Topic: Fame


Date: 2017-02-04 09:49 EST

Schlomo Metzenbaum - Eregor T"r Gaird"n Carmen Diaz - Yasmin Jos" 'Joe' Vegas - Brendryck Stormgaard Tyrone Jackson - Doran Ilnaren Nick Piazza - Dorian Hadley Serena Katz - Lirssa al Amat Mabel Washington - Saila DeFortes Iris Kelly - Melissa Burlington Grace 'Lambchops' Lamb - Belle Gallows Goodman 'Goody' King - Felix Bailey Miss Esther Sherman - Mataya De Luca Ms. Greta Bell - Sabine Gabrielle Mr. Myers - Amos Maxwell Mr. Sheinkopf - Darrell Webster

Note - Melissa Burlington appears courtesy of the Shanachie Ballet Company.


Date: 2017-02-04 09:50 EST

Act I

A group of vibrant, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, energetic young people gather to audition to study at New York City's High School of Performing Arts. Miss Sherman, the homeroom teacher, warns the freshman class that it takes a lot more than dreams to succeed at "P.A." The students acknowledge that it takes ("Hard Work"). Before Algebra class, Serena meets Nick Piazza, he explains his passion for the performing arts and tells her he wants his acting to move people emotionally ("I Want to Make Magic"). Mr. Myers, the drama teacher, asks them to think about how a physical sensation can trigger an emotional response. Joe discusses the physical reactions that happen whenever he thinks of a beautiful girl (Carmen) in dance class ("Can't Keep it Down"). Tyrone, feeling that Joe is childish, confronts him and they start to build a friendship. Tyrone talks to Joe about how they live in a not so different world. They compare and contrast their lives in a duet ("What About Me").

Meanwhile, in dance class Tyrone can't get to grips with Ballet and states that he can do better, resulting in the whole class doing a hip hop dance. This makes Miss Bell see Tyrone's potential as a choreographer, so she partners him with Iris, a ballerina. Iris mocks Tyrone's lack of classical dance experience. Enraged at her comments, he begins a rap expressing his anger ("Tyrone's Rap"). Iris apologizes and confesses that she is not really rich, but scared and they share a kiss.

At lunch, Carmen, a self-assured, cocky Latina spitfire, asks Mr. Myers if she can skip class on Friday to audition for West Side Story. He tells her that it would just be another role for her to hide behind. Carmen, enraged, dreams of seeing her name in lights and people gasping as she walks down the street ("There She Goes/Fame"). The other students join in her fantasy and begin an exciting, electrifying dance. Joe leaning up against a wall, coke in hand, grabs anotherkid and asks him who she is. He thinks he will get her.

Serena and Nick are rehearsing another scene and Serena confesses that she wants to try something romantic and passionate. Serena is in love with Nick, but Nick is mainly focused on acting. Serena laments her unrequited love ("Let's Play a Love Scene"). Afterwards, Carmen interrupts Schlomo while he practices his violin, giving him lyrics that she wrote for the melody he always plays. Schlomo tries them out, and changes some of the lyrics with Carmen, which results in Carmen joining the band. Carmen kisses Schlomo and leaves. Goody (also in the band, along with Lambchops) makes fun of Schlomo afterwards. Joe is watching and talks to Carmen. At first she thinks he is annoying and mean, but charms her. She compares him to Marlon Brando ("Think of Brando"). At lunch, Carmen and the other students daydream of seeing their names in lights. Schlomo sings a song he wrote which excites the entire student body ("Bring on Tomorrow").

In the hallway, Miss Sherman talks to Tyrone about his care-free attitude towards education. She threatens to keep him out of the Fall Festival if his grades don't improve. Miss Bell overhears and argues that Tyrone's artistic endeavors are more important than his academic performance ("The Teachers' Argument"). Tyrone threatens to drop out of school. Joe sees Tyrone and tries to cheer him up. They hug and Tyrone bumps Joe's arm and Joe yelp's in pain. Tyrone lifts his sweater sleeve and sees a big gash on his arm. Tyrone asks him what that is and Joe gets defensive and leaves.

Act II

The students begin their junior year with the P.A. Fall Festival ("I Want to Make Magic").

At a dance rehearsal, Mabel, an overweight dancer, complains about retaining water, and other problems she faces with the size of her body. She confesses that, although she tries many weight-loss schemes and diets, she always goes back to the "Seafood Diet: I see food, and then I eat it!" She prays aloud for God's help in keeping her from becoming "the world's fattest dancer" ("Mabel's Prayer"), eventually having an epiphany and deciding to switch her major to acting.

Later, Nick congratulates Serena for getting the lead female role of Juliet in their junior show, Romeo and Juliet. Serena gets excited and assumes that Nick got the role of Romeo. However, she is surprised to learn that Joe Vegas has the role of Romeo and Nick got the part of Mercutio. Joe runs up and starts yelling. He sits down on the floor and starts to light a cigarette. She sees him and yells at him for being unprofessional. He gets up and sings a song about her being mad about not being with Nick ("Poor wittle' Serena"). Serena says that he is jealous that he doesn't have Carmen. Furious he punches a locker and breaks his hand. Lambchops suggests that Nick is gay, and when Serena confronts him about it, Nick angrily replies that he is straight. Serena is so angry she decides to channel it into her acting ("Think of Meryl Streep").

Carmen tells Schlomo of her plan to leave school and go to Los Angeles. She has met a Hollywood agent named Elliot Greene, who is sending her a plane ticket. Schlomo begs her not to go. He had seen her getting into Elliot's limousine and accuses her of using cocaine with him. Schlomo tells Carmen he loves her, but is left alone with his keyboard (depending on what the actor can actually play). Joe, smoking a cigarette outside, says hi to Carmen. Angry, she tells him he's a loser and to back off. Joe, unable to show his feelings grabs her and slaps her. She hits him, he grabs her, and kisses her. After a while of kissing she decides she can't be with him either. She pushes him, slaps him again, and leaves. He takes out another cigarette, light a match off his boot, lights the cigarette, and puts his hand over the match.

In English class, Tyrone is reading a Superman comic book. Miss Sherman catches him, and forces him to stand up in front of the class and read from the comic book. He accuses her of trying to make him look stupid. He then accuses her of racism. Miss Sherman slaps him in the face and, shocked by what she has done, runs off. Tyrone says to his classmates he doesn't need her help, or the ability to read or write - he is a dancer, and that's all he needs ("Dancin" on the Sidewalk."). Confronting his pain and frustration, Tyrone goes to the blackboard, writes "I WILL READ," and runs off. Miss Sherman enters, sees what he has written, and is deeply touched. ("These Are My Children.?)

The students rehearse Romeo and Juliet. Joe, insecure playing Romeo, has been ad-libbing. Joe starts to make fun of what he is saying, although is scared he'll mess up. Serena pleads with him to be serious in the part. Nick offers to show him how to play Romeo and winds up kissing Serena in their first romantic moment. Joe, furious at Nick, yells at him and throws classroom items. Mr. Myers takes Joe out to the hallway. They have a heart to heart moment about trying your best and not caring what other people think. Joe begins to sob and hugs Mr. Myers. Tyrone asks Iris why she has been avoiding him all year. She says she doesn't want to be tied to a loser. To show her that he is serious, he tells her he is repeating his senior year and reads a passage of Leaves of Grass to her. They dance a pas de deux and walk off together, hand in hand.

A few of the teachers confront Miss Bell about influencing a summer school teacher to pass Tyrone. They insist he must repeat the year. The "Dance Theater of Harlem" is ready to take him, but he must repeat the year. Miss Bell finally admits she may be losing her perspective and decides to take a break. Carmen is standing in front of the school looking physically wasted and disoriented. She spots Schlomo and tells him the truth about her experiences in Hollywood ("In L.A."). Carmen promises him that she will quit the drugs and get her GED. He gives her a couple of dollars and sadly departs.

At the farewell party, everyone is dressed up and the celebration is loud and festive. Nick confesses his feelings to Serena and they decided to try to date although they are heading to different colleges ("Let's Play a Love Scene" (Reprise)). On the day of the graduation ceremony, Schlomo takes Joe to the locker rooms and breaks it to him that Carmen has overdosed. Joe finds out that Schlomo let her go to LA and they begin to fight. Then Joe admits that, in fact, he was in love with her. Schlomo, shocked, cheers him up and they sing a duet, ("Bring On Tomorrow") in her memory.

After the bows, Carmen comes back dancing on the roof of a taxi cab and sings "Fame" with Schlomo and Joe for the Finale. The students are all heading off in their respective directions, excited about the future.

((As always, my loves, this is where you can pitch in! Respect the setting and the NPCs, but have fun with it!))

Dorian Hadley

Date: 2017-02-04 13:32 EST
It was Dorian's first role with the theater company, after Mataya had come to him and asked if he'd be willing to switch companies. Though he'd auditioned for the repertory company, it didn't really matter much to him which company he was part of. He'd been an actor with a traveling theater company for years, and as such, had taken roles of every different kind - comedy, drama, even musical parts.

He wasn't the greatest dancer, but what he lacked in that area, he more than made up for in others. He could sing with the best of them, and had the ability to memorize a script in record time, which came in handy when asked to step into a role at a moment's notice - something that sometimes happened in the theater and which made him a perfect choice for understudy.

He wasn't too familiar with the musical that was currently on the playbill, but the part of Nick was a fun role to play and allowed him to express a wide range of emotions, as well as show off his musical talents. It also allowed him to get acquainted with his cast mates and make some new friends, all of whom he found friendly and talented.

He'd had to shave his beard for the role of Nick, hence looking even more like his brother Neville, who played in the house band, but if one looked closely, they'd notice slight differences between the twins, especially given the fact that Dorian was the more flamboyant of the two, while Neville was quiet and unassuming.

Even so, Dorian was friendly, outgoing, and respectful of his fellow actors and always willing to lend a hand. He couldn't have asked for a better co-star in Lirssa and was careful to always be respectful and polite in her presence.

He couldn't help but admit, he was having the time of his life, and it showed in each and every performance.


Date: 2017-02-04 16:17 EST
"Cameron Diaz" Like, from "The Mask?"" Yas thought to herself when she read her character's name. "Oh wait, no. Carmen Diaz. Ok."

Yas smiled as she read the more of the script. She'd be kissing two guys in one play. "Have I done that yet"" she thought rhetorically.

She'd kissed Eregor at least a couple times before. "Poor Rhiannon. I'm sure I've given her a hard time about it one too many times, too."

But this time, she'd also be kissing Brend. She would often joke that her friend was a stalker because of his oddly erratic schedule as a janitor for WHAM! 101.1FM. At least when she would have to kiss him, she would get to slap him a couple of times with it. "Because pain makes intimacy better, right"" she joked with her inner monologue.

Eventually she got to the part where Carmen dies. "First I die of AIDS, now I die of an overdose. I'm beginning to think Mataya wants me dead for some reason this season," she thought teasingly. She'd have to tell Mataya that next time she saw her. She'd get a kick out of that for sure.

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2017-02-06 21:55 EST
Lirssa learned to compartmentalize years ago.

One could not perform if they couldn't shut off emotions and troubles they didn't need to use at the moment. It was, naturally, a little ironic when singing "Think of Meryl Streep" that she had to talk about how to set aside certain feelings, use other feelings to inform a role, and inside there was the anxiety over the events in Old Market that day tumbling about in a corner of her mind, sequestered.

Rehearsals had been a renewed joy, interacting with more performers that she rarely had the opportunity to share the stage with. The fun had in the instinctive timing with Dorian for their scenes was a treat during rehearsals and an anchor for opening night. Dorian may not have been a dancer by trade, but the rhythm of their exchanges never missed a beat — even when they improvised a little.

In those hours of the musical, she was someone else going through the struggles of school, ambition, and young love. There were a few compartments in her past she could use for that.

Annabeth Caldwell

Date: 2017-02-09 12:41 EST
Annabeth hadn't made it to a lot of the Theater's performances lately, but she wanted to see this one. She'd never seen it before, and she was intrigued.

Yasmin was her usual brilliant self. Lirssa and Mataya shined. Dorian and Eregor nailed their parts. Saila, Belle, Sabine, and all the rest deserved every bit of applause.

As she was leaving she made sure to stop backstage for a moment and congratulate everyone.


Date: 2017-02-10 21:06 EST

An understudy will be taking on the role of Ms. Greta Bell for the remainder of the production.

Tempus Fugit

Date: 2017-02-11 12:44 EST
Get your skiis shined up, grab a stick of juicy fruit, the taste is gonna move ya!

It had been love at first read through as soon as he'd seen the script, until, that is, he realized he would be kissing Yasmin. He had just started to rekindle a romance between himself and his age regressed, re-aged, wives, and if that mucky confusion weren't enough, their brains had been scrambled like eggs. One of them, the Headmistress of a certain Academy whose name is often misspelled, he knew would take him kissing another woman on stage with her usual professional aplomb, realizing that it was just part of a performance. The other, however, had a much more obviously fiery temper, and would probably be ready to peel him like an orange once she heard of it.

Take a sniff, pull it out, the taste is gonna move you when you pop it in your mouth!

He considered his options, and had tested some theories during rehearsals. He'd settled on using some kind of oral aid to flavor his mouth, to make sure things didn't get too hot between him and his co-star. Numerous tests included vanilla, cinnamon and, most disastrously, blue razzleberry; the latter flavor had provoked an attack of face-sucking and lip licking that was about two maturity ratings too extreme for the theater. His tests eventually resulted in a winning combination of flavors that not only took the romance from their lips, but increased the already painful realism of Yas's slaps: Pine Forest, and New Car scents.

Juicy Fruit, it's gonna move ya! It chews so soft, it gets right to ya! Juicy Fruit, the taste the taste the taste is gonna move ya!


Date: 2017-02-13 18:13 EST

Mabel Washington - A loud and overweight dancer and singer who is desperate to shed the pounds but can't resist food. Often speaks her mind and gives out advice to others in their times of trouble. - Female, 15-20 yrs old ( Range: D4 - E5)

Loud, loud she could do. But what did "overweight' mean' What are pounds and how do you shed them' Can't resist food" Saila's peculiar eyes went wide. Did that mean she was going to have to try to eat onstage" Her already pale features blanched even further. So far she'd been pretty good at this whole acting thing, or so she'd like to think. But how did one act out ...consuming food" The thought turned her stomach. This would be, without doubt, the toughest challenge she'd faced in the theater yet.

I'm in ten of the musical dance numbers" Saila mused as she reported with the rest of the cast to Joliss, to learn" all the choreography ever, apparently. She'd quizzed Sabine at length regarding the parts of her role she didn't understand, and though her friend had done an excellent job of explaining, she'd been left even more confused than ever. With no background social norms at work, the whole concept that people should somehow look bigger or smaller than they naturally were was just beyond her ability to grasp. Peering down at her own gaunt frame, she'd shrugged helplessly, wondering how in the world she would make herself look the part.

"Maybe they'll have you wear a fat suit," Hex had joked when she told him about it, snickering when the look of utter confusion he'd undoubtedly anticipated crossed her face a moment later. He'd taken her hand, helping her understand it, and the girl's eyes had just gotten that much wider. "Oh my gooooods," she'd breathed, shaking her head. "Anything you can imagine is real. I just have to keep telling myself that."

Now she was warming up, stretching out to learn the dances, and wondering how the heck she was going to pull all this off wearing a". Uh. A fat suit.


Reading through her big (....ha!) solo presented more new challenges. She was having a hard enough time wrapping her mind around the concept of being hungry, much less "eating "everything in front of me", like the song said. But what was a Lord" A sign" Heavenly line" The teenaged science experiment was growing increasingly perplexed. "I have no idea what it feels like to be hungry...and like" why do you ask somebody a question who isn't there" Wouldn't you just go find this Lord person and ask them directly?" Hex had done his level best to explain that one, too, and even mostly managed it with a straight face, but well. Without a frame of reference, it wasn't his fault that none of it made sense.


Jackie, ever a bastion of friendly aid and a seemingly endless fount of knowledge to boot, had sat her down for a movie night, repeatedly pausing the 1980 original to patiently explain everything from diet pills to leg warmers. When that one was over, the two teenagers watched a handful of other vintage movies from the era to help her get a better feel for the genre. It was after the third such movie that Saila finally had the epiphany.

"So' wait. I'm the—what?s that word you said — I'm the comic relief. I'm supposed to make people laugh so they don't get so upset about the sad stuff?"

"Exactly!" Jackie had happily crowed, pleased with her revelation. "It's so people don't go "ugh, I don't want to watch that. It's too depressing."." "I still don't get what?s funny about being" uh. Overweight," Saila had replied. "But I can work with funny."


And she had. In every single rehearsal, Saila sang and danced her butt off, which somewhat amusingly required that even more padding be added to her costume. Changing hurriedly out of the awkward outfit to meet Quinn for lunch one day, the wolf had told her how he wanted to be surprised by her latest role. Boy is he ever going to be surprised, she'd thought to herself afterwards with a little chuckle, pulling the strange contraption back on.

Saila poured her heart and soul into the role, though, giving every performance every ounce of energy and earnest drive she could lay claim to. For the second time in as many plays, the mercurial muse found herself cast opposite her closest friend of the group in an adversarial context, this time as student and teacher, and it was in the middle of their argument scene one night that Sabine collapsed onstage. Horrified, she'd broken character for the first time ever, rushing to the stricken woman's aid as the curtain fell closed. A frantic search for the actress" purse later, she'd used Sabine's phone to alert Josiah.

Visibly shaken, Saila couldn't help recalling the urgent warning she'd received just the day before.

But what could she do' Somebody had to make the people laugh so they didn't get upset about the sad stuff.

And the show must go on.

(OOC: All characters referenced used with permission of their writers or otherwise adapted from live play)