Topic: Official Complaint


Date: 2010-04-06 00:32 EST
Governor Simon;

In light of your claims of better training for the Watch, I fear I must report an incident of Harassment that occurred this night within the Red Dragon Inn.

There is a Dark Elf claiming to be a member of the Watch. All well and good, I know for a fact people can and do change.

Except he was very rude, to the point of harassing a couple over a child that wandered into the inn. The child obviously knew the couple and the couple appeared to take full responsibility for her.

Yet, this Watchman rudely confronted the gentleman and Demanded Written Proof of Guardianship!

I must say I am outraged by the way this supposed member of the watch treated this couple who clearly had the welfare of the child in mind. He even went as far as saying he would take her to the orphanage if they didn't produce paperwork?"

Where is it written that a guardian must produce written proof on demand" And what of the children roaming the streets? If this is an example of the training the Watch is receiving, well, you may wish to reconsider your statements in the "Remember Your Roots" Rebuttal.

Marilyn Carvaletti Resident of Zen Gardens