Topic: Briarius Ravensheart, Headmaster


Date: 2007-06-05 15:13 EST
The Headmaster of the Ravensheart School waits his turn to speak to the Governor. When it is his time, he steps in and bows.

"Your Honor, I know that your time is valuable so I will make this brief. I wish you to know that if you are ever in need of my personal services or those of my school, please do not hesitate to ask.

I wish to formally petition that my school get a reclassification in legal status from a private institution to a semi-public place for learning. I have followed every bit of educational code I could find, which was scare. I believe I fit within all boundaries and meet all qualifications to become a school for the general populace of RhyDin. Too long has the public education system in RhyDin failed it's people. I wish to change that. I, unfortunately am wasting your time with this as I cannot find the office of the Minister of Education."