Topic: Plotting against Serpents

Kitty Helston

Date: 2007-06-01 00:41 EST
Kitty walked to where her giant card was. Talonish claws gently touched the painted surface as she slowly cherished each signature. Some made her grin, but some made her eyes grow damp. Tears she quickly blinked away before looking at Chicken.

"We have much work to do, Chicken. The lawyers kidnapped Tass. If it wasn't for Tass, I wouldn't be standing here right now.

I want their licenses to practice law here in Rhydin revoked, by my decree....immediately. Their blatant kidnapping act has made them criminals. I'll gather witness statements from those who saw the whole thing."

She looked back up at the large wooden card, a finger trailing over one of the little pictures that had been painted.

"And then....we shall put up Wanted posters. I want the whole city after their blood. I want them afraid to be seen by the public. I want them to feel fear."

The once green eyes that were now that eerie gold color moved to focus on Chicken again.

"The Governor has had enough."


Date: 2007-06-06 15:54 EST
A portal opened up outside the building. Two females stepped through and moved quickly into the building. Sha'uri knew time was precious. The longer they had the worse it was going to be. She paused at a receptionist desk

"Kitty' Is she here? We're here to help find Tass. Get her, quickly."


Date: 2007-06-06 16:04 EST
There were times when Sha'uri was not one to be argued with. Today was one of them. The woman was on a mission, and she was pregnant, too. The slight bulge to the Mistress' stomach was enough to remind Lyndra of that. She was not going to say boo about being dragged from one end of RhyDin to the other.Nope. She gritted her teeth and endured that upside down, topsy turvy, curvy up and downess...that stomach upheaving sensation she got when ever she had to go through that teleporting thing. Yes, so there she was being dragged into the governor's office, trailing behind Sha'uri until she finally stopped at a receptionist's desk.

"Yes, and please hurry. It is of utmost importance." She was trying to sound all official like.

"Thank ye." She smiled.


Date: 2007-06-07 15:29 EST
The Headmaster flew in through a window, but he seemed a bit different. His skin was white, his eyes glowed red, and he seemed to emanate the chill of the grave. A courteous smile also revealed sharpened canines.

"I understand that we are making plans?"

As he spoke, his form shifted back to what everyone expects as the norm.


Date: 2007-06-07 19:04 EST
She was one of the last to arrive, though the tell tale sound of wings would advise those around to move out of the way, the dragon circled the office first before touching down nearby.

Ice blue eyes speckled with hints of crimson scanned the people out and about, and she noticed quite a few keeping their distance, not that she'd blame them.

Moving into the building, nostrils quivered as she peered about, taking in the scents and sounds.

Kitty.., I'm here.

Kerri Al Tuatha Ravenlock

Date: 2007-06-08 05:56 EST
"A party' Mind if we crash' Seems Raven here, owes those leeches a thing or three, anyways. I'll do what I can, also it's nice to see you looking all militant again, Gov. Took ya long enough to getcher ass back to work."

Said one, Lt. Kerrithra of the 'RMF' WestEnd 27th, as she made her way into the Governor's office with a faint smile and a hellacious salute. Kerri had no time for receptionists at present, and decided it was time to get to the meat and taters of this matter. Waving the ladies, and Briarius into the office, She left the door open to see who might else decide to drop in.

"I think Raven and Jade may be on the way too, I dunno who else, but I think we got us a posse and I even got me some ropes!"


Date: 2007-06-08 06:23 EST
::she flew in right behind the Headmaster, gossamer wings fluttering as she went to the side to get out of people's way. She looked to the military looking one, Kerrithra::

Ahem...several posse's actually and perhaps even the forces of the Abyss if necessary. Would be a fitting end for them I think.

::Cadence smiled brightly in a manner that could be described as....somewhat twistedly disturbed. She actually liked the thoughts forming in that head of hers::


Date: 2007-06-08 09:46 EST
She blinked as one Kerrithra slipped in behind her and a sly grin was given.

Oh I'd say the more....the merrier Kerri, don't you agree?


Date: 2007-06-09 16:33 EST
Muttering something under her breath about slow something or others, Sha'uri followed as they passed on by the receptionist and went on into the Gov's office.

She forgot about letting go of Lyndra's hand and the poor girl was dragged in behind her. Once in the office, she finally realized she was still holding Lyndra's hand only because she was going to run her fingers through her own hair and realized there was another hand in hers. She looked at it for all of 3.7 seconds wondering how that got there. Gaze locked with Lyndra's. The Mistress' eyes widened with embarrassment. The hand was finally dropped with a gentle pat to it.

"Sorry hun."

She looked over the others, gazing round the room and lending a nod of greeting to them all, moving over by Icer to pet her a bit, lending a soothing factor to help her with being calm. She knew how upset her friend was.

"I agree, Icer. Does anyone know if there are more coming?"

She wondered about Brian and Jen, whom she hadn't seen in a long time. Getting close to her halfway mark in her pregnancy, she wasn't even sure if they knew she was pregnant. They could've missed it announced, along with her marriage. She couldn't even remember the last time she saw them. Either way, it didn't matter and it wasn't why they were gathered here.

Tass was the reason, even though she really hadn't met him.....properly. It didn't matter. What did was that he was Icer's Big Brother and to others was looked upon with high regard. Plus, He was Dragon kind. That was enough for her.


Date: 2007-06-09 19:51 EST
After getting dragged and then dragged some more, Lyndra grinned softly to the Mistress as Sha'uri finally dropped her hand.

"It's okay, M'Lady Sha'uri. That's what family is for."

She moved then to go stand near Master Briarius, but the cold he was shelling out gave her goosebumps and so she shifted away, rubbing her arms. She wasn't sure how she'd fit in, but she would wait and listen and try to do her best to help.


Date: 2007-06-11 11:29 EST
I have heard word that brother Raven, and sister Jade may be on their way, blinking a moment having used the name she'd heard Kerri mention before peering toward Lyndra a moment.

Ice blue eyes still held contempt within for those that had taken her big brother, but she was calm for the moment. Test your wings? a curious cant of her head to Lyndra as she remembered something mentioned back at the school before they'd arrived.

Oh yes, and Sha'uri, Briarius, I'd like you to meet my friend Kerri.


Date: 2007-06-11 15:18 EST
A blush rose in her cheeks at Icer's proding.....wondering just what she was thinking. A small shy and unsure grin was given as she stepped back by the cooling air around the Headmaster, more or less using him as a shield of sorts to hide behind and to perform the proverbial melting into the woodwork, so to speak. She wasn't sure if Icer was upset with her or not. Besides, the coolness suddenly felt good on her skin. Even though she wasn't specifically introduced, she'd give a nod of greeting to Kerri if the woman looked her way.


Date: 2007-06-12 22:11 EST
"If someone could give me details of what has transpired...that would be useful"


Date: 2007-06-13 20:38 EST
Blinking, attention turned towrad the Headmaster again, an ear twitching.

I was resting when the Lawyers came in, brother was weaked a bit and trying to rest as well when the two used some sort of spell on my brother, something to hold him, I went after one Howe I believe his name, got him in the back with my horn and sent him on a flying lesson, I was hoping he'd hit his partner, but he missed.


Date: 2007-06-13 22:05 EST
"Magick you say' What did this spell seem to do?"


Date: 2007-06-14 11:34 EST
Falling silent, she seemed to be thinking a moment, before speaking back up.

It seemed to bind him, so that he couldn't move, and it may have even forced the shifting. He was a dragon when they disappeared, and even then, he seemed to struggle and not be able to break what they had over him.


Date: 2007-06-14 16:11 EST
Though she had given a polite greeting nod to Kerri, Sha'uri seemed to grow quiet and withdrawn. She closed her eyes, whispering something incoherrent to others, though to Corellon's ears he heard and understood well the prayer she spoke to him.

She saw the attack in her answer from Corellon just as Icer was telling Briari a small part of what happened. He also showed her more then that. Her eyes were misted with tears, pupils were elongated as a dragons as she opened them up again.

"Brian....Gabe....Panther....they were there too. Many saw what happened and yet....They hold court without them as we speak....Condemning the one they abducted. Icer...Who lost an arm' I'm sure it was the one he paid the judge with...."

Cryptic. She was still sorting it out in her head....a glance to Briari.

"Want the download now or later?" she was referring to the info Corellon just dumped her with. How often had they exchanged information between them, Sha'uri and Briarius. He only had to accept.


Date: 2007-06-14 18:15 EST
Blink, Howe is the one that lost an arm to me Sha'uri, now whats this about paying a judge?

Kitty Helston

Date: 2007-06-15 19:41 EST
Kitty stormed into her office holding the manuscript from the "trial" that had overturned her decree. She was fuming mad and it showed as she flung open the door.

Although upon seeing how crowded her office had become, she stopped dead still and just blinked.

"What in nine hells is going on in here" Ya'll having a party in my office without me?"


Date: 2007-06-18 07:31 EST
"Excuse me, but I have some paperwork to fill out"

He moved to the door and walked to the Courthouse.


Date: 2007-06-18 15:01 EST
"I'm not really sure, Icer. He didn't really elaborate, but was vaguely indicating something to do with it. I..."

Her sentence cut off as Kitty stormed in. She slowly closed her mouth, just staring at Kitty while Briari turned round and left.

"We were here to offer assistance concerning Tass ....But if our presence isn't wanted then...."

She left it hang, not pressing the issue as she shrugged and glanced towards Cadence and Lyndra and gave a nod toward the door.

"Look, I know you're upset, Kitty....and rightly so. Corellon showed me the farse of a trial and made hints to bribery, perhaps Howe paid the judge in some manner although I can't be certain or that it was Howe specifically, I'm sure it was someone connected to him. Either way, This unjustice must not prevail. I know I don't frequent the hustle and bustle of the Inn or market areas too often, but I am part of RhyDin and capable of things. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me. And there are others at the school who will support you and fight against this with you. Just say the word. Okay' I'm sure this is far from over...."

Her gaze shifted briefly to Icer.

"Icer, hun, if you need anything....If things get rough, you know I can and would shelter you and yours. It's going to get uglier before it gets any better around here. I feel a war brewing..."

With that said, and a firm nod, Sha'uri turned to leave figuring the Governor had many things to do. She'd made her offer and Kitty knew where to find her....and if not, she knew Icer and Knite certainly did.


Date: 2007-06-18 15:05 EST
Well with how people perceive our kind, I'd not be surprised if that is what happened Sha'uri. She turned then just in time to see Kitty enter and gave the Governor a nod in greeting.

Looking back to Sha'uri, she nodded, I'll consider that my friend, especially with the new little ones.


Date: 2007-06-18 16:14 EST
::pretty blues darted back and forth between people just listening while she hovered in the room, just a few inches from the ground while her wings beat slowly, steady but not enough to ruffle papers but gave a slight little cooling breeze. She listened to the others, but kept her mouth shut. Those pretty blues got really big when the door flew open and the gov came in the way she did. Again, she just listened all wide eyed and then just nodded to the mistress and headed to the door, though paused by the gov::

If yous need me...

::nodnod. She'd pull the plagues of the Abyss after those three and as a matter of fact, was going to do just that. She left through the window that she'd came through and was gone.::

Kitty Helston

Date: 2007-06-18 20:56 EST
Kitty blinked a few more times as first Briarius left, then others. She turned slowly and looked at Icer.

"Why do people run when I'm upset' Not like I'm upset at *them*.."

She shook her head and just slumped into a chair, right there in her own lobby.

"Icer. We need to do something about this. I don't know what, since my plan was obviously shredded before my eyes, but something."

She tilted her head as her eyes narrowed in thought.

"Icer" Does anyone at your school knowledged in....stealth magics?"


Date: 2007-06-19 00:03 EST
I'm not sure why everyone leaves when your upset, the dragon remained, and settled to the floor nearby.

A glance about the office, as she thought for a moment, Briarius may have a mastery of stealth, but I'm not sure who else would.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-06-19 08:27 EST
Shadow strode through the guards, not bothering the wards. She was bent on finding Kitty. She opened a lot of dead ends before coming to Kitty's office, she opened the door just in time to hear Icer's comment about stealth magics. She bowed to them both and raised her hand.

"I do." Stated just loud enough for the two in the room to hear.


Date: 2007-06-19 15:54 EST
There was actually another in the room before the Shadow walked in. Lyndra hadn't quite gone anywhere just yet. For some reason, she lingered there and so quiet that she thought the rest just didn't notice her. She was leaning against the wall and stepped out as someone came in but was too late to speak until after Shadow did.

"M'Lady Sha'uri does as well. She has access to all kinds of magic and items of artifacts, as does the Headmaster. She even creates them. Ye should've seen the sword she made for our headmaster during the Solstice season. It was brilliant, a beautiful work of art. Even the headmaster said he'd not seen detail like that in a long time. I can only imagine what the magics were in them, but he seemed very impressed. That is not something easily accomplished."

"My suggestion to ye, Kitty....find a secure place from prying eyes an ears, magical or otherwise, before planning any more. Perhaps that is why yer plans were shredded. Someone found out ahead of time. I know both the Mistress and the Headmaster can definitely help protect yer meeting there. As for me, Well, I could offer to deliver some anonymous letters for publication should they happen to be deposited into my Personal Message box....we do have another Oracle due soon, very soon. I would do my duty and make sure they are delivered for publication as anonymous....oh, and they have to be turned in by the 27th."

She gave a nod, a slight impish smile for the idea.....Wether true or false, things in the Oracle had their way. There would be nothing odd about her doing it either. It wouldn't be the first time she'd turned something in for others and the fact that it was left anonymous couldn't implicate anyone. Lyndra would just be doing her duty, turning in the articles for publication. Well, SHe thought it was a good idea.....and she wasn't going anywhere, just yet.

"That is....unless ye think it would be best to just...drop the whole ball...?"