Topic: A Personal Request for Information

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2015-10-13 10:11 EST
A handwritten note was sent to the Governor's office:

Governor Ilnaren,

As you may already be aware, there was a recent incident outside of the Bristle Crios grounds. After the event, I had heard from some concerned citizens that a woman had been acting in a suspicious manner as she was approaching the grounds. Thanks to the quick work of the Watch, the woman was stopped before entering through the gates. During their attempted apprehension, there was supposedly a minor explosion that caused a fatal injury to the woman and left one member of the Watch in critical condition.

I would like to thank the Watch for their dedication, not only during this incident, but for all of the work they continue to do each day to keep RhyDin safe. I am sending with this letter a short note thanking the Watch member who was critically injured during the incident. I hope that you will pass it along to him or her, or his or her family. My hopes and prayers go out to them and I wish him or her a speedy recovery.

Unfortunately, it is my belief that if the woman was attempting to approach Bristle Crios, that there may be something, or someone, of note at Bristle Crios that may be related to the case. As a result, I would like to be able to help in the Watch's investigation as much as I am able. In order to gain a suitable starting point, I would like to ask if I may be allowed to work with the Watch in sharing any possible information they may have regarding this incident, or any other past or future occurrences that may be linked to the incident. In return, I would be honored to provide them with any information I am able to obtain that may lead to a breakthrough in the case.

Thank you for your consideration, Fiona O"Neill of House Knightfall Member of Bristle Crios Battlefield Park, RhyDin City

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2015-10-14 01:21 EST
After reading the letter, Ebon pondered its contents for some time. He had, of course, been informed of the incident, which was still under investigation. Finally he took up a blank page and began penning a reply.

Lady Knightfall,

I appreciate your kind words for the Watch, and will certainly forward your note to the injured Watch officer. Reports are that he remains in critical condition, but has intermittent periods of consciousness and the hospital staff remains hopeful. Officer Vian's sacrifice is assuredly a reminder that most of the Watch are good folk, brave folk trying to do the best they can for the city. Your words of respect and thanks will remind them that their efforts are worthwhile and appreciated.

You are certainly welcome to offer your services and insight to the Watch team handling this case. I am enclosing a writ of access, authorizing you to work with the Watch and share information towards the investigation's swift conclusion. Please note, however, that each Watch precinct operates with a certain degree of autonomy and the degree of cooperation remains at their discretion.

Thank you for your words and for any assistance you can provide.

Ebon Ilnaren Governor