Topic: The UAF Liaison

Jonathan Rase

Date: 2017-02-21 15:25 EST
The governor's office would have had new visitors this morning, following shortly after the arrival of that small fleet a few days prior (link). Three people in black, military looking uniforms arrived, requesting to speak with the current governor of Rhy'din regarding their presence and why the fleet was there, indicating they wanted to possibly open up diplomatic relations between Rhy'din and what they called the United Arshian Federation.

The man whom was clearly the one sent as a pseudo-ambassador wore a black uniform, just like the man and woman that were with him. He looked young, with a clean shaven face, short light brown hair, and blue eyes. His nametage read 'RASE'. He was also smiling, and having a friendly conversation with the other two while he waited: A male whom was slightly stockier and shorter with a darker brown hair and brown eyes, whose nametag read 'ARCOLE', and a woman who had her arms folded, but a smile on her face. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and the look of a woman that visited a gym on a regular basis. Her nametag read 'PAGE'.

For the uniforms themselves, Rase's uniform had a half-inch, blue colored trim along the sides and slong his sleeves, and the patches on either shoulder also had a small, blue border - Different from the white trim and border on the other two uniforms. The uniforms also had a colored section on the left shoulder, different for each person present - Arcole's shoulder was white, Rase's was blue, and Page's was yellow. The patch on the left shoulder for all three of them depicted the same thing: A brownish-tan circle that resembled a planet, with an orange A stitched over it. The patch on the right shoulder was different, indicating each of them belonged to a different unit. The text and numbers stiched onto and below the right-shoulder patches denoted a unit assigned: Rase's showed 'ERA 7', Arcole's was 'BLACKJACK 12', and Page's read 'DRAGON 131'. The rest of the uniforms had various ribbons (One might note Page had the most) as well as rank insignia (One would also note Page seemed to be the highest rank, despite Rase apparently being the one in charge at the moment).