Topic: ConColor Assistance

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-02-12 17:10 EST
Ander had waited long enough hopefully not too long, he wrote the following message and had it delivered to the governor's office.

To Fionna Grace Arens Helston Governor of Rhy?Din

from: Ander ConColor, AmTamir (Prince) of the High Pride (Royal Family) ConColor of NuTerra

Madame Governor, Though I was born on NuTerra I now call RhyDin home and as such I would consider it my honor to offer my assistance in its present time of need against the one called Raven and his forces.

That assistance being in the form of myself and my Tamir companion along with my personal guard which is made up of 20 AmTamir and Tamir pairs, 20 Dracian, Dragon Knights and their Stead Dragons, and 10 Crystain energy warriors, that can be lead either as a separate fighting unit or under the direction of the watch.

Included in the assistance an assortment of NuTerrain energy weapons and training in their use.

In your service, Ander ConColor Below his signature the seal of the ConColor Pride the ember oval with an emerald stripe down its center.


Date: 2012-02-12 18:34 EST
To: Ander ConColor AmTamir of the High Pride ConColor of NuTerra

From: Fionna al Amat Governor of Rhydin

My dear Mr. ConColor,

Please accept my thanks for your offer of aid and your diligence in following up on that offer.

I have asked Councilor Ebon Ilnaren to contact you to confer on the specifics of your offer and to determine how the aid you have promised might best be utilized in defense of Rhy'Din. If he has not yet contacted you, rest assured that he soon will.

I trust that you will not act in deploying forces and weapons which are unfamiliar to us on the streets of this city without guidance, but will wait for his direction.

In your service, Fionna al Amat

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2012-02-21 23:02 EST
To: Ander ConColor AmTamir of the High Pride ConColor

From: Ebon Ilnaren Councillor of Rhy'din

I apologize for the lateness of this missive. Governor al Amat advised me of your offer to assist the city's Watch against Raven and his forces the day after receiving your letter. The fault for any delay is mine.

At the earliest opportunity, I would like to meet with you to discuss how your guard might best be utilized in the event of further actions from Raven. If you are agreeable, perhaps we might arrange for an opportunity to see your men in action, even if only in a mock battle.

I await your reply.

With respect, Ebon Ilnaren

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-02-22 00:58 EST
To: Ebon Ilnaren Councillor of Rhy'din

from: Ander ConColor AmTamir of the High Pride ConColor

Concerning a time and place for a discussion of my guard perhaps we can talk over drinks at the Red Dragon Great Hall, if that is agreeable to you I can arrange to be free any time that is convenient to you, however days are best for me. I just ask a day's notice.

As to an opportunity to see your men in action, that can be arranged in the form of both a training drill and a two team combat game my guards against the watch I believe that would give each an opportunity to learn about the other.

In your service, Ander ConColor Below his signature the seal of the ConColor Pride the ember oval with an emerald stripe down its center.

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-03-15 10:07 EST
A scroll tied with an ember and emerald cord and held closed by the ConColor insignia in color imbedded in wax arrived at the Governor's office, addressed

To Fionna Grace Arens Helston Governor of Rhy?Din

from: Ander ConColor, AmTamir (Prince) of the High Pride (Royal Family) ConColor of NuTerra

With the following message inside

Madame Governor, and members of the Council

I am sending you this message so that you will know more about my guard and their skills while you are contemplating my offer of their use against raven, I hope that you will find it helpful.

Dragon Knights and their Stead Dragons (at least if not more than human level intelligent warm blooded reptile slender but muscular, nose tip to base of tail approximately fifty foot long with another twenty feet of tail with a wing span of about seventy five), act in a same sex team the two share a strong mental bond, being able to know the others thought and emotion, and if needed each can see through the others eyes To try to read eithers mind is through the dragon to receive more mental energy than most can handle with temporary or permanent insanity being the result.

The bond pair usually flies high above their target then drops from the sky in a streamline dive the dragon extending its front talon to grab the target. The Dragon Knight weapon of choice is an 8foot energy quarter staffs that can shift to a 20 foot lance, these can either be used as physical weapons or can release burst of raw energy, they are also well versed in the use of long bow, sword, and throwing disc, can but rarely uses telekinesis as weapon with it they can rip muscles and tendons and brake or shatter bones.

Steed dragons can use mental energy both to shield them and their bond partner from physical and energy attack; they also can emit both raw and refined (light, sound, and emotional) energy. Have 24inch talons on all four legs and a mouth full of 12 inch teeth.

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AmTamir and Tamir pairs, work in same sex teams one AmTamir and one Tamir (an adult human level intelligent feline, about as large in size a large tiger with a slightly more slender but more muscular build, Tamir are telepathic among themselves and with AmTamir on both an mental and emotional level and animal telepaths on a mental level. To try to read eithers mind is to receive a merge of human and feline mental energy that cannot be separated . Both members of the pair can move silently on the ground as well as through trees and high building. AmTamir can move just as easily in light or dark our eyesight is as good as most cat, as are our other senses. Tamir are telepathic among themselves and with AmTamir on both an mental and emotional level and animal telepaths on a mental level. To try to read eithers mind is to receive a merge of human and feline that cannot be separated.

The AmTamir weapon of choice is the wristbow it is basically a type of crossbow worn like an armband it fires crystal arrows that become pure energy in flight returning to matter on hitting their target, also hand gloves with 6in retractable crystal claws, we are also well versed in the use of long bow, sword, and dagger. Tamir have 6inch retractable claws and 12inch incisors.

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Crystain have live in underground caverns lined with energy crystals and over the generation their bio and mental energy and the energy of the crystals shifted and merged so now the people can use the energy from any crystal or energy source.

The Crystain Energy Warrior's weapon is energy and how they mentally manipulate it. It can be used as a mental weapon (blocking a mental attack or sending energy into another's mind in the form of pain, blinding light, or deafening noise), an energy weapon (raw energy, heat, or sound wave) and they can change energy into matter (if they want a weapon all they have to do is think about it and it is in their hand or ready for their use it will be made of energy condensed so tight it will be like solid matter. If someone tried to read their mind without permission at best they would get white light and white noise at worst a blast of raw mental energy. Also crystain warriors are living portals (both long and short range) for themselves and others

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The NuTerrain weapons are 20 pairs of AmTamir wrist bows (bio energy linked, to their owner) 20 pairs AmTamir retractable claw gloves 20 Dracian energy staffs (bio energy linked, to their owner) 20 sets of Dracian throwing disc seven per set 20 pairs Crystain portal crystals (bio energy linked, to their owner) a set of crystals that when activated will set up a portal between their locations And any training needed in their use.

100 healing crystals that can cure minor injuries and temporarily (4 hours) negate pain from major ones

100 containers (one foot by 4inches) of dragon honey can be used to temporarily (8 hours) relieve physical and mental fatigue and increase energy and stamina

In your service, Ander ConColor Below his signature the seal of the ConColor Pride the ember oval with an emerald stripe down its center.

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2012-03-18 18:28 EST
A scroll was delivered to ConColor's offices at Plaza De Troyes.

To Ander ConColor AmTamir of the High Pride ConColor


First off, I must apologize for the delay in this response. Your last message to me directly was never forwarded, due to a misfiling, and I only just found it when I checked my Council mailbox at the Town Hall. It was not my intent to ignore you in any way.

Secondly, I have read the transcript of the most recent Council meeting, which I was unable to attend due to other commitments, and also your missive to the Governor and Council. Would you be available some evening later this week to meet and discuss the matter" Perhaps Wednesday or Thursday, at Teas'n'Tomes" I suggest that locale as it is generally quieter and more conducive to conversation, as opposed to the Red Dragon Inn or even the Great Hall.

Please let me know when would be convenient for you, or suggest another time. Unfortunately, due to family obligations, I am far less available in daytime hours during the week.

I look forward to working with you.

Respectfully, Ebon Ilnaren

A smaller note is wrapped within the scroll, containing the address of Ebon's townhouse for a direct reply.

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-03-19 10:06 EST
After reading the councilor message Ander sent the following reply one copy to the town hall under Councilor Ilnaren name and another to his residence. Both scrolls sealed with the ConColor insignia and tied with a ember and emerald cord

To: Ebon Ilnaren Councilor of Rhy'din

from: Ander ConColor AmTamir of the High Pride ConColor

There is no need to apologize, as a business man I completely understand and have had to deal with misdirected paperwork myself. Preexisting obligations also fill my daytime hours, a meeting at 9pm Thur. night would work well for me and I agree Teas?n Tomes would be more suited for conversation, as well as private.

In your service, Ander ConColor

Below his signature the seal of the ConColor Pride the ember oval with an emerald stripe down its center.

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-04-02 23:00 EST
Scrolls were sent to the governor's office and Ebon private residence

To: Ebon Ilnaren Councilor of RhyDin

from: Ander ConColor AmTamir of the High Pride ConColor

If reports reach you from strong animal empathy about strange large felines roaming the city my AmTamir and Tamir teams are on patrol, empathy will pick up the connection between the two partners as one. Likewise Dragon Knights and their Steed Dragon partner's patrolling the air in pairs, reports of silver white robed figure seeming to walk out of thin air are the Crystain Energy Warriors setting portal sites throughout the city and surrounding areas

In your service, Ander ConColor Below his signature the seal of the ConColor Pride the ember oval with an emerald stripe down its center.

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-04-24 14:29 EST
A scroll was hand delivered to the governor office

From Ander ConColor To Madame Governor, and members of the Council Both the Tamir felines and Steed Dragons are getting uneasy and say that they feel something is starting to happening now or is about to happen soon, and their instincts are rarely wrong The AmTamir patrols while hidden are hearing local criminals on all levels discussing rumors of another group dressed in black head to toe patrolling the city and being roughed up, by members of this patrol, for any information they have about a man, who may be in the area, who or what he is, is still unknown, the only description of him is that he is short with black hair with silver in it, blue eyes and a somewhat weathered face. His left hand is wrapped weather to hide it or protect it is unknown. Also he has control over the movement of shadows.

I'm not sure if it's related but patrols in the areas outside of town have heard that children have begun to go missing, mostly from farms

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-05-03 21:08 EST
A wheel less hover wagon stop outside city hall it contains covered by a large tarp the silver robed man who was guiding it raised his hand and it lowered to the ground he then walked into the city hall and hand a scroll and an ember crystal box, both bore the ConColor insignia, to the first guard he saw saying "please see that the governor receives these as soon as possible, thank you." He then turned and walking disappeared into a portal that opened before him and closed behind him.

When the scroll is opened the following message can be read,

From Ander ConColor to Madame Governor, and members of the Council Outside you will find a wagon it holds a gift of 50 NuTerrain hover chariots these are for the watch and whoever else you feel would benefit from them. With them a person who was earthbound can now have the ability of flight. Stand on the clear crystal and grab the top of the upright half cylinder, the chariots is controlled by thought waves, just think where you want to go, and how fast you want to get there, and how high you want to be and the chariot will do the rest, also the chariots can hover so weapons can be used also the chariots have a bio energy activated shield against physical and energy attacks from outside the shield but allow weapon use of both kinds from inside the shield.

When the box was opened inside were eight clear crystals, tied in pairs and eight ember ovals, with an emerald strip down the long center, and another scroll that explained, the pairs of tied crystals are portal crystal place one at the place you want a portal to open and carry the other when you hold the crystal you have and think about the other a portal will open between them. The ovals are communication devices hold it the long way, draw your finger down the emerald strip to activate it, when it glows speaks, distribute both as you see the need. In your service, Ander ConColor

Below his signature the seal of the ConColor Pride the ember oval with an emerald stripe down its center.

When the tarp is removed from the wagon the chariots rise by themselves and settle on the ground in five rows of ten. occ hover chariots are a clear crystal oval 4ft long and 3 feet wide at one end a half cylinder upright 4 feet high of black crystal across the whole front an opening an inch down from the top center eight inches across and four inches high

Portal crystals 4inches long and a half inch across

Oval communication devices 6inches long and 3inches across


Date: 2012-05-15 08:52 EST
"...just kinda....floatin' there, if y' see what I mean," the Sergeant shifted uneasily, waiting for her to tell him what to do with the floating ovals. Most of the guard was uneasy with the technology; the idea of standing on one of the 'big glass dinnerplates,' as one had dubbed them, had them squirming.

"See if you can get them back in the bedammned wagon," she said, "And cart them over to Batten's. Have him check them out and tell me what he thinks we should do with them."

"Yes'm," the sergeant's leather armor creaked as he made ready to go and carry out the instructions.

"Sergeant?" she turned from her window to face him.


"Put a bow on the crate."

"A'am?" he looked perplexed.

Her mouth twitched. "Mm. A big red one."

Ander Northlander

Date: 2012-05-15 09:18 EST
As if in response to the governor's order the hover chariots rose into the air and piled themselves back into the wheel less wagon and the wagon itself then lifted several feet off the ground, as if waiting to be lead.