Topic: Finally Home

Anya De Luca

Date: 2015-01-25 07:29 EST
Anya and Sofia were home at last, and as far as Tony was concerned, it couldn't have come soon enough. He'd spent every day at the hospital, visiting with his wife and daughter, shooing away visitors when they'd overstayed their welcome, helping Anya as much as he could with their newborn baby girl. It had been a long couple of days, but they were home at last. Tony helped Anya into the quaint house they shared, thankful he'd managed to talk his mother and sisters into waiting until tomorrow to come visit. They needed this first night alone, and Anya needed to get as much rest as she could without having to worry about entertaining.

He guided her into the house slowly, knowing she was still sore from the C-section that had been necessary to facilitate the birth of their daughter. "Would you like to lie down and rest, or stay up a while?" he asked, needing to know whether to help her into the bedroom or not just yet. Whatever she wanted or needed, he was there to provide it, ready and willing to help as much as he could and as much as she allowed.

Though she'd been lucky enough to see a Healer the day before - and not before time, in the opinion of not only her mother-in-law, but also her own mother, who had been on the phone every day thus far - Anya was still sore, grateful to Tony for being so very present. The C-section had not exactly been expected, however necessary it had proved to be, but there had been plenty of help on hand to assist them both in beginning the recovery from that shared trauma. With Sofia thankfully asleep in her basket, Anya leaned against her husband, sighing contentedly. "It feels good to be home, lyubimaya," she murmured affectionately. "Don't put me to bed yet. I have been in bed for six days."

"All right, cara mia," he agreed with a gentle smile, leading her instead to the couch, where he made sure she was settled in comfortably, even taking the time to lift her feet onto a footstool and prop a pillow at her back, hovering and fussing a little over her, not only because he loved and cared for her, but because he'd been sick with worry, too. They had not planned for surgery, but when it had become clear the baby was not going to come out the way that she should, it couldn't be helped.

"Can I get you anything" A cup of tea" Something to eat?" he asked, as he withdrew the jacket from his shoulders at last, now that his wife and daughter were fairly settled, at least for the time being.

She laughed a little at his tender fussing, reaching out to catch his hand and draw him down onto the couch beside her. "I am not the only one who needs to rest, milaya," she told him, long fingers gently stroking the dark hair back from his brow. "You have not been looking after yourself. Your mama will fuss over you."

He rolled his eyes at her, dropping his jacket on the side of the couch as she drew him down beside her. "I'm fine, cara," he assured her. "I have not been in the hospital for the last week." Give or take a day or so. No, he'd been home worrying himself sick when he wasn't at the hospital with her, but he had managed to get the nursery ready while she was there. The house was spic and span, but that was mostly due in thanks to his mother and sisters, who'd been enormous help to him, even before Anya and the baby had returned home.

"And I, too, am fine," she reminded him. "In a few days, it will be as though nothing untoward happened at all. But we will both still need to rest, and to take care of each other. As well as Sofia." She couldn't help the soft smile that flickered on her lips as she said their daughter's name, glancing over to the Moses basket, where their firstborn was busily sucking on her fingers and sighing in her sleep.

Tony followed her gaze to the basket where their baby girl was resting contentedly, at least for now, and smiled softly, obviously already enamored of the tiny being. It likely wouldn't be long before she had her father wrapped around her little finger. "She's beautiful, isn't she" Just like her mother," he said, reaching for his Anya's hand to touch it with his lips.

"She truly is," Anya murmured quietly, resting her head on his shoulder as he kissed her hand, her smile deepening at the gentleness of his affection. "I always knew she would be. All I had to do was look at her father." She raised her head, kissing his cheek with a tender smile. "Papa is beside himself happy," she warned her husband in a laughing tone, careful not to laugh too hard, despite the new healing performed on her the day before. "He will want to get you drunk when they arrive. To celebrate."

There was that eye roll again, as she shared this information about her father's intentions. "I am not getting drunk," he insisted. "How am I supposed to take care of you and little Sofia if I am drunk?" he asked, leaning back against the couch and sliding an arm around her shoulders. He looked a little tired, but he didn't think she was nearly as tired as she was.

Anya couldn't help laughing once again, nuzzling another fond kiss to his cheek. She knew her father, after all; Andrei Komarov was truly delighted with each and every one of his grandchildren, and he had gotten each and every new father utterly plastered on the occasion of each birth. "Perhaps that is a night when you will finally let me take care of you?" she suggested teasingly. Tired she might be, but she was home. That, in itself, would work wonders.

"Don't you think you're busy enough taking care of yourself and the baby?" he asked, fingers tenderly stroking her hair. He thought she had enough to do without worrying about him. Besides, it was his job to take care of her, just as he'd taken care of his mother and sisters after his father had left.

"We look after each other," she reminded him in a loving tone. "You care for me as I care for you, as we both care for our daughter. And you have been looking after Sofia as much as I have. We are in this together, Tony. And that means you get taken care of, too, or I will complain to your mother." She grinned; it wasn't a threat to be taken lightly.

He chuckled at her threat, more amused than anything, but knowing if she made good on it, it was likely his mother would march over and take charge of the house and all those who dwelt there, which included himself. "And risk having her move in with us?" he said, calling her bluff. As much as he loved his mother, he didn't really want to live under the same roof with her.

Anya De Luca

Date: 2015-01-25 07:30 EST
"If it would mean you taking care of yourself, or letting me do it, then yes, I would," Anya informed him, daring him to push her that far. She was more likely to rat him out to Tess, if she was honest, but even that would be hilarious to watch. The second eldest De Luca had been a mom for a while now; she knew all the tricks.

"And what makes you think I'm not taking care of myself?" he countered. He looked just as handsome and well-groomed as always. If he was lacking in sleep, it didn't show. Coffee was definitely his friend, these days, but maybe she was right. Now that they were a family, they needed to figure out how to manage things so that neither of them got too worn out. "I want to help, Anya," he told her, his expression sobering, his voice sincere.

"Because I know you, lyubimaya," she reminded him tenderly. "If I do not put my foot down, you will be awake at all hours, you will try to do too much, and very soon, you will make yourself ill. I do not want to see you work yourself so far into the ground. We are a family. We look after each other."

"And what about you?" he countered again. "I don't want you exhausting yourself either. You just had surgery. You need to rest. I'm more than capable of taking care of you both," he insisted, though even he knew he'd have to sleep sometime. "Maybe we can take shifts. That way, we can both get some rest without having to ask for help." Not that asking for help was a bad thing, but Tony wanted them to do this themselves.

"First rule," Anya murmured through her smile. "We do not both get up with the baby during the night." She'd spent a couple of nights discussing this with the woman who had shared her room at the hospital, taking on board the advice of a woman who had just given birth to triplets and already had twins at home.

"How do we decide who does?" he asked, wondering if it would be a question of who did the last feeding or changing or if they'd toss a coin. "I'm not needed at the ballet for at least another month, and Irina will handle things if we need more time."

She shrugged lightly, teasing her fingers through his. "Perhaps we take one night each," she suggested softly. "I do not know how it will work, Tony. But it will work. And Irina is easy to win over. She will melt for Sofia, just you wait and see." For all her grumbling about Anya's pregnancy, the stern ballet mistress had certainly been all over the bump the last few times they'd met.

Swan Lake was the first ballet on the list for the season, and it was one he trusted Irina to handle in his absence. Though he was needed at the ballet, there were plenty of people who could handle things in his absence. "She's only going to be little once. I'm needed here. The ballet can wait," he said, coming to an abrupt decision. He had taken paternity leave, but he had no plans on returning to work until he knew his wife and daughter were settled in at home.

Anya smiled once again, drawing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. "For a while, at least," she agreed, nestling against him with a low sigh of contentment. "It feels so wonderful to be home, lyubimaya. I have missed you so." Perhaps it was a strange sentiment, to have missed him during the long nights at the hospital when she had been expected to care for her daughter with only a little guidance when the nurses deemed her in need. But she had missed him - so much so, in fact, that she had demanded he bring his own robe in on the second day, just so she could have something with his scent to cling to.

"I missed you, too, tesorina," he said, leaning close to brush his nose against her hair before touching his lips to her cheek. "It was lonely here without you. I'm glad to have you both home." He smiled as he looked over at their baby daughter again. "She's so beautiful. I can hardly believe she's ours."

"She is more beautiful asleep than awake," his wife mused in a droll tone, beginning to come to the conclusion that parents everywhere had struggled with the first time around - that she was allowed to complain about her daughter's sleeping habits for the next four or five years. Laughing quietly, Anya nestled into Tony's arms, determined to keep him still a little while longer. "You were so brave, lyubimaya," she said softly. By the time the C-section had been decided upon, she had already been dosed with so many pain-relieving drugs that it was a wonder she had remained awake for the procedure at all. It was Tony who had truly experienced the trauma of the situation.

Somehow he had managed to get through it all without passing out or even getting woozy. Even though it had been upsetting seeing what they'd been doing to her, he'd trusted the doctors to do what they must and focused his attention on the well-being of his wife and daughter and not on the emergency procedure she'd had to endure. "You were the brave one, cara," he reminded her, wrapping her happily in his embrace, savoring the quiet of the moment they both knew wouldn't last long.

She snorted softly with laughter, quite content to be wrapped up in his arms, pilfered bathrobe and all. "I do not remember much of it," she admitted, hoping to set his mind at rest on that score at the very least. "I remember the block into my spine, and holding your hand. And I remember seeing you holding Sofia. But that is all. And I am very grateful for the Healer who saw to me yesterday. There is something quite disconcerting about having to hold your stomach when you sneeze."

"It's probably better you don't," he said of the messy business of birthing a child under the knife. They'd wanted him to leave, but he'd insisted on staying, insisted on being there when his daughter took her first breath and when his wife needed him most. He might have talked of a second child, but he never wanted her to have to go through such a thing again. If they were only meant to have one child, he was glad it had been a daughter. "So much pain just to bring forth such a little thing into the world," he mused quietly.

"Women have been doing it for millenia," she pointed out with a small smile. "And without the benefit of modern medicine and magic." Her fingertips stroked against his cheek, understanding that he might be leery of increasing their family now that they knew her handicap in that regard - that, though she was built almost perfectly for ballet, her hips just weren't wide enough to safely birth a baby naturally. "I am well; better than I would have been, thanks to the Healer. Sofia is disgustingly healthy. And I love you."

"I can't argue with that, can I?" he asked with a smile, deeply touched by the gentle touch of her fingers against his cheek, that simple touch alone telling him how much she adored him. "Women, yes, but not you. If we never had another child, I think I would be content with just the two of you. My little ballerinas," he said, nudging her neck with his nose, inhaling the sweet, familiar scent of her. "I was worried about you, Anya. About you both."

Anya De Luca

Date: 2015-01-25 07:32 EST
"I was never in any real danger," she murmured; though at the time, she had not been so sure of that herself. "I was more afraid for her than for me. But it was worth it, lyubimaya. We have a beautiful little girl, and an army of over-excited De Luca women desperate to make our lives easy." She tilted her head, grinning at him. "I think we should take full advantage of that, do you not?"

"Take advantage of the fact that my mother and sisters would like nothing more than to take over the raising of our daughter, you mean?" he asked, though that was not entirely true. He might not put it past his mother, but he knew his sisters were just trying to help. There was no mistaking the fact that they all wanted to get their hands on baby Sofia as much as possible, but there was something about having a daughter that had brought out the overly-protective side of him. "I suppose we should let them help, so long as they know when to go home."

Anya giggled softly. "Do you truly think I would allow anyone to take our place in our daughter's life, lyubimaya?" she asked him in amusement. She understood where he was coming from, though - Rosita was more than a little feral when it came to the idea of getting her hands on Sofia, though between them, her daughters seemed to be able to keep her under control. One thing was for sure, they would never lack for babysitters.

All but Elena anyway. Elena had seemed almost afraid of the baby. Michael, too. It had taken a bit of effort for Tony to talk his baby sister into holding his daughter, convincing her that she really wouldn't break. He looked a little lost in thought a moment as he thought of his sister. He was proud of her - prouder of her than he was of any of the others, if truth be told. She had certainly overcome more and seemed to be happy and thriving, but it was hard for him not to worry about her, nonetheless. "Hmm?" he asked, blinking out of his thoughts. "No, of course not. Mama would take over if you let her, though," he added with a smile.

Anya's smile was a little evil as she looked up at him. "My darling, you have seen me protective over you, have you not?" she pointed out with a twinkle in her eyes, however tired she might have been. "Imagine how protective I will be over our daughter. Your mama may have met her match." She could guess where his mind had gone. Though Elena and Michael's uncertainty had been amusing, it was a little concerning, too. They seemed so happy together, so good for one another, and yet the next logical step seemed to terrify them both beyond words.

"My mother is about due to meet her match. I learned a long time ago never to cross a Russian," he said with a teasing if a bit weary smile. "You know what they say about having a new baby, don't you, love" Sleep when they sleep." He touched a soft kiss to her lips, before leaning his forehead against hers. "You should get some rest, cara."

"So should you," she pointed out, twisting just enough to curl her arms about him. She had no intention of moving just to sleep; they were warm and comfortable, and Sofia was only a few steps away. It was almost perfect. "And do not pretend you are not just as tired as I am. I will not believe you."

"Tell you what....I'll rest if you rest. And I'll take the first shift," he added, as an additional part of the deal. He touched a kiss to her nose, happy to spoil her as much as she'd allowed. "Ti amo, cara mia," he whispered softly, words she had heard countless times before, but that he never seemed to grow tired of saying.

She smiled sleepily, knowing when to concede. It was a survival tactic when you joined the De Luca family, knowing when to fight like a cornered mongoose, and when to concede the point and regroup for another time. Cuddling close, Anya sighed once again, nestling into her husband's arms contentedly. "Ti amo, cara mio," she whispered back to him, choosing the words that sounded more musical to her ear to answer him lovingly.

He happened to be rather fond of her Russian, but trying to wrap his tongue around it was a bit of a challenge. Her Italian was a little better than his Russian, and it made him smile to hear her attempt the words in a language that had been made for love. "Rest, Anya. Babies do not sleep forever," he warned, circling her in his embrace and pressing an affectionate kiss against her forehead.

"Mmm ..." It was a measure of how tired she was that there were no words to answer him this time; just the gentle relaxation he was used to feeling as she sank down into sleep, safe and secure in his arms. In her basket a few feet away, Sofia let out a loud sigh of her own, wriggling on her back before she, too, settled down to a deeper sleep. For a while, at least, Tony was promised time and peace to rest himself before the cycle of life would wake him abruptly, demanding food and to be cleaned.

As much as Tony tried to stay awake, to savor the few precious moments of peace and quiet, his eyelids just refused to stay open. It wasn't long before he, too, was resting, content in the knowledge that the two people he loved most in all the world were right there with him, safe and sound. And if he had anything to say about it, that was exactly the way they were going to stay.

((Something short and sweet to make up for the fact that we didn't play out the traumatic birth scene. ;-) Many thanks to Tony's player!))