am the maker and unmaker, brother to you all born for purposes beyond my knowledge and understanding." His voice faltered becoming hoarse. "Know me, love me and hold me in your memories for my time among you is short."

The voice caught once again gaining that power that it had stumbled from. He walked the inner wall of his circle that modified Athame pointed towards the earth still "The circle is closed, for the safe use of magical energies, let no one enter uninvited. Let no harm come to those outside this circle or inside. This circle is closed." Three trips around the circle he made feeling the gentle touch of each of the guardian's of the quarters. His final trip around he added to the enchantment.

"Creatures of Faery, all of you I welcome to my circle come and commune with us. Observe with us, lend to us your wisdom and strength." The chattering started then as creatures formed out of the shadows or ran from the light. Creatures jumped away from walls to join hands about the circle and look on the smith with a gnashing of claw and tooth.

"Mistress and Master of the universe"you from whom all things come, and to whom all go with the return to energy"Hear me your son Aristotle Kruger Allen, this night I am but your servant in the work that is to come." Candles were lit in red and white"at the corners blue and gold green and orange. A pentacle the size of a dinner plate was then taken to the points shown to the guardians. From his pocket he produced a small pouch, within was a simple lunch prepared by Rochelle and handed to him on his way out. It wasn't much, some sweet bread and fruits of the season. He put it onto the plate that contained the pentacle.

"Accept from me this offering, may it be pleasing to you." The offering upon the plate went atop the alter, as it contacted he could feel a deeper vision upon him. The athame pierced the sphere of protection he had created. Such was its design. It penetrated deep into those black flames bringing out that metal that glowed so brightly red it appeared white. When the piece was brought within, a hand sealed the opening.

When he faced the anvil a figure waited there for him. Dressed as a priestess of the home, no it was the gauzy see through dress of the muse, no she wore the leather apron of the smith. Her red hair shone even in this low light, and those mint colored eyes sparkled. He knew her at once and his face screwed up in pain and torment. "Brigid"mother" It was a statement; it was fact he knew it was her.


Date: 2012-12-15 21:01 EST
Embers and pain the pieces of him that had gone into that work ripped away, torn as though he were nothing but threadbare cloth. He felt like a rag of a flag whipped into submission by an unforgiving wind. The embers fell down and away but the pain rose within. "Mother...why do you come to me...why now?" She was with him there within his circle.

Brigid sat down before the altar of Kruger. His gasp of disbelief was followed by a saddened look from her. "I am here to learn my son'to learn and aid where I can. This thing you do will kill you if I let it." Her eyes shone with tears unshed; in a face that he could see had already wept itself to dryness once.

He stood before the anvil every point of him could feel the power he had called for. He could feel those energies roll through his chakra weaving in and out. He had achieved a harmony that was nearly perfect and knew the time to strike was now. His eyes dropped to the super heated metal, its glow altering the sundried color into something more menacing. "I'm so tired mother...holding together for so long...holding back the flood with a body that is inappropriate for the job. Please mother...please let this pass from me." His own eyes began to leak though the saline evaporated long before a drop reached his chin.

"One more my more then you may rest as long as you need..." Her face dropped to her palms and the convulsions of sobs rocked across her shoulders. She rose with a freshly tearstained face circling around the anvil and stepping behind him. Hands calloused as the smith's reached around his wide torso and she pressed herself close to his back. "Your pain has just begun Kruger, my beloved son. What comes next will push you to the point of breaking." Her words whispered into his ear with an anguish that he knew would magnify when finally it reached him.

Pain and embers were all he knew then as hands not his own lifted that piece of ebonsteele and pulled it through his chest. He recalled hearing a wail as if a banshee had risen before him and let loose that deadly scream. Brigid held the ingot as only the goddess of the sun could. It was her screams matching his that echoed through the chamber.

The dark fires roared behind her stealing life from the very air and using it to raise itself higher. What are you doing...your actions will kill the smith whom you profess to love. Brigid turned a minty eye to the black flames narrowing with loathing. "This one is not for you. He was claimed long before you set your gaze upon him, and I will kill him to keep him from you."

The black flames exploded from the forge at her, rebounding from the circle that had been set in place. The practitioner had understood his danger so greatly that he blocked access to himself from the physical plane. Brigid's smile was beautiful and terrible as she watched those flames reach in futility. "This one last thing he will do within your walls, and he will not do it alone."

Brigid turned away from the flames and cooed into Kruger's ear once more. "With all that you are through blood and fire I baptize you. With all you can be I anoint you with sacred brine and fill you with the strength of the earth. My son, the Guardian"Forever."

His blood burned, no it boiled within him. The air turned to vapor in his lungs, and his flesh puckered under sweat that boiled away as soon as it appeared. He was the ebonsteele, the earth that created it he was everything and nothing. He was Kruger, maker and unmaker and he was dying.


Date: 2012-12-24 00:48 EST
His head was cradled in Brigid's lap. He burned inside. His body was dehydrated and his blood was fire. Around him the forge worked though no hands were on any of the tools. It was as he had known, this place was an extension of him. The smallest bit controlled by him could be manipulated in a thought. The ebonsteele had passed through him, become him. It beat and pulsed with his heartbeat now, this lump of nothing. But it was changing, it was white hot long beyond what it should be. That was the goddess. She had lit him on fire inside and pulled that earthen ball inside of him. He understood now, what she wanted him to do. He knew the properties of the metal would attune to him burn as he did. The fires behind him raged at her interference. You bitch how dare you interfere, this is my victory!

She heard the flames and ignored them, she was waiting for Kruger to know his part and live up to duty. Brigid held him in this world, her pain at this job was evident by her tears. Every moment was agony for Maker and Unmaker. He had heard what Brigid had said to the flames that raged against him so. It was her fires within him, and their presence would take him so near to death. The circle gained in power even as the smith slid away from life. His heart pumped boiling blood. His mind seared with a heat to match the sun.

He heard it then, the call of one and another. "I am not the Forge Mistress of Ebon, no longer! I am Ahnika! Daughter of Kruger, the maker and un-maker! I am the Daughter of the Forge, and I will gain entry! I will be let in! Fathers, of the East and West! The North, and South! Heed the call of this unworthy soul, this ONE time, and give me the strength to right what has been wronged! Give me the strength! Lend me what you will, and help me!"

Kruger opened eyes that were once the color of sundried grass. Flames had consumed those amber irises. He looked right through Brigid, who cried out in triumph. The smith levitated upwards and took hold of his altar, words dropping from his mouth as he tuned into those words of invocation. "I am with you my daughter." He could see Ahnika's destination her target, and the focus of that target. He recognized neither Aldritch nor Wanda. Kruger's flesh turned to flames and he addressed the two he could see in his mind's eye. His voice came through to them though as a hot breeze in summer. "Behold for The Heir she comes"The Heir to fire and pain." His words softening and trailing away if the two turned to look his direction they might have sensed him or seen him burning standing just beyond the sphere of protection.

His tie to Ahnika began to fade, the flames licking at him were not the cause for his fogging vision. He pulled his head back and shouted over the roar of the fires that consumed him. "Noscere!"

(The quote in red comes from At the Ready (Marketplace) Seen in this post. My thanks to the players who have allowed my small pieces of collaboration.)


Date: 2012-12-24 00:53 EST
To know, his perception changed with the shout of that word. He could see a point south of him, it glowed brightly as brightly as his own though he couldn't tell if it flickered or if that were the flames in his vision. The figure of what seemed to be a large humanoid turned to look at him with a panther's eyes.

"Audere" To dare"To the West another figure stood it too held a circle of protection much like the one he and the cat man stood within. A line of white light moved from the cat to the other figure. A pair of knowing eyes turned first towards black coated man and then to Kruger. Her eyebrows arched once but she said nothing. Silently, she stood her eyes never leaving Kruger, yet he knew she watched all that was occurring. "Trelle" To will"that white light crossed to him touching on his circle of power and increasing its glow. Around him the spirits he had called were touched by the light and he could feel them add their strength to this great work. His circle touched to the greater sphere. Somehow this event brought forth that broad grin of his. He knew in his heart that the other points had joined as well in this same way. Kruger looked to a point south and west of himself seeing a figure there.

"Tascere?"The figure said nothing, Kruger could see the finely crafted tomahawk the man carried. And see the markings on him of shaman. The light trailed south and west lighting the circle about the shaman. The smith noticed the look in the others eye and the small nod of approval.

"Ire" all eyes looked to the point above that sphere of protection. The light extended upwards and touched upon a woman whose face seemed to be ever changing. For some of the four she was young or a warrior, another would see an aged crone. The smith looked on and only saw Brigid, she whom he called mother. The light extended from her back to the cat made man. Around them all, a circle of energy came into being on that spiritual plane. Kruger no longer felt the pain of the flames, only the love of all in that massive pentacle. Around him the spirits of Fae, the watchers and mighty ones sang. The smith joined their song ?"brothers sisters side by side?"

Within the forge, the smith still lay murmuring words unintelligibly. His flesh was hot to the touch and his clothes drenched with sweat. Kruger seemed to speak from fever dreams. Around him the forge worked with no one to lay hands on it. He shivered uncontrollably, head resting softly in that lap. He neither saw her, nor could he hear what she said to him. The guardian stood his ground on a plane invisible to most, lending whatever aid he could.


Date: 2013-01-03 02:01 EST
(The following was done in solo play at the marketplace. Thank you to those who observed and aided my efforts. Please enjoy the results.)

He lay weeping, tears evaporating in the heat of flaming forge. Lids clenched closed while the forge worked itself around him. There was a terrible darkness in his mind at this making, the passage of a great rock as it struck hope and home. A blue green world with wisps of white. Terrible, the destruction to that place...a heat to sear away ocean and burn forest. The faces of the fallen, hopeless in despair. These things he saw in the reflected image of an infant's eye. Devastation on a global scale, the weeping of mothers who carried their dead children for the brief moment before they became vapor. The names fell from the sky towards him in the maw of a great snake. Apep snickering as he slithered close, wanting to swallow the sun. Apophis, Apep's name taken in a language of another time....Green turns brown, brown turns to ash, as the great asp circles the world and blots away the sun and none there to cut the stomach.

Kruger moved forward through time and renamed this thing Apocalypse, the end of everything. This is what he made, created to pull apart the very fabric of existence. He wept for the loss he wept for the destruction...he wept because he wanted it so. Flames and fire...and glowing ebonsteel, hammers that fall with darkest intentions. She had said he was to do last thing, and then lit him on fire....She had brought him to this low point, or was the fault his own?

He couldn't think any longer, wanted nothing more that to see it all be ended himself this shivering pile of flesh that lacked control of limb, but moved the bits of this darkest of forges. The ragged breaths of the bellows were the same that fed his lungs. The dark forge fires were that black passion that would give life to the end, and death to the present. Silent whispers from parched lips uttering words repeatedly. (vsw) "mother please...let it all end with me." Consciousness left him, the place no longer required his thought; it functioned as a lone monument to the fallen.

If not for the twitch of eye beneath closed lid, he might just be dead, but the torment would continue for him until fires faded and the work was done. How hard the hammer fell guided by instinct that had passed from him into hardwood handle. The briny bath boiled with the want to finish the pieces, marry them together in a steaming hissing mass of molded steel and spirit. This was how he would know himself...this poor smith would see himself with every look at the piece being formed within. It pulsed with his heartbeat and laughed in his face. It coiled round him with a length that wasn't possible wrenching squeezing from him every bit of knowledge....every ounce of power rolled from him like the sweat from his pores. Light and darkness flowing together coagulating into ever spreading scales of darkly dripping ichor. They rose in a maelstrom, a funnel of power that slipped eagerly into the darkened steel that lay upon the anvil. The hammer beat down pressure breaking away the light that hid away the truth of the thing. A great serpent, rising and falling at the same time tail in mouth. It wrapped eagerly along the handle and begged to the enchanted hammer. Hammer complied striking this beast of strength and darkness, making it comply to its will. Its scales were heated in flames black as the coal that had founded them. It sank into the metal of the haft, sliding in and out of itself.

The smith was lifted, held upward by hands unseen, shadowed fingers reaching deep into chest and caressing the air from his lungs. He sang with no desire, no will of his own, the song not one of his choosing, though the power remained in the words. The first vibrations of the barrier echoed like a wind whining through the necks of so many empty bottles. That singular sound that could be found in the back alley behind the inn of the red dragon. Quantum space rippled and that which was solid ripped like a threadbare curtain.

Beneath him, the red haired woman, the mother to whom he spoke, she who held him within her bosom to live through the anguish of such manifestation. This one chosen long ago when still in basinette and the very first lick of the wind whispered to him its secrets. Ever did he manifest all that she had needed, as she walked behind him proudly. Too proudly did it seem for this would be her punishment, to bring him to the height of power and break him in that same moment. She looked to the weapon that slid beneath the depths of the briny bath.

The great snake seemed to laugh at her as it dipped beneath the surface. Steam filled the air, lingering on the top of the water where in lay the weapon. It seemed to stretch forth in opaque fingers and clench the side of the bath leaving claw marks as the only evidence that the vision of it had been real. Roiling waters dissipated over time, the claws of that water creature sliding back into liquid depths and raising the newly forged mace. The head was misshapen; it was not a true sphere. It did not have the spikes that would mark it as a Morningstar; its surface was smooth, save for the circular indentations that had a look of craters on move overhead.

The great snake coiled the haft rising over the head on one side and down the other as though it held the great stone in place. Across darkened forge through breathing bellows the whispers moved shifting the red hair of Brigid in her deepest mourning. I give you Apophis...the end of everything.

He fell, held no longer by shadowed hands, to collapse at her feet. Eyes the color of sundried grass stared at her, the last breaths coming shallowly over lips still moving. Brigid leaned close to the smith on the floor pressing the shell of an ear to his lips to hear what this loved one needed to say. A sobbing cry from the goddess as she looked upon the fallen one and rose to bare feet. Pale fingers closed upon the haft silencing the snake's laughter. "This shall never be held by the hands of men." She stepped through that tear in time and space, taking the darkness with her, and leaving maker and unmaker to live or die as he decided.


Date: 2013-08-02 22:20 EST
The floor was cold, the fires long since gone out. That was good, probably the only good thing about this night. Was it just the one" Kruger didn't know, part of him wished that he could forget everything that happened since descending into the depths. The rest of him just hurt, no one would understand what had happened, who had come to him. That green eyed goddess with the red hair who visited and left him at her whim. He rolled to a hip and put his back against the forge, pulling his knees up so he could lay his head down on his knees and let his emotions seep out. She had done it before, and would do so again. There truly was no end to his torment at her hands, but that didn't stop him from needing her. A dirty calloused hand reached out for the anvil to pull himself up from his seat. He moved through the forge proper into the outer room and retrieved his hammers, purgatory found their way into the loops in his belt.

He spared a look over his shoulder, a glance was all, but he knew that he had left a part of himself within. He slipped from the room into the corridor that wound its way to the surface. Light greeted him around that final bend. He took to the streets and walked towards Kruger's exotic. He wasn't sure what had happened to Cael, or where Ahnika had gotten to either. The city would not be aware of what had passed this night, not for him. A few perhaps but no one that he chose to think about now. He walked in silence not acknowledging the sound of cheerful hellos that came his way. He was lost in a pair of green eyes that loved and hated him. He would go on, there was no other way for him but to endure. His step was slow with exhaustion and deep thought. Arguments still rang along the streets, nothing had changed. Wasn't that what he was fighting for" Was it'

The door to Kruger's exotic opened at his hand, and he could feel the recognition of the place. It acquiesced to him, and he hated it for that alone. The door sounded behind him, closing like a prison. He looked into his realm and knew it for the small thing it was. His amber eyes shot a look to the ceiling, tears stinging him once again. "Mother" Mo sosanna chro텔 Silence met him, she would come when she willed, and not before.
