Topic: Duet

Merethyl Benoit

Date: 2016-12-17 02:56 EST
The dressing rooms of the Shanachie Theater were always a bustling place when the ballet was in residence. With The Nutcracker, that bustle was magnified tenfold with the addition of volunteers who had never danced a professional step in their lives, let alone been allowed backstage in a theater, and the collection of young dancers from the STARS and the dance studio. They, however, were always the first to leave at the end of the show, with the professionals taking longer to extract themselves from costumes and return to something approaching normality.

Thankfully for Merry, she was sharing a dressing room with Christian and Jamie, and Jamie was very quick to change and leave, eager to get back to his husband. Which meant that Jamie didn't see the entertaining wriggling that involved trying to get Merry out of her Spanish costume every evening. The costume ladies had decided to sew her into the thing every interval, and it was proving a challenge to get out of.

"Is it still stuck?" she asked, peering over her shoulder to where Christian was trying to maneuver the skirt down over her hips.

"Why in God's name didn't they add a zipper?" Christian asked, obviously having a little trouble getting the thing and half-tempted to cut her out of the costume. It was certainly lovely, but a pain to get in and out of. Thankfully, it was the last costume of the night, and she didn't have to worry about making a quick change, which would have been impossible anyway.

"We should be grateful they only sewed the skirt on," Merry pointed out. If the ladies had sewed her into the whole thing, this would definitely take a lot longer. "At least the bodice is a part of the leotard." She drew her stomach in as far as it would go, hoping like hell that would give her husband enough room to get the skirt down from her hips.

He didn't want to rip it, but there was no way she was going to get back into the thing anyway. "This ....ridiculous," he grumbled as he gave the thing a final tug, upon which there was a distinct tearing sound. "Merde," he muttered under his breath as he eased the skirt over her hips and huffed an exasperated sigh. "Sorry, cherie. There was no way around it."

She smiled, more relieved to be out of the thing than worried about a small tear. "I will apologize to the madame tomorrow," she assured him, stepping out of the skirt and bending to pick it up, inspecting the seam that had split ever so slightly. "Oh, this is an easy fix," she said confidently. "I could fix this myself." Her hand gently touched his cheek as she smiled at him. "Be glad you do not get sewn into your costumes, melamin."

"I would insist on a zipper, cherie," he replied with a grin, relieved her costume wasn't completely ruined. He hardly had to worry about a zipper when most of what he wore was made of spandex. "If they are going to sew you into it every night, the least they can do is unsew you our of it."

"I will talk to them," she promised. "Once they realize we are having to use brute force, they may tell me where we can cut the threads safely." Turning away, she hung the skirt over the costume rail, already working on sliding out of her leotard.

He wasn't sure why they hadn't figured it out during costume rehearsals, but there were always a few leftover kinks that needed to be worked out. "I miss dancing with you," he told her as he, too, started to peel himself out of his costume, not having even half as much trouble as her. After all, he finished the night in his Russian costume, which didn't even include tights.

Merry's smile softened at his confession. "We were spoiled with Onegin," she said, hanging up her costume before setting her attention to peeling out of her tights and the skin-tight leotard she wore to keep all her bits from bouncing around. "But to dance not one, but two roles in The Nutcracker is a treat that few others have experienced. And besides, it is a new challenge for us, to dance together without touching."

"I'm not sure how much we'll be partnered this year, with so many other talented dancers," he remarked with a frown. What was fair was fair, and he was just happy to be dancing again, but he couldn't help admitting that he missed dancing with her. "We will have to do something special for the gala," he said as he peeled off each piece of his costume and hung it in readiness for the next performance. The gala was looked forward to by all the dancers, in good part because they were able to choose which dance they wished to have featured.

"We did not dance together for a whole year when we first met," she reminded him, shucking out of her dance underwear to pull on something far more comfortable. "And we dance together every day. Is it so very much worse when no one can see us?"

"Well, there is no applause," he teased with a smirk and a wink as he looked her way, while he, too, got himself dressed. She was right, of course. It didn't really matter whether they had an audience or not, though there wasn't a dancer alive who didn't appreciate the applause of an appreciative audience.

"Ah, then I will have to remember to applaud you when we finish each time, then," she laughed, sighing in relief as she pulled on her street clothes. She loved dancing and performing, but at the end of a long evening, it felt wonderful to be wearing something that didn't require several yards of what felt like duct tape to keep your posture perfect.

"Each time, cherie, no matter the dance?" he teased, a gleam of mischief in his eyes, as he tugged on his boots. "Do you want to join the others for a drink or go home?" It didn't matter much to him either way, though it had been a long day and he was looking forward to relaxing at home with her for a little while before they went to bed and started all over again the next morning.

"I want to go home," she said without guilt. There would be plenty of time to socialize with the rest of the company and their new friends on other nights. Tonight, Merry wanted to go home and relax with her Christian, and she didn't think he would mind too much. "We will invite them out another night."

Once his boots were on, he moved to his feet to help with her coat. "Tres bien," he replied in his native French Canadian. "Tony tells me there's going to be a party in a couple of weeks," he said as he slipped her coat on over her shoulders.

Rising to her feet, she smiled as he wrapped her shawl about her shoulders, tucking her loose hair back behind one pointed ear. "That will be nice," she mused, reaching up to pull his lapels straight. "I suppose you will expect me to wear shoes to this party, yes?" Her pale eyes danced with teasing amusement. It wasn't that she didn't wear shoes when it was necessary; more that she didn't really enjoy the sensation of having her feet covered.

He chuckled at her question, though it didn't really surprise him. "Unless you want frostbite, I'd recommend shoes," he replied, smiling in amusement as she straightened his lapels. "Ready, ma belle"" It was a short walk home from the theater, weather permitting, and the fresh air would do them both good after spending so many hours in the stuffy theater.

She rolled her eyes at him, laughing at his teasing. She was wearing boots today; good protection against the snow and ice on the streets they were about to walk through. "May we take a detour on the way home?" she asked him almost uncertainly. "I should very much like to see the light displays in the darkness, when almost everyone is already gone home."

Merethyl Benoit

Date: 2016-12-17 02:57 EST
"Oui, of course," he replied, tucking her arm in his before leading her out of the dressing room. There were still a few dancers and crew members hanging around, and he waved amicably and bid them goodnight as they made their way through the darkened theater to the exit.

Happily tucked against his side, Merry bid goodnight to those few stragglers as they passed, stepping out into the flurrying snow on the arm of the man she adored. She loved feeling the weight of his ring on her finger, and knowing that he loved her, that he had chosen her. Her cheek brushed his shoulder as they turned toward the lights twinkling in the distance. "Is this how Christmas is celebrated in your home, melamin"" she asked him curiously.

"On Earth?" he asked, unsure if she meant his native planet in general or the place on Earth he was from. "Not everyone celebrates Christmas back home, but most celebrate some kind of festival this time of year. Yule, Winter Solstice, Christmas, to name a few. The Nutcracker takes place in an earlier time period, but most of the traditions are still in place today. What about you? I assume your people do not celebrate Christmas."

"No, we do not have this Christ person it seems to be based upon," she agreed. "We have a moon festival - the full moon of the first month of year is a celebration of light in darkness. It is the same thing, I believe; reviving the feeling of hope at the darkest time of the year that the sun will return and warm the earth once again. There is dancing and singing, and feasting. It is a time of community. This, I think, your Christmas - I have heard people say it is a time for family?"

"A time for family, oui," he replied, with a small frown. He had no family of his own - not anymore. Merry and his fellow dancers were the only family he had left. They had both been promised a family of their own one day - they had seen it in a vision - but they had only been together a short while and had not yet been blessed with a child.

She watched his frown form, hugging his arm tighter to herself as they walked along. "Family is not always blood," she murmured softly. "Family is love, and love can be found among friends. We have that, melamin."

"Oui, I would not be here with you if it was not for Anthony," he pointed out. If there was anyone who was like a brother to him, it was Tony. The people at the Shanachie were his family now - Mataya and Tony and Anya and Irina, among others - but what about Merethyl's family' "What about you? Do you miss your family?"

"I spent the first sixty years of my life with my parents," she said with a soft smile. "And I will see them again, perhaps in another sixty years or so. I am happy to be here with you, and with the family that we have made for ourselves here." A gentle sheen touched her expression as she hugged his arm once again. "I wonder, melamin ....perhaps we could make love in the light of the full moon tonight. If you'd like to."

He might have remarked on her family if she had not stunned him with the suggestion of lovemaking in the moonlight, which he knew could very well result in a child. "Are you sure you are ready for that, ma belle"" he asked her curiously.

"Are you ready for it, Christian?" she asked him in turn. "I want to meet our child, be they male or female. I want us to be a family, the way that Anya and Tony are with Sofia. I want you to be a father."

Christian sighed and came to a halt as he turned to face her, taking her hands in his. "Merry, I am ready whenever you are ready. It is you who will have to stop dancing to have a child, at least for a little while. Are you ready for that?" he asked, though he wasn't really sure just how long she could keep dancing for.

She smiled, raising her hand to his cheek tenderly. "I have been dancing for more than a hundred years," she reminded him in a gentle tone. "What is a year to birth and prepare a child for life to that' My only regret is that I may not be able to dance with you as I grow our child in my womb, but I will return to the stage and to your arms to dance again. I swear."

Which would mean Christian would either have to take a leave of absence, dance with someone else, or become a soloist again, and none of the above was especially appealing. "Perhaps we should cross that bridge when we get to it," he offered, in a manner of speaking.

"But you have not answered my suggestion," she said gently. "Would you like a child, melamin" Our child, with us in the world, and no longer in dreams?" She wasn't going to let him get away without expressing an opinion here.

"Of course I would," he replied without hesitation. "But there's no rush. I am ready when you are ready," he insisted further, which wasn't really much of an answer, but he didn't want to push her into anything she wasn't ready for. He touched a kiss to her lips before taking her arm again to continue on their way.

She narrowed her eyes at that lack of an answer, smiling as he kissed her nonetheless. They walked along in silence a while longer before she spoke again. "Christian," she said in a thoughtful tone. "Am I going to have to trick you into planting your seed in me?"

He actually laughed at her question. "And just how do you think you'd do that?" he asked with obvious amusement. It wasn't fear that was holding him back, but an uncertainty that this was what she truly wanted. Then again, she'd said that she wanted them to be a family, the way Tony and Anya and Sofia were. Perhaps that was all the answer he needed.

"I could ....tie you up and blindfold you and open a window?" she suggested, glad to hear him laugh, even if her question had been partially serious in its offering. "Or Mataya was talking about milking you and using something she called a turkey baster, but that sounded a little ....strange and uncomfortable."

As serious as her question might be, he couldn't help but laugh even harder at her suggestions, especially the one about the turkey baster, knowing Merry most likely didn't even know what that meant. "I do not think it will come to that," he replied as he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. Turkey baster. He'd like to see Mataya try; on the other hand, he wouldn't!

"So I will not have to plug my ears with my toes so I can reach?" Merry asked innocently. She had a feeling she knew what that one meant, but not entirely. "I do not think our neighbors would appreciate seeing me in that position on the roof."

"Plug your ears with your toes?" he echoed with a chuckle, getting a strange image in his head. "I am not sure ....The roof?" he echoed, her mention of that derailing his train of thought.

"Yes," she nodded to him, surprised he hadn't put two and two together. "I could not leave you all alone just to baste myself, could I" So I would have to do it on our rooftop, where the grass grows and the plants sway."

Merethyl Benoit

Date: 2016-12-17 02:58 EST
"Baste yourself?" he echoed, chuckling again. "Merry, I do not think we will need to do any basting. I am more than willing to father a child, whenever you are ready. All you need do is ask."

"I thought I just did," she chuckled, touching her cheek to his shoulder. Her eyes strayed forward to look at the festive lights spread through the trees ahead of them. "Oh, aren't they beautiful?"

He didn't remark any further on the prospect of a child any further, but she had the wheels turning in his head and it had nothing to do with turkey basting. He could do a lot better than that. "Oui, they are," he said softly as she rested her cheek against his shoulder, but he wasn't looking at the lights, but at her.

It had been a long time since Merethyl had worn her glamor, confident enough now to allow her naturally pale appearance to shine forth. It was easy to see why her people were named moon elves; there was a silvery quality about her that reflected the light of the full moon above them, seeming to give her a gently glowing aura as she lingered at his side. "Of all the things that I have seen," she said softly, "the most marvelous is the simple way light can change the world."

"Love," he corrected gently. "It is love that changes the world," he told her, though whether he was talking about the world in general or just their world was uncertain. It could be argued that there was a certain light in his eyes that wasn't there before he'd met her, but there was nothing magical or mystical about it. It was simply love.

"No, I mean ..." She raised her head to look into his eyes, and her words trailed away, transfixed by the loving light that shone from his gaze. A tiny smile curved her lips as she held that gaze, warm and soft and deeply touched simply by a look. "Oui," she whispered, choosing his native tongue to agree with him. "Love is wonderful."

He smiled, knowing what she'd meant, but touched by her commentary on love. "I cannot argue with that," he said, as they approached building where they were renting an apartment. "Have you ever been to Earth?" he asked, curiously, though there was a reason for his question that he wasn't telling her.

Merry shook her head. "No, I have never thought to visit there," she admitted. "In the time period I traverse, it seems a strange place in the stories - so cold and clinical, without care for the world and nature. But it produced you, so it cannot be so very cold, can it?"

"Like any place, there's good and bad. Why did you leave Faerun?" he asked further, though she might have told him that before. He led the way up the stairs, fishing his keys from his coat pocket to unlock the door and step inside.

She laughed softly, knowing she hadn't been entirely truthful about this the last time it had come up. "I told you it was to learn," she said mischievously. "The truth is ....I left because no one had done it before. Everyone told me it was impossible, so I had to prove them wrong. And when I go back, there is a part of me that is going to thoroughly enjoy rubbing their faces in a bit of impossible."

He noticed how she'd said "when", not "if", though she hadn't mentioned any plans to return as yet. "Nothing is impossible," Christian murmured. He was proof of that. He waited for her to follow him inside before closing and locking the door behind her and starting up the stairs to their apartment. "I would like to visit someday."

Unhooking the shawl from about her shoulders, she paused for him to lock the door before heading upward. "Would you?" she asked him, genuinely surprised by that interest. "I had not thought you would be interested in the world I came from. We are, in many ways, quite primitive compared with the worlds you know."

"Why wouldn't I be interested in where you came from?" he asked, a thought occurring to him as he asked that question. Maybe it wasn't possible for him to visit there, or maybe she was ashamed that she'd mated with a mere mortal. It would explain her reluctance to return there. He unlocked the door to their apartment to let her in, unbuttoning his coat as he stepped inside.

"Because I've never found it a very interesting place myself," she shrugged, following him inside to turn and lock the door securely behind them. She offered him a half-smile, raising her hand to gently touch his cheek. "Would you truly like to see my world, melamin""

"I would like to see the place where you are from, and I would like to meet your family," he replied in answer to her question. "Unless you would rather I do not," he added with a small frown.

"Why would I not want to see it, to meet them?" she asked him incredulously, her face lighting up with a laughing smile as she reached up to curl her arms about his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "You will always be welcome there, melamin. My parents would enjoy meeting you."

"I am not an elf," he pointed out, a hint of worry in his eyes. Here in Rhy'Din, it didn't seem to matter, but things might be different in her world. He wasn't even sure if humans existed in her world; he knew so little of it. "If we visit Earth, you will have to appear human," he pointed out further, though that seemed to be a simple enough trick for her to accomplish.

"I can do that," she promised him, brushing the tip of her nose to his. "A glamor is an easy thing for me to create and hold, melamin. And you do not need to worry that you are not an elf. You are my choice, my soul's mate. No matter your race, it is something to be celebrated."

"Your parents wouldn't mind that I'm not an elf?" he asked, despite her assurances. There were few places he knew of where people weren't prejudiced at least a little. There were prejudices back home on Earth and even here on Rhy'Din. He'd be surprised if her home was an exception to the rule.

"They may be a little sad," she admitted reluctantly. "But they will be happy, too, that we have found love together. It is a sadness born only from the knowledge that I will leave them long before they, themselves, are ready to go. They will not be sad because of anything you are."

"Do your people not believe in an afterlife?" he asked further, as he took her shawl from her and turned briefly to hang it on a hook, before shedding his coat and hanging it, too. He knew her people were long-lived, if not immortal, but what did they believe came after that"

"We do," she smiled. "We believe that we will pass into the realm of Arvanaith, where we will live with the Seldarine and those who have gone before us. I refuse to believe that the Seldarine will part us, melamin. My gods are not cruel."

Merethyl Benoit

Date: 2016-12-17 02:58 EST
"Oui, I remember now," he admitted, recalling they'd touched on the subject once before. "They will welcome me once my life is over then?" he asked, though he had no intention of dying anytime soon.

"We are one soul, melamin," she told him softly. "My soul is bound to yours. You are as much elven as I am human. We will not be parted, I promise you."

"I am still getting used to the idea, I suppose," he said, his frown softening into a smile. "Would you like to visit my homeland someday?" he asked, as he drew her close.

She nodded, her smile almost shy as he drew her close. "I would," she agreed quietly. "I would like to see the place that made you. You are the best man I have ever met. Your homeland must be a wonderful place."

His smile widened, though he knew she was biased when it came to her opinion of him, just as he was with her. "There is good and bad, but it is home." Or was home, before he came here. He didn't really have anything much to go home to.

"Then we should make plans to visit," she told him firmly. "Both our homelands, before we make a child. I do not know what crossing the portals does to an unborn babe, and I do not wish to risk it."

"No, I do not wish to risk it either, but I was thinking ..." He trailed off, unsure if he should tell her what he'd been considering or surprise her later. Of course, now that he'd started, she was going to want to know more. "Come, let's get comfortable," he said, taking her by the hand to lead her to their bedroom.

"Thinking?" she queried, her smile just a little suspicious as he drew her through the apartment. There was one brief pause as she kicked off her boots, sighing happily at the feel of air on her feet before she padded along at his back. "Are you planning something, melamin""

"Perhaps, but I'm not sure it will work," he replied, letting go of her hand to sit on the bed and take off his shoes. He had only just thought of it, and he wasn't yet sure if it would work. He hadn't thought much about the portal, but that could be a problem.

She sat herself down beside him, one hand playing her fingers through his curls as she watched him. "Why not tell me?" she suggested curiously. "Unless you wish it to be a surprise of some kind."

It was such a simple touch and yet, she had no idea what it did to him, calming and comforting his heart. He tilted his glance to her as he considered. He'd been hoping to surprise her, but it was probably better to share the idea with her first. "I was just thinking we could go some place where nights are warm, after the holiday."

Her inquiring gaze softened into a tender smile as she followed that line of thought to its logical conclusion. "That sounds like a lovely idea," she praised him, more than happy to agree to that. "Where would you like to go, melamin""

He reached for her hand, linking his fingers with hers, as he met her gaze. "What if we wait until our son is born before visiting your parents?" he asked, though that didn't really answer her question.

Merry curled her fingers through his, leaning into him as she nodded. "I would like that," she murmured. "To introduce them to their grandson. It would be a blessing, wouldn't it?"

"I think it would," he replied with a soft smile, but before they could have a son and show him off to his grandparents, they had to conceive and in order to do so, they needed to make love in the moonlight, which was not an easy feat, given the weather. "I am not sure, but there must be someplace on Rhy'Din that is warm this time of year."

She laughed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "So that is a yes, isn't it?" she asked as she giggled, touching her forehead to his. "You finally gave me an answer!"

"Of course, it's a yes!" he replied with a chuckle. He thought she knew that already, but perhaps he hadn't been too clear. "I will ask Anthony tomorrow if he knows of such a place," he promised, touching an affectionate kiss to the tip of her nose.

Crowing delightedly, she knocked him onto his back, peppering his face with kisses. "I will make you breakfast in the morning," she promised him. "I think I can make that toast thing without burning it now."

He laughed as he was knocked onto his back, with her hovering over him, smothering him in kisses. "You are happy with my answer, cherie"" he asked with a grin, though it seemed obvious enough, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I am very happy, melamin," she promised him, draped over him where they lay together on the bed, her bare feet in the air. "You make me very happy, always." No matter what his decision had been, she would have been happy, her heart and soul wrapped up in him with tender affection nothing would ever destroy.

"I am happy, too, Merry," he replied with a soft smile. She currently had the advantage, and he was perfectly happy to let her, for the time being - at least, until his body told him otherwise. "I will speak with Anthony then," he promised again. If everything went according to plan, this time next year, they might be traveling to Faerun to present their newborn son or daughter.

And wouldn't that be an adventure for them' To be able to challenge her people's prejudices by presenting a child born of love, heedless of racial differences ....Merry smiled just at the thought of it, leaning down to kiss her Christian tenderly. "Amin mela lle," she murmured to him, words of love in her native tongue for his ears alone.

"Je t'adore," he murmured back before capturing her lips with his in a tender kiss that quickly deepened with longing. It didn't much matter that they weren't bathed in moonlight; making love wasn't just about making a baby, it was so much more than that. It was about sharing and caring and giving and taking; it was about love and desire, and there was no one Christian had ever loved more than he loved his Merry.

A year ago, this feeling had been so new between them that it had shone each time they looked at one another, each time they touched. And even now, it sparkled when they were alone together, allowed the freedom to express everything they felt in the privacy of the home they were making together. How could he deny that their souls were bound as one, even if he was still coming to terms with that truth' Every touch, every kiss, every glance proved beyond any shadow of any doubt that Merry was his, body, heart, and soul, and always would be.

He had never denied it, but the longer they were together, the more he understood and recognized that bond between them, and the more he was grateful for it. There were people who thought their hearts and souls would bound together because of their love for each other, but Christian knew the bond between himself and Merry went far deeper than anything he could have imagined or could explain. They would not only be together until death parted them, but even after their lives were over. It was not the kind of bond to be taken lightly, but Christian had embraced it happily, knowing he would continue to love her long after his life was over.

But for now, they had a life to live together, and tonight, they had made the decision to bring a new life into their world ....the child that had been promised to them in the same vision that had opened their eyes to the love they held for one another. All right, so it meant that Christian was going to have to miss dancing with Merry on stage a while longer, but it was worth it. Besides, life was a dance, and it was one they were dancing together.