Topic: Governor's Ball: The Setting

Machina ex Dea

Date: 2013-07-02 17:50 EST
The Rabbit Hole itself is a long tunnel into the Southern Glen. In the way of things about Rhydin, it expands to allow the biggest dragon barely through, contracts to squeeze tightly the smallest pixie. Teacups clink delicately in the evening breeze, while clocks tick the time in the thicket of branches. Somewhere nearby, a cat smiles widely"

One of the first sights upon entry is the Photo Booth. A set of vividly lavender double-doors stand in the air, awaiting entrants, while a particular white rabbit nods to passersby. Pictures of couples, groups and singlets: first come, first serve. And who is in the rabbit suit' Who knows" Nearby, a forest of hat-trees permits those who chose to adorn themselves as they like.

There are bars, of course. This is Rhydin, after all, where drinking is practically a realm-wide sport. Bottles and glasses in a million brilliant colors beckon the unwary, offering just a teeny-tiny sip"

And for those of a gastronomic bent, the tables groan in a threatened avalanche. In honor of Her Royal Majesty's tastes, sugar abounds: syrups and jam-cakes and carrot cakes and red velvet, madelines and macaroons, scones and other such tasties simply beg to be eaten.

Whether the music comes from anti-grav speakers or from the instrumental throats of a hidden Greek chorus, it is present, persistent and real. A hatted maniac in an all-white suit leads the way of the notes, inviting all to dance, dance, dance"