Topic: A New Hire


Date: 2017-12-13 12:33 EST
Dear Ms. De Luca,

I hope this letter finds you happy and in good health this holiday season! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Raul Stoneson, add I have recently returned to Rhy'din after several years abroad, studying the theatrical arts, and most particularly, the craft of makeup for stage and screen. I write to inquire if you have any available positions at the Shanachie for someone of my skills. Of course I understand that you couldn't really consider such a request sight unseen, and so I have enclosed some photographs of my work.

*several photos of actors in makeup are included in the envelope, ranging from simple enhancements to full-on masks and prosthetic appliances*

Should no opening be available, I certainly understand and thank you for your time in reading this letter.

At your service, Raul Stoneson

Mataya grinned as she reached the end of the letter. This was close to perfectly timed - she, Ludo, Tony, and Jon had just finished putting together the schedule for next year's season, and they were going to be opening in February with something that was definitely going to need an expert in exactly the area this Raul Stoneson declared himself to be. She much preferred physical effects to magical ones, herself, and she knew from the statements of some of the actors that they, too, had a preference for being able to inhabit their characters in the dressing rooms, rather than having to rush through the magical transformation in the wings.

Picking up her pen, she was delighted to be able to write back almost immediately.

Dear Mr. Stoneson,

I cannot tell you how delighted I am that you would consider the Shanachie as a place of employment. I am very happy to be able to offer you a senior position in our make-up and costuming department. Your contract, job description, and sundry details are enclosed in this letter. There will be a period of probation, lasting six weeks, to ensure you are comfortable within our sometimes odd little theater, after which I am hopeful you will wish to continue on with us.

Welcome to the Shanachie!

All the best, Mataya De Luca

Raul Stoneson

Date: 2018-01-06 22:25 EST
Being the "new guy" in an environment like the Shanachie, where so many of the staff and cast members had known each other and worked together for years, could be daunting for some.

Raul was not one of those, however. He rose to the challenge—in spirit if not in height—on his first day. Knowing that even the most humble of performers love having an audience, he watched and listened when he came upon a group from the Theater Company—Cary, Leah, and Byron—running through ideas for Peter Pan Goes Wrong that, quite frankly, had him suppressing a guffaw right there in the corridor. Leah spied him there and he gave her a saucy wink that earned him a grin back, and thus were introductions made! "Raul Stoneson, newly hired on as makeup supervisor....I'm here to make all of you lovely people look even better up there!"

Cary barked out a laugh. "Are you hands-on, or do you work with glamours and such?"

"Oh, I am all about the practical art of makeup and effects, believe me! While a good spell-mask can work miracles, there is a lot to be said for changing an actor's whole look with just some base, liners, shadow, and a good set of brushes. Mind you, assuming I don't fail my probation—that makes me sound like a teen ganger with multiple offenses, doesn't it' Ha! No, seriously, I hope to help all of you not only speed up the process of getting ready for each show, but also pass on a few new techniques and ideas I've learned around the world."

"That sounds good to me," added Byron before he nodded down the hall where more of their castmates were approaching. "Come on and meet the rest if us."