Topic: It Moves In Daylight


Date: 2012-06-08 11:46 EST
((Follows on from A New Addition To The Family, Max, Interrupted, and The First Visitation.)) _________________________

Things were getting worse. Not so much that the neighbors had realised that something was happening in the newly bought house next door, but bad enough that the little family made up of actor, actress, child, and dog were losing sleep and patience.

The thuds that had disturbed Max and 'Taya on that first night had returned, always random, never with a pattern, but terrifyingly enough always occurring just when they might have managed to dismiss their apparentl poltergeist from their mind. Juno had started to have nightmares, waking up in utter terror and babbling about 'the shadow' at the end of her bed, or lying over her. Whenever she woke from these dreams, it was Beetle who summoned the adults, barking wildly to draw them from sleep.

And unlike that first tangible visit from their unseen, malevolent entity, Mataya was not immune. Indeed, she was the lightest sleeper in the house, still bearing the scars of that awful encounter with the beings that had attached themselves to Fiora over eighteen months before. So when the footsteps began, she was the first to notice. Every night, heavy footsteps would thump up the stairs, along the hallway, always stopping outside the door where Juno slept, regardless of whether she was in her own room or in with Max and Mataya. And every night, there would be that horrible, breathing silence, that awareness of unseen eyes watching them as Beetle bristled and growled, always between Juno and the door, between the little girl and whatever it was that was haunting her. Then the footsteps would return back down the stairs, sometimes minutes after arriving, sometimes hours. But always leaving the listeners terrified into silence.

Max's threat to call the Ghostbusters hadn't quite held true. The logical person to call would have been Aurelia, the witch who had exorcised the demon from Fiora at the Zen Gardens. But after five attempts to find her, 'Taya was forced to concede that the witch was gone, no longer in contact. After some spirited rummaging, she had then found the number for Shen Lei and Rufus Bennett, and though the paranormal butt-kicking pair had not been able to offer any help themselves, they had given the haunted family the contact details of an apparent psychic who might be able to tell them what was going on. But as yet, there had been no opportunity to visit this Evelyn Frey as a family.

Today was no exception. For once, 'Taya was freed from rehearsals before Max was, and she and Juno had decided to go home for lunch, rather than wait around at the theater for an indeterminate amount of time. Besides, it was the middle of the day, the sun was shining brightly. Nothing had happened before six in the evening so far, and they had no reason to believe it would begin now.

"So what did you think of today?" 'Taya was asking Juno as they sat together at the breakfast bar, munching on cold cut sandwiches and spoiling Beetle with offcuts. "Any advice?"

The little girl screwed her face up thoughtfully. "You gotta be more mean to the pretty girls," she said finally, her mind focused on the rehearsals she'd witnessed that morning. She'd be there for the dress run-through tomorrow, and every performance - with an apparent haunting focusing around their little girl, Max and 'Taya weren't leaving her with a babysitter. At least at the theater, Hortense could keep an eye on Juno, and being a ghost, she couldn't be scared off. "You're too nice."

'Taya laughed, shaking her head. "If I'm too nasty, people won't listen when I have lines to say," she pointed out, stroking a finger back through Juno's hair to tame a wayward lock of mousey brown. "And I don't want to scare Aimee. It's her first big professional stage role."

"I thought she did stuff at school?"

"She -"

'Taya didn't get a chance to answer. In a sudden crescendo of noise and movement, every cupboard in the kitchen abruptly burst open, disgorging their contents all over the floor. Juno let out a shriek of terror, launching herself off her stool to slam hard into 'Taya's side as the adult woman shook, tense and not exactly far from terrified herself.

It was here. It had been watching them, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and scare them the most. And it had struck so quickly, Beetle hadn't had time to warn them.

She squeezed her arms around Juno, very carefully sliding down from her own stool ....and they both jumped abruptly again as the pans on the rack over the sink crashed off their hooks with a brutally loud metallic clatter. 'Taya could feel Juno crying into her shirt; it was only knowing that which kept her from bursting into frightened tears herself. Juno needed someone to be brave. It was usually Max, but he wasn't here.

"Beetle," 'Taya managed in a shaking voice. "Door."

The wolfdog crept toward the door to the hallway, his ears pricked high, every muscle alert and tense. Keeping close behind the dog, 'Taya covered Juno's eyes, not wanting the little girl to feel the shock and alarm that she felt when her gaze fell upon the basement door. The open basement door. Beetle set himself between them and that dark opening, growling as his fur bristled up, daring whatever it was he saw to try and come through him.

'Taya edged carefully around behind the wolfdog, guiding Juno toward the front door, scooping her keys up from the side table as she opened it to let the sunshine pour in. The basement door slammed, both Juno and 'Taya let out their own shrieking squeaks of fear, and within moments, woman, child, and dog were in the car, driving fast down the road.

Things had gone too far to wait for a time when they could all visit together. They needed to know what this was, and soon. It was time to visit Evelyn Frey, and hope like hell she could help them.


Date: 2012-06-11 15:55 EST
"Yes ....yes, I can feel your disquiet ..." Bold blue eyes opened, hovering hands lowered from where they had held place over Juno's head. "This is not something I can help you with."

Mataya started in shock, wrapping Juno back up in her arms as the little girl clung to her once again. "What' What do you mean, you can't help us?"

Evelyn Frey - a winsome, ethereal woman entirely too tall to be human - met the actress' gaze with a stern expression, lowering back into her own wide, high-backed chair.

"That child is not a child," she said calmly. "Nor is she human. I have only felt her kind once before, and they, too, were haunted. The entity wants her, is bound to her race."

Stroking her fingers through Juno's hair, rocking the child back and forth, 'Taya stared at the psychic, utterly bemused by what she was hearing. Juno wasn't a child" And this woman knew what race the little girl was" "Can you tell me anything that could possibly help us protect her?" she asked quietly, her voice broken in the heavy quiet of Evelyn Frey's welcoming study.

"Tell me, Ms De Luca," Evelyn Frey murmured in her winsome voice, her bold eyes sharp as she looked between woman and child, seeing the bonds there that held them close, "what do you know of races other than your own?"

'Taya frowned, shaking her head lightly. "Well, I ....I know my best friend is a were of some kind, and one of my employees is a forest elf, but ..." She trailed off, shrugging her shoulders helplessly. "Not much, is the answer to that."

Evelyn Frey smiled. It was so refreshing to meet a human who had lived in Rhy'Din for several years, and who was unashamed to admit to knowing next to nothing about the diversity of the city. Quite without realising it, 'Taya had just scored a few points with the reclusive psychic.

"Rhy'Din is often called the melting pot of the multiverse," she said quietly, her voice musical, lulling in calm easiness. "Anything, everything that exists will at some point in time find its way here. Your young friends there are possibly the last of their kind. Certainly, I have not seen nor heard of the Sanagi within the city limits for almost two centuries."

"Last of their kind?"

For all her innocence when it came to matters like these, Mataya was no fool. Her eyes slid suspiciously to Beetle where he lay by her feet. The big wolfdog met her gaze boldly, and with every appearance of rolling his eyes, heaved himself to his feet. There was a moment of exquisite balance, as though one hand had been pressed down on some supernatural scale, and the creature's entire shape changed, blurring at the edges until there was no longer a dog sitting there, but a man. A naked man.

Juno stiffened next to 'Taya, wide green eyes fixed on her four-legged friend who was now not quite so four-legged. "Beetle?" she asked softly, one small hand reaching out toward him as the psychic draped a throw around him.

He smiled at the little girl, unfolding his large palm to accept her touch. "Almost, little sister," he told her quietly. "Betryl is my name."

Something seemed to pass between man and child, something unseen and unheard by the two women who watched them, and Juno nodded slowly, her expression creased into a reluctant frown. "It'll kill you," she said softly, and to 'Taya's surprise, the voice sounded older, more mature.

"No," Betryl assured the little girl with another gentle smile. "It will be with me. This was always supposed to be my burden to bear, Juno. You should never have taken it from me."

"I'm sorry, I'm confused." Two pairs of green eyes lifted to look up at Mataya as she interrupted, shaking her head in an obvious sign of this confusion. She pointed a shakey finger at Betryl. "You're not a dog, you're're what Juno is, right' And whatever this is shouldn't be attached to her anyway?"

Betryl glanced toward Evelyn Frey, who shook her head mildly. "This is not my story to tell," she reminded him firmly.

"We should tell her," Juno added in that strangely matured voice, still seated with her arms wrapped affectionately around the confused human woman who had taken her in all those months ago. "She and Max have done so much to make me safe and happy, they deserve to know what I brought into their home."

"You had no memory of it at the time, little sister, you couldn't have known what was stalking you," Betryl argued lightly, but Juno's expression stayed firm.

"I won't let you do this unless you explain to Matty what?s going on," she insisted quietly. "I won't become sanagi again. I'll let it take me."

"Juno, you can't." To Mataya's surprise, Betryl - an apparently grown man - was now pleading with the little girl curled at her side, as though Juno were somehow the powerful one here, as though he could only persuade her, not insist. "If you're taken, our race dies."

The little girl shook her head, closing her eyes to press close to 'Taya's side for a long moment. "We both know our race is dying anyway," she said, as quietly as before. "We agreed to our death when we made the pact."

"Pact, what pact?" 'Taya's head snapped back and forth between the pair, the psychic all but forgotten now. "Will one of you please tell me what the hell is going on here?"

There was a pause, her cheeks turning red in embarrassment at her outspoken demand before cooling as Betryl sighed. He twisted to face her, eyes a shade of green far too similar to Juno's meeting Mataya's gaze with quiet resignation.


Date: 2012-06-11 15:56 EST
"Our people are the Sanagi," he began, his voice low and reluctant as he settled to explain the origin of the being haunting them. "Many years ago, our civil war was thrown into disarray by the summoning of demons, in-human entities of evil. Our differences were put aside in the need to remove them from our world. Souls were chosen to be bound, each to one demonic being, to keep them from taking life and moving on. Demon and Sanagi would be bound together for all eternity, the bound soul never dying, never releasing its captive tormentor.

"My father was one of the souls chosen, but in a moment of augury, it was discovered that he had yet to bear two children more - a son who would bear his burden, and a daughter who might, if the gods allowed, step forth to continue his line and thus, our race. He was not bound because of this prophecy."

The silence thickened as Betryl frowned at his memories, lowering his gaze to his hands. Beside her, 'Taya felt Juno hold on tighter, her mind already moving to the logical conclusion. Betryl called Juno 'little sister'; the little girl in her arms had to be the daughter he'd mentioned, his true little sister.

"Because it was not bound, my father's demonic parasite was free to rampage through the ranks of the Sanagi," Betryl continued in a tight voice, betraying the guilt he felt for having been a part of the prophecy that had doomed his people. "It killed so many ....too many ....and all the while, my mother and father simply waited. knowing that when the time came, my soul was forfeit.

"But I would not do it." He closed his eyes, hanging his head in shame. "I refused, I left our people after my second turning. I thought I could outrun it. I did not know until word came to me of my parents' death that I had condemned my little sister to the fate which should have been mine."

His gaze was proud as he looked at Juno, proud and heartbroken in the same moment, protective and angry all at once, his fingers tightening about the small hand in his for just a brief span of time. "In the days before her first turning, she volunteered her soul to be bound, knowing that she would lose all memory of herself and the life she had known when she turned, in the way of our people. She was lucky to be banished to a world where good people found her and made her safe."

"Juno ..." 'Taya breathed the little girl's name in shocked astonishment. "You gave up your soul?"

"For my people -"

"For nothing," Betryl said sharply, interrupting his sister. "It is too late to save the Sanagi, Juno. You and I - we are all that is left, the result of our mother's prophecy and my stupid pride. I will not allow the demon to have you, Juno. You have a good life here, better than any I could have given you. It is time I took on my burden and left you free to live."

"But ....but I'll never see you again," the little girl said softly, her voice thick with the emotion of finding and losing her only link to the half-remembered past almost in the same moment.

"But you will live." Betryl released her hand gently, his eyes raising to Mataya. "On you and your mate falls a burden now. You must keep her safe until she begins to turn. Only then will I be able to take on the binding, but until then, the demon will try to take her. You cannot allow it. Do not allow her to be alone. Ever."

"Wait, what do you mean, turn?" 'Taya asked, confused and unsettled by the sudden importance she and Max were apparently going to play in this strange ritual that would signal the end of an entire race of people.

Betryl hesitated, looking to Evelyn Frey to explain something that was so fundamental to his people they had no words to describe it. The psychic looked up, her ethereal smile settling upon the actress once again.

"The Sanagi live in stages of life," she explained gently. "Between each stage, they are said to 'turn'. Each turning is marked by them folding inward, growing a chrysalis about themselves. When they emerge, they may seem physically to be completely different, but they are the same. It is equivalent to our infancy, puberty, and menopause."

'Taya only managed to catch onto one word to make sense of there, looking down at Juno with a half-smile. "Chrysalis" You gonna turn into a butterfly, sweetie?"

The little girl's tension seemed to flood free as she giggled softly at this suggestion, not afraid anymore that this overload of information was going to send her human family running for the hills. "I might come out ugly," she offered up through her sweet smile.

"She will begin her second turning within days," Betryl predicted sternly. "I will stay with you all, in my chosen canine form, until she is safely encased. You must choose a safe place for her to be during that time, somewhere that is not your house. Somewhere a being not of the corporeal world will have difficulty finding her."

"Your theater," Evelyn Frey suggested quietly. "The ghost, Hortense, is guardian enough, but in a theater, the ghosts of every role ever played fill the spiritual plane. Your demon will not find you there, little one."

"Your safe place," 'Taya murmured, looking down at Juno. Certain parts of last summer were making more and more sense now. She looked up at Betryl. "So this demon can't get her if she's with someone, right?"

"Someone she is close to, yes," the male Sanagi nodded. "Yourself, Max, your friends who know her. The ghost woman, Hortense. Myself. Never let her be alone, even for a moment, or it will have her."

'Taya drew in a long, slow breath. Demons. Of course it had to be demons again. But it was different this time. This time, she wasn't the victim, the target. This time, she and Max would be able to do something without the need of magic they didn't understand. They'd be able to protect their little girl, while her brother took on the danger that he was born to live with.

Hugging Juno close, she watched as Betryl made plans with the psychic, as he resumed the tall wolfdog form he had taken on to defend the only other surviving member of his race. This is all so totally screwed, she thought to herself. How the hell am I supposed to explain all this to Max"