Topic: Mental Notes-Journal of a Blacksmith (Some Mature Themes)


Date: 2012-01-10 16:38 EST
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I awoke next to her again, she was laying faced down facing away from me. The sparse light reflecting off of her hair held my attention for some few minutes before I moved it to better see her face. I noticed them again, fine scars that lined her skin. Their intervals are too regular not to mean something. Perhaps it is time that I ask her.

The dream came again, I am sure that was what woke me, but I never seem to remember the events in it. It didn't end with the scream this time though, surely that would have woken "jira, and I wouldn't have had those moments to watch her sleep.

The events of last evening's council meeting were temporarily driven from thoughts. The news of this man who died struck heavily on both Raye, and Rachael. My heart goes out to them; I know loss, so much of my life seems steeped with it. Perhaps that is part of my fear regarding this relationship I have started. What will she do if he comes back" What will I do' The answer is obvious to me.

The decisions of last evenings meeting have given me pause. To easily were offers of help swept aside in favor of unknowns. More and more I believe that the wolves have taken up guardianship of the sheep. The weapons for Ebon will be provided, but there will be much anger within me if the efforts we have put forth to provide a safe haven for the people of Rhy"Din are put asunder by political infighting. I hate to believe that there might be corruption so high up in the local council, but my eyes are not completely blind to the possibility.

These thoughts are too heavy to leave inside, there is hope in me yet that the right thing will be done, however I will not sit by and let the city tear itself apart from the inside out. If a firm hand is required, there are people that can be approached I'm sure.

Kruger read through what he had written, and then tore the sheet from his journal crumpled it and deposited it in the fire. "Some thoughts are too dangerous to be allowed access to.?


Date: 2012-01-12 21:24 EST
Thursday January 12, 2012

The simple noises that would normally cause me no worry have kept sleep from me this night. The threats against me and the forge were easy enough to ignore. When these went unanswered the so called insurance agents that have been pestering me and so many other independent owners came and threatened that which I would not lose.

I don't think she suspects the real reason I went to the docks, and continue to do so to pick her up. Short of having her protected at all times, something I would not do to her. She should not have to change her routine just to satisfy my fears. No, something more subtle should be done. Later today I will approach her with my thoughts. I find it strange at times that I am able to discuss with her anything that comes to mind. Do I dare discuss my thoughts on the corruption I presume is present well up the chain from the patrolling watch' If I do, then I have put her into danger for what she knows, however if I don't she is already in danger for what people assume she knows. If the knowledge can save her I owe it to her.

Rachael has been given word of the troubles plaguing my end of Rhy"Din. I don't know what if anything will come of that, but it needs to be in ears other than my own and those who would stand with me. I know this type of thing has been going on for a long time. That does not excuse the fact that men meant to protect are the first line of the troubles rampant in this city. The others grow impatient with me. They came to me because they saw my resistance; I don't know what they expect out of me. I did not begin this to have puppies nipping at my ankles. A fight is coming; I hope we all can see in the dark. I hope that friends and foe will shine in the null light and innocent blood won't fill the gutters.

Raye showed to the Outback last evening as well. She is taking this man's death very hard. I have never seen her in quite the shambles that she presented us with. Why do I care so much though when she seems to give in and cowed before others. I don't understand why that makes me want to open someone up, and show them what their heart looks like. It has been this way for a while. It isn't attraction, at least not the kind I share with S"jira. It feels more like compulsion, the kind I most associate with the bellows. The right pressure and the fires are fanned hotter. I don't think she even noticed any of us were there last night. The form on the bed shifted Kruger saw an arm land in the space that he should have occupied. It had been hours since they had removed the large brass tub he had asked for. He had closed the door to the sleeping chambers, and stood in front of it looking for the world like Cerberus at the gate. The hammers that made up purgatory were always within easy reach. All that remained were the oils and soaps that had been brought with the tub. He supposed that his aggressive attitude had led them to believe that a few scented bars weren't worth lingering under his gaze anymore. He felt a little silly afterwards, surely of all places, they were safe here"weren't they' That he had no clear answer to the question made him feel vindicated towards his attitude.

The shifting in the other room became a softened voice scratchy from sleep. "Kruger?"

He had been gone too long, the thought made him smile as he tore the entry out and threw it into the fireplace. The flames licked hungrily at the parchment. "Coming "jira love."

He laid down once more, staring at the ceiling, listening to the sound of the inn settling in around him. The girl next to him had found her favorite position, and her breath was warm on his neck. The warmth of her touch had his skin tingling. His sense of smell was full of her, but he could find no comfort. No matter how good this moment was he couldn't close his eyes. She was still awake; he could see her eyes peripherally studying him. "Have you ever heard of Gilgamesh, and his search for immortality?" The story would soothe him, and might make her laugh. All worries aside, he had a good life.


Date: 2012-01-17 00:58 EST
Saturday January 14, 2012

The room is empty. I missed the gate closing by several hours. I was tempted to jump the wall and make my way to the little cottage, but the assurance of the guard here that "jira was well when she passed though has led me to come back to the Inn tonight. I know she doesn't mind, but there is in me a feeling like I depend overmuch on her generosity. A solution to this feeling of being in limbo must be found. I want to be where she is, but I need her to know that it is she that I want not what she can provide me. An idea strikes me, a simply wonderful proposition. I look forward to seeing her even more now.

Rachael and I attended a meeting tonight she gave up a night of duels to attend. I did as well, but there are distinct differences between what she gives up and what I do. My stake there is low for now. I have been playing at duels; the field opened late for me, so there is not much chance that I will have enough opportunity to go very far in this cycle.

There were many people at the meeting. Their open hostility towards what she stands for brought the ire from me. The people present all say they have the interests of the people. How did they decide on us" The very thought vexes me even now. Some offer up things too easily. This Emberclaw who stood and spoke, seemed passionate enough. I will speak with him again on the morrow.

I offer nothing more than what I can learn from the patrons. I also offered to fight as needed. This is nothing more than should be expected of every citizen though. Trust must be earned! So many were ready to condemn the watch; I know there are bad seeds there, but I believe Rachael is to be trusted. Her story of a commander who went into a forced retirement intrigues me. I find it to be more evidence against someone higher in the government. True there are many reasons that an official can have to look the other way. If this is the result of pressure being applied outside of the government then we should find those involved and take them down.

This is not a pleasant prospect for me. In order for this to work it has to fall from the top down. That means that those on the streets will continue to do those things that have brought the guardians together. Just the thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Measures have been taken to insure her s safety. It is this which has made me reconsider my earlier objection to CaelMal of open wearing of badges. To whom would she turn if there were not a clear presence of The Guardians? We need to maintain a presence for the people to be able to turn to us and cry for aid. There are mixed feelings here for me. If the badges are open they can be copied. Emberclaw has already assured us that they can't be stolen and worn. This won't stop a person from making a fake. I think perhaps we can make the badges react to each other. I will suggest this tomorrow.

Kruger read through the written words, it had been a mistake to name so many in this private sorting of his thoughts. The pages of his journal seemed to be dwindling often. How many times had he done what he was about to' He had lost count. The page was torn away, and fed to the fire. A summary inspection of what did lie inside the book revealed many things. Drawings of weapons and armor, thoughts on advantages of other metals over the highly prized and expensive Mithril were all throughout the journal. There was even a page on the effectiveness of adamantine in crossbow tip making. These were the thoughts people would expect from a blacksmith, so these were the ones he kept.


Date: 2012-02-02 18:50 EST
Thursday, February 02, 2012 I am spreading myself thin; it is worth it to get the city back under control. The Guardians have set up patrols; I have volunteered to take the market place. The nights go like clockwork as preparations for the upcoming fashion week get underway. I have a deep foreboding though that in the celebrations we will find yet another reason to mourn. I give constant vigilance to strange activities that I see. I believe I have disrupted a plan or two in my patrols, nothing major. There was a mugging that started to turn a little ugly until one of the assailants noticed the badge on my lapel. I suppose that is one good thing about announcing ones allegiances

I have been seen perhaps as a fool at the duels lately. I wish I could care. There is relief when I step into a ring and just get to let go. If they want me to be serious they need to make the streets less so. Laughter is the best medicine though. I haven't seen Raye for many days now. I don't know if that is simply because we have missed each other or if I should start to worry. I will of course keep an eye out for her. I still need to go to the memorial site she set up for Dharyk. Not because he was anything particular to me, I honestly never met the man. I need to go because I gave my word, so that is what I will do. I will visit Horn too while I am there. I think he needs to see a friendly face.

Rach has promised me the use of Roddy. He of course will assist me in finding a suitable steed for my level of skill. To be honest I have misgivings about making an animal bear me as a burden. At least I will be able to keep up with Trygg a little better though. It has been weeks since I have faced the Keeper of Air in a match. We aren't avoiding each other by any means; it just works out that way. Perhaps tonight I can get an attempt in.

I have spent more time at the cottage recently. I had meant to try and spend time in the Inn, but my feet always seem to carry me to her. She takes all I have to give as though it were a pile of gold taller than Trygg. I am addicted to her wonder at the world. I find myself doing small things just to be able to see that look in her eyes. We spend much time by the hearth; the little couch purchased from Joy was worth every ounce of the seventy silvers she charged me. There are nights that she falls asleep in my lap, that I wish the sun would never come.

Kruger assessed this message in the dim light of the cottage. It seemed to him there was nothing here that wasn't common knowledge already. He left this page in the little book that seemed to have vast gaps to it. The sighing breaths of S?jira were a song he couldn't get enough of. He had laid her in bed some time ago. It was a strange thing, but she rarely fell asleep there. He went to the hearth and added some larger logs then banked it to prolong the burn time. A little more time awake wouldn't hurt tonight. There were still a few thoughts that needed to be revisited.


Date: 2012-02-19 21:43 EST
Sunday February, 19th 2012

I met with another smith today, Miranda Branson. She seems capable, and she is the first of a list that I am working my way through. I did not anticipate my current load, nor have I been able to factor in the time spent on my patrols. She seemed open to working with me, so when I finish here I will send a few letters explaining the situation. I am trying through avenues that are complementary to involve more of the community with the forming of our defenses. I hope that the Governor will understand what I am up to. In my heart I think she will. She managed to move me through and around quite nicely in our meeting. I admire her spunk, or am I just remembering the way she kissed me at the Star's End. It had been for charity, I tried to be respectful of her position, preserve her decorum. The last thing she needs is a photo in the gossip rags. She however showed me that I am not the only one that has a passionate side. I don't believe there are feelings towards me; perhaps it was a message that I must puzzle my way through.

Still no sign of Raye around lately. Reap says I shouldn't worry about the elfess, but I do. Am I just a glutton for punishment' I won't get all pasty with you, because what would that really serve since you are me and I already know. I miss her though; she has that aspect that lets people know that if something is going to happen, you need only look to her direction to see what it could be. I am going to walk a little further on my next patrol. Maybe I can spot her near a shoe store buying some more ankle breaker heels. How the hell does she always look like she is walking on clouds in bare feet wearing those things"

I went to the city early today. I left "jira to sleep, my head is killing me today. I don't know how much longer this can be kept inside me. I can see her look at me expectantly; she knows that the flood is coming. It always does. I grow closer to her every day, if I had my way the danger would be long passed. At the least my part in the goings on would be ended. I found myself in a strange store the other day. I covered with a fake story about needing my seal repaired. The Jeweler looked at me strangely. I can't consider this seriously yet; I haven't even discussed this with her. We are still so new together.

I feel like there are eyes on me sometimes, just over my shoulder watching me as I work. I am sure it is just me being nuts, what could I have done to deserve scrutiny' Nothing that I can see, I am just a store owner, a shopkeeper. I guess this could have something to do with the patrols. I am probably fabricating the feeling because there are still so many that we haven't brought in on that notice board. We will go with that.

I haven't written Bel in weeks, I try but my hand shakes too much. I won't feel comfortable with it until I have made recompense for my insult. Like she said, my gut will tell me what to do.

The little journal is left precariously on the mantle until the door closes and it drops to the floor roughly a pace away from the heat. The pages open to his last entry.


Date: 2012-03-04 11:34 EST
I don't know how to convey these thoughts. Much has changed since my return from Istandor. People ask me often what is going on with me, but that is not for them to know. The most important part of the mission was achieved. My moments alone are filled with thoughts that make me doubt myself.

There has been some speculation as to why I threw my hat into Sifu's hands. Perhaps the better question is why she offered in the first place. It is true she has no interest in me, and my training has been given to Nayun. Any thought I might have for her motivation can't be confirmed without direct questioning, and to be honest I am not sure I wish to know the answer.

Nayun is a different entity all together. She works me hard but I never receive from her the questions that my friends give. She is never impolite, rather she is silent beyond the job at hand. I need that in my life right now more than I would have believed a few months ago. Often she is merely a presence, silent and observing. It is like she knows there is conflict within me that she refuses to acknowledge. I am grateful for the opportunity that has been given.

Raye' I always come back to her...These thoughts do not belong here...

The journal is left on the small table, Kruger retrieves the constant companion of late and drinks another mouthful.


Date: 2012-03-16 13:25 EST
March 16 2012

My life and attitude lately seems to be enshrouded by guilt. I feel it for letting "jira travel without me. I feel it to my friends who wonder what is happening while I drown myself in alcohol. I haven't let this affect the forge yet, but I am sure that is just a matter of time. Admissions are difficult; I refuse to admit anything to anyone yet"wait that is not true, I admitted something to Raye the other day. I am not sure she fully understood what I meant with my apology, but she was present and in a state, I find it hard to bear when she is so distraught. Maybe I should refrain from attending any sessions of the arenas. Would that ease her"or just me" Moot question because I cannot stay away, the thought that I might be needed and not be there is already killing me in one regard. I don't know if I could live with myself if I allowed my own unburdening interfere with helping a friend.

I stay drunk a lot now. There I said it"well okay I wrote it but it is as much the same thing. I think there are a few who believe it to be an outside influence in the form of a large cowboy hat wearing individual. Sorry Reap, I never thought that you would be implicated in my debauchery. The problem lies with the length of time that I have known these people. I know every one of them would gladly listen to my story but gods" damn it I am not ready to talk to anyone! At least not anyone that I have access to, sorry again Reap.

Taneth has come around to me quite a lot recently. I get the feeling she wants something"no that isn't right"I get the feeling that she needs something from me. I am not entirely sure she knows what it is though"I will help her if I can'that is what I do after all. I hope she figures it out soon though, she seems very conflicted lately. Then again maybe I am just pushing my own flaws onto her. Time will tell.

Qwen took me to a new place; one I don't think has ever been trodden by the races of the lower planes. She is an interesting individual. I daresay that she is quite striking, in a deadly sort of way. She really does know how to bring the house down though that is for sure. Sorry if that is cryptic, I am never sure who watches and who merely looks. She has some interest in me, this I consider fair, because I have some interest in her as well. Perhaps we can come to some arrangement together and share what we need.

Nayun won her challenge. Sorry I don't say this with more excitement, what I saw was a good fight. My heart though is torn between the two fighters. How does one hope that both fighters win" I stayed away until I could take it no longer, then I kept to myself upstairs as I watched. Her seizure like episode upon winning has me concerned. She hasn't been around for training; the door to the tower is locked against me. This is probably to be expected though; Sifu said she sleeps, does that mean she doesn't wake or am I just being paranoid again? Sifu has picked up my training, but only twice a week. Her interest still seems indifferent, even more so lately but I believe she worries over Nayun more than she lets on. I ask her always when I see her to give my regards to Nayun. I honestly miss her silent presence, and her pushing me to do better. I wish I could find that goal she tries to coach me into, but my goal and hers are not the same. What will she do now for a goal" Perhaps when she finds that she will return to me"I know that sounds strange to come from me, she is young enough to be my daughter. If this was more than a simple yet strange friendship that statement would make me feel dirty. No worries I don't feel that, I simply have grown used to her silent yet observant presence.

Rachael" I seem to have strained this relationship"I am sorry; it is difficult to please everyone. How can I be who I am though if I am unwilling to give a chance to those around me" Ebon has put it best about me, that I champion unwinnable causes. The stress I believe is my new association with the Adennites".Adennians".not sure which is right. I am not really sure what I feel from her, it seems to fluctuate between hurt, anger, and fear"this is simply my interpretation of it. I suppose that the lack of knowledge is my own fault. I could ask her what is going on and I am sure she would answer"I am kind of afraid of the answers, so I am procrastinating. True I usually face what I am afraid of head on and quickly. Easy to do when it is life or death; but when it becomes live and live on. When you know that the words very well could place a wedge between you and a friend"and then you just have to deal with it".this I am not willing to face so quickly. Does the straining bother me" Of course it does"but better to be strained than to be separated permanently"isn't it' Why can't we just forgive the trespasses of others"or make a concerted effort to understand the decisions that make us angry"

Raye' I told you it always comes back to her"I enjoyed the day we awoke on the couches in the outback"the rest of my thoughts do not belong here though.

It was one of the few days he went to the cottage, Kruger couldn't help himself. He stayed away to preserve that smell that was uniquely S"jira. The missing her pulled him here a couple of times a week, and this is where he kept his journal. That there were several empty liquor bottles surrounding the journal made him wonder when he had been here last. He couldn't really recall the last time. He gathered up those bottles and tidied the place a little, making sure to leave it just as she had. The organization of items in the place was as much a tie to S?jira as the smell that hit him when he opened the door.


Date: 2012-03-17 05:16 EST
March 17, 2012

Saturday, St. Patricks day....who cares. I laid under the stars tonight, every set of two seemed to take on her face. I talked to them as though they were her, and fantasized that she could hear me. I know that is perhaps the most stupid thing I have ever done, or thought. Why can I get no relief from this craziness" I accused her of watching me, and laughing at my mistakes. Worse than that, I told her that I have felt as though I were being watched for years by her eyes in the sky. Perhaps I have you see me now my love"

I asked if I was ever special, if I was ever worth anything. If I were part of the plan or not. I am still not sure...often I feel like the end of everything...Lords help me is this my last last month' Will tomorrow show me my place in the plan' I understand the subtleties of small movements to reach a greater goal. I know that there are times when it is the stranger who trips over a stone in the street that causes a horse to rear and buck...that horse then breaks away from his rider and finds his way into the country side. While it roams the farmer's sons spot him, and take him home...they have every intention of turning him over, but the rider sends out the word and a brave but stupid hero finds the horse at the farm. A few miscommunicated words and the hero has hung the farmer for a horse thief....But which am I" The man who trips" The rider who loses" Perhaps the unwitting farm boys...or quite likely the stupid hero. I suppose I could be the farmer doomed to hang....why do I feel like the rock who sets the whole story into motion"

I accused those pale eyes of manufacturing free will in an attempt to hide from us that all decisons are known in advance...then I asked them if they have ever been surprised. What is wrong with me" I should be happy tonight, I won every fight I was in...except for the one that rages on in my head. That fight doesn't count.

It is nearly five...soon the sun will come and blind me, and I have no alcohol to push me to sleep. I haven't had anything to drink for the last day...or lips are cracked from the lack...I don't care...I refuse to and that shall be sufficient to keep me going. My will is my own, except that is isn't. The dream keeps me awake tonight. I haven't had it...I haven't slept afterall...and there is no strong drink to take away these thoughts. Why am I so weak"

From inside his coat he pulls the Desert Eagle. The fifty caliber weapon was fitted with a laser sight. Kruger squeezed the trigger hard enough to enable the green dot to be seen. He pointed it at the rat scurrying down the alley in which he was trying to sleep. He knew from experience that if he pulled the trigger, the bullet would go exactly where the dot was. The journal was shoved into an inside pocket of his coat. The handgun was cradled in his lap. He was leaning against the annex tonight, knees bent feet flat on the ground. Taking Taneth home had been a good way to make sure no one was around when he returned to this alleyway to sleep. If only he could force that to happen.


Date: 2012-04-07 17:31 EST
April 7, 2012

I have been neglecting you, fear not though I have been conveying thoughts to someone at the least. I believe it is time for me to talk to myself for a little though. There are things you say, and then there are things you say only to yourself. My life has twisted out of control, and is only now becoming more normalized. I am still lonely but the night is the place I feel it most. You already know that, for it was you who warned me. How long will I hold this hope that 'jira will return to me" I need to write her another letter soon. How often will she wish to read my pathetic feelings for her"

I sold Andrea a Katana, it brightened a dark place in my head for a while as I watched her play with it. This was some time ago, but I figured you would want to know. Reap has gone and returned from somewhere. He will speak on it when he wants me to know. Aurast, I have been training at the same gym he does. I honestly think I have lost a few pounds over the past couple of weeks.

Rachael has a new student in fists, Shadow does very well for himself. I still don't know what keeps me from letting her help, but she is still my friend. I may pay a visit to the tower soon. I was given the Ring of Klytus too. It will take me some time to learn how to use it.

Raye' I told you it would come back to her. She has been great, I took her to Adenna. It is she that has been getting my thoughts lately. I will continue to do so if she is willing to read them. I don't really know how long she wanted me to do this for. I would be able to drink again tonight...I don't know that I should.


Date: 2012-04-15 17:47 EST
Should I mention Hammer" He is not a humanoid, neither is he sentient. Unless you count the body language as talking. I should find it annoying that he has to relieve himself every two or night. I don't though. I haven't slept well at all since Istandor...and since S'jira went away. Having to take him out gives me something to do other than what I would be doing instead. I do still struggle against the cravings...I think it will always be so.

I have stayed away from the arena's and the duels for several days...or has it been an entire week" I honestly can't remember, I spend my days training with Robyn, afterwards I meet with Nayun. Sometimes we run even more, other times she takes me hunting. There was of course the day that she took me to meet up with Seirichi at Zoe's. I paid as per the bet that I lost. It was expensive, but worth it. Seiri has put walls in place that seem impenetrable at times. Sometimes though I catch her thinking about something. I don't ask her, if she wanted me to know, I would know. Instead I pretend that nothing has occurred and wait for that guard to drop back into place.

I learned recently that Nord is from Rhydin...I don't even know why Robin told me except to say that if one could do it, then another may be able to as well. I hope she's right about that. I haven't seen much of Aurast lately. He makes it to the gym fairly regularly I hear, but somehow that is always the times when I am doing road work. I wonder if Robin did that on purpose?


Date: 2012-05-12 14:44 EST
May 12, 2012

I am here still, thought I have been a absent with you as with those whom I call friend. Hammer still works with me daily on my little project in the forest. Well I work, he runs around chasing squirrels. He never runs too far though, he is very loyal. Much has gone on since last we spoke, you and I. Perhaps I should say me and I. I have gained some rank at the outback, the fighters get tougher but if I am to push forwards and gain emerald that is to be expected. I wonder if the opal ranked fighters are ready for what I am going to be bringing to the table. I haven't let on to anyone except for Robin and Nord. I trust they are not speaking on the matter, as they have always been in my corner.

S"jira is still among the missing. Optimistically I say to myself I feel her coming closer, but my head knows this is a lie designed by my heart to keep me able to function on a daily basis.

What did you say' What happened in that underground forge" Greatness is all I can say right now"I don't know how to form the words for what Ahnika and I did down there. I will come back to that another day.

I still have a few trust issues going on with The Guardian's. I am sure it is my problem, my own feelings towards super secret organizations is something that boils in me just below the surface. We who face the people daily on the streets through our patrols are the bread and butter defense of the community. I don't need a hero, better to step up and say NO on my own terms. There will never be a threat to the community that I will not fight until my body lies broken and lifeless. I am not alone in this. Dammit I need to back away from this subject. Why are you making me talk about this"

The quill breaking in his grip signaled the end of today's journaling session. The deep breath spoke of his frustration with the line of thought. He pushed away from the table leaving the journal open and visible, something he never would have done before. Those eyes that had been feared before were now welcome, and understood. Today was the day, he made ready to see Issy?no he went to see The Judge.


Date: 2012-06-07 20:58 EST
Thursday, June 7TH

A whirlwind caught hold of me. Is it strange that my recent past has been full of women" There were men too sure, but let's face the facts here, women have made this poor excuse for a journal more often than any man ever will. Why is that do you suppose" Hell why am I asking you, I'm sure you don't know.

Recent weeks have been a little different, calmer if you will. It may have something to do with the training at the gym. To be completely honest I have been fighting less than training. I put together decent string of victories but that part of my life has calmed as well.

No it has to be Shai...that would be Miss Vevea to you old man...I know how your eye wanders towards beautiful women who show an interest in me. I could tell you that I didn't intend to get so close so quickly and it would be true. I could also say that every moment has been lived as fully as possible when I am with her.

She came into the shop to hire me to create some decorative pieces, but she left with me on her arm. How does that happen, lodestones and iron were never so strongly attracted. The iron will never be so close to the loadstone as I feel towards Shai.

Belglade has been left to deteriorate, a debutente who has been told she is an old maid. We will make her know better, she is mature and beautiful in our hearts and in our heads.


Date: 2012-06-08 21:35 EST
(Taken from live play between Shai and Kruger)

The journal sat before him on the table, it had been some time since he had it out last. The quill in his hand had hit the inkwell once and the quiet scritches could be heard in the room. Shai was half listened for, the rest of his mind focused through the nib on the quill.

Belglade yearns to be finished she practically trembles in anticipation and complains when progress is halted because of darkness or a problem much like this afternoon. One of the bolsters on the balcony had sunk into the earth after the rain. It came down on the scaffold striking Antonio on the hand. He'll be fine but I sent him and his brothers away to get him to the healers. I would say he has at least one broken bone in there.

Leaving the front door of the house open as she finally came inside, it had begun to rain earlier but as hot as it was, Shai had remained in the garden, finally finishing up the repotting. "Mon amour, are you upstairs?" Called out as the smack of her barefeet could be heard along the tiled floor, but she wasn't going up quite yet. Fractionally chilled, but a sweaty mess nonethless. "Do you need anything?" Voice reaching from the kitchen. His head came up at the sound of her voice, a small grin creeping onto his lips as she strode on by him. "In the dining room Shai. Is there any lemonade left?" He turned back to the page before him, and concentrated on what he was intending to say.

The foundation is strong, but there are a few places that need to be sealed properly. This is problematic in the rainy season. In fact the season seems to have gone on longer than usual this year. I wonder if that is significant. The cost on some of these issues though is mind boggling...I have done my best to keep costs down. Doing much of the work myself has helped but for something of that nature I need men who know their business. I want it done right, so I will ask around for....Noises in the kitchen attracted his attention.

The glass of lemonade had just been sipped from and dark eyes landed on the empty container. A grin to that, as well to the fact she hadn't seen him there chalked up to the lateness of the day and shadows. "Mhm, yes....nice and cold in fact..." About to pour half into another glass, she thought that to be ridiculous and made her way into the living room. Somehow, someway, as sweaty and dirty as she was, grace was maintained as it seeped from her pores and she carried a half grin aimed directly at him. "You were hiding from me, mon the darkest of corners...just pounce..." A thousand possibilities, they seemed to dance along every one of them and the glass handed to him there. "I am going to take a bath...I smell like....well, I smell..." More of an importance to leave him to his dealings in private.

He blinked a few times at that grin, he wanted to know what was behind it. Wanted even more to deepen it, to draw it out into other places. He took the glass from her hand, making sure touch was given in the passing. A raised finger, a long soft stroke and a deepening smile for her. "I wasn't hiding love; the darkness was the result of your absence." He sipped at the liquid, satisfied with the tartness of it and savoring the coolness. He set it down and reached for her arm in an attempt to get her to sit in his lap. "Mon amour you could never smell so bad I wouldn't want to..." he let his words trail off knowing she would understand where he was trying to go.

When he smiled, Shai reached to him, thumb pad giving the spot beneath his eye a caress that was becoming almost a ritual between them. It was part of him, more so than perhaps either of them realized as a whole. He catching her off guard at times, the things he said to her embedded so deeply. His attempt a success, she sunk not only into his lap, but her arms were instantly slinking around his neck, lips finding her spot along his jaw line. "I believe we could each hide in the farthest depths of the woods, blind folded, in the dark of night....and be able to find one another. Our draw to one another being strong enough to surpass anything..." Her whisper holding so many levels of all her words entailed, the tip of her tongue tasting the saltiness of him, embers stirring. "Want to.....tell me mon amour....tell me please.."

He lowered the quill to the inkwell, there would be nib cleaning to do before he could start again, but this was far more important. "Want to cover you with my own scent, or take yours onto myself." He had watched her from his place bending and creating those decorative pieces. It was always difficult to not go to her where she worked and distract her with his presence as much as her merely being visible distracted him. The others had figured out what was going on. He seemed to recall Antonio passing a few coins to Giovanni. Perhaps a bet over the house mistress and the forge master"

He circled her middle with his arms, and took in her scent. Perhaps she smelled bad to herself, but to him there was only her. His eyes closed in response to her thumb at his scar, and those lips brought shivers to his spine. "Drawn to you like the wolf to the moon." A strange sort of statement, he hadn't intended the pun.

Her lips featherlike and then brushing over his own, a hushed moan rumbling at her to the words he spoke. "You've branded me, mon amour...all of me..." A palm moving across his chest and beneath his hair to his neck, she turned to sink a knee to his either side, perched there and drawing him closer, nails setting a path up his spine. "I will remain high above you, brightest of all moons, to keep you trained on me, never wishing to you will know me to always be there for you and you alone..." She knew how the men looked at them, and she wondered if they were wishing to know something as strong as what they were witnessing.

It was not something fleeting, it was something that held sustenance, it could not be denied....even by a perfect stranger. "I love you...." When she said those words, they failed in definition...the woman who had words for everything...found herself unable to express the most powerful thing of all. Slipping from his lap, her intention had not been to distract him from what he was doing....the grin returning.

"I will go change before we go.." Fingertips already sliding the shirt over her head as she met the stairs. "I won't be long.."

He picked up the quill again, his eyes never leaving the dark haired Greek. Shirt slowly revealed her dark skinned back, hair pulled aside as the shirt went over head. It may have been a fraction of a second, but to him it passed in slow motion. He could replay every movement with clarity, right down to the wisps of hair catching in her passing. He turned back to his journal.

There is a spot on the back of Shai's neck that I can't seem to get enough of. It calls to me from across the room and I often find that my arms are wrapped about her, my lips re-acquainting themselves to the place. Do you think she knows how it obsesses me" Could she be taunting me with it on purpose" Am I really don't care if it is done on purpose, so long as it is me she does it for.

She's upstairs now, and I'm sorry to cut this short old man, but there is a place that needs to have my absolute attention.

The quill was dropped to the table, the nib dripping black spots to the page he had been writing on. Kruger was well away and up the stairs, journal all but forgotten. A muffled feminine laugh would have been heard, if there were any there to listen.


Date: 2012-06-23 18:53 EST
The journal was open on the nightstand. His normal thoughts of secrecy were muted here.

19 June

I made it, I don't know that the past was about to repeat itself. I reacted period. Giovanni and his brothers pulled me out. I knew what I was doing, I know where it would have ended. You do too so don't judge me. I told you once a while back that the monster was to be embraced. He was with me I could feel his thoughts, my thoughts. They were cold, calculating even. I don't always approve of the things he gives me, this I would have risen to. I would have ended what I deemed to be an unrighteous act with another unrighteous act, and would have felt nothing for it.

My term of pain before had always been about letting myself be consumed. This was what I needed to learn, that sometimes a man needs to be that consumed. There are things out there worth ripping your soul apart for. Shai's well being is one of those things. I discovered something about the monster though, as Shai sat curled on my lap. He was with me then, loving her, the knowledge didn't shock me so far as I would have expected it to. From there I made a bit of a leap in thinking. The monster is part of me, the part that feels so strongly it won't be denied. Is this a side effect of carrying the Katana for so long" I suppose it could be, but I suspect that this is the reason that it affected me so all consumingly. The monster in me loves Shai, as much as any can be loved I think. Is this something that needs to be concerning me" If you mean do I worry that I will need to battle the monster for her affections no. The monster is me, the ugliest and most beautiful parts of me. It is the pulling sensation that comes when I want so badly to hold to her.

Understand old man that I know the monster to be every feeling I ever have and part of myself. This person writing now, that is the rational me. The one who steps outside and analyzes what needs to be done. That is great if it is a project that needs attending to, but a decision like last night' Rational stepped aside for more appropriate heads to decide. Rational is generally absent from decision making abilities when it comes to making love as well. The act doesn't need to be thought over and dissected. It needs action, willingness to feel so deeply that mutual desire is achieved. The man writing this doesn't have that, he won't ever have that. I have come to grips with my duality; logic applied rationally will usually justify my actions to myself. I am willing to endure the consequences without foisting fault upon that side of me that refuses to give in. My world has changed, my mind has changed with it.


Date: 2012-08-11 15:39 EST
The darkness wasn't absolute; a tiny candle was aflame on the desk. The night had been long and sleepless. He sat before his journal as he had done many times before but not for a very long time it seemed. He only seemed to pick the thing up when he had more thoughts than he had the ability to resolve at the same time. Things had been good, better than good really the issues while not small had seemed to be manageable. Seemed was the word that kept sticking in his head though. Kruger wondered if he had gotten too comfortable, or perhaps he had reached the limit of what the universe had allotted him for continuous days of simple life.

The scratching of the nib wasn't loud on his journal, but he was sure that Shai would be listening to it. She hadn't slept the way she once had, that of course was understandable in light of what had happened. Kruger honestly didn't expect her to find much in the way of real rest for some time to come. He hoped only that he had eliminated any doubts she may have had over his reactions. Their lovemaking had been driven by the needs of both of them, him to prove she was still everything to him. He could only guess at what it was she took away from the night.

11 August

I know it has been many weeks since I have needed to find myself lost within your pages. The truth of it is that I don't like you. You are the bitter aftertaste of yesterday's coffee to me, but you are mine. So I will pen another page for you in vile discontent. To say that I am angry is an understatement; you and I both know the extent I have gone to before. I am not above doing that again; problem is that I have no one clearly guilty left to do it to. This Jericho that sits on our land, and benefits from our larder could have become a good place to seek vengeance. Only I don't know that he was truly involved with the situation. I wanted to kill him. My blade tasted his blood; this was not meant to be at the time.

The other one though"I won't say murder, for that is not what happened and you know it. That death while fitting was certainly less painful than painstaking love I would have put into his death. He needed to linger over his actions but I don't think he even understood right from wrong at the end. I don't believe he had understanding of much of anything beyond a sick need to keep Belglade free of people. This particular idea"thought"no compulsion is a better word. This particular compulsion to drive us away netted him a surprise I don't think he was ready for. Not because I know it to be so, but because if I think it any other way I will lose what control I have managed through all of this.

Does Shai know that I draw that strength of will from her or has the rape consumed enough of her thoughts that she doesn't notice" I can't say because I don't know. I asked her to come away with me for a time. A week, a month?two perhaps, any amount of time to mend and rebuild. I don't think this will happen though, she is quite right when she says that there is too much to do and very little time left before it must be endured through the winter. Perhaps we could go for the winter that would be enjoyable, south to the sun and time alone. I honestly don't know if that will happen either, there is never an end to things going on here.

She lies close by, but I still feel her eyes on me. I will be confronting this Jericho issue in the morning. If he proves his worth, then I have some work for him. Someone needs to approach the others out there; I doubt they would let me get close enough to talk. Jericho may be the only hope of resolving this without bloodshed.

I am going to leave you here; I still hate you for what it means when your pages are open and being filled with my thoughts.


Date: 2012-10-18 02:59 EST
There is a point at which we say enough and carry the fight to our foes. But what about when that fight needs to be picked up for another" I am not above this thing I must do. I am in fact guilty of the charges that will likely be aimed my way. This won't deter me I am if anything resolved in the courses of action that I must undertake. A fool, perhaps I am. Cold" If I must be cold then let it be a temperature so deep as to freeze the enemy where they stand. I will not tolerate...I will not pontificate. I will strike while you look at me...I will strike if you look away. I will strike out of darkness and hate, do not let your guard down for I hold not to logic. In the end it makes complete sense to me to throw away a thousand lives to save the ones closest to me.

This is my crede taken recently. Once I would have stood and made the world safer. Once I would have stood for the people of Rhy'Din first. Someone must have known and wished it not to be so. I would gladly place every man woman and child before those I consider MINE...and laugh as they are slaughtered before me. I hold not to the belief that the good of the many outweigh the needs of the few. These are my few, and they will take precedence and I will be the last to fall before the blade that seeks their heart.

In this I am expendable.


Date: 2012-11-05 00:29 EST
My world it seems is run by others, those who have said that the burdens you will bear will never be more than you can handle need to be brought before me. You who have seen to it that the burden is great, to you I say how dare you!

What has she done that you should impose upon her that way. I will discover your hiding places and you will be called to account! I am angry you will're right. It will diminish you will claim..this I promise in will never diminish so far that I won't give to you the same that has been dished to her. Yours is a fate that has one is simply the when that is in play.

The roulette wheel turns, the ball she spins and flies. There are no winners on this turn. Well except for those of us who didn't bet at all.


Date: 2013-01-04 13:35 EST
At what point did my world change" The harshness of life is meant to be tempered with a softer side. Is this not the truth' I stare into the void on a daily basis looking at the darkness. Looking at myself staring back at me. This man seeks an agreement before the stone seat of the hag. His promise is unity, balance, I do not trust him. I know of all his deeds and can say that he lacks honor. That he has no courage to persevere. I will not easily take the hand before me. Pride" There is a place for it...I posess it. It belongs to me. It is not my problem it is a strength.

So why do I question myself regarding it"

Shai, there is no time that you haven't crossed my thoughts. When does the man you love become stranger" Am I this now? The need to separate was within me. To keep at bay a darkness that I never wished to touch Belglade. We have given enough.


Date: 2013-02-08 16:53 EST
The journal sat on the desk in the study. Silk ribbon marked his spot that place where he had left off and become distant again. He sat and opened the book growling at his last entry. The ink bottle came out and the quill started to scritch across the page.

I have done harm...I laugh at the reasons others put on me. Shai knows, understands even. There is more to this simple smith that petty feelings for one who refused my help, and then would never tell me if she lived or died. I am supposed to be entrhalled by her" I am thrall to no man or woman! I am conscience. I am the hard line, the one that reminds when wrong has been done. I feel nothing for the child but pity. strange to see you. How long ago did I see your shape within my castings. A call...a warning" I don't know. I know that in one moment I saw every deed undone. Every drop of blood that could have been prevented. I acted on that, calling to account...and knowing I am undeserving to be the judge.

I carry my uncertainties with me. Purgatory by my own hand...Heaven and Hell held in my hands and the only promise I get is someday I will be judged. Left to me, given what I have done...what I know I will do in the uture. My fate may be sealed in the afterlife. Bound...I have been bound before..and beaten...beaten often. Never defeated...never the thrall...Goddess why does this bother me so. My sins are my one made me do them. None can free me from accountability save myself...and I am just not willing to do that today.


Date: 2013-10-20 20:49 EST
I haven't been here for a while, in a place where conviction and confliction meet. I see things, some hard to bear. Faces come to mind and leave me questioning myself and every step I take. I am filled with rage, an arrogant wrath that has no limits to what it will let me do. The bad part is I like it, am comforted by it in ways that I haven't known before. I can't remember who I am sometimes, not amnesia, not some mind sickness that afflict others. This is me questioning everything that I know.

Memories of kindness done to me are still there and I just want to rip them from me and cast them away. I want to be the blackness that is fear. Is this from the new forge" I can't say it isn't, I had to accept it inside of me in order to be the master there. Every deed done, each that will be is tainted with the filth of death and destruction. I crave destruction sometimes. Did you know this would happen Brian' Did you bank on my resolve to overcome it' I feel weak now, stretched to limits that I never knew human flesh could be. The old ways haunt me, they tear at my dreams and leave me sleepless and exhausted.

I pray for release, to die a little death that will leave me free. I hope for a light touch on my chest that tells me I am still human, still good. Mother"Brigid you haven't spoken in so long. What am I now mother" Why am I haunted by gazes that can never be real" I know my soul, it yearns for things that I do not deserve. I want to be the man others see and all I can do is pretend, to smile and play off how hollow I am right now. It wears at me, takes me down roads that I have travelled before and become lost upon.

Let me go"everyone should just let this husk go. I can make my bed among the stones and live in the darkness of my ordered madness. These hands have been gentle, but I do not know how to keep them so. When I began there was nothing more I wanted than to be needed. Today I will go, and tonight I will be the cause of more pain. When tomorrow comes I do not know which Kruger will emerge from the fires. I don't care either.

It's been so long since that night, her eyes were green, her hair fire. She burned me inside, the fire"fire and pain and I can't stop feeling it even now. I am no hero, no courageous man. I am ash and soot, I am sweat and effort. I am an empty death in a world where everyone lives forever. Mother"I am the sin of the world, wrath, sloth, gluttony and greed. I am so much pride and lust. Where is the all conquering love now" Where are you Kruger" Why can't you save the one who needs you most' Why can't you save yourself"


Date: 2013-10-31 07:52 EST
I remained quiet. There were questions, I did not answer though. If the question got close I drew farther into myself. She let me alone eventually, seeing that I was not ready to talk. How do I talk over something I barely understand myself. I still carry the note that was tacked to my door. I had heard the knocks and refused to answer. Inside I knew that the child was born. Funny what happens isn't it' The impregnable becoming so in the first place.

Is it mine" There is more reason to believe it is than ever an argument can be made against it that much is sure. I am not denying the child, it won't want for anything. The rumor is she named him Nikolai Aristotle. As fine a name as any to be sure. There will be questions now, maybe forever. The bed I purchased, it will house the child, so very like the gate of that place that I rebuilt with my own hands. Now I am here though there are others, but for the most part it is quiet here. I get what I need, a pillow a bed. There is a kitchen though I can't recall the last time I ate because I felt hungry. That should concern me, why doesn't it though' I forget food, give it up to complete my projects. I feed myself with them.

As for anything else I receive, there will be those who believe this move is motivated by something other than, I refuse to be dependent on any thing but myself. Let them think what they choose, if they speak it I will simply slap the words from their mouth, and perhaps a few teeth as well. Say what you will about me, I deserve what I have brought upon me. Keep your waggling tongues from uttering anything about anyone else though.

The journal was shoved deep into a drawer. He had given up needing to burn every page he wrote, but had yet to feel comfortable enough to leave it anywhere that someone might happen across it. Sitting heavily into a chair the light in the room falling away as the day came to an abrupt close. Kruger refused to turn on the light, he stared at the wall knowing only one thing. There was still so much work to do, so many projects that he couldn't ever seem to finish.

He turned to look at the face in the mirror and barely recognized the man he was looking at. If it weren't for the brand on the cheek he never would have believed it was him. "What are you looking at?"


Date: 2013-10-31 12:43 EST
He sat in the room the darkness still surrounding him. It had been a few hours but it felt like longer. The pen scritched across the page of Kruger's journal. He hadn't found peace yet, hadn't discovered the road to sleep. It wasn't some game he was playing there just was nothing driving him to his bed and it had been so for some time now.

Time Flies, that is what they tell me anyway but I have felt every second since coming here. I have felt them click by and knew that I could do more between the halting steps of the second hand than anyone ought to ever be able. Time does not fly, it lingers like the scent of a dead polecat biting at the nostrils to remind the world of the stench of its existence. Time is foolish and empty. Its keepers are stupid sleeping figures that while away days, weeks, and months through the year and wake thinking?"my that year went so quickly". Wake up keepers, and take a look around, the rest of the world felt everything you missed. The rest of the world saw tragedy and comedy, crying and laughing as it should. Those of us who remained awake were there to see the fall of governments, to see the emptiness of lost loved ones.

Time does not fly, it is the rusted straight razor that rips into the souls of men and women leaving us hollow. Time doesn't care though, it sees only itself as it moves ever forward and drags the rest of us along in a winding unstoppable miasma of pain and anguish. There have been more tears from time than ever there was a laugh. How I hate each lasting moment in this head of mine so full of the worst things I have done. How I spit cold fire at the hands of time, and watch it roll from his face like blood in the arctic. Take this ache that you have wrought onto yourself for once. Die as you force us to do a little every day. But feel it all at once.


Date: 2013-11-02 09:17 EST
I sat in the middle of the grounds, I don't know what it meant but it was just a dream. One by one the houses began to move closer to me, to circle me slowly. As they moved right in front of me they began to change into people. The faces of the council looking down at me as they passed by, and I knew them all.

One and another would reach to me touch me with sympathy, with an offer of support. Why do I doubt myself" What is it here that soothes me so' I can't sleep until I have worked to the point that I can barely make it back here. I am in a room alone, which is something new. Not being alone, not by any means that. Not having to answer the questions of another or have them waiting is somehow more comforting than knowing an embrace for my return. I do things, make things and not all of them are pleasant. I don't want to explain myself to anyone. I did not inspire myself to do these things. I can't stop what others want.

It's not always there, that driving need. When it's gone I miss it. I am empty inside without the vision. Maybe Miranda is right and I am overworked. I don't feel overworked I feel"nothing. The need was there yesterday, it was so powerful that I found myself on the way to the forge before I knew that was where I was going. The need drives me, she fills me to overflowing and then that spills into every great work that comes out of me. But then it's gone and I am left with only me and a weary body that still must move. I am left with thoughts that turn bitter and push the good right out of me. Was there ever any good inside of me" Who am I now mother" Am I the same man I was a year ago' Have I ever been a good man"

You won't answer, you never do anymore. Once I saw you often, once I could see you but, only with eyes closed tight. Do you remember that' The boy who you played peek-a-boo with' I remember it, I remember you. It isn't the same now, maybe I don't need you so much"except that I do need you. Right now I need you. Tell me that everything will be okay. Tell me that you have not forgotten me. I want to come home. I want to come home to you.


Date: 2013-11-04 05:32 EST
His body still ached, when he had passed through the gates of the grounds he could barely walk from the aches. He stayed silent though as he walked the pathways and passed by houses. Again his eyes went to them wondering why he seemed drawn in one direction or another. Had there been eyes on him' He would swear he felt them, but looking over his shoulder only revealed an empty path way. That was then though and he was sure that it would get worse the closer he got to home. It lingered, that feeling stuck to him like a piece of his clothing. The door to Warrior house cut it off, it always seemed to shut it away from him. Damn the door for being so thick. Damn the door for leaving him feeling alone again.

Kruger was grateful for the darkness, that outside and that within as well, it hid what he knew would be visible in daylight. The door to his room closed, and he hoped Angel wouldn't charge in, not right now. He pulled the shirt from his back despite how it seemed to stick in places. Dark blotches of dried blood were present in places they shouldn't be. He turned his back to the mirror and looked as best he could over his shoulder lifting one arm then the other. The skin had been peeled back in a pair of rake marks, one on each side. He turned to face the mirror and those claw marks were dug deeply across his abdomen. Four lines that stretched away from each other and continued all the way round to his back. He used the shirt to dab at the places where scabs had torn away from the removal before cleaning the marks that he had no idea where they had come from.

When he finally sat, it was with his pen, and the journal that had been pulled from the recesses of his dresser.

I am haunted by things I do not understand. Injured by hands I do not see, and somehow I feel it is all my fault. There are times I hear crying, but no one is present, what is this that I am going through' Eyes in the dark, not normal dark but the dark of my own closed lids. That eternal pitch that will be my dying sight.

I feel it at odd times, but it changes. The eyes change not in look or intensity but there is something different in the gaze. I felt it across the grounds, feel it now occasionally but different than before. When I entered the feeling left me. I am paranoid, and have been before, the truth is that I want those eyes on me always. The cuts are new though, as are the bruises I surely feel in other parts of my body. All of them tell me one thing. I've failed.

It isn't fair, because I don't even know what I have failed at. Where are you now" Why do I feel you as if you have died" I can't make the pain go, the emptiness of knowing that something has been stolen from me forever. Why did you never just reveal yourself to me" Why did you attach yourself to me if you never intended to stay' How could you make me need you? How could that need mean nothing in the end" I am a toy, that must be it. My heart matters not, my feelings are meant to be crushed. Laughing" I see you laughing now. Laughing at my pain, at the fool who you have put this over on so easily. I tried"you hid from me, and I could never find you when you needed me most. So now laugh at the failure I have become. The one I became for you.

Is g" dom do sh"ile ar dom.

Outside in the space near warrior house the sound of glass shattering would cause people to look up in time to see what a chest of drawers would look like if it tried to fly. It would only last a moment though its flight would seem like slow motion to many. In the broken pane above would stand the smith, freshly bleeding and staring out the window as though looking for something, or someone. The smith ignored the shattered dresser and the clothes on the ground.

"Stop hiding from me!" was the words he cried out before turning away from the shattered window and moving back into the room. Would they come now" Would they listen to him and come" Would anyone come again? Kruger dropped into the chair he had used to write and leaned back. His eyes were adjusting to the dark, and his body was beginning to shiver with the cold. "I need your eyes on me." He spoke the translation to his final entry quietly as tears burned their way down his cheeks.


Date: 2013-11-07 01:15 EST
I hurt you, deep inside I know that is the truth. I walked this day, walked though my body ached and my spirit told me to turn back. My path put me back on the grounds of Bristle Crios. I stopped to look in on the children, they always seem to make me smile. I haven't smiled since you've gone, and it shouldn't be so, because I didn't know you were here to begin with. You are always hiding from me.

Who are you, if not the one I once believed" What if I walked in your light' Tell me would that make us right' I never knew that one thing could mean so much yet never be visible. Faith is something that I have but I will never lay claims to understanding. The marks heal, and you are out there somewhere. Is he giving you what you need"

Why does this time feel so wrong? Questions they come and they will never be answered by me alone. I want something that can never be real. Hope for a touch that only can be felt in a soul. It is all I can do to recall the embrace and know its gift to me. I hurt you though, with my anger and my hate it drove you from me. My insanity is complete now...the looks from the others are justified. I will remain though, here among the living. I will stay and call for you in my head and in my heart. Until my strength wanes and my body gives out. Perhaps then you will see me and I will find you. Is that where the urges come from' I just wish we had more time.


Date: 2013-11-11 17:54 EST
Silent nights and rains that beat bitter cold into the earth. These are my bedmates, the ones who comfort me. Do you find it strange that I am comforted by them' Don't be, for they are as nothing. That is the extent of comfort I feel, nothing but cold and silence. I should be grateful, I am made harder by this. The bitter moments that agony allows to slip away, with you in the presence of others, fills the hole you left inside of me.

Praise be that I need only to think crossly now, and the words of it could spill like acid to dissolve my conversation partners. I don't do this though, no I smile my grin and hope that none realizes that the being they speak to is dead inside. My heart may still beat, but that doesn't make me alive.

Do you want the truth from me" I don't want to feel alive inside now. I have known such heights with you that nothing could truly take that place in me. None that have held this physical body have ever raised my spirits so high. It is of course that height that will destroy me in the end, when I hit the bottom after being dropped by you. I am still falling, will always be falling deeper for you. Do you remember the promise" Duo mo chroi chun tu...Forever my heart for you.


Date: 2013-11-14 00:04 EST
I been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall. I been laying here thinking about the fall. I never had a chance to know, and no matter where I go I end up crying. Gazes of sympathy look my way, I can't count the amount of times I see it through the day. It's a risk that I am taking, a need that has awakened and I am too proud to kneel and pray.

I've given you everything I know. I'm afraid of how much it will show and I'll be dying. It's just another night alone, you are the one who's always gone. Is it that I just can't face the truth' Am I of no further use" I am tired of waiting. I used to think freedom meant you could come and go. Why the hell does it make time go so slow. I talk to empty air, while the memory of your hair makes me go blind. The place in my life is still unfilled, don't you know you broke my will. I don't know the words to say, the ones that make you want to stay, and I'm out of time.

I find myself in places that never change. The only thing missing has left me tattered and frayed. There is an aching in my heart, and you know that it's the part that wants you near me. It's not fair of me to ask, for you to come and heal the past. I don't believe I'm moving on, because my need it just too strong, it feels like you've died. There's no monument at which I can mourn, I try to reach for you and only find thorns. I just know your face was fare, and your eyes showed me you care, so where are you?

The words I'm giving you they make no sense. In my head they race for a hole that won't mend. In a moment they'll be gone, disappearing like the dawn and never coming round again. I've been sitting here staring at the walls, I've been hoping to stop my fall, but there is only one thing, to make it go away, and I won't ask you to stay.


Date: 2013-11-20 22:35 EST
Kruger's hands shook as he held to the journal that just seemed to keep filling with his thoughts, no those were not thoughts they were wishes that he knew would never happen. The room was more lit than it had been since he had come to stay at Warrior House. Had there been anyone in attendance they may have been concerned over his seeming inability to begin. Within himself was the hard decision he needed to make, the words he scribed would echo that decision. The only problem was, as the nib rested nowhere near the page, Kruger hadn't decided yet. That all too familiar burn was present in his eyes and he had no sulfurous smoke to blame it on.

The pen finally found its outlet as the ink began to scrawl across the parchment. Still his fingers trembled, and the man with forearms made hard from countless hours of wielding his hammer didn't know how to stop them. Not without breaking something anyway, the pen, the mirror on the wall"his heart. He felt a curtain of iron pass over his heart and knew this was not the time and that he wasn't strong enough to destroy himself as he should.

My sweet missing, you who have affected my every moment since you disappeared. I should cast you away, remove you from every thought and feeling that you have become a part of. I should do many things that won't happen this night. I know I must decide, that I must let go despite my love of you, or maybe to prove it.

Letting go, just opening the fingers and slipping down into that hole that I have been climbing from for so long. I can't force you to come to me, even the kindest touch would be a death stroke to what you mean. Still I cling though, I can't see myself being okay perhaps I am not meant to be okay. Maybe that is what it means to love, never being in a state where I will feel safe. I don't fear for my body, it has been broken before, the idea of physical pain doesn't bother me. I fear for my heart and my head, I fell long ago and my rise has been slow. The jagged edges of a cliff face couldn't sting more than the smallest thought of saying goodbye. I can't do that now, I am not ready and I hope that you understand my procrastination.

It's funny, I have turned up the lights and yet I still feel cloaked in darkness, madness. These memories keep going through my mind. Why is losing myself to that madness a decision that hurts less than letting it fall away' I want to ask if you are safe, but I am afraid that I will find that you are safe. More than that I don't know what it would do to me if I discovered that somehow you are okay, that my feelings are the only ones boring holes into everything I know.

The face, I found it. Yes I make them laugh, all of them. Everyone deserves to laugh don't they' Do you laugh where you are" Do you move from room to room and never pay me the smallest thought' I don't know how else to interpret your absence. Tell me, will I ever know what I have done to drive you from me" Another crazy thought, and further into madness I ascend. It sits above me like a light in the dark offering warmth and comfort. I know it for what it is and still I want to be there to be as mad as anyone has ever been. I want it to take control of me to release me even as it sells me false visions of you in a perverted waking dream. Tonight I would take you any way I could get you, even if the thing I cling to does not really exist.

You are my madness, my goal for good or ill. I should let you go, to save my mind. I need to let you go to save my heart. I would sell my soul not to have to let you go.

Come back and reject me"kill me quickly.


Date: 2013-11-22 23:29 EST
Who determines the greatness of a man' Not I surely, I am a simple man, I do not wish to be anyone's judge. There is some appeal to being an executioner in a mind that is frustrated. I know that would never be me either, I lie of course. There have been killings from me, Bree for one. The Butcher of Istandor, Romliv, I hardly consider him a man, I hardly consider what I did to him an execution. Others" A few others, maybe?perhaps a myriad of them I remember many campaigns and faceless zealots. Can that be considered execution' Why am I asking this question now when I started on something far more important' I don't want to know"I don't want to be reminded right now.

Perhaps it is true greatness is judged by others" What will be said of all of us when the time comes" I am many things of course. I know how I see me, an unworthy soul in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't need any accolades"please just keep them from me Goddess. I do only what I feel I must, or what I think someone forgot to do. To some I suppose that makes me a reckoning. To others, I don't know, warped I suppose. There is no lie in me now. I can speak of what has occurred in my life. Answer for my sins, all of my sins to include those most recent acquired. I don't believe anyone has heard me ask forgiveness.

I don't want to be forgiven, I have said before when the Gods seek to judge me I will not kneel for it. I'll stand and spit in their eye. I am a sinner, I am proud to be that amongst a world of the self righteous. May my particular hell be a special misery made just for me. You see my sweet, I move on"you affect me no more. Of course, I lie again?and lie and lie. I am trying to force you from me now. To take you from my thoughts and forget that you were here. It should be so easy"it should be done by now.

Aren't I just a simple minded man with nothing but the calluses on his hands and the long lonely walk ahead through the years" Do I not bring such loneliness on myself" I can accept that I am now reaping what I have sewn, that the world I give up had a life where I could be happy"I am never happy now. Did I make a mistake" Perhaps I did, the question is do I care" Do I let the realizations that the life I choose is a life of pain sway me from that path' Goddess, you do have a special hell for me because I have not risen, nor have I run.

I saw the child, he is beautiful and strong. He will hold my name so long as he wishes it. What of Shai" I don't know. I have destroyed"I remember the words yes. I have followed paths that she won't understand. The same paths that no one understands, the steps are solitary and the light ahead is persecution. I walk there anyway leaving behind the light of a happiness that I doubt will ever be my own again.

I hurt so many this time. Will there ever be a good to come from it' The worst part of this is that I will continue to hurt them, over and over with every step I take to visit Nikolai at Belglade. Even then I was creating. So much was built with these hands, put together with sweat from this body and a need to be perfect. Who am I now" I believe a long life is due me, one that will forever be solitary.

The losses still hurt, they will"because I know no matter how many times I beg you to come and give me death, you will remain separated from me. I wonder if you will listen if I ask for life" I haven't changed my heart. I have only recently discovered that I don't have the strength, or is it that I am just not one of the great men"


Date: 2013-11-28 08:59 EST
I am supposed to be doing better now. I am supposed to be adjusting well to my decisions. I see the faces, the new smiles, and I know the power behind my lies. I told you I would do this for you. I do it even now trying to fool my greatest skeptic. Is it possible to fool ones self" Tell me love how long should you be gone before I stop aching for you? Tell me if a year would suffice or should I wait three"

How about I just not think of you at all anymore" I could stay quiet, say nothing and pretend that you don't exist. I might be able to hold that lie up to myself long enough to begin to believe. What then when you came back...if you came back. What do I do' Shall I begin again only to have myself torn again if you come back...when you come back"

Will you look at me and see happiness and wish to destroy it for your sake" Do you perhaps do that now" Is this my test' How long will it last' The world hears my silence over the loss of you and believes I have overcome. I sit here now and write that I have never lost you, nor will that sweetness ever be parted from me save by my own hand.

What then" Would you come for me then and wonder why I cannot remember" Would you push and pressure to have what you have lost' would you bring such visions of possibilities that I weep and beg to create" Would it hurt you if I lost love" Would you care"

Nobody knows the things I do to forget you. Nobody but me, yes and this book. If I read this will I know" If I know will I feel it again? Do those pieces of me go on loving even as I tear them out and give them new homes" I feel every little piece that I give up for you. I still feel the loss of them even though I can no longer remember what they hold.

I am doing the one thing no man has ever done willingly. I am encasing what I feel for you inside things so that long after this body is gone, and even the name Kruger is a memory...those feelings will live...they will be always there. You will come back to me, I know in my heart you will. Will you be able to captivate me again? I wonder if you will even try.


Date: 2013-11-30 07:13 EST
I listened to the wind today, to the winter storm as it blew in across the bay. I listened until I could no longer take the cold. I listened and walked through forest along paths that led me home, or the place I call home now. The kiss of the wind is pain, funny how it knows what I need so badly.

Yesterday I burned my hand, I can't figure out if I did it on purpose or not. It feels very similar the pain in my hand and that which rips through me walking back to this place. Neither is crippling though, I suppose in large doses they could be. On both days I caught myself staring at the houses. Why do I feel so attached to this place" I have family here that is not mine by blood. I have friends here who only ever asked to be shielded from the world. There is more though, I can see the place where I told stories on the night of rose moon. What was that story' Yes I remember the battle of the birds. Is it silly that I think of it now" What does it mean' The boy who lost his love, who carted a bag and was nearly killed by a giant. The boy who saved the bird from the snake.

Who was he to get involved" I liken him to me I suppose, getting involved where I shouldn't. Saving one bird from a snake in the grass. Yes, and gaining love only to realize it too late and be forced to give it up. It worked for him though...for me I see loneliness and I see death. I looked at eternal house, then at vampire house. I looked at all those houses. Demon and werewolf houses, Alchemy and mage, I wonder, did any see the smile on my face as I walked towards warrior house" I know what they do not...mortality is good, death is house of warriors, a house of fighters, and I will gladly stand first in any fight. I will happily lay down what I am, for what I think has worth. Yes I will force someone to kill me, to save save them.

Even as I write this I don't know who I am talking to. There are so many who have my protection here. Strangely even the most potent of them has a layer of defense that they do not know about. One lone fallible smith, one small life to save the many. One soul freed from mortal shell can save all.

Morgan and I argued, there aren't many who know and I don't know why I bother writing it. He is gone now, because he understood. He was likely right but his priorities were never mine. I will give up the many for the few. I will give them all up for the one. This has less to do with who the one is than who it is to me. I would drive an entire world into the fires of oblivion to save just one of my own. The concept itself is what many would call wicked. Then I am so, stand behind me my chosen family. Stand behind me my real family. Stand and watch for I will walk that path for each and every one of you. I will suffer the agonies of hell because I choose to keep what I consider mine.

What do I consider mine? The weapon and the mage, the children and the dames, and the touch to make me whole.


Date: 2013-12-13 02:03 EST
Musa, mihi causas memora ..., "O Muse, recount to me the causes?" ~ Virgil (Aeneid B1 L8 )

I've been avoiding you, avoiding thoughts of you. The reason is perhaps because I am trying to stay stable. I'm broken, you know this for you were there at the breaking. Tell me has my voice been silent to you as well" Does that hurt you as much as it does me" I can hope I suppose, hope and pretend that something important happened. I am still moving, I told you I would be. I warned you that I am not defeated simply because I am alone. Do I want you still" Those words brought back an ache so deep that I had to replace pieces of my walls. Of course I do, but I want you on your terms.

I understand, that my demands on you are heavier than any should ever have to bear. I remove those from you and will walk alone. Your terms, you will bring them when you wish, if you wish to. I can't let myself live longer in the despair that I feel though. It is still there, it is felt when I am weak. I am often weak. Perhaps you will give me the reasons some day, why you stayed with me, why you left too. I don't make any demands, how can I when you give me silence and reflections. My cries have filled the air, my needs have been demonstrated before the people. I am broken my love, but I am in the forging pit waiting to feel the hammer's first blow. I wish you could be there, I wish you could see that which will emerge from great good works. Perhaps being remade is necessary' Perhaps being unmade is necessary. To be unfolded and devolved into that primal being that lives within us all. I am the beast that destroys, I am the man who creates. I am always simply?Kruger.


Date: 2014-01-01 04:06 EST
nosce te ipsum, temet nosce (thine own self, know)

These are the words that haunt me my love. To know myself is to know chaos. How does one truly know chaos" I know many things, I know that the decisions I make today can be changed tomorrow in a similar situation. I know that I decide things always based on emotions and feelings. I know that a man run by such things can never really know his self. Give me a situation and hold back no names, then I can assess my own decisions.

If I know no one involved, then the only thing I know is that a decision will come quickly. It will be just as much a surprise me as to those involved. I don't claim logic as a basis for deciding, let those with minds for cold facts and order keep logic. Passion will run my life, now as it always has. Chaos, I choose not to call it such, I will stay with the word passion. I wonder sometimes if the logical love. What kind of love is it' Are they able to do what I cannot and step away from that love just because it makes sense to'

I can't be this way, I can't run on what makes sense. If that is logic, then logic lies. It makes sense that a child goes hungry, but only if we look at the reasons behind it. In my mind a hungry child makes no sense. There should be no reason that it occurs. So damn a world of logic, and damn feeling nothing. Know myself" I know myself enough to know that I will fight where I should give up. I will die where I could live...and I will love where I am alone.

Where does that leave one chaotic no..., one passionate smith' Where does it leave he who makes and unmakes" It leaves me in that passion, the kind that leaves my lips tingling and my fingers gripping anything that can be held. The passion that builds and pours out in silent sweaty cries. The same that strikes without warning and gives no quarter in order to protect. Know myself....I am the light when it is darkest, the shadow that will hide you from that same light. I am the warrior who blocks the path, and the knife in the dark. My love, I am all things as needed, though I have forsaken all divine virtue. Virtue is for men who believe that it is all right to grieve. I do not, if life must be taken from you, there will be no grieving from me. I will be on the other side already, waiting for you.

Know myself" I am the Maker, the Unmaker. I am the saint of chaos and the sinner of order. Know myself? I am the lover, and I am the leaver. I am the seven deadly sins, the foresaker of god's virtues. I am he who mourns for those that live, until we are reunited. To any who would wish harm to those in my world....My love, to them I am a monster, I am the beast, I am the reckoning.


Date: 2014-01-12 21:55 EST
"Omnia vincit Amor: et nos cedamus Amori." ~ Love conquers all things: let us too surrender to Love. Virgil (70 BC " 19 BC), Eclogue X, line 69 I hear your words, once I may have believed, today there is no belief in me. Love conquers all" See me here, Virgil in your dusty tomb, and know I surrendered long ago and you have made me suffer for it. Do you laugh as we suffer" Do you look out with your misinformation and cackle with unending glee" I am trapped within, here in my alternate to your words of wisdom and folly. Love conquers men, it picks them up and puts them into places where they are lost and alone. Love exists to rip away sanity and destroy resolve. Love kills everything it touches so perhaps in a way love does conquer all. It drives us to make decisions that shouldn't be made. To leap where climbing would be better advised. Love waits in the shadows to find the best moment to betray those who hold to her.

Love and betrayal, I am guilty of this. Guilty of more too. I am a slave to it, but then I have always been a slave haven't I" Love, your love Virgil, is a pit that has no bottom. Mine is a little different perhaps, a bog of mud and peat from which there is no escape. The dirt never fully rinses away and the smell lingers to drive you mad. Madness, as good a definition for love as I have seen. I wish I could remain indifferent. I don't know that I have ever been that though. Everything pulls me in all directions. I'm not sure from one day to the next if I have contradicted myself. I could read back and know, but it would hurt too much I think. Can I lay that your feet to Virgil, you are long dead and I don't fear the dead.

Love conquers, it lays waste all in its path, it destroys men, all men. I could be wrong, perhaps it simply destroys me. This journal, it is meant to be something that I have not made it. More evidence that I am warped beyond help. You won't find the bits of info that tell how my day went. My days are the same always, except when I think to hard or feel too much. Is it possible to feel too much' To be crippled by the chaos of emotion' I won't let it cripple me, I may be conquered but I am not laying down. Take that Virgil, take the chains you want wrapped upon my world and pull with all your might. I am not moving.


Date: 2014-01-17 05:27 EST
If you are well, I am well.

I was uncertain how to begin, I've spent more hours laboring over this entry than I have over some of my most intricate designs. I forgot time, and forgot pain. I forgot to think beyond the press of you. Could I be more selfish' I don't need to look too far to find that answer. Hours alone and part of me wishes it were still so. That you had put us somewhere that we could see nothing in any direction. Can I make my own world that way' How long would it last' No pressure for either of us, no demands beyond what we are willing to give.

There are enough old wounds for us. I think we both know that. The memories filter back though. They call and demand attention. I don't feel their weight yet though, I wonder if that would surprise you. Are you well? My thoughts say you must be, but I have a tendency to be wrong....often. Time will tell. I will see you again, and ask or not as I see fit. I am not dead, there are no new wounds in me that would indicate displeasure. I want to forget again, for a little while.


Date: 2014-01-19 12:04 EST

Still a little bit of your taste in my mouth Still a little bit of you laced with my doubt Still a little hard to say what?s going on ~ Damien Rice

How did this come to be? I am on edge like I haven't been for some time now. Nervous and tripping over my own words. Nothing has changed, not inside me, or has it' I don't know. Some sage I have become eh' look even my fingers shake a little as I write. Why am I afraid" Is it you or me that has me nervous"

It doesn't matter, you're gone, except for the flowers. You're gone, except that I really can still taste you. You have left me, but I will be there soon. It's not long to wait before I see you again. Where will you take me" Can I live up to you? Will one of us destroy the other" I'm scared, afraid to make you happy, afraid to be happy. How long before I can't feel again Nilanoch" How long before I let you down" It doesn't matter. You're gone, except that I still feel you. I still know that when I come, you will be there waiting.

How much do I tell you? If I am honest I say it all, and keep a stiff back while you order me from your side. If I'm honest I tell you that I do not wish to leave you. If I am honest, I tell you that I never wanted to let go this morning. What does that make me" Or is it you that has cast something over me" If it is the latter why does it feel more like a release" I shouldn't have let you walk away. You'll be there though, won't you?



Date: 2014-01-27 07:33 EST
Sometimes I hear it, a song in my head. Just words really a deep desire for something more, for someone. Seven words, and how fitting that is the number once again.

I need for you to know me ~ (Kruger's Player)

I need for you to know me, but I don't understand what that may mean. The darkness it calls to me, a promise in the dreams.

I need for you to know me, but I'm afraid to move. The silence it just laughs at me, and I don't know what?s true.

I need for you to know me, is this just a waste of time" If I follow your footprints down that path, tell me darlin" what will I find"

I need for you to know me, and all of my committed sin. The world ahead invisible, and it's so dark where I've been.

I need for you to know me, and hell that comes to pass. I may never burn first, but you know I'll be burning last. Image Credit: Catherine Zeta-Jones Image Credit: Robert Down Jr. as Sherlock Holmes Final Image Edit: Nilan


Date: 2014-02-03 02:09 EST
Few people have understood the meaning I put behind the embers that fly away. They don't see quite the way I do that it is chance that will make two embers fly so close together. They may not track the progress and see how hotly those two burn for one another. They won't feel how intense those flames become. The way they need to feed life into one another.

How do I possibly explain what happened though' You hit me like one of my own hammers. I don't know much except that we are like those embers, only the heat is more intense. If we can find the fuel, maybe we can start the blaze that lays just beneath the surface. Perhaps that friction between us will sustain us until conflagration. I am living between those small controlled breaths, and using every part of you to feed this beast within me.

My skin burns, and still you touch me, slick with sweat from exertions that take away the hours of the night. I've had years in the dirt and soot. Still you touch me, raise the temperature and keep me hot. The darkness shows us burning bright long after we should have failed and faded. I'm still burning....Are you...



Date: 2014-02-10 02:56 EST
I'm distracted tonight, these times and this place have me more comfortable than I have been for a while. It's not in me to understand this yet I suppose. I don't know if it is normal to feel bad, yet still feel good. In the back of my mind sit the secrets of life. Back there I know that darkness and pain are truth. Of course those secrets are closer when I'm alone. I'm not alone now. It's true you linger so close to me that any movement from me brings a chill from the air that sweeps in to cool both our skin.

I'm looking at you now seeing the tangle of curls, caused by once damp hair across a pillow. Strands twist and bend around each other in a not so subtle reminder of us not so long ago. It falls in chaotic patterns that are so like the warping of my thoughts. There is more though, further down in my chest. A feeling of euphoria twisting like a whirlwind floods through me. At its edges though razor sharp shards cut at me to remind me of all that I have destroyed. And still I don't know if it is normal to feel good and bad at the same moment. To look for a future and wish that somehow I really could have been everything to everyone.

I am torment, I worry for you now Nilanoch as I write this. I am chaos and a road uncertain. I am the exception to the rules. The worst part is that I have you in my arms and won't let go. Does this condemn you to my anarchic world" Will you regret my bringing you along" Will I regret' I need you with me, and that scares me.


Date: 2014-02-18 15:32 EST
The storms, are we this" If any look back on these writings they will perhaps call me insane. I feel insane tonight Nilanoch. I feel filled with energy that won't dissipate and the only outlet I have is in working this body until it falls into oblivion. I've been there before, though something stares back at me tonight. I hope it is you. I hope that it is the violent eruption of fire and ash that consumes me.

There amongst the dark and smothering clouds am I. An electric surge that has no master, no pattern. I strike where the mood takes me and I live within that ebony pillar. Or are those just the thoughts I have" It is hard for me to separate sometimes, in the dark when there is just me and my pen. That and the soothing soft breaths of you. I wonder where this little boat will take us, and can't find myself caring if we ever find a place to put down anchor. Are you as at odds with yourself" Do you look on me and see what I am and ask yourself do I deserve what I have found"

There are worlds to be seen, I've seen a few, but what if the only world we have left rides the waves with a name like Tanelorn" What if the highest pinnacle in our world has become the tip of a mast' Would you be content to live in such a world" I wonder sometimes Nilanoch, not because I doubt you. Rather the wonder comes from a touch that is hard and gentle at the same time. At the way your eyes always seem to find me and all my flaws and never look away in loathing. I am always at war with myself though.

The very parts that make me up are racially biased against one another, I can't seem to find accord, save when I am behind the hammer. The hammers are far away though, and all I have is time and you. I've never seen a forge burn hotter though than I do right now. I do burn Nilanoch, inside me fires build and the same thing that allows me to forge those weapons of death. Need, someone always needs don't they' I need right now, to touch you and allow myself to glow with the way you have become used to my touches in the night.

Once you would have woken, fighter that you are. There was a danger in touching you while you slept that pulled me to it all the stronger. The danger hasn't passed, now though it is like you have grown to expect it. The nuzzling of your face into my hand has its own pull, and a different kind of satisfying reward. It is perhaps cruel to know that even after I finish this, I will want you. I crave the attentions you languish on me. I feel alone now though. I don't mind being alone, not when I am working for there is always something happening.

It's the dreams perhaps, the silly things that stir me from sleep and have my mind racing. Those same dreams that make me know that when I am done trying to get these thoughts out that your name will be on my lips, softly right at your ear. Thinking of it now, my body craves that catlike stretch you will give and the way you will press harder into me.

Does my age bother you? You are far older than I will ever be. Even now I am saddened that I know even if I spent the rest of my life with you that I would leave you long before your own time comes. We will never grow old together. I will grow old and abandon you too in the end. Do I want you to move on after" I am selfish perhaps because I want to be the one that makes you unable to take another. Still at odds though, because I want you happy in the end.

I did this to myself, it's the darkness and the silence. It's the tendency for me to let my mind wander through where it will. It is the storm inside of me that says nothing I do will ever be good enough. It is the want of the storm to join that other across the blackened chasm. To join every element in a violent twisting horror of perfection. Even now I feel the claws in me, pulling me and giving me no options but to merge with the other. It wants the same, over and over again it calls for me. Is it you? Let it be you.

The journal falls away with the breaking of the intimate silence. One word softly hissed.



Date: 2014-05-17 05:41 EST

Your silence Your silence Your silence....aaaah Silence Your silence Your silence

Wake me... ~ Lucia

I'm stuck, stranded, straddling the line between silence and peace and knowing that they only bring me turmoil. The silence is forced, or maybe I simply accept it. How would I know that silence held so many echoes within its embrace" Where is peace to comfort this weary soul" It comes and goes, an island within the war that rages between heart and mind. My war, my fight, and I do so every day and night. The world will never know, I will never show them again.

I live, and will go on living this life striving for that thing that I know is out there. I don't care anymore for dangers that must be faced. All there is now is the goal, the end where I walk amongst the gods and tear them apart. My peace, their silence. My work and the feeble echo that they become. I don't need you now, except for maybe one. That is where the silence began, it is where this journey was forced on me. I must make peace within me though, I must see you one last time and let you kill me with your silence.

Maybe I am wrong, I've been wrong haven't I" I can't remember any longer. Every step seems to steal a little more of me, have I lost my way' There is no balance anymore, I can't tell the difference between inner peace and inner silence. Which one is the one I bring myself and which is the one that that you have brought me" Where does all of this end" Why have all my journeys become winding spirals into the heart of darkness" Please....why do I crave that darkness so' Save me.

These things come and go, this journal is full of words that all say the same thing. I Am Chaos! Nightly I send my shouts into the void of the cosmos, and nightly there are none who call back to me. There are none....there are none. Who holds the creator in check" Who better than me" I will find you all, and you will be unmade in that place where peace and silence meet. You will be unmade inside of me, and those haunting echoes of nothing will no longer tear me apart. Even now the endless pulsing fades, or is that me becoming colder" It's already so cold inside....Please, somebody....Wake me.


Date: 2015-05-03 19:55 EST
You're more than I expected. So many see you and know only fear and distrust, it's not right. I believe in you, One, and have even before you began to believe in yourself. Since before you left Kaius and came to me, I hated what you sought to become for a world that couldn't see the true beauty of you.

I know you don't always trust me, that others have claimed the same love for you that I have. I know that they've used you for their own ends, tried to make you belong to them, a weapon to drag out when they needed you. This is not me, never me. You call me your smith, but the truth is that I am and have been since the first time I ran a file across your claws yours. I do not crave your station. I don't need to wield you. I just need you, in the darkness. To feel your touch even as I give you mine in return. Now you do for me what you've done for no other, and I only love you more.

Our sons will be strong, of this I have no doubt. You ask me to name them, tell me that you are not worthy to do such. I disagree, but I will give them names. One shall come from you though my love. I do not know who this Roland was, but he was important enough for you to remember. Roland shall be the name of our firstborn. I looked it up, it means renowned in the land. I find that quite fitting. His twin? I sought long for a name. Hayden, I like the sound of it as I speak it aloud. I hope that you will as well. I'm eager to share these with you. I'm eager to share many things with you though most of those are too intimate even for these pages.


Date: 2017-05-29 18:28 EST

Impossible, not just you being here, but to forget you. It's been a long time since I tried to capture you. Most of the details fade, most....but those eyes. They've always looked right through me. Aludariel, what is this dream that I'm lost in? That isn't a complaint, it's the place I want to be lost. But you're no dream. I can still feel the tendrils of your hair on my skin as I disentangled from you. It's been years since I've needed to clear my mind this way, or maybe I'm just setting it to purpose. A vain attempt to lock this reality into place and let all the others fade. I know that isn't possible, if it were then you'd be gone once more. Don't go, not again. I'm sure it would be the end of me.

Faye-l Deviant Art.]