Topic: Lucky Number Seven


Date: 2012-08-05 09:33 EST
Ethan approached the stylish home, and if he'd been wearing his Stetson, it would have been in his hands. As it were, he was dressed for an interview - dark suit, white shirt and a royal blue tie, just for a splash of color. Clutched in his fist was his briefcase. It held his resume, a copy of his favorite comic book, a pad of paper and a couple of pens. The briefcase swung by his thigh, brushing it from time to time as he walked. The walk wasn't a far one; the cab had dropped him off at the curb in front of the large house.

He checked his watch as he stepped onto the porch. Two minutes early, right on time for the scheduled interview. He was slightly nervous, and when he lifted his hand to knock upon the door, it trembled ever so slightly. His mouth formed a tight line, unsatisfied with the butterfly that was tickling his rib cage. He swallowed, took a deep breath to steel himself, and knocked firmly. Three times. There was a long pause, and a loud laugh from inside the house. "Just a second!" a feminine voice called in the midst of that laugh, only lowering the volume a little to continue on. "Seriously, upstairs. I'm not letting you freak this one out before he's even sat down!" A different laugh made itself known, equally female, light with youth, as quiet footsteps ran up the stairs by the door.

A moment later, the front door was pulled open to reveal the laughing face of the Shanachie Theater, Mataya De Luca, perfectly turned out, as usual. "Hi," she said, before realising she was talking to her visitor's chest, tipping her head back to look up at his face. "You must be Mr Ward. C'mon in." Stepping back, she invited him inside.

The muffled voices that came from within the home made him smile in their levity. He heard the laughter and his shoulders relaxed visibly because of it. Shifting his weight from right foot to left and then back, he continued to wait. Being new to town, he really knew nobody and had no idea what to expect when the door opened. Hearing stories of witches, vampires, dragons and werewolves had Ethan's imagination whirling madly. But then the door opened and all thoughts of the supernatural were dismissed. He looked down at the owner of the Shanachie, and his future boss, he hoped. "Nice to meet you," he spoke softly, stepping inside at the invitation. Immediately he offered his hand to shake, before looking around at the cozy foyer. "Just call me Ethan, please." "All right, Ethan, you got it." A delicate manicured hand slapped into his with a surprising amount of strength, squeezing as she pumped his hand up and down, kicking the door closed. "I'm Mataya. Please, head on through. Can I get you anything?" Whatever else he might have been expecting, there really was nothing out of the ordinary about Mataya De Luca. Indeed, it had been so long since she'd graced a movie or television screen, she wasn't even instantly recognisible anymore.

He smiled when she used his name and was pleasantly surprised by the strength of her grip. When she let go of him and suggested he head on through, he wasn't sure which way to go. So, he answered her question instead. "Ice water, if it's not too much to ask?" She had a pleasant face to look at and somewhere, in the back of his mind, he thought he'd seen her somewhere before. Ethan dismissed this thought. He'd spent all of his life until the last few weeks in Tanana, and none of the girls there looked even remotely like Mataya. It didn't even occur to her that she hadn't indicated a direction for him to go in. 'Taya's smile deepened at his request, pleased to have one who wasn't trying so hard to be polite he was going to sit uncomfortably and go dry on her. "Ice water, that I can do," she chuckled, crooking a finger at him. "This way." She led him through a brightly decorated living room and into an equally bright kitchen that opened out onto the garden beyond, patting the table as she passed it. "Make yourself comfortable. Find the place okay?"

Ethan followed her lead, admiring the home and its furnishings as he was led through it. Pulling out a chair when it was indicated he should sit, he put his briefcase onto the table, then sat down. "I kind of cheated, took a cab," he confessed with a crooked smile. He glanced around the kitchen and to the garden beyond. It had an openness to it that set him at ease. Kitchens were always his favorite places. "You've a lovely home," he commented truthfully as his gaze returned to Mataya. She was lovely, too. The bow at her waist, the ribbon that it tied and the lace overlay of her dress were noted. He was impressed with her - she was all that he'd heard and expected so far. Water from a jug in the fridge went into a tall glass, and out of habit from spending too long with Juno in her child form, 'Taya was halfway through putting a straw into it before she remembered this was for a grown man. Laughing at herself, she tossed the straw aside, turning to set the glass in front of him, lowering herself into the chair at the end of the table. "Thank you," she smiled at his compliment. "We only moved in a couple of months ago, but I think we've made it our own so far." A thump from upstairs made her roll her eyes toward the ceiling, chuckling to herself. "Still gettting used to the space."

"Thank you," he nodded as he took the glass. Reaching for a coaster, he took a sip then set the glass onto the coaster. He'd heard the thump, too. His eyes went to the ceiling when Mataya's did. "Ah, the adjustment shouldn't take too much longer then." His gaze returned to Mataya. "I've brought my resume, references and examples of my teaching technique." He didn't want to push the issue; it was nice sitting in the kitchen with Mataya. But he wasn't here for that. He wanted, no, needed to find employment. She smiled, impressed by how politely but firmly he pressed the point of the meeting, curling her hands together as she leaned onto her forearms. "We discussed all that on the phone, you wouldn't be here if my fiance and I weren't impressed with you," she assured him, the business-like turn of her gaze gently stripping away any assumption that she might not be the successful business-woman she was. "What I really want to know is if you've had any experience with, uh ....special students."

He leaned an elbow onto the table and canted his head slightly as he listened to her. It was true, they'd conducted a phone interview and it had gone well enough to set up this face to face one. But one couldn't be too prepared, he'd reminded himself as he was getting ready earlier. Just in case she needed to see his credentials, they were there. He garnered a slightly puzzled look upon her question. "Explain special students. That can range from severely retarded children to ones with a reading or math disability. I've tutored the latter and only sat in as an aid on the former." "Oh, no." 'Taya shook her head, laughing a little as her hands spread peaceably between them. "She doesn't have a disability, or a disadvantage like that. She's ....Well, she's incredibly intelligent. Juno has an unfair advantage, though, which could make it hard to be certain that she's actually learning what you're teaching."

Most parents thought their children incredibly intelligent, so he paid that part no mind. There were tests that he could administer to determine that much. The second half of what she'd said gave him pause. He looked at her quizzically once again. "An advantage" I can test her knowledge, and do so when I'm instructing. That should gauge whether she's learning or not." Reaching over, he picked up the glass of ice water. His lips felt a bit parched and he sipped enough to moisten them before placing the glass back down.


Date: 2012-08-05 09:37 EST
"Yeah, that won't work." Mataya paused, considering just how to explain the little woman currently amusing herself upstairs. "How can I put this" Juno's not human, Ethan. She's something called a Sanagi, and apparently the last of her kind, so we don't really know the full extent of her abilities. What we do know is that she can read surface thoughts and tune in to other people's dreams - it's the former you'll need to guard against. She's already proved she'd rather pick a line out of someone's head than disappoint anyone by admitting to not being able to read."

Well, that could prove a particular problem in that Ethan concentrated as much on the letters, words and sentences as he expected his pupils to do. His mouth became a line again and a tiny line appeared between his brows as he thought. "Well, I do know of one approach. It takes a bit longer, but it should work. It'll include a lot of course work in which neither you nor your fiance can assist her with." He shrugged imperceptibly. Juno sounded like a challenge and if Ethan loved anything, it was a challenge. "How much longer?" 'Taya asked curiously. She knew Juno was a quick study, but learning to read and write was still a challenge that could snag up even the most academic of personalities. "How long would you expect the learning process to take with a human?"

Ethan didn't want to dash Mataya's hopes with a dour prediction. "I honestly don't know," he admitted. "With some testing to determine what she does and doesn't know ..." He paused with a slight shrug. "How old is Juno' Small children learn much faster than adults. If they've already mastered the language, but not the writing or reading of it, the letters and words are foreign to them. When they're little, their brains are like sponges." He stopped again, took another sip of ice water, then continued. "And I've never tried to use her trick of mind reading to my advantage before. So it's going to be trial and error the first few days, even weeks, depending on how much time I'm given to spend with her." "As much time as you need," the actress told him immediately. "Once the run of Macbeth is over, she'll be more available, too. Right now she's performing six nights out of seven, and the only way we're keeping her going is by having someone reading the play as it's performed." Mataya shrugged lightly. "We don't actually know how old she is, or even how that would compare with human years. It's a bit of a tricky situation." She glanced toward the door. "Look, do you want to meet her" And after that, you can decide if you can get through to her. I'm not going to ask you to take on something you're not comfortable with." Which was how they'd managed to go through six interviews already without hiring anyone.

It was hard for Ethan to keep from snorting, rolling his eyes, and saying what he thought. It was no wonder the girl would rather pluck lines from a prompter's mind than possibly blunder by reading and memorization. Macbeth was difficult in and of itself. Performing it on stage took things to a whole new level. Still, he kept his features schooled and pleasant. "I'd love to meet her." He smiled and lifted from his lean on his elbow. 'Taya's smile widened again as she realised somewhat belatedly that Ethan was probably expecting a precocious child. This was going to be fun to watch. "All right, wait just a minute," she told him, rising to her feet and slipping from the kitchen. She paused at the bottom of the stairs, calling up to the next level. "Juno! Can you come down here, please?" "Coming!" A moment later, quiet footsteps jogged down the stairs, and Juno was ushered into the kitchen. All five foot one, redheaded young woman in a cute summer dress - not at all the child Ethan seemed to be expecting. She offered the man sitting at the table a half-smile. "Hello."

Ethan nodded, partially rising from his chair when Mataya stood. When she left the room, he sat down once again. Their informal way of calling out to each other was charming and he smiled. He lifted his eyes to the ceiling when he heard the patter of small feet across it and then he followed with his eyes as those tiny feet descended the stairs. The voice wasn't the high soprano of a little girl though, and that was puzzling. His head turned towards the doorway between the kitchen and the stairs in time to see the young lady join her mother. Ethan's eyes widened and it was impossible to hide the shock at just how pleasing Juno was to his senses. His jaw hung slack and he blinked slowly. Once, twice, a third time before he regained himself. Rising and schooling his features back into pleasant blandness, he smiled. "Hello Juno." Mataya squeezed Juno's shoulders gently, feeling the little woman in front of her tense just a little as the apparently gobsmacked Ethan rose to his feet. She was an actress; she knew a mask when she saw one, and besides, there was no disguising the shock in his eyes. Smiling to herself, she gave Juno a gentle push forward. "Juno, this is Ethan. Try not to scare this one." Hearing her adoptive mother's voice by her ear brought Juno out of her wide-eyed contemplation of the tall man standing in their kitchen, her shy smile making itself known as she was pushed. "I'll try," was promised in a quiet voice, her hand offering itself hesitantly toward Ethan. "It's nice to meet you, Ethan."

"Likewise." He reached for her hand and shook it once or twice before letting go. Mataya's warning about Juno's talent of reading minds washed through his brain and he immediately searched for something to think about than those startling beautiful green eyes or how her thick, lush hair would feel between his fingers. Better to think It was something he knew how to do very well, in one shape or another. "I look forward to working with you." He smiled then and took a step back, not sure how to proceed. Was this part of the interview" Would Mataya watch while they made small talk" Was he to begin tutoring right away" "You mean you want to teach me" Even though you think my hair would feel like a dead fish between bear claws?" the tiny redhead asked innocently, showing her teeth just a little. It didn't appear that Juno was happy to have been caught out in her inability to read, and was deliberately sabotaging interviews. 'Taya snorted with laughter, rolling her eyes, and moved away to slip through the patio doors and into the garden. "Play nicely. Ethan, if at any time you'd like to run screaming from the house, please try not to trample her on the way out."

Ethan's jaw set and ticked just a little as his mouth formed a line. It was disconcerting, her sarcastic question. His eyes moved to Mataya, watching as she left. "I'll try not to hurt her, too much." He was able to smile then and turned that smile onto Juno. "No more of that. Yes, I do want to teach you to read, write and memorize your lines without cheating."

He turned back to the table, and as Mataya had patted it earlier in an open invitation, he did so now. "Have a seat." He took one without waiting for Juno, and opened the briefcase. He pulled the pad of paper out and a pen. In bold, block letters, he spelled her name. "What does that say?" He kept his mind carefully blank, wanting to see if she could figure it out.


Date: 2012-08-05 09:41 EST
Juno didn't even glance at the paper, knowing what he'd written purely because he'd thought it before ever putting pen to paper. It was a cheat, yes, but she wasn't going to make things easy. After all, she had no intention of ever needing to have lines memorized, since she didn't want to leave Max and 'Taya and the Shanachie. "It's my name," she told him, sitting herself down in Mataya's evacuated chair, looking up at Ethan with oddly bold shyness.

Ethan smiled, half expecting her answer. But while he thought in words when he wrote, not singular letters that made them up, he didn't think she'd know the answer to his next question. "What letters make up your name?" He canted his head and watched her. Oh, she was definitely a challenge all right. Beautiful and headstrong, and possibly spoiled just enough to get what she wanted when she wanted it. She wouldn't get that from him. From him, she'd only get thoughts of vast expanses of wildflower dotted meadows and crystal clear rushing streams teeming with rainbow trout. She held his gaze for a long moment, skimming through his thoughts automatically, trying to find some clue as to what the answer to his question was. As nothing came to mind but an admittedly beautiful meadow scene, the boldness faded from her eyes, her gaze dropping down to her lap as she flushed, embarrassed and angry at her own inability. "I don't know."

He felt badly when that spark of boldness left her eyes. She was a fighter and he needed that spirit to help her through the tough task of learning to read and write as an adult. "Hey," he murmured and held out the pen to her. "You will know; you will learn what the letters are, what they mean, how they go together to make words, sentences, paragraphs and stories." Helping others was something that Ethan was particularly passionate about and it showed in his eyes and voice. "Don't ever give up and don't ever be embarrassed by mistakes. Mistakes are how you learn." Her fingers curled around the pen he handed to her, the beautiful green eyes that had so caught his attention when she'd walked in turning to glance toward Mataya, to make sure she couldn't hear them. Juno lifted her gaze to Ethan once again. "They were really proud of me when I got into Macbeth," she told him softly. "And they're so disappointed with me now. That's why you're here. So I don't disappoint them anymore."

Ethan had just met the girl, but he knew deep down that Mataya wasn't disappointed in the girl. "No," he shook his head. "I doubt they're disappointed. They just don't understand and think that knowledge should be gleaned from books and scripts." He glanced to the garden door, then back to Juno. "And, someday, nobody's going to be around and you'll need to know how to read what?s on a paper or in the sand to keep yourself safe." He offered a smile. "Trace over the letters and I'll tell you what they are. Only don't come into my head to do it, alright?" He'd already made a good impression. The other tutors who had tried to begin this with her had laid down the law without offering any kind of reason for learning, and because of that, Juno had truly taken delight in informing them of every little thought that crossed their minds. Ethan, however, was appealing to her better nature. "I don't really know how not to," she admitted softly. "But I'll try." Hesitantly, she pulled the lid off the pen, very carefully recreating the J on the paper beneath his.

Ethan nodded with a slight smile and turned to watch as she traced the letter he'd written. "That's a J. Like a jay bird." He turned a bit so that he was beside her and watching as she made use of his favorite pen. The reason why it was his favorite was because it had been treated by a mage he'd met when he first came to Rhy'Din. No matter who held it, it formed to their hand perfectly. "The next is a U. Can you tell me what else starts with a U?" A small frown furrowed her brow as she concentrated, forcing herself to focus entirely on the paper, on the movement of the pen and the words he spoke. "J," she repeated thoughtfully. "For Juno. Does you start with U?" She twisted the pen in her smaller grip, drawing a smooth curve into the letter in question before moving on to copy the N.

"You'd think it would," he commented lightly. "But that begins with a Y. Think of a magical creature you might have seen here." He was referring to Rhy'Din in general, without thinking the actual word. He was watching her hand as she slowly traced the letters. "It's a beautiful creature, with a body like a horse, and feet like a goat's." He hoped he remembered that correctly. Looking up for a moment, he searched for Mataya in the garden. He didn't look for long though. Ethan's attention went back to Juno's writing. 'Taya was watching them discreetly from beneath the shade of a patio umbrella, eyes flickering over the top of her book every now and then to keep an eye on developments inside. It looked as though Ethan had managed to distract Juno with actual learning. Chalk one up for the Sasquatch.

The picture Ethan held in his mind was recognisible enough, though it wasn't entirely accurate. Juno smiled faintly, feeling a little guilty for skimming the picture out of his head. "White hide and a golden horn," she finished his description aloud. "You mean a unicorn."

"Very good." He had felt the tickle of her tiny invasion and shook his head, lightly admonishing her for it. "It sounds the same, U - Unicorn. And the next letter, Juno, is an N. Can you think of anything that starts with an N?" He pointed to the N on the paper that she was tracing. It felt awkward, at first, not to think about what he was pointing at, or doing. But as they spent more time on the subject, he found it easier than anticipated. The image of the sunny meadow and the rushing stream were helping quite a bit. "N," she repeated, frowning thoughtfully at the letter as she lifted the pen from the page. "En ....en ....en ....chiladas?" She didn't seem as confident of this as she had been with the U, beginning to suspect that the alphabet was full of tricks intended to make her look stupid.

Ethan couldn't help the smile and soft laughter at her attempt. She looked so charmingly beautiful, even as she seemed flustered. "That starts with an E." He attempted, and did successfully so, to wipe the smile from his features and the laughter from his voice. "What is it that people like us want most in the entire world?" He thought it this time, deliberately helping her to cheat, just a little. It was there for her, if she wanted it. The clue and answer were a clue to the real Ethan Ward, shape shifter and Kodiak bear. And he offered it to let her know that she was not alone, that she was normal. The smile was charming enough to make her smile in return, though his laughter did bring an embarrassed flush to her cheeks, knowing even before he said it that she was wrong. "People like us?" Juno repeated, surprised and a little wary. Green eyes touched green, and this time she didn't even try to keep her mind from touching his, her curiosity piqued by his allusion to some common ground. What she found there made her smile deepen, her body twisting toward his in quiet delight. But she wasn't going to say it aloud. It was a raw wound, still, despite Max and Mataya's efforts. "You want to nest with me?" she asked instead, innocent and teasing, unaware of how flirtatious it could seem.

Ethan nodded eagerly to her first question, and his eyes locked onto hers. Her flush was lovely, even if it was from embarrassment. He opened his mind and let her see who he really was. And he smiled again as he saw the recognition in her eyes and her face, of a kindred spirit. Her question though, the second one, caught him a little off guard. Sitting back, he laughed with a shake of his head. "No, I'm going to teach you. Maybe, if we become more friendly later, we can date. Nesting is like," he paused, thinking a moment, "number nine on the list of things to do if the other eight work out well."


Date: 2012-08-05 09:46 EST
"Teaching first," Mataya's voice interrupted in a laughing tone as she passed back through the kitchen, reminding Ethan that he wasn't entirely alone with the little woman by his side. "Dating can happen later, if her dad can be convinced you're not going to tear all her clothes off and impregnate his baby girl." Juno giggled as 'Taya walked in, fairly certain that Max could be prevailed upon to let her at least develop a friendship with Ethan. If Ethan chose to come back after today, that was. "Can I see your bear sometime?" she asked her tutor curiously, though she was pretty sure she was going to be rebuffed. Everyone seemed to think she needed protecting from the weird that was everyday in Rhy'Din.

Upon hearing Mataya's voice, Ethan quickly sat back in his chair, suddenly aware of how closely he had been sitting to Juno. He then scooted his chair back a bit to allow Mataya a clear view of what they'd been doing. He was beginning to turn red; it was his turn to be embarrassed by the current conversation. It was Juno who had saved him, and he latched onto that question as if it were a lifeline. "Yes!" He hadn't meant to exclaim and cleared his throat. "I mean, sure. Someday." His smile was back and he gestured to the paper. "She's writing her name." "And flirting like a trooper," 'Taya chuckled, sipping the glass of juice she had poured from the fridge. Unlike Max, she wasn't wildly over-protective, figuring that Juno had more than enough talent at her fingertips to protect herself if it came to it. "I'm being a responsible adult out in the garden. Juno, don't forget you need to be at the theater by half six." "I won't," the redhead promised, her attention once again back on tracing letters on the paper in front of her. "J ....U ....N ..." The pen nib squeaked against the paper as she drew the last letter of her own name. "O?" she guessed, keeping her mind out of Ethan's with no little effort.

Ethan wasn't quite sure if Mataya was referring to himself when she said that bit about flirting. He flushed slightly, then turned back to their work as Mataya went back outside. He watched Juno's writing and smiled, his teeth actually showing this time, when she guessed the last letter correctly. "Very well done, Juno." He gently pat her on the shoulder. With Ethan, he was very careful of how he touched people. A pat on the shoulder ended up being a blow that knocked men three times Juno's size to their knees, before Ethan had learned to control himself. "Now, write your name underneath, right here." He pointed to a spot on the page. Mataya's mention of her fiance earlier had Ethan wondering what the man was like and if they'd get along if....He shook his head, no reason to get ahead of himself. Again, his smile brought her own to her lips, green eyes dancing happily as she felt the rush of his pleasure with her quick guess. Mataya had been right, it seemed; Juno was quick, and intelligent, and when she wasn't cheating or trying to make life difficult, she picked things up easily. "Smaller, like other people's writing?" she asked curiously, tapping the end of the pen against her lips. She couldn't help following the line of Ethan's thoughts, wondering why he was so curious about Max.

He felt that tickle and looked at her, his smile fading. Canting his head, he lifted his brows and went back to thinking of the sunflowers and stream. "If you can write it smaller, then go for it." He nodded and glanced back down to the page. Unwittingly or not, Ethan wasn't going to allow her to romp through his head anytime she wished. He'd had to learn to control what was inside of him, and so would she, if he had anything to say about it. The disapproval did more good than a hundred scoldings could have done. Juno was a little too used to simply allowing her mind free rein to violate other people's privacy, and to be fair, she had never truly tried to curb it. But no one had ever been able to catch her doing it before. The fact that Ethan could surprised her. She ducked her head, forcing her whole attention onto the pen as she drew the letters, small enough to fit easily between the lines on ruled paper. Her handwriting looked as though it would be neat and petite, sweetly rounded. A little like her, in fact.

Ethan watched her, proud that her writing was already looking more mature than a kindergartner's scribbling. Once she'd finished, he picked up the paper and then turned a smile onto her. Ethan was anything but than cruel, and seeing her humbled made him just a tiny bit sad. "I think you should put this on the fridge, so your mom and dad can see just how quick and intelligent you are. Not many people learn to write their names in under an hour." Juno's answering smile was a little subdued. Yes, she was spoilt, but she had what 'Taya constantly referred to as a 'heart of gold', whatever that meant. "Thank you," she smiled to Ethan, glancing up at the clock on the wall. "I didn't mean to go where I'm not wanted. I'll try harder not to."

"It's alright," he heard himself answering her. The need to comfort her was getting stronger. He pulled his gaze from her and looked up at the clock. "We all learn to control what we can do, eventually." When he turned back to look at her, his smile was back. "So, do you think I got the job?" She laughed softly at that, surprised he even needed to ask. "You didn't run away," the little redhead pointed out cheerfully, her mood restored by how easily his smile encouraged her own. "I want you to come back, anyway." Her gaze flickered to the clock once again, and she sighed. "But I have to go to work now."

"So long as it's all right with your parents, then I will come back." He nodded for emphasis. Reaching for the pad of paper, he tore off the top sheet and slid it over to her. "You did very well today, Juno." There was a certain amount of pride in his eyes as he said that. Picking up the paper and the pen, he tucked them neatly into the briefcase and then shut it tightly. "I'll work out a schedule with Mataya." Pushing back his chair, he stood up then and picked up his briefcase. "It was very nice meeting you, Juno." Standing up with him, Juno's smile warmed again. "You're too tall," she complained, turning to climb up onto the seat of her chair, bringing herself only a little above his eye line. Apparently satisfied with this, she grinned. "Thank you, Ethan." Her arms wrapped about him in an unexpectedly intimate hug, her face pressed into his neck as she breathed in the slightly wild scent that clung to his skin, memorizing her new friend in a manner that most people would consider strange. The embrace lasted barely ten seconds, but was long enough to either make him uncomfortable or, perhaps, too comfortable. She drew back with another smile. "I won't disappoint you. I promise."

Ethan chuckled at her astute observation of his height and he turned to say something when she suddenly hopped onto the chair. Her embrace was unexpected, and he resisted just a little at first. But then his arms tightened around the tiny woman and he lowered his head to breathe in her scent near her ear. It was of little surprise to Ethan that she was doing the same. When they broke apart, he grinned and stepped back. "I know you won't, but just make sure you don't disappoint yourself in the process, alright?" "I won't," she promised him through a smile that suggested she hadn't actually understood what he meant by that in the first place. "I have to go, sorry." She jumped down from the chair, calling a goodbye to 'Taya as she swept into the hallway, dragging a jacket from the hooks by the door together with a bag from the floor. A moment later, she'd disappeared through the front door, apparently at a dead run. "So ..." Mataya rose from where she had been lounging in the shade, moving to lean in the doorway, amused by Ethan's reaction to Juno's affectionate side. She wished Max could have seen this first meeting; he might not resent the man so much if he saw just how relaxed Juno had been with him. "Does this mean you're taking on the challenge, Mr Ward?"

Ethan nodded and then waved to Juno as she took off at a dead run. He was about to walk to the door when Mataya's voice was heard behind him. Turning slowly, he nodded with a smile. "I'll take that challenge, but only if you call me Ethan. Mr. Ward was my father." His green eyes danced a little and he was feeling at home more and more. "She's going to be fun to teach, I think. She takes instruction well and....well, you know her better than I." He shrugged just a bit. "When do you think it'd be best for me to come back? I know that the theater has a strict schedule, and I don't want to interfere." 'Taya smiled back, pleased to find someone apparently normal who wasn't running for the hills at the first sign of weird from Juno. "All right then, Ethan, you're on," she chuckled, moving into the kitchen. "She's caught up with Macbeth until last night next Saturday, so for the next week, I'd suggest mornings, whichever are best for you. After that, you two can arrange your time as you like. Just don't take her to any strip clubs without warning me first," she added teasingly. "I'll have to hold Max back when you drop her off again."

"I'll be here first thing," he smiled and nodded with enthusiasm. Mataya held within her a look of a woman who could easily go from soft and tender to tough and deadly in a split second. Ethan made note of it and when it was made mention of her fiance, he blanched at the thought of a man who could possibly keep up with Mataya. "And I appreciate that, wouldn't want to lose my head first day on the job." He chuckled then and turned to walk towards the front door. "Thank you, for the opportunity. I'm sure we'll have her reading and writing in no time."

It was only when he'd gone that Mataya realised he hadn't even brought up the subject of payment. Now that was a surprise. All the other tutors who had made it through the front door had been very quick to lay out how much they cost, even before meeting Juno. But Ethan had met the girl, begun the process of teaching her, asked about her schedule ....and not once had money been mentioned. 'Taya grinned to herself as she went back to her book. There was going to be a surprise waiting for Mr Ethan Ward in his account very soon. After all, he'd just taken on Max's pride and joy. He was going to need the honey pot a little sweeter than just green eyes and warm smiles once he met the unpredictable force that was Juno's adoptive father.

((Humungus thanks to Ethan's player for this scene. Turned out good, didn't it' :grin: ))