Topic: Lobbying for Lesbos


Date: 2007-03-18 10:11 EST
He made a grand and arrogant entrance. The doors to the Governor's office swung open abruptly as he strode in. His eyes were the definition of determination, his brow was furrowed in absolute resolve. He slammed his hand down on the desk, rattling its contents as he made his proclamation"

"I need to see the Governor!! I have a proposal".a proposal, which, if completed successfully, will rock the foundations of RhyDin for centuries to come!!!"


Date: 2007-03-21 14:04 EST
The gypsy dancer had agreed to fill in at the office on the days Erin could not be there due to her other duties. She didn't handle much. She just helped sort the piles, answered the phones, and scheduled appointments.

When Baker walked in, she knew exactly who he was. Her Romanian accent rolled from her as she gave him a smile.

"Ah, hello. You must be Baker, yes? The Governor is taking some personal time right now, but she left me instructions if you came into the office."

And with that, she produced her tambourine "of doom" and began to beat the man about the head and shoulders with it. Loud clangs sounded out with each impact.

"NO NO NO! Vhatever it is you vant, no! Now go avay!"

And she tried to shoo the man out the door, still smacking at him with the percussion instrument.

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2007-03-21 15:53 EST
The sound of a wildly beating tambourine draws the rubber chicken from its contemplation of the wonderful world of insanely complicated finance. An irritated look on that tiny yellow face beady eyes narrowing in on Baker.

"Whats all this noise about! You there! You know we don't beat people with instruments in the hallways. We drag them down the hall to the music room for that!"


Date: 2007-03-22 08:54 EST
Baker tried to deflect some of the blows from the tambourine here and there until he was finally able to snatch it from the gypsy. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop! STOP!" He breathed heavily, flailing his arms as he spoke. "Listen to me! This is not some mundane and silly request for better public schools or how to make the city safer! This is important!" He tossed the tambourine in a random direction and looked at the two. He smoothed out his shirt and began.

"I come to you with a proposal. A proposal that has an endorsement from a very well respected organization in the realm; the Scathakia— the Scarthargian—-the Scithagairian..." he pointed in the direction of the Sanctuary"...those Amazon chicks! My proposal is simple, ladies and chickens," he continued" RhyDin has a problem. There is an overabundance of lonely women in this city. As we all know, this is due to a small male population here in the realm."

He looked from one to the other with tense eyes. "Myself and a small group of men are willing to risk our very LIVES to curtail this issue in the land which we hold so dear! We shall sail to the Isle of Lesbos and bring back with us in our ships holds so many Lesbians that the women of RhyDin will never be lonley again!!" This was not true of course....Baker and the others just wanted to visit an island full of Lesbians, but how else would they find money to fund their Voyage"

"Therefore...!" he contiued loudly, "...I have come to ask for funding of this expedition....this expedition which is for the bettement of RhyDin and it's populace! So I ask you! Will you help us make RhyDin a better place! A land where lonliness is a mere memory!" A land where women can find comfort and caring in the arms of another!" A land of love!"...Nay! A land of Lesbian Love!?"

This was all sounding way too cool if he did say so himself...

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2007-03-22 12:55 EST
Beady eyes fixed on Baker again after darting to the Gypsy for a quick look. "Wait a second! You're THAT idiot' I've been wanting to speak with you about this! Come into my office!"

Waving Baker to a stack of paperwork inside the crowded treasury office the chicken barely gave him time to even think about sitting before launching into his counterproposal. "Now I'd be willing to give you our standard budget allowance for outlandish and only potentially only marginally useful proposals....if you will do me a favor...I need someone to stop at the Isle of Lyfis to pick up an insect sample for my research...Its on the way to Lesbos, and you might be just the vic...Umm Idiot that I need."

Not even giving Baker a chance to assent the Chicken thrust a pen in his hand, a paper under the pen having him sign a paper with impossibly tiny print, before handing him a pre-prepared leather packet containing five silver crowns, stamped with the letter OPMP in ornate gold scroll work And then shoving him back out into the hallway.

The door slammed behind the chicken's retreating form and gleeful cackling could be heard from the office as the chicken contemplates the thought of a crate full of Vampiric Aphids from the Isles of Lyfis..

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-22 13:01 EST
Erin clicked out of the secretary office and into the hall, her glasses perched on her nose.

What seems to be the trouble here?

She spotted Baker and rolled her eyes. I'm sorry, you seem to be lacking an appointment. Such a dazzling grin on that one.

The closing door of the treasury caused her to raise a brow and she looked at the paper in Baker's hand. Unless, of course, you got what you came for.... A noncomittal shrug and Erin began her retreat back into the office and the mounds of paperwork to go through before Kitty returned.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-03-22 18:49 EST
"Actually I do not think he has everything he needs at present, and as for an appointment, I figured he could come inside with me, since I am here on business, and it seems business has indeed once again picked up. As silly as his notion sounds, I figure it would fit nicely under 'diplomatic endeavours', or 'Foreign trade negotiations and relations', in any event, can you please let the Governor know I am here in relation to the Temple District reports, she requestsed. Thank you."

With that said, Brian entered the room and offered a two fingered salute to Baker and a warm smile to both Evonna and Erin, and Doom to boot. In his hand were several sealed folders bearing the 'RMF' logo, and 'Official use only', as a gloved hand adjusted his uniform, and spectacles in turn.

"Nice day for a proposal, don't you think, sir?"

A wink offered to Baker with that, as Brian folded his hands behind his back, folders still in hands grip, as he waited.


Date: 2007-03-22 19:32 EST
Baker blinked as Ravenlock made his entry speech. A grin crept across his face seeing that he now had him in his corner. Baker folded his arms across his chest, standing with Brian, waiting with an even bigger smile plastered across his mug. Not only did he have an endorsement from the Sanctuary, but he had at least one member of the influencial Ravenlock family on his side.

This was getting better and better...


Date: 2007-03-23 01:41 EST
"Ma'am I'm telling you...No I'm serious there's nothing inside there!" Dark yelled, tugging on one end of his guitar case while a security guard tugged on the other end.

Into the main hallway now thanks to a bit of overpowering, Dark was a purist when it came to tug of war. He looked left and right continuing the resistance.

"I'll be damned if you crack anything open!" seriously down brows and then pausing still and raising his hand to his ear as if he heard familiar voices. The woman still struggling for the instrument while he grinned confirming the voices. She pulled herself several yards back with the instrument freely in her hands just to see Dark bounding on his black leather boots towards the chicken's office, pointing at her.

"I'll be out in a jiffy, don't do nothing! I'm serious, you break the guitar I break ya fayce!" He nodded with a point before slipping into the room and closing the door behind him, his back to it as if protecting that very ROOM from some sort of zombie outbreak.

Panting, and then finally fixing his shirt collar and suit vest, no tie as usual.

"Gentlemen.." nod to both Brian and Baker.

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2007-03-23 13:51 EST
The cackling from the treasury office stops as the noise from the hallway increases and again the office door flies open to reveal the Chicken Avenger, looking important in a lime green business suit, and glaring at the three men in the hallway.

"Well What's all this about?" Looking first to Brian, then to Darkkar, and lastly to Baker and Erin. "Did you all not get the memo about there not being a budget for unauthorized hallway meetings this month?" "Erin get these people into the conference room so we can sort this all miss temp girl, " the chicken looks at Evonna " Get us coffee and sandwiches and some ale for Mr. Baker."

Instructions delivered the chicken marches back into it's office and slams the door behind it.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-23 15:19 EST
Erin nodded, mouth a little agape at the onslaught. Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please follow me....The governor is out of town presently, but there are enough of us here to help, yeah'

She gave them all an easy smile as she moved to the conference room, opening the door. Standing aside like a gameshow host, she ushered them all in.


Date: 2007-03-24 11:05 EST
Baker, Brian and Dark filed into the room and seated themselves at a large conference table. Baker kicked his feet up and intertwined his fingers behind his head, relaxing. He smiled and gave Brian a confident nod, gave a wink to Dark and waited.

Not only was he getting further with this "proposal" than he expected, but he was gonna get a free ale to boot! Now all that needed to be done was the waiting. If Governor Helston was indeed "out of town", who had she left in her stead to be the Deputy Governor" The chicken"...Nah. Issy' Could be, but doubtful. Reap!" He chuckled to himself imagining RhyDin burning and it's citizens running amok in a drunken stupor. No, not Reap. Jewell" Oh god, I hope not, she's still pissed about the Franco debacle. Hell, maybe it would be Kitty herself...maybe the "out of town" thing was a ruse...we shall see.

And there they waited, resolute, indomitable and unwavering...

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2007-03-25 02:44 EST
Despite what Baker might think The chicken was actually a trusted and respected member of the staff here. On the desk in the treasury office was a sixty five page long list of things that Kitty had asked the chicken to handle while she was away, and one of those things was people with crazy petitions, and the disbursement of the new Potato gattling guns supplied by RUDE to the militia forces commanded by Mr. Ravenlock.

Gathering the paperwork needed for this meeting the chicken makes it's way into the conference room. "Thank you for waiting gentlemen. Erin will you be so good as to keep notes of this meeting for Miss Helston' I think if nothing else they will amuse her while shes away."

Seating itself at a miniature desk on top the head of the conference room table the chicken begins. "I'm glad you are here Mr. Ravenlock, We just got the first shipment of special arms from our new suppliers today, and I need you to oversee their distribution. Now do please recall that the special Sleeping Gas Sweet Potato ammunition is to be used only for crowd control situations and not for practical jokes between guard stations. We do not need a repeat of the station six pepper spray incident."

"The next item on the Agenda today is in regards to the cost of impromptu budget meetings, and gentlemen I must tell you those costs a unacceptable. In the future if you must submit a petiton please do so through the proper channels instead of just showing up on the doorstep."

"Now....Who wants to tell me precisely what you want from this office today?"

The chicken folds its wings over its chest causing its bright pink tie to bunch in a comical fashion and sits back to survey the three men.


Date: 2007-03-25 12:08 EST
Baker eyed the Chicken thoughtfully. Was the only thing standing between him and an island full of Lesbians going to be this poultry in a suit' "No..." he thought to himself, "....not today."

Baker stood, giving a respectful nod to his to compatriots and directed his gaze on the Chicken. "Chicken. I'm going to make this short but brief..." that sounded stupid, but he continued anyway, " know what we're trying to accomplish here. Our needs are few. All we require is 5,000 crowns, a ship and 100 kegs of ale." Baker nodded at the Chicken and sat. That wasn't asking too much...besides he had made that all up on the fly. Maybe the Chicken would at least give the "OK" for the ale? If anything, they could have a damn good party after the meeting....

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2007-03-27 19:29 EST
Listening to Baker the chicken nodded a bit. "Right Right, we already know thats why YOU are here, And Mr. Ravenlock has his reports. But who is this third person and what does he want?" The chicken turns its beady eyes on Darkkar for a moment before turning back to Baker.

"And as for your requests, You already got the standard OPMP allowance. you better have some very persuasive arguments as to why you need more from this office if you intend to get even so much as a drop of ale or a matchstick for this cockeyed scheme. "


Date: 2007-03-28 08:35 EST
Dark used three very slow and accurate fingers, the other two to that hand were not necessary for the the ventilation that he opened at the collar of his dress shirt. He leant to an elbow and raised an index finger to the chicken,

"I believe I can answer that." he began. A straightening in his voice as he looked Baker over and began producing ideas to make the chicken's worthwhile. It was afterall, filling in, and reasoning to his assumed rubber ears may grant them anything they want. A smile tugged at his lips and a bit of a flirtacious look at the chicken, deciding to go with his flattery approach.

"First off, might I say; you look particularly handsome in that suit." A wink with a near twinkle and putting one ankle over the other. And then a lovely shrug to it's question,

"Rhydin's most musical side, at your service." a hand over his heart referring to himself, wrinkling the shirt just slightly, "I am as a support figure on the failsafe Mr. Baker here might otherwise stand alone in his entreaty and or formal document embodying such a request. And as such a fresh figure of rhydin's musical talent and current enlisted volunteer for Mr. Baker's dangerous excursion, my appearance in partnership is to also see that all the right subjects get gone over to ensure the most beneficial trip possible..." another wink to the chicken before taking out spectacles without lenses, maybe it'd just pass as believeable. A fat yet slim scroll from his vest slides out in his hand and much like Santa's list he holds it at an open end and let's the rest of it unfold the full table's length and off the edge containing many notations and scribbling. He cleared his throat.

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-03-30 14:25 EST
Erin was sitting at the head of the table, reading glasses perched on her nose. She scribbled furiously at her yellow legal pad, legs crossed so that her skirt rode up to show some knee.

Now, gentlemen, please speak clearly and slowly if you will. I want to make sure I get it all down in the right order."

From the look on her face it was hard to tell if she was serious or seriously mocking them.


Date: 2007-04-01 16:44 EST
Baker watched Dark's scroll unroll across the table. He gave a quick appreciative smirk and stood, as he looked to him. "Don't bother, man, I think we know what the answer is here." Baker then turned his attention to Erin and the Chicken.

Specifically first, he eyed Erin, " Now listen close 'cause I want you to get all this down for the governor to hear..." then he looked toward the Chicken, "Chicken! Tell your governor this....The next time her citizens come to her with an offer to help, she best take it. This Voyage is for the betterment of RhyDin. You have death and destruction in the Old Temple District, slaughters in the Glen, Zodiac killers....! And why, you ask!" No love, baby!! We are here to offer you and the rest of the women in RhyDin free love! You want the carnage to end!" Well believe it or not, we are your saviors! We'll do this with or without your funding!"

Baker gave a nod to Brian and Dark, they rose and followed him toward the door. This was merely a cog in the wheel of the Master Plan. Funding or not, they would find a way. In fact, being turned down here made the route of action they had to take even more obvious and inevitable. Oh yes, they would have their Lesbians. Cor was on a mission as they spoke, procuring a certain necessary item. Soon it would be time to call in some favors and get this Voyage underway"

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2007-04-01 17:48 EST
Brian remained silent, as the proceedings came to start...Quietly, the elder Ravenlock let his eyes silently gauge the gathered as he had done so, many times before in the Inn itself, yet this time...This time much more than a beer, and a fun brawl or three...Or even a half drunken, or not so half drunken girl that thought she could sway him from his red headed goddess, only to land flat on their asses was on the line. This time it was a much more incredible gambit, so he watched and waited for his time.

Filing in with his newfound bretheren, Brian took a seat next to Dark and offered a heart felt pat on the shoulder, with a accompanied smile, and just as quickly he was back to business, as his face went near stone like once more, while blue eyes settled on the Doom, yet again as the 'HCiC' (That's 'Head C*ck in Charge' for you people outta the know, or for the PC lovers out there, 'Head Chicken in Charge', or for the proper saps, 'Head Poultrite in Charge', which would make it 'HPiC', but we all know C*ck sounds SO much frickin' sweeter, so.....)

Brian heard Doom's statement in regards to the new weapons, and offered a stoic two fingered salute, as he laughed inside in regards to the antics that took place at the 6th Division's garrison. Brian then watched the exhanges between Dark, Baker and Doom, and also had to smirk a bit at Erin's demeanor as well. This day was just getting better and better, and trust me that was in the good way. Then the outburst happened, and Brian, Dark and Baker began to file out. With that all said and done, Brian paused, and let the others clear the door and turned around. Quietly, he regarded Erin and Doom and finally he cleared his throat and finally spoke.

"Before I leave..Sir, thank you in regards to the weapons. And I assure you, we will use the new SGSP ammo, in the mosy professional manner...Also, I assure you, we will not have a repeat of the 'incident' that occured at the 6th Division, as hilarious as it was. It was in poor taste, and I am sure my me- I mean the cuplrits are very regretful of their actions...As hilarious as they were at the time. Yes, most regretful.

I shall see the the distribution of the weapons, and ammunition, and also would like to suggest something alone the lines of a launcher for combat specified wombats, or 'CSW' as we like to call them. It's a work in progress, but this is not the time, I shall subit a proper request when more field testing is completed.

Also I do apologize for the out of order assembly we seem to be involved in today, I know it was not on the agenda and what not. But I do believe it is of the utmost importance. As my partners have attested to, we require what they had asked for, and yes I know about the budget all too well, as I fight with it on a constant basis. But I do honestly believe this 'cock..eyed scheme' as you put it, could truly be beneficial to the city, as well as this current administration. My family stands ready to support such an endeavor, and I even have the support of my beloved Jenai Angelique, who is a Priestess of the Scathachian Order as well, who also thinks this may be a good chance to extend the olive branch to a place very few have ever laid eyes upon."

A moment taken for not only a dramatic pause, but also a breath of five...Brian could get long winded, especially when it came to things he was passionate about, and this was one such thing. He knew this was the first hurdle and what not, and first impressions are everything. He also knew that he, Dark and Baker were not the most...Well, I dunno, but whatever it was, they were not the most of it...

Each had different reputations, each had similar ones in turn, of course this was off the clock and what not, as Brian knew that when he was on the job, it was a another matter entirely, and was sure it was the same for his bretheren. Still...The true challenge was this folks...How the f*ck do you seriously try to get across to a Government official, that you need a butt load of money, a sh*it load of booze, a ship to boot and more so...Just to visit an Isle full of Lesbians!"

Well, Brian's mind went back to his talk with Jenai a moment...They were laying in bed of all place, nestled in one another's arms after a much heated round of...Patrol, yeah that's it! Okay, back to the point. So they talked about it and it went something like...



"Can I go on a little trip?"

"To where, baby?"

"The Isle of Lesbos, with Dark and Baker and some others...I won't be alone. The idea came up, and well...Can I go?" Okay, now this was the time when every man who asked his wife about visiting an Isle full of Lesbian women would normally get his ass kicked, and what not and trust me, Brian was ready for it, as he figured asking Jen about it was not only a ballsy move, but a stupid one to boot, and would equally be deserving of an ass kicking. Of couse her reply was..

"Sure, baby. You go ahead. Want me to pack some stuff for you?" To quote a little boy from a small hick town in Colorado...'Dude this is seriously f*cked up.' Brian was stunned...Stunned I say!

"Y..You mean, it's alright, I can go with them' And come back to you? I mean, baby...It's really okay?"

"Of course it is baby, and I'll be waiting for you. I promise. With open arms, and a medicine kit handy to patch you up...Snu snu.." A certified not from his beloved, as she seemed to grin to herself, and offer a kiss to the elder Ravenlock's forehead, as she slipped from the bed and padded to the kitchen, all the while humming something...Brian heard those words again...Snu Snu...He had no idea what they meant, all he knew was he was allowed to go...Obviously luck was on the boy's side...Well that, and the bestest gal he could ever want or have. Snapping back to the here and now, Brian cleared his throat and continued, as he motioned to Baker and Dark, who had already cleared the door.

"What my comrades are saying, and yes Erin dear I know I need to speak slow for you, so do try to keep up. Thank you...And yes, Sir...You look damn good in that suit." A nod to Doom once more, as he moved from the table, and then clasped his hands a moment as he looked out a near window...Que dramatic pause...Alright, chums...Les do this.

"What my comrades and I are saying is that we wish to set out to a place very few have seen, a place that is populated and quite cultured, and a place that we are sure would benefit from an open line of communication with our city and vice versa...We wish to extend the olive branch, and open talks between our people and theirs. We have recently come across a map, a map with a direct line to this Isle...The Isle of Lesbos.

Of course, we are not asking to be compensated for this by any means, I will act as an official representative, and with a small cadre with assure the protection of these men and their crew. This of course if the Government allows this expedition to commence. The Ravenlock clan, has pledged support to assist in the crewing of said ship that was requested, and also to help off set some of the cost of this endeavor to not leave the entire burden on the Government itself...

So we ask the following, in no particular order. You with me so far, Erin" That's a ship...S..h..i..p...Ship, the kind that floats and carries lots of stuff. Monies to set towards this ambitious goal, and yes as Mister Dark here specified...Ale. We are only for a budget and permission, and all else will be shouldered by ourselves, and we are looking into the possibility of advertisement from local business in this endeavor...However, first things first. We come to you, and to the Governor. We would like permission to continue,and the means to do so in regards to setting out on this diplomatic mission that could help all involved to no end....Sir.."

Brian nodded to each of the gathered quietly as he began to wrap up . Once more the elder Ravenlock, the Commander of the 27th Division WestEnd Militia, Father, Brother and friend to nearly all looked among those left in the room, and nodded to Erin and Doom once more.

"Forgive my comrade's earlier outburst, they are very passionate about what we wish to do, I left my reports there for the Governor. Please see she gets them. Thank you both for your time and take care."

A bow offered, and Brian went out the door and rejoined his bretheren once more.


Date: 2007-04-02 07:28 EST
Baker's words fell upon Dark and everything ran together like a playwright. Fingers wrapping around the sidearm of his dollarstore-esque reading glasses and folding them to a close and into his suitjacket. A flip of the list and it striaghtened with a crack of a whip with a more paperish audible. It seemed to roll up and bound back tight together all on it's own at his hand. Now this would've been assumed either one or two things. 1) He had the physics of that scroll mapped out and knew precisely how to move it back into that position, or 2) He must've made a stop at Elly's atelier and gotten a bit of magic put on that list, cause it was almost cartoonishly silly how it bounded back together, and his grin played of how it must've looked.

Baker and Brian's words took great heave behind an otherwise silly proposal, of course it must've looked silly, but not a one of them looked unprepared to assure legitimacy. Next he gave Erin a pointing with at scroll, so long and distinguished so it made his notice of her a clear one.

"And to these brave brothers-in-arms', I reveal the urgency we make it to the isle with the durability, and the ale for our composure and sanity. Treacherous waters await the chance to corrupt our dangerous mission, and we'll not give it the chance.

"The lesbodian women would be a marvelous savior to the crimelife and all aimed-detruction at RhyDin. The Scathachian sanctum has on it's doorstep, the capabiliites and potential for unmatchable strength. With just a handful of the Lesbos-women they could bulken their forces for justice and have no fears of corruption or death. Their almost tribal sexuailty has their purity shielded from any directioning that may fall upon them, giving them immunity to swayance of evil, and even further still their fascination with each other forms an awareness of sisterhood that many forces do not get to experience during battle. Thus their teamwork is a surefire "want" that I'm sure the governor would be pleased to see with this city's desperate need for heroes and saviors.

"My final request is that some respective members of the society keep, these—" Dark's mighty arm outstretches and refers to Baker and Brian, "These brave mens' safety and well-being in their prayers. Because they so willing go out and put it all on the line, asking nothing for themselves in return, to bring such peace back. A dollar truly turned to two. Gods bless you men."

Dark clearly seemed upset and sniffling, a quick saddened cry as he waves off the chicken and Erin, clearly not composed enough to remain in the room. A marvelous bit of acting he was proud of. His lumber facility in WestEnd was a finely planted ear to the goings-on of evil and how it was dealt, so he gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back of using that information he gathered from living in his guitar shop. He stepped back out with Baker and Brian, slipping that scroll in the side of his jacket and then tugging it all smooth and flush against him, taking a deep breath. A smile to the both of them, eyes between the two before pocketing his hands, the door before them, but he was basking in the awesome appearance and stance beside the energy-emitting trio.

Doom Chicken Inc

Date: 2007-04-03 06:46 EST
Beady little rubber eyes just blinked at the door for a few minutes after the three men departed before looking at Erin. "Well that went amazingly easily. Do you think we should be preparing for the worst now?"

The chicken gave it another half minute of thought, then shrugged a chickenish shrug before giving Erin a leer. "Oh well. Say Pretty Lady' Want to go get some lunch' Or maybe a cocktail?"