Topic: The Pursuit of Demons

Rachael Blackthorne

Date: 2013-03-04 04:33 EST
The regular patrols that Detective Rachael Douglas, among other brother officers, made through the boundaries of their precinct, the Eleventh, in Old Temple were made less routine these days by a combination of factors. The increase of crimes connected to sorcellerie in some fashion had risen steadily in skewed proportion to those linked to other motives since the first proclamations of mage registrations by then Baron Rakeesh Sah Tarna. With Winter Storm Hannibal's lingering effects upon the weather conditions, the pursuit and subsequent apprehension of law breakers in the snow and ice to the outside observer looked much like an old fashioned slapstick comedy production instead of skilled law enforcement personnel doing their best to serve and protect a population that at times cursed rather than rejoiced at their presence among them. These factors, combined with an increasing shortage of skilled and trained manpower due in part to certain citizens having declared it to be hunting season on her brother officers, made the jobs of those who remained that much harder.

Rachael trudged through the snow and ice to return to the temporary sanctuary of the brick and mortar building where she spent much of her waking hours at when not on patrol. Once inside, the scarred woman in snow and ice spattered black strode to her desk with the intent of filling out the latest in the ever increasing stack of reports.

"Detective Douglas, you're coming up in the world," Captain Wesley Johnson declared as he waved an official looking envelope in the air.

"Oui, porquoi, Capitan?" Privately, in the most guarded part of her mind, she thought of the Captain as a weasel, which the much younger man did in fact resemble, if partially.

"You received a letter from the Governor's office." Johnson continued to wave the item in the air.

In a blur of motion, Rachael's black leather gloved hand reached out to snatch the envelope from his hand, thankfully without damage to the item. "Merci." Letter opener was procured from her desk, and used to slit open the envelope. The missive was removed from the envelope, and she unfolded it in preparation to read.

When the Captain continued to hover with the intent of reading the letter over her shoulder, she deliberately refolded the paper along its original creases. "This letter was addressed to myself, and only myself, non?"

"Yes, Detective, it was."

"Then kindly do me the courtesy of allowing me to read such correspondence in private, merci, mon Capitan. Should you need to be briefed on its contents, rest assured that I will do so." She strongly resisted the urge to metaphorically tug on the Weasel's tail any further.

Rachael Blackthorne

Date: 2013-03-04 04:36 EST
"I will be in my office going over the daily reports, Lieutenant Douglas." Johnson's voice oozed with unctuousness with his deliberate emphasis on her lower rank in comparison to his lofty title, and left her presence.

And may you choke on them before I do the job personally. That carefully husbanded thought twitched a fleeting smile to her normally stern lips while she claimed a chair at her desk to read the correspondence properly.

Detective Douglas,

I hope this missive finds you well. I will be brief, as I am very sensible of the amount of time that you are spending on patrol of late.

I just wanted to check in and see what insights you have regarding the situation, the status of the district and the allegations made by Councilor Sah Tarna concerning cultist threats in the area.

Please let me know how things are progressing at your earliest convenience and once again accept my thanks, and that of the city, for your continued service.

Please let me know if there is anything you require that the city can assist with.

Stay safe during the upcoming storm.

Regards, Fionna Helston al-Amat Governor, RhyDin

Rachael refolded the letter carefully and returned it to its envelope. The item was tapped to her lips while she pondered on how to answer the correspondence.

Rachael Blackthorne

Date: 2013-03-04 04:44 EST
The Detective keyed up an open file on her desktop computer, and waited with studied patience for the hourglass to clear on the monitor before she began to type a response.

Madame Governor,

Merci for your thoughts on my well-being.

At this time, I as well as the rest of the Eleventh Precinct in Old Temple still await information from those independent sources charged with the sorcellerie investigation with regards to the severed heads produced by Councilor Sah Tarna.

There have been spikes of crimes in my jurisdiction that can be directly related to the original proposition of mage registration made by the Councilor. The majority of them can be classified as hate crimes against those who are suspected of possessing talents in sorcellerie, and those who commit such crimes are being prosecuted to the full extent of the statutes currently on the books.

However, there has been a disturbing trend of certain individuals using the fear of demon-like beings to prey on those whom are most vulnerable, specifically children and the elderly. These perpetrators are using high technological devices and masks to mimic the actions outlined by Councilor Sah Tarna in regards to the alleged attacks made by Khul-din cult members upon children.

It is strongly recommended that, in order to learn the truth about the attacks reported by the Councilor, as well as put a stop to those who copycat said attacks, additional qualified and trained law enforcement personnel be recruited to supplement those of my brethren Watch officers on their patrols, at least for the time being. Said additional personnel would be trained in and/or have the ability of the detection of supernatural beings, as well as have a fundamental background in higher technology.

I will stay safe during the storm, and its aftermath. It is hoped that you will do the same.

In service,

Rachael Douglas Detective Lieutenant Special Victims Unit Eleventh Precinct, Old Temple

Rachael's gloved index finger pressed the print key and waited for the missive to be printed on departmental letterhead. Sapphire eyes shielded by the dark lenses of her Lunar gray Gargoyles studied the lines once the paper spat out of the printer to check for any potential errors or omissions on her part.

Satisfied, a copy of the missive was transmitted to her personal cell, and the document on her desktop unit was deleted without a trace. The hardcopy missive was signed in her fluid left handed script, folded, and slipped into an envelope, which was securely sealed. Neat, precise left handed writing addressed the envelope to the Governor.

Both envelopes found a home in an inside pocket of her black leather trenchcoat while she rose gracefully from her chair. Gloved fingertips brushed the silver badge that gleamed on the garment.

Measured strides took the Special Victims Unit Detective out of the precinct building and back into the wintry conditions outside of those brick and mortar walls to serve and protect the citizens of Rhydin once more.