Topic: Warning!


Date: 2012-09-15 10:35 EST
((Note: this is in relation for events happening in Life After Death in Waves and the Crusada Cremesin strings, namely communications from Exodii to RhyDin. Although it is open for anything related in that story/time line that goes along with it. feel free to post.))

The communication had come in warning RhyDin officials that Sha'uri had gained her memory back and that she had slipped past the Exodians and was suspected back into RhyDin. They were all on the search for her. Exodii with the intent to bring her back to RhyDin for examination but no doubt RhyDin would want her on trial for the crimes of the attacks laid upon the city by Travanix.

The deal between the two worlds, and as a way to keep peace between them, had been that Sha'uri was free to remain in custody in Exodii so long as she didn't get her memory back. Once that happened, RhyDin wanted her on trial for her crimes doubt there were some who wanted her head on a platter, preferably next to Travanix' head. Her crimes would specifically be for the attacks upon Arcanum Academy during the larger attacks upon the whole city by Travanix and others, and a number of deaths prior and during that event.

Several days had passed since that last communication from Exodii. Not long after all hell broke loose in the Abbey south of RhyDin another communication arrived to RhyDin City Officials.

"This is Captain Elijah Bennett of the Exodian Fleet here on Exodii. We have a shuttle in pursuit of Sha'uri Arrowny and have sited her in the Abbey south of RhyDin. We do not know her intentions and would want a chance to examine her, but we are here to recapture her for the safety of RhyDin whatever that takes. We have a shuttle craft near the Abbey and are preparing to move her to your custody by teleporter but she is currently in dragon form. Please make haste to recieve her in that condition and give us the coordinates you would like us to use if different. We currently have the courtyard of your muninciple building set in place as it is big enough to contain her dragon form and she could easily be surrounded. However, you will need to be ready to deal with her then. A seriously heavy dose of tranquilizers is recommended. Please advise immediately if another location is more suitable. All haste is requested!"


Date: 2012-09-15 14:12 EST
The answer came back within minutes of the warning, after an emergency consult with the Stars End Port Authority and the Watch.







Date: 2012-09-26 15:20 EST
The Captain drummed his fingers waiting a response.

"Really would've thought they'd jump on this one. You don't supposed they're actually trying to follow the request do you?" One of the subordinates remarked.

The Captain couldn't help but grin, but only briefly. Several communications on secured channel went between his shuttle and home base. Admiral Arrowny was not very patient. All the while several curses were heard emminating quietly from the transporter operator. No doubt he was having a field day with their target who kept moving and shifting form and gods know what else was interferring. The buzz of what was happening with Cadence was certainly a distraction to them all.

Finally, a response came after a few minutes. "Sir....incoming coded message from the city. This thing has several layers of encryption. No voice, just text...and probably a good thing too. It's in all caps. I think they're yelling sir?"

The message was quickly translated and handed to the Captain.

"Nope, this one's definitely not on the map. Interesting. Respond in kind back to the city with following message .....Understood."

The coordinates were handed to the transporter operator and the preparations were being adjusted.


Date: 2013-06-10 14:10 EST
((Continued from Here ))

Shauri had turned her massive form round to face the newly made mound that covered the form of one Raven. The fight between her two friends was confusing. Even more so the comment Garet had made about Brian.

Not who I think he is"

Her thoughts raced as she moved her massive form for the dirt pile. She could hear Garet's voice but the words were garbled to her ears. Her focus was solely on that mound. Even when the screams of orcs came her direction, she did not even give it her full focus. A simple side glance followed by the rush of fire from her gigantic maw, clearly and intentionally missing them over their heads," was the only response she'd given. She did not give time to even look long enough to see any reactions. She knew she had that time she needed to find out what was wrong with Brian. Or at least see if there was any truth to Garet's words.

A few steps had her there, ground shaking from her massive form as she went swiftly, and her giant claw dug down into the earth, reaching in to wiggle down and grasp round the buried body. She could feel his form wiggle and thrash as she pulled him up. She was not prepared for the look on his face, though.

For the first time, she could see him clearly. It was the face of Brian, but there was something different inside his gaze, the expression blazed with hatred.....soaked with something dark, something dire and something clearly wrong. Even without her ability to read souls, this one was clearly not Brian, not her friend.

She set him back to the ground, a growl escaped her and teeth barred leaning forward as if she would open that maw and snap his head off. He stared at her, she stared at him. For a moment the world seemed to freeze all around them. She couldn't take her gaze from his eyes, staring down into his soul as if for a brief moment that sensation kicked in, that tingly sensation she would always get when reading a person's soul...she was actually feeling it now, much to her surprise.

Why of all times that it was working"

She briefly wondered what game the gods were playing and why the One saw fit to allow her to see this one's soul when she thought he had stripped her from doing so. She did not waste the time with too much thought. Her gaze saw through him clearly and realized how much a part of Brian this one was and yet was not....remnants of Brian's soul was still tainted round this one.

Something recent had changed this from the last time she'd looked into this one's soul. It had been Brian's before and yet something was wrong then too. Yet at that time, she was in a place that she didn't care, would've welcomed that wrong and nurtured it then if she had realized....or perhaps part of her had realized and forced herself to walk away from it then. But now"

His sneering expression had not been there before, but now...beyond the emotional shield he was trying to put up, she could see past that expression, past the thick layer of hate and evil that she herself was so well acquainted with. Had she not buried herself deep within something similar once" Yes..She knew it; she was staring at the guise of a child.

The vision blurred briefly looking at that child..

The man before her harbored a boy....a boy so innocent and impressionable that she understood what evil desired of that use its vulnerability as a weapon. But against who' She suddenly realized that the soul she was looking at was innocent and for whatever reason trapped inside a thick blanket of wrong, so gullible that it didn't even know, didn't realize what kept its core...

Sha'uri was about to demand to know what Raven had done with Brian but the words never had the chance to be uttered.


She felt a jolt as if something had hit her but nothing had. Nothing had a chance to. The *boy* was gone....Her vision was more blurred and fuzzy. Then she realized that fuzziness was also something if her molecules were being separated and pulled away. And they were...

On the shuttle lurking above.... "Commander I've got her! Transporting to RhyDin moonbase. Have their security ready! Cause here she comes!"

"Why"!" Sha'uri's draconic voice quipped with betrayal to the air as she watched Raven's form disappear from her view while her body was taken somewhere else.

Her form re-materialized suspended in mid air. But where"

She couldn't see anything, all was darkness, a deep darkness that her natural draconic sight couldn't even penetrate...darkness washed over her like a blanket, followed by a sudden blare of white hot lights surrounding her, blinding her to everything around her. Voices shouted, echoeing in a cavernous place.

A thick layer of some kind of force field gripped every part of her body preventing her from moving. She couldn't hardly muster the ability to even breathe and it seemed the more she struggled the harder it squeezed. It didn't stop her from struggling, and that squeezed the air from her lungs. Soon her consciousness faded swiftly away...


Date: 2013-06-10 15:24 EST
Some time passed....

Sha'uri awoke from that to find herself in human form. The ability to see souls was gone again, so too was the capacity to alter her form into dragon. The cell she was in was kept cold and dark, but not so dark that her dragon sight couldn't penetrate it. The cell itself was hardly ten by ten but she was kept suspended in mid air. Every time she tried to shift form, that invisible field stifled her body from its natural expansion. She would pass out and wake up again hanging in mid air, gripped by the invisible force that kept her stretched out in X-form. After a handful of times attempting the change, she learned to keep it under control.

Wires were strapped to her body, which was sparsely clothed with wraps only enough to give her a small amount of modesty. She recognized the wires and knew they were monitoring her vitals along with brain wave activity. Her hands were bound shut preventing use of fingers for silent spells and her mouth was likewise bound with a respirator strapped to her face allowing her to breathe. The mouthpiece was preventing her from closing her mouth all the way or allowing her to form words.

She knew the air in her cell was less then optimal for breathing by the way that some would come in to clean her once a week. These individuals wore protective gear not only for their skin but for breathing as well. And the catheter in her was uncomfortable as hell. Still, it was better then the constant burning sensation she had from the tube they surgically inserted directly to her stomach.

Feeding came four times a day, a nice liquid diet that she was thankfully glad she could not taste. It was a small blessing in the otherwise hellish situation. Hanging in midair with wires and tubes tied to you and no way to speak, nor even scream, was an existence beyond any torture she had ever known. And yet, not.

Being alone with her thoughts proved to be more torture then anything they could physically do to her. Yet she endured.

For how long, Sha'uri was oblivious to the length of time she'd been in there. Every day was long enough in itself, yet without sun and moon to see, nor clock of any kind, she had no way of telling the passage of time. Days and weeks were a certainty...perhaps even months or years. Had she heard the talk of winter solstice more then once since she'd been there? She thought so.

She had few visitors, in fact, none to speak of. Only the one that was supposed to be defending her in court ever came in to talk with her, which was the only time the room was acclimated environmentally safe and Sha'uri was free of the mouth piece so she could talk. Even then she swore weeks would go by between visits.

It was clear to her that she would not be receiving a swift trial by any means. No....of course not. She was beginning to wonder if it would happen at all. It would not surprise her at all if the City of RhyDin put her there to just be forgotten and left to die a slow death of sheer boredom.

That would be RhyDin justice all right. Ignore them to death!

She wondered how Travanix faired in all of this, if he'd been caught yet. Yet, even though her captors had somehow blocked her use of the Force, she knew he'd escaped it all somehow. She had the time now to contemplate the mixed feelings she had about that one.

She had a lot of time to contemplate try and piece together what had happened and why....why she had done all those come to some understanding or at least wrestle with her faith that there was a have angry conversations, albeit one sided, with the One during informal prayers that mixed with her thoughts until they had become one and the same things. Her prayers were her thoughts; her thoughts were her prayers.

Yet silence had been her only answer thus far ....